Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 31, 1898, Image 1

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    Published Every Friday.
Volume 2.
Business Cards.
Chas. F. Billamboa, Aorpnt s ;
D. H. Lorah, 1 IS
CAPITAL - - $60,000
Doe* a General Banking Ruo'ines*.
President. Cashier.
Warm meals and lunchet» at all hours,
Oysters and gswie in season.
Bar supplied with choicest liauors, wine and
cigars. Good stable room provided.
Connected with the Commercial
Hotel. First-class Horses and
Rates reasonable.
A hotel uf esUiblishwl reputation.
Strictly Bret cltuss in all of it* appointments.
Bar well alipplied »ith the best of liquors.
t his Inrg Hnd we 1 appointed houce 1
ti •in si pu Urtrhnsreny nt § s^ctioi
Canton Street,
W. E. PORTER, Prop'r.
.D. ii.EEi'E, Proprietor.
DOS 110 KB, PA.
On* of the largest ami best equipped
hotel iu ttaif set tio > oltio st.rte.
Taiils o li e bust. K.ies 1.00 tiollar per >iuy.
Lurg • st hies.
Professional Cards.
T.J. & F. H. INGHAM,
i Legal liusiQcss atteinlud to
I in litis and adjoining counties
Oflice in Court House Building.
Attorney-at- Law.
Office in County Building.
Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of
estates and other legal business will receive
prompt attention.
t Monday of each week at Forksville.
Eilery P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt.
133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia,
lavln? retired from the ofßce of United States
"orney and Assistant United States Attorney,
utinue the general practice of law in the
' >tes courts, and all the courts of the
*»ty of Philadelphia,
~ OWNS",
<AT"LA wr
Republican News Item.
J From the Keystone. ?
£ Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer kickin', git a-bold
Git a hustle on you ; Of the wheel and turn it.' 112
\ Skirmish'round and grab the dime* You kin never handle gold];
> Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it.
£ ('roakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eyee w
Growlin'isn't in it. Stop your blain'd repinin' J
112 Fix your peepers on success, An' you'll notice that yer skies
£ Tlien go into win it. Allus'll be shinin'
r Times is gittin'good agin— If you hain't the nerve to try J
V Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. C
> Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip ; >K)KiIC)K 3
S That is sure to floor you.
£ Try to git a better grip YE9. 9TOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J
On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112
» Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V
C When you greet a neighbor; 00 TO THE OLD RELIABLE 1
r Throw vour troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT 1
Git right down to labor, YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, V
j An'you'll notice ev'ry day )K)f.H;f. J
Things is comiti' rightvourway. S
J ■» Direct from Mill io Wearer,
1 * Vv'rtich Saves you 4 Bin ;V
r/i* Cimm'sson House. Tht Wholesaler The Job'jet m:. itoro ,i
E.ROSENttHIKiER&CO. *"»j£ loam St., NEW yOhK i i
) nnisom 19
c® .1Ur oR > ft. 0 Carscst Value tcer Offer.-1
1 —— - n . #• n<r~.« On account of the fji'.ur? «!<«••'
f\Va till _ ® u ' , /Liiilil *>?■■•>» th largest Lommsbion House* hf»e. i ci-ir
1 I Kxyr— I V*Y BOYS ADONIo SUITS, sealing • Woolen .V, ill in
I Charts. I Vitril IXTIU I'AIK OF riSTS. : bought last Spr ng the entire pre-Jucw n . •
TUew Suits are puannUtd to bo tWir grav and black ln«h F»uzr«t (»»•<• I
made* from imported Wool Chcv- pieces at a sacrifice Therefce \* it'eat*'
tSxAAauti «c*»«-v, h ;:, b c o ; t s l o , ,: i, n n cl';;
Made up duublt-Lre.asted, raw material price, >1075 ncvci
TOE! ' ■ ■tRI 15i wuh Ral.or Collar—Collar fancy befoir in the history ol cl thing an.i
09 EttffisP4 IB embroidered lined with faut proDable never «Rain will you have si
' (2 0i #jl£| &Tn cf«n„ to«.
«■ . oud W orkmanrhip the very best. money. Above pnee Is less than the
1 Ftir* i-.inu. i)tm r«r m to IS yean, wit butt new ta iff duty on ilie matetial. I hey are
P«lt..r'*.ii*r Maution »t» blrthdaj. aod if larrtnr email. made up as per cut below.
' •«:_ n.i mmi mmwbim with rai*ed sea ma lined througho t with
* J' IST THI K OF IT ! * ■ extra heavy voven pliid linings, pinked L
A CIJSTOPJI M ADF TO Or?D£R facings all pockets framed an i well stayed
i $14.0015133 F »' 56.98 S3HSH9SS;
i Wh;t you ctn save by buying dlrc;t . . * b 1 e f '"'lih. (TVi. 1
. from the rruitiufjCtu er. «"J Q JS Thi# i'
r. UJM n.erdlo be nwd. from All = s=» if.' «°» •;«««" ,« 112 RlvtaCSrS
\\W t ; .ncy Lrown. <*rav I. ck or } ' "
4 i: ted with Itio r ed Farnu*r Satin! for a Sack Coat, giv-
t l u.d a-vi li. diit'e b? tof f'iVJ l\ length wanted. Jj
< C.j v. T;:i r n;a:»ner. \'ou cannot /| / \ also night and ~ ..'4 y.
d:: it in your town for sl4 ocw J I \ weight. Ua"i£l 1
■ - 2v * 34'°4i« / J * \ \ * 2C ■ • s '* ar 'P w 'i' 5 f'
T!*.f ssrn? foods made for /-v , 'A 1 ; r i R S you samplrs, " Sm
tj>«3. in I -ng P-:.ts. (jj) J J I cat.iJogue. .pe J fiF '
I .ircur.J the breast and I A charges anil v.oa'd I I
'I |v 1 1 *' I
n. A.Rogers & son.,
In Order to Make Room for Our
Immense LiDe of
That will soon arrive
1 make room for the
ge line of new goods
Spring Trade
e Paid for Butter and Eggs.
The Burning of th» liaParta Kotd Hie
Moat Disastrous Fire In tha.HlsUarof
the Town.
That fiery orb, the aun, from whick the
legends say earth's fire was stolen,majrhap
wad welljpleased when Baturday moning
it came*lrom';.behind the eeurryinK cl*ad«
and looking down'u|M>n this qniet Tillage
devastation* iu mighty 4 sot)
errible offspring had wroMght, shortly
alter it had sank below the weriNrn
horizon Pridav'night.
The fire broke out in the upper* story
of the.back wing near the nuun boiUing
it about 8 o'clock when first diaao»md,
und'is supposed to have originated from a
lefec-tive flue of the dining room alove.
When the alarm was sounded flames had
already|eaten*their way through the roof,
ind fed[by highly inflammable aubstanoee
corisequented] the conflagration gaining
headway with surprising rapidity, and
was soon far beyond any] possibility ol
heing checked. The flame* were st once
4iven their own way and the attention ol
> he large crowd that had already gathered
by the tinging of bells, was turned toward
relei.ving the house of its valuables. The
I'urniture was mostly saved and all the
.stock of liquors and cegars.
Excitement was intense and the heat
severe as the tremendous sheets of flame
wrnped about the large three story struc
i uie and then leaped heavenward carry
ing dense clouds of smoke and burning
| Hinders, presenting a picture that was «x
--ireemly brilliant. The confusion in the
street increased as the fire grew more
tierce as a slight current of air from the
southjeaueed a perfect rain of fire upon
the roofs ol'the two stores and Keeler's
residence. The Odd Fellows Hall where
is located the Ingham law offices and the
NEWS ITEM, for a time seemed impossible
to stand the hail of live sparks and burn
ing fragments with which it was envelop
ed. A hook and ladder gang kept s
steady string of water pails going up to
the top of the roof where the eaves
were kept running like in a heavy
The fire, on the start, seemed to work
principally on the back wing where it
originated, and it was some time before
the flames had enveloped the main part.
By the time this was fully alighted the
gravest apprehension was felt and it was
evident to those who were trying to save
the hotel property off'. W. Gallagher but
forty feet away that they were face to face
with a great disaster, for had the fire
reached to that point the entire business
center of town would have been swept.
Every available team in the place was
put into speedy service hauling water and
willing hands braved the stifling heat and
lined up along the entire side of the hotel
like a regiment and kept a continuous
flow of water against the building. So
intense was the heat at this post of duty
it was necessary for the workers to douce
water upon each other to prevent their
clothing from catching fire. The roof
was covered with carpet and a steady
flow of water upon it. For about twenty
minutes the building was almost hid from
view by the massive clouds of steam gene
rating from the water poured upon it.
The window panes were completely melt
ed from the sash and the paint seoreked
to a crisp. It was indeed a miracle that
the buildine was saved from the devour
ing flames and had efforts proved tutils in
resisting the fire at this point it would
have most likely cleaned the block on
hnth sides and left our town in ruins.
As it was, the fire occured at a most for
tunate time for the town, as very seldom
is there so little breeze at this high eleva
tion as there was Friday night. Had it
happened eight hours later when a high
wind was blowing it is hard to apprehend
what the tearlul dimensions of the Are
would have been.
The fire made a clean job of whatever
it took hold of. Outbuildings, sidewslks,
pump and fences went up in smoke; also
the ice house, its contents which appar
ently successfully defied distraction is all
that remains although it was affected
somewhat as the building and sawdust
around it was consumed. There was hut
one lile lost, that of Baylor, s faithful old
dog, who was twice drsgged from behind
the stove but persisted in returning after
repeated efforts to be driven out. There
was a terrifflc explosion when the fire
was raging about the kitchen which
proved to be the big wster bsck on the
The Hotel was owned by Hon Russel
Karns and was occupied by Thos. W.
Beahen. The honse was built in 1848
and purchased by Mr.Ksrns in 1880. The
Hotel and barn wss insured in three
companies smounting to $6,000. The
furniture'was insured for $2,000. Mr.
Beahen had no insurance on his goods but
waa fortunate in aaring about all of his
possessions. His greatest loss will be the
cost oU license£he recently lifted. Mr.
Karns does not state atuhoritively wheth
er he will rebuild or sell the property.
Of course there are only words of praise
heroic work of our fir brigade.
It comes from all sides. We know of no
more noble fight than the one msde Fri
daylight. Laporte has the bravest lot
of fire fighters in the Stste and the manner
in which profession men, lawyers, doctors,
elders]all visdjwith each other in com
prising a company of efficient fire extin
guishsrs deserve only words of praise tor
Gallagher could not say
enough thinga complimentary about th<
fire fighters so concluded to open a free
bar and for several hours liquor flowed
as freely as the watar had from the root
but a short tims previous. The town wat
in a stir during the whole night.
The United States Heard From. ZTegotie*
Ition for the Maintenance of Peace Ate
"Very Favorable for the President. J
The developments of the day in the
Cubsn situation indicste steady progress
in the negotiations between the govern
ment of this country and that of Spain
looking to the maintenance of peace, for
the preeent at least. There is good au
thority for saying that Spain's preseni
wish is to secure a cessation of hostilities
in Cuba rather than to engage in a war
with the United States, and that it is
more probable that the negotiations bt •
tween the government of the United Stales
and the Sagasta Ministry will take that
turn in the immediate future.
The present Spanish Ministry has pro
fessed a pacific disposition from the begin
ning and the indications are strong now
that it will avail itself of the good offices
of the United Stales to the fullest extent
that public opinion in Spain will allow in
bringing to an end the hostilities in Cuba.
The Court report that the Maine wa*
blown up from the outside, but unable to
fix responsibility.
Borates Bohoes.
The young ladies aid society donaten to
the parsonage lund, the sum of $75.00
Those young ladies are certainly hustlers
and a credit to the eommunity in which
they reside. They have the sincere
thanks of the psrsonage committee as
well as of the people. We wish them
success in their good work. They are an
aid in whatever they undertake. Wed
nesday evening they held a warm sugar
party at the residence of John Walters
which was but another one of their suc
cessful undertakings. Whenever you
attend one of their parties you are sure ol
a good time and your moneys worth.
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Moyer ot Dushore
wss the geust of Mr. and Mrs. Dannial
Hofia Snnday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. S Taylor visited
friends at Towanda Monday.
Ws are often asked this question "Do
you think there will be wsr." We de
cline to answer simply becanse we do not
know, but we do know ifSpain is responsi
ble for the explosion of the Maine she
must meet the demand thst Uncle Sam
will ask of her. Spain will do well to
remember that wears not divided as we
were in 1861 and tbe people of to-day are
all patriotic and will up hold the honor
of the nation let it coat what it may, we
are with them to stay. The beautiful
emblem that waves over this uation has
been held adove many dead heroes to
allow Spain to place thereupon a stain.
I think when I say we do not want war
I sound the voice of many more. The
birds havs bailt their nests in the csnnon
mouths and the spiders have woven their
webs there since Lees surrender at Ap
pomatox. The old swords are red with
rust but some of thsm are being ecoured
up, the birds nests are being taken from
the cannon mouths and the spider webs
swept away yet we da not want war, but
ws do saitedly and unceasingly insist up
on all possibls reparation for the sinking
ol the Maine, and above all for the 250
brave sailors thst was sent to (he dottom
with her. Also for the honors due the
flsg of a peaceful nation.
Mrs. O. B. Winters and childrsn of
Towanda visited her parents Hon. and
Mrs. J. 8. Line last wssk.
Ths editor of tbis sheet will please ac
cept our t) ka for the beautiful report
er'a eredei JL he sent us, it is a very neat
oue. Ws cams in posession of four from
different papers hat tks Nsws ITEM leads
1.50 Per. Year.
Number 46.
them 'all. For neat and attractive printing
%o to the NEWS ITEM for it.
Mrs. Joseph O'Neil was visiting friends
and relatives in Franklin Dale lastjweek.
Mr. John O'Neil who haw been visitiDg
his son[Joseph for'some time returned to
his home in Franklin Dale last week.
Mr. Wm. Cook who ha 9 been quite sick
is better at this date.
Mrs. B. Babcock of Ringer'JHill 1 spent
'he latter part of last weekjwith her daugh
tar Mrs. Wm. Kast.
The ladies of the Evangelical church
organized a'Ladies Aid Society Mondav
evening and the following officers were
elected. President, Mrs. C. Hurst; Secre
tary, Mrs. C. Morter; Treasurer, Mrs. G.
John Donovaa visited friends in Waver
ly N. Y. Wednesday.
Anoonglthe social events' of Stunners
ville last week was a surprise party Moi
lavaflernoon atJMrs. R. W. Hanley it
being the forty-sixth anniversity of her
birth, Numerous and handsome presents
were the (gifts. On the same evening a
large party of youug people gathered at
Ihe residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Reed
where a birth day party was'held in honor
>f their daughter Roxey it being her 16th
birth-day. A good time was participated
in by the young people.
W. H. Blight of Elmiria was in town
looking after business Thurs and Friday.
Born*to Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Finn
Friday [March 25 th a daughter, mother
and little one are doing well.
Mr. Gordon Saxon visited friends ai
Towanda Wednesday.
Frank Sage visited his parents at Rum
merfield Saturday and Sunday.
Our streets are getting so filled up with
ash piles is almost impossible to
drive through them. Some of the people
will have to get step ladders to get out oi
their gatesafter while. We hope Strang
■rs who see the streets do not judge the
people accordingly. We should think
there was room enough behind the houses
to empty all ashes and for decency sake
we should think people would not emptv
them there.
The Bazaar in the basement o( the St.
Francis Church will be reopened Monday
evening April 11th and continue two
nights. An entertainment will be given
each evening by the St. Francis Dramatic
Association. On Monday evening they
will give a farce entitled ''More blunders
than one." You cannot afford to miss it.
One of the most noted social events oi
the week was a surprise party in Mildred
at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Dr.
Everett. Saturday evening 43 guests
walked in upon the doctor and his wife
and to say they were surprised would be
too mild a word. The guests enjoyed
themselves and a beautiful supper WHS
served. We lack space to mention the
names of the distinguished guests. When
the party broke up three of the women
discovered each a man short. The}
at once formed themselves into u soarch
! ing party and alter a few minutes hunt
found better-halls seated in a comfortable
room enjoying their cigars and discussing
whether there would be war or not. An
soon an the women found them they at
once decided there would be war. Moral,
always remember the time your wife set*
lor you to take her home.
Vigilance Committee.
Bernice.—ll. H. Hampeori, H. J. Keli
er, Jas. Spence Jr.
Cherry.—W. D. Bahr, Claytou liahr
Robt. Schukey.
Colley.—Royal Seouten, A. Barnes.
Wm. Allen.
—D. 11. Lorah. Thos. Sim
none, L. M. King.
Duehore.—Sam Cole, 11. N. Osier.
Frank Buck.
Elkland.—J. J. Tcevan, Elmer Bedford.
L. G. Rosback.
Forks.—J. Hottenetein, Sam Kilmer.
A. T. Wilcox.
Forksville.—E. I. Sturdevnnt, \V. E.
Miller, J. R. Fleming.
Fox.—A. E. Campbell. John Solisbun ,
R. S. Fanning.
Hillsgrove.—Elwood Labar, (ieo. Chap
man, C. W. Sadler.
Jamison City.—Norman Scnvler, (ieo,
Laporte Boro.—F. 11. Ingham, Ed.
Schrader, N. C. Maben.
Laporte Twp.—A. E. Botsford. Wm,
Low, J. C. Peunington.
Lopez.—Otto Bahr, Warren Parish,
Joseph Sepsch.
Mt. Vernon. Geo. Lawrenceeon, War
ren Edkin, J. J. Harding.
Ricketfe.—J. W, Miller. Dirk Benin
ger, M. Ireland.
Ringdale.—M. C. Miller.
Shrewsbury.—J. W. Aumiller, .V M,
Bennett, Fred Ptale.