DE. TALMAGES SEBMON. SUNDAY'S DISCOURSE BY THE NOTED DIVINE. dubjeet: "People of Manv Troubles"—A Certain Amount of Persecution and Tribulation Arouses the Be*t That is In a Man—Woman In a Crisis. TEXT: "There was a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rook on the other." I Sam. xtv.. 4. The cruel armv of the Philistines must be taken and scattered. There is just one man. aocompanled by his bodvguard. to do that thing. Jonathan Is the hero of the scene. I know that David cracked the skull of the giant with a few pebbles well slung, and that three hundred Gideonltes Mattered ten thousand Amalokltes bv the crash of broken orockery: hut here is a more wonderful conflict. Yonder are the Philistines on the rooks. Here Is Jonathan with his bodyguard In the valley. On the one side Is a rock called Bozez; on the other side is a rock called Seneh. These two were as famous in olden times as in modern times nre Plymouth Hook and Gibraltar. Thev w«re precipitous, unscalable and sharp. Between these two rocks Jonathan must make his ascent. The day comes for the scaling of the height. Jonathan, on his hands and feet, begins the nscent. With strain and slip and bruise, T suppose, but still on nnd up, first goes Jonathan, nnd then goes his bodvgunrd. Bofcoz on one side, Seneh on the other. After a sharp tug. and push, and clinging, I see the head of Jonathan above the hole in the moun tain, and there is a challenge and a fight, and a supernatural consternation. These two men. Jonnthan and his bodvguard, drive back and drive down the Philistines over the rocks, and open a campaign which demolishes the enemies of Israel. I sup pose that the overhanging and overshad owing rocks on either side did not balk or dishearten Jonathan or his bodyguard, but only roused and filled them with enthusi asm as they went UP. "There was a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side." M.v friends vou have been, or nre now, same of you. In tills crisis of the text. If a man meets one trouble he can go through with It. He gathers all his energies, con centrates them on one point, and in the strength of God, or by his own natural de termination, gncs through it. But the man who has trouble to the right of him, nnd trouble to the left of him, is to be pitied. Did either trouble come alone, lie might endure it. but two troubles, two disasters, two overshadowing misfortunes, are Bozez nnd Seneh. God pity himl "There Is a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side." In this crisis of the text is that man whose fortune nnd health fall him at the same time. Nine-tenths of all our mer chants capsize in business before they come to forty-five years of age. There is some collision In commercial circles, and they stop payment. It seems ns if every man must put his name on the back of a note before ho learns what a fool a man Is who risks all his own property on the prospect that some man will tell the truth. It seems as if a man must have a large amount of unsalable goods on his own shelf before lie learns how much easier it is to buy than to sell. It seems as If every man must be com pletely burned out before he learns the im portance of always keeping fully Insured. It seems as If every man must be wrecked In financial tempest beroro he learns to keep things snug In caso of a sudden euro clydon. When the calamity does come, It Is awful. The man goes homo in dospalr, and he tolls his family, "We'll have togo to the poor-house." He takes a dolorous view of everything. It seems as If tie never could rise. But a little time passes, and lie says, "Why, I am not so badly off after ail: I have my family loft." Before the Lord turned Adam out of Paradise, He gave him Eve, so that when he lost Paradise he could staud It. Per mit one who has never read but a few novels In all his life, and who has not a great deal of romance In his composition, to say, that If, when a man's fortunes fall, he has a good wife —a good Christian wife —he ought not to bo despondent. "Oh," you say, "that only increases the embar rassment, since you have her also to take care of." You are an ingrate, for the woman as often supports the man as the man supports the woman. The man may bring all the dollars, but the woman gen erally brings the courage and tho faith in God. Well, this man of whom I am speaking looks around, nnd ho finds his family Is left, and he rallies, and the light comes to his eyes, and the smile to his fnce, and the courage to his heart. In two years lie is quite over It. He makes his financial ealamlty the first chapter in a new era of prosperity. He met that one trouble—con quered it. Ho sat down for a little while under the grim shadow of the rock Bozez; yet he soon rose, and began, like Jonathan, to climb. But how often Is it that ptiysical ailment comes with financial embarrassment! When the fortune failed It broke the man's spirit. His nervos were shattered. His brain was Btunned. I can show you hundreds of men In our cities whose fortune and health failed at the same time. They came prematuroly to the staff. Their hand trembled with incipient paralysis. They never saw a well day since the hour when they called their creditors together for a compromise. If such men are impatient, and peculiar, and irritable, excuse them. They had two troubles; either one of which they could have met successfully. If, when the health went, tho fortune had been re tained, it would not have been so bad. Tho man could have bought the very best modical advice, and he could have had the very best attendance, and long lines of carriages would liavo stopped at the front door to inquire as to his weltare. But povorty on one side and sickness on the other are Bozez and Seneh, and they inter lock their shadows, and drop them upon the poor man's way. God help him! "There is n sharp rock on the one side, nnd a sharp rock on the other side." Now, what is such a man to do? In the name of Almighty God, I will tell him what to do. Do as Jonnthan did—climb; c!imt> up into tho suulight of God's favor and consolation. I can gothrough the churches, nnd show you men who lost fortune and health at the sams time, and yet who sing nil day and dream of Heaven all night. If you have any idea that sound digestion, and steady nerves, nnd clear eyesight, and good henring, and plenty of friends, are necessary to make a man happy, you have miscalculated. It is a difficult thing for a man to feel his dependence upon God when lie has ten thousand dollars in the bauk, and fifty thousand dollars in Government securities, and a block of stores and three ships. 'Well," the man says to himself, "It is silly for ine to pray, 'Give me this day my daily bread,' when my pantry is full, and the canals from the West are crowded with hreadstuits destined for my storehouses." Oh, my friends, if tho combined misfor tunes and disaster* of life have mado you alimb up Into tho arms of a sympathetic and compassionate God, through all eter nity you will bless Him that In this world "there was a sharp rock on the one side, »nd a sharp rock on the other side." Again, that man Is in the crisis of the text (vlio has home troubles and outside perse cution at the satno time. The world treats A man well just as long as it pays to treat him well. A.s long as It can manufacture success out of his bone and brain and muscle, It favors him. The world fattens tho horse It wants to drive. But let a man see it is his duty to cross the track of the world, then every bush is full of horns and tusks thrust at him. They will belittle him. 'They will caricature him. They will call liis generosity self-aggrandizement and his piety sanctimoniousness. The very worst Jiersecutlon will sometimes come upon ilm from those who profess to bo Chtls tlaaa. John Milton—(treat and Rood John Mil. ton—so far forgot himself as to pray. In so many words, that his enemies might bo eternally thrown down Into the darkest and deepest gulf of Hell, and be the undermost anil most dejeotod. and the lowest down vassals of perdition! And Martin Luther so far forgot himself as to say. In regard to his theological opponents: "Put them In whatever sauna you please, roasted, 01 fried, or baked, or stewed, or boiled, or hashed, they are nothing but asses!" Ah,| my friends, if John Milton or Martin Lnthei could come down to such scurrility, what may yon not expect from less elevated op ponents? Now, a certain amount of persecution rouses a man's defiance, stirs his blood for magnificent battle, and makes htm fifty times more a man than he would have been without the persecution. So It was with the great Reformer when he said, "I will not be put down, I will bo heard." And so It was with Millard, the preacher. In the time of Louis XI. Wben Louis XI. sent word to him that unless he stopped preach ing In that style he would.throw him into the river, he replied, "Tell the king that I will reach Heaven sooner by water than he will reaoh It by fast horses." A oertaln amount of persecution Is a tonic and In spiration. but too much of It, and too long continued, becomes the rock Bozez throw ing a dark shadow over a man's life. What Is ho to do then? Go home, you say. Good advice that. That is just the place for a man togo when the world abuses him. There are many homes in which there la no sympathy, and no happiness, and no good cheer. The clamor of ther battle mav not have been heard ontside; but God knows, notwithstanding all the playing of the "Wedding Maroh," and alt the odor of the orange blossoms, and the benediction of the officiating pas tor, there has been no marriage. So sometimes men hnve awakened to And on one side of them the rock of persecution, nnd on the other side of them the rock of domestic Infelicity. What shall such a one do? Do as Jonathan did—climb. Get up the heights of God's consolation, from which you mny look down in triumph upon ontside persecution and home trouble. While good and great John Wesley was be ing silenced by the magistrates, and hav ing his name written on the board fences of London In doggerel at that very time Ills wife was making him as mis erable as she could—acting as though she were possessed by the Devil, as I suppose she was; never doing him a kindness until the day she ran away, so that he wrote in his diary these words: "I did not forsake her; I have not dismissed her; I will not re call her." Planting one foot upon outside persecution, and the other foot on home trouble, John Weslev climbed up into the heights of Christian joy, and after preach ing forty thousand sermons, and traveling two hundred and seventy thousand miles, reached the heights of Heaven, though in this world he had It hard enough—"a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp root on the other." Again, that womnn stands in the crisis of the text who has bereavement and a strug gle for a livelihood at the same time. With out mentioning names, I speak from obser vation. Ah, it is a hard thing for a woman to make an honest living, even when her heart is not troubled, and she has a fair cheek, and the magnetism of an exquisite presence. But now the husband, or the father, is dead. The expenses of the obse quies have absorbed all that was left in the savings bank; and, wan and wasted with weeping and watching, she goes forth—a grave, a hearse, a coffin behind her—to contend for her existence and the existence of her children. When I see such a battle as that open, I shudder at the ghastliness of the spectacle. Men sit with embroidered slippers and write heartless essays about women's wages; but that question is made up of tears and blood, and there is more blood than tears. Oh, give woman free ac cess to all the realms where she can get a livelihood, from the ielegrapli office to the pulpit! Let men's wages be cut down be fore hers are cut down. Men have iron in their souls, and can stand it. Make the way free to her of the broken heart. May God put into my hand the cold, bitter cup of privation, and give me nothing but a wlndowless hut for shelter for many years, rather than that after I am dead there should go out from my home into the piti less world a woman's arm to light the Get tysburg, the Austerlitz, the Waterloo of life for bread! And yet, how many women there are seated between the rock of be reavement on the one side and the rock of destitution on tho other! Bozez and Seneh interlocking their shadows and dropping them upon their miserable way. "There Is a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side." What are such to do? Somehow, let them climb up into the heights of the glorious promise: "Leave tho fatherless children, I will preserve them alive, and let thy widows trust in Me." Or get up into the heights of that other glorious promise: "The Lord preserveth the stranger, and relieveth the widow and the fatherless." Oh, ye sewing women, on starving wages! Oh, ye widows, turned out from the once beautiful home! Oh, female teachers, kept on niggardly stipendl Oh, ye despairing women, seekiug in vain for work, wanderiiig along the docks, and thinking to throw yourselves into the river last night! Oh, ye women of weak nerves, and aching sides, and short breath, and broken heart, you need something more than human sympathy; you need the sym pathy of God. Climb up into His arms. Ho knows it all, and He loves you more than father, or mother, or husband over could or ever did; and, instead of sitting down, wringing your hands in dospair, you had better begin to climb. There are heights of consolation for you, though now "there is a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock 011 the other side." Oh, then, accept the wholesale invitation which I make this day to all tho people! Come up from between your invalidism and ilnancial embarrassments. Come up from between your bereavements and your des titution. Come up from between a wasted life and an unlllumlned eternity. Like Jonathan, climb up with nil your might, instead of sitting down to wring your hand 9 in the shadow and in the darkness—"a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side." A NEW CONFEDERACY. Central American States Organize "The United States of Central America." Delegates to the convention to form a constitution for the States of Salvador, Honduras and Nicaragua, at Managua, Nicaragua, have discussed the lirst eleven of the articles, nuinboring about fifty-five, in the printed form of a constitution, and have decided on the following principal foi.tures: First—The organization is to be a confed eracy instead of a central union of tho three States. Second—The name of the confederation is to be "The United States of Central America." Third- -There Is to be a Federal district, composed of tho civil departments of Chin andega, in Nicaragua; Choluteca, in Hon duras, and La Union, in Salvador, all bor dering on the Gulf of Fonseca. Fourth—The organizing capital is to be Amapala, on Tiger Island, in the Depart ment of Cholutooa, Honduras. The perma nent capital is to bo determineaby the first Congress, and will be located at either Amapala, Choluteca or Chinandega. Fifth—There is to bo one President, In stead of a triple-headed tribune, us at first proposed. It Is thought probable that either Presi dent Bonilla, of Honduras, or President Zeiaya. of Nicaragua, will be chosen as tho first President of the proposed confederacy. Kinperor William's luvltatlon. Emperor William of Germany has ex tended an invitation to representatives ot Evangelical churohes in the United Statei to attend the cereraony of dedicating the Church of the Redeemer, at Jerusalem, on Oatober 3L A TEMPERANCE COLUMN, THE DRINK EVIL MADE MANIFEST IN MANY WAYS. Tlie Highest Living Authority In th« World Gives the Lateit Bitlinate ol the Cost of the Liquor Traffic—An As tounding Showing. Invite the boys to take a drink, Mix poison with their brains. Ensnare their princely power to think In rum's debauching chains. What.though a mother's heart shall break And earth be filled with gloom, Since these are things which heln to make The devil's business boom. Oh, who shall heed a sister's ttars Or heur the moan of wife, Or oount the bleared and blasted years That blot the drunkard's life? What though a childish heart must ache, And shame a soul consume, Since these are things which help to make The devil's business boom. sfes, ask the boys to drink, for when They learn to drain the cup. Though they attain the strength of men, They shall not give it up. And drug them so they may not wake To flee their final doom, For hell Itself was planned to make The devil's business boom. —Temperance Banner. Drink Bill of the United States. We print herewith a very accurate esti mate of the cost of the liquor traffic to the United States. Its author, Dr. Hargrenves, of Philadelphia, is the highest living au thority in the world on this f-übjeot. He has made it a life study, and the information thus imparted in his declining years may be his last statement. It is of the highest value, and will probably be appreciated by our readers. During the fiscal year ending June 30, 1896, there were registered and operated 3153 distilleries, grain and fruit. Fruit dis tilleries produced 1,440,H10 proof gallons. Grain distilleries produced 67,089,910 proof gallons, or a total of 6rt,450,7'20 proof gal lons of fifty per cent, alcohol, which when prepared for market by rectiilcation reduc tion of alcohol to forty per cent., will make tor consumption, 72,140,864 gallons, which at $6 a gallon to consumers, will be $132,- 845,184. There was not less than the above wheu wo consider that during the year there was discovered 2241 illicit stills and 829 persons arrested forthe business. Dur ing the same period, there were 1830 breweries that produced 35,838,098 barrels of thirty-one gallons each, or 1,110,609,038 gallons of fermented or malt liquors (ale, beer, porter, etc.), whioh at t'2o a barrel retail, will cost the consumer not less than *>716,521,960. There were engaged In the liquor busi ness directly and reported to the revenue department the snm« year: 1855 rectifiers, 3158 distillers, retail liquor dealers, 204,294; wholesale liquor dealers, 4308; brewers, 1866; retail malt liquor dealers, 11,076; wholesale malt liquor dealers, 5749. Be sides the above domestic liquors already named, there were imported the following foreigu liquors on which duty was paid and entered for consumption In ttie fiscal year 1896, viz.: Spirits and spirituous com pounds, brandy, proof 259,704 gallons; other spirituous compounds in bottles, 314,190 dozens; champagne and other sparkling wines, 24G.393 bottles aud jugs, 2,244,763 gallons. Reported wholesale value malt liquors, $1,665,016; distilled spirits and compounds, $2,137,634; wines, $7,107,005; total vulue, $10,909,655. The drink bill of the United States for 1896 was uot less thun this: Gallons. Domestic spirits. 72,140,664 $432,845,184 Domestic ale, beor, etc 1,110,609,038 716,521,900 Imported spirits, brandy 259,704 2,597,048 Imported other spirits 1,249,955 12,498,950 Still wines lu casks 2,834,898 14,174,490 Ale, beer, etc. . 3,283.464 11,850,212 Dozens. Still wine bottled 314,190 3.144,193 Champagne 546,303 5,246,393 Total $1,196,878,442 "Set Bonn That Ola**." Responsibility—it's a stroug word. A young man of capability, fascination and power has a passion for brandy that noth ing could control. Often a friend remon strated with him, but in vain; as often in return would he urge his friend to take a social glass. On one occasionthe latteragreed to yield to him and they walked up to the bar. The barkeeper said, "Gentlemen, what will you h«ve?" "Wine, sir." The glasses were I* ,ed and the friends stood ready to pledge ' .ch other In the renewed and eternal .•iendship when the young man said to his ntemperato friend, "Now, If I drink this glass of wine and become a drunkard, will you take the responsibility?" The drunkard said, "Set down that glass." It was set down, and the two walked away. If every person would realize that the word lu season would show the responsibility of being "my brother's keeper," and say, "can I accept the re sponsibility, the ruin of health, the broken henrts, the loss of life, the waste of prop erty, the blighting of hopes, and the dam nation of hell that waits on the trafflcing in body and brains of our people?" We would soon find many who are in the busi ness to say, "Take back the license; let me live a lire of poverty and toil than win wealth and the comforts of this life by spreading ruin and desolation among our coming citizens."—The Rescue. Model Temperance Town. The little village of Alfred, N. Y., lying between the hills, at an altitudeof 180 D feet above the level of the sea, Is proud of being six miles from a drink Qf beer. This village 3f 700 or 800 inhabitants is strictly an American town, not a family of foreign birth living there. The valley in whioh the town is built is one mile wide and two long, surrounded on all sides by hills. As no license for the sale of intoxicating liquors has been granted for over fifty years, there Is scarcely any drunkenness in the town, and pauperism aud crime are almost un heard of among the villagers. They sup port a justice of the peace office and a notary public, but so little litigution is carried on that no lawyer has been able to make a living there. —Now York Tribune. What the Canteen Boei. The strongest argument in favor of the abolishment of the army canteen is a drunken soldier. The liquor may not have been secured at the canteen, but that does not count. If the boys desire to preserve the canteen let them keep sober. Convivial Lodge*. Many fraternal organizations seem to exist only for convivial purposes, and in stead of helping those who join them to live soberly and decently, they very often nre the cause of maklug drunkards of men who otherwise might leud sober lives. Temperance News and Notei. Whisky floats more trouble than it drowns. The total abstinence pledge is an in surance against drink. Cork screws hate sunk more people than eork jackets ever saved. The brewer's horse Is kept fat by food taken from the poor man's child. No person in Norway may spend more than three-pence at one visit to a pubiio house. The Anti-saloon League of Michigan Is working for the passage of a law that will forbid the establishment of a saloon within live miles of any college in th§t State. The Failing of an Old Coaching Inn. One of the last of London's old poaching inns is being demolished. Long threatened, the White Horse, in Fetter Lane, survived to see evil days, for, under the name of White Horse K'hambers, the old house beoame any thing but Beleot. The aristocratic name of "Chambers," as understood in St. James's, was somewhat of a misnomer, for the inn was in its last years a oommon lodging-house, where a varied assortment of tramps ob tained nightly shelter. To this oom plexion did that rooftree come, which once had sheltered such lights of fashionable and legal society as the famous Philip Dormer, Earl of Ches torfield, and Lord Brougham. From the courtyard of the White Horse de parted daily many of the crack West Country ooaches in the Augustian age of the road, arrivals and departures in the late twenties of this century num bering about forty every day.— New York Tribune. A Now French Submarine Boat. A new submarine boat has just been begun at the French Government dock yards at Cherbourg. The vessel, which will be christened the Narval, will measure over 100 feet from stem to stern, and twelve feet across her bows. The Narval is to be built to sail under water at will, aud will be armed with four torpedo tubes placed astern. The craft, which will meas ure 106 tons displacement, is expected to sail from eight to twelve knots. She will not, however, exceed eight knots under water. She will be manned by a crew of eleven officers and men, and will be propelled by electricity as well as by steam. Told by the Sergeant. From The Democrat, Grand Hapids. Mich. At the Michigan Soldiers' Home, in Grand Rapids, lives Sergeant Richard Dunn, hale and hearty, although he carries the scars of several wounds sustained in some of the battles of the Civil War. In recounting his experience to a reporter, Mr. Duna said: "About a year aud a half ago I began to have trouble with my stomach. My suffer ing was so intense that I tried different medicines aud doctored with several physi cians, but without permanent relief. account of Dr. JXSjf Williams' Pink ■— p,lls for Palu t/wj \lPeople having NrTtTl cured a case ite\Avv\\! 1181 I much like ""* m 'no, and I de eided to give W them a trial, ) which 1 did. f' I ' Df? " ve boxes I I was cured. I Vr never felt bet ter than I do now, even in A Wounded Soldier. my younger days. I am naturally a rohust man, but that stomach trouble, together with rheu matism, which afterward set in, were mak ing fast Inroads upon my health aud I am satisfied that it would have been but a short time before my oomrades would havo been conducting the regulation funeral cere monies over my remains, had I not chanced to read of and taken Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People. "There are several others in the home who are taking these pills and are receiving great benefit." Richabi> Dcnn. Subscribed and sworn to before me, this Ist dayof Nov., 1897. Henby Gibson, A'otary Public. Sergeant Dunn is perfectly willing that anyone should write him in reference to his case, provided stamp is enclosed for the reply. All the elements necessary to give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves are contained in a con densed form in Dr. Williams' P' '■ Pills for Pale People. They are also a sp>. for troubles peculiar to females, such ao sup pressions. irregularities and all forms of weakness. In men they cure cases arising from mental worry, overwork or excesses of whatever nature. A secret cable has been established be tween New York and Paris, Prance. Ooa't Tobacco Spit aad Smoke Tour IJfe Away. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be mag netic. full of lite, nerve and vigor, take No-To- Bao, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men strong. All druggiita, 600 or (1. Cure guaran teed Booklet and sample free. Address Sterling Remedy Co. . Chicago or New York There Is a lighthouse to every fourteen miles of ooast in England. Beware of Ointments for eatarrh That Contain Mercury, as mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell and completely derange thewholesystem when entering it th rough the mucous surfaces. Such articles should never be used except on prescriptions fronAeputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good you can possibly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, 0., contains no mercury, and is taken internally, acting directly upon the blood at d mucous surfaces of the system. In buyii g Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure to get the genuine. It is taken internally, ami Is made in Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free. PiySold by Druggists; price, 75c. per bottle. Hall's Family Pills are the best. In Scotland the last day of the year or New Yoar's eve is called Hogmanay. No-To-Bao for Fifty Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weait men strong, blood pure- 60c, |l. All druggists There are 40,000 native pupils in the Sun day-schools of the Fiji Islands. Fits permanently cured. No Ate or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise free Dit. R. H. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St.Phlla.,PH. New York has more fire-engines than London and Berlin combined. To Cure A Cold In One Day. Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund money if it fails to cure. 25c. The flower trade of London exceeds in value $10,000,000 per annum. Cold winds roughen and chap the skin. Glenn's Sulphur Soap softens and reunites it. 11 ill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or brown, &Uc Butler College, of Indianapolis, has been nflliiated with the University of Chicago. Educate Your Boweli With Caicareta. Ctindy Cathartic, cure constipation forever, iuc, 25c. If C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. Aberdeen terriers are driving out all other fashionable pet dogs In London. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children 11 etiling, softens the gums, reduces Inflamma tion, allays pain, puree wind colic, 25c.a bottle. Kentucky claims to have more water power than any otber State in the Union. To Core Conatlpafion Forever. Tike Ciscareta Cindy Cathartic. 100 ortSe. If C. C. C. fall to eure. drugglata refund money; Amerioan capitalist* are rushing into Porto Blco. Beauty la Blood BMK Clean blood means a clean' SKtIW JJo beauty without it. Cascarets, Candy Canta*> tic clean your blood and keep it clean, by stirring up the lazy liver and driving all im- Surities from the body. Begin to-day to anish pimples, boils, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly bilioua complexion by taking Cascarets, —beauty for ten cents. All drug gists, satisfaction guaranteed. 10c, 25c, 50c. There are only about thirty physicians practicing in Honolulu, Hawaii. Ever Have a Dog Bother Ton When riding a wheel, making you wonder for a few minutes whether or not you are to get a fall and a broken neck ? Wouldn't you have given a small farm just then for some means of driving oft the beast ? A few drops nf ammonia shot from a Liquid Pistol would do it effectually and still not permanently Injnre the animal. Such pistols sent postpaid for fifty cents in stamps by New York Union Supply Co., V& Leonard St., New York City. Every bicyclist at times wishes he had one. Canada's unexplored area Is 1,000,000 square miles. I have found Plso's Cure for Consumption an unfailing medicine.—F. R. LOTZ, 1305 Scott St., Covington, Ky.. Oct. 1. 1894. San Francisco has two Chinese weekly papers. THE EXCELLENCE OF SYBUP OF FIGS is due not only to the originality and simplicity of the combination, but also to the care and skill with which it is manufactured by scientific processes known to the CALIFORNIA FIG SYBUP Co. only, and we wish to impress upon all the importance of purchasing the true and original remedy. As the genuine Syrup of Figs Is manufactured by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYBUP Co. only, a knowledge of that fact will assist one in avoiding the worthless imitations manufactured by other par ties. The high standing of the CALI FORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. with the medi cal profession, and the satisfaction which the genuine Syrup of Figs has given to millions of families, makes the name of the Company a guaranty of the excellence of its remedy. It is far in advance of all other laxatives, as it acts on the kidneys, liver and bowels without irritating or weaken ing them, and it does not gripe nor nauseate. In order to get its beneficial effects, please remember the name of the Company CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. BAN FRAKCUSCO, OaL LOriIVILLE. By. NEW YORK, y. T. -PATENTS- Procured on cash, or easy instaltneiitii.VOWL.ES k BURNB, Patent Attorneys, 287 Broadway, N. Y. The Best BOOK T°h n e WAR JS2SSS nofisly il lust rat ed( price $2), free to anybody sending two annual subscriptions at 91 each to the Overland Monthly, SAN FRANCISCO. Sample Overland. Be. * Bore eyes , um* ! Thompson's Eyo Water ft/TP "NFPTFTM THIS PAPER WHEN KEI'LY IVLDIN JLIUIN INO TO ADVTS. NYNU-35- U Belt Cough Syrup. Tutes Good. U*e £* IS] In time. Sold by drußsista. M * FREE ADVICE oi our meclieine and a FREE SAMPLE £ J 114-page FREE HOOK treating all dlsenses with 56 excellent recipes, 110 illustrations, are some If of the reasons why you shoull WlllTt US. u jDr. Kay's Renovator? Cures the verj worst cases of Dyspspsia, Constipation, Headache, Liver and Kidney Diseases, Send for proof of it. WE GUARANTEK IT. 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Postage Stamps, Post-office Money Ordec. or Expsess Money Order* * —' NEW YORK TOIOM BCPPLY Co., 135 Leonard St., Xcw Yorte.| " Cleanliness is Nas Pride, Dirt's Nae Honesty. Corn men Senss Dictates the Use of SAPOLIO IjW Goto your grocer to-day] [§* and get a 15c. package ofi I Grain-0 In It takes the place of cof- Vjfcr fee at J the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health- . .TOl Insist that 70ar grocer given you GRAllf-O, KTv\ Aocept do imitation. TRY . A MALARIA GERM MAGNIFIED. Tde History o! JOHNSON'S HAPPY PILLS. For malaria, Cttlils and Fever, and Liver Complaints, Is unparalleled iq He annals of a medicine. THEY CURE. NO MERCURY. THE PBPPT PIEDiCIHE CO., West New Brighton, S. 1., Borough of Richmond, N.Y* In r> Class Alone. Chainless I ( Bicycle. nffOPCY HEW DISCOVERT; rrta V9 I quiek relief and cures worst esses. Send for book of testimonials and IO dn.i»*i treatment Free. Dr 1H OREBN'I IOHI. Atlanta, Qa:} WANTED— Ca«e of bad health that H I-P*A-N iJ will not benefit. Send 6 cts. to iiipans Chemical Co.. York, for 10 sample* and llKK) testimonials
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