Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager- j THURSDAY MAY 5, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Beat of Sullivan County. LAPOHTE, PA. Entered at the Post Office at Lapbrte," as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION —SI.2S per annum. If paid in advance SI.OO. Sample copies free. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., Volume Number Three. With this issue the NEWS ITEM enters upon its third volume.—We are two years old to-day, and we think we are a lusty child. It is with pleasure that we look back on the past two years and view the rocks over which we scrambled, we are thankful that we are living. Some of these two years journey was along pleas ant paths, and some lay along ugly roads, and during these years we have labored hard to make the paper what it is to-day, one of the best local newspapers in this part of the State. During the two years we have lived we have done what we could for Laporte and the county. In trying to do so we may have said things that seemed to others to be against their ideas; but you know"to err is human; to forgive is divine." So we forgive those who err and we hope to be forgiven for our errors. The circulation has grown, the jobbing patronage has increased, and the plant has been greatly improved from time to time. This has all been accomplished by untiring and constant perseverance and grit We have met many reverses, but undaunted we came out right side up, and now have the business on a fair road to prospeiity. Our many patrons and friends have stood by us in all our trials, and their words of encouragement have been like pearls. To some we are indebted for many kindnesses that will be hard to re pay- The NEWS ITEM as in the past, will continue to give the local news and give to its readers clean pages—a paper that can be read by all members of the family without offence to anyone. We start with volume three tinder pro pitious circumstances, considering the depressed times with the country involved in war and we hope to improve the paper during the next year, as business advances and delinquent subscribers do their duty— pay the printer. We thank our friends for the generous patronage extended to us during our ex istance and hope to merit a continuance of the same in the future. TO 01'R SUBSCRIBERS. The subscriptions of a large number of persons who are at present receiving the NEWS ITEM have been due for a long time dating from the first issue, and we would request of such persons an early remit tance. as we are in need of ready money to meet our obligations. The individual subscriber is apt to forget that the pub lisher of a newspaper is at a constant cash expense for labor, material, etc. in order lo furnish a readable paper, and that in sending the paper to delinquent subscribers he is actually advancing to him each week a certain amount of cnsli, that he may enjoy the pleasure of a news paper. In view of these facts, we ask each subscriber who is in arrears to remit as soon as possible. OUR ADVERTISERS. It is with satisfaction and pride that we call attention to our advertising columns this week. Our advertisers include the most careful and conservative business men in the county—men who earnestly consider the character of the newspaper through which they appeal for patronage. We have a large number of the represen tative merchants advertising with us at present and the steady and healthy in crease of their patronage and support is a just cause for hearty congratulation. There is no feature of a first class country newspaper that is so indicative of its character as the columns devoted to ad vertisements. Old and conservative advertisers make the presentation of their wares to the public and intelligent study. In selecting the medium of advertising they investigate the character of both the paper and its readers and apportion their patronage according to the result of such investigation. Hence it is that the NEWS ITEM is now happy in the knowledge that it has more than half the amount of ad vertising given to some other papers whose years of existance are more num erous than our weeks, and which were founded before many of the News I Ten readers were born. It is noticeable that there are a few professional patriots who have not yet left to mingle with the jam at the recruit ing office, and two months ago they could not be made to keep still a minute. ! Treasurer's Sale OF UNSEATED LANDS. Agreeable to the provisions of nn Act of Assm bly entitled, "An Act directing the mode of sell ing L' nseated Lands for taxes, passed the 12th day ' of March, 1815, and the supplements thereto, I, j HANSOM TIIRASHEK, Treasurer of the County of Sullivan, hereby give notice to all persons con cerned that unless the County .State, Road, School and Poor Taxes due on the following tracts of Unseated Lands situated In said county and paid before the day of sale, the whole or such part of each tract as will pay the taxes and such cost charguble thereon will be sold at the Court House in Laporte, said county of Sullivan, on the 13th day of June, 1838, being the second Monday of June. The sale to be continued by adjournment from day today if deemed necessary for arrear ages of taxes due, and assessed and cost accured on each tract respectively. Unseated Lands. ACRES. WARRANTEE. TAX, CHERRY TWP. 417% Paker, John $ 93 94 417% Kpple, Henry 167 03 3H Kpple, llenry 117 23 50 Eldred, William 3-175 123 Fox, Samuel 27 o Culbcrtson, Johli 3132 333% Carpenter, Casper J 35 96 400 ' Campbell, Gustavus 43 20 224 Carpenter, Charles 23 97 400 Carpenter, Elislia 43 20 856 Cottinger, Garret 3545 418 Daily, Jeremiah 45 21 418 Daily, Mary 45 24 418 Daily, John 45 24 175 Fitzsimmons, Thomas 42 00 200 Goodheart, Elisha 64 K0 ; 133 Gillett, fcliphalct 43 20 SSO Goodheart, James F. 37 80 434 llouseweart, John 26 01 ; 338 Honey, George }',6 50 200 Heister, Petei 10 80 30 Heber, Chase 3 24 317 Kester, Jacob 34 24 300 Kerr, Geo. Adolphus 32 40 202 Logan. Sheldon 23 00 ! •330 McMullan, Michael 35 61j Undivided V, of 118 McMullan, John 27 80 ' 417 McMullan, Alexander 4514 j 50 Morse. William 16 20 13 Nicholas, William 4 32 4(M Nicholas. Henry 43 20 151 Odion, Thomas 31 32 | 50 Parley, Nathaniel 16201 lt'O Pinco, Bezebel 15 00 50 Parley, Nathaniel 16 20 192 43-100 Richard, E. G 6210 323 6-10 Ritzer, Jacob 1W 76 50 Sparahawk, Thomas 40 00 31 Sullivan, James 10 01 64 Shaw, David 20 73 168 Tomlinson, Richard 18 36 12 Tatem, Joseph 3 78 21 Tatem. Joseph 7 02 150 Tomlinson, Richard 1160 310 Tatem. Joseph 3102 207 Tomlinson, Benjamin 22 41 93 Woodward, Ebenzer 30 2l| 150 Woodward, Beza 48 60i 300 Whitford, Wilson 97 201 111 Zeigler, David 1188 50 Zeigler, David 540 j DAVIDSON TWP. 392 Balliott, John 162 25 399 Bcasley, Johnson 169 70 401 % Bantly, Paul 87 60 207 Colt, William 38 60 300 Cope, Israel 13140 50 l oates, Jacob 10 95 436 Custard, Mary 14965 83 Coates, Mary 12 41 92 Evans, Elizabeth 15 68 98 Evans, John and James 16 30 150 Evans, Joel 32 85 201 Ewing, Jasper 43 80 427 Ewing, Robert 72 60 129 90-100 Hess and Creveling 9 25 368 Harvey, Peter 53 73 60 Hess, samuel and Wesley 26 28 450 Harvey, Nicholas 3140 21 Hess, Samuel and Wesley 3 00 436 James, Grace 19120 10 James, Thomas 4 38 h0 l'uschall, Joseph 8101 230 Miley, Martin 102 20 373 McMullan Alexander 68 04 187 Montgomery, William 27 37 358% Sample, Catherine 52 20 75 Strawbridge. James 10 95 I 437 Woodslde, Eleanor 19120 I 48 Woodside, Archibald 2190 I 436 Woodslde, John jr. 63 65 j 26ti% Yarnell, Rebecca 43 SO \ ELKLAND TOWNSHIP 12 Bryson, Samuel 960 ISO Carpenter, John 28 80 j 250 Cook, Stephen 40 00i 100 Conly, Robert l(i 00 1 30 Cooley, Henry 480 6ti Hunsinger, Aaron 13 84 250 Proctor & Hill 40 00 13% ltogers, C. S. 200 43 Proctor Hill 688 FORKS TOWNSHIP. 432 Dnrsey, John 7170 53 Eddy, George 3310 477 Fox, George 236 12 50 Harris, Jesse 24 75 425 Hurley, Henry 109 67 252 Hurley, Chas. 12150 50 Harrison, Jacob 2175 425 Hurley, George 5188 100 Lloyd, Peter Jr. 5t 45 122 Lucke, Henry 6105 IK6 Mugger, John 9120 00 Pleasants, Israel 3100 87 Peters Richard 43 00 55 Roberts, Hugh 26 25 55 Roberts, Jas. F, 26 25 402 Roberts, George 198 20 90 Rush, Benjamin 14 85 FOX TOWNSHIP. 100 Epple, Henry) 3 60 30 Epple, Henry 378 407% Hughes, George 51 31 330 Hull, John 125 30 317% Hull, Mahlon 119 70 300 Hilton, James 75 50 307 Jones Israel 3810 300 Johnson, James 105 40 50 Kulin, Peter 6 30 29 Penrose, Thomas 1740 IDLLSOROVE TWT 80 Alberts, George SO 24 80 Bingham. William 10 08 . 200 Boyd, Jofcu 54 81 j 335 Bonham, Ephraita 12663 846% Beck, Henry. 132 30 216 Bonham, William 8190 100 Carpenter. Samuel 12 60 50 Corson, James 1891 J 257% Pelaney, Thomas 73 08 50 Hornkeitli, Jeremiah 1418 198 Jackson, William 75 60 r 135 McKane. ThosifW 3102 ' 408 Reese, Daniel 154 35 ! 405 Seckler, Michael 153 09 LAPORTE TWP. 100 Bachm, Philip 10 60 111 Bachm, Philip 24 00 39 Baclim, Philip 826 i 191 Baum. Philip 40 49 126 I'ox, Samuel N. 2671 t 1 Franklin, Thomas 24 36 Fox, Hami*J) 764 55 Fox, Sarah 742 . 40 Franklin, Walter 636 13 Gardner, Richard 280 28 Graff, John b94 170 Graff, John 36 01 ! 182 C-ralt, Andrew 37 40 . 56 Graff, Andrew 1127 10 Garragas, Siman W, 212 45 Gardner, Richard 954 105 Gray, Robert 95 20 118 Harvey, Jonathan 15 02 ' 5 llerltng, Joseph 106 , 140 Harvey, Jonathan 29 68 47% Harvey, Jonathan 997 101 Hall; Charles 2205 117 Harvev, Jonathan 24 80 1 150 Levi, baniel 36 89 113'4 Levi, Daniel 18 62 24% Levi, Daniel •80 68 Morris, Richard H. 14 42' 71 Morris, Richard H. 152u! 119 North, Richard 25 45 ! 45 Norris, Joseph I'. a 54 68 Konh, Richard 68 T5 Pleasants, Israel 9 60 95' Pleasants. Samuel 19 80 40 Parker, Thomas t'.l 10 15 Parker, William 3 36 117 Parker, William 35 40 30% Parker, William 640 401 Roberts, Hugh 80 48 49 Reynolds, Thomas 1012 175 Reynolds, Thomas • 35 54 64 Roberta, K. K. 5 ltackstraw, Joseph 106 35 Roberts, Tomazlm 7 42 97 Smith, Daniel 1170 75% Smith Daniel 15 19 130 ' Wright, Samuel R. 27 56 115 Whalen, Robert 25 50 86 Weaver, William 10 32 SHREWSBURY TWI'. 117 Brodie, William 8 40 418 lien son, Peter CI 02 Brady, John 146 00 59 Boyd, John 2484 104 Dougherty. John 44 20 100 Dougherty, John 43 80 75 Fen no, John 10 95 855 Haines, Reuben 155 49 100 Hoover, Jacob 43 80 401% Hunter, Job 58 40 25 Irwin, Robert 3 70 386 Ogden, Joseph 169 06 190 Richardson, Isaac 83 22 219 Swain, John 95 40 Seated List. Also at the same time and place the following tracts and parcels of land duly assessed and re turned on the Seated List will be sold for arrear ages of taxes in the names of the present or former owners, in accordance with the provisions of an Act of Assembly, passed April 29, A. D. 1844. ACRES. NAME. TAX. CHERRY TOWNSHIP. 40 Baker, Francis Jl3 5S 3 Benlley, Hannah, heirs 40 2Lots Durtch, Gotleib 150 52 Collins, Thomas 12 34 50 Dunn, Jas. and F. 1' 1 88 60 Doncgan, Edward 270 50 Dunn. Anna 210 2 II and L Davidge, S. 11 7 92 100 Gallagher, Martin 1935 50 Gallagher, .M. 1' 245 295 Holmes, John C 35 72 103 Kaier, George 3 27 II and L Kraus, William 1 53 67 Kester, Jesse 8 65 67 Lavelle, John 23 38 2% Lambert, John 80 50 Lucus, John 300 20 Mcllaie, Michael 540 65 Mooney, Patrick, heirs 2230 36 Mo9ier, Peter and G. W 1 58 98 Mercur & Jackson 8 35 34 Mosicr, Peter 875 1 Lot Smith J. P 113 II and L Sconten, J. G 113 Hand I, Shoolin, James 4JO 11 and L Smith. W. 1" 975 135 Wright, Martin and Ja*. 27 00 60 Heacock it Jackson 4 72 7 Jackson, Geo. D. heirs 3 5S 130 Jackson, Geo. C 22 10 14 Quinn, John Sr 2 55 77 Mlddendorf, Frank 2143 Cot. LEY TOWNSHIP. Hand L Bleusnick, Catherine 3 00 68 Davidge, S. B 1128 50 Daddow, Mrs. E. A 1360 150 Daddow, John 6 00 50 Harris, Mrs. Mary 3 30 50 Kinsley, Jacob 3 00 Cider Press 1 Messersmith, Geo. 1 „ ... ami mill / and Son j 4» Meyers, W. F 417 75 Parsons, Edward 18 91 II and L Parish, T.J 2 97 Hand L Parish, A. L 478 2 II and L Roth. John 7 90 48 ShulU, 11. C 1 08 mill Stroud, George 707 100 Threshouldback, J. H 2595 II and L Oliphant, t'has, heirs 58 50 DeKalb, Frank and Tobias 567 DAVIDSON TWP. 84 Bradley. R. F 11 65 | 5 IIA L> Dunham and Collins ) , n 293 / Trustees j ,s 80 16% Haus, Jeremiah 16 20: 81 Keeler, John F 2163 j 87 Little, J. 1' 20 96 | 93 Ai 200 Lorah, Jacob 2-125 j 6 Steinbach, Leroy 681'. 1 Lot Kinh, J. F 930 : 2 saw mills Schug, Fierce 22 00 9 Herring, William 2 20 11 Walteis, William 2 20, DUSHORE BOaot'UH. Foundry 6 Building Bigger Bros 28 80 ; Hand L Carl. E. A 760 ; 1 Lot Johnson, W. L 2 85 1 Lot Jordan, John M 182] 1 Lot Jordan, Kdward 152 1 Lot Saxer, George, heirs 4 60 ELK LAND TOWNSHIP. y. Bird, Mrs Emma 45 So Horton, Nathaniel 4as : M King, Thomas 243 j 11 Molyncux, Margaret 1"1 146 McCarty, O. L. Bros 810 ] 275 Newman, Galen estate 4140! 267 Sullivan, Jatnes 41 40 20 Wells, mrs R 278 HILLSGROVE TOWNSHIP. Davis, John, 1 Lot Birdsall, Elizabath 23 21 Chilson, Harry 2 72 24 Chilson, C. F 6u 86 Clark,John I* - 282 HKI Jordan, Henry 580 80 Lambert, William estate 0 24 FOX TOWNSHIP. 93 Carey, Joseph 998 113 Campbell John S 17 88 96 Gigga, Henry 19 51 50 Howell, L. B 18 75 50 Hogoboom, E. E 12 40 130 Helms, Martha 29 40 56 Meyers, John C 12 55 3 May, Wan en 1 00 50 Shatter, O. J 12 50 383 Williams, Henry 95 96 90 Walker, Ada M 3 75 69 Warner. Henry 12 85 220 Watts, Murry 1 20 39 LAPUKTE TOWNSHIP. 11l Bodine, & Co 53 38 H andL Botsford, M. W... 59 73 20 Cook, Nelson D 60 50 Collins, Thomas 19 00 31 Cronan, Hiram 15 80 65 Cheney, B. L. heirs 26 00 2 Lots Dunham E. M 976 200y, it 85 fiower, Sarah. 16 45 40 Hill, B. F 10 48 25 Holmes, Henry 20 72 58 Hunter, Aurand 1920 81 Little, Charles 1912 1050 Mcl'arlane, James 1050 50 Overseers poor, Cherry township 42 50 70 A hotel Ring, 11. II 4 18 I lot Tlnklepaugh, Chas 500 59 Smith, Mark 2106 100 White, Peter heirs 15 60 28 Aslots W. o cents. Sold and ; guaranteed io cure by all druggists. Double* the Pleasure ofa Drive. A fine carriago doubles the pleasure of driv ing. Intending buyers of carriages or bar t ncss can save dollars by sending foi the large, free catalogue of the Elkhart Carriage and Harness Mfg. Co., ElUhurt, Ind. Good News. | No other Medicine was ever given such a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bot ties of this great German remedy are be- J ing distributed EKKE OK CIIAROE, to those ; afflicted with Consumption, A?thma, I Croup, severe Coughs. Pneumonia and all | Throat and Lung diseases,giving the t eo pie proot that Otto's Cure will cure them For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte; W.L. Hoflman,Hillsgrove; 'S.S. Lancaster Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Estella; Jno. \W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. Large bottles 50c and 25c. New lot of timothy and clover seeds and onion sets at lolin W. Bucks, Sonestown. NO-TO-BM for Fl'.y Cents. Guaranteed tobacco habit cure, makes weak men strong, blood pure. 50c, sl. All druggists. To Cure (.'llll,ll put ion I*orev«r. ta and ahoes ever brought before the public. On crockery we have just received some very pretty designs in Decorated Dinner Seis to which we invite your attention. The buying of country produce has alwav* been a special feature of on Busings*, and we still continue in paying the highest each pi ices lor Butter Egg« and Wool, E. G. Sylvara dushqre, pa. Wright &Haight, SUCCESSORS TO M. R. BLACK, Forksville, Pa. Furniture u r„j srtaf , ina . MANUFACTUBJSBB Ol" Doors, Sash, Moulding, Flooring, Ceiling etc. DRESSED LUMBER Full and complete seasoned stock always on hand. A fine line of furniture etc. The most complete lir Coffins and Casket to select from in Sullivan 112 The finest hearse in the county, with equipments Embalming a specialty. Funerals d' safety and dispatch. PRICES REASONABLE.