Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 31, 1898, Image 2

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    The Spring! of Florida.
A short distance down the penin
sula and below Jasper is Suwanee
Spring. It forms one of the principal
feeders of the river, and is a well
known favorite winter resort. It is
some distance from the railroad sta
tion, and tourists are taken thither in
an ancient "kinky" street car, and
their baggage on a flat open car linked
Suwanee Spring, like many of the
other largo bodies of so-called springs
in Florida, is nothing more or less
than the coming to the surface of a
considerable sized underground river,
and, like many of these springs, that
at Suwanee is supposed to possess
valuable medicinal qualities, particu
larly for diseases which affect the kid
neys and bladder.
The large springs of Florida are
among its greatest curiosities, and
many of them are wonderful for their
beauty and varied features. Almost
invariably they are clear as crystal and
very deep, some as much as eighty
feet. Many, like Suwanee and Green
Cove springs, are heavily charged with
sulphur, and others, like those at
Homasassa, with sulphur, iron and
magnesia. The waters ai'e almost in
variably warm.
Besides the Suwanee Spring there
are others in the near vicinity, one a
few miles below, called High Springs,
and still a third close beside the rail
road tracks at Juliette. This one is
quite largo and of such remarkable
limpiduess that from the railroad
tracks, more than a hundred feet away,
fish may be plainly seen swimming
about in its depths.—Florida Letter
in Philadelphia Ledger.
St. Peter's, Rome, is one of the
most colossal buildings in the world.
Forty-three popes reigned while it was
being built.
Never Too Sure.
Against the probability or possibility of
mischance or accident we can never bo too
sure. But if we should stop to consider
how great is the chance of sudden death,
we would be made too timid and unhappy.
Caution Is needed not to be foolhardy, and
precaution to know what is best to do when
mi accident happens. One day this winter
two men were wnllcing aud one said:
"We're too timid in treading on slippery
places. I trend ilrmiy and never think
about them, and so escape a fall." "Never
be too sure," sniil the other; "it is that that
throws you oft' and makes the fall the
harder." Just then they came upon a
place covered with thin snow, where kids
had b»en sliding. The first speakerslipped
and came down with his foot turned and
badly sprained his iiukle. He was acripplo
on crutches until a short time ago, having
used many things without beneilt. Up to
that time ho had not used St. Jacobs Oil,
which, when used, cured him completely,
so that he walks as usual. There is a prob
ability that for the rest of the season he
will walk cautiously, with the precaution
of having this great remedy ready for use.
Fewer French ships pass through the
Sue?: Canal than German, Italian or oven
Fits permanently cured. No ills or nervous
ness after llrst day's use of Dr. Kline's Greut
Nerve Restorer. S:J trial bottle and treatise free
Da. It. 11. KLINE. Ltd.. 1)31 Arch St..l > hila„l'a.
Bergen, Norway, boasts of ' a paper
chureLi large euough to seat 1000 persons.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, softens the sums, reduces inflamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic, 3T>c.a bottle.
Dutch omnibuses aro fitted with letter
Mrs. Pinkham's Advice Inspires
Confidence and Hope.
■Examination by a male physician is
a hard trial to a delicately organized
She puts it off as long as she dare,
and is only driven to it by fear of can
cer, polypus, or some dreadful ill.
Most frequently such a woman leaves
a physician's office
r where she lias un
dergone a critical
/iJ J examination with
"5?7 an impression,more
—y' or less, of discour
This condi
tion of the
BaSjMg mind destroys
advice; and
she grows
worse rather
than better. In consulting Mrs. Pink
ham no hesitation need be felt, the
story is told to a woman and is wholly
confidential. Mrs. Pinkham's address
is Lynn, Mass., she offers sick women
her advice without charge.
Her intimate knowledge of women's
troubles makes her letter of advice a
wellspring of hope, and her wide experi
ence and skill point the way to health.
" I suffered with ovarian trouble for
seven years, and no doctor knew what
was the matter with me. I had spells
which would last for two days or more.
I thought I would try Lydia E. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound. I have
taken seven bottles of it, and am en
tirely cured."— MßS. JOHN FOREMAN, 26
N. Woodberry Ave., Baltimore, Md.
The above letter from Mrs. Foreman
is only one of thousands.
j: Try Grain=o! ij
I; Try Grain=o! \\
j | Ask you Grocer to-day to show you J [
1 > a package of GBAIN-O, the new food <>
i drink that takes the place of coffee. < (
[ The children may drink it without J [
' injury as well as the adult. All who ' '
! try it, like it. GRAIN-O has that < >
[ rich seal brown of Mocha or Java, J |
I > but it ia made from pure grains, and <
■ | the most delicate stomach receives it <
J without distress. £ the price of coffee. J
i i 15 cents and 25 cents per package. <
, Sold by all grocers. <
} Tastes like Coffee {
j | Looks like Coffee J
I > Insist that your grocer gives y«n QRAIN-0 i
1 J Accept no imitation. '
Milk Curd for Fowls.
In giving fowls milk there is often
danger that they will soil aud spofl
their food while eating it. If the
milk is made into curd and is then
dried by mixing cakes made of corn
meal and wheat bran with it, the
fowls will be much less liable to dis
ease than if they are fed milk in its
cold state.
Ninety Bushels of Wheat Per Acre.
Wheat is profitable when thirty
bushels per acre can be grown, aud
that this yield can be secured is un
questionable if the necessary condi
tion of the soil is provided for it. The
writer ouce sowed three ounces of
wheat upon a square rod of ground iu
rows twelve inches apart. The ground
was hoed twice a week from the plant
ing nntil the spreading wholly covered
it, which was before the winter set
in. In the spring the soil was stirred
as much as possible until it could no
longer be done. At the harvest the
grain was thrashed and made thirty
four pounds, which was equal to
ninety bushels per acre. English
farmers, by good culture and the use
of the hoe in spring, have grown from
sixty-five to seventy bushels per acre.
Is there any reason why American
farmers could not produce a similar
yield? We think not.—Henry Stew
art in Rural Canadian.
Ave ruffe Product of a Hen.
Home and Farm says: "Eleven
dozen eggs per year is the average es
timate given as the product of a hen."
That's a fact; such an estimate has
been given, so have various different
estimates been given—nothing is eas
ier than making estimates. A pencil
and a sheet of paper is all that is
needed, no particular knowledge of
the subject is required. The writer
has had some experience—more than
many estimate makers—with half a
dozen pure breeds and with more than
half a dozen of no breed, and i3 thor
oughly convinced that the average of
all the hens iu the country, or in a
state, county or town, is less than 100
eggs annually. Well-kept flocks of
some breeds will go largely above 100,
but a large majority of hens do not be
long to that class. The only official
estimate made puts the estimate at
ninety-three eggs. That is the esti
mate of the United States census
bureau,and probably it is not far from
the truth.—Texas Field and Farm.
I>evice for Killing Plant Lice.
The man of the house, if he be a
smoker, ought to expend some of the
surplus smoke on the plants. If ho is
permitted to smoke indoors, place his
chair in the plant window and insist
on his blowing the smoke from his
pipe or cigar among the plants in
stead of out in the room. I have al
ways noticed that in homes where the
male members of the family smoke
that house plants are remarkably free
from vermin. I am not advocating
the use of tho weed, but simply stat
ing a fact. A friend whose husband
is required to smoke out of doors, or
in the woodshed, has a box arranged
to hold her plants when it is neces
sary to give them treatment for ver
min; in the cover of the box is a hole
as large around as a silver dollar, to
which a plug is fitted. The man of
the house, when called upon for the
service, takes his place iu tho wood
shed with pipe and plant bf : aud is
required to expeud a part at least of
his smoke on the plants. It is quite
amusing to see this "lord of creation"
with a mouthful of smoke remove the
plug from the plant box and send the
smoke among the plants, but as the
treatment is effectual and he takes the
idea somewhat in the nature of a good
joke, both he and the wife are en
thusiastic over the plan.—"G. B. K."
in American Agriculturist.
Regularity in Salting the Dairy.
If the cook should conclude that the
trouble of salting or// food is all un
necessary, or that if we require it at
all, once each week is sufficiently
often, she would undoubtedly meet
with a vigorous protest from all con
What reason is there, either in
theory or in practice, to lead us to
suppose that our dumb animal friends
are less sensitive to such irregulari
The writer remembers well that with
overy Sunday morniug in his boyhood
days came the duty of giving both
cattle and horses a handful of salt.
As time went on a cheese factory was
built, and as we became its patrons
we had an excellent opportunity in
weighing our milk from day today to
study the effect of changing condi
tions. We soon learned that "salt
day"was invariably followed by a
shrinkage in weights at the factory.
We very naturally concluded that such
over doses of salti tatedthe stomach
of the cow, caus! a feverish condi
tion of the entire s; item, and conse
quent lessening of the flow of milk.
We at once adopted the plan of sprink
ling! the mangers with salt before
stabling the cows, both at night and
in the morning, and the irregularities
noted above were at an end. The
cows seem to enjoy the licking from
end to end of a salted box much bet
ter thau ft large quantity of salt. They
come into the stable as soon as the
doors are thrown open instead of
waiting to be driven in as formally,
and stay each in its accustomed stan
chion much better than when there ia
nothing to take up their attention,
and every dairyman knows that "in
contentment there is a great gain."—
A Dairyman in Farm, Field and Fire
S«a:ap Muck and Its Use.
The new beginner on the farm, see
ing a mass of black muck in his swamp
and low grounds, naturally assumes
that it will have a great value as man
ure for his uplands, and he goes to
work digging, hauling and spreading,
and in nearly every instance is badly
disappointed in the results, which, if
not positively harmful, are seldom
productive of good. He cannot un
derstand why the result should be
thus, and asks for advice. The chem
ist could have told him at first that
the raw muck was in no condition to
feed plants, that its plant food is
largely locked up in an insoluble
form, and needs time and reagents to
unlock it. Then, too, there are de
posits of apparently rich muck that
will never have any value, particlarly
those impregnated with iron. But
whore the mass is a greasy vegetable may be made of value if
properly treated. Raw muck is sour
and not lit to apply to the laud. If
piled and allowed to dry and get
frosted during one winter it will make
an excellent absorbent in the barn
yard. lint probably the best use to
make of the nuick is to haul it to the
upland and pile iu alternate layers
with lime or ashes, and let it lie for a
year. The lime will act 011 the mass
and release the plant food, and the in
ert nitrogen will be brought into plav
and good results will follow its use
the laud. This prepared lime and
muck compost has a special value to
the grower of strawberries and pota
toes, and is largely used by growers
of sweet potatoes in some sections. If
you have a muck deposit that cannot
be drained and got into cultivation
where it lies, try the muck and lime
compost. —Practical Farmer.
Clohi-liis; Fiel<ln for Corn.
There is a wide difference of opin
ion among farmers in the great corn
belt of the west as to what should be
done with the cornstalks on tields to
be planted to corn. A common prac
tice throughout the corn belt is to cut
the stalks and plow them under, or
what is still more universal is to
break the stalks during the late win
ter with a heavy pole, rake them up
after the float is gone out of the
ground and burn them. Many com
plain, and justly, that disposing of
stalks in this manner is a great waste
of fertilizing material. If these are
plowed under and allowed to decay
they will render the soil loose and
friable and allow the air to get at it
more easily. Thoy also add a certain
amount of fertilizing matorial which
will be of benefit to the coming crop.
On the other hand, if the coating of
stalks is heavy, they are liable to be a
great deal of trouble the first season
in cultivating the corn. They decay
slowly and are always present to catch
on the harrowjand cultivator. Further,
in a dry season, they often prevent a
sufficient compacting of the soil, cause
it to dry out unduly and thus greatly
injure the crowing crop. If insect
pests like chinch bugs have been num
erous the previous year, it is almost
absolutely necessary to burn tliestalks
and thus assist in holding them iu
check. There are also numerous
other insects which hibernate in rub
bish that will be destroyed if the
stalks are burned. Consequently
whether it is advisable to plow under
stalks or to rake aud burn them will
depend upon the season, the abuud
anco of insects the previous year, and
the condition of the soil. If the land
is very loose and friable and contains
a great amount of vegetable mattor,
probably it would be best to burn
tliem, but if it is heavy, compact and
hard to work the addition of the
stalks will greatly benelit it.
If the cornfield was iu small grain
the previous year and grew up to
weeds, these must be disposed of iu
some manner. If small grain was
troubled by chinch bugs or other in
sects that will affect the- corn, the
tields can usually be burned over at
some time when the stubble is dry.
If, however, the mass can be turned
under without danger from iusect
pests, it is best to do this. By at
taching one end of a chain to the end
of the plow beam and the other end
to the inside handle of the plow near
the mold board, allowing it just, the
right amount of slack, the stubble
will be dragged down aud turned
under completely. Of course, as in
the case with cornstalks, the disposi
tion of stubble and weeds must be
determined largely by the season and
previous conditions. Because or the
very mild open fall and early winter
the latter part of 1897, much more
fall plowing was done than usual.
Pastures aud meadows that were to
be planted to corn have been turned
over and stubble fields broken. If
the spring is favorable the putting in
of the corn crop will be comparatively
light.—New England Homestead*
Missouri has an anunal output of
timbet rated at about $7,000,000.
Most Parisian Hats Have Low Crowns.
Most of the hots from Paris have
low crowns. A greenish-bluo straw
has a large bow of green-blue ribbon
placed jauntily in front, with wide
loops at each side, forming a mam
moth butterfly. Directly in front is
an ornament of steel and pearls, be
hind which gleam some whitish-pink
roses. The back of the hat is a mass
of white roses and violets, and the
brim is faced with an odd shade of
pink velvet. Another model, also
blue, has a swirl of torquoise-blue
silk veiled in point de Geneve
lace around the narrow brim. This
"swirl" puffs up high on the left side,
but it is lower and less full on the
right side. On the left sido is a group
of white flowers. A hat of heliotrope
chip has the brim covered with rows
of finely plaited heliotrope chiffon of
a paler shade. These frills end in a
soft twist of chiffon which encircles
the narrow, high crown. A mass of
white and purple lilacs is placed at
the left side against the crown and
trailing along the brim to the back,
where they mingle with clusters of
fresh green leaves. A very chic tur
ban is of yellow straw braiding and
white chiffon, the latter puffing out
like mist between the yellow straw
ribbons. A bow of black velvet in
the baok and a cluster of white tips
fastened at the left side by an orna
ment of paste diamonds and smoked
pearls completes this odd but pretty
Suit For a Small lloy.
Short knee trousers with jacket to
match and worn with a blouse of white
lawn make the accepted dress suit for
the small boys who have been pro
moted from kilts. The model shown
in the large illustration, writes May
Manton, is made of black velvet edged
with narrow silk braid, but velveteen
and black diagonal are equally correct.
The trousers are fitted snugly to the
legs by means of inside and outside
leg seams and are supplied with the
pockets without which no boy is ever
content. The jacket is seamed at the
center-back where it also extends to a
slight point and is fitted by shoul
der seams. The fronts, which
are extended to form lapels, are self
faced, and the entire jacket is lined
with farmers' satin. The sleeves are
two-seamed and in regulation coat
style. The blouse includes shoulder
and under-arm seams only and closes
at the center-front by means of but
tons sewed to the right side and but
tonholes worked in the box-plait that
finishes the left. The sleeves are one
seamed and are gathered both at the
arm's-eyes and at the wrists, where
they are finished with deep roll-over
cuffs edged with needlework frills.
At the neck is a deep sailor collar,
also edged with a frill, that turns over
the coat and extends well down on the
To make this suit for a boy of six
years will require three and a half
yards of twenty-two-inch material, and
one and one-half yards of thirty-six
inch material for the blouse.
Newest Things In Veils.
There is a novelty in a ffray veil
this season which is highly approved
by the ultrafashionable girl. The im-
Dortcd bordered veils of real thread
lace are considered chic for a calling
costume. White veils are affected bj
very young girls. Black Russian net,
with a very fine mesh, are seen foi
street wear, but blue veils are most
approved of by the oculist, though
unfortunately they are not always be
This year veils ran be fastened
without tearing or straining by a new
device consisting of a rigid bar having
a slot along one side, into which the
veil is pressed and held in position by
a flexible cord attached to one end of
the bar and stretched across the slot
to fasten at the opposite end.
S!tlrro<l Silk.
Shirred silk has' partially usurped
the place of accordion-plaited silk. 11
comes in a variety of pretty light
shades, with knife-plaited frills to
match, and is employed for skirt
panels, yokes, sleeves and vests.
Princes* Gowii.
No model suits the well-rounded,
graceful woman more perfectly than
does the princess with its somewhat
severe, but always satisfactory lines.
The cut of the gown shown in the
illustration is simple in the extreme,
but it may be made as elaborate in
effect as one please. As'shown, says
May Manton, the material is violet
colored poplin, with an applied front
of velvet in a darker shade and trim
ming of handsome passementerie,
which includes both jet and silk. The
fronts aro fitted by means of double
bust and under-arm darts, the second
dart on each side extending to the
edge of the skirt. The backs, which
lit smoothly to a point slightly below
the waist line, are seamed at the centre
and are joined to the fronts by means
of side-backs, which include the entire
length of the skirt. The fulness of
the skirt portion is laid in deep
underlying plaits, which fall in grace
ful folds to the end of the slight train.
As illustrated, the closing of the lining
is effected at the centre-front, while
the applied froDt of velvet hooks over
beneath the baud of passementerie at
the left side. The sleeves are two
seamed and fit snugly to tli6 shoulder,
where they arc finished with the slight
fulness which is still in the height of
style. At the wrists are bands of pas
sementerie, below which frills of lace
fall over the hands. The neck is
finished with a high standing collar,
above which rises a divided frill of
lace. Cashmere, drap-d'ete and all
silks are eminently appropriate and
may be made either in combination or
of the
of fo
An Overworked lira In.
From the Record, Pierce ton, Tnif.
Determined to rise in hl3 chosen pro
fession as an educator, Ernest Kemper, of
Pierceton, Ind., overtaxed himself men
tally and physically. He was ambitious,
his mind was always on his work. From
early morn until late at night he contin
ually pored over his books.
Few persons, even with the strongest
constitutions, can keep up under such a
In addition to his studies, Mr. Kemper
was teaching a school some three miles
from his home. Finally, his excessive study
and the exposure of going to and from
school in all kinds of weather undermined
his health.
He was taken to his bed with pneumonia
and his overworked brnln almost collapsed.
For several weeks he was seriously ill.
Catarrh had taken root in his system and
his mind was in a delicate eouditlon. He
*n was sent to Coloradowhere he
—VI s P« ut throe months without
It] vj Vv receiving
IYI /vr* V\A j —Trfc3P"" v ''enellt.
M j\jC \v Then a not
-1 nf/fl land treated
i ifl 'USX Kl!l/l bim without avail,
„ M| f'l anil then a hospi
—. IH |(\y*n tal in Chicago was
[ ' v \A I\\ 111 tried, but all abso
|ll K\V 111 lutely without
I II 'jeneflt. Finally
J| I ITN his physician re
\J /&) commended Dr.
£/ Williams' Pink
Overxtwli/. Pills for Pale Peo
ple, nnd from the first box he began to im
prove. When he had taken nine boxes he
wus completely cured. This famous blood
and nervo medicine had accomplished what
all his former expensive treatment failed
to accomplish. Mr. Kemper says his ca
tarrh lias entirely left him; he is strong
again and weighs nine pounds more than
he over did. Ho gives tho pills the entire
crodit. He is starting teaching again and
feels abundantly able to continue the
work. To prove that tho above is true iu
every respect, Mr. Kemper made au affi
davit as follows:
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
tho 10th day of September, 1897.
It. P. WATT. Notary Public,
We doubt if these pills have an equal In
all the rango of medicine, for building ui> a
run down and debilitnted system.
History of the National Capitol.
The cornerstone of the original Cap
itol building, at Washington, was laid
September 18, 1793, by President
Washington, with Masonic ceremonies.
The north wing was finished in 1800
and the south wing in 1811. A wooden
passagewa} - connected them. August
24, 1814, the interior of both wings
was destroyed by lire, set by the
British. In 1818 the central portion
of the building was commenced and
was finally completed in 1827. The
cost of the Capitol up to 1827, includ
ing the grading of grounds, altera
tions, etc., was $2,433,844.13. The
cornerstone of the extensions was laid
on the Fourth of July, 1851, by Presi
dent Fillmore, Daniel Webster officiat
ing as orator. 1 his work was com
pleted in 1865. These extensions were
first occupied for legislative purposes
January 4, 1859. The old dome was
torn down and work commenced on
the new ono in 1855. The present
structure, which is of cast iron, was
completed in 1805. The entire weight
of iron used is 8,909,200 pounds. The
statue which crowns tli2 domts was put
in position December 2, 1804. It is
of bronze, j>nd ita correct designation
of Freedom. The height of tho statue
is nineteen feet six inches, and it
weighs 14,985 pounds, is now
a bill before Congress to cover it with
gold leaf.—William E. Curtis.
Tl*e Kiclt Itpnourcefi of the South.
To claim that the is more
richly favored by nature than other
sections of the country is to claim
what cannot be successfully gainsaid.
Our mountains teem with exliaustless
mineral resources, our sot. is capable
of producing in abundance whatever
grows upon the earth's surface, and
our climate is perennially invigorating.
Such being the case, whyyhould not
the South indue season lecome the
great industrial centre 'of the nation?
Still another fact which Bear, upon
this hopeful prospfcet is that out of
21,354 miles of American coast lines,
not including i Alaska, the South
Atlantic and Gulf States possess 11,-
953 miles of this aggregate, or more
than the combined mileage of the
North Atlantic and Pacific coast lines.
Our South Atlantic and Gulf ports are
easily accessible from almost any
point upon the map, and shippers are
beginning to realize that more satis
factory trade relations can be carried
on with European and South Ameri
can countries through our South
Atlantic and Gulf ports than 1 through
tho older ports of the North aud East.
—Atlanta Constitution.
An Exposition Novelty.
An interesting novelty at theV ris
Exposition will be the Mare ▼ ,
which will give visitors the il'
a voyage by steamer from ?
to Constantinople, with
gier, Algiers, Naples
dria and Symrnn
ing on the s'
to be in the
the vessel
them t 1