Republican News Item. CHAS. LOREN WING, Editor. THURSDAY MAY 19, 189S. "FIRST OF ALL —THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTE, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class inai! matter. SUBSCRIPTION— SI.2S per annum. If paid in advance SIOO- Sample copies free. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., For a garden hoe, garden rake, gruK binjr hoe, pick, shovel, etc. cull on J. W . Buck. Wall paper with tine borders to match, Just received at J. W. Bucks, Sonestown. If von need fence wire, call on J. W. Buck, he has different sizes on hand. A French paper has published a roll of honor of dogs which have distin guished themselves in war. This iS not Inappropriate, considering that the dog has been pressed into military ser vice. For instance, there was Bob, the mastiff of the Grenadier Guards, which made the Crimean campaign with that corps; and also Whitepaw, a brave French ally of Bob, that made the same campaign with the 116 th of the line and was wounded In defending the flag. Another, Moustache, was entered on the strength of his regiment as entitled to a grenadier's rations. The barber had orders to clip and comb him once a week. This gallant animal received a bayonet thrust at Marengo and recov ered a flag at Austerlitz. Marshal Lannes had Moustache decorated with a medal attached to his neck by a red ribbon. Corps do Garde followed a soldier to Marengo, was wounded at Austerlitz, and perished in the retreat from Moscow. The 6th of the Guard had a military mastiff named Misere, which wore three white stripes sewn on his black hair. There was also Pompon of the 48th Bedouins, the best sentry of the baggage train; Loutpute, a Crimean heroine; Mitraille, killed at Inke'rman by a shell; Moflino, that saved his mas ter in Russia and was lost or lost him self, but found hi 3 way alone from Moscow to Milan, his flrst dwelling place. The most remarkable, however, was an English terrier, named Mustapha, which went into action with his Eng lish comrades at Fontenoy, and, ac cording to the story, "remained alone by a field-piece after the death of the gunner, his master clapped the match to the touch-hole of the cannon, and thus killed seventy soldiers;" and it is fuither added that Mustapha was pre sented to King George 11. and reward ed with a pension. Tlit* Mutch I'llut Saved Three Lives. This is the story of a match that saved three men's lives in the Klon dike. The men were Baron Selklff Peglau, Stark Humes, of Seattle, and B. J. Littler, of Pictou, Ont. They left Daw son City with sleds and dogs, bound down the Yukon to St. Michael's. When one hundred and ten miles from Dawson they ran into a 60-below-zero blizzard, which paralyzed them with cold so that they could scarcely move. The baron was, far ahead. Humes and Littler tried to build a fire. Match alter match was lighted only togo out. Their fingers were so numb that they could not hold the matches, which dropped into the snow, flickered and died out. Their last match was gone. Death from freezing stared them in the face. The baron came up. "Got any matches?" they cried in one voice. The baron felt numbly through his pockets, and after much desperate fumbling produced a single, dirty, little match. Their lives hung on that splinter of wood. Eagerly they got some dry shavings. Humes and Litt ler spread wide open their great coats, opposite each other. The baron stooped down and tried to light the fatal match. He struck it and it fell from his nerveless fingers. Picking it up he struck it again along his leg. Humes and Littler felt their hearts choking their throats. This time a tiny spark flew off the end of the match, flickered bashfully in the cold, dry air, took courage, ig nited one of the shavings, and then an other, while the baron nursed it until the flame bit his frozen fingers. The Are caught, then burned briskly, and In a few moments three desperate Klondikers thanked their lucky stars that they had escaped that most hor rible death, frozen stiff in the Klon dike. Saint Folx, the Krencn poet, who was always in debt, sat one day in a barber's shop waiting to be shaved. He was lathered when the door opened and a tradesman entered who hap pened to be one of the poet's creditors, and angrily demanded his money. The poet composedly begged him not to make a scene. "Won't you wait for the money until lam shaved?" "Cer tainly," said the other, pleased at the prospect. Saint Foix then made the barber a witness of the agreement and took a towel, wiped the 'lather from his face and left the shop. He wore a beard to the end of his days. Treasurer's Sale! OP UNSEATED LANDS. Agreeable to the provisions of ah Act of Assm bly entitled, "All Act directing the mode of soil ing Unseated Lands for tuxes, passed the 12th day of March, 1815, and the supplements thereto, 112, HANSOM TIIKASHEK, Treasurer of the County of Sullivan, hereby give notiee to all jiersons con cerned that unless the County,State,Road, Sehool und l'oor Taxes due on the following tracts of Unseated Lands situated in said county and paid before the day of sale, the whole or sueli jiart of each tract as will pay the taxes and such cost chargablc thereon will be sold at the Court House in Laporte, said county of Sullivan, on the 13th (lay of June, 1898, being the second Monday of June. The sale to be continued by adjournment from day today if deemed necessary for arrear ages of taxes due, and assessed and cost aceured on each tract respectively. Unseated Lands- ACRES. WARRANTEE. TAX, CHERRY TWP. 417% Raker, John ? 93 94 •117;:, Kpple, Henry 167 63 394 Kpple, Henry 117 2:! 50 Eklred, William 33 75 123 Fox, Samuel 27 68 832% Fox, George 224 10 102 Fox, Samuel 22 95 100 Gray, William 22 50 1!U 1 j Gray, William 38 25 27 Getting, Christian *lB 00 158 Getting, Grover 106 88 17s Li.una.d 40 50 75 acksou , ml. ah 1688 100 Keyset', ohn 2250 12 Laskey, Edward 282 13 Lu kens, Daniel 2 82 40 Gray, William SOU 332 .Mails, < seph P 224 10 150 Quilk, ohn 33 75 12 Reed, Collinson 731 185 Reed, Collinson 4163 215 Roberts, Hugh 165 38 60 Roberts, Hugh 40 50 236 Roberts, as. F 159 19 100 Roberts George 67 50 285 Stein, William 6112 200 Stein, Philip 45 00 114 Stein, Philip 34 00 110 VanPhull. William 24 75 108 Wager, Philip 24 50 227 Weitzel, Jacob 49 00 COLLEY TWP. 120 Anderson, John 12 96 91% Brown, George 560 50 Compton, Adam James 16 20 325 Clark, John 3510 307 Chase, lliber 99 47 388 Chase, Dudley 125 71 19! Carpenter, Samuel 5163 200 Crispin, James 2160 290 Culbertson, John 3132 333% Carpenter, Casper J 35 96 400 ' Campbell, Gustavus 43 20 224 Carpenter, Charles 2.! 97 100 Carpenter, Elislia 43 20 356 Cottinger, Garret 38 45 418 Daily, Jeremiah 45 24 118 Daily, Mary 45 24 41S Daily, John 45 21 175 Fitzsimmous, Thomas 42 00 200 Goodhcart, Elisha 6180 133 Gillett, Ellphalet 43 20 ;;50 Goodhuart, James F. 37 80 4:14 Houscweart, John 26 01 338 1 loney, George 36 50 20") Ileister, Petei 10 80 30 Heber, Chase 321 317 Hester, Jacob S4 21 300 Kerr, Geo. Adolphu.- 32 40 202 Logan, Sheldon 23 On 330 McMuilan, Michael 35 61 Undivided % of 418 McMuilan, John 27 80 "117 McMuilan, Alexander 4514 50 Morse, William 16 20 13 Nicholas, William 4 32 400 Nicholas, Henry 43 20 151 Odioll, Thomas 3132 50- Parley, Nathaniel Hi2o 190 Pineo, Bezebel 15 00 50 Porley, Nathaniel 16 20 192 43-100 Richard, IS. U 62 10 .123 6-10 Ritzcr, Jacob 10176 50 sparaiiawk, Tltomaa 40 00 31 Sullivan, James 10 04 64 Shaw, David 20 78 16s Tomllnson, Richard . 18 36 12 'lutein, Joseph 378 21 'latent, Joseph 7 02 150 Toinlinson, Richard 1160 3)0 Tatem, Joseph 34 02 207 Tomllnson, Benjamin 22 41 '.i,5 Woodward, Lbcuzer 30 24 150 Woodward, licza 48 60 300 Wliitford. Wilson 97 20 111 Zeigler, David 1188 50 Zeigler, David 540 DAVIDSON TWP 392 Balliott, John 162 25 JKrit Beasley, Johnson 169 70 Bantly, Paul 67 60 207 Colt, William 38 60 800 Copt;, Israel 13140 50 Coates, Jacob 10 95 436 Custard, Mary 119 65 83 Coates, Mary 12 41 92 Evans, Elizabeth 15 68 98 Evans, John and James 16 30 150 Evans, Joel 32 85 201 Ewiug, Jasper 43 80 427 Ewiltg, Robert 72 60 129 90-100 Hess and Creveling 9 25 368 Harvey, Peter 53 73 60 lless, Samuel and Wesley 26 28 450 Harvey, Nicholas 3140 21 Hess, Samuel and Wesley 300 436 James, Grace 19120 10 James, Thomat 4 38 80 Paschall, Joseph 34 04 230 Miley, Martin 102 20 373 McMuilan Alexander 68 04 187 Montgomery, William 27 37 358% Sample, Catherine 52 20 75 Strawbridge, James 10 95 437 Woodside, Eleanor J9120 48 Woodside, Archibald 2190 436 Woodside, John jr. 63 65 200? a Yarnell, Rebecca 43 80 EI.IvI.A.ND TjWNS IP 12 Bryson, Samuel 9 60 180 Carpenter, John 28 80 250 ( ook, Stephen 40 00 100 Conly, Robert 16 00 30 Cooley, Henry 4 80 | ui Hunsinger, Aaron 13 84 250 Proctor & Hill 4000 13% Hogeru, C. s. 200 43 Proctor Hill 688 KOKKX TOWNSHIP 432 Dorsey, John 71 70 53 Eddy, George 33 10 477 Fox, George 230 12 50 Harris, Jesse 2175 425 Hurley, llenry 108 67 252 Hurley, Cltas. 12150 50 Harrison, Jacob 2175 425 Hurley, George 5188 100 Lloyd, Peter jr. 54 45 122 Lucke. Henry 61 05 186 Musser, John 9120 011 Pleasants, Israel 31 <lO 87 Peters Richard 43 00 85 Roberts, Hugh 2625 ' 55 Roberts, Jas. F. 26'25 102 Roberts, George 198 20 90 Rush, Benjamin 14 85 KOX TOWN 1 IP. 100 Epplc, Henry 13 60 30 Kpple, llenry 3 78 407 -i Hughes, George 51 34 330 Hull, tin 125 30 317% Hull, Mahloti 119 70 300 Hilton,ames 75 50 307 ones Israel 3810 300 (1,1.t0n eires 105 40 50 Kulin, Peter 6 30 29 Penrose, Thomas 1740 ll!U-V,ROVE TWP 80 Alliens, George 30 21 80 Bingham, William 10 08 290 Boyd, John 64 81 835 Bonham, Epliraiui 12663 316% Beck, Henry. 132 30 216 Bonham, William 8190 100 Carpenter, Samuel 12 60 50 Corson, James 1891 257% Delaney, Thomas 73 08 50 Hornkeith, Jeremiah 14 18 198 aeksoil, William 75 60 135 McKune, Thomas 34 02 408 Reese, Daniel 15135 405 Scc.kler, Michael 153 09 LAPORTE TWP. 100 Bachm, Philip 10 60! 11l liachin, Philip 24 60 39 Bachm, Philip 826 191 Baum, Philip 40 49 126 Fox, Samuel M. 2671 1 Franklin. Thomas 21 36 Fox, Hannah 7 61 55 Fox, Sarah 7 42 40 Franklin. Walter 6 36 13 Gardner, Richard 2 80 28 Graft, ohn 5 941 170 Graft. <hn 36 01 182 Graft, Andrew 37 40 56 Graft, Andrew 1127 10 Garragus, Susan W. 212 45 Gardner. Richard 9 51 105 Gray. Roliert 25 20 118 Harvey, Jonathan 15 02 5 llerling. Joseph 106 14U Harvey, Jonathan 29 68 47% Harvey, Jonathan 907 i 101 Hall: Charles 2205] 117 Harvey. Jonathan 2180 150 Levi. Daniel 36 89 113% Levi, Daniel 13 62 21% Levi, Daniel 6SOI 68 Morris, Richard H. 1-142 I 71 Morris, Kit-hard 11. 1520 119 North, Kit'llMnl 25 45 45 Morris, Jmsei-h I J . y&4 03 North, Klcliard 53 75 43% Pleasants, lstiu-i i> uo 95 Pleasants, Samui.'' 19 yo 40 Parker, Thorn a-; ti-1 40 15 Parker, Williuiu 3 3U 117 Parker, William 35 40 30J-S Parker, William 040 401 Roberts, Hugh SO 48 4'„i Reynolds, Thorn u- 1012 175 Reynolds, Tliom«» 35 54 W Roburts, E. F. 5 Rackstraw, Josef.,i lOC 35 Roberts, Touni/.ini 742 9: Smith, Daniel 1170 75% Smith Daniel 15 lu IHO Wright, Hamuli J: 27 50 115 Whalen, Roben '45 50 8/; Weaver, William 10 32 SMREWSBUKY 'I'M I 117 llrodie, William s 10 418 Benson, Peter 0102 311% Brady, John 110 00 fid Boyd. John 24 84 101 DoUf?herty. John 44 20 100 Dougherty, John 43 80 75 Fenno, John 10 95 355 Haine», Reulwn 155 49 100 Hoover, Jacob 43 80 401% Hunter, Job 58 40 '25 Irwin, Robert 3 70 386 ORden, Joseph 169 06 190 Richardson, Inam: 83 22 219 Swain, John 95 40 Seated List. Also at the game time and place the following tracts and parcels of land duly assessed and re turned on the Seated List will be sold lor arrcar- of taxes In the names of the present or former owners, in accordance with the provisions of an Aetof Assembly, passed April 29, A. L>. 1814. ACRES. NAME. TAX. CHERRY Towx.-nii". 40 Baker, Francis $1358 3 Bcntley, Hannah, heirs 10 2 I-ots Kartell. Got lei b 1H) 52 Collins, Thomas 12 :H 50 Imnn, Jas. and I". I' IK* ISO Donegan, Edward 270 50 Dunn. Anna.... 210 2Hand L Davldge, S. It 7 92 100 Gallagher, Martin 1935 50 Gallagher, M. P 245 295 Holmes. JohnG.. 35 72 103 Kaier, Gcotite 32; Hand L Kraus, William 153 07 Kester. Jesse 8 05 67 Lavelle, John 23 38 2% Lambert. John si 50 Ulcus. John 3(«j 20 McHaie, Michael. 540 05 Mooney, Patrick, heir* 22 30 36 Mosier, l'etcr anil G. W I 5h 9s MercurA Jackson s:is 34 Mosier, Peter 8 75 1 Lot Smith J. P 113 II and L Stouten, J. G 1 13 11 ami L Shoolin, James. lin Hand I, Smith, W. F 97 > 135 W right, Martin and Jas 27t«.i 60 Heaeock A. Jackson 4 72 7 Jackson, Geo. I>. heirs 3 5s 130 Jackson.Geo. C 2210 II ijuinn, John Sr 2 55 77 XI iddendorf, Frank 21 13 COLI.EY TOWNSHIP. HandL lUeusnick, Catherine 390 OS Havidgc. S. It 11 28 50 Dadituw. Mrs. h. A 1300 150 Dtuldow, John 0 00 50 Harris, Mrs. Mary :m 50 Kinsley,Jacob 300 Cider Press 1 Mcsscrsmilh, Geo. I t and mill / ami ion J 48 Meyers, W F 4 17 75 Parsons, Edward 18 91 H anil L Parish, T. J 297 II and L Parish, A. L 4 73 2 HandL Both, John 7 90 4S Khult/. H. C 10s mill Stroud. George 707 100 Threshouldliack, J. H 25 95 II and L Oliphant, Clias, heirs ;.s 50 Dekalb, Frank and Tobias 567 DAVIDSON TWI\ M Brailtcy, R. F 11 65 9H4H Dunham and Collins I ->j sn 293 / Trustees / 16Jj Haus, Jeremiah 16 20 81 " Keeler, John F 21 63 87 Little, J. 1' '-'OS*. 93 & 200 Ivorah, Jacob 212"< 6 Hteinbach. Leroy 686 1 Lot Rinh, J. F 9So 2 saw mills Schug, Pierce 22 00 a Herring, William 2 20 11' Walters, William 220 DI'SHOKE BOttOl'GH. Foundry ,v building Bigger Bros » 50 II and L Carl, E. A 760 1 Lot Johnson, W. L 285 1 Lot Jordan, John >1 1 52 1 Lot Jordan, Edward 15. 1 Lot Saxer, George, heirs 1«, ELKLAND TOWNSHIP. }-£ Bird, Mrs Emma 45 ;>i llorton, .Nathaniel 4 38 54 King, Thomas 213 11 Molyneux, Margaret 1 71 14ii Mccarty, O. L. Brcs x 10 270 Newman, Galen estate 1140 267 Sullivan, James II lu 20 Wells, uirslt - 2 73 HILLSGKOYE TOWNSHIP. Davis, John, heirs 316 FOKKS TOWKSHIP. 1 Lot Birdsall, Elizabath 28 24 Chilson, llarrv 272 21 Chilson, C. F Co 86 Clark,John 1* - 2 82 100 Jordan, Henry 580 80 Lambert, William estate 6 24 FOX TOWNSHIP. 98 Carey. Joseph £'9S 113 Campbell John 8 17 88 00 Gigga. Henry 19 51 50 Howell, L- B 13 75 50 Hogoboom, E. E 12 40 130 Helms, Martha »l 40 56 Meyers, John C 12 55 3 May. Warren 1 00 50 Shatter, O. J 12 50 383 Williams, Henry 95 >J6 90 Walker, Ada M. 375 69 Warner, Henry 12 35 220 Watts, Murry 1 20 39 i.APOKTE TOWNSHIP. 111 Bodine, i!L Co 53 38 II and h Botifortl, M. \V 59 73 I'll Ct*ih. .Nelson ll 60 , r io<, Collins, Thomas 10 On 31 Cronan, Hiram 15 80 65 Cheney. 11. L. lieirs 26 00 2 Lots Dunham E. M 976 .'OO'.jitSO (lower, Sarah 16 45 40 Hill. B. K 1048 25 Holmes, Henry 20 72 58 Hunter, Auramt 19 20 84 Little, Charles 1912 1050 Mel'arlane, James 1050 50 Overseers ]KX>r, Cherry township 42 50 70 A hotel Ring. 11 11 4 18 I lot Tinklepaugh, Clias 500 59 Smith, Mark 21 06 100 White, I'eter heirs 15 60 28 A 5 lots XV. &N. 11. Brilroad Company 30 50 56 Walsh, A 18 32 60 Gorman, George 12 10 East and South end hotel lot, Nordmont Fetennan. Philip 50 LAPOKTE UOKOI'U , 2 II 3' ~ L Brewster, Mrs. J. T 37 35 1 lot Bccht, George J 389 1 lot Battin, Jethro 242 H anil L Clark, Mrs. Mary 22 60 llot Elliott. G. \V 393 1 lot Hill, W. B, Estate 280 llot Lee. Walter 389 1 lot Lawshe, John 389 7 lots Mix, 11. 0 10 50 llot Morston, John,jr 389 llot Raum.J.ll 389 1 lot Stevenson, William 133 1 lot Waddrow, C. W 389 II and'£L Brewster, Virginia 4 18 1 lot Hteadman, M ISi 1 lot Hlreeter. Harry IS3 Butcher shop and ice house, Stroup Bros . 190 BIIBEWSDLBY TW» ES3SCSS -1 lot Allen, Rol>ert P 467 300 Bigger, G. W. A 11. N 30 o<> llot Barth. G. W 388 100 Clark, Mrs. Rosa 400 150 Green, Ambrose 15 26 II & 2 A Hamilton. Mrs 288 Hand L Hughes. Laura 360 114 1% A I'eale, 8. R 19 80 llot Riclmit, J. M. G 695 110 Shaffer, W. B 17 49 II and 2L Sarfarty, Moses I) X 7 50 llot Thorn, Alfred B 282 1 lot Watrous, Warren 501 200 Winders, Mrs. Briton 7 20 1 L & 59 A Warner, William 3 00 200 Wheeler, Peter 800 100 McCarty Bros 80 400 Duean, Monroe 970 The sum of fifty cents rnn»t also bp paid on each tract, lot or parcel of land advertised in addition to the amount named opposite each tract, lot or parcel of land for advertising, Also in addition to the same, interest will be charged tyjon the amount of taxes due upon each tract, lot or par eel of lnnd for each year from the first day of January of the year following until I mid, under Act of 1887. N. B.—Jfp taxes will be received on the day of sale. RANSOM THRASHER, Treasurer. Treasurer's oQice, La pone. Pa., March 24 1898. A Horrible Railroad Accident is a daily chronicle in our papers; n'so | the death of some dear friend. who had | died with Consumption, whereas, if he or ]. she had taken Otto's Cure tor Throat and ' Lung diseases in time, lite would have ; been rendered happier and perhaps saved. Heed the warning ! If youhavea cough or any affection of the 1 hroat and Lungs Call on T. J. Keeler,Laporte; W. L Hoffman, Hillsgrove; R. S Ltyicaster, Forksville; C. B Jennings, Agt. Kstella; J no. YV. Buck, Honestown, and get a trial'package free. Large sire 00c and 2*>c. Ssyour hair SreenP It's only another way of asking, is your growing ? For green means crowing. You can MAKE hair grow by using jtfyers JfcairUt'gor G. A. Rogers FORKSVILLE, PA. (Successor to B.W-. Fawcett.) Watches, Jewelery, Silverware, Etc. Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries. Fi.-hing tackle, at lowest possible Price. A Cut in Price is Giving Voice. 1 And the facts can he learned by call ing at the Shop of John V. Finkle, Laporte. 1 Forreign prices as follows: Men s shoes, halt-sole nnd heal, 00c. Women's shoes do .'2oc. , Children's shoes do 25c. Cement patches, Ooc. Fine fresh oranges, lemons and bananas at John YV. Bucks, Sonestown. Kdnrato Your llnwels Willi t'HHcnreth. Candy Cathartic, cure COllSl ipsition forever. 10c, 25c. It C. C. C. fail, druggists refund money. 1 Call in and see the new nickel oil stove, a good thing tor summer use. .J. W.Buck. To Cure tJoueupaUou l urovnr. Take i'-iscaicts ( .1110v ('atliartlc. 10c or2sc. If (' C. C. fall to cure, druggists n fluid inuiii t ICilurate Your Kutvcls Willi fuseitretii. > Candy Cathartic, euro constipation forever. , 10c, 25c. If C. C. C fall, druggists refund money. I New lot of wall paper, timothy and ' clover seed, onion sets at popular prices. 1 at J, YV. Buck's. 1 Everybody Says Go. Cascarets Caiul v Cathartic. the most won derful medical discovery of the ape. pleaa -1 ant and refivslnntr to the taste, act fjently 1 and positively on kidneys, liver and liotvels, , cleansing the entire system, dispel colds, cure headache, lever, habitual rnii3tl|iatk><! and biliousness. Pleaao buy and try a box of C. V. C. to-dav; 10, :J5, 50 cents. Sold aud cuai'uiiloeti to cure by all druggists. Dontilf* thp Plrasttro of r. Brlve, A liiiecnrriaßOdoublcsthoplca'iircof driv ing. Intending buyers of carriatrc". or hnr -1 ness can savo dollars by r.cndinc fot .ho lurcc. free catalosito of the Elkhart ; aua Hnrucss Mlg. Co., Elkhart, lnd. Good Mews. No other Medicine was ever given such ' a lest as Otto's Cure. Thousands of hot 1 ties of this great German remedy are be > ing distributed eki:e of charge, to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, 1 <'roup, severe Coughs, I'ueumonia and all ; Throat and Lung diseases,giving the 1 eo , pie prool that Otto's Cure will cure them 1 For sale only bv T. J. Keeler, Laporte; , W.L. 11 oilman,Hillsgrove; iJ.S. Lancaster | Forksville; C'. B. .Jennings, Estella; .Jno. ; \V. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. 1 Large bottles 50c and 2nc. New lot ol'tiinotii) and clover seeds and onion wets at John W. Bucks, Sonestown. No-Tu-Uai' fur l i.-.y Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men niront;, bioou i.ure. S> Alt druggists. '!«» tuie Constipation loi«v«*r. Talto Cascarels Canu.v Cathartic. tOe orSSo. If C. C. C. lull to cure, druggists refund money. Spring and Summer Every corner of the store is bright, with the newest things for Women's wear and Men's wear and Children's wear. We are glad to have you come in and see the new life of the old store and look at its excellent line of goods. Spring Weight Underware for Men, Women and Children. In conjunction with the inviting varities, all prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have . have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove, Pa. W. L. H off man's Tl ===== HILLSGROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, - PROCTOR, PA. OUR NEW LINE OF GOODS are first in quality, first in style, and first from a genuine «avin* point of view, because they're lower in price than you can find elsewhere If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores where former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. K . Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. JENNINGS BROS. <£^t We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber MANUFACTURERS OF 1,1 hemlock and Gang Sawed and rrimmed Lumber. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both $ and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surprised how cheap they are in the end. We have just unpacked .-ucli a stock o< coals and capes to which we are pleaded i to cull your special attention. We do not preiend to handle the cheapest coatfin t'.e market, hut «e d< nay we have the BEST and neatest fitting garments made. Our coat* and capes are made to order, aiid in the latest styles with prices to suit every hod v. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE HAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. Ladies and Misses. Boy* and Men. you need not go halt frozen this winter fot wt have plenty of underwear for you all, hotli in cotton or woo!,ved or gray and the pr ces are very low, so low that when you see the goods you will ha aston •ihed that we are aide to give you »uch bargains. One word in regard to foot wear: Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will "favor us with your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince ycu that we have the most carelu ly selected line ol fine and heavy bets and shoes ever brought before tin- public. Un crockery we have just rect-ived some very prettv design!* in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention. The buying of country produce has always been a special feature of ow: Rusin»s>, and we still continue in paying the highest each pi ices l6r Butter Eggs and Wool, E. G. Sylvara DUSHORE - PA - Wright & Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. Furniture MANUFACTURERS OF Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Pull and complete seasoned stock always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County. The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match. Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers