Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 11, 1898, Image 1
Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume 3. Business Cards. JONESTOWN FLAGGING -^.Company, Chas. P. Billamboa, AffdltS. D. H. liOrab. ngcuia. SONKSTOWN J'A. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DL'SHOKE, PENNA. CAPITAL - " $50,000. SURPLUS - - 810.000. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M. I). SWAKTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOBTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours, Oysters and game lu season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and I oigare. Hood staUle room provided. LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses ami Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. a. w. MVERS. PROPRIETOR- A hotel of established reputation. Strictly first class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THUS. K. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house i? (he most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, " SHUNK. PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop' r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEPE, Proprietor. DUSIIORE, PA. One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section of the state. Table of the best. Rites 1.00 dollar per day. Large stables. Professional Cards, j/j. & F. H INGHAM, ATTORLHTYS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Ottlce in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, AttornoyatLaw. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, ATTORMBY-AT-I.AW, orriC'B IN COUNTY BlllLniNfl NKAKCOUKT UOUSK. LAPORTE, I'A Monday of each week at Forksville. Kllory P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNIYS-AT^LAW, OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, aud all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY r. DOWNS, A T TORN E Y-AThL A w: OFFICE IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT HOUBB BQUAKK. LAPORTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, ATTORNKY*AT -LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. OPFICB ON MAIN STREET. DUSIIORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the La porte Tannery. Custom work solicited. Ail work guaranteed. o. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Cure Cou>ti|»tii)ii Forever, Take Cascarets Candv Cathartic. 100 or 2iic If C. C. C. fail to cure, druggists refund money Edoeate Your Bowels With Cascarets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. We, SBc. If C.O.C. fail, druggists refund money. ? Cleaning House <> C Yes, we have been cleaninghouse, and find S we are overstocked with L } LACE PINS, SHIRT WAIST V C EAR RINGS, SETS, * ✓ J CUFF BUTTONS, ETC., ETC. \ HAVK filled one show case with them and will close them out S ** at one-hall' or less than the regular prices lor cash. II vou are £ in need ol anything in the assortment it will |>av you to look them over. V also have a lot of second hand watches that we will sell cheap J > RETT EN BURY, \ R DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. / * ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in t he County to Buy hardware W w 777111 525 Wheels S4O Wheels Miffh 2K35 Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully Wood rims, i Reversible M. Single tube tire, 112 Handlebars, M Detachable sprocket 2 piece* crank hang anteed ers ' Hunt saddle, Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lamps. Bells, Locks. Brake*, Peddles, ('ranks, Spokes. Kiuis. Tires, Ih>t 11 single and double tul*\ a full line of llieyele Supplie*. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as UarlHHl Wire, Nails, Poultry Nettliiß, Milk l'an« and falls, Harden Tools, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds ui Tin Work and Spouting done by comi>etent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. Goles Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. H. A.Rogers & son., FORKSVILLE, PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing lor llie coming warm weather which will soon he here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to Ihe silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Di ess Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING BOOTS and SHOES. grocer i) More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL .VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, AUGUST 11, 1898. Bernice Echoes. The directors of the Citizens' Band held ft meeting Tuesday evening of last week in the hand room and the following officers were elected for the coming year: President, It. ll.Guy; Vice-President, 11. J. Keller; Treas urer, J. S. Taylor; Secretary, Joint Donovan. This hand will be a reg ular chartered hand. The directors and the people are leaving no stone unturned to make this band a grand success, and the band-boys under the able leadership of Prof. Rutherford are doing their best to attain a musical education. The band was never under a more prosperous con dition than at the present time. They are open for all engagements and everybody will be treated fairly and just, that secures their services. Itev. Mr. Buck of Lewisburg as sisted by Rev. K.J. Spangler admin istered the Lord's Supper at the 1.0. O. F. Hall Sunday afternoon. A number of people from here at tended the Sparks Show at Dushore Wednesday. Some of them can tell you just how hard it rained in the evening. They say one of the boys from here tried to steal the elephant's trunk. It was a mean trick, if he did. The S. L. <& S. It. lt.Co. is sinking a well near the upper end of .Main St. They also intend to sink another one near the lower end of Mailt St. Water has been very scarce here for some time and some of the people have to carry it a long distance. Mr. and Mrs. It. 11. Guy and daughter Ethel, visited friends in Shenandoah last week. Misses Mildred and Florence Mc- Donald are attending Normal School at Laporte. The School Directors are having the graded school building repaired, so as to be ready for the fall term. Messrs William and Lee Johnson *pent Sunday visiting friends at io wanda. Mr. and Mrs. P.'E. Merthew visit ed his father at Campbellsville last week. Miss Amy Kelley .visited her par ents at Leroy last week. Mrs. Loyd Bcntley visited friends at Towanda last week. Miss Jennie Brogan of Philadel phia, is visiting her parents tit this place. District Pres. H. A. Karus of La- Porte, installed the officers of W. C. \0.481 of this place Friday evening. The camp is in a flourishing con dition and Mr. Kams always finds a welcome at this camp. The wild and uurully ball tossers from Lopez went to Towanda Satur day, and say they didn't do a thing to those paper collar dudes up there. Oh no! Those sons of the Sawdust City just wiped up the ground with the milk and water players, and when the fog cleared away from the river banks the score stood 2t! to in favor of Lopez. Hurrah for Sawdust City. Tiger. The St.Francis church picnic, Aug ust 15, under the management of Division No. 1 A. O. IT.and the St. Patrick C. T. A. Society promises to be the l»est ever held in Sullivan Co. The Citizen Band will furnish music for the occasion, and they alone are worth going miles to hear. Remem ber the date and don't lie too late. Come early. GRAND CONCERT. Last in the Normal School Course. . The closing entertainment of the I Normal School course will be given! in the Court House Friday evening, j August 12, by the New Century Quartette Company of Philadelphia. This quartette consists of four young ladies, each one a soloist* The com pany ranks as one of the liest in the country and the concert Friday night will Isiubtless be the finest ever given in Lajiorte. Every seat in the court room should be tilled. Let our people show that they appreciate a first-class musical company. Tickets, 25c; children, loc. The reply of Spain to our peace terms litis been presented to Presi dent McKinley by Ambassador Cani bon. It is not believed that the answer is altogether satisfactory. Death of Walter Spencer. 1 n a recent issue of the N KWH ITEM |we reported the severe illness of j Walter Spencer, Sr. On Thursday I morning of last week he secuinbed | to his sickness (Brights Disease), and | passed away, at his home. The funeral took place on Satur day afternoon, a short service being first held at the family residence, where many awaited an opportunity to take a last view of their friend. The floral tokens, which attested to the high esteem in which he was held, were many. After the body had been interred in Mountain Ash cemetery a public service was held in the M. E. church which was tilled to overflow. The services, con ducted by Rev. Mr. Leach of Har risburg, formerly of this place, were very impressive throughout. The pall bearers, till old residents of the town and friends of Mr. Spen cer, were: Judge Dunham, Hon. Titos. J. Ingham, Hon. Russel Kams, Robt. Stormont Esq., Mr. Fred Miller and Mr. Wilt. Loeb. The eortage which followed the re mains to the cemetery was very large. Thus passes from our mulst a ven erable and highly esteemed citizen whom it was a pleasure to know and transact business with which lie con ducted in tin honorable and upright manner. Mr. Spencer was 71 years of age at the time of his death, and for the past fifty years his life was connect ed with and part of the history of the town, lie was prominent iu Democratic politics and regarded his public duty as a sacred trust and he brought to its discharge a faithful ness ami a rugged rectitude which were as refreshing to his opponents as to his allies, and at all times worthy of commendation. By request, we were handed a life sketch of the deceased, written by a worty hand as follows: "The death ol' Walter Spencer removes from us a prominent citizen who has been intimately associated with nearly all the enterprises of our town lor a half century. Coming here when a young man. the'i iu the employ ofCapt. James Phillips. who as early as IS4 ( J made an exchange with Michael Meylert of a valuable (arm near Towanda for lands in baporte, and the house of .Mrs. batter's. Ileal once confided in Mr. S|»elicer who had tor some time previously been in his employ, much of liia business interests in opening a store and improving property, Mr. Spencer subsequently engaged in the mercantile business on his own re sponsibility and became iu close touch with all the eatlv settlers of this part of the county. Always the poor man's friend, ready to extend favors far beyond his means, iu consequence of which he suffered embarresments from misplaced confidence and sympathy, necessitating him to close up the mercantile business for a time. He then engaged iu improve ments of the town and for some time took charge ot the stage line Iroin here to Muncv. Later having been appointed .Postmaster he again opened a store lor a time in company with A. .1. Deitreck. Upon Mr. Deitreck leaving the county, Mr. Spencer accepted the appointment of Commissioner's Clerk which office he held during successive hoards of officers.during which time much of the responsibility of our county business was entrusted to him, as deputy for non-resident officers, aud for many years was an indispensable factor iu caring for the finances ol the county, serving as Treasurer during the years of our greatest depression. For nearly twenty years lie was the owner of the steam saw mill and iu the conducting of this business largely aided the interests of our town. The mercan tile business and office ot post master has occupied his attention during the later years of his life. In all the various rela tions of citizenship lie ha* from the very beginning, born his full share of burdens and not shrinking from any labor that his fellow citizens have asked at his hands." Thus one by one the old landmarks of our community are leaving us,hut the memory of their good citizenship will remain with those of younger years through life,and especially that of Mr. Spencer, who was of a retiring disposition, a lover of the comforts of home, and has left to his children the priceless legacy of an unstained name, while his memory will be long cherished by those who knew, loved and respected him. Per. Year. Number 14' Eagles Mere Chautauqua. Every nook and corner is tilled with the most delightful community of people that have oyer been gather ed together anywhere. No one is ready togo home when their time has expired. Cottage building is beginning again with lumber hauled on the ground for a new summer home on Mineral Springs Ave. for Mr. G. A. Hodman, that he expects to see fin ished while he is here. Mr. Joseph Hutton of the great Hosiery firm of Conyers Button ACo. of Germantown is arranging with builder A. ('. Little to put up a cot tage for him on the corner of Lin wood and Mountain Ash Avenues. Several others are in sight. Very much work in the way of improve ment is contemplated for this fall. Sunday, August 21, is to be a "Red Letter" day for the children of this part of Sullivan county, as Chautau qua throws open its gates and doors that day and invites everybody to bring the children and fill the im mense Auditorium with them to hear and see and illustrated sermon at K o'clock in the evening, by A.W. Lamar, jr. If necessary the whole Auditorium will be given up to the children to see the grand stereopticon views of "Pilgrims Progress." Let all the children come. The verge of peaee is as wide as was the verge of war. Interesting Budgets from Camp Thomas. Fine weather in this section. Company M. guarded Alexander Bridge and Blue Springs Tuesday night. Private Leonard DeeganofCo. I>., who has been critically ill, is slowly improving. The boys all rejoice at his recovery. There were three deaths oceured in Company I', last week. Private Dell Atwood of Co. M. is suffering from a strain caused by lifting a barrel of water from a wag on. He will probably be sent home. Ist Lieut. Chas. Colloney is on the sick list this week. There are no cases of fever in Co. M. Arthur Wiggins has been appoint ed head cook for Co. M. Our rations are improving. On account of the increased num l>er of fever cases in this division the doctors and officers are exercising the greatest cure for the health of the l>oys. The 9th regiment have moved some of their tents further from the sink pits. Our drill hours have been cut down to one ami one-half hours. The reason for this was the men were overworked. A. MIXEK. Teachers' Examinations. The examination of applicants for teachers' provisional certificates will occur as follows: Ijaporte township and Laporte Boro., at Lajiorte, August 17. Davidson and Shrewsbury, at Muncy Valley, August 18. Col ley, at Lopez, August 19. Cherry and Dushore, for applicants who have taught, at Dushore, Aug ust 22. Forks, Klkland and Hillsgrove, at Forksville, August 21. Fox, at Shunk, August 2.1. Cherry ami Dushore for applicants who have not taught, at Dushore, August 27. All examinations will l>egin promptly at 9:80 a. in. Teachers should IM* supplied with Bxlo or 8 x 1"> paper, rulers, and paper fas teners. The law requires that all applicants be examined at the ex amination held for the district in which they expect to teach. If any attend another examination they should obtain a written permit from the president of the school board. No person of immoral character will be granted a certificate if the fact l>e known to the superintend ent. Directors are requested to re port any such who may apply. The examinations are public and directors and all who are interested are cordially invited to be present. F. W. MEYLKRT, Co. Supt.