Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 26, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
THURSDAY MAY 20, 1898.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At the County Seat of Sullivan County.
Kntered at the' Post Office at Laporte, as
second-class mail matter.
SUBSCRIPTION —$1.25 per annum. It
paid in advance SI.OO. Sample copies
free. All communications should be ad
dressed to
Laporte Pa.,
I'or a garden hoe, garden rake, grub,
hing lioe, pick, shovel, etc. call 011 J. AN .
Wall paper with tine borders to match.
.Inst received at <J. W. Buck*, Sonestown.
II you need fence wire, [call on,l. \N .
Buck, he has different sizes 011 hand.
Dr. David James Burrell, pastor of
the Marble Collegiate Chiifch, New
York, said, iii a sermon ou "The Dig
nity of Labor": "The effect of indo
lence upon a nation finds an apt illus
tration in Spain. No country 011 earth
has a richer soil. They say, 'lf you
tickle it with a hoe it will laugh with
a harvest.' But unfortunately for the
CastilJan race they have a prejudice
against the hoe. They* are given to
bull fighting and fan flirting and love
making. Once there were 12,000 vil
lages along the Guadalquver; now
there are but 800. The land has fallen
into innocuous desuetude.
"The people are a race of beggars
more or less respectable. There is no
greatness in Spain. If the kingdom
were to perish from the earth it would
leave no laws, no literature, nothing
as a legacy to posterity. The pride of
the Spaniards is vast and ludicrous.
Their strength has been bluster for
centuries. Little Holland, with less
than three millions of people, fought
Spain, one generation taking up the
fight where the last had left it, until
Philip 111. begged for an armistice.
They are unable even to subdue Cuba.
Poor, famished Cuba! What a pathet
ic farce is this, that the grandees of
Spain, with their armies, should be suc
cessfully resisted by a few brave isl
anders whose ranks are decimated by
slaughter, famine and plague!
"We, on the contrary, have been de
rided as 'a nation of shopkeepers and
artisans.' Our glory is in the truth
of that imputation. Alas! for us, when
we consent to look on labor with Span
ish eyes! If war must be declared
against Spain—which God forfend—let
us rejoice that a call for volunteers
would be answered as it was when
Lincoln made his historic appeal for
a hundred thousand more, not by
volunteers from the street corners and
the drawing rooms, but from the fields
and the work shops. Here is the source
of our greatness; here is the hope of
our perpetuity. The true American is
neither the alms-taker nor the gentle
man of leisure."
The Real Article.
The towns of Morton and Richmond,
Texas, contain feudal factions, who
style themselves the "Reedbirds" and
thf* "Woodpeckers," the Horton fac
tion being the "Reedbirds," and that
of Uichmond the "Woodpeckers."
in order to demonstrate the brother
ly love that exists between them, they
have formed the most delightful habit
of shooting one another on sight.
Occasionally, when a certain member
of either faction has consumed more
firewater than is absolutely good for
him, he goes to Richmond, or Horton,
as the case may be, on an errand of
destruction, and the chances generally)
are that before the sun sets he is a
fit subject for the Coroner.
Spurville Is the name of the place
that lies just between these two bellig
erent townships, anu is a general head
quarters for the section men of the
Texas and Pacific Railway, who in
Texas are more familiarly known as
It so happened that one day .Mickey
O'Rourke, one of the section men, waij
Bitting on a barrel of dynamite, com
placently smoking his pipe, utterly un
conscious of his close proximity to thfl
happy hunting grounds, when he wai
surprised by a big, burly fellow, who
swaggered up to him with his vest
open and his hands on the buts of two
very formidable looking guns.
"What are ye?" he demanded, gruf
fly—"A Reedbird or a Woodpecker?"
"Am I phwat?" asked Mickey, not
ing that his interlocutor was unsteady,
on his feet and at the same time slow
ly edging around for his own gun.
"Phwat was it you said?"
"I asked yer if you wuz a Reedbirt}
or a Woodpecker!" shouted the
"And yer want to answer me blamed
quick, too!"
By this time Mickey had reached hia
gun, so he said: —"Shure, Oi'm nather;|
Oi'm only a Shnoipe, but"—and, pull
lug quick, he got the drop 011 his man
—"Oi'm a burrud just the same!"
And the other had to admit that he
Smallest Htcr of Hninana.
The smallest race of people In the
world inhabit the Ajidaman Islands.
They have an average weight of sev
enty pouncs, and are under four feet
in height.
J Treasurer's Sale|
Agreeable to the provisions of an Act of Assem
bly entitled, "An Act directing the mode of sell
ing Unseated Lauds for tuxes, passed the 12th day
I of March, 1815, and the supplements thereto, 1, ,
i HANSOM THRASHER, Treasurer of the County o(:
I Sullivan, hereby give notice to all persons eou
, cerned that unless the Countv,State,Koail, school
i and Poor Taxes due on the following tracts of j
I Unseated Lands situated in said county and )uid ,
before the day of sale, the whole or such i>art of |
! each tract as will pay the taxes and such cost
I chargablc thereon will be sold at the Court llousc
in Laportc, said county of Sullivan, on the 13th
day of June, 18118, being the second Monday of
June. The sale to lie continued by adjournment
from day today if deemed necessary for arrear
ages of taxes due, and assessed and cost accural
on each tract respectively.
Unseated Lands.
•il ~ii Baker, John $ 93 94
417j. Kpple, Henry 1117 63
394 Kpple, Henry 117 23
50 Eldrea, William 33 75
1:!3 Fox, Samuel i! 7 (>8
332% Kox, (ieorgc 224 10
j0"_! Fox, Samuel 22 95
100 Oray, William- 22 50
HV)% Oray, William 38 25
27 Getting, Christian 18 00
158 Getting, Grovcr 100 88
178 aeoliy. Leonard 40 50
75 ackson , cnumiji 111 88
100 Keyser, ohn 22 50
12 Laskcy, Edivard 282
13 Lukens, Daniel 2 82
40 Gray, William "J oo
332 Xorris oseph I' 22410
150 Quirk, ohn 33 75
12 Heed, Collinson 731
185 Heed, Collinson 4163
215 Roberts, Hugh 105 38
Ik) Kolx'lls, Hugh 10 50
23ti Roberts, as. F 159 19
100 Roberts George 07 50
285 Stein, William 12
200 Stein, l'hllip 45 00
114 Stein, Philip 34 00
110 VanPhull, William 24 75 1
108 Wager, Philip 2150 j
227 Weitzcl. Jacob 49 00j
COM.EV Tivr.
120 Anderson, John 12 961
91% liiown, George 5 no j
.">0 Compton, Adaiu James 10 20
325 ( lurk, John 35 10
307 Cbofic, llilKT 99 47!
388 chase, Dudley 125 71 j
191 Carpenter, Samuel 51 03
200 Crispin, James -1 00
•290 Culbertson, John 3132
333';, Carpenter, Casper J 35 96
400'' Campbell, Gustavus 43 20
224 Carpenter, Charles 23 97
4110 Carjicnter, lilisha 43 20
350 Cottinger, Garret 38 45
118 Daily, Jeremiah 45 24
118 Daily. Mary 45 24 |
lis Daily, John 45 21
175 Fit/.simmons, Thounw J' 00 1
200 Goodheart. Elisha 04 80 \
133 Gillett, Ellphalet 1320
350 Goodheart, James F. 37 80 1
431 llousewcart, John 21101
338 Honey, George 30 50
200 1 leister, Pete! 10 80 ]
:m lleber, Chase 3 21 1
317 IC ester, Jacob 34 24 i
300 Kerr, Geo. Adolphus 32 40
202 Logan, Sluildon 23 00j
330 Me.Muilan, Michael 35 04,
1 „ of 418 McMullan, John 27 SO
*417 McMullan, Alexaudci 4514
50 Moi'se, William 10 20
l:i Nicholas, William 4 32
4UO Nicholas, Henry 43 20
151 Odion, Tliomas 31 32
50 Parley, Nathaniel 1020
190 Pinco, Bczebel 15 00
• r io l'arlcv. Nathaniel |0 20
192 13-100 Richard, E. G 02 10
323 r.-10 Ritzer, Jacob HM 7(1
50 Sparaiiawk. Thomas 40 00
31 Sullivan, James 10 Ot
111 Shaw, David 20 73
108 Tomliuson, Richard 18 36
12 Ttttcm, Joseph 378
21 Tatcm, Joseph 7 02
150 Tomliuson, Richard 1100
310 Tatcm, Joseph 3102
207 Tomliuson, Benjamin 22 11
93 Woodward, Kbcuzer ,;o 21
150 Woodward. Beza 48 00
:*H) Wliltford, Wilson 97 20
111 Zcigler, David 1188
50 Zcigler, David 540
392 Balliott, John 102 25
399 Beasley, Johnson JO9 70
401% Bantlv, Paul 87 60
207 Colt, William 38 lio
300 Cope, Israel 13140
50 Coatcs, Jacob 10 95
436 Custard, Mary 14965
83 Coatcs, Mary 12 41
92 Kvaus, Elizabeth 15 68
98 Evans, John and James' 10 30
150 Kvaus, Joel 32 s~>
201 Kwing, Jasper 43 80
427 lowing, Robert 72 60
12990-100 1 less and Creveling 9 25
368 Harvey, Peter 53 73
00 Hess, Samuel and Wesley 26 28
450 llarvcy, Nicholas 31 40
21 Hess, Samuel and Wesley 3 00
436 James, Grace 19120
10 James, Thomas 4 38
80 Paschall, Joseph 34 01
230 Miley, Martin 102 20
373 McMullan Alexander 08 01
187 Montgomery, William 27 37
35s 1 , Sample. Catherine 52 20
75 St raw bridge. James 10 95
437 Woodside, Eleanor 191 20
48 Wooditidc, Archibald 21 90
430 Woodnide, John jr. 03 65
266?:', Varncll, Rebecca 43 80
12 Bryson, Samuel 9 CO
180 Carpenter, John 28 80
250 Coolc, Stephen 40 00
100 ('only, Robert 10 00
30 Cooley, Henry 480
00 Hunstnger, Aaron 13 8-1
250 Proctor & Hill 4000
13' 4 Rogers, C. S. 200
43 Proetor & llill 0 88
432 Horsey, John 71 70
53 Eddy, George 33 10
477 Fox, George 236 12
50 Harris, Jesse 24 75
425 Hurley, Henry 109 67
252 Hurley, Chas. 124 5o
.">0 Harrison, Jacob 24 75
425 Hurley, George 54 88
100 Lloyd, Peter jr. ,145
122 Lucke, Henry 01 05
180 Musscr, John 91 20
GO Pleasants, Israel ;;l 00
87 Peters Richard 43 00
55 Roberts, Hugh 26 25
55 Roberts, Jas. F. 20 25
402 Roberts, George 198 20
90 Rush, Benjamin 14 85
FOX TOtti's IP.
I 100 Epple, Henry 13 60
30 Epple, Henry ; 78
I 407% Hughes, George 51 34
, 330 Hu11,3 ohn 125 30
317% Hull.Mahlon 119 70
1 300 Hilton, amcs 75 50
j 307 ones Israel 38 lo
300 ohnson anics 105 40
I , r >o Kuhn, l'ctcr 030
| 29 Penrose, Thomas 1710
I 80 Allierts, George 30 24
1 80 Itiughaiii, William 10 Os
290 Boyd, John 54 81
335 linnliam, Eplirailo 1200:!
346% Beck, Henry,) 32 30
216 Bon ham, William 81 90 !
luo Carpenter, Samuel 12 Oo 1
50 Corson, James 1891 I
257% Delaney, Thomas 73 08
\ 50 Hornkcith, Jeremiah I I 181
, 198 ackson, William 75 00
135 McKane, Thomas 34 02
4us Reese, Daniel 154 85
405 Seckler, Michael 153 09
I K*l Bachm, Philip 10 GO
! 111 Bachm, Philip 24 00
1 39 Bachm, Philip 826
; 191 Baum, Philip 4049
126 Fox, Samuel M. A; 71
1 Franklin, Thomas 21
I 36 Fox, Hannah 704 '
j 55 Fox, Sarah 742
' 40 Franklin, Walter 030
i| 13 Gardner, Richard 280
28 Graft, ohn 594
' I 170 Graff, ohn « .Ki 01
| 182 Graff, Andrew 37 40
. 56 Graff, Andrew 1127
1 , 10 Garragus, Susan \v 212
45 Gardner. Richard 9 54
j 105 Gray, Holiert :020
118 Harvey, Jonathan 15 02
5 Herling, Joseph lOG
140 Harvey, Jonathan 29 OR
j 47% Harvey, Jonathan 997
101 Hall; Charles 2205
117 Harvey, Jonathan 2480
150 L€vl, Daniel 36 89
lIS'S Levi, Daniel 13 62
1 24% Levi, Daniel 530
OS Morris, Richard 11. M 42
71 Morris, Richard 11. 1520
119 North, Kicluml 25 45
45 Norris, Joseph J\ 9 54
ft? North. Riehurd .V, 75
48% Pleasants, Ism*'! 9 iio
95 Pleasants, tiautut I 19 80
40 Parker, Thomas »vi jo
15 Parker, William :i
117 Parker, William :J5 lo
:iO% Parker, William C,40
401 Roberta, lltitfli . SO 48
19 Reynolds, Tnomas 10 12
175 Reynolds. Thomas S3 54
Gl Roberts, JO. F.
5 Ruekstruw, Joseph 100
85 Roberts, Toinu/.i m 7 42
97 Smith, Daniel 1170
75% Smith Daniel 15 19
l;io Wright, Samuel R. 27 50
115 Whalcn, Robert 25 50
80 Weaver, William 10 32
117 lirodic, William 8 40
418 JiriiHnii, Peter r.| 02
:ill% Urady, John 110 00
59 Boyd, John 24 84
101 Dougherty. John 44 20
100 Dougherty. John 4:180
75 Fenno, John 10 95
.'155 Unities, Reuben 155 49
100 Hoover, Jaeoh 4.180
401% Hunter, Job 58 40
25 Irwin, Robert 70
:SBO Ogden, Joseph 109 00
190 Richardson, Isaae 83 22
219 Swain, Joint 95 40
Seated List.
Also at the same time and place, the following
tracts and parcels of laud duly assessed and re
turned on tint Seated List will* Ik* sold for arrear
ages of taxes in the names of the present or former
owners, in accordance with the provisions of an
Act of Assembly, passed April 29, A. D. I*l4.
10 Raker, KrancU . ..$lB 58
.*> Bentley, Hannah. heir* 4o
2 l<ot* Hart el 1. (iotleib 1 •>«»
52 Collins, Thomas 12 31
5o Dunn, Jas. and F. 1' 1 nk
t'»o Donegal). Kdward 2 7o
50 Dunn, Anna 210
2 Hand L Davidge. S. 11 7 92
100 (Sal higher, Martin 19 85
50 (iallagJier, M. I* 245
295 Holmes, John t i :i5 72
lo.'l Kaier, George .127
II and 1, Kraus, William 1 5;:
•»7 Kester, Jesse.... *OS
07 Lavelle, John. 28 ;JK
2 l Laml»crt. John so
•»> Lucus. John doo
20 Mcllalc, Michael 5 lo
65 Uoone). Patrick heirs 52 80
HO Mosier. Peter and (i. NN. 1 58
9S Mercury Jackson BJJS
ill M(»sicr, Peter 875
1 ua Hiuith.l.l' 11:;
11 and L Scouteii, J. (1 I 1:;
11 and L Shoolin, James 120
11 and L Smith. W. F 975
185 Wright, Martin and Jas... 27 00
j (10 Heaeoek & Jaekson 172
7 Jackson, Geo, D, heirs 868
180 Jackson,(.ieo. C . 22 10
11 Quintt, John Sr 2 55
77 Midd»*ndorf, Frank 21 1?
ittl.l KV fOWNKIIIJ 4 .
II and L Hlcustiick, Catherine 890
08 Davidge, S. B 1128
50 Daddow. Mrs. E. A 18 00
150 & Daddow. John 112. 00
50 Harris, Mrs. Mary 8 :to
80 Kinsley. Jacob.... 800
j Cider Press 1 Messcrsmith, Geo. \
' and mill / and Son /
48 Meyers, W. F 4 17
75 Parsons, Edward 18 94
11 and L Parish T .1 . . 297
Hand L Parish, A. 1.1 78
,2 Hand Hotli. John, 790
1 48 ShulU. 11 11*
mill Stroud, George 707 1
100 Threshouldback. J. H.. 25 95
H ami L oliphant. Chus, heirs.. 58
j 50 Dekalb. Frank and Tobias 507
j S4 Bradley, R, F 1105
SIKV: L) JJunhantatid Collins I ~ s *,>
I 298 j Trustees j '
1«; I Hans, Jeremiah HI 20
81 * Keeler, John F 2108
87 Little, J. P 20 90
93& 200 Lorah, Jacob 24 25
0 Stein bach. Lcrov 080
1 Lot Rinh, J. F 9:10
2 saw mills Sebug, Pierce 22 00
9 Herring, William 220
11 Walters, William 220
i Foundry
|it Building Bigger 11 rod.. . '2B 50
; 11 and J, Carl, E. A 7 M
1 Lot Johnson, W. L 285
! 1 Lot Jordan, John M 152
; 1 Lot Jordan. Edward 152
1 Lot Saxer, George, heirs 100
1 . Bird, Mrs Emma 15
8» J Jorum. Nathaniel I 88
54 King, Thomas 243
11 Molyneux, Margaret 171
! 140 McCarty, O. L. Bros 8 10
' 275 Newman, Galon estate. 4140
207 Sullivan, James 41 40
20 \Nellc. mis E„........... 2 7;:
Davis, John, heirs 8 15
' 1 Lot Hirdsall, Elizabath . 23
21 Chi Ison, 11 arrv 272
21 ( hi lson, C. F «'*)
so r lark, John 1' 282
100 Jordan, Ilenrv 5 so
80 Lambert, William estate 0 24
98 Carey. Joseph 998
ii.i ( auipbcll John S 17 88
90 (jiggu. Henry 19 54
50 Howell, L. B 1:1 75
50 Hogoboom, E. E 12 40
180 Helms, Martha 29 40
50 Meyers, John C 12 55
May, Warren 1 00
50 Shatter, O. J 12 50
William.-. Ibnr> 9696
90 Walker, Ada M 8 75
09 Warner. Henry 12 35
220 Watts. Murry 1 20 89
111 ftodtne, ik ( o :W
II mull. Hot s fon i. M NN M73
•jo rook, Nclhoii l>
50 Collins, Thomas 10 00
lil ( rot mil, lliruui 15 80
i> r ) < honey, H. L. heirs -ti i>o
2 Lots Dunham K. M TO
200*-£& K") Gower, Surali 16 45
io Hill. H. F 10 48
2*» Holmes, Henry 20 72
68 Hunter. Aurnnd 19 20
mi Little, Charles 1912
1050 McFarlane, James 1050
jo Overseers poor, cherry
township 12 -"»o
70 A hotel Jtillg, II ll 4 1H
I lot TinklepuuKh, chus 500
59 Smith, Mark 2106
100 White. Peter heirs 15(10
28 Aslots NV.iV: N. li. Urilrond Compuny :i0. r >o
s<» Walsh, A i ls:rj
«'io Uorman, (ieorge 12 10
Ka.-t and South end hotel lot, Nordmont
IVtermaii, Philip 50
2 11 L Brewster. Mrs. J. T -7
I lot Hccht, iScorm* J v 'iw
I lot Hattin. Jethro 242
II and J.Clark, Mrs. Mary 22 50
1 lot Elliott, li NY 93
1 l«»t Hill. NN . li. Kt>lute 2*o
i lot Lee, Walter.. ....... S, J
1 lot Lawshe, John « l #9
7 lots Mix, 11. ti 10 50
1 lot Morston. John, jr *9
1 hit Kanm.J.ll «»^9
1 lot Stevenson, William 1
1 lot NNaddrow, C. NN 389
II and 1 ..L Brewster, Virginia 4 1H
1 lot Steadman. M 188
1 lot Streeter. Hurry 1
liuteher shop and ice house, Stroup Bros 190
sHKKwsiirnv T\Vl*. BBHHB
1 lot Allen, Holturt P 4 «»7
'.'.00 Bigger, li. NY. A; If. N :i0 00
llot Barth, li. NN
100 Clark, Mrs. Kosa 4 00
150 l»reen, Ambrose 15 20
11 & 2 A Hamilton. .Mrs 2 25 ;
11 and L Hughes. Laura W
IIA A I'oale, S. li WW
1 lut Ricliaii, J. M. G 11
110 sjialTor. W. II 1" I'J
II aud 2L Sarfurty, Most* l» ' •*'
J lut Thorn, Alfred 11
I lot SVatroiis', Warreu jtM
•.no WiluUT*. Mrs. Hritoii- " - >u
1L& SO A Warner, WUliaiu ill®
•JOO Wheeler, l'eter #OO
100 McCarty Bro. *0
400 HuKan. Mounii' U7O J
The sum of llfty cents must also be paid on each
tract, lot or puree I of laud advertised iu addition
to the amount named opposite each tract, lot or
parcel of land for advertising, Also in addition
to the same, interest will In- charged upon the I
amount of taxes due upou each tract, lot or juir j
eel of land (or each year from the first day of j
January of the vear following until paid, under
Act of 18H7.
N. 11.—No taxe» will he received on the day of
Treasurer's ollice, Laporte, Pa., March 24 1888.
Cherry Pectoral
Baved my little girls' lives when
they had
Whooping Cough."
Mrs. A. H. BEERS,
Barnes, N. Y.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
is a daily chronicle in our papers; alto
the death of some dear friend, who had
died with Consumption, whereas, if he or
nlie had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and
I.ungdiseases in time, life would have
been rendered happier and perhaps saved,
lleed the warning ! If you have a cough
or an v affection of the Throat and Lungs
Call on T. .1. Keeler,Laporte; W. L.
Hotlnian, II illsgrove; B. S
Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Estella;
Jno. W. Buck, Soncstown, and get a
trialjpnckage tree. Large size 50c and 25c.
G. A. Rogers
(Successor to B.W. Fawcett.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries.
Fishing tackle, at lowest possible
A Cut in Price is
Giving Voice.
And I lie fuels can lie learned by catl
ing at the Shoe Shop of
John V. Finkle, Laporte.
Forreign prices us follows:
Men's shoes, half-sole and heal, GOc.
Women's shoes do ->oc.
. Children's shoes do 25c.
Cement patches, 05c.
Fine tresh oranges, lemons and bananas
at John W*. Bucks, Soncstown.
Educate Vour llonrels With Caacaretb.
Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c. Stic. IIC. 0. C. (all, druggists refund money.
< "all in and see the new nickel oil stove,
a good thing t'or summer use. J. W.Buck.
To I'ut-tt Coiiaiiimtioii !• (ir«v,'r.
Take fiisrarcts Caiuiv l.'uUiarllc. Lite orSSc.
tr i'. C. ('. lull locum, druKKislM refund monev
Kilucntn Your llowel* Witli Cuacareta.
Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever.
10c,SSc. irC C. C full, druggistsrcrund money.
New lot of wall paper, timothy and
clover seed, onion sets at popular prices,
at J, \V. Buck's.
Everybody Says So.
Cascarets Candy Cathartic, the most won
derful medical discovery of the ape, pleas
ant and refreshing to the taste, act frently
anil positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, fever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and trv a box
of C. C. C. to-day; to, £V M) cents. Sold and
guaranteed to oura by all druggists.
Double* the Pleasure or a Drive,
A Une carriage doubles the pleasure of driv
ing. Intending buyers of carriages or har
uess can save dollars by sending for the
large, free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage
auu Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, lud,
Good News.
No other Medicine was ever given such
a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bot
ties of this great German remedy are be
ing distributed kmkk of ciiakok, to those
alllicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all
Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo
ple proot that Otto's Cure will cure them
For sale only bv T. J. Keeler, Laporte;
W.L. Hoffman,Hillsgrove; »5.5, Lancaster
Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Kstella; Jno.
W. Buck, Soncstown. Samples iVee.
Large bottles 50c and 25c.
New lot of timothy and clover seeds and
onion sets at lohn \V. Bucks, Sonestown.
No-To-ltac for l'l.\jr Cents.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak
men strong, biuod pure. bUc.St. All druggists.
To Cure Cone 11 put ton I'urevrr*
Take Cascarets Candy Cathartic, loe or 250.
If C. C. C. full to cure, druggists refund money.
and Summer
Every corner of lite store is
bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear and Men's
wear ami Children's wear,
AVe are glad to have yon come in
and see the new life of the old
store ami look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove, Pa,
Three Big Stores-- MUNCY VALLEY,
•re first in quality, first i u style, and firJt froll , a
eirwhi v ' e "' üße,bey ' re,oweri ° "yV" c,n
If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at
once to any of the above named stores where former
values and prices are practically lost sight of in our
determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best
this County GOODS N ° T '° NS
corsets" " ne of
The lady who wishes the latest styles combined
with high grade and half the old price should call and
select from the complete line of sizes.
! |
L. <3^
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both j and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in 3-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
And you will be surprised
how cheap they are in the end.
We have just unpacked ouch a mock oI coats and capee to which ne are pleased
to call vour special attention. We do not pretend to handle the cheapest
coats in the market, but we do say we have the BEST and neatest fitting
garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, aud in the latest
styles with prices to suit everybody.
Ladies and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not go halt frozen 'this winter for we
have plenty of underwear for you all, both in cotton or wool, red orgr&y aud
the prices are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will ba aston
: «hed that we are able to give you euch bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will'favor us.witb
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince you that we
have the most carefully selected line of tine and heavy boots and shoes ever
brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very
pretty designw in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ou
Businasn, and we still continue in paying the highest each prices for Butter
E. G. Sylvara dushore, ipa.
Wright & Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
F"r„iturs yndsrtaKing.
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full aud complete seasoned stock always on haud.
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch,