§ JACK'S LIFE ABOARD. § How Uncle Sam's Sailors Spend. Tlieir nj||| Xj«i*uro Hours. The enlisted man of the navy of the United States, says the Washing ton Star, is even more interesting as an individual and as a servitor of the flag than the enlisted man of the army, and a man of no less exper ience and brains than Rudyard Kip ling maintains that "the man that packs the gun has more character in the crook of either of his arms than all his officers have in their whole con struction." In the United States SKYLARKING. army are innumerable men just as humorously devilish, ingeniously mis chievious and opportunely disobe dient as the members of Kipling's characteristic trio of Tommy Atkinses, Mulvaney, Learoyd and Ortheris. The main idea of most persons whs aw unfamiliar with the life of tli« man forward on a man-of-war is that the tedium of such an existence can hardly be little short of unbearable. They can understand how the officers might find it possible to putin their sea service comfortably and enjoyably, but as a rule they can see nothing for it but a general twiddling of thumbs on the part of the whole ship's com pany forward of a man-of-war when the men are not actually engaged in earning their monthly money by the sweat of their brows. There are fre quent iutervals during the progress of the routine of the naval day when the smoking lamp at the break of the fo'c'sle is alight, and when there is a glow in the smoking lamp that means that there is nothing for any man forward to do but to loaf and invite his soul or to seek amusement in any way he elects to seek it, so long as lie does not bump into regulations. The bo'suirs mate's "knock-off" pipe is shrilled at about the hour in the af ternoon when the Government clerks in the Washington departments are closing their desks, and from that hour until pipe-down at 9.30 o'clock at night the time of the blue-jacket or the marine is practically his own. The men forward have as many ways of putting in this sizable period of recreation as have comfortably situa ted men ashore. For example, American men-of-war's men are fond of mock scrapping. The man forward who knows how to use his hands effectively is generally re garded with a good deal more respect by the ship's company than the en listed man who has an overplus of brains or information to fit his ship's rating—the latter, indeed,being always in danger of acquiring the name of a "man-o-war chaw." Most American men-of-war's men know how to box well, and those that do not imagine that they do. ISnxing Bouts. When "knock-off" goes in the after noon, there is a general breaiciug out of boxing gloves on the main deck and the blue-jackets and marines goat each other for points. Nor is it to be im agined that the men only dish out love-taps to each other. The work is perfectly good-natured and harmless, but none for less they bang each other about for fair, sluggiugly or scientifi cally, in accordance with the measure of their skill. No attempt is made by tli# officers to put a stop to the boxing of the men, and even when a man is put out no notice is taken of the thing. The knocked-out man is brought around by the apothecary, and the following evening ho will very likely have another try at the man who sent him to tlio deck. The officers give the men to undersiand that when they box it is advisable for them to keep well clear of running gear, bulkheads, tur rets, or other deck furnishings liable A QUARTET. » in case they should len contact with them, happens once in a great 112 mock combatants get •se of their bout and ely rough it, the offi hem alone, but watch iterest. While this nain deck, the most 3 ship's company is wn on the berth (leek forward in instructing an enthu siastic class of apprentice boys in the art of handling themselves fistically. Lovers of Music. United States men-of-war's men are music lovers. In a large ship's com pany there are generally a score or more men forward who can perform creditably, and in some cases even brilliantly, on musical instruments of one sort or auotlaer. It is to be re membered that men of unusually fine education and accomplishments very often drift into the United States navy, and it is this class of men who furnish the bettor order of instrumen tal music aboard war vessels that are not blessed with bands—and only flagships have bands. In a large ship's company there are always banjo plunkers and guitar and mandolin thrummers inumerable up forward, but in the line of higher music there are few good-sized ships in the Ameri can navy that cannot produce one or more excellent violin or zither play ers. A young Pole of noble family shipped as a landsman on an Ameri can warship at Gibraltar a few years ago, and before he had been aboard twenty-four hours he had all the offi cers aft as well as the men forward in a trance over his violin playing. He did not have a violin of his own—lt was in pawn somewhere iu Italy—but he played on a violin belonging to an Irish marine, whose musical ability consisted only in his rendition of "The Rakes o' Mallow" and"The Devil's Dream." This young Pole was simply a master of the violin. When the ship on which he served re turned to the United States he was UNITED STATES CRUISER BALTIMORE. permitted to leave the service, aud now he is Trevinck, the well-known violin instructor of Chicago—but he was not Trevinck in the navy. The Evening Concert. The musicians do not ordinarily break out their instruments until after supper. But by the time darkness falls the forward portion of any Ameri can man-of-war in any port in the world might be taken for a floating conservatory of practicers. The clever players upon whose ears discord falls like vitriol take to the quieter portions of the ship below decks for their woo ing of the harmonies, and they are generally followed by cliques of the non-players who yet understand aud appreciate good music. The plunkers aud strummers aud members of the vast mouth-organ brigade take up their practicing stations in close but oblivi ous juxtaposition to each other on or under the to'gallaut fo'c's'le, and play away, each man mauling a different tune, to their hearts' content, regard ing not the Babylon of unmelodic musical emissions all around them, which is simply stunniug until you get used to it. The instrumentalists do not furnish all the music. There are always some fine voices among a man-of-war ship's company, aud some of the night sing ing of the numerous male quartets up forward is very beautiful, if conducive to homesickness on the part of the young fellows not long away from home. Also, there is the usual num ber of men in an American man-of war ship's company—just as a similar complement is always filled ashore— who imagine that they can sing, and therefore inflict unassuageable woo upon those who are compelled to listeu to them. The man who can't sing, but who only fancies he can, is invariably suppressed in time, however, by his shipmates—by impalement on the sharp points of their humor at his ex pense. The essentially American characteristic of parodying all things breaks out iu the vocal music furnished by the really good singers among a man-of-war ship's company, just as it does ashore. Alway* in Demand. The bluejacket who is a good jig or buck or wing dancer is always a popu lar man on a ship of war, but he is not given much rest by the shipmates when the smoking lamp is alight. No matter what he may be doing—writing letters, sewing or patching up his wearing gear, or engaging in any other occupation that he wants to get through with—when one of the mouth orgau men aft at the main gangway suddenly starts up a jig all hands around him begin the patter of hands and the yell penetrates forward for tlia dancer. If he doesn't respond within a reasonable time an irregularly or ganized oommittee of husky blue jackets is organized togo forward after him, and they always fetch him. Then he has to dance as if he were doing it for wages, but once he gets into his stride he needs no further en couragement or applause, but goes DOING A STEP. right ahead until he is about ready to drop the men around him clapping and stamping in time with his steps and making a cheerful uproar not un like the daucing bees still to be seen at some of the Southern cotton ports. The ship's buffoon is as well marked aboard a man-of-war as if he wore tlio uniform of cap and bells, and he is generally a clever and well-liked man, if not very seriously regarded. His antics in the progress of the amuse ments after "knock-off" keep his fol lowers going, and not infrequently amuse the officers aft as much as they do the men forward. One of the ship's buffoon's most entertaining schemes is to suddenly mount the bottom of a bucket or the top of a chest at one of the main gangways and to begin a stump speech with no apparent sense in it for any man who is not a member of the ship's company, but full of sharp butgood-hnmored, "knocks" for mem bers of the crew forward who indulge in peculiarities of temperament or manner. All of the speaker's listen ers understand these allusions strung through the apparently crazy address and roar over them. skipping the Light Kantiutlr. Almost every evening, on ships the crew members of which are for some reason or other not permitted to take shore liberty, there is a dance of the men forward on the main deck. It at first looks rather funny to see pairs of huge, bowhiskered uion waltzing, polkaing and two-stepping around to gether, but you grow accustomed to the sight of it in time. It takes some time for a couple of dancing men-of war's men to get used to each other's style of careering around, and when a pair get out on the deck who are not matched for round dancing by previ- OBATOKY. ous experience, both of them always demand lustily to be "the man"— for the sailor finds it is difficult as his brother in civil life to assume the posi tion of the woman in round dancing. Thou there are the tellers of tales, the yarn spinners, improviaers as gift ed in their way as the minnesingers and improvisitoires of the dim ages. There are always five or ten such on a good-sized American man-of-war. The man-of-war yarn spinner gathers hia select circle about him and narrates to them, always in the first person, thrill ing tales of adventures by flood aud field, in situations ranging from the Bowery to Borneo, by the hour. % His listeners are perfectly well awar hat the yarn spinner is a liar of .eep est dye, and he knows that they are aware of it—but his tales, all "made up as he goes along," are always pic turesque aud interesting, and his hear ers are content. Some Ancient Keys. Keys of iron and bronze have been found in Greece and Italy dating from at least the seventh century B. C. Tho Ruasiau State sceptre is of solid gold, three feet long, and con tains, among its ornaments, 268 dia monds. 300 rubies aud 15 emeralds. TAPPING THE RUBBER TREE. How the Valuable Gum Is Extracted In South American Forenta. In South America natives are hired by rubber contractors to penetrate the forests and secure the gum of the rub ber tree. This is generally done by making several vertical incisions up the trunk of the tree, with others run ning obliquely into the main or up right channels. Small clay cups are fastened to the bark and the rubber sap or milk allowed to flow into them. It is at first about the color and con sistency of cream, losing in the pro cesses of coagulation fifty-six percent. Several methods of congealing the rubber milk are used, but the one most commonly practiced is known as the "biscuit" process. The sap is smeared on a stock resembling a but ter ladle or paddle and held over the smoke obtained by burning forest nuts. The milk soon thickens on the paddle, which is repeatedly dipped into the sap and put through the smok ing process, until a piece of crude rubber weighing often fifty pounds is formed; this when removed has a hole through the centre left by the paddle, and is termed a "biscuit" of rubber. TAPPING A RUBBER TItEC. Rubber trees when carefnlly tapped yield abundantly for forty or fifty years, but if the incisions go too deep the process of decay starts at once, and their period of productiveness is over forever. The native gatherers being paid for the season's work in proportion to the number of pounds of rubber collected, not only bleed the trees to death, but when the flow of milk ceases the larger trees are cut down aud the sap extracted from the wood. They also mix mandioca meal, gravel, nails, leaves and almost any thing- that comes to hand with the milk, in order to increase the weight of the "biscuits." In Africa the gath erers go so far in the extermination of the forests that even the roots of the rubber tree are dug up and the sap crushed out of them. With such methods the rubber pirates of South America and Africa are but hastening the time of the rubber famine, and adding to the present enormous profits derived from cultivated rubber plan tations. A Doctor'* Telephone Lines. Discussing a bill to tax telephone lines, Mr. Dougherty said recently in the Illinois Legislature: "Over here in Hancock County there is a wealthy doctor who has been building tele phone lines. He's gradually extended them until he now has quite a system. Oh, yes, it's a great convenience, but nobody on his lines dare to get sick un less he or she employs this particular doctor. He won't allow any other doc tor in the county to be called up through his telephone system." A Sixth Sense in f'tgeo is. Captain Renaud, the Fre icli spec ialist in charge of the military pigeon service, is a firm believer in a sixth senso in pigeons and other birds aud auimals possessed of homing instinct, which he calls the sense of "orienta tion." E 3 has defended his theory at length in ft paper recently road before the French Acailcmie des Sciences, claiming to have amply proved it by special trials of various kinds. Tlio Part of a Friend. Honest men esteem the value of nothing so much in this world as a real friend. Such a one is, as it wer«, another self, to whom we impart our most secret thoughts, who partakes of our joy and comforts lis in our af flictions; add to this that his com pany is an everlasting pleasuro to us. —Pilpay. Potato Like n Ilumnn Foot. This potato poses as a liumau foot. It came, recently, from the store of potatoes in tho cellar of Eliliu Gresh arn, who owns a large store near Hav erstraw, N. Y. Mr. Gresham does not recall dig ging the odd-shaped tuber, but its re markable resemblance to the human foot was noticed as soon as it was bronght up from the cellar tho other POTATO MISTAKEN FOR A HITMAN FOOT. day. It is of unusual size. It shows all the toes complete, and it lias a re markable veining, most unsual in po tato skin. If all the queer freaks that nature has produced among potatoes could be gathered under one roof, the world would respect the little brown earth fruit as a versatile vegetable and curio creator.—New York Journal. "THE. TARM «gg|L. Brewers' drain for Pis*. Wherever brewers' grains can be handily procured they will bo found an excellent food for pigs, and especially for breeding sows. They are succu lent and at the same time highly nu tritious and very greatly increase the milk flow, especially if procured di rect from the brewery and fed while warm. They produce an excellent quality of milk, too, for much the greater part of the nutriment in bar ley remains in the malt after the beer and ale have been extracted from it.— Boston Cultivator. Soot us n Stimulant. There are those who would think it both foolishness and sin to whip a jaded animal, yet who fail to reason that the principle is the same in try ing to stimulate a plant lacking abun daut roots. In both cases, strength for the required work is lacking. With thriving, well-rooted plants, there are few helps so good as soot. The finest collection of plants we have ever seen in the hands of an amateur was pushed almost entirely with soot. Cyclamens, primulas, begonias, callas, roses, all seemed to revel in its murky strength.—Floral World. Getting Hid of Wild Oats. This plant after it once becomes well established is somewhat difficult ito get rid of. It is, however, an an i nual and if prevented from seeding for a few years and measures adopted ! to induce the germination of seeds that are already in the ground, it will soon disappear. Possibly the best | method is of seeding the land to field < oats in spring, then as soon as the crop of grain has beeu removed, plow to a depth of throe or four inches. Just as soon ns the wild oats have well started go over the ground with some shallow going instrument, such as a small toothed cultivator. This will kill the plants already growing and bring to the surface seeds that have not already sprouted. These will germinate and before the plants are old enough to mature seed they will be killed by frost. In autumn | seed the laud to winter grain if this can be grown, and after harvest the following season plow the ground and give the same treatment as recom | mended for the oat fields. Two years' treatment of this kind if carefully per formed will kill almost any annual.— New England Homestead. Meadow* and Paaturea. The United States department of agriculture has issued as No. GtJofthe Farmers' Bulletin series a pamphlet entitled "Meadows and Pastures; Fo rmation and Cultivation in the Middle Eastern States," prepared by Jared G. Smitlv, assistant astrologist. In thi bulletin it is stated that two thirds ot the annual fodder aud forage crops of the states of Peuusyl vania. New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, Virginia, West Virginia and North Carolina, amounting to 20,000,000 tons aud vahyed at 5150,000,000 is supplied ■»•/'//' the grasses, clovers, cowpeaa stover and ensilage produ' ■'cfyon the tV.rm; therefore the subk methods of culti vatifV®"-uu the sale :tiou of the va rieties best adapted to the soils of this region is a matter of prime inter est to farmers. The principal topics discussed are the following: General prevalence and commercial value of grasses, grasses as soil builders, fer tilizers for grass lauds, methods of preparing the soil, sowing the seed, varieties of grasses and clovers to plant, hay grasses, pasture grasses, clovers for meadows and pastures and some grass mixtures. This bulletin can ba secured, free of charge, from the secretary of agri culture, Washington, D. C.,or a mem ber of Congress. A Cow for Every Acre. Where little or nothing is bought there can be little hope of makiug every acre . eep a cow, as has so long beeu the dr ;am of many dairymen. It might, be done if corn alone were used as feed. But corn is not a com plete ration, and though more than enough corn with fodder might be grown to keep a cow through the year, it would be always more profit able to give other feed, such,as clover hay, wheat bran or middlings, aud either linseed or cotton-seed inral. We have known some milkmen ne ir the city who kept fully as many cows as they cultivated acres of land. But they relied very largely upon pur chased food, generally growing only corn fodder, which they fed green so long as they could,and thenjeitlier cured the remainder or put it iuto the silo for winter and spring use. It is a great help if some crimson clover has been sown on the corn ground. It will make euough growth before the laud needs to be plowed for coru in spring to well repay the expense of Reeding and cutting the crop. But for the fact that it takes two years to grow a good crop of clover, it would pay to seed a piece of land every year with clover to be cut for hay. Three oruvs a year, aggregating tivo to aix tons of dried liav, may be cut on ricb laud. If a farmer can succeed in keeping a cow per acre, even with the purchase of some grain feed, he may, if his cows are good ones,realize more profit from his land than he can with most cultivated crops.—American Cultivator. Plant-Bed Cloth V«imuk Glas*. A. A. Halladay of Vermont writes: With a greenhouse in which to start tomato plants, I have found the use of plant-bed cloth for covering hot beds better than glass on many ac counts. I use it almost wholly on my beds and like it very much. I can grow hardier and better plants uuder cloth than under glass, the beds do not dry out and need watering as often, there is no danger of burning the plants and the screens do not have to be taken off during the day. If there is likely to be a cold night, put on a double thickness of screens, and I have saved all my plants from a hard freeze (when my neighbors, who used glass, lost nearly all theirs) by put ting thick heavy paper between two thicknesses of screens. Make the screen frames the same size as hotbed sash, using pine or spruce one inch thick and two inches wide. Plane them smooth, saw the ends square and nail with clinch nails at the corners. Then cut the cloth the proper length and tack to frame. To make a good job of this, lay the frame on a table or bench, lay the cloth on the frame and begin to tack at the centre of each side of the cloth. Measure and be sure to start at the middle of both cloth and frame, then it will come out right at the corners. Put the tacks every tlireo inches and work toward the corners, keeping each side up about even. In this manner you finish at the corners with uo wrinkles in the cloth. The edges of cloth should be turned under so as to make a double thickness to tack through. Theso screens, if properly dried and cared for, will last many years and are very useful for covering plants in the fall to keep from the frosts and also for shading glass. I use the medium grade, which costs by the piece from seveu to eight cents per yard. These screens will be found especially valuable iu the south for shading plants. Food and Kuttor, From what part of her food does the cow make milk fat? This ques tion is 0:10 of great scientific interest to physiologists and of practical inter est to stockfeeders and dairymen. It is a problem which lias been found quite difficult of solution; but the New York agricultural experiment station ! (Geneva) has just published a bulle tin (No. 132) upon this subject, giving the details of a most interesting and successful experiment which seems to prove conclusively that at least part of the milk fat is produced from the carbohydrates of the food, the sugar, starch, etc. Finely chopped timothy hay, corn lneal and ground outs were treated in large quantities with a chemical sol vent and were nearly freed from fat. From these materials and wheatgluten a vigorous, young, grade Jersey cow was fed for ninety-five days a ration whose fat content was less than two ounces daily. Upon this fat poor food the cow fed freely and without injury to her health; and not only produced good rich milk, not different from her normal product, but also seemed to grow fat. The food and water she consumed were carefully weighed and analyzed, as were the milk produced and"the urine and faeces excreted; and upon these data the conclusions of the bul letin are based. During the ninety five days she received only 5.7 pounds of digestible fat and produced t)2.i> pounds of milk fat; so that 57.2 pounds of fat could not have come from the fat in the animal's food. Neithei could it have come from her body fat; by the percentages of fat iu the body of cattle, as previously determined, her whole amount of fat at the begin ning of the experiment was less than sixty-one pounds, and no animal could use up all the body fat without appearing greatly emaciated, and she seemed fatter than at first. She gained 47 pounds in body weight, and this could not have beeu gaiu iu muscular tissue; for but little of the consumed nitrogen failed to re appear in milk or excreta, and nitro gen is necessary iu flesh information. The fat could not have been formed from the proteine,or nitrogenous mat ters, in the food. Ihiring tifty-uiue days for which the record for nitro gen and fat income and outgo was kept the cow produced 38.8 pounds of fat. To form this amount of fat, al lowing the highest figures given by auy investigator for fat formation from proteine, would involve the met abolism (change by physiological pro cesses) of more than 75 pounds of proteine. But the nitrogen excreted in urine only accounted for the decom position of less than half this amount of proteine. So at least 21 pounds of fat must have come from some other source than the proteiue consumed. If all the fat was not produced from fat iu food, fat in the animal's body or from porteine in food, part of it must have been produced from the carbo hydrates of the food. The details of the experiment may be obtained from the bulletin, which will be sent freo ou auulicatiou to the station.