Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. sONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, Chaa. P. Billamboz, ArrpntS. D. H. Lorah. SONESTOWN I'A. First national bank OK DUSHOKE, PENNA. OAPITAIi - ■ $50,000. BUBPLUB " - »10.0°0. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M. I>. BWARTB. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND REST A U RAN I, LAPOKTB, PA. V. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all liours. Oysters and game in season. BarsuppUcd with LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. HOTEL MAINE TIIOS. W. BEAHEW, Prop. LAPORTE, PA. Tills new hotel has lieen recently opened, lieu l> furnished throughout and will he .'" l . »peeial accomodation ol the tia\ilnu, 1 • The I»est stoeketl bar in the county. Kates are tow. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. AV. E. Porter, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Rates 1.00 dollar per day. Large stnbles. ___ Professional Cards. J # J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTORN KYS-AT-LA W, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LATORTE, I>Al £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, l'A. Office in Court House Building. M P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA, Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, OKKICK IN COUNTY BUILDING NEARCOUKT UOUSK. LAPORTE, !' A Monday ol each week at Forksville. • Ellery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. (NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNBYS^AT-LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 13;! So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United Suites Attorney aud Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the geueral practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW: OFPICE IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT HOUSK BQIJARK. LAPORTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, ATTORNKY'AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. . ~ OrriCß ON MAIN BTRBRT. DUSHORE, l'A BLACKSMITH AND^W AGON SHOP Just opened ;|t the Laporte Tannery. 1 Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Coii*tt|iutkoii l'or«v<^ Take Case a rets Candy Cathartic, lue or 25c. If C. C. C. fall to cure, drußKists refund money. Educate Tour Bowels With Ctttcarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. IQc, 25c. If C. O. C. rail, druggists refund money. Republican News Item. 112 (gleaning House £ C Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and find S we are overstocked with C } LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V C EAR RINGS, SETS, / J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ \317 I" IIAVE filled one sliovv ease with iliein ami will close them out at one-hall'or less than the regular prices lor cash. It von are £ in need (it anything in the assortment it will pay you to look them o\er. I We also have a lot of second hand watches that we will sell cheap J < Respectfully, etc., J > RETTEN BURY, r dushore, pa. THE JEWELER. / fA|K * The Cheapest Place in t j ie County to Buy hardware . hfe* $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High £s& Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully t|fe Wood rims, I Reversible |l|§ Single tube tire, F Handlebars, Quar " *?&% p. a. I.i it - , ' 2 piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket 1 jJt anteed ers, Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. llundlcliars, Saddles, Lami>s, Bells, Locks, Bruises, Poddies. Crunks. S|«.kes, Him*. Tires, IK, Hi single anil double tube, a full line of ISieyele Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as HarU-d Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting. Milk I'aiw, ami Pails. Gajnlcii Tools, Paints oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and glielf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and S|Kiuting done by eomiietent jvorkinen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. N.A.Rogers & Son., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, ♦ The very thing lor the coming warm wealher'which will soon he hen SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING u " ri "- BOOTS and SHOES. grocery Stoclt More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTK, PENNA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER X, 1898. r I A. Logan Grimm Dead. At his residence on Muncy street, early Saturday morning Att.v. A. I, Grimm, passed to the great beyond. Funeral services wen* conducted at his late residence by ltev I'atton on Tuesday aftenoon. Interment in IVIt. Ash cemetery. Bernice Echoes. Daniel Schoonovcr and wife atten ded his regimental reunion at Lncy ville last week. Rev. Mr. Brooks of Wilkesßarre, preached in the Presbyterian church •Sunday of last week. Mrs. Michael Donovan is visiting friends at Wyalusing. Mi's. H. W. Taylor visited her parents at Dushore Tuesday. Hon. J. S. Line was a caller at the county seat Wednesday. Sept. 1.(). Hlight was in town on Wednesday transacting business. \V. 11. Blightof Elmira, was look ing after business interests in his store last week. The Citizens' Military Rand of this place attended the band tourna ment at Lacyville Friday and got 3d prize. Stevensville band got Ist prize, and Wyalusing got lid. James Speuce and W. S. Roberts attended the band tournament at Lacyville Friday. Sheriff Swank was a caller in town Saturday (•veiling. A Young Ladies' Missionary Club was organized Wednesday evening. It is known as the Helena Misson Club. Officers were elected as fol lows: Mrs. J .('.Campbell, President; .Miss May Watson, Secretary; Mi-s Blanch Brown, Treasurer. Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Jackson visit ed friends at Ithaca last week. Miss Florence Thurston, after spending her summer vacation with her parents at this place, returned to Mansfield Normal school on Tuesday. .Mrs. H. K. Watson visited friends at Dushore and New Albany last week. Rev. J. C. Campbell of this place preached at Wilkes Barre Sunday of last week. William Newell left for .Mansfield Tuesday, where he will attend the Normal school. Miss Hattie Kimble of Pittston i the guest of Miss Katie Line. A son of Mr. and Mrs. James Tate of this place died at home Tuesday, August 30. Age, S years. Inter ment at St. Francis cemetery. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. William Cook, Friday, September 2d, a son. Mr. and Mrs. William Kast visit ed friends at Sayre last week. Mrs. (J. W. Bodie is sick at this writing. Mr. Adam Millhimes and David Millhimes and Mrs. Thomas Shields attended the funeral of Mr. Mill himes at Luldsburg on Thursday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Hope, August 27, a daughter. Frank Moyer of Mildred is laying the foundation for a store building. Miss Nellie McDonald who has been visiting friends at Towanda, returned home Thursday. Born, Monday, September to Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Roberts, a daughter. Estella . Mrs. L. W. Lewis \ ho has been ill for the past week is improving slowly. The picnic held last Thursday in (i. \V. Giideweil's grove was Well at tended, there being over five hun dred people present. Miss Nellie Webster of Forest City was calling on friends here, Monday. Harry and Herman Green of Hills grove, were calling on friends in town Sunday. The corn roast held would have been a success but for a scarcity of girls. Our Postmaster C. J. Fuller has just received a stock of groceries, cigars, candy etc. Give him a call. School commenced monday with Miss Mary Clarke as teacher. Miss Stella Brown is visiting friends at Canton. Mrs. S. A. Jenison started on Monday for Lovewell, Kansas. W. H. Webster and S. I*. Shoe maker are building a silo for It. W. Wright. W. H. Webster made a business trip to Jakersville and Laporte last Thursday. l" ~ - - STARTING THE CAMPAIGN. ! No Apathy Shown by the Sullivan County Republicans in Convention on Tuesday. A Body ol'lntelligent Hustlers Did the Efficient Work. Cnusiial interest for a good clean ticket was attached to the Republi can convention which was held in the Court House Tuesday, as it was in effect the opening of the long pending campaign which will figure largely with Sullivan county's his tory in years to come. There was prevalent, that calnieness which is incapable of being milled by eager ness. The adjourned convention was called to order by President 31. 1!. Black, at 1:40 p. m. In the absence of Secretary Dan (i rati us, the station was tilled by W.M. Parish of Lopez. The work of the convention was effected in a short and concise man lier. The delegates had previously held a caucus in the grand jury room and when called into convention, made the election of candidates unanimous when called by the pres ident, which was as follows: Member Dit. .1. L. CHRISTIAN. Prothonotary W.M.J. LAWUKNCK Sheriff—ll. W. Osr.Klt. ('oroner Dit.C.I I '. WACK KMII TII. Delegates who so consistently dis charged their duties at this conten tion were: Bernice. J. s. Taylor, N -Ison ('ox, J .Saxon,W.Brown. ('berry.—A. L.Cox, K.W. 11 iilfniaster, B. P. Ilun singer, Lawrence Lavelle. Colley. A. A. Barnes, Pat Slow . Davidson. L. M. King, T. S. Simmons, 1). W. Darling, (i. W. Rigger. Flkland. M.C.Murcer, 11.10. Fawcett, A. Kaye, 11. W. Osier, l". Bird, A. Baumtink. Forksville.—M. It. Black, W. E. Miller. Forks Twp. Thns.S.Gibbs, K. Bird, Wm. Bird. Fox. -A. E. Campbell, W. 11. Fanning, A. 15. Kilmer, It. S. Fanning. liillsgrove.—J. L. Rogers, ('. W. Sadler, F.I wood Lahar, W. Harrison. Daniel (irattius. Lope/..—Otto Balir, W. L. Jennings, W.M.Parish, Win. J. McCarty, J. 11. Lepscli, B. W. Jennings. Laporte Boro.— F. 11. Ingham, B. S. Cowel. La porte Twp. J.C. Pennington, J. C. Botsford. Mt. Vernon.—(ieo. W. Lawrenson. I!. P. Fdkin. Shrews bury. J.W.Auiniller, K.V.lngham. Dushore.- John Sc'jer, ('. 11. Jones, H.N. < >sler, L. I-:. Wells. Ringdale —Mose Miller, John O'Donnell. Ricketts. I". W. Mitchel, John ('. Cornell. Hon. B. W. Jennings in present ing the name of Dr. Christian, made some very appropriate remarks in which he paid glowing tributes to our next Member. Following the close of the nominations M.C.Mercur Esq. made a short address, closing by offering a resolution which in substance read that the Standing Committee prepare and draft a new code of rules for a more perfect or ganization of the Republican party of this county, and report to the next county convention for action. The resolution was adopted. Candidate for Congress, Win. 11. Woodin, was present and made a speech fully in keeping with the convention, short and directly to the point, which at intervals was greeted with rousing applause. Adjourned. Muncy Valloy. M. J. Phillips spent two days at Lopez and Bernice this week look ing after the interest of his book business. Several people from this place at tended the picnic at Eagles Mere on Wednesday. Some of the head men of the t'. T. Co., were looking after the welfare of the tannery at this place on Mon day. A very funny thing happened to a snake about the tannery one day this week. A spider about the size of a fly had his web in one corner of the vat house, and a snake about *> or S inches long came in contact with the spider and was roped in, and in a few hours the snake was dead. The spider picked away at him until he died. Mind this is no snake story, neither. 1.25 P er - Year. Number IN. IN THE REALM OF POLITICS | Those Whom You are Interested in nt the j Present Time. Dr. J. L. Christian, of Lopez, who was tlie unanimous choice of tin- Republican county convention on Tuesday, is well and favorably known, not only in his community bill throughout the county as an active and progressive young man, with plenty of push and has shown marked ability in both his profes sional life, and in the realms of poli tics as well. lie has always taken an active part in political affairs anil is a patriotic Republican who has always had the courage to come out manfully and support the candidate of his choice at the primaries and has always worked for and support ed the ticket nomiiiHted. lie has suHieienl force of character and tin ability to represent the people of this county creditably, and if elected can be relied upon to see that the interests of Sullivan county are care fully guarded. During the several years that lie was honorably identi fied with the medical profession in the western section of the county, his counsel and advice in political affairs was always asked and freely given, and lie left nothing undone that he could do to assist a worthy candidate. In short, he is every body's friend, regardless of parly lines. lie is a gentleman anil a scholar and will be our next able law maker. The nomination of William J. Lawrence for re-election was no sur prise to any one. lie has been the unanimous choice of the whole peo ple from the time he lir-t entered upon his public dutiis. There are few men in Sullivan county better known and better liked than Mr. Lawrence. No olticer has ever at tended to the needs of the public nor discharged the duties of hi* of Vice better than he, and it is only just that this be said of him. That he has proven an exceptionally ellicicnt and accomodating officer i- conceded by all who have had business with the l'rothonotary's office since his induction into office, lie will carry a big vote; be one of the number. 11. W. Osier, the peoples' candi date for Sheriff', ligures among tln most thrifty and honest funnels of Klkland township. No citizen of Sullivan county is more competent to give intelligent service to the pul - lie than this highly esteemed candi date for Sheriff". It requires qualifi cations of more than ordinary busi ness ability to make an acceptable Sheriff. There are few men who are fitted for the position in a busi ness point of view who also possesses the equable temperament essential to a gentlemanly control of this im portant office. Mr. Osier possesses both qualifications to a marked de gree. His many points of super iority in the contest will be recogniz ed by a patriotic people and will be overwhelmingly elected. Our highly esteemed Dr. ('has. "Wackenhuth was justly honored by the Republican Convention to a plan on the- local ticket as coroner, a sta tion to which he was recently ap pointed to till by (Jovernor Hastings. The enthusiastic doctor is not losing any sleep over his election as he lias no opposition. Hillsgrove. llillsgrove sent a large delegation to Laporte to represent the (J. o. I'. on Tuesday. A team of horses belonging to the l\ T. ('. were overcome by the heat on Saturday. One fell dead, the other will recover. llillsgrove .Juniors w ill be enter tained on tin- diamond at I'roctor ville Saturday. Don't get into a scrap, boys. Hillsgrove Hussits expect to play the Wind flitters at Picture Hocks Saturday. I lev. F. Spooner, pastor of Christ church, is doing business in Alba this week. A photographer has opened a gal lery on Rural Ave., and is doing ex cellent work. X. F. Clark and wife, C. K. Huff man and wife, and <i. A. Harrison attended the peace celebration at Willianisport on Monday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers