Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 23, 1898, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
J Ignorance is the mother of
J scepticism. Ignorance does J
t not abound to any great extent J
V in Sullivan County. J
S So that there #
j is But Little #
t Scepticism £
I about the Value of
fa bc lWeWS
t Item J
$ As a Profitable #
sßbvevttetno i
j flDebium. J
112 Read it, Your neighbor does. *
Don't borrow. J
County Seat Indices.
—llemember the NKWS ITKM, and
pay your subscription.
—Miss Mary Finan of Dushore
was in town on Monday.
—Mr. Win. Lynn of New Columbia
spent Sunday with friends in town.
—Judge Dunham is presiding in
the Tunkhannock court this week.
H.'CJ. Huffniaster
was at the county capitol .Monday.
—Miss Charlotte Miller is visiting
with her sister in New York City.
—Whenever the guns of the Ve
suvius boom Santiago real estate
—Philip Peteriuan of Nordmont,
waa a business man in town Wed
—Mr. and Airs. Dan Pealer of 1 .o
pez, were calling on friends in town
—Geo. Westbrook of Montours
ville was a business man in town <>n
—l)ist. Atty. A. J. Bradley had
legal business in Philadelphia last
Misses Lizzie Dempsey and Katie
Deahen drove to Eagles Mere .Satur
day afternoon.
Mrs. Wm. Gehris of New Columbia
is spending the week with her sister
Mrs. W. B. Ritter.
—Mr. and Mrs. \V.|B. Bitter spent
a lew days with their daughter :»t
Pittston last week.
—Mr. Nelson llall and wife of
Emmons, were guests ol Mr. and
Mrs. E. L. Place Monday.
—The lack of ammunition is still
the conspicious feature of the Dem
ocratic situation in little* Sullivan.
—Harrison Krips, photographer at
Eagles Mere, effected a landing this
week on our advertising space.
—Misses Katie Beahen and Han
nah McCarty were shopping in 1 Hi
shore Friday.
Mr. Edward Schradar was called
to New Albany on Sunday to see his
mother who was at the point of death.
—Frank Magargel of Muney Val
ley and J. B. Magargel of Sonestown
were at the county seat on Monday.
—Miss Jennette Spencer, stenog
rapher for Burrow Bros, at Picture
Hocks, is home enjoying a few weeks'
—Mrs. 11. A. Hunsicker anil her
mother, Mrs. Boice,of Philadelphia,
are at Mrs. Wrede's for the summer
—The rumors of a third call are
again rousing the hopes of those who
ihave been left in the distribution of
—This week's advertising- in these
columns furnishes proof of public
appreciation of household advertis
ing in the Home newspaper.
—The Democrats nre in need of an
issue, and needs it badly too.
l»r. Ileberton of llughesville,
with a party of gentlemen, occupied
the Weirwold cottage a few days last
—When Congress was putting a
tax on cigaretts, it is a pity that an
j other tax or two Was not put on the
infernal odor of the things.
All of us put up with this eold
wave in June and never say a word,
hut in January we kiek about it.
Human nature is peculiar.
-The Cadiz fleet has sailed again.
As it cannot walk to keep out of
danger, about the only thing left for
it is to sail a little occasionally.
—J. D. lloweay of Danville, court
I stenographer of Montour county, is
1 the guest of P. \V. tSallaghcr this
week while out oy a serch for speck
led beauties.
—A pleasant birthday surprise was
given to Mrs. \V. 11. Ilitter last Sat
urday evening by a large number of
her friends who called at her home
| and spent a most enjoyable time.
•It is not enongh to help the new and feeble,
| but to support him after."—Timon of Athens.
As the only Republican organ in the
county is well established, now try
to strengthen it, by paying your
subscription debts.
—Parkersburg women have peti
tioned the county courts for better
roads. We can now look forward to
the near future when the State will
he full of boulevard.*.
—lt is rumored that lloy. Itussel
Karns declares himself out of politics
and looking for nothing but health
i and <|uiet,—favors not within the
gift of politicians.
The Third base ball nine of Lo
pe/. and the Second nine of Laporte
met in contlict on the diamond at
this place oil Saturday. Our Samp
son battels met their Manila by a
score of I'ii to ;>7.
Seeing Santiago and .Manila
dropping into ' the clutches of the
Yankee, Spain gives out that Ha
vana is well defended. But that is
a Spanish habit—always boasting of
the prowness of the warrior who is
not in the ring.
—A great many people give a
great deal of attention to a very
large number of things that never
happen nor likely to happen and
that never concern them either.
Are Born Advertising Mediums.
- - -I
Before (ierniany gets into a fra
cas with Uncle Sam she will want to
be sure she knows some other place
to get the 2,700,000 pounds of pork
and lard we send her every week.
—Mr. Prank Parrell of Onshore
while in town Monday shaking
hands with friends, called at our
sanctum and prolonged the life of
his advance subscription account an- j
other year.
With Fourth of July to celebrate I
from Alaska to Santiago, and from
Maine to Manila, Uncle Sam will !
have a mighty lively day on his l
hands, which will have twenty-four
hours of daylight.
—The summer season has opened \
and again we see upon our streets, ,
guests who have come to enjoy the!
mountain breeze. Of those, tirst to
enjoy the hospitality of the Mountain j
House this season are : Mrs. J. W. i
Hastings, Mrs. 11. S. Bollman and'
MissS. F. Buttler of West Pittston. ,
—lf you are a business man get!
aboard the NEWS ITKM advertising!
squadron. It always hits the mark
aimed at. It tin's no worthless j
shells. Competitors all put to;
Manilia flights when advertisers i
begin to shoot their goods through j
i:i-inch advertisements of this squad-1
—lt was a ease of stern relentless j
parents and a skipping from the
parential roof by two of our gallant
youths in the dead of night never to j
return again, supplemented by their
re-appearance after a few days out in j
the wet. They found it two hard I
to wean themselves from their dads' |
—ln another column can he read
; the advertisement of W. L. Hoffman
; which will be of vast concern to our
| Hillsgrove, Muncy Valley and l'roc-
I tor readers. I f you mean to be victor
I instead of victim goto any of his
| big stores. You are always safe to
deal with a man whose acquired
abilities are strengthened by the
allies of integrity, courtesy and en
terprise as you will find the above
to be.
—Mrs. M. C. Lauer of the Moun
; tain House, on Tuesday, entertained
sis her delightful guest*, Mrs. M. C'.
; Mereur and Mrs. Ann Hubbard Mer
eur of Kldredsville, Misses Willard
and Mereur of Pittsburgh, and Miss
Mureer of West Pittston. The for
mer ladies enjoyed a drive to the
county seat, where the two Misses
Mereur were met and taken to West
ern Sullivan where they will be held
captives in social enjoyment for
several weeks.
L. K. Wells and family are visit
! ing relatives at Newark Valley, N.
Charles K. Pealer and family are
! taking a vacation visiting relatives at
! Jersey Shore, Emporium and other
Kd. Billit»n and Miss Green of
; Wilkes Ba.»fe are visiting at IV
Frank Snell of the 12th regiment
l*a. N.(». was home over Sunday
on furlough. He expects to be pro
moted a corporal on his return.
, His regiment is expecting an order
togo to Porto Rico as soon as the in
, vasion begins.
A young runaway couple from Nan
j ticoke spent Saturday at this place
having outwitted their parents at
liicketts. The girl is only fifteen.
Addle Fairchildofthe Jleciew force
| has enlisted in the army. Brother
| Newell's Company is recruiting one
by one—elsewhere.
Muncy Valley,
It seems to be quite cool after the
On Wednesday June 22, there will
Ibe a large canvass show in Meyer's
! Park.
Well Childrens' Day is past and
the children did tine work with their
speaking and singing and the'church
looked grand with its decoations of
flowers,bunting andtiags,every thing
was a -access,collection amounting to
Krank Magargle having new peas
and potatoes out of his garden on
Tuesday June 21st thinking he is
[ahead, ('an von beat if.'
It is reported that our station agent
j has secured ail assistent. Thinks lie
i can't do the'work alone.
U.K. Webb went to Jlushore Tues
| day in behalf of his pension.
Att'y. K.J. Mullen was in town
! Tuesday on business.
It looks as though theMuney Val
ley tannery expected to run a while
yet, they have just received I I ear
• loads of hides.
As previously announced by lcltcr» ami
circulars the LaPorle Normal School
opens on Wednesday. .Inly li, tor a term
of six weeks. Miss Marv I.loyd, an ex
perienced I'll ilmlel pliia teacher ol rare
attainments and qualifying success lias
j been secured an the lillli member ot the
! faculty. I'rof. K. W. Mover will instruct
in Methods of Teaching, School Manage
inent, Mathematics and Civics. I»r.Strad
i ling will instruct iu Mathematics, Latin
land Natural I'hilosouhy. MM. St radii ng
: will have charge of the work in English,
| History and Psychology. Miss I.lovd
; instructs iri Drawing ami Heading. Supt.
F. W. Meylerl will give instruction in j
local educational work designed especially
for teachers. The course of evening en
tertainments is being arrangedjland |\vill
be announced soon.
The superior advantages ottered the
teachers and advanced |>upil» ot this
county by the Normal School should at
tract a large number of students.
[Willi apologies to the uicmorv of the late Mr
t'oo, the editor imitates his most favorite poem
prompted by his failure in carrying out his specu
lative plans which were,entere<l into with the ex
liectatioti of his delinquents coming to his rescue.]
j Once upon a midnight dreary, while 1 pondered
weak mid weary
o'er many a pastdue bill tlmt lav before.
While 1 sat there nearly sleeping, presently there
came a creeping,
As of something slyly keeping steallhv tread out
side the sanctum door,
! And I thought of ghostly lore.
1 Long 1 >at there listening, fearing, cverv .ten i
| distinctly hearing
As the sentinel walked to ami fro:
I no sound at all was making, but niy verv kuecs '
were shaking
With the prespiration breaking out in head, from
! every lore
! Fell "kerplunk" u|«.ntlie sanctum floor.
I Still my heart kept rapid tieating till 1 thought
I me of retreating
j And into the back room iiuicklv tore.
, Now in this same room quite handy, there the
devil had stored some dandv brandy
, Ami I thought "I will not bandy 'words with con
science o'er
i A little lip, for building plans do press me sore."
' Soon my spirits gan uprising with alacrity «ur
! prising,
So 1 took a little more—just a lingure more:
j "Now." said I, "this skulking evil—he it saint or
| lie it devil—
| Shall, tome, at least lie civil," and I fear I some
what swore,
| litu of that 1 11 not be sure.
. Now it seems he heard the fleeing when I sought '
to hide my being
j In the little backroom store,
! So no further moments loosing, nor no smiling ,
welcome choosing
j In he came and sat perusing, maiiv a small uti- !
I settled score
| That were sent iu from the days of yore.
There he sat as well contented as if he the olllcp i
' had rented
And would hold it evermore:
; "This is bad" 1 heard him mutter, very bad but
let her liuttcr.
\ I must have my bread and butter even if I ain I
a liorc.'.
This he said, then nothing more.
••11a!" said I."he thinks 1 fear him. I.iule does i
he know that near him
1 Stands a demon that will make him roar
I Fierce 1 grew as valiant lleetor 'twas rierhaiis
the pleasant nectar) i
When I saw my creditor scanning all mv uniuiiil :
i billets o'er,
j Fierce 1 burned unto the very core.
| Out 1 came, lie rose to meet me. and held out !
I his hand to greet
But his face a sudden pallor bore,
! For my soul was hotly burning, and my glance
upon him turning
I could see a sudden yearning to escape beneath I
the tioor—
But staving, only saying. "I've dug a well for!
which you're owing,
■ This I want and nothing more."
••lie this kick our sign of parting, liend!" I cried
toward him starting.
But he saved himself by darting out the sanctum
U ft his hat and uii|>ai<l bill, nothing more.
And that building 1 was planning, still keeiis me !
hoping, yet quite hopeless.
: Hunting up some new. strange creditor never ;
seen before,
But that hat and bill one gave me on the night
he tried to brave mc-
And the brandy punch that saved me while 1
think 1 swore-
Will lie the editor's cause for dwelling building,
never, never more.
Eagles Men-,
The roatl machine has been at work
and the streets are in better con
dition than ever before.
Hotel Eagles Mere look~ radient
i in its new coat of paint and the Inter
nal arrangement are much improved.
The steam heat plant is ready for
Lake side has a good representa
tion on its register.
Hotel Lewis is full of carpenters
and painters who are making full
We notice Plumber Win. Me C'on
j nell with his hands full of water and
! drainage contracts.
Mayor Hooper,s family from
Baltimore are occupying the Bodine
Hotel Raymond is ready for guests
having been putin prime order.
Mr. Miles is on hand, true to his
attachment for the city in the
The big road plow and six horses
are getting the streets of Chautauqua
into prime condition with the assis
tance of a gang of Italians. Side
walks are being put down, the new
kitchen is going up and cottages are
in course of preparing for the rush of
next week.
Administrator's Notice.
Estate of Mary McCarty, late of h'/k
--tand township, deceased.
Letters of AdminiHtration having been
; granted to the undersigned, Adminiatra
| tors ot the estate ot' MaryJMcCarty late of
j Elkland township, deceased, notice is
' hetehv given that all persons indebted to
I said estate are requested to make iinined
; iate payment, and all persons having
I claims ugainat it must present them duly
authenticated lor settlement,
tiinv.w Am. JOSEPH I'AimoK, i . i, ....
'I'IIOS. Met' VH'J'Y > "■
All thnse claiming hinds, twice :i-.-i-.«ed
. in Seated and also in I'nseated lists, can
meet the County Commissioners ut their
i office in Laporte on July I'.i, l s '. ,s . Irom
S o'clock a.m. to •! p. m.of saineduy.
I'v order of County Com.
Koiit. Stormont, Clerk.
Public Sale ot Real Estate.
lMntenf Ellzuheth J. Shipman iUti-umil.
I Bv virtue of an order of the Orphans' c«>uri of
Sullivan county founded upon ]in«'t'eiliiiK in the
. Orphans' Court of Lycoming county, there will
i be exposed to public sale at the Hotel of l'hoetH'
MagHrgi-l in the township of liaviu
flon county of Sullivan and state of Pennsylvania
TItrRSDAY, the23d day of Jt'NK, A.l). lv.)S.
at 1 o'clock p. m.. all that certain piece, parcel or
tract of land lying and being in the township of
Davidson county of Sullivan and state of I'euna.
Bounded aiul described as follows to wit:
Beginning at a line tree, corner of lands lan- of
Cirittith Phillips and Christian UratT.thence South
six and one-half degrees east sixty tive perches to
a maple, thence North eighty-live and one-half
degrees East one hundred and forty-one perche.-
to a post, thence by lands of said Griffith l'hilli|>-
Soutli six and one-half degrees West tifty-tive per
ches to a post, thence South eighty degrees West
one hundred and forty-four (icrehes to the place
of beginning. Containing fifty aero of land
moie or less, all improved and Uing a part of ttie
lirace Evan's warrant with the ai>pertenance
eonsisting of a story and one-half house, a barn
ixirt log and i«rt frame and other outbuildings,
an orchard of apple and other fruit trees.
|—Terms of sale 2T> per cent, on day of
I sale when property Is struck down and the balance
on confirmation ot the sale.
\V F. SHIPMAN. Administrators
■ May at, Ismh*
1500 Columbia Ave.® i'PHILADELPHIA.
Uegs to announce lo the public that
alter a year's absence lie will re open hi*
branch Photographic Studio"ut~
for the <IB9B, <lB9B, |on JULY -Ith.
Mr. Powell who|lia»|tnanaged thej bns
iness on'hatnl. kMLL-> !
In and outdoor |photographv executed
in an artistic andsatisfactory manner.
Williamsport A North Branch R.R
In Effect Monday Sept. 0, 1807.
Northward. southward
l>m. a. ni. 'i.»>. l"n
Tift 70~40 Halls 045 440
fs2(J<flo4!> J*ennsilule 9 41 f4 35
531 10 58 Hughesvllle 932 424
5 40, 11 07 Picture Hocks !• 25 4 14
f.S 44 fllll Lyons Mills (9 22 ft OS
(5 47 fll 14 (.'hainouni 9 20 ft 06
554 1121 Glen Mawr 9 14 4 00
(604 fll SO Straw bridge (9 07 f;l 47
f609 (1136: Beech Glen f9 02 f3 40
6 12 11 40 Muncy Valley 849 338
6 IK 1146 Sonestown si! 3 82
634 12 04 Nordmont 837 3 15
651 12 25 Lal'orte 821 257
657 12 28 Lal'orte Tannery 8 19 254
f7l" (12 45' ltingdale 18 05 f233
727 100 Satterflolrt 7552 20
pm. p. in. am. pm.
All trains daily except Sunday; "1 12" flag
Connections with the Philadelphia A Heading
at Halls, for all points north and Boutli, and the
Fnll Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At
Satterfield for all points on tl*> Lehigh Valley
railroad. At Sonestown with the Eagles Mere
K. E. EAVENSON, Gen. Manager.
Because it would be READ i
just the same as you are read-'
ing this. Give it a trial.
Goto .1. W. Buck, Sonestown, for
rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and
dressgoods at December low prices. High
e9t prices paid for butterjand eggn,
iL R. 6umbk,
Dealer in and
Hanufacturer of
ANI) Your Patronage
Lumber I* solicited on the basis of low prices. Don't i*-t laui escapu
Wntrntic * are °* ou r large stork of hand made wagon*,
nagunb, We aUo deal in lactory made platfrom spring wajron*.
Blacksmithing and
West Main.Street LAPOE..TE.
CAMPBELL The Merchant,
My new Spring stock of Dry Goods, Notions and Furnishings are now opened
l'or your inspection. Call and examine. The prices are right. Don't Jail to look
over my bargain counter, for 1 always have some bargains for von. Hoys and girls
black hose, 5c pr. I.adeis vests. f>e each.
Gents, This is to Your Interest:
Fresh stock of seeds just arrived, at following prices until sold: Timothy. Jl.T'i
bushel: mam clover, $4.1") Int.: orchard grass, &2.00 hu.: red ton. s| 50
BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, hats, caps and straw goods. An endless
variety. New goods, latest styles an,l best prices. l'lease examine before going
elsewhere. Grocery department replenished weekly. Agent tor W'iard plows and
rakes. Wheel harrows and liowker fertilizers. Co r> produce taken in exchange
tor sroods. A share fit'your patronage is solicited.
Yours very respectfully,
I VHi The Improved U. S. Cream Separators
Is noted for its
I close Skimming, Easy Running, and Durability. I
The Improved X". S. Separator runs fine after almost
H |W| three years' work, and seems to run easier than when new.
M Xrfk A neighbor got a new machine of another make, which left ■
e P airs - except a few rubber ring's. H
Illustrated Catalogues, with hundreds of testimonials, free. R
g • VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. ■
| Direct from Mill to Wearer, }
' * Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. *
iTha Committor) House. The Wholesaler. The Jebber and Store Keeper 1
: ftR Qfi 8228107: ''
« V*UUl2£iUfa ivU Cargest Value totr Ottered *
crrsi** Onr Great B«rc»ln Offer! I On iccount of thf failure of one o 1 i
' IS: ® BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, sen ing a Woolen Mill in Ireland, we
J L3J vLSL WITH XITRA PAIH OF PANTS. bought last Spring the entire production ol L
The* bulla are 9*aranutd to bo their gray and black Irish Frieze ol 6.oc<> 112
• ac ;^:-.blve fr si°;: ;;: r ; in 1 :I
lirowu, In slave fruin S toVyearn of to sell them at the above, less than the 112
•K 9 - Uade up double bteaated, raw raatarlal price, 9i*-7S> saver
V wllb Bailor Collar—Collar fancy before in the history of clothing ami '
<i flTten Ufd P ro P*ble never again will you have a
) * i9B Waist Band* chance to get half such a value for your
4 * Uh and \V orkmanchlp the very best. money. Above price ts less than the '
KlUa rsota. Shaa ft»r at«* IO «• tt yean, •Itluat new tariff duty on the material. They are *'
/ ialloe Cellar- Maotlon at l*at blrtfcday, and if Urjroor mall. made up double-breasted as per cut below.
1 * with raised aeams lined throughout with
J, .* _.yJUST TMIN K Url T ! * ext ra heavy woven plaid linings, pinked >
1 _ A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER facinxs. all pockets framed and well stayed
I AA I ma V nm o Ad With extra deep storm collar and throat >
1 514.1111 SUIT ror XhUH latch. Above Ulsters are retailed at sa*.oo >
j What you can save by buying direct b1 ® to duplicate +
« from the manufacturer. (0 , ( them for doubla the Tail (ufl. "* t>
Guaranteed to be made from All II ?" P r,c * on account oi . /aQ>O
4 Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray, Black or J j the new tanlf duty. * jr. 4 >.
) Blue Twee J, made in latest sty'.e, Measure same as
<A lined with Imported Farmer Satin, , for a Sack Coat, giv- jg
trimmed and linisked in the best of ing length wanted, £ (
'« Custom Tailor manner, cannot ; f\ [\ a 'so night and jg ''
j duplicate it in your town fur $14.00. 'i \ 112 \ weight. * «
j . The same goods ' made form L / \ you samples, * \
\ Youths, i? to 18, in long Pants, Hj) 1 Jt? 112 I catalogue, tape
' Coat and Vest U.Uv L I measure and blanks.
Mow to measure mens a youth's Suits.- , 1 V. II W«T'Y express ~ >
A Pleasure around the breast and s. /l\ ' Tlf charges and should i L
Wtiat over the Vest, aod from crotch < 112 112 * you not feel satisfied •• KnSzQsfHl 1
/to heel tor Pants. ~t(Jt < A w< tefuad the q fißQyMfiß 1
# When ordering, send Post-Office 11,/] ' / mone y- a I
4 Express money order or Registered > I "71 | I Remember you "™ ' »
J Le.**rs. Money cheerfully refunded if K J IJ j I buy direct from one ' ;
net Send 2c. stamp for [\jjj MM j ft at the largest Cloth- r>
) eitnplea, . tape raeASure, measuring \fl/ iff]] ft ing minuiacturers in (
Do you Appreciate Values?
Ifjso. Ijfrtn readily (lo' 4 l»uHint>ss with you. Call, and I can
till your or dor to your entire satisfaction.
My Spring and Summer Line is Complete.
Casimere Suits, 84.50 to §B.OO.
Worsted Suits. 85.50 t0'20.00
Serge Suits, 5.00 to 10.00. Clay Suits. 4.00 to 18,00.
Also an attractive line of
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Hats, caps, light wool and gauze undenvare. umbrellas, trunks,
traveling bags and vidices. Call and see the largest line of
clothing in thts part of the country.
J ■ W OA-iROIIiX-i. Block tarro " DUBHOHK, P
Try The News Item Job Office Once.
Kine Printing
NEAT WORK \* /' F) * a.
To Please.
Subscribefor the News Item.