Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 04, 1898, Image 8

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A Person Will Not Be Safe From an Enemy
Standing on the Opposite Side of a House
If the Claims of a Young English In
ventor Are True.
The man wlio flatters himself that he
Is safe because he is behind a housq
■when another man is firing off a gun
at the other side, had better get rid of
that ridiculous notion once and for all.
For a young inventor claims to have
discovered a wonderful new way of
making bullets; und if the new bullet
meets with that popularity which its
remarkable abilities appear to warrant,
it won't be quite safe to be in a bal
loon while an effort is being made to
fire down a well. In short, the new
bullet will, even if it does only half of
'what is claimed for it, upset all old
fashioned notions of the laws govern
ing the flight of projectiles.
Arthur Chalk of Church Place, High
street, Wapping, is the young inventor
in question, and he yesterday told a
Daily Mail reporter that this new bul
let of his would go around corners,
suddehly shoot up in the air and de
scend point first on top of a town or
anything, or fly round and round and
then jump back and kill off an enemy
at the back of the man who fired it.
"I am but eighteen years of age,"
said Mr. Chalk, modestly, "and I am
confident that I have invented a bullet
that will revolutionize fighting. What
I claim, and am prepared to prove, is
that with my bullet I cat* hit an object
that is round a corner or on the other
side of a block of houses. There is ab
solutely no doubt about the accuracy
of the aim. Supposing, now, you
wanted to hit something that was
round the corner of a mountain. When
you had found the distance between
your gun and the mountain you would
fix your bullet to alter its course at
a certain moment. Then you'd fire,
and the man round the corner would
be sorry.
"Or, say you wanted to hit an ene
my's ship lying 011 the other side of one
of your own. That would be the
easiest thing imaginable. You would
just fix your bullet togo straight for a
bit, then soar upward for awhile, and
then rush down point first on top of
the doomed vessel.
"1 tell you, my bullet will go any
way and do anything you may want it
to, and I've written to the war office
to say so.
"Up to now the only communication
I have received in reply is the usual
stereotyped acknowledgment; but the
patent office people-—he did not men
tion names—have valued the invention
at ,C 150,000, and have told me that it
is the most marvelous Invention of the
present age.
"I shall wait for a further commun
ication from the war office, and if I do
not hear from tlieni I shall offer my
invention to a foreign government. Of
course I would rather the new bullet
became the property of the English
government, but 1 want to know soon."
Mr. Chalk is a modest and very earn
est. inventor, and when he mentioned
that he had tried one of his bullets in a
field, and that the projectile, obedient
to his wish, had circled in the air about
five times and had then fallen behind
him, he did so with the air of a young
man who is calmly confident that he
has thought out a great thing. But of
the method by which he alleges he ob
tains these unusual results, 110 hint can
be extracted from him. That is the
secret he hopes to obtain those £l5O
- from.
Tlie Karlleiit Journal
The oldest newspaper in the world
is not, as is generally stated, the thou
sand-year-old Kin Pan, of Pekin, but
the Tsing-Pao, or Pekin News, which
was first published more than 500
years before the Norman conquest, and
which has been published without In
termission for nearly 1,400 years.
The Tsing-Pao has the appearance
of a yellow-backed magazine of twen
ty-four octavo pages, each page con
sisting of seven columns, and each
column consisting of seven "charac
ters." Two editions are published—an
edition tie luxe for the Court and the
upper classes in China, at a cost of
24 cents per month; and an edition,
inferior In paper and printing, which
costs 10 cents a month.
The Tsing-Pao is the Times of China
and chronicles the wealth and move
ments of the Emperor, the life at
Court, and the reports of Ministers.
It is painfully significant that every
error In printing the latter is punished
with death. Alter Cases
Circumstances are still much in the
habit of altering cases. It is said that
a Yorkshire Socialist was explaining
to a friend the principles of his belief,
and he made the statement at the
outset that all possessions should be
shared equally.
"If you had two horses," said the
friend, "would you give me one?"
"Of course," said the Socialist.
"And if you had two cows, would
you do the same?"
"Of course I should."
"Well, suppose now," said the
friend slowly, "that you had two pigs,
would you give me one of them?"
"Eh! tha's gettin' ower near home,"
said the other slyly. "Tha knows I've
two pigs."
An Unterrlfled Girl
A lovely girl was caught by her
aunt while Indulging in a surreptitious j
"My dear," said the horrified aunt,
"do you know that every time you
smoke o»e of those beastly things you
drive a n*ll,in your coffin?"
"No, auritle, <Jear." said the lovely
girl, "you are wrong. A woman ean't
drive u null."
Tbe Hoecake la Faat Diaappearlng
From Southern Tables.
Most mlddls-aged persons remember
well when corn bread was served upon
nearly all tallies in the south and west
at least twice a day. Sometimes it ap
peared In the form of "hoecake" or
"batter bread," and again in "pones."
|tt was par excellence the bread of the
negro, and every man who served in
the Confederate army was also a full
graduate In the use of it. Now the
darkies eschew it where wheat bread is
to be obtained, and upon the tables of
thousands of southern and western
whites it never appears at all, while
others continue to use it only for din
Now, why is this? Surely corn meal
is as it ever was. Those who sincerely,
but probably mistakenly, believe that
"water-ground" meal is better than the
product of mills turned by steam can
always find a supply of that in most
cities, and it is common enough in the
country. There is 110 trouble about the
meal; but we doubt whether the art of
cooking it has been preserved. The
high-toned colored damsels who are
turned out by our public, schools are
not the adepts that our old Aunt Di
nahs and Aunt Peggys were. No self
respecting pan of dough would be con
jured into shape by such unskilled
hands. And then we may seriously
doubt whether corn bread can be cook
ed in a stove as well as In an open fire
The Indians laid their doughcakes
between layers of forest leaves or upon
the hard ground, and cooked them in
the hot ashes. Hence "ash cake," a very
luscious product, indeed, when one has
whetted his appetite for it by a long
day's hunting. The hoecake was so
called because it was originally baked
upon a hoe—that ever-ready and useful
Instrument of agriculture which is to
be found upon every plantation. But
later on cooking utensils were manu
factured which took the place of the
humble hoe. So, too, shingles were
used whereupon to place the dough
while it went through the process of
becoming a well-done ash cake.
llrlKiiiidM in Itnl.v.
Brigandage still flourishes in Italy.
As Signor Romanin-lacur. a well
known Deputy, and a dozen other men
were going toward Grossetto the other
day for the purpose of inspecting a
newly constructed aqueduct they sud
denly met a man, dressed like a hunts
man, who levelled his rifle at them
and ordered them to halt. They obeyed,
whereupon the brigand commanded
them to empty their pockets. Strange
to say not one of them made the least
resistance, and as a result the brigand
obtained a fow thousand francs, Dep
uty Romanin-lacur's involuntary con
tribution being five bank notes of lOOf.
each. Having secured this booty the
fearless robber disappeared, and no
trace of him has since been found. On
the following day a wealthy landed
proprietor was stabbed and robbed by a
brigand within a few miles of Rome,
hut fortunately the police were near at
hand, and they arrested the miscreant
before he could escape. As his victim
Is said to be mortally wounded, the
chances are that the criminal's career
is practically elided.
\ew AVorriM for Our Voc*iil»uliiry.
One minor result of the Cuban in
surrection and our war with Spain is
the accretion of several new words to
our vocabulary. "Incommunicado" is
already acclimated and is frequently
used in the newspapers in accounts of
arrests for crime. "Reconeentrado" is
a term of more special meaning that
can scarcely be introduced into our
daily speech in an extended signifi
cance. It has almost the inflexibility
of a proper noun substantive. Dupuy
de Lome's use of the term "politicas
tro" in his notorious letter has recalled
the fact that in the English language
there is already a similar word, "politi
caster," which Milton found service
able to describe a petty politician, just
as we use "poetaster" to describe an
inferior versifier. Doubtless when our
army comes back from Cuba they will
bring with them many words which
will gradually be adopted into our
Ilaylnic tiodnhlp in t'hlnn.
It is possible for any Chinaman, or
even any Chinese woman, to become a
deity by paying for the honor. A few
years ago a rich and devout Chinese
lady died in Soochoo. Her friends
thought that an apotheosis was no
more than her due, and communicated
with the priests, who interviewed the
gods on the subject and discovered
that the God of the Left Little Toe-
Nail had no wife. The old lady was
accordingly married to his godship and
Is now enrolled as the "Goddess of the
Left Little Toe-Nail." The honor cost
the old lady's estate over $5,000.
A Novelty in llell».
Herr Appunn of Hanau has invented
a bell of a new shape, Which is said to
have a very deep tone and to be as
powerful as considerably heavier bells
of the form at present in vogue. The
Shape is peculiar, being hemispherical,
while the metal is uniform in thick
ness except near the "sound bow" (or
the thickened tip which the clapper
strikes). From the edge to some little
distance above the sound bow the
metal is very thick, and then alters
suddenly to the uniform thickness
which it has for the rest of the bell.
No Hello Ciirl* There.
Turkey and Greece are the only Eu
ropean countries into which the tele
phone has not yet been introduced.
Sweden has the largest number of tele
phones per capita of any country in the
world, having one to every 115 persons,
and Switzerland comes next with one
to every 129.
A Cane of Satisfying a Dog's Sense of Hon
or—New Zealand (ireyhoumls at Their
riay-An Inslntent Committee of Doga
tiuil Its Work.
WP wore speaking of the power pos
sessed by some an'mals of communi
cating their ideas one to another, and
my friend kindly furnished me with
two or three storks to illustrate the
point. He said: James Cunaming was
fishing a stream near Coupar, and was
much annoyed by a small terrier which
followed him along the path, barking,
till he turned and "flicked" the dog
over the nose with his fishing rod,
when the dog at once ran otT. My friend
went on with his fishing, and forgot the
incident till he noticed the small dog re
turning, trotting by the side of a large
retriever, who without any growling or
preliminaries, quietly bit Cumming's
heel, and in the same quiet and digni
fied manner at once retired, honor
having been satisfied.
In the district of Kangitikei, New
Zealand, where I lived for some years,
hares were very plentiful, and coursing
was a sport indulged in by everybody,
the result being that greyhounds
swarmed in the townships; and while
their owners were busy, they were in
clined to suffer from ennui, and thus
it happened that some fifteen or twenty
hounds would often trot out of the
village, quite unattended, about a
quarter of a mile, to a paddock oppo
site my house, and there they would
mass up in one corner close to the gate.
Presently one of the number would
dash out from the mob towards the
middle of the field, and when it had
got some fifty or seventy yards start,
would begin to "double" and twist ex
actly as a hare would do when hard
pressed. The pack would at once com
mence the chase, while the "hare" dog
dodged and turned : t full speed, till at
last he was "eolbred" and pulled
down, when the panting pnek would re
turn to the rendezvous at the gate, and
after a brief "blow" another dog would
break away and assume the role of
"hare." This sport I have seen carried
011 for nearly an hour at a- stretch,
perfectly spontaneous on the part of
the dogs.
Another curious story was told me
by Dr. Frank Wallace McKenzie of
Wellington, X. 7... whose father owned
a run in Otago, which was much over
run by rabbits. IK order to keep the
rabbits in check, if possible, a nonde
script pack of dogs was kept at the
station to hunt rabbits for their living.
The pack was composed of half-breed
greyhounds and collies chiefly, and
they were in the habit of going out
every morning quiie by themselves and
hunting all day, returning in the even
ing to the station. A very small Scotch
terrier always accompanied these ex
liiin'l Tobjiccn S|! 11 mill Smoke lour I.ill' Anny.
To quit tobacco easily ami forever, bo marr
□etic. lull of Jilc, nervo nnd \ i;'oi - , take No To-
Hue, the wonder-worker, that makes weak men
strong. All druggists, 50e or sl. Cure guaran
teed. Booklet and paniplo free. Address
Sterling Heiundy Co., Chicago or New York.
' If
'' [PjMOW are the chil- %
,' |gK B dren this summer? \
. 1 8i I An -' tllL 'V doing <
> ' well ? Do they <
' > get all the benefit they /
" ( should from their food ? J*
« Are their cheeks and lips >
of good color? And are \
,' they hearty and robust in \
» everyway? *
', If not, then give them
\ Scott's Emulsion i
, 1 of cod liver oil nvilh hypo- ',
_ 1 phosphites. <
! It never fails to build !
,' up delicattf boys and girls. ',
g > It gives them more flesh <
' > and better blood. <'
', It is just so with the , k
baby also. A little Scott's ■
■' Emulsion, three or four 1 ,
, 1 times a day, will make
( > the thin baby plump and <
'' /L^ prosperous * ' 1 ''
' 1 /E/H^f urn i s hes the , ■
'» y oung b °dy with ■
' A rrT ' ust tbe materia ' ' ■
,' |I 71 necessary for •,
,» iJ \ growing bones <
' 1 nerves. (
> All Druggists, <;oc. and si. (
( SCOTT & How NK, Chemists, N.Y. I
25c 50c DRUGGISTS m
~'j.n. Surrey Haroeaa. Price, fie.CO. )*•«•■•• Bead for large, free No COtSurrey. Price, with cartaiai,lWM, •».
▲e GOOD m mI1« far fi&. Catalogue of all our stylet, abade, apron aud feodara, sto. At goodmaalla Iter (90.
ELKHART and UIBNEW lirv. CO. W. B. PRATT, HM't. «LEai>T, MT,
;'.:i4 von cure it;j. •|uun«v.\ 'Hit a: •>
■ iri of Ui.>ton.* tc3- - 'ip..Uva :
' . h..:- ■.(■'•Miviii. c.i.ilfi] toiif i..;, i:. ,Lc
i i l .; ;a!|.il . ion, (i ; vl, »iet.,.itv. si:>
■/.'■•y. V. MM i I.:!.-'. !i>',
j.iumiien, ]<■).'.. j. ■.I-.., uu-li, in t!.t> liity,
i rvinwiii* ', h< iJuohe. torpid liver, iwart
h;;t il, l'oul L.'uutto, .di;ep!;.-..-.ii<iri;,
ne.u, hut akin, cramps, throbbing
M yer'«
PS Mjff*f** *ro a Sura Cm-o
ffSMwl for Caamtlpmtlon
Dr. J. C. Ayer's Pills are a specific for
all diseases of the liver, stomach, and
" I suffered from constipation which as
sumed such an obstinate form that I feared
it would cause a stoppage of the bowels.
After vainly trying various remedies, 1 bo
gun to take Ayer's Pills. Two boxes effected
a complete cure."
D. BURKE, Saco, Me.
"For eight years I was afflicted with
constipation, which became so bad that the
doctors could do no more for me. Then 1
benan to take Ayer's fills, and soon the
bowels recovered their natural action."
WM. H. DeLAUCETT, Dorset, Out.
pedltlons, his small body allowing him
to take the part of a ferret, and turn
the rabbits out of their burrows. The
dog, therefore, became necessary to
others if they wented really good
sport; but there were times —as this
dog grew old —when the comforts of
the kitchen fire outweighed the joyous
excitement of digging rabbits out of
the snow, and as lie was a privileged
individual, and his daily bread did not
depend entirely upon the slaughter of
the chase, he would sometimes absent
himself from the "meet;" but the
other dogs knew tatter thau to start
without him, so u deputation wou'd
return to the kltc-nen to ask him to
"reconsider his pi.-ition," and being
armed with wider i ?»vers of persuasion
than most deputations, when this one
was met with snarls and growls, it set
upon the object c : ' its prayers and
dragged him out of the place. At
once he was surn nded by the pack,
and hurried off to he hunting ground
by the pack in no wry gentle manner.
Once there, the "s.iirlt of the chase"
would come over hun, and his stiffness
wear off, but the sarile performance
would probably have to be gone
through next I have often
wondered what tl ■ other dogs did
when this terrier died.
llraMM Collar .or 1 uelirlatea.
A colonial genii man who now sits
on the Wadsworth Clapham board
of guardians am i,l his colleagues at
their weekly by stating, dur
ing a discussion u, jn the best manner
of dealing with 1- al inebriates, that
they had an excellent way of checking
excessive drinking in Manitoba. When
a man has been twice or thrice con
victed of drunkenness In the police
courts he was sentenced to wear a
brass collar, which marked him out
among his fellows as a person to whom
no publican could with impunity ser>e
liquor. TJje drastic measure often
proved a r.'-te. On the authorities be
ing satisfied that t!;e branded Individ
ual had ,»»fved a •■'.fflclently long term
of probation he -r.-as uncollared and
endowed with the Mberty of drinks.
Prince of Wiilen' White Tie.
The Prince of Wales, who is very
punctilious in small matters as well as
In great, never fails to resent any od
dity In costume in men who are invited
to meet him in society. Recently, at
a dinner given at a certain Duke's, an
acquaintance of the Prince sat down tQ
table wearing a broad black tie. Duriug
one of the courses a butler handed 4
silver salver to the delinquent with
"the Prince of Wales' compliments."
Upon the salver was a regulation white
Dressmakers will appreciate a new
sewing machine attachment, consisting
of a 11-shaped frame attached to the
back of the table to support a cloth
basket, which prevent.! the work from
nullinc or getting on the floor.
! on
.u.yJe with a hand.
Window Screens, Poultry Netting
Hammocks, Porch Chairs and up, Coal Oil
stoves of Nickless make, Gasoline Stoves.
HARVESTING TOOLS in abundance.
Brick for chimneys, always on hand. Nails, steel /
cut, $i. 45 per keg. Western Washer, s}.so, best '
made; Building paper, 35c per roll, 500 sq. feet-
Poultry Netting, 1 ft. to 6 ft. wide, 1-2 ct. sq. foot.
Jeremiah Kelly,
Onr Declaration of War
Has been in effect for a number of
years and our
Bombardment of High Prices
Has created havoc of late in the sale of
all at the lowest cash price.
PHOSPHATE, ThiJty tons of different grades will be
sold at a low figure.
W. E. MILLER, Sullivan County, Pa.
We always carry out our promises to the very letter. Our promises to
the public is to sell high grade merchandise at lower prices than any other
store in the country. Our constantly increasing business is proof. Positive
that our promises have always been kept we have determined that more
than ever we shall keep 011 increasing and increasing our reputation for
being the greatest popular priced store in this section.
We give you special bargains in
SHOES and Ladies' Coats and
Capes. j
We have a very large stock on hand and will sell this month at cut
prices. It will pay you to make your purchase now. We have a full
line of Ladies' Slippers at bottom prices. Also Ladies' Skirts, Wrappers,
Shirt Waists and Corsets. Prices cheaper than you can buy the material.
Ladies' Capes at half price. Come and see them while they last; it will
pay you.
Come and see; it will be to your benefit. The prices we are o?'-ring
now when you see them vou cannot help buying. ,
In/rnk The Reliable Dealer in Clothing '
Jaton I CI Boots and Shoes.