Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, August 04, 1898, Image 4
Republican News Item. CHAS. LOREN WING, Editor. Til IT IIS DAY AUG. 1. 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Kvory Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At tho County Soat of Sullivnn County. LAPOETE, PA. Entered at tlie Post Office at Lnporte, an second-class mail matter. St'BacitiPTioN—sl.2.o |ier aiuiiim. If (i.-ii'l in ailvjinoe SI.(K). .Sample copies free. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN XKWS IT KM, Laporte l'a., The searchlight is one of the most important items in the electrical equip ment of modern ships, and much in» teresl attaches to the present appear ance of a new type of high power lens mirror projector, made especially for marine equipment. This little light is intended for the smaller class of yachts, of 100 feet or under, and is not too large for the smallest boat that can float a dynamo to supply the cur rent. The lens is nine inches in diam eter, the total height fifteen inches and the weight forty pounds. It throws a clear, round, solid beam and will show up a buoy about half a mile away on a dark night. Within the last few years America has made great strides in the manufac ture of searchlights. In the same works where the minature projector just described was designed, search lights of seventy-two inches diameter are now being constructed for naval and commercial service. The firm, in stead of relying, as was formerly tho custom, on foreign lensmakers, has a fine lensmaklng plant of its own, where not only the lenses are ground and polished, but the special glass required is prepared in a large sweating fur nace heated with crude oil vaporized by heated compressed air. The prepared glass is placed in fire clay moulds of the shape of the rough lens and the heat is gradually in creased until the glass "sweats" down between the halves of the mold and the surplus oozes out from the sides. The mold is then placed in an oven and burled in redhot sand and the temperature is gradually reduced over a period of two weeks. The glass, when cold, has become thoroughly an nealed and will stand the severe heat ing and chilling to which it is ex posed in the searchlights without risk of breakage. Lower! nur "Old Glory." Now when the sunset gun is fired at a United States military post. "Old Glory" comes down amid most impres sive ceremonies, and not as formerly, when loosened halyards allowed the flag to descend with a run, to fall on the ground and be bundled up in a manner that bore no marks of the respect due to the emblem of our nation. The old and unseemly mode of procedure has been entirely changed, thanks to a pat riotic sentiment that demanded that all ceremonies having to do with the Stars and Stripes be performed de cently and in order. It was in response to that sentiment that the Army Hoard on Drill Regulations adopted an en tirely new and most effective system and one that was suggested and urged by Captain W. R. Hamilton, of the Seventh United States artillery. Immediately before the time of lower ing the flag, the force at the post "fall in" ready for roll call at the foot of the staff, where every man can see the Stars and Stripes as they are illumined by the parting rays of the sun. Then conies the measured roll call, followed by the buglers sounding a "retreat." When the last note of the bugle is heard the gun is fired, and all the men are brought to "attention." If they are armed, arms are and visitors and bystanders always remove their hat 6. Then the band, which stands on the parapet, immediately below the flag, plays "The Star Spangled llanner." When the playing begins the flag starts down, not hurriedly, but deliberately, and in rhythm with the music. As the moving air fans its bright folds, that are given an impulse by the measured motions of the halyards, theytwave in time to the music, and perfect the har mony of sound, action and sentiment. When the last bar of patriotic music is completed and the final Inch of the halyards payed out, the flag ismot al lowed to touch the ground. A sergeant and his detail stand ready to receive it, and four men appointed for the pur pose take it in their outstretched arms and fold it carefully. Then it is car ried to the guard house, placed in a box especially provided, and\kept under careful guard until the .imorntne. y.oia lIN a Joker. "Figaro," of Paris, says that Zola once tried to play a joke on a waiter, and succeeded to a certain extent. The attendants in the Parisian restaurants are noted for their ability to give an answer to any question that is asked. Zola ordered a "sphinx a la manengo." - 'I am sorry to say they are off. Mon sieur," answered the waiter. "What!" demanded the author, "no more sphinx?" The servant edged up to him confidentially and whispered,, "We have some, Monsieur, but I don't care to serve them to you, as they arei/not quite fresh." A JOKE ON THE POLICEMAN. How a Freneh Policeman Clot Reinforce ment*- to Capture a Supposed Thief. ' Mile. Jeanne Granler, tie well known French actress, once met with. 4m amusing adventure. It (happened at Marseilles. In one of tfc& little* pieces she plays by herself she has for acces sory the lay figure of a man, skilfully articulated and dressed In a travelling suit, with which she dances. The figure during her voyage was enveloped in a tight fitting covering. On reaching Marseilles it was left in the luggage room with other things. The curiosity of two railway employes being aroused at the sight of it, they took off the covering and resolved to play a joke on their comrades. They placed the figure in an arm chair at the desk of the cashier and shut the door. When the employes on night service came they opened the door and were surprised to see a man sitting down before the cash box. They immediate ly closed and locked the door and ran for assistance. A policeman arrived, revolver in hand, believing, like the employes, that he had to deal with a dangerous thief. He called on the figure to sur render and follow him to the sta tion. As it did not obey the summons, the policemen shut the door and went in search of reinforcements to sur round the place, and thereby to prevent the culprit from escaping. The door was again opened, the armed force entered, and it was not until they had suddenly pounced on the poor lay rob ber that they discovered the joke. KSiriO.OOO for One Word. What would you think if you could make $250.000 by speaking a single word? Hon. Willrani M. Evarets. says the St. Louis Globe-Democrat, once received the enormous fee of $250,- 000 for a legal opinion he expressed in just one word of three letters. A great corporation desired a legal opinion on a matter involving millions of dollars, for upoi} it practically de pended that corporation's very exist ence. They decided to refer the ques tion, which was wholly one of the cor rect interpretation of law, to William M. Evarts, and to be guided Wholly by his opinion. Their lawyer stated their case to the Senator, and asked hiiri the important question. Evarts' reputa tion and success are wholly due, not as a cross-examiner or conductor of cases, but simply to his remarkable knowledge of law andiiis power, which seems almost like intuition, of deter mining just how the Supreme Court will decide any question of law. When the attorney for the great cor poration put his question, so vitally important to that corporation's exist ence, Evarts sat buried in thougtit foY a minute, and then answered in one word, "Yes." liis bill for the one word was $250,000, and the corporation paid it without a murmur. Evarts' answer proved to be correct. rnuNf a l'niiic*. The wife of a Pittsburg real estate agent had expressed a desire for lob ster. Not the common canned stuff, but live lobstvr, ,the real thing. The vender of town lots remembered this and before starting for home bought two of the finest, wide-spreading crustaceans that ever came out of the Atlantic. Ta insure tlreir arrival in good condition he had them put up In a large market basket half-filled with ice and covered them with a piece of paper. As soon as he got on a sth avenue car the trouble began. Those lobsters grew tired of their seclusion and began to get in touch with their surroundings. The car was crowded and their owner had to stand. Suddenly a sharp-faced spinster startled the car with screams of "Help! Pickpockets! Police!" at the same time clutching the real-estate man's arm. "Conductor, have this man arrested!" she exclaimed. Everybody looked at the supposed culprit and then those nearest.the pair burst into laughter. One of the lob sters was still tugging at the lady's dress. Items Worth I'erusing. In India the rhododendron grows to a height of thirty feet. Marigolds and camomiles in North Africa reach a height of four ori.ft*e feet. An ignorant man who "stands upon his dignity," is like the fellow who tried to elevate himself by standing upon a piece of brown paper. With an apparatus called the myo phone a French scientist claims to have proved that the nerves may live hours after the death of the body. "No," said the hank cashier, "I didn't need the money. I wasn't speculating. 1 had no necessity for stealing it. But, hang it, I didn't want to be called ec centric." A farmer at Chrichel, England, is eccentric in a high degree. All the animals on his farm, horses, cows, pigs, and fowls, are white, and he will have no others. ('t')iun'n .SliiKiiiß Shell*. A remarkable phenomenon connected with the Uatticaloa lake is that of the singing shells, which on a quiet night it is most pleasant to hear. Arrange ments were made the other night for his excellency the governor to hear the novelty, and after dinner Sir West Ridgeway was taken on the lake. The night was a lovely one, and very still, and the singing of fie shells was heard to advantage. lllniiioiKlm All ColorN Bat Violet. Diamonds may be black as well as white, and some are blue, red, brown, yellow, green, pink and orange, but ♦here is no violet diamond, although, in addition to amethyst, there are (sap phires, rubies and-garnets Of "that col or. CONDENSKI) IIEPORT of the condition of the FIRST NATIONAL liAXK of Dnshoiv. Pa., At close of Uisiuc**. July 11, lb9S. Lou lis and Discount $ IJS.HOI T. S. Bonds lo Secure ('iicnhitimi I' 2. OU Premium 011 rnite<l siuUft IJond> l.oouoo Stock Securities oo Furnituic l,'.!uoun Due from Bank> A|.|MO\<«l reserve Agt u7 Redemption Fund I , s. Tfeasuier Legal Tender Notes. 12.y;J9 2:; 3 205,9 4y Li A*. Capita l $ ■* Mmhjuo Surplus iu.nuoiju Undivided I'loliU J JuT no Due National I'.unk* 1.07 • ( J0 ('irculution.. . lO.ItfOOO Divldt'iis I npuid -HJT U0 lV|iosits Go tf 20T..889 49 State of Pennsylvania, County oi nllivun as: 1. M. I). Swarts. < ashler «»i' tin* itl»ovi* uamcil bank. «!«> solemnly sw ear that the above state ment is true to the best oi niv know leilge ami he lief. M. 1). sWARTS. Cashier. Sulisrril»ed ami sworn t«i before me this ".'">th davof.lulv 1898. .lollN 11. CRt)NIN, Notary Public. Correct Attest: ALI'IIONSI S WALSH, i .INo. I> RKKSUU. Directors r.'l!. I'OMKUOV. I Administrator's Notice. K-/<(/c of Mdi'ji A/< ( 'or/1/, Idle of FJk ftmil township, (Icmascil. Letters of Administration having been granted to ilic undersigned, A■ luiillislrji tor in the estate ol' M:irv McCartv lull* ol' Elklaml township. deceased. notice is hereby i\ell (lull all persons indebted in saidestate are requested to make immed iate payment. ami all persons Inning claims against ii must present tliem duly aullienticateil lor settlement. . DOWNS. Attv. .lOSKI'H PA KIM It:, | TlltiS. Met AU'J'V Special Notice! $2700.00 worth of Clothing, Shoes, Pants, Ladies' Skirts, Capes, Corsets, and Shirt waists and everything in Men's Furnishing Goods. Will close ont llic entire stock at near ly "i(lc on the dollar. This will lie the greatest sale Laporte ever heard of. Every body should take advantage ol the bar gains 1 will oiler. We will surely give you prices that you will surely lie astonish ed. It will pay you to buy not only lor present lull lor future use. I will lie glad to give the Lowest l'rice to even body. It will be a special favor that every body should come and examine my stock even if you don't expect to buy. Highest price paid lor'iinseng. JOE COOPER, LaPorte, Pa. Below I. O. O. F. Hall. Kducate Your lloweU With Cuscaretb. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. 10c, 'JDc. If C. C. C. tail, druggists refund money. do to.l. W. Buck, Nonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpels, clothing and dressgooib at 1 'eeetnher low prices. High esl prices paid for butter and eggs. KxroLleut wheal Hour from sl.lO to SI.LM at A. T. Arinstong, Sones town, Pa. Farm tor Sale The undersigned on account ol fail ing | health will sell his valuaele farm situated on Muncv Creek about nine miles north of Hughes* ille, l'a. pari of the purchase money can remain in prop erty, JACOB Bucks, Straw bridge, Lycoming Co. Notice ol' Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing between XI. K.lteeilei- and 1.. K. Ives, doing business under the lirui name of HeederA: Ives, has been dissolv ed this Hlh da> of July, by mutual consent. Al| ill-Ills of said firm to be presented 1.1 XI. K. Hecder for payment, and all parties owing said linn lo make )no mi nt lo same. XI. K. UKKOEK. K. K. IX'KS. See the cash bargains J, W. Buck is ottering this week. Inspect Bucks shoe stock before pur chasing elseware. BI'CKNIiLL I'MVKKSITV, JOHN llowAtiti IIAKKIS. President. College, leading to degrees in Art, Philosophy and Science. Academy, a preparatory school for young men and boys. Institute, a re fined hoarding school lor young ladies. School of Music, with graduating courses. I'm - catalogue, address the Register, W. ('. (!hi:tz.iNiiKlt, Lewisburg, l'a. FOR BAIIE. I oiler the following properties: TO acres, hemlock timber, near Ringdale; 371> acres, virgin timber, Klk Run, North Mountain, close to railroad; ;!'2ti acres, coal lands, at Berniee, adjoining present workings; S lots (one entire section) at Kagles Mere, each lot "■> feet tront on Pennsylvania Ave., with "Bradford" privileges and title; 1 lot 7»> ft. trout on LaPprte Ave.; several choice lots iu La Porte Boro.; also several warrants ot stripped lands in LaPorte, Col Icy and Fox townships suitable for farming or grazing purposes. 11. T. DOWNS, Atty-at-Law. LaPorte. Pa. KvnrylHHiy Ray* 80. Cascarcts Candy Cathartic, the most won derful medical discovery of the age, pleas aut and refreshing to the taste, act peutly and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels, cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, fever, habitual constipation and biliousness. Please bay and try a box of C. C. C. to-day ; 10,85, fit) cents. (Sold and guaranteed to ctirq by ail druggists. sores. ! "Running solves appeared on my | leg and spread over the entire lower portion of the limb. 1 got i no help from medicine till I tried yours. I was cured by one bottle of Q Ayer's oarsaparilla." ISAAC ACKER, Cowans, Va. A Ilorribto Itiulroad Accident is a daily chronicle in our papers; also the death of some dear friend, who had died with Consumption, whereas, if he or she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and Lung diseases in time, life would have been rendered happier and perhaps saved. Heed the warning ! 1 t'voii have a cough or any allection of the Throat and Lungs Cation T. .1. Keeler,Lu|>orte; W. L. 11 oil man. llillsgrove; B. S ;; Lancaster, Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Kstella; .Ino. W. Buck, Sonestown, and get a trialjpackage free. Large size 50c and 25c. G. A. Rogers FORKSYILLK, PA. (Successor to B.W. Fawcett.) Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries. Fishing tackle, at lowest possible Price. Oood News. No other Medicine was ever given such a test as Olio's Cure. Thousands of hot ties of this great < ieniiali remedy are be ing distributed kkkk ok chakok, to those Mlllit'led with Consumption, Asthma, Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo ple prool 111 a I Clio's Cure will cure them For sale only by T. .1, Keeler, Laporte; W.L. Ilotlinan,llillsgrove; K.S.Lancaster Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Kstella; Juo. W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. Large buttles st)c and 25c. New lot ol'liniotln and clover seeds and onion st'ls at John \V. Bucks, Sonestown. No-To-Hae for t'l.'iy Cent*. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men stroug, blood pure. Mc, it All druggists. To fare (?ointl i|iat ion Forever. Take I'ascareta t'anuv I'atliartlc. 10c or 25c. ft 1' <C. tail to cure, druggists return! money*. Heavy Cannonading on HIGH PRICES at PLACE'S New Grocery LAPORTE, PA. We step forward.not backward. We are opening up new ways for I lie pub lic to attain just as good bargains in General Merchandise at Laporte as in Williamsport or else where. We are planning each week to that end. This week it is Soap, 12 bars for Three.cans of corn for Six pounds of oat meal Business at llie store is getting busier each week. The newness ot the goods ■ :iinl the littleness ot price tends to turn the stream of trade our way. A call will convince you that you can do the best at E. L. PLACE'S NEW GROCERY. Spring and Summer Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women's wear and Men's wear and Children's wear. We are glad to have yon come in and see the new life of the old store and look at its excellent line of goods. Spring Weight Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. W.L.Hoffman's j i » ' •• HILLSG RO VE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY ' PROCTOR, PA. An Explosion of Values. PRICES BLOWN TO ATOMS. Two or three reasons for this—liberal supply, bet ter qualities, less in price than found elsewhere. Ladies' Dress Wares. They are the kind women want, and our prices will cause lively selling. CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices. No other line in these stores has such decided growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each month demonstrates the superiority of brands. General Merchandise. There is to be found a general line of seasonable goods constantly on hand. Remember the Place. JENNINGS BROS. We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber MANUFACTURERS OF IN HEMLOCK AND hardwood. Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We have just unpacked such a stock of coate and capes to which we are pleased to call your special attention. We do not prelend to handle the cheapest coats in the market, hut we do say we have the BEST and neatest fitting garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and iu the latest styles will) prices to suit everybody. IN DRESS GOODS WE AVERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. Ladies and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go halt frozen 'this winter for we have plenty of underwear for you all, hoth in cotton or wool, red or gray and the pnces are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will b» aston '-lied that we are able to give you such bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will Mavor us with your attention for a few minutes when in town we will conviuce you that "we have the most carefully selected line of tine anil heavy boots and shoes ever brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attentiou. The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou Business, and we still continue iu paying the liighest each prices for Butter Egg«and Wool. E. G. Sylvara pushore, ipa. Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M, R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County. The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.