Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 11, 1898, Image 2
The Vesuvius has ft dangerous cough, but it is of a kiud that worries the other fellow. Englflud will not have her custom ary naval review this year. She doubt less feels that America is presenting a somewhat more impressive exhibi tion in the same line. It is barely possible that the dyna mite cruiser of the Vesuvius class will supplant both the torpedo boat and the monitor in future naval arma ment, thinks the Chicago Times-Her ald. American lumber exports are on the increase as shown by returns for the last two years. During 1895 the value of lumber exports was $30,000,- 000, (luring 1896 33,000,000, and for 1897 there was an increase of 20 per cent., bringing the total up to $40,- 000,000. Kaiser Wilhelm is inventing a new mitrailleuse to knock over a whole reg iment at one fire whenever it comes within range. After he has invented a new bicycle saddle he can sit down like Alexander and weep that, iJ the fields of ingenuity, at any rate, there are no more worlds left for him to conquer. The first railroad in Sweden was opened in 1855, and the country has now in proportion to its population, more railways than any other country in Europe. They are owned partly by the state and partly by private cor porations. Sweden has the only rail way in the world which passes the polar circle, i. e., the state line from Lulea to Gellivare, in the Lapland district. The progress of English toward uni versal use was shown when Doctor Nansen recently addressed the Rus sian Geographical society on the theme of his Arctic adventures. He spoke in English, saying he knew no Russian, was not sure of German,and could not use French with any degree of ease; but not one of his audience complained of not being able to un derstand English. It would appear from all accounts that M. Chaeot's enterprise of the manufacture of spiders'-web silk is to be pursued on a large scale, a fac tory in Paris having been taken for the purpose. Here the spiders will be kept and worked at regular hours, and, when one of them is used up,he will be fed and helped back to condi tion again, while another will take his place on the bobbin. An expert, fully acquainted with the habits of the in sect, will be in control of the spider department of the factory, the care of them, feeding, housiug, etc. In ob taining the requisite supply, if the latter exceeds what is necessary for the industry, experiments will be made with a view to ascertaining which of the different varieties produces tlie finest quality of silk, and in this way those not favored with a fine web will be weeded out. Trials will likewise be made with different diets, in order to determine whether or not it is pos sible to train the spider to give forth a web that is an improvement on the ordinary product—the expectation be ing that perseverance in this respect will result in securing a quality of silk hitherto unsurpassed. We do not have to search long for the explanation of the tremendous spread of the English language dur ing the last one hundred years, says the Atlanta Constitution. There is something in the temperament of both Britons and Americans which makes them superior to any other race of j)eo ple on the globe in wideawake progres siveness. While Great Britain on the one hand has been engaged in plant ing colonies in all parts of the globe, tho United States on the other hand lias been engaged in subduing the vast domain of the North American conti nent. While Great Britain has car ried the English language into foreign quarters, placing it upon the lips of Millions, the United States with the proffer of splendid opportunities held out to the discontented spirits of the old world has succeeded in attracting millions into her ample borders, en dowing them with her language as well as with the fruits of liberty. In sjiite of the decline which other na tions have experienced, the two great English-speaking nations have forged their way to the front, causing every obstacle to succumb to their invinci ble progress. At the present time they carry on the great bulk of the world's commerce, and represent the major portion of its wealth and «nter prisa, Such being true, there seems to be abundant warrant for the state ment that the world's destiny, in a large measure lies within the keeping of the two great branches of the An fflo-Saxon race. The "curfew" idea is said to be get ting, very popular in Kansas towns, auj, where tried, to have been effec tive of good results in the control 01 the young. The German emperor wrongs Amer icans by imagining they doubt his ex pressions of friendship. But they art justified in a suspicion that he ma} see fit to take them back. United States Consul Smith at Mos cow, Russia, reports that the Russia! government has already expended $188,014,938 on the construction ol the Trans-Siberian railway. Angusti, the Spanish governor of the Philippines, offered a reward o! $25,000 for the head of Agninaldo,th< insurgent leader. The latter cap tured the governor's wife and chil dren, whom he treated as tenderly ai if they were his own. Perhaps this is an exhibition of the Philippine sav agery that Madrid talks so much about. The export trade of the Congo stat« is growing splendidly. In 1886 it was $354,000. In 1889 it was $859,000. In 1884 it was $1,752,000, and in 189 < it was $3,029,000. More thau half th« export trade is in rubber, which hat increased in amount more than fifty fold since 1886. And that increase is chiefly due to the enormous extension of wheeling, Thus does civilization get swiftly forward upon a bicycle. The population of Cuba increased from 715,000 in 1825, to 1,631,400 in 1894. The population is much less now than it was then, owing mainly to starvation. About sixty-five pei cent, of the population is descended from the aristocracy and peasantry oi Castile, Audalusia, Catalonia and other provinces of Spain. Most o: the remainder of the population ii mainly of African descent Havani is about as populous as Washington, and until the war began was a verj gay city. It is hardly possible that the widow of the great English commoner whc all through life declined ennoblement at the hands of the Quesn will son fall to the bait, muses the St. Louit Star. She is the relict of Mr. Glad stone, and a space is reserved besidt his body at Westminster Abbey fo; her remains. Mrs. Gladstone would read much more eloquently on thi tablet than the Countess of Liverpool Oh, no. Gladstone lived and died ai plain Mr. His widow, if she reveret his memory, will live the balance o; her life and go down to the tomb at Mrs. Gladstone. The poverty and low state of socia life and civilization of the Spaniard! is indexed quite accurately by theii wage rates, states Gunton's Magazine For instance, the average weekly paj of a bricklayer in Spain (Malaga) ie $3.80; in the United States $21.18; o a mason $3.30 in Spain, s2l in th< United States; of a carpenter $3.90 ii Spain, $14.35 in the United States; o printers $4.50 in Spain, $16.42 in thi United States; of laborers, por ters, etc.,' 52.75 in Spain, SB.BB in the United States. While rents, and possibly prices of a few native pro ducts are lower in Spain thau in thi United States, the difference come! nowhere near equalling the wide dis parity of wages. Moreover, in a com parison of this sort the quality of th< living must be considered as well ai the nominal cost. Thus lower rent, nearly always imply inferior accom modations, and, to the average Spau iard, most of the comforts and con veniences in ordinary use here are un attaiuable luxuries. The president and the secretary o war had a delicate task in selecting 195 men out of 7000 applicants fo; appointment as second lieutenants in the regular army under an act o Congress providing for changes in thi form of battalion organization. Tht selections indicate that the task wa. performed with rare discrimination. Eighty-nine of the men designatec are college graduates, representing sixty-seven different institutions ii which military instruction is a part o the curriculum; thirteen are enlistee men in the United States army, anc the others are serviug in various ca pacifies in the volunteer service. Th< appointment of college graduatec Who have had a military training t< serve as junior officers in the regulai army can hardly be called an experi ment, says the Chicago-Times Herald, for the methods employed by militar; instructors in colleges are much th< same as those at West Point. Th< government is thus assured of a big! degree of efficiency on the part of th( new junior officers, who have the ad ditional qualifications of learning ano youthful enthusiasm. ONE SOLDIER DEAD. A fair young mother calmly read, Oh, happy mother, do you know While one hand rocked the cradle bed That not so many years ago Wherein her first-born slept away That soldier was a buby, too. The twilight of a summer day. face us sweet, and eyes as blue Hhe carelessly the paper turned As tl> >se within yon cradle there? Till "Latest War News" she discerned; Aud knew a mother's tender cure, "Our loss was small," dispatches said— Who now must sit alone and weep "A skirmish, and one soldier dead." Because he wakes not from his sleep? They troubled not to give his name, And otkrer thousands also said: Or e'en the troop from which he came; "Only a private soldier dead," For who, rejoicing in success. Without a passing thought that he Cares if there be one private less? Might one of nature's nobles be, Only a soldier lying there, Or that the words that line contained With blood upon his sunny hair, Would wreck a life that yet remained. With no kind friend to raise his head His mother waits Tor him in vain, Or treasure the last words he said. For be, her only child, is slain. —Jean Paul Wayne, In the Chicago Tost. r^nirsisiGoiniri 9 BY A CAPT.S! OPERATOR. F irvwv wtv v wwwwvvvvww^ I was the only American operator in Eastern Cuba in February and March, 1898, which were very busy months in the cable office at Santiago, where I had been for four years. In the early part of 1895 we seldom han dled more than 30 messages a day, but after the insurrection began the number rose to 90 and 100 daily, in creasing a little every month. The cable from Santiago to Spain goes under sea first to Kingston, Ja maica, thence to Puerto Rico, thence to St. Croix and from there to Para maribo and Pernambuco in Brazil. Cables from Pernambuco cross the South Atlantic to St. Vincent, Cape Verde islands, and from St. Vincent other cables extend to Madeira,thence to Lisbon and overlnnd to Madrid. There is also a less direct cable from Pernambuco to St. Louis iu Senegal, Africa, and thence to the Canary isl ands and Cadiz. Beside mv-self, there was but one other operator in the Santiago office, Laurin Merode,a young Spaniard, who had learned cable work at Lisbon. We thought that 100 messages daily made work enough,but over 800 passed the day after the Maine was blown up in Havana harbor. Four more oper ators were needed, and we called to Havana for help; but no notice was taken of our appeal, and, rather than desert our posts and leave the com pany's business undone, we slaved night and day, always hojiing the pressure would moderate. One day we sent 13,742 words in over 1100 despatches,yet we were two hours "back" at midnight, with Ha vana fuming at us over the land wire and still hurrying messages through the Cienfuegos cable. There were Spanish government cipher messages from Sagasta to Blanco aud Blanco's cipher to Sagasta; reams of bombast from the Cuban correspondents of The Imparcial and Correo for Madrid, fol lowed by more cipher to Weyler at Barcelona from his brother officers at Havana, and then the bankers and merchants quoting, selling and order ing! To add to our vexations, the "mouse mill" of the siphon recorder gave trouble constantly, and the clockwork that carries the record tape broke down every day or two. Now a Span iard is utterly without native ingenu ity. Merode was a tolerably good op erator, but when it came to rectifying faults of the instrument he was an in fant, aud all such tasks fell on me. Anything like clockwork I can "tinkei," but the mouse mill that works the siphou pen is a very delicate bit of meolianism, which assists the faint electric impulses that come great distances through the cable to move the iuk point of the recorder to and fro on the tape. I suppose I had taken the record tape clockwork and mouse mill apart £0 different times, and on the evening of the second of April, after Merode re lieved me, I set to work to wind a new motor coil for the mouse mill, which had worked so very badly all day that, rather than struggle with it louger, I had determined to sit up all night and build a new" "mill." The cable-house at Santiago is a most lonesome place, particularly at night; but a Spanish sentinel was sup posed to pass the door every three minutes. These poor fellows were rarely paid aud often looked in at the door to beg a cigarette. So when the outside door opened behind us that evening, I supposed the incomer was the sentinel, and I did not even look around till an amused voice exclaimed: "Aha, senors! Buenos noches!" A Spanish sentinel begging a cigar ette does not speak in that tone, so Merode and I faced round with a jump. There stood a rather tall, good looking young fellow, in a white duck suit and white cap, regarding 11s keen ly; and a step behind him was a typi cal Cuban rebel—sombrero, long mus tachios, broad- belt, long boots, revol ver and machete. In an instant Merode was on his feet and shouted, "Sentinela!" at which our unexpected visitors laughed good-hnmoredly, and the Cuban said: "I must beg the Senor Telegrafero sot to distress himself concerning the worthy sentinel, for that watchful sol dier is now lying comfortably on his tiack outside,Vith a gag in his mouth, and his hands are tied to his feet." "Well, who are you, and what do you want here?" I exclaimed, in Span ish. lhe young man in white duck laughed. "You are an American; any body could tell that by your Spanish. Oh, I know about you. Speak Eng lish. " "Certainly," I replied. "What do you want here?" "The news." "What news?" "Are the Spanish warships, Vizcaya and Oquendo, still at Puerto Rico? Has the torpedo flotilla arrived there, or has it gone to St. Vincent, at Cape do Verde?" "It is contrary to the rules of the cable company for me to give such in formation," I replied. "Besides, all these Spanish government messages are in cipher, which I am not supposed to know anything about." "Don't let the cipher trouble you," he replied, laughing. "I have the key to their cipher all right." "As to who I am," he continued, "my name's Macomber. I am the correspondent of the ." He named an American journal. "News as to the whereabouts of the Spanish torpedo boats and those cruisers would be valuable just now, not only to my paper, but to the American navy at Key West. Now you are an American and a good patriot, I dare sny. Will you not help us out?" "I'm a good patriot," said I."And lam also an honest man, employed here to do a certain duty.whicli. I will not betray." "You will not help me then? Very well, I shall examine your tapes by force." "It is not my business to fight for Spain," said I."I have 110 force to resist yon, but I will not help yon." "Thanks. That's all I ask. Just you sit quiet." "Do you think you can read our tapes?" I asked, incredulously. "Sure. I was a cable operator three years." "But where did you get your cipher key?" "That's a matter that was arranged in Havana three months ago. Your tape bobbius for the current week are in the table drawer, I presume?" "Look for yourself," I said. "But my fellow-operator here is a Spaniard. I do not speak for him." "Senor Merode," I said in Spanish, "these gentlemen wish to see the rec ord tapes." Merode had stood listening, making out what we said with difficulty. "Xunoa!" (Never!) he exclaimed, ex citedly, pnd made a jump for the big table d a ver, with some notion, I think, ot destroying the tapes. He was a plucky fellow, but the Cuban seized him by the collar before he could open the drawer, flung him vio lently backward on the floor and drew his machete. "Don't hurt him, Luiz!" shouted Macomber, aud then, after a steady glance at me, he stepped to the drawer himself and took out the rolls of tape. "This will be a somewhat long and tedious business," lie remarked, be ginning to unroll one of them. "You might help me, if you would; but at least oblige me by turning up the lamp a little and placing it on the table here." "Thanks," he went on, when I had complied and began rapidly unrolling the tape throngh his fingers. He read well and fast, and his running comment amused me. "Oh, this is a dandy siphon of yours, isn't it!" "What ails your mouse mill?" "Say, friend, your rec ord here looks like the teeth of an old dull buck-saw." "Your ink's eoagu lated." I sat back and quietly looked on. Merode still lay on the floor. The Cuban stood watching us both; if Merode stirred, he shook his machete at him. Thus, fully an hour passed; it seemed much more than an hour, indeed, before our American visitor found what he sought. "Ah!" he exclaimed at last. "Here *e are! So the Vizcaya and Oquendo left Puerto Rico for St. Vincent last Sunday. Good! Blnnco is informed that the torpedo flotilla is going to St. Vincent, too, instead of comiug to Havana." "That's all I wanted to know,"he continued, turning to me. "Sorry to leave your tapes in such a mess, but I really cannot stop to roll them up again, for I must be well out to sea before daylight. Oblige us now, both of you, by remaining quiet here after we bid you good night." But just then there was a new noise outside. The door opening to the street was flung back, and there stood a Spanish lieutenant from the fort, with half a dozen soldiers at hiß back! For the Spanish sentry—a boy of 18 —whom they had gagged and tied up outside the house, had proved more nimble than they had thought him. He had worked himself loose and had run to the fort for aid. The Cuban turned instantly, killed the lieutenant with a swing of his machete aud was at once shot down by a soldier who fired over the shoul der of his falling officer. Macomb r showed better judgment, if less courage; he dashed the lamp out and grasped me by the arm. "Help me out," he said. It would be difficult for anyone to resist the appeal of a fellow-country man at such a time. While the sol diers rushed in, trampling and falling over the slain men and Merode, I pulled the American after me through a door, back of the tables, which opened into our battery room. In this back room was a window looking out on the harbor side, from which Macomber swung in an instant and decamped without m word. I had time to get forward into tin cable room before Merode, who had regained bis feet, struck a match and relighted the fain p. Of the gruesome apectpol# which the light revealed I will not speak. After the manner of Spanish justice, both Merode and myself were put under arrest, pending an investiga tion, which showed that neither of ua knew anything about the affair. Yet the commandant at Santiago suspected that I had planned it and sent me under arrest to Havana, by steamer, the following evening. I expected to remain in Las Cabanas for the rest of my days, but was dis missed without trial the second day after arriving there and left Havana along with 180 Americans on the fol lowing Sunday.—Youth's Companion. MANUFACTURES AND COLONIES. The Policy of Nation* Who Make More Article* Than They Can Consume. There has recently appeared under authority of the state department in Washington a table showing the rela tion which the colonies of certain Eu ropean countries bear to the home country, and from it is seen that four ot' the governments of Europe—Great Britaiu,France, Holland and Portugal —have colonies larger in respect to population than the home country, while two other European govern ments, Germany and Denmark, have colonies larger iu territorial area than the home country. It is more than a coincidence that the governments which have colonies are, for the most part, those which are conspicuous iu manufacturing industries, while it is observable that in nearly tvery case the agricultural countries of Europe, notably Russia, Austria, Spain and Sweden,either have no distant colonies remote from the home country, or are 011 the point of losing those colonies which they have, and the same is true of Italy aud Turkey. The figures show that all manufac turing countries under the impetus of steam power, electricity and modern invention are able to produce consid erably more than their inhabitants can consume aud, the home market being insufficient, recourse has been had to a foreign market artificially created by the colonial expansion of the kind now generally favored by those who are seeking to get for American manufacturing products a larger field than can otherwise be se cured. The three manufacturing countries of Europe, England, France and Germany, have been increasing very rapidly their colonial possessions of late years aud this is more paiticu larly true perhaps of Germany, which has in Africa aloue colonies covering over 800,000 square miles. "The Statesman's Year Book" for 1898 shows the commerce of Great Britain in the export trade during the year previous to have amounted to 8300,000,000 of cotton goods, SIOO,- 000,000 of woolen goods, 840,000,000 of linen aud jute manufactures, $35,• 000,000 of wearing apparel, and $90,- 000,000 of machinery aud cutlery. France's trade with French colonies, exclusiveof Algeria and Tunis,amount ed last year to 830,000,000 of imports aud $25,000,000 of exports, and the exports of German manufacture to foreign colonies now amount to a con siderable figure. Last year these im ports into the Cameroons amounted to $'2,000,000 in value, into German- Africa to $1,000,000, aud into Togo laud to about as much. The policy of all producing coun tries largely engaged in manufacture is to discriminate against like manu factures in other countries, and the possession of large colonies, there fore, is a decided benefit to the home country, a benefit which agricultural countries do not eujoy. Austria-Hun gary furnishes a fair illustration of this. The Austrian products, and particularly glass, leather, woolen goods, porcelain aud stoneware, are extensive and give employment to nearly 3,000,000 persons, but the com merce of Austria is inconsiderable, aud much more than half of it is with Germany under conditions which are necessarily more favorable to the Ger man consumers than to the Austriaa producers. QUAINT AND CURIOUS- Five is the great sacred Chinese num ber. In Greenland potatoes never grow larger than marbles. If kept going, the wheels of a watch travel 3558 3-4 miles a year. The smallest cows in the world art to be found in the Samoan islands. The Japanese have a custom of cele brating the blossoming of fruit trees by a general holiday. The largest clock in the world it that in the Westminster clock tower It was set up on May 30, 1859. In some parts of central and South Africa a single firefly gives so much light that it illuminates whole room. The cloak on which Wolfe breatheo his last, at the capture of Quebec, is one of the curiosities in the British Museum. The elephant can neither trot, can ter nor gallop. Its only pace is a walk, capable of being hastened to a fast shuttle. Tomatoes have been grafted upon potatoes by a French experimenter, whose hybrid plant produces tubers underground and above. In a certain village it is said that the fchurch offertory is collected in a bag at the end of a pole, with a bell attached for the purpose of arousing sleepers. In the early days of Rome the t la dies of that city wore such heavy bar rings that they made the ears sove, and sometimes tore the lobes. Theft were doctors whose business wm chiefly to heal ears thus injured. A TEMPERANCE COLUMN.' THE DRINK EVIL MADE MANIFEST IN MANY WAYS. Learn to Say No—ltalancinjr Account*— Only an Allegory, But It Shows How a Drunkard Stand* With Old Alcohol- Promised to Make a Gentleman, But Turned Out a Tramp. Learn to speak this little word In its proper place. Let no timid doubt be heard Clothed with skeptic grace; Let thy lips without disguise Pour it boldly out. Though a thousand dulcet lies Keep hovering about. To be sure our lives would lose Future years of woe i II our courage could refuse The present hour with "No." Balancing Account*. A thickset, ugly-looking fellow was seated on a bench in the public park, and seemed to be reading some writing on a sheet ol paper which he held in his hand. "You seem to be Interested in your writ ing." I said. "Yes; I've been figuring my accounts with Old Alcohol to see how We stand." "And he comes out ahead, I suppose?" "Every time; and he has lied like sixty." "How did you come to have dealings with him in the first place?" "That's what I've been writing. You see he promised to make a man of me, but be mndo me a beast. Then he said be would brace me up, but ho has made me go stag gering round and then threw me into the ditcb. He said I must drink to be social. Then he made me quarrel with my best friends, and to be the laughing-stock of my enemies He gave me a black eye and a broken nose. Then I drank for the good of my health. He ruined the little I had, and left me 'sick as a dog.' " "Of course." "He said he would warm me up, and 1 was soon nearly frozen to death. He said lie would steady my nerves, but instead he gave me delirium tremens. He said he would give me strength, and he made me helpless." "To be sure." "He promised me ccurage." "Then what followed?" "Then he made me a coward, for I beat my sick wife and kicked my little child. H6 said he would brighten my wits, but in stead hemado me act like a fool and talk like an ulint. He promised to make a gen tleman of mo, but he has made me u tramp." One Rtaion Why Cervera Lost. From the news columns of the New York World: With the command to advance came the order, "Open the stores of wine and brandy." Officers and men drank freely therefrom. The Spanish officers drew their pistols and threatened instant death to the first man who flinched or hesi tated in his work. In the stokehole, 120 degrees of heat, half-drunken officers stood near half-drunken stokers, and the first man who gave way to fatigue and heat and the effects of the cognac was shot in his tracks. On the gun-decks the sun beamed down on men whose stomachs were filled with the fiery liquid and made them half mad. They tore their clothing from off their backs, cursing and shrieking because cf the strain and liquor. Thus nerved with liquor, the Spaniards prepared for the desperate struggle. The Americans went from their prayers to battle. From the news columns of the New York Journal: The Spanish gunners were drunk. This Is freeiy admitted by the prisoners. Indeed, some of them still show the effects of the debauch that gave them the des perate courage for the adventure. The wine and spirits on board were handed out to them without stint. On board nearly every ship it was the same—an orgie with death for its end, for none of them ex pected to live to see the end of it. The men drank as they served the guns. Those who remember describe the sceno on the doomed ships as a saturnalia of tho damned. Inebriety of Toung Men. T Dr. George H. McMichael, of Buffalo, contributes a suggestive paper to the Quarterly Journnl of Inebriety, In which he states that thero is some evidence that inebriety amongst American young men is increasing, partly attributable, he thinks, to the"club" life now fashionable among the wealthy classes. He believes that the desire for alcoholic drinks is much more easily acquired between the age* of seven teen and twenty-live than in later life, and thinks that "if inebriety has, up to now, been comparatively uncommon In youths, it has been because the customs of society have made indulgence comparatively difficult;" but he adds that "these are rap idly disappearing, if they have not already disappeared, and drunkenness among young men seems to be increasing." Sure ly there is an urgent call ia this for a re vival of the old-timo method of pledge signing and a total abstinence crusade among the young. No Moral l'est-Houies For OUT Camps. We do well to honor our soldiers, to pro vide them with good camps, good food, good clothing, and all other actual needs; it is right that they should be paid for theli inestimable service, and when disabled or partly disabled they are entitled to pen sions; but it is not less important that theii moral welfare should be upon the heart! ol the nation. Abolish the canteen, rescind the special privilege of officers, and let our camps be freed from the presence of that which breeds incalculable moral and physical evils. Let the country offer of its vast resources dainties, comforts, need ful luxuries for our army, and let that scourge of civilization, the saloon, the moral pest-house of our slums, be barred out of every camp. It is a shame to us to be engaged in debauching those who should be oar stanch defenders, or to allow others to do it.—New York Independent. Whisky Killed the Rest of.the Tribe. The last of the Lake Union Indians are John Cheshlshon and Madeline, his wife. They live, tho sole survivors of their tribe, on the shore of Lake Union, which now lies wholly within the town of Seattle, Wash. John is over seventy years old, and his wife is not much younger. They state, without any false pride of race, that "whisky killed the rest of them." They themselves have avoided the destroying beverage. They have never been at odds with the whites, by whom they aro now entirely surrounded. —New York Journal. Best Weapon ■ Temperate Life. "History tells of many a proud armv going forth to conquer, but returning con quered itself by the enervating effects of its own excesses." says the Detroit Free Press. "Intemperance and debauchery are more to be dreaded than any human foe with guns and swords. The best weapon which the young soldier can take with him to Cuba is a temperate life." Notes of the Crusade. The majority of the clergy are abstainers and non-smokers. Drunkenness always debases a com munity. A man or woman reeling In pub lic places offsets the sight of a thousand who are sober. An unhappy childhood means, very often, a blighted after life. Drinking parents are to blame for a great part of the unhappl oess of childhood. Who can blame the children of drunken f>arents, if, when they grow up, and often ong before that time, they hasten to leave surroundings that have been a torture to IMP for .rears? „ _ ....