Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, ChKs K Hi lUmboz. Arrnnfc D 11. I.ornh. rtgClllb. << I V K >f« m (ii-ni-riil IliinUiim K. It. I'OMKIIoY SI. 11. SWAUTB. I'lusiduiit. Cm-hier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND K IvS R A Ult A XT, LAPORTE PA K. \V. at all limirs, oyster* aii>. wilieiilld «*igui» (iinhl -tal'li- iinmi provided. LAPORTELIVERY^.ND~ BOARDING STABLES. C.»n nt'csl ftl wit li Iho Commercial Ilolcl. Fir.-t-class Horses and Carriages. Wales reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN. Prop. iMUNCY VALLEY HOUSE, a. w. MVERS. PHOPUIKTOR- A hotel «»l*e.-t:ihl .-lied Herniation. Stnetlx Him rla.» in all of it.- ap|*>iiilinciiL>. Kill %V«*l I -llppl C«l V\ 11 11 (III' 1-C.M 111 ll«|IIMl>. COvIVIERJIAL HOUSE. TIIOJ. E. KENNEDY, Prop. l-.VI'OUI'M I'A. hi* I # • • *«l e' pp'in'xl ho.i-c ie a?» |» u ii Ii e y nt 8 p ciio HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. K. Poiuuu,'r. CARROLL HOUSE, L>. itEEi-'E, I'ropi letor. If US IO K. I'A. One >i lir *i |> ■«• j hi I iii lii -e i.«> nt i I . la lii til l. il c.« *.U ol ur ji ' ay I. 'X' i 1 It-'- I'l'ofcssioiul C.inls. ___________ ATTO NKV A-I.AW. Lfjf i U II -8 .tie '".| to n i m iju »iiig cm it e8 LA»'ORTR PA £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-at-Law. LAI'OK'I'E. I'A. Oini'e ill Court House lUllMiug. \YM P. SHOEMAKERT - Attorney at Law. Oilier in Cuii i• i \ lini ul i ii^r. LAPOKTE, I'A. Cullwtioiw. eon veyaiiriiitf; tin* settlement of estate- other iegul business will im'ivt' prompt attention. ft J. BRADLEY, Vr I Ill«.\ r.V AT «%w. OKI- I K IN .uUJITI HU Ll»l.10 \i A Oi L.l HOI SK. I.A i*« • »«TK. I'A Mmnl iv ut i'im'li week ill I'Wksville. Eiiory P. Ingham. Uurvey K.. Newiti. | iNGHAM & NEW I TT, ATTn KT"A«a W, OKIK IIS 711-17 IKANKI.IN Itt'll.DlXG. l:U So. I.'tli Struct Philadelphia, II iviiix retire l I'm n tlie oitlee «»f I'iiited States Attorney ami Assistant I niled state- Attorney, will euniiiioe llie Keiu-ial ol law ill the fn.led Male- eo.irts. an*l ill llit* crniits of the I'ity .in I I'lMiity nl' Philadelphia. \\enlTY r. now NST \tr II \ V-.T L»>» OKKIC iv I'l H .■« HI'II.I»I*Q C II | IMUNP. .ig AK LvPOHTE. p\ « H. CRONIN, A ' T"«V V Al I. AW, \'i»TA V I'l 111. r. urri k •• m vv i •t• kll. -IIOK i . • A .P 1 iONSUS \vALSH, ~ A-*- RVr.V AT L W. OH- in '.: ik uilding. mmrtß, PA. CKSMITH ND WAGON SHOP lened at the Laporte •y. torn work solicited. All work •eil. 0. W. BENNETT, Prop. Republican News Item. From the Keystone. 112 STOP YER KICKIN*. X Stop yer kirkin' 'IKJIII the times— Stop yer 1 ickin'. jrii a-hold p Gil ii It lift If on you; Of tlie wheel nnd Mini it. 112 112 Skirmish 'round Hiid |tr»li l lie dimes You kin never handle gold I \ Kl'tlie dollar* KIIUII you. 'Lew you try lo earn ou>rlit a dress, Brush ifie coliwehf from jfour eyes / err on success, An' you'll notice that yerskies 112 C 'l'lien uin't the nerve to try J V Try 10 help them all you kin. Sneak away Home* here and die > Don't nil 'round with hangin' lip; JMHHt J That in Hiire to Hour you Q r Try to git a better >tnp YKS, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J : On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO X I Pin Home finger in yer words BK AN INTOLERABLE NLUSANCK. \ K When you jrreet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD BXLIABZIL! } I £ Throw your (rouble* lo the birds, JUWELRY BTOHE KOK WHAT/ ; Oit rijrhi down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, | j An'viiu'll notice ev'rv day J I Thinga is cotniti'right yourway. S I It KTT KN BURY, ? DUSHORE, PA. TUB JEWELER. I W1 ▼V ♦ ♦ ♦ The Cheapest Place in _ , the County to Buy hardware W w High $25 Wheels S4O Wheels Large tubing, k Large tubing, Grade tllli F,Ush Joints ' i F,ush j° ints ' Fully gjg Wood rims, I Reversible Guar lIH Single tube tire, F Handlebars, ' mi Detachable sprocket' 2 P iececrankhang : anteed s|sJ ers, Hunt saddle, iSingle tube tire, etc. BICYCLE REPAIRING alnd SUNDRIES. 1 landlel are, Siiddles. Lamps, Bells. Licks. Bakes. Peddles Cranks, Spokes, Rltm, Tim, both single and double tube, a full line of Bicycle Supplies. New and Complete Assortment of all Staple Goods in the Hardware Line sui-h as Barbed Wire, Nails, Poultry Netting, Milk Pans, and Pails, Garden Tocls, Paints Oils, and PLASTICO and heavy and shelf Hardware. All kinds of Tin Work and Spouting done by competent workmen. Write for prices or give us a call whenever in need of Hardware. Hardware, DUSHORE, PA. n. A.Rogers & son., PA. In Order to Make Room tor Our Immense Lioc of £PRINQ GOODS^ That will soon arrive WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A SREQT REBtr3 came to this place and instituted a camp ol P. O. S. of A., with 37 charier members I'nis ('amp will be known as Washington Camp No 481. The following otfi.-ers were elected and installed by the District I'res. Past President, J. S Taylor; Presi dent, Joseph ilellsman; Muster ot Forms. II W. Taylor; Recording Secretary, C. M. Kick; Financial Secy.. A H. Roberts; Treasure.', d. W. Roberts; Guard, W. S. I Roberts; Inspector, E. fc,v llc.Jev, Conduc tor, G. E. Kirkendall; Vice President, Harry Bazley; Trustees, W. K Holmes, G. E. Boidou, J M. O'Niel; Chaplian, Samuel Ivingslow; Sentinels .Itidsou Cum initis and Joseph O'Neil. This campwill meet in the K. of L. Hall each Friday evening. Mrs. A. J. QuigUy and children who has been visiting Iter parents Mr. and Mrs. Patric'i McGeeverhas returned to her home ill New York City. Prof. J. 11. Tlmver of Dushore WM io town oued y last week. William Kast who has been at Rocliest ler for the |>ast three weeks returned home last week. Mr. T. Everett of Columbia Co. was the guesl of his brother, L>r. Everett of Mil dred last week. Frank Sage who has been nt this place ' for the past two years went to his home in Riiiumerfield Saturday where he intends lo slay for the future. A. 11. Roberts spent Saturday and Sun day visiting friends at Tawunda. The Bel I Telephone Co. has placed a Telephone Pay Station heie. C. E. .lack son is the central siaiion. N W. Blight loi>a phone in his office, and Rev. J. A Enright has one in his home. We do noi know how many more will be placed in town. Mr. Andrew McDonald ofTowanda was ihe ginsi of hi- parents Mr. and Mrs. John McDonald Satuidav and Sunday. MissZelpha Cunningham of Dushore visit d friends nt this place Sunday and Monday. Jakeraville. G S. Little is on the sick list, Dr Woodhead was called and we are glad to report him some better. Moses Randall and Boyd Osier of Lin coln Falls were callers at Littles camp unday. J. J. Webster has moved his family up to keep the boarding house. While we are sorry to haise Mr. Kay we are glad to have some of our old neighbors near us again. Come on more ot you. Sieve Albro has gone toShunk to move Wm. Morans family to their home in thai place. Abraham Deremerand wife of I.aporte supplies their place at L. G. Plotts camp. Ilcrm Ilolhrook and wile are the happy parents of a little daughter. J. J. Webster is building a slide up ihe mountain anil expects to slide the logs into stock his mill. Miss Nellie Birdsall of Estella is a pleasant addition to our town. She is stopping nt Mr. Holbrooke. Mrs. L. W. Bartlett of Washington is visiting her sister Mrs. Wm. More. John Grant of Estella is drawing the rihbius over old Dock and Dick for G. S. Little. CukW. A Sentimental Aggregation. Monday was a day of seemingly gnr> c'leer for the Democratic leaders ot Snlli v n county. The Committee meetin .v is well attended. The meeting itse' wis exclusive and private. All the doon w.-re barred and carefully guarded. W lu< t anspired is only known by the liapp hind that left their secret quarters shal • ng hands with each other in excellet i c leer. The harmony pie was excessivi i size, every one seemed satisfied will t teir piece which was evidently cut larg«. I'lie only danger remains that they ma lave got an overdose of harmony pie to. highly »• isoned tor digestion. After tin ueeiing adjourned a good many ol' hatchets were buried in a liquid gravt •ver Gallagher's hotel bar. It was a da; •»f much joy for Democracy. The War Situation. The story of ihe lust six weeks, so far jn the administration it co icerned, is that o energy, patriotism and zeul. Whateve falls we shall not be taken uuawnros. Tin overumeiit has likewise shown the sp!en lor of moral power in its restraint am -elf-respect—no wantonness, ,io liybi liearied waltzing toward war, no injustici io rash vemure; and yet there may b siern, sad work ahead, and no momen ias been lost in the preparation for tl>. loing of it. This readiness we owe to the Prrsiden I'lien why not trust the President? 11. done k' OWN ihe whole case—what w. owe to our dignity, to humanity, to oui unbroken frienilship with Spain, lo a will cease, the burning chimney next dooi will be extinguished. And if in answei to our moderate demands war should come it will be a war of vindication, ot humanity, the solemn, sober act ot a christian people. Therefore let us trust the President. 11 the outcome is peace it will be peace with honor. If otherwise, then it will be a war which will bring no sliuine. Atty. F 11. Ingham alter a few days work in the town of Beruice secured thir ty-four names for an application for a charter to organize a camp of the "Pa triotic Order Sons ol America" at Betnice and March 31 -t was chosen as the time tor instituting of the same. H. A. Karns District President, of Sullivan Co. at once set to work lor a grand institution of the camp. Ail Cani|is in the county and the New Albany t amp were a»k to partici pate. On the night of institution there were twenty-two brothers of the Ordei present notwithstanding the condition of ! the roads and weather. At about 9:30 p. m. District Pres. Karns culled the meet ing io order and alter at pointing visiting members to fid the different stations pro tern he commenced the work of institution. Mr. Taylor consented togo through the imitation ceremonies so the otiier mem bers of Hie Bernice camp took the obliga tion and then Mr. Taylor was introduced lor imitiation much credit is due the veil ing Brothers for the successful carrying on ol the imitiation. The officers of the new camp were then introduced and Dis trict Pres. Karns installed them intotheii various stations. When the time for verbal communications came several re- S|ionded. Everybody present was much impressed by the good sound and well chosen remarks that were given by Bros. J. S. Taylor, outsine boss of the Bernice nines. The Camp promises to be a very strong institution and therefore much credit is due Bro Ingham for being 'he organizer of the same. Bro. District Pres. Karns can lie congratulated on having been the institutor and for his faithful and well performed duties of his office. The visiting Brothers are to be congratulated on the successful peiform ance of their duties. Bernice is to be congratulated on having such a good lime and patriotic order A BROTH KR. 1.50 Per. Year. Nnmlicr hi. Republican County Convention rureuantto the call of County Chair man and despite the inclemency of the •eaiher the Republican County Conven -011 convened at Laporte, Tuesday, A|.iil tli, with a full quota of delegates fn m verp precinct. Convention was called to • der by chaitman F. P. Vincent at 2 > chick p. in. M. R. Black was elected 'resident of the meeting and M. C. Mur vr atid S. Taylor Vice Pre?i«h nts. ecretaries, Dan Grafius and Otto Bahr. lie President upon taking his rent gave he assemblege of marked intelligent 'inking men a short, crisp and pointed peech. The calling of the roll was as ''•Hows. Bernice.—J. S. Taylor, Nelson Co*, 'oel Saxon. Cherry.—A. L. Cox, E- W. I utlinasier, B. P. Ilunsiiiger, Lawrence .avelle. Colley.—A. K. Barnes. Patrick •low. Davidson.—L. M. King, T S. immons, D. W. Darling, G. W. Bigger. *.lk and.—M. C. Murcer, 11. E. Fawcett \lbert Kaye, H. N. Osier. Forksville.— I. R Black, W. E. Miller. Forks twp. —Thomas S. Gibbs, U. Bird, J. K. Bird, .'ox twp.—A. K. Campbell, W. H. Fan 'ing, A. B. Kilmer. R. S. Funning. lillsgrove.—.l. L. Rogers, C. W. Sadler, I. A. Miller, Dan Graffiti*. Lopez.— •tto Bahr, W. L- Jennings, W. M. Par i-h, Win. .J. McCarty, J. 11. Lepsch, Iermil 11 Scliram. La|torte Buro.—F. 11. B. S. Cuwel. Lnporie twp.—,J. 0. Pennii gton, J. U. Boist'uid. Mt. Vcr n»n. —Geo. VV. Lawretison, B. P. Edkin, Shrewsbury.—J. VV. Ann iller, E. V. Ingham. Dusliore. —John Sell err, C. 11. lones, 11. >. Osier, L. E. Wells. Ring lale.—Mose Miller, John O'Donnell. llicketts.—U. W. Miichel, Joliu C. Cor .ell. C. H. Jennings wn» nominated tor the ! < - andidacy of U. S. Congressman, with the ,'ower (o select his own conferees. Nomi nation of candidate lor State Senate uua referred to tlie will of the committee, who over he is,to have the power to select his •wn conferees. Dr. B. E. Gamble was manimiously elected delegate to State | Convention with the power to select his | ilternate if unable to attend. F. P. Vincent was re-elected Chairman of County Committee. Members of stand ing committee were named as follows: Berniee.—Nelson Cox. Cherry.—K. It. Ilunsinger. Colley.—o. O. Barnes. Dufhori' Boio.—lolin Davidson. -D. H. I.or.ih. E^'-:;id.—U. Bird. Forksville.—M. R. Black. Forks. Win. Uird. Pox.—A. B. Kilmer. IlilVgrove. —G. E Darby. Jamison City.—Noiman Schuyler. Lopez.—W. E. Jennings. 1.11 porte. Boro.—A. Buschhausen, Mt. Vernon.—Boyd Bennett. Laiortetwp.— I. T. Low. Shrewsbury.—Chris Peale.jr. Hicketts.—John Miller. Jiingdale.— John O'Donnell. A motion was made arid carried that the naming of the local ticket be post poned and the convention adjourned un til some future date at the call of the Chairman. The meeting then adjourned with the best of feeling. Necktie Social. There will lie a necktie social at the home of Mrs. Uptnan on Saturday even ing, Abril 9th. EachHndy is requested to make two neckties of light material, one .-die i.s to wear and the other inclose in a plain envelope with name inside. The envelopes will be Sold at 25 cents. Ice cream will be served extra. Proceeds will (jo to help the indebtedness ot the M. E. ."Sunday .School. A cordial invitation id extended to all. Golden Wedding. Fifty years ago to-day March 30th, 1898, Henry Koghensparger was married to Nancy Keeler in Davidson Township, Sullivan county, Pa. by Lewis Zaner J. P. Today they Celebrate their golden wedding at their home one mile south of Laporte. There were present, Thomas Koglien sparger, their son, Mrs. Angeline llieins a daughter, Mrs. Eliza Ann Keeler, Mrs. Susan J. Mosteller, Mrs. Etnely E.Anders sisters of Mrs. Koghensparger; Edward Keeler and T. J. Keeler, Mrs. Edward Ketler, Mrs. T. J. Keeler, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Karns, Mrs. • arrie Karnsand two children, Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Conklin, Mrs. M. C. Lauer, Mrs. Charles Wrede, Miss Bertha and Laura IIeil"g, Miss Eililin Mason, Mrs. Charles Funston, Mrs. Maud Boyer and Miss Ida Tinkle paugh. A sumptions dinner was served and all enjoyed some good etories told by Aunt Nancy. Several nice presents were given to the old couple. Rich compli ments were returned with many thanks. Mr. Koghensparger cut the first timber that was cut where Laporte now stands and Mrs. Koghensparter was the first girl to help Mrs. John Wlllson cook in the first log house that was built in the fallol 1847 when Laporte was first start •d. A FJUSND.