Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, June 09, 1898, Image 5

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    Republican News Item.
THURSDAY, .J INK 9. 18<)S.
5 Ignorance is the mother of \
112 scepticism. Ignorance does J
# not abound to any great extent J
# in Sullivan County, 112
0 So that there #
+ is But Little 2
t Scepticism
? about the Value of
jCbc fle\V6 I
1 ITtem J
1 As a Profitable #
1 *
SBbvevtfsing i
j flDebtum.
1 t
t Read it, Your neighbor does. #
Don't borrow, r
County Seat Indices.
—June is doing her juniest.
—Now for summer with a ven
—The days are growing longer at
both ends.
—Oh June, with all thy Imgs, we
love thee still.
—Schley may get there on the
second ballot.
—This is alO to 1 war. Sixteen j
rumors to one tight.
—Miss Ester Buck spent Sunday j
with her parents in Dushore.
—County Coin. Philip Secules was
in town Wednesday.
—Wni.J. Lowe was doing business
in town Wednesday.
—A. T. Armstrong was a business
visitor in town Tuesday.
-Judge Dunham is trying cases
iu Wilkes Barre this week.
—Joe. Gansel and il. A. Karns j
were at Eagles Mere Sunday.
—Where will the Spaniards liidej
that auxiliary fleet when it is ready.
—F. M. Crossley and wife visited
with friends in Dushore on Sunday.
—John IT. Lawrence of Dushore
had business transaction in town oif
—Atty. John H. Cronin was tran
sacting business at the county offices
—John Hileman of Dushore is at
work dressing stone for fixtures about
the courthouse.
—The County Convention of the
P. O. 8. of A. will be held at Hills
grove on June 17.
—Henry Tripp after a few days
sojourn in town left on Friday for
his home in Canton.
—Laporte Twp. Auditors were in
town Monday and Tuesday attesting
the accounts of school funds.
' -John W. Flynn is now wearing
the proverbial broad smile. An 11
pound boy, Monday morning.
—M.C. Millre of llingdale, is treat
ing the boys on his expence over the
advent of a little girl, Friday.
—Mr. Dan Lorah and son Lloyd
of Sonestowu were callers in town
—Ttyere are always two sides to
eveey story, and your side is always
♦die right one.
—Joseph Traugli and Mrs. Daniel
eeler of Nordmont, were trading
town Monday.
Some very beautiful flowers may
•en in the front yards of a iiiim
■ of residences in town.
—Borough Auditors, Thos. E.
'"Kennedy and 11. A. Karns adjusted
the school accounts on Monday.
—The Dons will soon have to con
clude that bull fighting is more in
their line than Yankee fighting.
I —Judges Line and Kraits were]
official business callers at the county
seat Wednesday.
—'The caterpillar is now tlie strong
rivals ol' the mouse in the power to
appall feminine humanity.
—The Laporte base hall team will
play the married men of this place
Saturday afternoon on their grounds.
—Mrs. Morgan (iavitt returned
home on Monday after a few days
visit with her parents at Strawbridge.
—Hon. ltussel Karns, A. E.Tripp,
. wife and daughter Miss Ella, Ed.
Schrader and wife, H.A. Karns were
in Dushore on Saturday.
—Lute Wells of Dushore, always
i agreeable and well met, was a pleas
ant business visitor at the county
i seat Tuesday.
—Atty. A. Walsh will erect a new
i dwelling house on his lot near the
brick house, befor the summer is
—St. Johns P.E.Chukch. —There
will lie divine services, with sermon,
in this church on Sunday afternoon,
June 12, at.? o'clock p. 111., tin* ltev.
Charles F. Sweet will officiate.
—W, J. Mullen of Scranton, L. C.
I Baker of Lewisburg and W. L. Fry
of Williamsport, are guests of F. W.
i Gallagher this week while enjoying
a fishing vacation.
.Miss Blanche Haverly of Over
ton, is the guest of Mrs. Win. Law
..rc this week. She is interested
in torn .a-; a class of girls ty be in
structed in instrumental music.
—Dr. Wackenhuth lias sold his
spii ht ( steed recently purchased, to
('has. Lauer, The doctor is again on
the purchas list and anyone with
! something special can easily effect a
sale by applying.
What troubles the Spaniards
most, no doubt, is the reliection that
Sampson and Schley have whole)
Heels full of tars of the same brand as I
those of the Mcrriiuac.
-The Ladies Aid Society of the
M. E. church, having completed
their organization, will serve ice
cream and cake on Saturday evening
.1 line 11, iit the home of Mrs. Andm-.
All are cordially invited.
Preaching at Sugar llill oil Sunday
June 12, at 11 a. m. Sunday School
at Laporte, HI a. in., Epworth Lea
gue at 7 p.m., preaching at 8:U0. Sub
ject—"Telling the Story." Every
body welcome. J.A.Patton,Pastor.
—Thos. K. Kennedy proprietor of
the Commercial Hotel met with
gratifying results in having his well
sunk deeper. A very strong vein
of water was struck at a depth of five
—Mr. and Mrs. John I\ Kennedy
are spending a few days in town he
fore taking up tlioir residence in 1 Hi
shore, where Mr. Kennedy will en
gage in the steam laundry business,
llis many friends wish him success
in his new enterprise.
t—li e crem will he sold every Sat
urday evenings during the summer
at the Baptist Church Parlor Com
mencing Sgturday evening June 11.
Proceeds for benefit of Haptist
At a meeting of the Born. School
Directors Monday evening it was
voted that Prof. M. P. Gavitt and
Miss Charlotte Miller be retained to
conduct the schools next term by
virtue of their efficient word during
the past two years. It was also de
cided to establish a third grade as
the school has grown too large for
Very warm weather the therinom
etorregistered !><) in the shade Mon
Mrs. Merton Webster and children
of Jakersville are visiting at Mrs
Webster's parents J. Kill's Browns
this week.
Mrs. S. W. Lewis who has been
very ill with heart trouble is recover
The singing class organized by Prof
Smith is progressing finely.
Miss Georgia Webster of Jakers
ville is vising at (ieo. B. Nortons.
Mrs. Geo. C. Wright of Kldreds
ville.died June (»th. She has been an
invalid for a number of years, she
leaves a husband and seven children
to mourn her loss.
rs. Maguire had two valuable
sheep killed by dogs Friday night.
George Lewis and wife of Hills
grove weje vesiting friends in this
vicinity Saturday.
J Mr. and Mrs. llorton of Towanda
i were visiting at J. M. Tom kins last
The school directors of Elkland
j twp have decided to build a new
I st 'hool house at Estella this summer.
HilUgrove. 1
i Mrs. Jiunes 11. Hoffman started
I Monday for Denver Col. where she
! will visit her sister.
Mr. and Mrs. El wood Lulmr retrn
ed Friday from a two weeks visit at
Seranton ami Wilkes lJarre.
Mr. Milton Labar of ofMoscow Pa.
is visiting his brother at this place.
J. 11. Keffeand family were visit
ing friends at Seranton during the
past week. I). McGilivary offici
ated at the Sadler House during
their abscenee.
Issac Me Issae of Jamison was in
town Friday last.
John 1). MeEwen and Frank Mill
er of Williainsport were transacting
business in town Friday last.
Kill Snell of Elkland spent moat
of the week with the boys in town.
Cordelia Ilartt of Elkland is visit
ing friends in town.
John Ilartt papered the church
room last week. The new paper
and curtains behind the pulpit add
much to the beauty and comfort of
the room.
(!. L. Morten and Co of New Al
bany closed their inilinery store at
this place Wednesday last.
The singing class under the super
vision of Prof. Smith is doing finely.
Mr .Snath is an able instructor and
the number of the class present plen
ty of tallent to be improved.
Joseph Fawcett and wife of 101k
land, called on friends in town Sun
I'. M. Whitacre is on the sick list.
\V. !■'. Kaixudl, a prominent drug
is: of l-'orksviUe, made I>r. < iamble a
call on Sunday.
Mrs. J. 11. 1 loUzhower and daugh
ter Mis<Esie, and Mrs. Eunice Miller
of Williainsport, lias come to our
town to spend tin- •uninier months.
A ' Jypsey liain consisting of four-!
leen covered wagons, thirty-four;
horses and about lil'ty people camped I
in Speaker's sugar camp Thursday i
and Friday.
The P. O. S. of A. win bold their
annual county convention, June IT, |
in our town. All are cordially in- j
Sunday School Convention,
The Third Annual Convention of the
Forks and < tvertou District S. S. Associa
tion was hehl at Overton, in the Reform
church, June 2, IMt.S.
The convention was called to order bv
the President, .1. W. Rogers.
Song service, followed by devotional
exercises conducted hv the president. Ap
pointment of committees.
The convention was verv cordially
welcomed by E. C, Mussulman in an ad
dress. Response hv .1. Robert Molyneux.
The question, "What Am 1 Here For?"
was discussed by Rev. Fisk and others.
The conclusions drawn were to prepare to
do better work, to receiveand impart lielp
tul instruction, to exert higher influence
and to gain knowledge of tiod's word.
Question box discussed. Singing. Mis
missed bv Kev. Fisk.
Ihe afternoon session was opened bv
singing - '\\ Inter Than Snow,''alter which
the devotional exercises were conducted
by Kev. S.F. fVasier. Singing, ''Wonder
ful Words ol Life."
1 he following officers were elected for
the coming year: President, J.W.Rogers:
\ ice President. E. C. Musselman: Secre
tary, Jennie Molyneux; Treasurer. E. T.
The topic, "Proper Use of the Word of
God in Sabbath School," was discussed
by Benj. Fawcett and A. A. Collins. The
gist of the talk was. teach the Word with
the Bible lor a text-book. Singing by
choir. Committee on credentials report
ed all the schools represented aud the
number of delegates present, twenty-one.
The Agency of the Holy Spirit in the
Sunday School Work, was thoughtfully
and intelligently made clear by Rev. S. F.
Frasier, E. C. Musselman also added some
excellent remarks.
Question box opened and several ques
tions were (profitably discussed. Singing
by choir. Dismissed by Kev. S. F. Fra
Evening Session opened at 7:;>0 with
song services by the choir of Reformed
Devotional exercises by E. CY Mussel
man, after which Rev. Ward Mosher of
Forksville delivered a very interesting
and profitable address having tor his sub
ject the question "how shall our Sunday
school scholars be brought into presonal
relation with Christ".
The address was followed by a sym
posium in which a goodly number took
part, among whom was Rev. Frank Blei
ler of West Chester, who sjKike very
earnestly and wisely concerning the duty
of all Christian workers.
A very pleasant feature of the evening
program was the singing rendered by the
Warburton Hill singing class, led by
Prof. Smith.
A patriotic resolution commending the
action of President McKinley and govern
ment officials regarding the Cuban ques
tion, was unanimously adopted by the
Thus closed the most interesting con
vention ever held since the organization
of the Association.
The next convention will convene in
November at Millview. Let all plan to
be present.
H L. MOLYNEUX, Secretary.
\ CAUTION. —The thiei'that stolethe
pteonia from Mrs. 11. J. Rollison's
grave at Sonestown, had better re
turn same and avoid exposure.
Mrs. I>. W. DAJILI N<T.
Cabbage, celery and • cauliflower
plants for sale at 26c and 30 per hun
dred, at the store of Mrs.M. C. Lauer.
Straw Bridge.
There will be a festival at Mt. Ver
non on June Utli. Every body invit
Mr. and Mrs. \V. M. Edkin visited
tlieis son G. IJ. Edkin of Satersfleld
over Sunday of last week.
A number of boys and girls from
Straw-bridge attended decoration at
Hughesville, Misses Edna Taylor,
Zula Edkins, Mary Jane Myers,
Messrs Brady, Ellery Edkin, Brady
Secules, MissOcil and Otto Edkin of
Sattersfleld visited Mable Myers on
on her birthday.
Mr. John Hainan will give histirrt
dance on June 11th.
Mrs ■ David Myers of Milton has
, been visiting relatives for the past
Miss Etta Buck is seriously ill.
Sheriff's Sale.
By virtue of an alias writ of Fieri Facias issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan
County and to me directed and delivered there
will be exjiosed to public sale at the Court House
in Laporte Pa., on
at 1 o'clockji. m., the following described proper
ty viz:
No. 1. All that certain lot, piece or parcel of
land lying and being in Davidson township, Stilli
vun county, Peuna., bounded and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning ut a post in the alley,
thence south 07 degrees east one perch to a just
in said alley, thence by lot of Dennis Palmatier,
north 4f> degrees east 9 S-U) perches to a i*ist,
thence along said lot south 07 degrees east H j>er
clies to a post, thence bv land of the grantors
• hereof north 67 degrees west » 2-10 perches to a
|>ost, thence south 48degrees west ]*rches to
the piaceof In-ginning. Containing one hundred
and twelve perches of land more or less, hand
all improved ami under a good state of cultiva
tion. and situated in the village of Muncy Valley
near the railroad station.
No.Also one other lot of land situated in the
same township, county and state. lioundod and
described a.s follows: Beginning at an iron liolt
■ corner of l> M.Taylor's lot, t hence along Kail road
, street, south tui degrees east 0 perches loan iron
I bolt, thence by land of the grtwitors hereof: -outh
1 ; I degrees west I'"., perches to a )» st. them e l.v
I land i.f the same, noil li 00 .legrci - \\i>t l_'!.. per
i tiost at I>. M. 'i :i> lor's line them eTo lot
;of |i. M.'laylor north ili'grees east II lo'|>cr-
I chv*s to tin* place uf beginning. ('oiitaiuing I'Jl'
| LUTCHEI of land IN- the ire or lev- Land
| all unproveil ami under a good stab of culii, ation
j with a large two-story framed building i-rected
thereon, the same being suitable lor a -lure room
and dwelling house and the propertv situati-d in
. the village of Muncy Vallcv, eonvenienl to the
; railroad station.
] Seized, taken into execution, and to lie «old as
! the pro|Kitv of Julia M. Palmatier at the Miit of
J. Will Moran (tisci.
KLLIS SWANK, sherill'.
| Mi Attorney.
slienit -ditiee I.;i|,,rie Pa . Ma> .'I I v..*
Public Sale of Keal Estate.
Ilstate of Elizabeth J. Shiptnan deceased.
Uv virtue of an order of the orphans' Court of
Sullivan county founded u|am proi ecdiug in the
Orphans' Court of hycnuiiug coiiutj. there will
IN; exjioseil to public sale at the Hotel of Phoebe
Magargcl in Sonestown,in the townshipof David
son county of Sullivan and state of I'eunsvlvaniu
THURSDAY, the Sid day of JUNE, A 11. lxwt.
at 1 o'clock p. m., all that certain piece, pa reel or
tract of laud lying and lieiug in the townshipof
Davidson county of Sullivan and state of I'enna
Bounded and descrilicd as follows to wit:
Beginning at a line tree, corner of lands late of
(iritilth Phillips and Christian limit,thence South
six and one-half degrees east sixtv-tive perehes to
u maple, thence North eighty-live and one-half
degrees East one hundred ami fortv-one |s rchc
to a | lost, thence by lauds of said (Irillith Phiili|~
South .-ix and one-half degrees West llftv live |nr
clies to a tost, thence South eightv degrees West
one hundred and forty-four |>en hes to the place
of lieginning. Containing tiftv acre.v of land
mole or less, all improved anil In-ing a part of the
• irace Evan's warrant with the ap|ierteuuiiees
consisting of a story and one-half house, a barn
part log and part frame and other outbuildings,
an orchard of apple and other fruit trees.
TKKSIS:— Terms of sale J."i per cent, on ilav of
>ale when property is struck down and the balance
on continuation of the sale.
W. 1". SHIPMAN, Admiui>trator.B
May j:i, l.s'.w
Notice is hereby given that the liartnership
lately sub>isting U-iween Smith Bouduian and
John Manuel, of Shrewsbury twp., Sullivan Co.,
l'a,, undwrthe luirtnership name of Bouduian i
Muuuel have this day been dissolved by mutual
consent. All dehtsowing to the said partnership
are to IN? received by said John Manuel, und ail
demand on the said |>art!icrsliip aje to be present
ed to him or his attornev.
A. J. BKAW.KY. Attv.
l.a|Kirte.Pa., April 1, '9B.
Williamsport & North Branch R.R
In Effect Monday Sept. (1, 1807.
Northward. South ward
pm. a.m. a,in. pm
5 1. r > 10 40 Halls 9 45; 440
f.Vjo<flo 4. r i Penusdale 9 41 f4Sf>
;>ai 10 , r »8 Hughesville 932 4'.'4
540 11 07 Picture Rocks 9 2.'> 4 14
fi44 fll 11 Lyons Mills f9 22 f4 08
f-"»47 fll 14 ciiatuouni 920 f4 oti
551 1121 Glen Mawr 9 14 400
fliW fll 30 Strawbridge f9 07 f:t47
f6 09 flint; Beech (Hen f9 02 f:t4o
til'-' 1140 Muncy Valley 849 3 38
618 1140, Sonestown 8, r i2 332
034 12 04 Nordmont 837 3 15
654 12 25; LaPorte 821 257
057 12 28 LaPorte Taunery 8 19 254
1713 fl2 45 Ringdale f8 05 f2 33
727 100 Sattertleld 7552 20
pm. p. ui. u ni. p m.
All trains daily except Sunday; " 112" Bag
Connections with the Philadelphia A Reading
at llalls, for all points north and suuth, and the
Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At
Satterfield for all points on the Lehigh Valley
railroad. At Sonestown with the Ragles Mere
R. E. EAVENSON, Gen, Manager.
IF SOME .7. 7
Because it would be READ
just the same as you are read
ing this. Give it a trial.
Goto J. \V. Buck, Sonestown, lor
rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and
dressgooda at December low prices. High
egt prices paid for butter and eggs.
L R. Gwmble,
Dealer in and
Hanufacturer of
AND Your Patronage
Lumber so '' c ' tri ' 0,1 hasis of low prices. Uon't let this laul ucnprf
w We are 8 e,,i "8 ri( l of our large stock of hand made wagons.
Wagons, We also deal in factory made platfrotn spring wagon*.
Blacksmithing and
West Main Street LAFOE. TE.
CAMPBELL The Merchant,
My new Spring stock of 1 >ry (ioode, Notions and furnishings are now opened
lot your inspection. Call and examine. The prices are right. Don't tail to look
over my bargain counter, for I always have some bargains for you. Boys and girls
black hose, tic pr. Ladeis vests, 5c each.
Gents, This is to Your Interest:
Fresh stock of seeds just arrived, at following prices until Hold: Timothy, $1.75
bushel; mam clover, iS-l.l") bit.: orchard grass, hu.: red top, $1.50
BOOTS, SHOES, CLOTHING, l.als, cap, and straw goods. An endless
variety. New goods, latest, styles and best prices. I'lease examine before going
elsewhere (irocery department replenished weekly. Agent tor Wiard plow, and
rakes. Wheel harrows and Kowker fertilizers. C'oiintrv produce taken in exchange
for troods. A share of vonr patronage is solicited.
Yours vc-rv respectfullv.
S SMonag «*on 3NIHOVW WiJVd INJOWb3A « ■
g '»»J» 'V|>|UoU||)S3) JO spajpunq qjiAV
's'juu joqqnj A\OJ V ido.ix.') 'snuclaj JOJ 1U.13 ouo
JSOA J3A3U SUQ SJIIO o|ji|.\\ 'Xjoj.jirj otiini n puos oi pui: wi * M[
'opisui JJO sSuußOq oi|) JO ouo ojpuci Xotji qiuoui ISJIJ oqi W M
111 ot|i ui jwj jaiinq to lunoum MN OOIAV) isnf II Ml
xpiijAv 'o>tßui JOIIIOUB jo auiqnriu AS mi ir io3 jtiqi|Siau V IFSK ■
'M9Q U3t|M UBt)) J9)SBD UllJ O) SlilO.IS pUB S.IIM.t bo4U| liJmVjJ
■ JSOUI|B JOJJB OUIJ SUIU JOlßJßdos ' 1 pOAUUdllll Oil T,
'9' ludv ' vj 'uanasn JIUSKt
I '£)!l!qwn(j pub Xsb3 asoi3 I
H S)! JOj pojou V! B
■jojWßdas mjQ's 'fi paAOJdrai m Traa I
Direct from Mill to Wearer,
★ Which Saves you 4 Big Profits. ★
The Commisson House. The The Jobber and Store Keeper.
i tti Qfi '"issi"" 1 !
OhivO Cargcst Value eocr Offered. >
' BSa Onr Great Barsstn Offer! , ° n " coum of ,h ' failur ' of on, o'h
A rauai anAlllA Alll — A thelartest Commission lloubes» here, repre t
I SZZ BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, «Mtag » Woolen Mil io l,.Und. wrf
j U3U JJSL WITH IXTKA I'AIR OF PARTS. bought last Spring the entire production ofl
1 Theee Suits ar« gvaranutd to bo their gray and black Irish Frieze o< 6.0c«.f
« KJwJ reu4o WnolOliet- pieces at a sacrifice. Therefore we .re >ble 112
' Br'ow^tn ll^ rffiStoWM? •< »,'»« '"• ,h '" « h ' !'
A ftge. Mude up double in eaflted, raw material price. $10.75, never
A Bailor Collar—Collar fancy before in the history of clothing and T
\ «,T Ui"] propa b l, n e v «r wiU you have . .
) *2.99 Waiat Bands. Trimmintf chance to get half such a \alue for your
A wl,h and W the very best. money. Above price !■» less than the
1 nta Btaa# ft»p a«*« H> to 16 year*, without new tariff duty on the material. They are
/ Sailor Cellar Mention age at Uat blrth.Uy, anU if l«n,'"or mnall. made up double-breasted as per CUt belov/.
Kim i lined throughout with
J * JUST THINK OF IT! * Ie tra heavy woven plaid linings, pinked L
1 A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER facings, all pockets framed and Well stayed
1514.00 $6.98 SSSHssap»e
) you can save by buying direct 4 I d ' e to duplicate I
from the manufacturer. 0) , ( \ them for double the THIS
) Guaranteed to be made from All T* P L rlce on • tC^ u J nt i °' Of.i m •
Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray, BLck or r j »he new tanff duty. » a
Blue TweeJ, made in latest style, •" cl-X Measure same as
<A lined with Imported Farmer Satin, &for a Sack Coat, giv- k '
) trimmed and finished in the best of j\ * n S length wanted,
Custom Tailor manner. Vou cannot ; /j (\ also night and rr 4 »
t duplicate it in your town for $14.00. J|| \ weight. ® loftWTr^"■',-^j
4 Sliei 34 to 42. . / I 1 W 1 A 2c. stamp will e 'm'SaM "
j • The same goods made form , 'h 1 bring you samples,
N Youths, 13 to iS, in long Pants, I! fll) 1 JIJ 1 catalogue, tape ® Y
J Coat and Vest O.UU _ I measure and blanks. £
5 Mow to measure men s a youth s Suits r TJ 1 V.M We pay express ? m>*WsWr >
A Measure around the breast and i /|\ T~j charges and should j \
waist over the Vest, aod from crotch •* . r/ \V you not feel satisfied fifty- V 4
A tD hael for Pants. V,'«" jJT j we will refund the Q I
,When ordering, send Post-Office ;r ill J I mone y' o 1 '
\ Express money order or Registered 1/ •'/ I / Remember you "" 1 "
) Letters. Money cheerfully refunded if I I J j buy direct from one ;
<t nat satisfactory.. Send ac. stamp for (Vj// I I of the largest Ooth- >'■
J sanralet,. tape .roMSVire, measuring \«ij/ £g/) 112 (I, ing manufacturers in \j> (
blanks, etc. America. '*
Do you Appreciate Values?
li|so, lfoan readily do'Jbusiiiess with yon. Call, and I can
lill your order to your entire satisfaction.
My Spring and Summer Line is Complete.
C'asimere Suits, $1.50 to SB.OO.
Worsted Soils. S~>.r>o to UO.OO
Serge Suits. 5.00 to 10.00. Clay Suits, 4.00 to 18.00.
Also au attractive line of
Gents Furnishing Goods.
Hats, caps, light wool and gauze nnderware, umbrellas, trunks,
traveling hags and valices. Call and see the largest line of
clothing in this part of the country.
Try The News Item Job Office Once.
. To Please.
Subscribe for the News Item.