Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 16, 1898, Image 5
Republican News Item. THURSDAY, JUNK If'., 1898. +++* \ Ignorance is the mother of < scepticism. Ignorance does T 112 not abound to sny great extent J # in Sullivan County, r C So that there £ is But Little $ t Scepticism £ about the Value off ifabe IfteWß I \ ITtcm I As a Profitable # ilHbvertising J j| flfcebUun. J <|Read it, Your neighbor Don't borrow. OUR FLAG LONG MAY IT WAVE! County Seat Indices. AND GLANCES AT THE TIMES. —Get ready to chip in your war tax. —Mrs. Mike McCullan is on the sick list. Mrs. and Prothy. Lawrence were Dushore visitors on Tuesday. —Miss Ella Tripp was calling on friends in Picture Rocks Monday. —Atty. A. Walsh of Dushore was in town Monday on legal business. —Miss Mamie and Willie Fries spent Monday with Bernice friends. —Mirton and Thomas Pealer of Lopez, were visitors in town Tuesday —Mr. Edward Schrader spent Sun day with his parents at New Albany. —Born, Friday, June 10, to Mr. and Mrs.Charles Yeager, a daughter. Atty. R. J. Thomson of Dushore, had legal business in town Monday. —Well, Cervera managed to get in another week without losing his job. —Miss Anna Kennedy of Eagles j Mere, called on Laporte friends Sun day. —Philip Peterman of Nordmont, was in town transacting business on Saturday. —Thos. E. Kennedy made friends in Bernice pleased to meet him on Sunday. —The issue of war bonds promises to be the most prominent "issue of the day." —Editor Streby of the Sullivan Gazette was doing business in town Monday. —lt is strange but true that things that do not seem possible occur most frequently. —Miss Emma Ritter spent Thurs day of last week with her uncle at Mawr Glen. -Mr.John McErn has moved from the Second ward to First, occupying the Hill residence. —J. W. Buck, Sonestown popu lar merchant, was making business calls in town Wednesday. —George Walker, Homer Peck and Hamp Bidle of Hillsgrove, were in town on Monday. —Mrs. William Walsh spent the latter part of last week with her parents at Dushore. —The trouble with Spain is that the Hobson crop over there has been a failure for many generations. —The County Commissioners were looking after business affairs at their office on Monday and Tuesday. —Mrs. Edward Schrader, who has been caring for her mother-in-law at New Albany, has returned home. —Hon. I. Bruner of Muncy, ac companied by his daughter Miss Edith, is spending a few days in town. —After a week of beautiful Spring we have reached blazing Summer served in juicy chunks and mercury stretchers. —Mrs. Gray of Picture Rocks, and Miss Mame Kiess of Hones town, were pleasantly entertained callers of Miss Rosie Upman on Sunday. Wackenhuth was in William sport on Saturday buying a team of horses. The doctor is well pleased with the purchase he made. They are blooded stock with a good time record. j —Jundge Dunham was presiding | over the courts of Columbiti county Tuesday and Wednesday. —A. 15. Fox ofTiv(»la, wldlc en : joying a fishing trip through this section on Saturday, found time to pay his Laporto friends a siiort call. —Ransom Thrasher, who cares well for the county's finances, was at his office on .Monday and Tuesday, interested with Treasurer's land sale. —Prof. Wandall, formerly of ! Forksville, was in town on .Saturday I representing Dodd, Mead A- Co. of i New York, publishers of the Inter ! national Cyclopaedia, i —A great many people are won dering when and under what circum i stances military merit was discovered lin young Harrison, Cooke, Satoris, J Astor and a lot of sons of other rich men. —Some of our Democratic contem poraries are very much alarmed j about Senator Quay's brain. The 1 dear boys needn't trouble themselves. , The brain is where it was put by an | omniscient Creator. —Dorson Speary of Nordmont . made this office a pleasant call on ' Saturday. lie reports Mrs. Speary who has been very low with a stroke lof paralysis, somewhat improved | and gaining slowly. —Supt. F. \V. Meylert luis been | appointed a member of the state board | of examiners at the State Normal at i Kutztown near Reading and left I Tuesday morning to attend to the j duties of his appointment. j —Mr. and Mrs. Weldie Sadler of ! Hillsgrove, were county seat visitors ion Saturday. While taking in all j that was to be seen, Mrs. Sadler paid : the NEWS ITEM a social call and ex j pressed her wishes for its continued i success. —A number of guests were regis- j I tered at Gallaghers Hotel Monday. Frank always gives his friends n warm welcome, and when his new hotel on the corner is completed he j will give his patrons tlrst-class, un surpassed-in-t lie-county accomoda tion. —The War Depertment should till in its spare time calculating how many Blanco victories it will require to make Spain sue for peace. Blanco must be the blank-blanked est liar Spain can produced. Either that or he is a confirmed humorist who sees fun in every wollopping theSpaniards get. —Hon. John S. Line, w hose socia ble manner leaves a trail of winning affection, dropped in our sanctum Wednesday, while in town on busi ness,to pay us his formal call. There is generally a good story to hear when the Judge pulls a latch string which everywhere hangs on the outside for him. —We call the attention of the pub lic to the advertisement of K. L. Place our new and popular merchant, w ho is hustling for the trade through this section, and by his just dealings and reasonableness of price is getting exactly what ne is hustling for and giving the community exactly what they need. Be wise, read his advertisement and deal where profits are shared. —The beautiful colors of Old Glory in it larges size, proudly floats over the front porch of Judge Dunham's residence. In viewing its bright and patriotic colors through the fresh green foliage of the fronting trees with the clear white surface of the house for a background, swayed by the mild breath of zephry kissing its delicate folds, makes the dear American emblem a poem more beautiful to look upon than was ever written. Long may the dear line; wave O'er land and people brave. Glorious tiag of our country Floating o'er the wise and just, That has for the Nation's motto The words, "In tiod we trust.'' —John P. Kennedy and F. M. Crossley were making business calls in Hughesvilie and Picture Rocks on Monday. Mr. Kennedy has con cluded to locate his laundry at Hughesvilie in place of Dushore as first intended. The location is an excellent one for this business and Hughesvilie is to be congratulated not only on the addition to her in dustries but also on the coming of excellent citizens in the persons of Mr. Kennedy and estimable wife. —M. C. Mereur of Eldredsville, transacted business with his lawyers, |T. J. A; F. |j. Ingham, Monday. Although well advanced in years Mr. Mereur continues in excellent health and the enjoyment of life, lie is always given a warm geeeting when visiting the county seat, and never tails in calling on the NKWS ITEM, to pay his kindest regards, and leave with us a pleasant memory of his welcome visit. —Honesty is the best policy, and innocence the best wisdom. —Childrens Day Services in tiie Baptist Church Sunday evening, June at S o'clock. All are invit ed. —lce Cmtin will Lie sold in tiie Baptist Church Parlor every Satur day evening. Proceeds for benefit of Baptist Church. —Services in the Baptist Church next Sunday as follows: Sunday School at 11 a. 111., Christian Endeav or at 7 p. in., Preaching Services at Bp. ni. All are welcome. —lmprove the wit you have bought at a dear rate, and the wisdom you have gained by sad experience. —As previously announced' Chil drens Day exercises will be held in the M. E. Church, Sunday, June 20. —Since William Jennings Bryan has been made a colonel for sinking the Democratic ship, Lieut. Hobson ought surely to be made a commo dore. —There seems to be silent joy in the camps of the regulars of both parties in the county. Their motto now is "eternal regularity is the price of political success." —in reading the latest list of army appointments makes one think over the Psalm of Life in about this style: Sons of great men all remind us They may make our lives sublime; Anil with pajiu'scash behind them They can get there every time. —Carry yourself submissively toward your superiors; friendly toward your equals; condescendingly toward your inferiors; generously toward your enemies; and lovingly toward all. Try it. —The present jjreat product of Cuba is news. As the fake journals are monopolizing the false rumors and the NKWS ITK.M being a home paper devoted to local interests, we confine oniself to our field and leave the yellow journal to theirs. GERMANY IN THE EAST. , A Project to Eitabllah Mainple ROOllll In Oriental Cltlen. Consul Monaghan writes that Ger man newspapers are agitating the es tablishment of sample warerooms in the cities of the Far East, as a method most likely to yield the largest, return* at the smallest outlay. To exhibit goods, they say, in Bombay and Calcut ta, Peking, Shanghai and Hongkong, in Yokohama and Tokyo, in Valparaiso and Santiago, in Buenos Ayres and Rio de Janeiro, for one year, is worth a century of circulars by mail. Nothing is so eloquent and instructive as direct contact with the objects offered for sale, nor Is any nation above this need. The Japanese Consul in Bombay is urging his people to put forth every effort along these lines. Since the re turn of the Lyons commission France is organizing syndicates to extend trade, which send out and maintain one or more agents to show samples, obtain orders and keep in touch with the trade. Consul Monaghan further says: "The East has more than half the hu man race to clothe and feed, and no nation has opportunities like our own. With lines of steamers from San Fran cisco, Seattle and Portland; with a canal via Nicaragua or Panama, and communication with the Gulf and At lantic cities, we must participate as no other power can in the commercial splendor promised for the coming cen tury. If coarse cottons can be spun and woven in the South; if Alabama can make iron rails as cheap or cheaper than England; if Europe buys our ma chines, locomotives, tools, agricultural Implements, etc., we must carry these products to the East." The Children'* Crunailr. Although the children's crusade came In 1212 A. D., between the third and fourth crusades, it will be considered here because the mere fact that there was a children's crusade shows how great was the excitement, the fanatic ism, and the craze of the entire move ment. Stephen, a twelve-year- old boy from among the French peasantry, preached the crusade; he declared that Christ had commanded him to lead the children of Jerusalem and so eloquent were the words of this lad, so impreg nated with the idea was the very air, that children gathered at his call by the thousands. Even bolts and bars, we are told, could not hold them. Pitiable beyond realization must have been the scenes presented by this mimic crusade, which saw 50,000 Ger man boys and girls, under twelve years of age, cross the Alps—a feat, which when performed by Napoleon was deemed wonderful —march down the Italian coast looking for a miraculous pathway through the Mediterranean; pitiable their disappointment when no pathway appeared; pitiable the disap pointment of the 47,000 who were un able to obtain passage on the ships; more pitiable the sailing away into oblivion of the 3,000 little crusaders, for they were never heard of more. Of the expedition, 30,000 French children had gathered at Marseilles. Of these many sailed away, only to become vic tims to the human depravity of the men who guided those ships to Alex andrian and other Mohammedan slave markets, and there sold the children as slaveß. Dill of LadUf for Slaves. A bill of lading for slaves is a curiosity in its way. The following w tract is Irom one dated Keb. 1, 17B6: j Shipped, by the Orace of God, in good order and well conditioned, by James the Mary Borough, whereof its master, under God, for this present voyage, Captain David Morton, and now riding at anchor at the Barr of Senegal, and by God's grace bound for Oeorgey, in South Carolina, to say, twenty-tour prime slaves, six prime women slaves," &c. It ends with the pious wish that "God send the good ship to her desire'd port in safety. Amen." However impious it may appear to us to associate the name of God with the iniquitous traffic, still it was looked Upon by many as a divine institution, directly sanctioned by' the Bible. The famous slave-trading Captain, John Newton, afterward to be the Rev. John Newton of Olney, hymn writer and friend of Cowper, did by no means see it to be his duty to change his profes sion immediately after his conversion, though he ultimately became an abo litionist; he carried on slavetrading for years after he was a devout Christian, giving thanks in the Liverpool church es for the success of his last venture, and imploring God's blessing on his next. Sheriff's Sale. By virtue of an alias writ of Fieri Facias issued out of the Court of Common Fleas of Sullivan County and to me directed and delivered there will be exposed to public sale at the Court House In Laporte Pa., on SATURDAY, JL'NE 18, 1898, at 1 o'clock p. ni., the following described projier ty viz: No. 1. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of laud lying and being in Davidson township, Sulli van county, I'eiina., bounded and described as follows, to wit: Beginning at u jxwt in the alley, thence south G7 degrees east one perch to a post in said alley, thence by lot of Dennis Palmatier, north 45 degrees east 9 8-10 perches to a iiost, thence along said lot south (17 degrees east 8 per ches to a post, thence by land of the grantors hereof north 67 degrees west 9 2-10 lurches to a post, thence south 48 degrees west 22 perches to the piace of l>eglnning. Containing one hundred and twelve perches of land more or less. Land all improved and under a good state of cultiva tion. and situated in the village of Muncv Valley near the railroad station. No. 2. Also one other lot of land situated in the same township, county and state, liounded and deserilied as follows: Beginning at an iron liolt corner of 1). M.Taylor's lot, thence along Kailroud street, south (iti degrees east C perches to au iron bolt, thence by land of the grantors hereof; south 24 degrees west 12', perches to a post. I hence by land of tlie same, north lit; degrees west I2'._. |*r dies toa i»»l ni D. M.Taylor's line, thence l"y lot of I>. M. '1 ay lor imrtli degrees east 11 .V 10 |*t chotothe place of beginning. Containing 1211 lierehi-s of land be the same more <»r less. i.anil all improved and under u gocul slate of cultivation with a large two-story framed building erected thereon, the same being suitable for a store mum and dwelling house and (he projiertv situated in the village ni' Muncy Vallev, convenient lo ilie railroad station. Seized, taken into execution, and to be sold as (the property of Julia M. I'almutier at the suit of J Will Morali (usei. KLI.IS SWANK. Sheriff. | MCIXEN Attorney, j Sheriff's mile, lapolttt I'a.. May 21. UK* Public Sale of Real Estate. Kstiitc of Elizabeth J. Shipuian deceased. Itv virtue of an order of the Orphans' Court of Sullivan county founded UIKJII proceeding in the Orphans' Court of Lycoming countv. there will be exposed to public sale at the Hotel of I'hoclie Magargcl ill the townshipof David son county of Sullivan uiul state of I'eunsvlvanla on Till ItSDAY, the 23d day of JINK, A.D. 1898. at 1 o'clock p. m., all that certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying and lieing in the townshipof Davidson county of Sullivan and state of I'eiinu. Bounded and deserilied as follows to wit: Beginning at a line tree, corner of lands late of «■ritlith I'hillijisaiid Christian (iraff,thence South six ami one-half degrees cast sixty-live lu rehcs to a maple, thence North eighty-live and one-half degrees East one hundred and fortv-oue |>crehrs to a post, tlicnce by lauds of said (iHllilli I'hlllii* South six and one-half degrees West llftv-tivc lur ches to a tiosl, thence South eighty degrees West one hundred and forty-four lu rehcs to the place of beginning. Containing tifty acres of land moie or less, all improved ami being a part of the lirace Evan's warrant with the ap|iertcnanccs consisting of a story and one-half house, a Imrn lutrt log and part frame and other outbuilding*, au orchard of apple and other fruit trees. 'l'KitMs:—Terms of sale 2.'> per cent, on dav of sale when pro|iert.v is struck down and the Imla'nce on continuation of the sale. W. !\ SHU'MAN. Administrator.■ May 28, 1898- Notice is hereby given that the partnership lately subsisting between Smith Boiidinan and John Manuel, of Shrewsbury twp., Sullivan Co.. l'a„ under the partnership liame of Bondman A: Manuel have this day been dissolved by mutual consent. All debts ow ing to the said partnership are to!*-• received by said John Manuel, and all demand on the said partnership aje to lie present ed to him or his attorney. SMITH BOL'DMAN, JOHN MANTEL. A. J. BRADLEY. Atty. Lajiorte.l'a.. April 1, '9B. Williamsport & North Branch K.R TIUVEE TABLE. In CfTect Monday Sept. 0, 1807. Northward. Sou tli ward pm. 11. in. pin 5 lf> 10 40 Halls 9 4. r > 440 (5 Pennsdaie 9 41 (4 35 531 10W Hughesvllle 932 424 5 40; 1107 Picture Rocks 9 25 4 14 (5 44 fllll Lyons Mills f922 (408 (5 47 (11 14 Cnamouni 9 20 (4 0(1 554 1121 Glen Mawr 914 400 (0 04 (1130 straw-bridge (9 07 (3 47 (609 11136 Beech Glen (9 02 (3 40 6 12; 11 40 Muncy Valley 8 49 3 38 618 11 40 Sonestown 8 52 332 634 12 01 Nordmont 837 3 15 654 12 25! LaPorte 821 257 657 12 28 La Porte Tannery 8 19 254 (713 (12451 Kingdale (8 05 (233 727 100 Sattcrfleld 7552 20 pm. p.m. am. pm. All trains daily except Sunday; "1 12" flag stations. Connections with the Philadelphia A. Reading at Halls, for all points north and south, and the Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At Satterfield for all points on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Sonestown with the Eagles Mere railroad. R. E. EAVENSON, Gen, Manager. llughcFvillr.Pa IF SOME . . MA HAD AN ADVERTISEMENT IN THIS SPACE IT WOULD PAY! Because it would be READ just the same as you are read ing this. Qive it a trial. Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and dressgoods at December low prices. High est prices paid for butter "and eggs. L R. 6umble, Dealer in and Hanufacturer of p flrm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. AND Your Patronage Lumber Jh on t,le of low prices. lion'i lei Ibis faot cscai a w arc getting rid of our large Block of liaiui made wagons. WagonS, We also ileal in lactory made platfroni spring wagon*. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West l/ain Street LAFOi. TIE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, SHUNK, PENNA. TO THE LADIES: My new Spring stock of Dry <Jot>ds, Notions and Furnishings are now opened I for your inspection. Call and examine. The prices are right. Don't tail lo look i over my bargain counter, for I always have some bargains for you. Boys and uirls ; black hose, 5c pr. I.adeis vests, 5c each. Gents, This is to Your Interest: ■ Fresh stock ol'seeds just arrived, at following prices until sold: Timothv, $1.75 bushel; mam clover. #4.15 bu.; orchard grass, £".2.00 bit.; red top. $1.50 BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, caps and straw goods. An endless variety. New goods, latest styles and best prices. Please examine before going elsewhere. Grocery department replenished weekly. Agent lor Wiard plows" anil rakes. Wheel harrows and Bowker fertilizers. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A share of your patronage is solicited. Yours verv respectful Iv, A. E. CAMPBELL. I'flßL The Improved U. S. Cream Separator! noted for its I Close Eas y Running, and Durability. ■ H VHL , LISBUKM, PA., April 56, i3qS. fl Kuft Improved I . S. Separator runs line after almost ■nflftll three years' work, and seems to run easier than when new. J9 lF 1 * A neighbor got a new machine of another make, which left or m ■ just twice the amount of butter fat in the skim-milk. In m ■ the first month they broke one of the bearings oil inside, ■ M A and had to send it to the factory, while ours has never cost one cent for repairs, except a few rubber H I Illustrated Catalogues, with hundreds of testimonials, free. I J » VERMONT FARM MACHINE CO., Bellows Falls, Vt. ■ ■■■ y* ' -r - T — r - H Direct from Mill to Wearer, T. | * Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. ★ 4 The Commisson House. The Wholesaler. The Jobber and Store Keep-.r , I E.ROSENBPRGER 8c CO. e 102m st„ NEW YORKOTV; ! ftR QO|«i«itsg?Aisii)T,i iV ViUUISSJOfa iVV Cargtst Value tccr Offered. EZZTSft**. Onr Great Bargain Offer! On account of the failure of one o'f < n nvci unnuip 0111-ro the largest Commission Houses hue. tcpic , I **»*— I BOYS ADONIS SUITS, senting a Woolen Mill in Ireland. «il > LMJ \3i WITH SXTRA FA IK OF PASTS. bought last Spring the entire product icn ol [' 1 Theee Suit* are puaranUtd to bo their gray and black Irish Frieze ol 6.oc«> 112 , «rom imported Wool Chev- piec( , s at a sacrifice. Therefore we arc al . , iotf iu Illack, Blue, (irtifr And >< , ■ l « l . n . u i> Brown, In sire from 3 to9years of to sell them at the above, less than the 112 y MuJo up double-breasted, raw material price, 910.75, nevci \ Bailor Collar—Collar fancy before in the history of clothing and 112 J, » fZul'n propable never again will you have . I 1 $2.98 Waist llands. chance to Ret halt such • value for your ► / with and \V orkmanshlp the very best. money. Above price is less than the r«nta HRIVfIIaM ftir 10 to 16 yrart, wlthoat new tariff duty on the material. They are J A Bailor Cailar. Mention atlaat birthday, mod If !aryr*or snail. made up double-breasted as per cut below, v i. With raised »earn« lined throughout with | > * JUST THINK OF IT ! * extra heavy woven plaid linings, pinked A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER facings, all pockets tVamed and well stayed , 4 GiA Alt PTrrrrrn P A . 0* t* w >th extra deep storm collar and throat 1 $14.0056.98 ) What you can save by buying direct ~ ab 1 * to * ! d from the manufacturer. 0) them for double the Thlfl CufiS. ] Guaranteed to be made from All » ~ price on account of 9 ; 4 Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray, Black or J > QT cs=» the new tanff duty. J ) Blue Tweed, made in latest style, c< - > Measure same as lined with Imported Farmer Satin, , W for a Sack Coat, giv ) trimmed and tinished in the best of % /\ ' n g length wanted, / v Custom Tailor manner. You cannot *• /j / \ also night and sj y. J duplicate it in your town for $14.00. /y \ weight. ® ' 4 Sizes 34 to 42. .. , r -t/ I .CJ \ A ac. stamp wiU g i> j w » The same goods " mad* for m, *A 1 bring you samples, " \ > Youths, to 18, in long Pants, ft Hf) 1 JJ ft catalogue, tape J Y ) Coat and Vest "•"" • r— I measure and blanks. »■ JiQW to measure men's a youth s Suits: ■> x I, V- I * / 1 Measure around the breast and /jV • .T charges and should £ a", \ waist over the Vest, and from crotch ! y \\. \f you not feel satisfied •• I / to heel for Pants. . 'SJI . > we rclund l^e o 1 ►> # When ordering, send Post-OfDce \j. J' I money. fl J , Express money order or Registered •»'\ > II Remember you "" } Letters. Money cheerfully refunded if . / / I I buy direct from oner I N nat satisfactory.. Send ac- stamp for fjJjl JR» I ft of the largest Qoth-' N I samples,. tape measure, measuring \kU £w I P, ing manufacturers in . ( j blanks, etc. America. Do you Appreciate Values? Ifjso. I[can readily dOjl»usines.s with you. Call, and I can (ill your order to your entire satisfaction. My Spring and Summer Line is Complete. Casimere Suits, 84.50 to SB.OO. Worsted Suits, $5.50 to 20.00 Serge Suits, 5.00 to 10.00. Clay Suits, 4.00 to 18,00. Also an attractive line of Gents Furnishing Goods. Hats, caps, light wool and gauze underware, umbrellas, trunks, traveling bags and valiees. Call and see the largest line of clothing in thts part of the country. J" "W" Bi°oo e k Cttrroll DUSHORE, P Try The News Item Job Office Once. Kine Printing NEAT WORK \* T _ Dvi— *4- MODERN FACILITIES. VV 0 I 11111 To Please. Subscribe forthe News Item.