Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, May 12, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item.
THURSDAY MAY 12, 1898.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
At the County Seat of Sullivan County.
Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as
second-class mail matter.
SUBSCRIPTION—SI.2S per annum. If
puid in advance SIOO. Sample copies
free. All communications should be ad
dressed to
Laporte Pa.,
J, H, Jones Post, No. 436 O. A. B.
.J. R. Jones Post, No. 436 G. A. It.
will observe Memorial services at
Forksville, Monday, May 30, 1898 at
1 o'clock p. m. All old soldiers and
the public are cordially invited to
join with us. Good speakers will be
Attest: J. W. ROGERS, Coin.
DAN GRAFIUS, Adjutant.
Memorial Day Exercises.
Sonestown April 30, 1898.—At a
regular meeting of S. S. Simmons
Post 477 G. A. R. the following pro
gram was arranged for Memorial
Day, May 30. Comrades and others
taking part in the exercises will meet
at Sonestown at 9 o'clock a. m.and
at Laporte at 2 o'clock p. m. Promi
nent speakers are expected at both
exercises. All Sabbath Schools and
Camps of P. O. S. of A. I. O. O. P.
and all other societies are respectfully
invited to attend.
The following committees were
Committee'on music, T. S. Sim
mons and Geo. Danley.
Committee on flowers at Laporte,
Mrs. Judge Ingham, Mrs. T. J.
Keeler, Alice Pennington and Ethlen
Committee on flowers at Sonestown
Mrs. P. E. Magargel, Mrs. T. S.
Simmons, Mrs. G. W. Bigger and
Miss Anna Minsker.
ISAAC T. LOW, Commander.
Washington Camp No. 536, P. O. S. of
A. Nordmont Pa.
Resolved. That we the pledged
Sons of America, recognize the action
of President McKinley as just and
honorable and we pledge our support
to him and the United States in the
carrying out of his principals and
doctrine in the matter of recognizing
Cuba as free and independent, and
for the gross insult by the Spanish
to the United States in the disaster of
the Maine and loss of lives caused
J. S. NEWMAN, Secy.
At regular stated meeting of W. C.
291, held Friday, May 0 1898. Re
solved, that we pledged Sons of
America recognizing the action tak
en by President McKinley as just and
honorable and extend to him our
loyal support in his endeavor to
maintain the honor of our beloved
country in whatever station he may
see fit to use us. And further that
we are in hearty accord with the
action taken by our State President
in offering immediately on the com
mencement of hostilities, the full
support of the- P.O. S. of A. of Penn
DELROY HEIM President. F. H.
Straw Bridge.
Miss Laura Rine who has been sick
for some time was a visitor at Philip
Secules Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Harding and
Jula Edkin were the guests of James
Myers Sunday,
Mr. Wm. Shoemaker wears a broad
smile we wonder why.
Miss Maud and Wm, Secules of
Ringdale visited their parents over
Miss Jula Edkin and Lizzie Law
aenceson are taking music lessons of
Prof. Sturdevant We wish them
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Myers made a
business trip to Muncy Saturday last
A number of people from this vi
cinity attended the show at William
sport Monday. Misses, Edna Taylor,
Facie Nufer, Carrie Beg. Messrs,
Ellery Edkin, Harry Harding, Harry
Taylor, Howard Edkin, Burnley
Anderson. They report a fine time.
Mr. Wm.Myershas a new clerk
Samuel Woodsides.
Mr. and Mrs. Philip Straw will
move in their new home this -week
at Mt. Vernon.
Mr. J. J. Harding has purchased a
new drill of James yers.
For a garden hoe, garden rake, grub,
binir hoe, pick, shovel, «tc. call on J. W.
Treasurer's Sale
Agreeable to the provisions ot an Act of Assm
bly untitled, "An Act directing the mode of sell
ing Unseated Lands tor taxes, passed the 12th dav
of March, 1815, and the supplements thereto, I,
RANSOM THRASHER, Treasurer of the County of
Sullivan, hereby give notice to all iiersons con
cerned that unless the County .State, Road, School
and Poor Taxes due on the following tracts of
Unseated Lands situated in said county and i>aid
before the day of sale, the whole or such part of
each tract as will pay the taxes and such cost
chargable thereon will be sold at the Court House
in Laporte, said county of Sullivan, on the 13th
day of June, 1898, being the second Monday of
June. The sale to be continued by adjournment
from day today if deemed necessary for arrear
ages of tuxes due, and assessed and cost accurod
on each tract respectively.
Unseated Lands.
417% Raker, John 8 MM
417% Kpple, Ileury 107 03
391 Kpple, Henry 117 23
50 Eidred, William 33 75
123 l-'ox, Samuel 2768
332% Fox, George 224 10
102 Fox, Samuel 22 95
100 Gray, William 22 50
109% Gray, William 38 25
27 ' Getting, Christian 18 00
158 Getting, Grover 100 88
178 Jacoby, Leonard 40 50
75 Jackson, Jeremiah 10 88
100 Keyser, John 22 50
12 Luskey, Edward 2 82
13 Lukens, Daniel 2 82
40 Gray, William 9 00
332 Norris Joseph P 22410
150 Quit k, John 33 75
12 Reed, Collinson 7 31
185 Reed, Coliiusou 4103
215 Roberts, Hugh 105 38
00 Roberts, Hugh 40 50
230 Roberts, Jus. K 15919
100 Roberts George 07 50
285 Stein, William 0112
200 Stein, Philip 45 00
II 1 Stein, Philip 34 00
110 VanPhull, William 24 75
108 Wager, Philip 24 50
227 Weitzel, Jacob 49 00
120 Anderson, John 12 96
91% Brown. George 500
50 Compton, Adam James 10 20
325 Clark, John 3510
307 Chase, Hiber 99 47
88S Chase, Dudley 12571
191 carpenter, Samuel 5103
200 Crispin, James 2100
290 Culbertson, John 3132
333% Carpenter, Casper J 35'.Hi
400 ' Campbell, Gustavus 43 20
224 Carpenter, Charles 23 97
100 Carpenter, Elisha 43 20
350 Cottinger, Garret 38 45
418 Daily, Jeremiah 45 24
418 Daily, Xlary 45 24
418 Daily, John 45 21
175 Fitzsimmons, Thomas 12 00
200 Goodlieart, Elisha 04 80
133 Gillett, Eliphalet 43 20
350 Goodlieart, James F. 37 80
434 llouseweart, John 20 01
338 Honey, George 30 50
200 Heister, Petet 10 80
30 Heber, Chase 3 24
317 Kester, Jacob 34 24
300 Kerr, Geo. Adolphus 32 40
202 Logun, Sheldon 23 ou
330 McMullan, Michael 35 01
y, of 418 McMullan, John 27 80
417 McMullan, Alexander 45 14
50 Morse, William 10 20
13 Nicholas, William 4 32
400 Nicholas, Ilenry 43 20
151 Odion, Thomas 3132
50 Parley, Nathaniel 1020
190 Pinco, Bezebcl 1500
50 Parley, Nathaniel 10 20
192 43-100 Richard, E. G 02 10
323 0-10 ltitzer, Jacob 10-1 70
5o Sparahawk, Thomas 40 00
31 Sullivan, James 10 04
01 Shaw, David 20 73
108 Tomlinson, Richard 18 30
12 Tatem, Joseph 878
21 Tatem, Joseph 7 02
150 Tomlinson, Richard 1100
310 Tatem, Joseph 3102
207 Tomlinson, Benjamin 22 41
93 Wocdwurd, Ebenzer 302l
150 Woodward, Beza 48 00
300 Whitford, Wilson 97 20
111 Zeigler, David 1188
50 Zeigler, David 510
392 Balliott, John 102 25
3'. y Beasley, Johnson 109 70
401% Bautly, Paul 87 00
207 Colt, William 38 oo
300 Cope, Israel 13140
50 Coates, Jacob 10 95
430 Custard, Mary 11905
83 Coates, Mary 12 41
92 Evans, Elizabeth 15 08
98 Evans, John and James 10 3o
150 Evans, Joel 32 85
201 Ewing, Jasper 43 80
427 Ewing, Robert 72 00
12990-100 Hess and Creveling 9 25
308 Harvey, Peter 53 73
oo Hess, Samuel and Wesley 20 28
4 V) Harvey, Nicholas 31 40
21 lless, Samuel and Wesley 3 00
430 James, Grace 19120
10 James, Thomas 4 38
80 I'uschall, Joseph 3101
230 Miley, Martin 102 20
373 McMullan Alexander 08 01
187 Montgomery, William 27 37
358% Sample, Catherine 52 20
75 Strawbridge, James 10 95
437 Woodside, Eleanor 191 20
48 Woodside, Archibald 21 90
430 Woodside. John jr. 63 65
200% Yarncll, Rebecca 43 80
12 Bryson, Samuel 960
180 Carpenter, John 28 80
250 Cook, Stephen 40 00
100 Conly, Robert 10 00
30 Cooler, Henry 480
00 Hunsinger, Aaron 13 81
250 Proctor A Hill 4000
13J4 Rogers, C. S. 200
4.j Proctor Jt Hill 088
432 Dorsey. John 71 70
53 Eddy, George S3 lo
477 Fox, George 23012
50 Harris, Jesbe 2175
425 Hurley, Henry 109 07
252 Hurley, Chas. 12150
50 Harrii.on. Jacob 2175
425 Hurley, George 5188
100 Llovd, Peter Jr. 54 45
122 Lucke, Henry 6105
180 Musser, John 9120
00 Pleasants. Israel 3100
87 Peters Richatd 43 00
55 Roberts, Hugh 20 25
55 Roberts, Jas. F. 20 25
402 Roberts, George 198 20
90 Rush, Benjamin 14 85
100 Epple, Henry 13 00
30 Epple, Henry 3 78
407% Hughes, George 5131
S3O Hull, John 125 30
317% Hull, Mahlon 119 70
300 Hilton, James 75 50
307 Jones Israel 3810
300 Johnson, James 105 40
50 Kuhn, Peter 030
29 Penrose, Thoma? 1740
HiLi.auROVE Twr
80 Alberts, George 30 21
80 Bingham. William 10 08
290 Boyd, John 54 81
335 Bonluim, Ephruiin 12003
310% Beek, Henry, 132 30
2JO Bonliam, William 8190
100 Carpenter, Samuel 12 00
50 Corson, James 18 91
257% Delaney, Thomas 73 08
50 Horukcith. Jeremiah 1418
198 Jackson, William 75 00
135 McKune, Thomas 34 02
408 Reese, Daniel 15135
405 Seckler, Michael 153 09
100 J3achm, Philip 10 oo
111 Hachm, Philip 24 00
39 Bachm, Philip 820
191 Baum, Phiiip 40 49
120 Fox. Samuel M. 26 71
1 Franklin, Thomas 24
30 Fox, Hannah 7 01
65 Fox, Sarah 7 42
40 Franklin. Walter 6 3/1
13 Gardner, Richard 280
28 Graff, John 5 94
170 Graff, John 36 01
182 Graff, Andrew 37 40
56 Graff. Andrew 1127
10 Garragus, Susan W. 212
45 Gardner. Richard 9 51
105 Gray, Robert 25 20
118 Harvey, Jonathan 15 ft>
5 llerling, Joseph 106
110 Harvey, Jonathan 29 68
47% Harvey, Jonathan 997
101 Hall; Charles 22 05
117 llarvey. Jonathan 24 80
150 Levi, Daniel 36 89
11316 Levi, Daniel 13 62
24% Levi, Daniel 6SO
6S Morris, Hteliard H. It 4 J
71 Morrif, Kiehard 11. 152 >
lltf North, Klehurd 26 4>
45 Norris, Joseph I'. 9 64
63 North, Richard 53 75
Pleasants, Isi uv\ 9 CO
85 Pleasant?, Sarnu,. 19$0
40 Porker, Thomas m 40
15 i'arker, Williani ;i 8a
117 Parker, William Go 40
St'Hi Parker, Williaui 040
4UI Koberts. Hugh S0 4S
19 Reynolds, Thoma- 1012
175 Reynolds, Thomas 35 54
iH Roberts, K. F.
5 Itiickstraw, Josejih 1 ofi
35 Roberts, Tomu/I in 7 42
»7 Smith, Daniel 1170
75% smith l>anlel 15 19
l:m Wright, Samuel I: 27 56
115 Whaleu, Roberi 25 60
80 Weaver, William 10 32
117 Brodie. William 8 40
418 Benson, Peter til 02
Zliyt Biady, John 116 00
59 Boyd, Jolin 24 84
104 Dougherty. John 44 20
100 Dougherty, Join; 43 80
75 Ken no, John 10 95
355 Haines, Reuben 155 49
100 Hoover, Jacob 43 80
401% Hunter, Job 58 40
25 Irwin, Robert 3 70
386 Ogden, Joseph 169 06
190 Richardson, Isaac 83 22
219 Swain, John 96 40
Seated List.
Also at the same time and i'!ace the following
tracts and parcels of land duly assessed and re
turned on the Seated List will be sold for arrear
ages of taxes in the names of the present or former
owners, in accordance with the provisions of an
Act of Assembly, ]jassed April 29. A. D. 1844.
CHEKRY Towssmr.
40 Baker, Francis 813 58
3 Bentley, Hannah, heirs 40
2 Lots Bartch, Gotleib IDo
52 Collins, Thomas 12 34
60 Dunn, Jas. and K. P 1 »«,
60 Donegan, Edward 270
50 Dunn, Anna 210
2 Hand L Davidge, S. B. 7 92
100 Gallagher, Martin 193">
80 Gallagher, M. P. 2 45
290 Holmes, JohnG 3572
103 Kaier, George 327
II and L Kraus. Williani 1 53
67 Kester, Jesse BCS
67 Lavelle, John 23 3V
'&Z Lambert. John SO
50 LUPUS, John 300
20 McHalc, Michael... 540
65 Mooney, Patrick, heirs 2230
36 Mosier, Peter and U. \v 15s
95 Mcrcurrt: Jackson 835
34 Hosier. Peter 875
1 ix>t Smith J. P 113
II and L Scouteli, J. (j 113
liaudL Shoolin..lames 420
11 and L Smith. W. I' 975
135 Wright. Martin and Jas 27 00
60 lh-acock iV Jackson 1 72
7 Jackson, Geo. D. heirs 3 5s
130 Jackson, Geo. C 22 10
14 Quinn, John Sr 2 56
77 Middendorf, Frank 2143
II and L Blcusnlck, Catherine 3 90
68 Davidge, S. B 1128
50 Daddow, Mrs. E. A 1360
150 Daddow, John 6 00
50 Harris, Mrs. Mary 3 30
50 Kinsley, Jacob 300
Cider Press ) Messersmith, Geo.> „ ...
and mill > and Son j s lu
48 Meyers, W. F. 417
75 Parsons, Ed ward 18 91
Hand I, Parish, T.J 2 97
II and L Parish, A. L 4 73
2 II and L Roth, John 7 90
48 Shultz, 11. C 1 OS
mill Stroud, George 707
100 Thrcshouldback, J. II 2595
H anil L Olirihant, Chas, heirs 5S
50 DeKalb, Frank and Tobias 567
M Bradley. H. F 1165
S Hi LI Dunham and Collins I
293 ; Trustees /. '
10% Haus, Jeremiah if. 20
81 Keclcr, John F 2163
87 Little, J. 1' am
93 i 200 Lorah, Jacob 2125
6 Steinbach. Leroy 686
1 Lot Rinh, J. F 930
2 saw mills Schug, l'ieree 22 00
9 Herring, William 2 20
It Walters, William 220
A Building Bigger Bros 28 50
Hand L Carl, E. A 760
1 Lot Johnson. W. L.. 2 85
1 Lot Jordan. John M 152
1 lxit Jordan. Edward 162
1 Lot Saxcr, George, heirs 4 60
Bird, Mrs Emma 45
36 Horton. Nathaniel 138
51 King, Thomas 243
11 Molyncux, Margaret 1 71
110 McCarty, O. L. Bros 8 lo
275 Newman, Galen estate 41 40
267 Sullivan, James 41 40
20 Wells, mrsß 273
Davis, John, heirs 315
1 Lot Birdsall, Elizabath 23
24 Chilson, llarry 272
21 Chilson, C. F 60
80 Clark, John P 2 82
100 Jordan, Henry 580
») Lambert, William estate. 024
93 Carey. Joseph 9 98
113 Campbell John S 17 88
96 Gigga. Henry 19 51
50 Howell, L. B 13 75
50 Hogoboiom, E. E 12 40
130 Helms, Martha 29 40
56 Meyers, John C 12 s'i
3 May. Warien 1 00
50 hhatTcr, O. j 12 so
383 Williams, Henry 95 96
90 Walker. Ada M 3 75
09 Warner. Henry 12 35
220 Watts, Slurry 1 20 39
111 Bodine, <fc Co < 53 Ss
Hand L Botsford. M. W 59 73
20 Cook, Nelson 1) 110
60 Collins, Thomas 19 On
31 Cronan, Hiram 15 80
fwi Cheney, B. L. heirs 26 00
2 I/its Dunham E. M 976
200K & 85 Gower, Sarah 16 45
40 Hill, B. F 10 48
25 Holmes, Henry 20 72
68 Hunter, Aurand 19 20
84 Little, Charles 1912
1050 McFarlane, James 1050
50 Overseers poor, Cherry
township 42 50
70 A hotel Ring, 11. 11 4 18
I lot Tlnklepaugh, Chas 500
69 Smith, Mark 2106
100 White, Peter heirs 15 60
28 Aslots W. i N. B. Itrilroad Company 30 50
56 Walsh, A..„„ 18 32
I'IO Gorman, George 12 10
East and South end hotel lot, Nordmout
Peterman. Philip 50
2 II 3K L Brewster, Mrs, J. T 37 35
1 lot Becht, George J 389
I lot Battin, Jethro 242
II and LClark, Mrs. Mary 22 50
Hot Elliott. W 393
Hot Hill, W. B, Estate 280
1 lot Lee, Walter 389
1 lot Lawshe, John 389
7 lots Mix, H. G 10 50
llot Morston, Johu, jr 389
1 lot Raum.J.H 389
1 lot Stevenson, William 133
1 lot Waddrow, C. W 389
II Brewster, Virginia 4 18
1 lot Steadman, M IS3
1 lot Streeter. Harry '. IS3
Butcher shop and ice house, Stroup 8r05... 190
1 lot Allen, Kobcrt 1' 467
300 Bigger. G. W. & 11. N 3000
llot Barth, G. W 388
100 Clark, Mrs. Rosa 4 00
150 Green, Ambrose 15 26
II & 2 A Hamilton, Mrs 225
Hand L Hughes, Laura 360
U&~XA Peale, S. R 19 80
llot Richait, J. M. G 695
110 Shaffer, W. B 17 49
Hand 2L Sarfarty, Moses D 7 50
llot Thorn, Alfred B 282
llot Watrous, Warren 501
200 Winders, Mrs. Briton 7 20
1 L it 59 A Warner, William 3 00
200 Wheeler, Peter 800
100 McCarty Bros 80
400 Dugan, Monroe 970
The sum of fifty cents must also be paid on end)
tract, lot or parcel of land advertised in addition
to the amount named opposite each tract, lot or
parcel of land for advertising. Also in addition
U> the same, interest will be charged upon the
amount of taxes due upon each tract, lot or par
cel of land for each year from the first day of
January of the year folio vying until paid, under
Act of 1887.
N. B.—No taxes will be received on the day of
Treasurer's office, Laporte. Pa., March 24 1898.
A Horrible Railroad Accident
is a daily chronicle in our papers: also
11lie death of some dear friend, who had
j died with Consumption, whereas, if lie or
she had taken Otto's Cure for Throat and
: Lungdiseases in time, life would have
been rendered happier and perhaps saved.
Heed the warning ! Ifyou have a cough
or any aflection of the Throat and Lunga
Call on T. J. Keeler,Laporte; W. L.
Hoffman, Hillsgrove; B. S ; _Lancaster,
Forkfiville; ( It Jennings, Agt. Kstella;
J no. W. Buck, Nonestown, and get a
trialjpackage free. Large sire f>Oc and 25c.
Cherry Pectoral
"When the doctors considered me
incurable, Ayer*s Cherry Pectoral
cured me of
Chronic Uroncliifls"
L. B. LARDINOIS, liosiere. Wis.
G. A. Rogers
(Successor to B.W. Fawcett.)
Watches, Jewelery,
Silverware, Etc.
Bicycle repairing. Bicycle sundries.
Fishing tackle, at lowest possible
A Cut in Price is
Giving Voice.
And the facts can be learned by call
ing at the "'hoe Shop of
John V. Pinkie, Lap'orte.
Forreign prices as follows:
Men's shots, half-sole and heal, COc.
Women's shoes do 30c.
Children's shoes do 25c.
Cement patches, 05c.
Fine fresh oranges, lemons and bananas
at John W. Bucks, Sonestown.
Kilucato Your lloivela Willi Catcaretb.
Candy Cutliurtic, cure constipation forever.
10c, Jiic. It C. C. C. (all, druggists refund money.
Call in and see the new nickel oil stove,
a good thing for summer use. ,J. W.Bnck.
To Cure tiHMU|Ntn<i« »or»v«r.
TaliC C'.siuieis Ciiulv l atliui'tic. lUcorSsc.
IT C. fail locui,'. iinmiiisis ri fiimt mumv
Kowelu With CaacsretH.
Canny Cathartic, cure constipation forever.
10c, 25e. It C. C- C. fail, drupßists refund money.
New lot of wall paper, timothy and
clover seed, onion sets at popular prices,
at J. W. Buck's.
Kverv'nidy Sey« So.
Caocurets Candy Cathartic, the most, won
dert'ul medical discoverv of the ago, pleaa
aut and iefc sliinf to the taste, act gently
and positively on kidneys, liver and bowels,
cleansing the entire system, dispel colds,
cure headache, lever, habitual constipation
and biliousness. Please buy and try a box
of O. C. C. to-day; It), 2.'), .'lOi.u nts. .Sold aiid
guaranteed to eiire by all druggists.
Doattlm the Pleasure of a Drive.
A flnocurriaKodoiiblesthoplcasiireof driv
ing:. Intending buyers of carriages or har
ness can save dollars by sending for the
large, free eataloguo of the Elkhart Carriage
and Harness Mfg. Co., Elkhart, lud.
Uood News.
No other Medicine was ever given such
a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bot
tlea of this great German remedy are be
ing distributed EKKE OF CHARGE, to those
afllicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all
Throat and Lung diseases,giving the peo
ple prool that Otto's Cure will cure them
For sale only by T. J. Keeler, I.aporte;
W.1,, Hotlinun.ilillsgrovc; »5.5. Lancaster
Forksville; C. 1!. Jennings, Kstella; Jno.
W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free.
Large bottles 50c and 25c.
New lot of timothy and clover seeds and
onion sets at John W. Bucks, Sonestown.
No-Ttt-Uac for Fl.'iy Centa.
Guaranteed tobacco habit cure. maUes weak
men strong, biood pure. siJc, <l. All druggists.
in lure tuii.itpiitiuii hirevur.
Talte Cascarets Canny Cathartic. We or SSe.
If C. C. fail 10 cure, druggists nfmiU money.
and Summer
Every corner of the store is
bright, with the newest things
for Women's wear aiul Men's
wear and Children's wear.
We are glad to have you come in
and see the new life of the old
store and look at its excellent
line of goods.
Spring Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
Grocery Department
A new and fresh sup«
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived,
Vernon Hull,
Hillsgrove, Pa.
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
are first in quality, first in style, and first from a genuine savin*
point of view, because they're lower in price than vou can finrf
elsewhere * n nnd
If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at
once to any of the above named stores where former
values and prices are practically lost sight of in our
determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best
line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to
this County. 6
Extraordinary line of
The lady who wishes the latest styles combined
with high grade and half the old price should call and
select from the complete line of sizes.
I c€
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in?-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
And you will be surprised
how cheap they are in the end.
We have just unpacked HUCII a Mock o 1 coatg and capes to which we are plea***]
to call vour special attention. We do not preiei-d to handle the cheapest
coat* in the market, hut we do sav we have the BEST ami neatest fining
garments made. Our coats and capes are made to order, and in the latest
styles with prices to suit everybody.
(.adieu and Misses, Boys and Men, you need not po halt froten this winter for we
have pientv of underwear for you all, hoth in cotton or woo l , ted or gray aud
the pr ces are very low, so low that wlien you see the goods you will h» aston
"•lied that w« are able to give you such bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
Our shoe department was never more complete and if you will lavor us with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince yi.u tliat we
have the most caretu ly selected line ot fine and heavv bo«'ts and shoes evar
brought before tin public. On crockery we have just received some very
prettv designs in Decorated Dinner Sets to which we invite your attention.
The buying ol country produce has alwavs been a epecial feature of out
Busin?s>, and wc still continue in paying the highest each pi ices tor Butter
Egg® and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara PUSHORE, PA.
Wright &Haight,
M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa.
Furniture b - Bclsrtjfli „ 3 .
Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc.
Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand.
A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete line of
. Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan County.
The finest hearse in the county, with equipments to match.
Embalming a specialty. Funerals directed with
safety and dispatch.