Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, July 28, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
Bv The Suliivau Publishing Co.
At t lie County Seat ol'Sullivan County.
LAPOBTE, PA.>-■ I II Hie I'nil Office nl ljiljjorte, :ls<
HCFDIIIL CIIIMS mail matter.
•Srusciiiri !<•»— -f I|>••! milium. If
|>aii| in:>• I\ ancr I»I > iui|il«' eii|. .\i
tree. All «'i >III in II ■■ i4-:i i ■>■■■:- -11 ■ > 111 >i be nl>
■llV-.'ll to
i; KIM' r. A >• N'l'.WS IT KM.
Laporte Pa.,
S«illl«> of the Slitlil» of IVkinic-To
Say XotliiitK »112 tlie Smell*.
The fur market covers several acres,
and here in the early morning one
may see a thousand almond-eyed mer
chants in gorgeous silks moving about
among masses of furs of all kinds
brought in by nomads on their camels
and dromedaries from the wild and
cold regions of Mongolia. It is one of
the most interesting of all the noval
spectacles which Peking has to offer to
watch the caravans of these nomads
and their odd-looking animals with
huir nine or twelve inches long pass
ing In single file through the gate.
They bring In furs, and carry back
brick tea, silk and coal to the Tartars
and Russians of the interior. In a
peregrination of the city one come 3
across strange spectacles, and makes
acquaintance with strange businesses.
Here is a butcher killing a sheep in
front of his shop and leaving the blood
on the ground before you. Next door,
perhaps, is one who sells fish, which
he extracts all alive from a tank. In
case you wish for less than a whole
fish, the dealer will pull one out of
the water, lay it on the block and cut
a piece of quivering flesh out of the
side while you wait, throw the rem
nant back into a separate pail of wa-
ter, and wait for another customer to
take it. One of the chief meats sold
is pork, and you sec pigs trotting about
through the streets. Close to the
pork-shop is a place where they sell
nothing but coffins, which the dutiful
son invests in as a present for his
father long before the old gentleman
is dead; and on the opposite side are
places whose specialty Is incense and
joss-sticks, or gold and silver paper to
be burned at a funeral to provide the
fare from this world into the next, or
birds and goldfishes, or coaldust mix
ed up with mud and made up into
balls. If you are very hard up and
in want of a meal, there is a little
place round the corner where you can
get camel's-meat soup, roast mule and
similar luxuries at low prices. There
are places for gambling and "dime
museum" shows. There are restau
rants of-every description and opium
Joints without number. And the
streets meanwhile are filled with a
stream of yellow individuals of all
classes and ages and both sexes.
The Tartar city is in many respects
different from the rest of Peking. In
it dwell the thousands of Manchu offi
cials. the foreign legations, the Govern
ment departments, and all the para
phernalia of this queer Chinese Court.
It is the most interesting city on the
face of the globe, anil its sights really
beggar description. From the walls,
this portion of Peking looks like an
immense orchard, with here and there
one-story buildings shining out
through the trees. in its centre there
is a walled-off inclosure filled with
massive buildings, roofed with yellow
tiles. This is the Purple Forbidden
City, where the Emperor and his Court
reside. Closer acquaintance fails to
fulfil the promise afforded by a view
from the wall. The streets are wider,
but they are quite as filthy and foul as
in the Chinese section. The roads
have no sidewalks, and the rude Chin
ese carts sink up to their hubs as they
move along. The streets are the sew
ers. and it would be hard to find any
where a savage with less regard for
the exposure of his person than have
these pig-tailed, silk-dressed, gaudy!
fat Pekingese.
The Father of nu RinprcttN.
A German banker, traveling by rail
in a first-class carriage toward Vienna,
had as a fellow-traveler at one of the
intermediate stations an old gentle
man, who entered into conversation
and proved very pleasant. The banker
got out before his companion, and be
fore he did so asked the latter how far
be was going. The gentleman replied,
"To Vienna." "I have a daughter very
well married there," said the banker."l
should like to give you a note of intro
duction to her." "I have also a daugh
ter very well married there," said the
other. "Would it be too great a liberty
to ask her name?" "My daughter," the
gentleman answered, "is married to the
Emperor of Austria." It was the old
King of Bavaria.
Iceland'* llottle Pout.
The "bottle post" is an old institu
tion on the south coast of Iceland.Let
ters are put into corked bottles which
are wafted by the winds to the opposite
coast. They also contain a cigar or
other trifle to induce the finder to de
liver the letters as addressed.
"Our new pastor, the Kev. Mr. All
well, preaches a great deal about
heaven. You renieuitw the good old
Dr. Scarus, his predecessor, was al
ways preaching about the other
place." . >•'
"Yes; he was blazing the way for
Brother All well.—Chicago Tribune.
They Vary Oiteu Fall luto Queer Sjjky aQjl
lialky Spells—The Antics o t Some FIH |
iitous Machine* -Old '*100" Killed tht
Kuyliieer in u Fit of Rage.
"It sounds Queer to say that lpcomo
tives have their likes and dislikgsj"
said a veteran engineer, "but it &?tual
ly does seem sometimes as if tUe'x
had, and airold-time believe
it. I've seen locomotives when tbsy,
acted as if they were human, beings.
They get the sulks and have balky
streaks, and when they're in such
moods you can't make time with them,
do what you may. Then, again, they'll
be as chipper and willing as a trotting
horse, and you actually have to liold
'em in place to keep.'em from running
into stopping-places ahead of time.
There isn't an engineer of any experi
ence at all who can't tell you of in
stances by the dozen of engines that
positively would not make time with
some engineers, but which would get
there every time in charge of some
other engineer. You might say that it
was the fault of the engineer that such
engines did not make their time, but
1 have known as good engineers as
ever mounted a footboard who have
been transferred from locomotives
placed in their hands to run because
the locomotives would not make their
time, but which, under the hands of
another engineer, neither as skilful nor
as experienced, would never run be
"Take the case of Josh Martin and
Gad Lyman, two of the early engineers
on the Erie Railroad, and neither of
them with a superior in his craft at
that day. One time a new locomotive
was turned out of a Paterson shop for
the Erie, and Josh Martin wanted her
the worst way. lie ran on the Dela
ware division, from Port Jervis to Sus
quehanna. The superintendent,
though, wanted the engine for the
Eastern division, between Port Jervis
and Piermont, and so he put her in
charge of Oad Lyman. Gad ran her,
or rather he tried to run her, but she
had made up her mind about
something, and she wouldn't make any
kind of time for Gad. She would stall
without provocation and actesj con
trary generally. Gael-tried her for a
week, and then reported the locomo
tive 'No good.' and she was condemned
to run the gravel train. She worked
as balky and suHky as ever, though,
and at last the superintendent ordered
her to the scrap heap.
"Josh Martin/heard of the fate the
locomotive hadrbeen sentenced to, and
he came down; the road a-flying. He
begged to have#the engine, for he liked
her, and said 'he was sure she would
do all right with him. The superin
tendent yieViled tin Josh's appeal, and
told him to take the locomotive and
give her a trial. Josh did so. He
mounted the cab' at Piermont, and
when he opened )mer up she went like
a bird. She madevthe trip to Port. Jer
vis quicker than,' any locomotive had
ever made it befjbre, and Josh Martin
ran her for yeansion the Delaware di
vision after that.jand always on time
as easy as The locomotive
was the old 71. aiud.she is remembered
yet by all the, o>d engineers, and is
well known to the ytounger ones by the
tradition of tl*> road.
When Gad Lyma»n gave up that lo
comotive bee-, use <she wouldn't work
,under him. lie \v:«; putin elicirge of
another new locoenotive. This loco
motive was favorite of President
Loder of the Brie. She behaved the
best kind, and <!ad was .tickled all but
to death withiher. When*the date came
round for of the railroad
through to OiihikirkiOad and his loco
motive were ehosenifor the distinction
of pulling the first/throughttrain from
the Hudson to Erie. The occa
sion was tojbe aj historic on!c, and Gad
was. proud. But 1 what did thatMocomo
tive do butljust/get the sulks. I don't
know dld*Gad. She did,
though, andUacted up ;so oiftrageous
that she wast an honrjbjehtad schedule
time when ske Jervis
with the trfain only sfwenty\miles from
the start, (kid Lyman worst
.feeling man. Impose,(that ever had a
locomijUve'kfick withfhim, and be felt
worse|wlibn lie was orideredt to ta'ke his
balkyieiiglnte off av.d*sawMosh Martin
hook /onto the train ••withhold 71 loco
motive that Gad had turdjed in as no
good. Josh and old 71 yanked the
trainfthrough with.bells on.
Arid what do you think Gaul Lyman's
feelings must have/been when he hook
ed onto another train to run back to
Piermont to find engine that had
balked and sulked ,so outragedusly
with him on what ought to have'been
the greatest trip oq record, just yturn
in and let herself out so chcerfully' v and
lively on the way hark that it wasViill
Gad could do to hold jher in! Now, how
do you account for'that? It is trrie,
and a matter of .--cord. Gad was so
cut up by this> eorjdiict of the locomo
tive that lie uppffi;-.! to have her ex
changed for some otherjone, although
she worked like'a thoroughbred ever
since the day shje refused to pull the
great pioneer thlrough sjppciafl. The
company would (not makeMhe change
that (lad wanted, and lie! refused to
run that locomotive any (longer and
quit the ro>ul., TIKs loaonjotive was
the 100. Whey. Gad gavfe Her up she
was placed uncharge of' B#l Lyman,
Gad's brother. There waenjt a better
■engineer on tine road thanißUll, and he
•knew that makeiof locompjfctae particu
ilarly, for he hall worked) InMthe shops
'and helped make 'em. Butwnvhat did
! i tliis rantr.nkerous looofnotivef 100 do?
She sulked with Bill from, the4tlme>ihe
j, tcok hei . a
L! little, but if she did s&ejmase
by lagging worse than ever. Bill wor
ried along with her for nearly a yearj
but she wouldn't work under him at
all. One day In the spring of 1852 she
balked for certain at Chester station,
just as she was pulling out with a
train. Bill pounded her, for he was
mad, but it seemed as if she actually
shook her head like an ugly horse. Bill
socked it right onto her, and suddenly,
she gave a spurt ahead exactly like
the quick start of a balky horse. Then
everything roared and shook around
the place for a second or two. The
vicious old 100 had exploded her boiler.
She tore and riddled herself frightful
ly, but the horror of It all was that she
had killed poor Bill Lyman and his
fireman. Gad Lyman lived many years
after that, but he always regretted his
abandoning of that locomotive, for he
said that if he had stayed by her there
was no doubt that she would have end
ed her days usefully and in peace and
the awful tragedy of her ending would
not have been."
HOW I?»KIHII<I Toole (ilhrnltnr.
Gibralter was taken by the English
in 1704, during the war of the Spanish
succession, a war which was provoked
by the aggressive policy of France in
endeavoring to place a monarch of the
French family upon the Spanish
throne, and thus consolidate the two
kingdoms into one. The fortress was
then captured, almost by surprise,
though the Spaniards and French, ap
preciating the strategic value of the
place, made desperate efforts to re
cover it. but were repulsed at every j
point. Between the date of its capture
and 1779 repeated efforts were made
by Spain to recover the fortress, and in
the latter year the greatest armament
that was ever brought to bear upon a
besieged place by before Gibraltar.
The siege lasted, off and on, for many
months. The investing force comprised
12.0(10 troops of France, over twice as
many of the liest uifantry of Sjiain,
and the (lent consisted of forty-seven
ships, all three-deckers; ten great
floating batteries, esteemed invincibles,
carrying 212 guns: innumerable frig
ates. bomb-ketches, cutters, gun and
mortar boats. For weeks together over
6,000 shells a day were thrown into the
town and repeated attempts were made
to storm the works, but the little gar
rison of only 7,0(1(1 men repelled every
assault and finally succeeded in heat
ing off the allied fleet. The blockade
began June 21. 17751, and lasted until
February. 17s:!. when the garrison was
finally relieved by the arrival of a
British fleet and army. Since that
time the fortifications of Gibraltar
have been so improved and increased
that it is regarded as the strongest
fortress in (lie world. The British gov
ernment maintains there a garrison of
from 5.000 to 10,000 men, with pro
visions for six months, and it is said
the supply of military material is suf
ficient to enable the fortress to stand *
siege of indefinite length.
(■ lit M M HcpleclaiK <Jrnnlte.
Glass bricks are gradually coming
into use. and it Is said that glass will
soon be used for making statues for
public squares, as it resists the corrod
ing effect of (lie weather much better
than marble or granite.
Kxcollent wheat Hour from *l.l"
to siat A. T. Aniistong, Soiics
town, I'a.
Cnrit ol Tbiinks.
1 am very thankful t• ► my friend
and neighbors for their Limine—
shown me during the sickness anil
death of my wife.
Notice ol DisHOlutiou.
Tlu' ]»»rtners*liii» heretofore existing between
M. K.Heeder ttiifl K. K. Iws. iloiiiK business under
the tirm mime ol* ftti'der A: Iws. ha.- been dissolv
ed this l lth day of July, by mutual consent, All
debts of said firm to be presented to M. K. Ke»-der
for payment, anil all partiet owing said firm to
make 'payment to same.
HOWAIUI IIAHUIS, President. College,
leading lo degrees in Art. Philosophy and
Science. Academy, a preparatory school
for young men and boys. Institute, a re
fined boarding school lor young ladies.
School ol'Music, with graduating courses.
For catalogue, address the Hegister,
\V. ((iHICT/IXIIKU. I.ewisburg, I'll.
I oiler the lollowing properties : 70
acres, hemlock timber, near Hingdale;
37.'! acres, virgin limber, I'.lk Hun. North
Mountain, close to railroad; ii-ti acres,
coal lands, at Hern ice, ad joining present
workings; S lots (one entire section) at
Eagles Mere, each 10l /•> fee! front on
Pennsylvania Ave., with "Bradford
privileges and title: 1 lot i-> It. front on'orle Ave.: several choice lots in La-
Porte lioro.: also several warrants ot
st ri p| km I lands in l.a Porte, t'olley and
Fox townships suitable lor farming or
grazing purposes.
11. T. DOWNS, Attyni-Law.
La Porte, Pa.
Kvervliotly Says So.
Cascarets (landv Cathnrt ic. the most won
derful medical discovery of the age, pleas
ant. arid refreshing to 111' 1 taste, act gently
anil positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system. dispel colds,
cure licutttujhe, lever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Pleaae tinv and try a bo*
otC.C.C. to-day; Id, M) cents. Solducd
1 guaranteed to cure by all drußpista.
For tings, bunting and -1111 of July nec
essaries John \\ . Duck Sonestown
i Forks,, scythe etc goto J. W.
"Running sores appeared on my
leg and spread over the entire
lower portion of the limb. 1 got
no help from medicine till I tried
yoursi I was cured by one Lottie ot
c Ayer's
A Horrib-le Huilroutl Accident
is a daily chronicle in our papers.: also
the death of some dear friend, who bad
died jvilh t 'oiisuniption, whereas, it be or
she liinH taken ■< Ntii's Cure for Throat and
Luiigilisense.-i in lime, lite would' have
been rendered happier and perhaps saved.
Meed the warning ! Ifyou ban-a cough
or :i t, v ailed ion of the Throat and Lungs
Call on T. .1. Keeler, Lirimrie.; W. L
lloltuian, 11 illsjrrove; IV S
Forksville; t'. It Jennings, Agl. Lstella;
Jno. W. Duck, Sonestoivn, aud gel a
trialjpackage free. Large size otic and 2fic
G. A. Rogers
(.Sii('fervor to K\V. luncHl.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Dicycle repairing. Dieycle sundries.
fishing tackle, at lowest possible
Hood Newn.
No other Medicine was ever given such
a test as t liln's t'ure. Thiiiisnnds of but
ties i.t" 111iiiieal tierinan remedy are be
ing distributed i: it lior illACiil-'. to those
alHicted with t 'onsumptiou, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Piieiimnnia and all
Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo
ple prool thai t Mto's Cure will cure I hem
I'or sale only by T. .1. Keeler, La porte;
W.L. Ilollnian.llillsgiove; i!.S. Lancaster
I'orksville; C. D. Jennings, Kstella; Jno.
W. Duck. Sonestown. Sainples free.
Large bottles Title and L'"|C.
New lot of timolhy and clover seeds and
onion sets ai lulin W. Ducks, Sonestown.
Nu'To*Uar for Kl.vy t'euli*.
Ctiarnutucd tolmcvo lai>u cure, makes weuk
men strong, lilnod pure. 5Uc. 41 All ilrueKiats.
Tii Cure I'.iiihl I|*Htl<iil liirrvfr.
r F:i I.i '.i inlets < '-.initv Culliurlic. liie or 'JSO.
Ill' r. I'. I:lit In cill'e, tirut-'Xlsts refuna money i
New Grocery
We step iiir«ard.nut backward. We
arc opening up new ways for the pub
lic to attain just as good bargains iu
General Merchandise
at La porte a; in VV illiainsport or else
where. We are planning each week
to that end. This week il is
Soap, 12 bat s for
Three.cans of corn
Six pounds of oat meal
Biieineijs al the slor.e is gelling busier
each week. The newness ol the goods
and the littleness -ol price tends to
turn the stream oftrnde our way. A
call will convince you that you can
do the best at
and Summer
Kvery corner of the .store is
bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear ami Men's
wear and Children's wear.
We are glad to have yon come in
anil see the new life of the old
store and look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove* Pa.
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
An Explosion of Values.
Two or thiee reasons for this —liberal supply, bet
ter qualities, less in price than found elsewhere.
Ladies' Dress Wares.
rhey are the kind women want, and our prices will
cause lively selli i .
CORSETS Selling at Corset Prices.
No other line in these stores has such decided
growth as that of Corsets. Augmented sales each
month demonstrates the superiority of brands.
General Merchandise.
I here is to be found a general line of seasonable
goods constantly on hand.
Remember the Place.
... ,53|t
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
in hemlock and hardwood.
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in 3-8 ceiling.
! .-i - J I—' ... '~gaaemi — ■
Buy Good Goods!
Aud you will be surprised
how cheap they are in the end.
We have ju»t unpacked such a slock ol coals and capes lo which we are pleased
to call your special attention. We do not pretend lo handle the cheapest
coats in the market, but we do say we have the BEST and neatest tilting
garments made. Our coats and capes are made lo order, and iu the latest
civles with prices to suit everybody.
l.adiee and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go halt frozen'this winter for we
have plenty of underwear for you all, both in coltoa or wool, red or gray and
the prices are very low, so low that when you see the gobda you will ba aaton
•■lied that we are able to give you such bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
t»nr shoe department was never more complete and if you will flavor ua.with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you thai we
have the moat carefully selected line of tine and heavy boots and ahoea ever
brought tiefore the public. On crockery we have just received some very
pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou
Husiusss, and wt* still continue in paying the highest each prices lor Butter
Eggs and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara DUSHORE, IPA.
Wright &Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand.
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch.