Republican News Item. Published Every Thursday. Volume '3. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING -^.Company, S h S:Eo r B ar llboI • Agents. SONESTOWN PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DC9HORE, PENNA. CAPITAL - • $60,000. SURPLUS - - SIO,OOO. Does a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOBTE, PA. F. W. GALLAGHER, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and cigars Good stable room provided. T.APORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. O. W. MYEBS. PROPRIETOR- A hotel oi established reputation. Strictly Hr»t class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. K. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. Thialarg' »nd well appointed houne if tli* in st pot uiar hostelry in tMs section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street. " SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEEFE, Proprietor. DUSUORE, PA. One of the largest anil best equipped hotel - in thU section of the st.ite. Table oi tne best. lUtes 1.00 dollar per day. Lurtfe *t ides. j Professional Cards. J, J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTOItBETS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in liiis and adjoining counties LAPORTE, p A F J. MULLEN, Li Atto rn ey-«t- L« w . LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. WM P. SHOEMAKER, ~ Attorney-atLaw. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collectloni, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J J. BRADLEY, AtTORHaY At-LAW, orrica IN CODMTV BUILDINQ BEAR COURT HOUSK. LAPORTE, PA Monday of each week at Forksville. EUery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORNBTS<AT<-LAW, OFFICEB 714-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 80. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and ail the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS, ATTORN EY*AT«L A W: orricic 111 PUBLIC BUILDING CUUKT HOURS BQUARK. LAPORTE, PA H. CRONIN, ATTORJTFT*AT -LAW, NOTAHT PUBLIC, owes ON MAIN BTRBET. DUSHORE, PA JLPHONSUS WALSH, aTToawar-AT-L w, Offlee In Bank uilding. DUSHORE, PA. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Jußt opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. 112 From the Keystone. £ J STOP YER KICKIN'. ? Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer Kick in , git a-hold \ Git n hustle on you; Of the wheel and turn it. 112 Skirmish'round and grab the dimes You kin never handle gold Ef the dollars shun you. 'Lees you try to earn it. y Croakin' never bought a dress, Brusli the cobwebs from your eyes 112 S Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin' 1 J Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yer skies Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' j J Times is gittin'good agin— Ifyou hain't the nerve to try J Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. X Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip; iiOKoKift J That is sure to floor you C r Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN 1 . THIS J J On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112 1 Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V N When you greet a neighbor; GO TO TIIE OLD RELIABLE 1 [ Throw your troubles to the birds. JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT V Git right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY. J i An'you'll notice ev'ry day C C Things is comin' right yourwav. j ? RETTENBURY, S DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER; P * 44# The Cheapest Place in the County to Buy hardware W w . I®§§ $25 Wheels S4O Wheels High asfc Large tubing, |v Large tubing, Grade sos Flush Joints, J Flush joints, Fully j§jj - Wood rims, I Reversible Guar- M Single tube tire, . Handlebars, uuar , ' 2 piece crank hang ££sl Detatchable sprocket 1 anteed s§§§ ers » " unt saddle ' Single tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING and SUNDRIES. Handlebars, Saddles, Lamps, Bells, Looks, Brakes, Peddles, Cranks. Spokes, Kims, Tires, both single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line ...... such as Barbed Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting, Milk Pans, and Pails, Garden Tools, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware Cotes Hardware, _ DUSHORE, PA. n. A. Rogers & Son., PA. SPRING LINE OF NEW Silks and Dress Goods Allow us, ifyou please, a short disquisition on these important adjuncts of woman's dress. It's just the season when everybody is looking after nicest dresses. Hence our showing the large assortment. LADIES' WRAPPERS, The very thing for the coming warm wealherjwhich will soon be here. SHIRT WAISTS, All prices, from the low priced ones to the sillt. 'Full Line of Staple and Fancy Goods. Remnants in Organdies and Dimeties. Dress Goods in Wash Fabricks, Worsted, are given our best attention. A big line, complete in every particular. CLOTHING AwLrpHc. BOOTS and SHOES. Grocery Sfocfi i More complete than ever before. Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, HAY, 19, 1898. Bernice Echoes. The S. L. &S. Co. are rebuildin? the culm screen braker that burned on the 25th of April last. They ex pect to have it in operation by Junt 15. Mrs. Fred Price who has been vis iting at this place, returned to her home at Arnot, N. Y., Thursday. Mrs. Bullock of Monroeton was the guast of her daughter Mrs. P. Merithew last week. Miss Agnes Boland who has been attending school at Dushore has re turned home. Mrs. H. E. Watson has been suff ering with erysipilas but is better at this writing. Girls chew all the gum you can now for the money you pay for it goes to help Uncle Sam lick Spain. There is no use telling the boys to chew tobacco for they will do so if they can get behind a stump where Dad cant see them. W. S. Roberts spent Thursday and Friday at Wyalusing. Mr. and Mrs. William Par, Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Watson, Mrs. J. S. Taylor, Mrs. Fred Price and Mrs. H. W. Taylor were calling on friends in Dushore Wednesday. The Animatiscope entertainment given in the Knights of Labor hall Thursday evening at this place by Sturdevant and Murrey of Wilkes Barre was a success in all its features. The graphaphone was the best and most destinct that has ever been in our town. The picture of the battle ship, Maine was very good but the picture of the morning toil and love in the dark seemed to take all the applause of the audience. But we think the best pictures were the farm scene and scene of the New York Fire Company. It looked so real life-like that one of our young ladies jumped from her seat, she thought tlx; hose cart was going to run over her. The audience was well pleased. Mrs. G. M. Peets of Ricketts was buried in the St. Francis cemetery at this place Wednesday. A large number of flag poles are being put up in town. Our citizens take pride in being Americans. Some blow about Fitzsimmons, some of the gold in Klondike hid, but most of them are telling of the trick that Dewey did. There is just one tiling Mr. Wright would like to know before the war closes, and that is who stole his fish bait. Miss Mary Scanlin who has been visiting friends at this place returned to her home last week. The St. Francis choir accompanied by Rev. J. A. Enright were at La porte Tuesday of last week where high mass was celebrated at the funeral of Willie Gallagher, son of F. W. Gallagher of Laporte. A number of others were also in at tendance. James Boyace Torn Fitzgearalds and a number of friends of Long Valley visited here Monday of last week. J. S. Taylor was transacting busi ness at Towanda Saturday. The Mildred butcher is pronounc ed patriotic, and is not backward in showing it when given a chance. On Saturday he drove to Colley to have his team shod, while waiting his turn the smith made a number of irreverent remarks about the U. S. navy. After calling the smith every thing but a gentleman, the butcher hitched up his team and went to Du shore and had them shod. This is patriotism with a vengence. Who would not be an American? Mrs. Bridget Donovan departed from life at the home of her daughter Mrs. Rose Hoffa Saturday night at 10:45. Aged GO years. During her life she had seen her share of hard ships. Left alone with a family of seven small children, she made a heroic struggle for a number of years. Success crowned her efforts, and she lived to see her family grow into young men and women, who are a credit to both her and their country. During the latter part of her life she was cared for by her children with love and veneration, but no human power could stay the hand of death Continued on Pvge Five A WELCOME TO THE NEWS ITEM- The Press Through Thia Section of the State Make Some Pleasant Mention of the News Item's Secent Birthday. From the foundation stone of journalism in Bradford Co., the Reporter Journal , comes a spark which says: IT'S A LIVELY YOUNGSTER. The REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM of Laporte passed the third anniversary of its birth with the issue of May 5. Since its first number Mr. Charles L. Wing lias edited and managed the paper, and through his intimate knowiedge of the particular needs of Sullivan county the NEWS ITEM has greatly prospered. We are pleased to note its success. The Hughesville Mail, a staid and dignified journal, deserving and in dependent, under the new manage ment of A. 11. Shimp, extends felic itations. As the NEWS ITEM eon sideres the Mail good company and hopes they may grow old together with an equal proportion of good luck, we clip from it the following: EDITOR IN LUCK. Among the recent appointments of postmasters made in Washington was that of Chas. L. Wing, editor of the REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, as Uncle Sam's representative at La porte. We congratulate Bro. Wing upon his appointment, as it is not often that the powers that be recog nized the worth of the poor editor. A New Hotel, Laporte is soon to enjoy another building boom. A large new hotel will soon be under course of construc tion on the site of the ruins of the •Laporte Hotel. F. W.Gallagher has purchased the grounds of Russel Karns and will at once begin the erec tion of a large and commodious house with all the modern improvements and conveniences. Judge Ingham of Laporte was at tending to business in town on Mon day He bears his years lightly and is just as active and fond of hard work as he was when we first knew him thirty years ago. The Judge always finds a cordial welcome from old friends in Bradford.— Reporter Journ al. San Francisco, May 16.—Maj. Gen. Merriam, commanding the depart ments of California and the Colum bia, assumed charge of all arrange ments for dispatching troops to the Philippine islands. Directors Meeting. The Sullivan County School Di rectors Association will hold a meet ing in the Court House at Laporte Monday evening, May 23. Every school director of the county is re spectfully requested to be present. Questions of great interest to school directors will be discussed. Able speakers will be present. M. R. BLACK, Pres. Sonestown. William Sherwood and family have moved back to Sonestown occupying the house out of which Shoemakers moved. The E. V. Sunday School has pre sented its members with tiny flags. A large one has been presented to the church and they will raise it on Wednesday evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Hall and daugh ter Ivy visited Williamsport friends last Tuesday and Wednesday. Wilson Starr was tendered a birth day party last Saturday evening, the number of young people there report a very pleasant evening. Miss Rita Armstrong is fast being an excellent cycler. Will Campton was the guest of E. J. Lockwood on Friday night. Mr. Campton has been working at Will iamsport since leaving here but will now goon t" Ellmsport. Stereoptican views and a lecture on the Johnstown flood was given in the M. E. church Friday evening. Jason Simmons and E. J. Lock wood transacted business in William sport last Saturday. Andrew Edgar and daughter visit ed Williamsport on Thursday While there, Dr. Nutt kindly enter tained them by exhibiting the work ing of his x-ray machine, P er - Year. Number 3 CONSOLIDATED FLEETS. Sampson and Schley will Join Foroes on the South Coast of Cuba. Vanguard of Philippine Expedition will Probably Sail Friday "llow to capture or distroy" the Spanish fleet now in Caribbean sea is the great war question of the hour. Official information was received by the State department this morning from Consul Smith at Curacao that the Spanish squadron intended to leave there to-day, and is the belief of the naval war board that it is now or soon will be, on its way to a point where its collars are lyin. Our fight ing and flying squadrons are in quest of the enemy. They are maneuver ing for desirable positions, with the naval war board as the directing powers. Shunk. R. S. and \V. P. Fanning were brief callers at Lincolnfalls Saturday. Miss Gusta Duerkes is spending a few weeks in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Duff have gone to housekeeping in Elkland. Mrs. J. 11. Campbell is visiting relatives in town. Mrs. Clara Andrus of East Canton was calling on her sister Mrs. G. J. Williams Friday. Miss Viola Brown is working at Proctor. E. P. and Mrs. William Fanning were seeking medical aid at Hills grove Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Campbell were guests of Hillsgrove friends Thursday. Mrs. Kate Williams is visiting relatives at East Canton. A. Is. Kilmer was doing business in Canton Saturday. Henry Tripp of Canton was seen on our streets again this week. F. L. Kilmer moved his family from Grover to this place last week. Henry Baldwin and Thoo. Pierce of Canton were Ashing for trout hist week. Ed. Garrison of Job's Corners made a business trip to this place last week. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Wrightmire and Ed. Cummings of Eagles Mere are farming this week on the Cumm ings place at Piatt. Austin Brown returned Sunday from a visit with friends at Grover. Harvey Plotts of Proctor was in town one day last week. The Ladies Aid deserves a large amount of praise for the manner in which they cleaned the church on Thursday last, also credit to the gents that ottered their services. If the church was as free from debt as it now is from dirt, the minds of the stockholders of the association would be somewhat relieved. Married, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 11. I). Dick son Saturday evening, May 14, 1898, by Rev. C'has. Bogardus of Ithica N. Y., Miss Phebe to Leonard Maxon of Hillsgrove, attended by Mr. and Mrs. 11. D. Dickson of this place. The bride was handsomely attired in blue dress cloth trimmed with ribbons, and the groom in a suit of conven tional black. After the ceremony the relatives and friends with the contracting parties sat down to a bountiful repast to which all did their share of justice. Their many friends wish them a long and happy life. Reuben Letts and family of G rover are visiting at V. L. Kilmers. Muncy Valley. Miss Maud Miller left for William sport Friday. Mrs. Chell returned home from Clarkstown Friday last. Harvey Taylor has purchased a pair of flue black horses. H. A. May now wears a broad smile as he is father of a big boy. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Starr left Friday for Hughesville. Miss Carrie Ritter of Hughesville who has been visiting relatives at Muncy Valley and North Mountain returned home Saturday. T. J. Whitaker and family of Muncy Valley have moved toChieago X. Y. Jas. P. Miller Tannery Supt. left for Williamsport Tuesday. E. J. Mullen of Laporte was in town Monday. C. J Seeules is having his house re painted. J. H.Girton is doing the work. Arthur Lisson of Eagles Mere was ' in town Tuesday.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers