Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 31, 1898, Image 4

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    Republican News Item, j
CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. j
THURSDAY MAR. 13, 1898.
The News Item Fights Fair.
Published Every Friday Morning.
By The Sullivan Publishing Co.
&t the County Seat of Sullivan County.
Bntered at the Post Office at Laporte,' as
second-class mail matter.
.SUBSCRIPTION —SI.SO per annum. If
paid in advance SI.OO- Sample copies
free. All communications should be ad
Laporte Pa.,
Bepubliean Primaries and Convention.
In pursuance to a call of the Co.
Chairman the Standing Committee
met at Laporte Pa. on February
28th and fixed the date for the pri
maries to be held in the several pre
eincta of Sullivan county on April
2nd at which time delegates to the
County Convention to be held at
Laporte on April sth will be elect
ed to represent their respective dis
tricts in said Convention. The
purpose of convention being to
elect our delegate to State Convent
ion and to name conferees for Sen
atoiral and Congressional Confer
ences and any other business thai
may properly come before the Con
vention. Following is the rules ol
the party governing the primaries
and representation.
The primary elections shall be
held in each district, at the plaw
for holding general elections in
said district unless otherwise order
ed by the vigilance committee; the
vigilance committee may fix sonu
other place, and may name the
hours for holding the primary pro
viding said committee shall post at
least six notices in suitable publii
places of the time and place ol
holding said primary election, at
least five days before the date fixed
by the chairman for holding pri
mary elections.
In case any member or members
of the election board shall fail t(
appear at the place advertised foi
holding elections within fifteei
minutes after the time set for hold
ing the election, the other membei
or members of the board presem
shall appoint a republican or re
publicans to fill the vacancy, wh<
shall take the oath as required b\
law. In case all members of tin
board fail to appear within fifteei
minutes after the time advertiser
for holding the election the repub
lican voters there present shall pro
ceed to elect two persons from
among their number to act as in
spectors and one to act as judge,
and they shall administer to each
the oath, and immediatly prcceeti
to hold the primare election.
Each election district in the
county shall be represented by ai
least two delegates; districts which
Republican votes at the lasl
previous State election exceeding
forth, shall have three delegates,
and districts which had republicai
votes at the last previous State
election exceeding eighty, shall
have four delegates; districts which
had republican votes at the lasi
previous State election exceeding
120 shall have five delegates and
one delegate for every additiona.
forty republican votes.
In case a district under any call
by the Chairman of the count}
committee fails to elect a delegatt
or delegates, that district shall noi
be represented in the convention,
the convention shall nr>t have the
power to fill such vacancy. Bui
in case a delegate duly elected if
unable to attend said convent iot
by reason of sickness or other un
avoidable circumstances he maj
appoint a republican residing in hit
election district to act as his sub
Yours and etc.
F. P. VINCENT, Chairman.
Til* Noble*' Revenue.
The most Christ \n revenge we can
:ake upon our enemies is to do them a
kindness; for to return malice for mal
ice and Injury tot Injury will afford but
temporary gratification to our evil
•'.asions, and our enemies will only be
-udered the more bitter against us.
i t to take the first opportunity of do
• ag them a kindness or rendering them
xerrlce, the sting of reproach will en
:«r deeply their soul; and, while to us
will be a noble retaliation, our tri
inph w.ll not infrequently be render
ri complete, not only by blotting out
.10 malice that had otherwise stood
ugainat us, but by bringing repentant
oarta to offer themselves at the shrine
L. D, Sick former Propr. ol the Hills
grove House was in town the first of the
week accepting the congratulations of his
many friends on his recent matrimonii 1
alliance with Mi 93 Maine Stroup an
eateemable young lady of this place. Mr.
and Mrs. Sick's future home will ho at
Cherry Mills.
Mrs. C. W. Sadler is visiting friend* ai
Williamsport this week.
We noticed six young men representinp
the snuto band of this place whistling
some lovely airs for the amusement of tw<
young ladies Sunday last.
Rheuben Featherbay and wife win
have been suffering with diphtheria foi
the past week are convalescent.
John Braumbeck visited Milview Sat
urday and Sunday on business.
Rev. F. Spooner of Alba preached to 112
large congregation in the Christian nhurcl.
I hursday evening.
The following are the names of pupil:
who attended Hillsgrove Primary Schoo
every day of tiie month ended March 21
Josie Mcßride, Ethel Hull, Leon Hull
Josie Bartow, Harvey Biddle, Mark Ilnrri
son, Walter Whitacre, Artie Biddli
Theodore Reece, Lewis Mcßride, Harr
Harrison, Noll Rinker, Lizzie Zargoski,
The ladies of North Water St. enjoye>
a ragbee at. Mrs, Lorenzo Brown's oi
Wednesday of last week, also a quiltinj.
on Tuesday at Mrs. Asa Kilmer's.
J. P. Kilmer has moved his family t(
this place from Ellenton.
Mrs. James Brenchley returned Frida\
from a weeks visit with her parents ai
Mrs. Eveline Fanning entertained i
company of near relatives at her hom.
Tuesday, the occasion being her 61s
birthday also the Ist. birthday of liei
laughter Mrs. C. C. McKinster.
Mr. and Mrs. Braumbeck of Hillsgrov.
•pent Sunday in town.
Mr. and Mrs. Claude Thurston o
Jreenwood is visiting the lattera parent*
Vlr. and Mrs. Rheuben Brown.
Mrs. Leona Watts has returned to hei
ioiiie in East Canton afterj spending] i
iveek with her parents in this place.
Miss_Loe Fanning is viaiiingjfriends^a'
Mrs. Mell Stevens'of Grover was calliti;
in'old friends'in town,last week,
Mrs. Dan Porter" and Mr. 'and Mrt-
Lateny Porter visiting Jji
fork State.
Herb. Foster received a'
■ne day last week at Canton, which near
y caused the loss of an eye. While assis
tig Kilmer and Son load their newengin
toiler the hook ofa binding pole elippe<
nd caught him in the eye nearly hangin
lim. He was taken to Dr. Davison'
tfice and the eye dressed. lie returne
lOine the following day.
Leonard Maxon ol Hillsgrove attends
-imp at this place Saturday evening, ati'
iinday was looking after his interests U|
'ii thefartn.
Mrs. Jennie Voorhees and 9on of Ln
•orte are visiting at Mrs. Addie Battins.
Miss Nellie.Bird of Estellajwas in towi
The Lyon Lumber Co. finished
he log drive last week. They an
low putting some logs iu the creek
hat are coming down the E. M.
Li. R. . • " I
Mr. and' Mrs. Charles Hazzen'an
low rejoicing over the arrival] oi
heir first child a fine boy.
L. H. Buck has moved into the
louse lately occupied by Theodori
Robt. Simmons has moved into
F. B. Magargel's house which L.
11. Buck vacated.
M. F. Shaw is moving into J. W.
buck's house; where Robt. Sim
nons formerly lived.
George Stackhouse is building i
house above town and expects t<
nove into it next week.
John B. Sheets who left lien i
ourteen years ago died last week
in New York State.
We notice that J. W. Buck ha;
in a nice lot of oranges, Lemont
ind bannas.
The young people are having
fine times at their literary meetings.
Myrtle Mosteller finished her
term of school at Sugar Hill last
veek, and VV. B. Ilazzen finishet ,
his term at the Glidewell school
>ll Monday and a large delegatioi ;
from Sonestown school went up to
Bert's last day and report having
had a good time.
Spencer Starr started to " the
Bloomsburg Normal School on :
Monday morning and his friends '
wish him success.
Good News.
No other Medicine was ever given such '
i tent as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bot
ties of this great German remedy are be
ing distributed EKEK OF CHARGE, to those
afflicted with Consumption, Asthma,
Croup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia nnd all
I'liroat and Lung disease!,giving the peo
ple proot that Ottos Cure will cure them
For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte;
W.L. Hoffman,Hillegrove; U.S. Lancaster
Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Estella; J no,
W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. 1
Large bottles 50c and 26c.
cure consumption ? Yes and
no. Will it cure every case ?
No. What cases will it cure
then ? Those in their earlier
stages, especially in young
people. We make no exag
gerated claims, but we have
positive evidence that the
early use of
Scott's Emulsion
of Cod-liver oil with Hypo
phosphites of Lime and Soda
in these cases results in a
positive cure to a large num
ber. In advanced cases, how
ever, where a cure is impossi
ble, this well-known remedy
should be relied upon to pro
long life surprisingly.
soc. and si.oo, all druggists.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chemists, New York.
A Gooil OiHMilnic in llic Weal.
Reports have been coming from the (N.
(N. D.) reservation for sev- i
iral days regarding an immense crack
in the ground which haa appeared ten
miles north of the old fort. The crack
varies in width from 4 to 16 feet, is
lbout three miles long and of un
known depth, a lantern having been
lowered 150 feet and no bottom in
_ "Agcr's
yiemi Pectoris
saved my child's life in an
attack of j
Bedford Springs, Va.
Statement of Laporte Township.
Nicholas Karge and Michael Jordan in accoun
vith Laporte township as Overseers of Poor fo;
he year ending March 14, 1898.
Dr. Ci.
irders issues to N. Karge Overseer » 82 00
iy receipts filed " 30 0< ,
irders issued to M.Jordan services 16 00
iy receipts tiUd 16 0 1 1
George Karge in account with Laporte twp. a
treasurer for l'oor Funds ending March 11, IS9S.
Dr Cr
laldue from '96 settlement 854 ,v.
received of County Treasurer 16300 .
do I'. Kai ge Collector 293 71
loney Borrowed 100 00
Jy amt of orders redeemed •1041
Commission on same 101
Cash in hands 150 9
8565 25 565 it
Geo. Karge in account with Laporte twp a
. rcasurcr for road funds for year ending Marel
i, IS9H. L>r C.
.eceived from County Treasurer 358 50
do do 130 82
do X. N. Bogart 146 57
do P.Karge, col for '96 46 15
do » E. J. Mullen SOO <JO
do do 140 00
do P. Karge, road; tax 20850
do do 8145
do County Treasurer 400 00
do do 365 28
do James Murray 2 "0
do Couuty Treasurer 238 79
do P. Karge collector 196 90
irders received by Treasurer 2991 1;
. nterest on above orders 26 5->
ay receipt from James Murray... 150 Oi
Treasurer's percentage 791
3115 66 3246 92
lalance due Treasurer 131 26
N. N. Bogart in account with Lapoite twp. as
upervisor Lit the year ending Maicli 14,1S!«8.
vmt of duplicate 221 78
iy exonerations 4 19
Land returns 8 3;
Collected by cash 13 5.
do work I/O 5.
Amt turned over to successor 24 92
irders issued JO< 04
Jy receipts lilcd 537 01
jrders issuea not receipted 112 jr... 30 u
g.iti7 1-.
I'o cash collected 13 59
iy vouchers for work and plank.. 12 71
.(alance in hands of supervisor n
■ly receipt filed 54 0(
sut.e, > ,sor~ services 2feo 38
Irders issued to pay Supervisor.. 265 I
Jertificate for bal due " 14 0c
dy cash 8t
280 8;
James Murray In account with Laporte twp. et
Supervisor for the year ending March 14,1898.
Amt of duplicate 173 jl
dy exonerations 8 4'.
Lands returned 63t
Collected by_cash 22 9.
do ~l w ork 120 3.'
Amt handed over .to_successor Id 7t
By leceipts nled on cash tSfi.l24 0(
Balance in hands of .supervisor 261X
150 (»
Orders issued 8952 38
By receipts filed 011 Orders 3663 58
Orders Issued not receipted fur... 28s W
supervisor's services 358 50
Team work 72 00
Ordeis issued for Supervisor 317 60
By cash .'HW
Certificate Issued (or bal due 63 95
i 430 50 430 80
Liabilities of Laporte twp on roads for settle
ment ending March 14,1898.
Amt brought forward from settlement
of 1896 1850 00
Judgment of B. Kline 600 64
do J. W. Carroll 264 46
do Geo. Plotter 146 57
do E. J. Mullen 940 00
Order of George Carge 131 26
do N. Jf. Bogart 14 06
do James Murray 63 95
4010 94
We the undersigned Auditors and Clerk for La
porte twp. certifj that the foregoing statement Is
true and correct to the best of our knowledge and
J A. TROUGH, Auditors
K. C. PETERS, Clark
A Horrible ltnilrond Aooidtmt
is a diiilv chronfel; in our papers; also
the death of sonic dear Im-tid. who had
died with (.'onsnmptioti, whereas, it' he or
she had taken Uito's Cure tor TFiroiu and
Lung diseases in time, lift would have
been rtndered happier ami perhaps saved.
Heed the warning I Ifvou have a cough i
or any aflection of the Throat ttnd Lungs
Call on T. J. Keeler,Laporte; W. L. ,
Hoflmati, liillsgrove; B. S Lancaster,!
Forksville; C. I. Jennings, Agt. E.stoiln; j
•Ino. W. Buck, Sone.itown, and set al'
triaTpackage free. size 50c anti'Jsir i
A Cut in Price is
Giving Voice.
And dit- fur:s can be learned by call-1
ing at the v hoe Shop of
John V. Finkle, Lajorte.
Forreign prices :i ■ I'ollow.-:
Men's shoes, hall ><>!•.■ unit ht-al, 0()i\
Women's shoes do UOe.
Children's shoes do i!ao.
Cement patches, (15c.
Fine fresh oranges, lemons and Imnanas
it .John W. ]snol(s, Sonestowu.
Jft'ltK'.'lte \ »?i:r t'.r,ivi»li4 With Cuscareth.
CniMy Outli;irij;.\ cut * constitution forevor.
uc,~oo. If 0. C. C. iV li, druggists refund money.
C'ail in and see the new nick'. I oil ftovc.
a good thing lor summer use. ■■■ W.BnSk.
Catarrh Inhaler Free.
Only one person in fifty cured by old methods .
of treating i luiarrh now everywhere condemn
ed. Theiiew Scientific Cartarrh Inhaler
of Dr. Woret'n mulled fiee to all leaders of the
NEWS ITEM. It. llielate.-t and 1 rst up-to-dute
method for curing t'utarth, Colds, Bronchitis,
8.110 Throat, Headache etc. ,
I will for tt short time mail any reader the new
fntialer with medicine fnr one year on three days
irial free. If it gives satisfaction, send me 81.00. .
f«not return it. Send for it now. Addresi •
A. C. JENKINS, Laporte, Pa.
' I
New lot of timothy and clover seeds and !
mion sets at John W. Bucks, Sonestown. :
lio-To-llac tor Fifty Ceata.
Guarantor! tobacco habit cure, makes wealt | ,
nen strong, biood pme. 60c, 81. All druggist*. |
and Summer
Every corner of the store is
bright, with the newest things-!
for Women's wear and Men'* j
wear end Children's wear. (
We are glad to have you come in j
and see the new life of the old i
store and look at its excellent |
line of goods.
Winter Weight
for Men, Women and
In conjunction with
the inviting varities, all
prices will be found more
than ordinarily small.
3rocery Department
A new and fresh sup
ply of Groceries have
have just arrived.
Vernon Hull,
HiUsgrove. Fa.
I am now putting up
that will not rust.
Send me your order or
write for prices.
Because it would be READ I
just the same as you are read- i
ing this. Give it a trial.
™ 1.1 I j . ■ IVh
1 I ■ k ■ ft 1
Anyone tending a sket cb and description mar
quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an
invention li probably patentable. Coromunim
tlonaatrlot lT confidential. Handbook on Patents
sent free. Oldeat agency for•ecurtnapatentc.
Patents taken throußh Munn ft Co. receln
tpeeial notice , without charge. In tne
Scientific American.
A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir
culation of any scientific Journal. Terms, ti a
year: four months 11. Bold by all newsdealer*.
Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY,
are first in quality, first in style, and first from a genuine saving
point of view, because they're lower in price than you can find
If you are looking for'the bargains of the year go at
once to any of the above named stores where former
values and prices are practically lost sight of in our
determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best
line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to
this County.
Extraordinary line of
The lady who wishes the latest styles combined
with high grade and half the old price should call and
select from the complete line of sizes.
I <s^l
We keep in stock at our mills a
complete line of dressed lumber
in hemlock and hardwood.
Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber.
Hemlock Novelty or German Siding,
Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or 3-8 stick,
Hemlock Flooring any width desired,
Hemlock Lath both $ and 4 feet long,
Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or Maple,
The same woods in }-8 ceiling.
Buy Good Goods!
Au you wll be surprised
how cheap they are in the end.
We Imvp jan unpacked micli a stock o* costs mid cnpes lo whirl) we are pleased
10 call vour special attention. We do not pretend 10 handle the cheapest
coats in t'ie market, hut »e dt say we have the BEST ami neatest fitting
garments made. Our coats and caprs are made to order, and iu the latest
styles with prices to suit everybody.
Ladies and M'.sses, Boys and Men, you need not go hall frneen 'this nter for we
liave polity of underwear for you all, hoth in cotton or wool, teil pr gray aud
the pr cen are very low, so low that when you see the goods yoa will ha aston
■shed tliat we are able to give you »uch bargains.
One word in regard to foot wear:
tjur shoe department was never more complete and if you will favor as with
your attention for a few minutes when in town we will convince yui tliat we
have ti e nii>sl carelu lv selected line ot fine and heavv bo- ta and shoes ever
hrouuht before th. put die. On crockery we have just received some
pretty design* in Decoratid Dinner Sets to which we invite your atientifh. .
The buy ing ot country produce has alwav* been a -penal feature of ou
Busin?s-, and we still continue inpuying the highest each pi ices tor Bttter
Egg® and Wool.
E. G. Sylvara, PUSHORE, PA.
1. Surrtjr n«r»w. Price. |ts.OO. JM™ 1 ' S«nd for larj. fr«. Ho. GOtiSarrrT. Prkr. witkswtaias, I HUM. »•-
As good as Mils for Catalogue of ail our sidles, shade, aproo ani leodsra, {4O. As food as sells for99oL
I ELKHART OABttIACK ANI> lIAUXK3S MfO. CO. XT. n. POATT. Bee-y. HicntßT, um.
y Thursday
|ap Morning.
Y-/ Rpublican in Principle !
s s Independent in Thought'
* * Indomitabl in Action.