Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume o. Business Curds. mO NESI OW N FI .AGO ING -■x Company, Chan. P. Billambo*. /\gentS. 1). H. lioraU, « SONESTOWN !'A. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF 111' SHORE, PF.NNA. ■ SURPLUS - " SIO.UUU. Does a General banking Business. F B. POMEROY, M ' "• SW'ARTH. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S JHOTEL and RESTAUR AN T, laporte. pa. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meats and lunches at all lioura, Oysters and game in season. with R wi = d , LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. OHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. o. W. MYERS- PROPRIETOR. A hotel ol established reputation. Strictly first class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the l>est of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. B. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This large and well appointed house is the most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTKK, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KERFE, Proprietor. DUSHOKK, PA One of the largest and best equipped hotels in this section ot the state, Table of the best Hates 1 Oil dollar per .lay. Large stubles. Professional Cards. j7j7& F. H. INGHAM, ATTOBNKT3-AT LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining counties LAPORTE, PAI £ J. MULLEN, Attomey-at-Law. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. yyM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney at Law. < Mice in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. ( J. BRADLEY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, OFFICE IN COUNTY BUILDING NEAR COURT HOUHK. LAPORTE, FA Monday ol each week at Forksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newltt. [NGHAM& NEWITT, ATTORNEYB*AT*LAW, OFFICES 7I4-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 1!« Ho. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United Stales Attorney and Assistant United States-Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, OFPICB IN PUBLIC BUILDING COURT HOUSI6 SyIIAHK. LAPORTE, PA J # H. CRONIN, AT TORN KY "AT LAW, NOTARY PUBLIC. OFFICI ON MAIN HTRBKT. DUSHORE, PA BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited, All work guaranteed. o. W. BENNETT, Prop. To Car* Cou»tl|mtlon Cnravxr. Take Casern els Cundv Catliartie. lu« or 25c If C. C. C. fail to cure, drugKiKtH refund money. Educate Tour Bowels With Csiotreti. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. tOc.Sfic. if C. O. C. fall, druggists refund money. the Keystone. c J STOP YER KICKIN'. / Stop ver kickin' 'bout the times— Stop ver kickin',git a-holii flit a hustle on von; Of the wheel and turn it. 112 Skirmish'round ami grab the ilinies You kin never handle gold Eft lie dollars shun yon. 'Less you try to earn it. never bought a dress, Hrusli the cobwebs Irom vour eyes J j Growlin' isn't in it. Slop your blam'tl repinin M j Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yerskies Then go into win it. AUus'll be shinin J Tunes is gittin'good agin— if yon hain't the nerve to try C Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. C J Don't sit 'round, with hangin' lip ; * if.if.if. 2 That is sure to tloor you t £ Try (o git a better grip YES, STOP YER KIC KIN . THIS J i Oil the work before you ; KVERLASTINQ KICKIN' HAH GOT TO £ \ Put some ginger ill yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ V When vou greet a neighbor; no TO THE OLD RELIABLK ? 112 Throw your troubles to the birds, J EWELRY STORE FOR WHAT % flit right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, J \ An' you'll notice ev'ry day 112 i Things is comin' right vourway. > RETTENBURY, S r DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. > roki * + + # The Cheapest Place in 1 the County to Buy fiardware w .1, JJL ■ ' " uf . igs« $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High Large tubing, k Large tubing, Cirade Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully S|jj; Wood rims, V Reversible M Single tube lire, 112 Handlebars, Uuar " .... i „ ' 2 piece crank hang- Detatchable sprocket ' • anteed ers, Hunt saddle, %*%+■ Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lamiw. Bells, Locks, Brakes, Peddles, franks *|»k«* Rlum. Tires, iKith single and double tube, a full tine of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire. Nulls, Poultry Netting, Milk Palis, und Paili, (Jardeii Tools. Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kuidsoi Tin Work and sauting done by eompetent workmen. Write lor prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. Qoles Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. n. A. Rogers &son., - PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods , Allow us, if you please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing for the coming warm weatherjwbich will soon be here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the silk. Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING BOOTS and SHOES, <3irocsri| Stocli More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PUNNA., THURSDAY, JULY 28, 1898. Bemice Echoes. Wednesday evening of last week a ball was given in the K. of L. Hall in honor of Miss Clara McDonald of Cortez Pa., who is visiting her par ents at this place, Mr. and Mrs.John McDonald. Twenty-five couples were present and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all. The music was first class. Prof. J. 11. Thayer visited friends at this place one day last week. Hon. J. S. Line visited friends at Wilkesßarre last week. Alexander Collins of Wilkes Barre has moved his family to this place. Mrs. John Walters was called to Ha/.elton to attend the funeral of her father last week. Atty. E. J. Mullen and wife of Laporte visited friends at this place Sunday. Miss. White of Lopez was the guest of Miss Mary Kellock last week. Michael Gilligan of Lopez visited friends here Sunday. Miss Mattie Walters made a pleas ant trip to Wyoming one day last week. The Ladies' Aid Society held an ice cream festival on the church lawn Saturday evening. It was a grand success. The only trouble was,they did not have cream enough. William Johnson took charge of the new mines Monday of hist week, and everything will soon be ready to run. The culm screen breaker which has been under construction at this place for some time is now complet ed and will resume operation this week. J. Vogel's second new house is about completed. Mildred is just booming. There is talk of a bakery being built there in the near future. The Schonio Family gave one of jiheir musical concerts ,? undi r canvas 'at Mildred Thursday evening. The music was very fine and well render ed, and Mr. Schonio acted a gentle man in every res|MH-t, but we are sorry to say some of the young men of the town did not. We will not say anything about the girls who were peaking under the canvas and doing so much yelling out side, for the people already know about it. Mrs. John Boyd of Dushore was the gu«*st of her daughter Mrs. H. W. Taylor Wednesday and Thursday. Paymaster H. O. Lewis paid the employees of the S. L. A' S. |{. It. Thursday evening. Supt. I. O. Blight was transacting official business in town Saturday. Rev. J. A. Knright w ill hold a picnic for the benefit of the St. Fran cis church in Mildred, August l."». George B. Winter of Towanda was the guest of his father-in-law Hon. J. S. Line Sunday. Miss Amy Kelly is visiting her parents at Leroy. Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Kelliher and chilil of Corning, are visiting friends at this place. Mrs. John Guiry and daughter of Long Valley, are visiting friends here. Mrs. Frank Hancock and son of Sayre, are visiting friends at this place. Band Disorganized. The Bernice Cornet Baud disorg anized Saturday evening July 23d. A citizens' meeting was called for the purpose of collecting together all band property. It. 11. Guy was elected chairman of the meeting and P. McGee secretary. A committee of three—H.J. Keller, I*. Ifannon and C. B. Watson were appointed to collect and take charge of the property. All members of the band were given until Monday evening, to return all band property in their possession. As soon as all the prop erty is in the committees' hands, a new I mud will be organized. The second quarterly conference lof the M. E. church will Ih> held tit liaporte on Friday evening, July 2H. The Presiding Elder Rev. J.ll.Black will preside at the conference, and preach. Preaching and communion services ou Sunday night. Every body welcome. J. A. PATTON", Pastor. Our Soldier Boys. CAMP THOMAS, I CHIt KAMAI'IiA pAIiK, | Lvti.k, Gkoiuiia, Jn.v ii*J, 1898. Kditoi: N i:\vs Itkm a\i> Fhikxhs. 1 semi you, :it llie request of friends n short ilcscription of soldier lit** at ('liicknniuiiKii. The tirst tliiii"- a soldier litis to learn here is to obey orders, eat and drink what he eun <>vt and say notli in»-. It is very hot and dry here at present. The ground is so hot that one can not walk on it without hav ing on shoes during the day. The day we arrived it rained and a couple of days before that but since we went into eanip we have had no rain. Chickaniauga l'ark comprises the old battleground where the boys of the civil war fought. It is fifteen miles long and six miles wide. All through it one can see monuments and old cannons and slalis telling how and where brave boys once gained the victory for Old (Jlory. The principle trees here are oak and pine, a few walnut and a kind of evergreen. The principle grain is corn and most all kinds of vegetables j are grown. The mellons are very j enticing and injurious to the hoys' health but nothing can prevent them from getting them only that they have not the money to buy with and now nearly all the boys of my com pany are troubled that way, for two reasons: When they first reached here the climate and water made them sick; very few if any escape, i and they will give the last cent they ! have or pawn their clothing to buy | what ever their appetite craves. I We get bread most always, some-j times crackers, meat, such as it is, J about twice aday. < Mice we had good steak. We have had eggs a couple of days. For drink we get coffee of! about the rankest kind, without j milk. We can only fret half the water we want and not very good at that. We gel ice every day but it soon melts. At present there is ! an improvement in our rations. In most parts of the park there is very good Imithing facilities. Water ' conies from a pipe line and we get shower baths. lCvery one has to take a bath twice a week or as much often as he chooses. Company M, has received many compliments as to the quality of its men. The boys are proud of this. We get drills from 0::to a. !l a. in. Afternoon drill, *>:•"M» to •">, with evening dress parade. This is short but it is a very line sight to see a whole army in uniform on drill. On Wednesday last we marched six miles in the boiling hot sun for in spection, and part the way made double quick time (which is running). I think there was something like a hundred dropped out of the ranks but all recovered. Today the whole division was inspected by General Brookes in regard to going to l'ark II ice. We don't know whether we will go or not. There is a strife be tween the ">th and !>th regiments as to which w ill go. The Y. M. C. A. is doing a very good thing for the boys. There are several large tents where they hold meetings every evening; also give all the paper and envelopes and furn ish a place to write, which thousands of the boys take advantage of. When the time for services arrives, all writing stops and all join in the meeting. I wish to tell you what we have to carry when under heavy marching orders. A knapsack with two extra suits of clothes, blue and brown, under clothes, and extra pair of shoes, a heavy sack with dishes, canteen, woolen blanket, rubber blanket, tent, gun and a belt with fifty rounds of cartidges, so you see there is some little work as well as s|H>rt. 1 hope this will interest all who may read it. Our hoys are all i well. Hoping we may meet again, i I am, Sincerely yours, AllTHt K JIlNKI!. I Company M, ittli Keg. I'a. Vol. Successful landing Effected. The United States military expe- I ditiou under the command of (Jen. < Miles made a successful landing on I Porto Rico soil Thursday evening. 1.25 P er - Year. .Numbef 12' Lopez vti Laporte, AH "if" as large as the nianipu : la tors of newspaper type see lit to j make it, protruded in the game last Saturday afternoon, as a nail pro trudes on a cellar door i»n which the small hoy of the family is accustom ed to toboggan. "If" Laporte had engaged better players from abroad, "if" some of nur turn had not been guilty of some very had—bad is a mild adjective to describe it—ball playing, the home team might have won, but as it was, they suffered a defeat that does not soil their record, Hi to 1 ratio. Walters and Jackson of Bern ice assisted Laporte; the former twirled the sphere in yoenian fashion while the latter caught a superb game. Fllery .Swank put up a good game oil lirst base and John Heahcn cut the daisys every time lie brought the wagon tongue into contact with the horsehide. Short-stop, second and third bases were played by IJughcsvillo players who like some other clubs, play without honor. The score: Lopez 7 o n ,"i :i u i 21 Laporte, I 2 I ioit no 2 -10 Hon. Henry Houck, who always leaves a trail of good humor wher ever he goes, lectured to a laige and delighted audience last Tuesday eve ning in the courthouse. llvery sentence of his lecture was wreathed in an olive branch of peace, i'athos jolting against humor in the richest and most varied assortment kept his audience convulsed with laughter, while he at the same time invoked the angels of light and beauty to show the pleasures of right living. The Doctor is certainly a gent before an audience, and his presence here will ever lie welcomed. Shuuk. It is lonesome without the noise of the buzzsaw, and noon whistle. J. I*. Kilmer has been a suffer of neuralgia the past week. .Mrs. Anna Ferguson of Walton, X. V., i- spending the summer with her daughter Mrs. A. F. Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Lindley of (ireeu wood, (nee Lillie Schattuck) is visit ing the hitter's parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Shattuck. Horn, July 21, to Mr. and Mrs. James Brcnchley, a daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tripp and daughter of Canton, are guests of W. F. Porter. Mrs. Mauley of Piatt was taken suddenly ill last week. Friday, Dr. Lewis of Canton w as summoned and at this writing is some better. Miss Nan Kilmer went to tirover Monday to visit relatives. The young people enjoyed a hop at I'iatt Friday evening, Lyman Jackson of Hillsgrove furnished the music. A lirst class time is reported. Misstiusta Dukes, who has been working for some time at Canton, is visiting her parents in this place. Miss Jessie Forrest of Canton,spent Sunday with relatives in town. Clayton Hattin of Athens, is visit ing his parents in this place. Our schools re-open September"!, with the following corps of teachers: C. 11. Warren, Center; Miss Kate McCarty, Fast; Miss Jessie Forrest, Lower; Miss (fusta Parker, South; Mrs. Jessie Warren, West Hill; Mrs. Cora Van Veghten, North. Miss Blanche Brown, youngest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lorenzo Hrown, gave a party to about twenty of her little friends Friday afternoon, July 22, the occasion being her ninth birthday. < Hitdoor games were the amusement until the rain drove them in the house, where ice cream and cake were served. At an early hour the young ideas started for home, wishing Miss Blanche's birth day came twice a year, instead of once. The ice cream festival lit the resi dence of W. It. Forter Saturday I evening for F. M. Price, the Evan gelical Preacher of this place, was well attended and netted about nine dollars. Cyrus Hine, who lias lieen work ing at Bernice, and Orrin Hine of Hillsgrove, are visiting their parents Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Hine. Mrs. Mary Dewitt and daughter of Williainsport is visiting her brother B. P. Dewitt of this place.