Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, April 21, 1898, Image 6

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Shadows and shadows, but hope for the Shadows and shadows, but still the stars
best; stream ;
We're one—under heaven—from east unto We are one with our country, in gloom and
west. in gleam ;
To live for our country, or sleep on hor To live in her light, or to dream the last
breast, dream,
In the beautiful sunlight of Freedom ! 'Neath the fair, flaming flowers of Freedom!
—F. L. Stanton, in Atlauta Constitution.
"You see, Cynthia, it is like this. I
can't make much of a living here, and
BO I have decided to—go out west and
see what I could do."
"Well, I can't blame you, Jack;
Jennie's a good girl,and some who go
west do v/ell. I don't know how I
shall ever get along -without you,
And the loving heart of the sister
asserted itself in a burst of teai'3 at
thought of the coming separation.
Jack looked at her regretfully.
"I bate like everything to leave
you, Cynthia, but I suppose I must.
We're going right away, too," be
added, looking out of the window to
avoid tbe rare audpiteous sight of his
strong, bright sister in tear i.
Cynthia Lee swallowed her grief as
best she could, restoring her brother's
self-possession by a few commonplace
words; then he went out, and she
worked on with nimble Angers, shell
ing beans for dinn r.
Soon the outer door flew open, im
pelled by the eager hands of a young
"The Bartlett pears are ripe, Cyn
thia; see these," rolling some beauti
ful specimens of the fruit mentioned
across the table..
Tbe fruit did not call forth anv en
thusiasm oil Cynthia's part, and the
younger girl, seeing that something
was wrong, began to shell the beans,
her face disturbed by frowns.
She, like her brother, had an un
pleasant communication to make this
morning,but the time seemed scarcely
favorable, judging by Cynthia's face,
Tiiore was a long silence, broken at
last by Cynthia.
"Tessie," she said, "Jack is going
to leave us; how shall we ever get
along without him?"
"How—he is?" stammered Jessie.
She had known it for weeks. "Oh,"
she went on, "there's no use beating
about tbe bush, Cynthia; I knew Jack
was going, and I am going, too, at the
same time he goes."
Cynthia turned a pale, stern face
toward her sister.
"You do not mean it, do you, Jes
sie?" she said, with a quaver in her
voice. "Why, I promised mother
never to let you out of my sight till |
you were grown up. able to——"
"Why, Cynthia! I'm 17, and lots
of girls marry even younger than
that," interrupted Jessie, impatiently.
The expression of Cynthia's face
changed once moie.
"Marry!" she exclaimed. "In the
name of mercy, whom are going to
"Why, Frank Bailey, of course.
Jack knew it, aud I should think he
might have told you and saved me the
trouble. I should think you might
have seen how things were going and
been prepared for this and saved get- |
ting yourself so worked up over it,"
grumbled .lessie in an injured tone.
"Whv,l did know pretty near about
Jack, but you—you're only a child,"
said Cynthia, drearily.
"Well,l'm engaged to Frank Bailey,
any way, and I'm going to marry him
and go west with him and Jack and
Jennie and his folks, and you will
have to get along the best you can.
You ought to be glad Jack and I are
doing so well.
Cynthia thought that time would
prove whether they were indeed doing
well, but she did not say it.
"Then I must live nil alone," she
"Oh, 110! You have the two dogs
and six cats and Moolv and the hens.
And yon know how to manage the
place. Wasn't it lucky that father
left it for your share aud gave the
money to me and Jack?"
Cynthia listened to the end of Jes
sie's speech, then dropped her fa -e
into her hands and laughed and cried
hysterically, till Jessie left the room
with nn air lialf-iudignant, half-sor
Cynthia did not harrow tbe feelings
of her brother and sister by any more
displays of grief. She set cheerfully
about preparing outfits for the two
yonng emigrants, and before the time
for their departure had arrived there
stood ready, looked and corded in the
hall, two big boxes for each of them,
containing, as Jessie well knew, the
lion's share of the household linen
which by right belonged to Cynthia.
Soon the time came when the double
wedding, the good byes and tbe de
parture were all events o f tbe past,and
Cynthia was alone.
She felt indescribably miserable as
she turned togo in after watching
them out of sight, and tbe dogs, look
ing into her face, knew that some
thing was wrong and plainly showed
it by their atl'eetionato demonstra
"You dear old boys!" she cried, re
turning their caresses. "We must
light it out alone now."
Cynthia's nature was not easily
crushed. It bounded up from the
pressure of ill fortune's iron heel as
does a child's toy of India rubber on
which it has set its tiny foot to see the
She missed the brother and sister
naturally, but when two years passed
and they had not written to her more
than half a dozen times, she could not
but feel less desire for their compan
ionship than at first. Indeed, search
ing her mind, she found little in it but
She had worked hard indoors and
out, and as a result she found her
self, in addition to her contented
mind, possessed of perfect health and
a bauk book.
Still, on that second anniversary,
it seemed to Cynthia that she would
have given much to see her young
brother and sister walk in and seat
themselves at her lonely dinner table.
For the first time since their departure
she gave way to a fit of crying that
was childish in its intensity, as she
sat waiting for her dinner to cook.
Two cold noses were thrust inquir
ingly into her face, and the tide was
turned in a measure.
She placed a hand 011 each beautiful
head and looked in the honest eyes.
"How can I call myself alone when
I have yon dear, faithful creatures?"
She was still caressing them when
they suddenly left her side and rushed
out of doors with short,quick barks of
Jumbo was a very large dog and
Saracen rather particular as to who
came 011 the premises; so Cynthia has
tened after them, for fear the visitor
might be frightened. When she
reached the big gate post, Saracen was
growling in a way to terrify a
At first Cynthia saw no one, but al
most immediately a battered sun hat
came into sight,followed by the entire
figure of a little girl.
"Please, ma'am, may I come iu a
minute?" she asked, her voice trem
bling with fear.
"Why, surely," Cynthia replied.
"Come right along; the dogs shan't
hurt you. Be good now, boys; dou't
you see how little she is?"
Thus there entered into Cynthia's
domain the palest, slenderest child she
had ever seen. She had tbe appear
ance of a child of 10, yet, as Cynthia
soon learned, she was nearly 14.
She was ragged and dirty, with the
look in her eyes of a "starved ani
"Mv poor child, who a e you?"
asked Cynthia.
"I'm Annie Gray."
"Where did you come from?"
"New York."
"How did yon get here?"
"I walked, ma'am. I've been walk
ing three days anil sleeping under
sheds, stopping along asking for a
place to stay and work; please,ma'am,
have you anything 1 could do?"
"Come in, child, come in. We'll
see about the work later. Dinner is
just ready to take up. and we must
attend to that first."
The little girl stepped inside the
door with alacrity. Cynthia hastened
to set the table and serve tbe warm,
substantial meal. Then, while they
ate it together, she listened to what
the child had to say about herself
with warm interest.
"I'm sorry my clothes are not
nicer, ma'am, but they aro all I have,
so I could not wash them very well.
1 washed my bands and face, though,
in the beautiful brooks all along the
way. Oh, that was so nice! I was al
ways clean before my mother died.
You see, ma'am, it was like this," she
continued, with a mature manner that
did not sit strangely upon, her, spite
of her delicacy. "I stood it with
father as long as I could. He got
wild after mother died and seemed to
hate me. I wanted to stay and keep
house for him, but—see this, ma'am,
and this"—exhibiting purple spots
on her arm and shoulder. "But, dear
me,he didn't know he did it. It -was
all that awful drink."
Seeming to see Cynthia's horror
and disgust for the man she was ex
cusing, her loyalty took alarm.
"Indeed, ma'am, you mustn't think
my lather was bad. He was always
kind to .mother and never struck me
a blow till after she died and he began
to drink. Oh, I feel so sorry for poor
Cynthia was doubtful as to so much
sympathy being deserved by the man
who could so forget his duty to his
motherless child, but somehow she
could not find it iu her heart to say
what she thought to the loyal little
daughter who sought to defend him.
Indeed, she saw to it that the hun
ger of the girl was satisfied; then she
took her upstairs to a chest contain
ing many things that Jessie had out
grown or cast aside because she tired
of them,and when the little waif again
descended to the kitchen she was so
transformed as to be hardly recogniz
And so it came about that at last
Cynthia had a companion and assistant.
For she kept little Annio, who seemed
to feel as if a paradise had opened to
Tbe dogs, without withdrawing any
of their loving; allegiance from Cyn
thia, found loom in their big hearts
for the child, and they were the best
of friends.
Three years passed, and Annie had
drained the fount of knowledge at the
village academy, and it was evident
that she still thirsted. Consequently,
she must be sent to a good boarding
school for a time. After that it might
be that she would go still further, for
she was developing rare intelligence
as well as beauty of character and per
111 consequence of all this Cynthia
found herself,one bright fall morning,
watching the departure of hor only
human companion and turning, as she
had tnrned years before, to the love
and companionship of her animal
friends, who never failed her.
A year slipped by, nnd then there
caine into Cynthia's life another
change. She and Henry Lester, a
stranger in the village, met in October,
and before the end of November she
had promised to marry him, and tlie
time for the wedding was decided
Cyuthia could not help feeling
many serious misgivings; she felt
drawn toward this sad looking man
with the brown eyes that always
seemed searching for something ex
cept when looking at her; then they
were fall of peace and restfnlness and
deprecating love.
Deprecating Mas the word that
seemed to lit his manner toward her.
Cynthia sometimes felt pained by it,
and wondered if nothing would ever
change him in that respect. Too
much humility was not to her taste,
and good and reliable and handsome
as ha was, that way of his which al
ways seemed to be saying, "Forgive
mc, please," grilled upon her frank,in
dependent nature in spite of all she
could do lo drive the feeling away.
Speaking of Annie as her adopted
daughter, Cynthia had mentioned her
as a possible obstacle to their engage
ment. He turned to her eagerly.
"Trouble your mind 110 more about
her, Cynthia. She shall be as my own
Then ho became lost in that dreamy
maze which seemed sometimes to en
velop him.
One day late in December there
was a quiet wedding at the minister's
house in the village, and then Cyn
thia found herself going swiftly tow
ards home, her mind tilled with
strange new thoughts and conjecture
as to how Annio should receive the
news that that home would hereafter
own a master —that they two would no
longer be all in all to each other.
For some unexplainablereason Cyu
thia had never written Annie regard
ing her coming marriage, and as the
hour drew near for the ustounding
disclosure she felt very nervous.
It was now near at hand. There ;
remained but one day before Christ- j
mas; Annie would certainly be home :
for the holidays, and tomorrow wouhl, j
in all probability, bo the day of her |
Tlie morning of that day was cloud- j
less. All the morning Cynthia flew
about tlie house making pleasant prep
arations tor the holiday. Everything i
was done at last. She had finished !
her simple toilet and stood at tlie j
window, watching with loving eyes the ,
rollicking romp of her husband and
tlie dogs in the feathery snow, when
up the road came a team from the
railroad station with Annie waving her
handkerchief from the depths of the
roomy sleigh, her cheeks so red that
Cynthia saw the color from her win- !
dow. Then her heart jumped into
her throat, it seeme Ito her,for as the j
sleigh stopped Annie sprang out with
a shriek that terminated in the word, ,
"Father!" and after a second's he«ita- i
tion Henry Lester hail taken the few I
steps that lay between himself and the
girl and gathered her in his arms.
Cynthia looked upon the scene with
dazed eyes. It was evident that the
introduction she had been dreading
was not needed; but what did it \
While her whirling brain was re
gaining its balance her husband and
Annie had entered the house. Annie
immediately hastened up to Cynthia's
"What is it. Mamma Cynthia? My
father tells me to come to you to tind |
out why he is here."
Cynthia took the girl in her arms |
and held her in silence for a moment, i
while many and varied thoughts ran I
through her mind. At length she ,
"The explanation is very simple, |
dear; lie is here because lie is my litis- !
Annie raised her head and kissed !
Cynthia's Hushed face again and i
"I am very giad," she said. "Some
time you will tell me how it came
about, won't you? It seems such a
strange thing to happen."
"Strange indeed!" thought Cynthia.
"I cannot tell the child that if I had
known who Henry was it would never
have happened."
Then, together, they descended to
the kitchen, where they found Lester
sitting dejectedly by the tire, a dog on
either side of him, anxiously awaiting
the appearance of his wife and daugh
Cyntliia hardly knew how to meet
him. He did not leave her to face the
difficulty, but rose and held out his
hand to Annie.
"Come here, Annie," he said, "and
plead for me with your—mother. Tell
jier, dear, from me, that I have never
tasted liquor since the day I returned
to our poor home and found you pone.
I have been searching for you ever
since. I have worked hard and saved
all I earned, thinking to tind you and
make a home for you, but had grown
discouraged and had given up hope of
pleasure in life till I met her. Assure
her, dear, that she shall never repent
having taken the step she has, for I
loathe the man I once was as much as
she possibly can, and I did not mean
to deceive her in any way. It was
not necessary to give her the details
of my degradation, I thought, since
that was a'l in the past. I cannot be
lieve that since she has learned my
story she can harden her heart
against me."
He held his disengaged hand toward
her, his face full of anxious pleading.
The gentle brown eyes that had at
tracted her at first spoke well for him
now, and shefelt that she loved hiinin
spite of all.
She took his offered hand in both of
hers and kissed him.
"We three will begin life together
as if the world were new and we the
only people in it," she said. "Stir
the nre,please, Henry; I must get our
little girl some dinner, or she will be
gin to think it a sorry home-coming.''
A long-drawn sigh of contentment
from Anuie denoted anything but
sorrow, and over the face of the mau
who listened as to a repeal of a sentence
of bauislunent, there crept a look of
peace that confirmed Cynthia in her
belief that she had decided wisely and
And the dogs, looking on and listen
ing to the tones of their beloved mis
tress' voice, settled comfortably down
at the feet of him whom they had al
ready learned to love.
A Loudon general omnibus is sup
posed to earn $95 per week.
Aut hills in West Africa sometimes
reach the height of fifteen feet.
Five feet is the minimum height of
the Russian and French conscript.
The Romans used a circular fan on
occasions of state and the Greeks made
fans of the flat leaves of the lotus.
In the towns of Chile most shops
are open till.midnight, and during tho
hot afternoons, when everybody takes
a siesta, they are locked up.
A recent landslide in China revealed
a pile of money equaling in value
7,000,000 coppers. The coins were
made about the middle of the eleventh
The king of Kiam has a bodyguard
of female warriors—i. e., 400 girls,
chosen from among the strongest and
most handsome of all the women in
the land.
In northern China one of tho prin
cipal occupations is raising dogs for
their fur, which is fine and dense and
much used for clothing. They cost
only 40 ceuts apiece.
With a piece of string and a little
sand and grease some Hindoo convicts
recently sawed through an iron bar
two inches in diameter in five hours
and escaped from jail.
Just a 5! a letter was being read in a
Farinington (Me.) household from a
daughter in California announcing her
good health and well being, a telegruni
came announcing her death.
Garlic came from Asia and has been
used since the earliest times. It
formed part of the diet of the Israel
ites in Egppt, was used by Greek and
Roman soldiers and African peasants.
The quaint little chimney sweepsadd
to the picturesqueness of Charleston,
X. ('., where they are still in constant
demand to clean chimneys of the soot
from the soft pine wood so largely in
The skin of the reindeer is so imper
vious to the cold that any one clothed
in such a dress, with the addition of
a blanket of the same material, may
bear the iutensest rigors of an Arctic
winter's night.
As soon as a man falls into debt in
Siain the creditor can seize his person
and keep him as a slave. Should the
debtor run away, bis wife and chil
dren, his father, or other relatives are
liable to be seized.
The Gallas tribe in Africa is reported
by a Belgian authority to regard it as
n sacred duty to kill cows on every
possible occasion, with a view of dis
covering a certain volume of sacred
lore which a cow ouce swallowed.
About 10,000 pounds of eiderdown
are collected annually in Iciland,7ooo
being exported to foreign countries.
Formerly the peasants used to receive
about a pound for it, but the price
lias now fallen to half that amount.
Denmark's kings for 384 years have
nil been named Christian or Frederick.
This is not the result of accident. It
is the law of Denmark that Christian
must be siicc o led by Frederick and
Frederick by Christian. To attain
this and without the changing of names
iu case of death or other reason every
Danish prince, no matter what other
names he may receive, always includes
Christian and Frederick among them.
ItKv«*r in Ariznn:i.
"There is a river out in our terri
tory called the Hassayampn, which is
typical of Arizona," said Mr. J. ('.
Adams, the mayor of Phoenix, Ari
zona, and one of the most progressive
citizens of that lively town. "This
river will run along for a few miles as
a broad, beautiful stream, and, nar
rowing suddenly, disappear through
the sands, only to crop up again a few
miles further on and run along as plac
idly anil beautifully as a well-regu
lated stream should. There is a legend
connected with this river that any on •
who ever tastes of its waters can never
afterward tell the truth. The mine. s
in the country through which it flows
are called 'Hassayampas,' and from
them como most of the weird, wild
stories of adventure that people iu the
east expect from Arizona, the erst
while home of Alkali Ike and Cactus
Bill. This water can be bottled and
brought east, so that an Arizoninn who
K'omes here on a mission can take a
smnll nip and then tell his friends
about Arizona."—Washington l'ost.
Crab* in tho Suiixliino.
Crabs bury themselves in the mini
p.nd sand in the winter, and when
taken out they are, in cold weather,
numb and motionless. But if they
are left in a :,unuy, sheltered place in
a boat or elsewhere they will come
to the power of motion again. There
was a curious illustration of this, the
other day, in a lot of crabs lying on n
stand in front of a downtown fish
market. There might have been '2OO
or 300 crabs spreadiug over an area of
three feet in diameter. The sun
shining down over a building on the
opposite side of the street, fell across
the stand in front of tho market in
such a way as to bring half the crabs
into the sunlight and leave the other
half in the shadow. The crabs in the
sunshine were lifting up their claws
and showing signs of life; those in the
shadow >ere motionless.—New York
Rev. Georjce 11. Ilepwortli'ft Sermon In
the New York Herald Is Entitled
"Nothing In Small*'—An Adilrens by
KvangelUt D. L. Moody on lilble Texts.
The New York Herald publishes the com
plete result of its recent competition for
prize sermons printed In its columns. Tlie
first prize was awarded by the Herald it
self, and the second, third and fourth
prizes were decided by the votes of its
readers. The successful competitors were
as follows:
First prize, SIOOO, to the Rev. Richard G.
Woodbridge, pastor of the Central Congre
gational Church, Middleboro, Mass. Sub
ject, "The Power of Gentleness."
Second prize, SSOO, to the Rov. W. S.
Perkins, pastor of St. Paul's Universalist
Church, Meridan. Conn. Subject, "Burden
Third prize, S3OO, to the Rev. John D.
Long, pastor of the Presbyterian Church,
Babylon. L. I. Subject, "The Good Side of
Fourth prize, S2OO, to the Rev. Edwin P.
Parker, pastor of the Second Church, Hart
ford, Conn. Subject, "Law of Kindness."
I)r. Hepwortli on "Nothing is Small.
TEXT: "Thou hast been faithful over a
few things, 1 will make thee rnler over
many things; enter thou into the joy of thy
Lord."—Matthew xxv., 21.
I know of* no part of Scripture which
Rives mo more good cheer tiian this. It
contains the kindest and most encouraging
statement of fact that ever fell from the
lips of Christ. 1 oftentimes wonder what
circumstance suggested this subject—what
Impelled Him to put a gentle hand on our
shoulder, as though to say, "Be not trou
bled." To do things well is to do God's
work In God's way. Nothing is trivial that
Is worth doiug at all.
It is true that not all can bo great in the
sight of men, but every man may belong to
heaven's nobility. There are men in the
humblest walks of life who will wear cov
eted crowns in the hereafter because they
did their simple duty in a simple fashion.
When we got into the other world wo
shall be profoundly surprised to find that
the Lord's standnrd of value is very differ
ent from that to which wo have boon ac
customed. We regard social position,
wealth, intellectual culture as of prime im
portance and rather imagine that the Lord
will hesitate to condemn any one with these
three enviable possessions. But it is clear
that we and Ho do not agree, for with Him
a pure heart and a sweet, placid and gontle
life are worth more than all else besides.
Not oven God can mako either your
heart pure or your life sweet without your
assistance. Nor can you make a pure
heart or a sweet life without His assistance.
Theso desirable results must como from a
close association of God with man and of
man with God. When your weakness,
moved by a divine ambition, is commingiod
with His omnipotence, then and then only
can the ideal soul be produced. He can
make wealth, He can give you the genius
which will mako you famous, but It is ab
solutely necessary for you and Him to work
in holy partnership before the thing which
heaven prizes most can bo attained.
When we step across the border we shall
find that many of our earthly ideas of
value are either mistakes or prejudices,
and that lives are acceptable and profit
able only in proportion to their spiritual
symmetry and beauty. The more a man
does for others, therefore, the more he
does for himself, and it he cares only for
himself, to the neglect of others, he will
have togo Into the primary class in heaven
and learn what true religion means.
Someone said to mo recently in despair
ing tones, "My life amounts to so little. I
live tlm humdrum days in a humdrum way,
and if I should drop out of existence it
would mako no difference to aDyono." If
that were true it would lie very sad. But
this man was to my mind one of the
world's heroes. I knew his environment,
and knew what he had done with it. how
much he bad made out of it. Yes, he was
a manual laborer, and his hands were
grimy with toil. Ho was a saint in over
alls. He was the guardian angei of an
aged mother who thought herself in
heaven long before she went there because
the son was so like Providence. He
strained every nerve to glvo his boys an
education that they might be fitted to do
hetteTwork than he had done.
You say "All this Is a matter of course."
Then I ixld, and God's blessing Is a matter
of course.
That was a narrow life? No; it was as
wideas God's love could make it, and as
noblo as an archangel's.
Ho who does the little duties of lifo with
a large heart makes himself great in soul.
You can bettor afford to stand before God
in honest rags than in tho purple and fine
linen of dishonesty.
The important question to bo answered
is not. Who aro you? but What are you?
Your pocket book does not weigh as
much as your moral principle In the scales
of God.
It is rank heresy to say that your life is
worthless If you are doiug your work well.
Heaved Is full of princes who found it
hard to pay the rent of their earthly
Never allow yourself to say, and espe
cially to feel, that the work you are doing
is insignillcant or the place you will fill is
of no importance. To do that is to make
an uncalled for criticism on the Lord, for
you hereby declare that the duty He has
set you to do is not worth doing. If there
Is a mistake anywhere it is in your opinion
of tho value of things and not in His judg
ment as to what He needs to have done.
You have no right to hold any such opinion,
uud if you do It is because your ideas are
based on false principles.
No matter how humble your sphere, (111
It full by pouring your best anil noblest
qualities of character into It. A pool of
water is a thing of beauty when the moon
shines on it, and the smallest soul that over
breathed is a miracle when tho spirit of God
is reflected therein.
It requires many hands to mako a watch.
If one of tho hands which fashions one of
the eogs of one of the wheels does Its work
badly the watch will never keep good time.
If tho whole is to be perfect every part
must bo perfect.
So it is in the universe. You do not know,
but God knows that unless you take pains
to make your cog of the wheol with fidelity
you may do a damage which cannot easily
bo repaired.
Little things done well make a great
soul, and small duties arc always great
duties in the eyes of the angels.
The Famous Evangelist Speak* In New
York on the Value of Bible Yexta.
"I believe in my heart that the bost thing
on this earth is "the Gospel of the Son of
God. I said last night that tho keynote of
this mission is the saying of Christ, 'tho
Son of Man is come to "seek and to save that
which was lost.' To-night I will tako an
other test to follow it. And I want yoii'to
remember that the object of tho sermon is
to drive home tiie text. I would rather
have one text of tho Blole than all the ser
mons in the world. There nre ouough of
them preached in New York every week to
save tho city ten times over. In John 1.,
29, nre tbo first words recorded by tho
evangelist as having been spoken to him bv
Jesus Christ. They are, 'What seek ye?'
It may have been sixty years after John
heard those words that ho wrote them
•town, but they had made such an Impres
sion on him that he remembered tho time
and the place. With another who after
ward became a disciple he had gone to look
at Christ, and asked Him the question,
•Where dwellest Thou?' 'Come and sec.'
answered the Saviour, and the two disci
ples went, and never left Him.
"It Is very evident that these two men
found more In Christ than did a good many
others of their time. And do you know
that there are a good many in Now York
the same way. It is recorded in the gos
pels that many of those who followed the
Saviour left Him, and there are many who
follow 'Him to-day who say they
are disappointed. Why? I think
I ean tell you. When the crowds
followed Christ in the Holy Land they did
so from various motives. Some of them
wnntod to see Him perform miracles. They
wauted to see the devils cast out and the
lepers cured, and so they were always say
ing to Him, "Master, show us a sign."
Others thought He was going to found an
earthly kingdom, and wanted to get into
oluco when Ho founded it. Others thought
that they might entangle Him into saying
something against the Mosaic or Roman
laws which would lead to His condom nil
tlon and death. Others followed just from
morbid curiosity to see tho crowd and
hour something new. Others Ho Himself
accused of being after tho llshes and the
loaves. They did not care about His mes
"All these people soon got tired of fol
lowing Christ; but I can vouch for one
thing—that no man for eighteen hundred
years who has followed Jesus Christ for
what He is has ever been disappointed.
He is all that you make Him to be. Soma
make a littlo Saviour, beeauso they think
little of Him.
"What seek ye, you that are hore to-night?
Come, tell me. I could go through the
crowd and ilnd just the same motives
actuating you as those who followed the
Lord In Palestine. There are some mon
hack thoro who came to see tho crowd.
Another has come because his wife has
been nagging at him for the last three
weeks, and ho promised to come. An
other man is here because he has nowhere
else to go. He says that If ho had a good
comfortnble home you would not ilnd him
here. Another one comes to hear the
singing. I'm glad he wanted to hear
something, anyway. Although some of
you have come with low motives, thauk
Ood you have come at all, and you may
change your mind before you're through.
I'm glad to have a chance at you, what
ever your motives for being here mav be.
"Here is another text I want to read:
'Reek ye flrst the Kingdom of God and His
righteousness, and all these things shall be
added unto you.' So many people think
that they wiil attend to temporal things
Ilrst, and after they have made a comforta
ble fortune and settled down they will at
tend to eternal things. God says, 'No.
You must fir3t seek tho Kingdom of God.'
I think If this were really done you would
never come to want.
"I have been beßought on all sides to
preach sermons on capital and ialjar and
similar subjects. My friends. I believe a3
long as you start right and follow text
you will turn out right in the end. I be
lieve so many don't get on the
Kingdom of God comes last, not first, with
them. You can't tell what may happen be
fore tho morning. Christ would net oven
allow a man who followed Him to h\jry his
dead father before he had obtainud the
Kingdom of God. I believe there aro thou
sands and tons of thousands of young peo
ple who have written on the flyU aves of
their Bibles by somo loving father or
mother the toxt I have quoted, Mat
thew vi., 33.
"If Moses should suddenly appear here
what do you supposo would be the Ilrst
words he would say to you? If you usked
him to come to tho platform and takn my
place ho would say: 'Tho choice Iti be
tween life and death, Chooso life,' I!
Hezeklah were to come here what would he
say? I think ho would ask you. 'How
long halt ye between two opinions?' Ii
Solomon should appear ho would say,
'Whatever thy hand ilndeth to do, do it
with thy might.' Suppose that little tent •
maker, Paul of Tarsus, were here. He would
shout, 'Now is tho accepted time, now i»
the clay of salvation.' And if Jesus Christ
were to appear among us Ho would say,
'Seek ye Ilrst tho kingdom of God and His
righteousness and all these things shall be
added unto you.'"
Professor Kick Snvs It lg Easy to AvoiJ
the Germs.
Undo Sam has only to issue an order to
his troops to "cook your food and boil
your drinking water" to render the wholo
American army immune from yellow
fever, according to Professor Edwin Klok,
of Rush Medical College, Chicago, an ac
count of whose discovery of yellow fever
germs was published a fortnight ago.
Tho Spanish soldiers iu Cuba, among
whom the mortality from yellow fever ha*
been great, have eaten and drunk cooked
and uncooked food and water Indiscrimi
nately. It is Professor Kick's theory that
if tho simple precaution of boiling and
cooking had been followed tho army would
havo boon practically immune from the
Iu the event of war with Spain the
American troops sont to Cuba would bo
forced to depend largely on food canned
in tho United States, which would lessen
tho danger considerably. It is Professor
Klek's belief that the familiar Injunction
of tho Chicago Health Department to
"boil the water" would complete the
safety of tho troops from the disease,
whos»! ravages are more to bo dreaded
than Spanish bullets.
New Jersey Is Its Eastern Home, AccorJ.
ing to Entomologists.
The Agricultural Department has just Is
sued a bulletin 011 tho Sail Jose scale iu
I<V.IG-97, prepirod by Entomologist L. O.
Howard. It Is of much interest at this
time because of the recent edict of tho
German Government prohibiting the im
portation of living plants, fruits, etc., on
account of the alleged discovery of scale
on peas shipped from California.
The bulletin says that in the fall of 1835
the Insect was reported as being in twenty
State.), but Iu comparatively few localities
in each, with the exception of No.v Jersey,
which wis overrun by it. In ISU6-7 actual
lle'd in Virginia, Maryland, Illi
nois, Ohio, Georgia and several other States
showed t latin them the iusect was almost
as widespread as In New Jersey, whilo
twolve States uud the District of Columbia
have been added to the number containing
infested poluts.
A list of Ilfty-flve fruit and shade trees
nnd ornamental shrubs affected by the post
is given. Considerable space is devoted to
a discussion of the remedios suggested to
kill the pest.
Its Exportation to England Has Caused
Injury to American Tratle.
United States Consul
Nottingham, England, ha sentj t j J '
Department, Washington an
report upon the quantif y JlUi ,
cheese sent to Great Br. tain by Arnica
in It he points a moraU.a f l COUVHys awiirn
ing to exporters who h(lvo b(Hm (q (h(>
bahlt of sending lllle cheese" to foreign
ports Instead of the -pure product. The re
sult of this kind of '.raud has cost American
cheese dealers thojusauds of dollars In trade
' lost during the last few years. Canada
Has gained v*«at we have relinquished.
TmS gradun J'l'ingu of relations has been
golng\ou s 0 That year the United
States •" England nearly 148,000,00i>
pouuds of fiSO . Our product was then
at tho top 1 -j° British market.
Th? "'ought In California.
Stock rai# rs of Fresno, Cal., are circula
ting a uetit'P" which is to be forwarded to
President MjKlnley. The unprecedented
drought haspeeu very hard on stock nnd
In the petltliP the President will be asked
to proclaim tV" stock may graze on certain
portlous of til Yoseiulte_ Park reservation
i during the coM"c 112 * a