WHY IS THE WQKwD SO SAD? •'Why is tUe king so sad, father, why is the ki&g so sad? More than his sire the king is blessed; Tba times are fair and the laud at rest. Wi-h the little prince on the queen's fair breast. Why is the king so sad?" He put the weman he loved aside; lie steeled his heart when his true lovo cried, And took a princess to be his bride, And so the king is sad. "Why is the rich man sad, father, why is the " rich man sad? Fair on the hills his turrets glow; JProud i s the manor spread below; Garners and wMe-vats overflow. Now, why is ho so sad/" His truth for a lordly price lie sold; H»guvc Lis honor for yr'low gold; It's oh for the peace he knew of old, Aud therefore he is sad. "Why is the poor man sad. father,why is the poor man sad? Health and freedom ami love has he, A vinojolad cottage beyond the lea. Where children clamber about his knee, Yet why is 110 so sad?" Jli thought of the rich man's wealth and fame; He looked on his humble lot with shame; Into his life back envy came. And therefore he is sad. "Why is the priest so sad, father, why is the priest so sad? I large to correspond with her udder, • and her shoulders wider than her ' hips, and her tendency to put tallow t upon her caul and not in her milk, 1 and has ample storage capacity for ' everything except milk. She is a par- > asite that eateth by noonday, and { wasteth a man's substance by night, 1 and in the way of "fleecing the inuo- i cents" she beats all the trusts and ' rings combined.—San Fraucisco ' Chronicle. t ( Breeding for Kgg*. I One of the best methods of inoreas- ] ing the capacity of fowls for egg pro- < duction is to set the eggs of those 1 fowls which are themselves most pro- ] lific of eggs. It is,of course, assumed 1 that the hens are mated with full-bred \ cocks of the best egg-prodncing - breeds. There are even in full bred fowls some individual peculiarities ( which count for much, and one of 1 these is the propensity to givo the t largest part of bodily energy and feed < to egg production. The hens that are ( best for this purpose are always lively, i and have particularly bright reel • combs. When they stop laying they i are not mopish and do not fatten, but i continue lively and soon begin laying , again. A flock of fowls bred from such , hens, and thus continued for three or four generations, would produce a breed whose chief distinction would not be form or color,but the ability to produce the greatest number of eggs in a season. This we believe is the way in which the best egg-producing breeds have been originated, and it is certainly .necessary to keep them from degenerating in this respect. , Hints for Flower-Orower#. j Examine the outdoor rose-beds occa- ] sionally to see that the wind has not < removed the covering. I The plants stored for the winter in the cellar have now been in some time. Perhaps they need a little j water or other attention. Where plants are kept about the windows, cold drafts from the sides of the sash should be carefully guarded against during severe weather. Frequent cleansing of the leaves of foliage plants by using tepid water < and a sponge, lends to their attract- < iveness, and is essential to the health of the plants. Just at this time, when work with the flowers is very light, is a good time to consider what will be best to plant in the garden in the spring. Wheu the proper time comes every thing must be in readiness, -so that no valuable time will be lost. Cinders form a good material for covering the floors and paths of the conservatory. To clean old flower-pots on which green moss and a sort of white mold has grown, scrub them vigorously with sand and water. This will make the pots look bright and new. Use porous vessels only to pot plants in. They will do better iu such than iu tin cans.—Woman's Home Com panion. v Value of Kimlnegft In Animal Training:. Vicious horses are generally the re sult of a violent, barbarous training, and wheu the greater number of tho horses in any country are tricky and hard to manage, it means that they belong to a brutal population. From time immemorial the contrary lias been the case among the Arabs, where colts are brought up and exercised with al most maternal solicitude. The child amuses itself by petting and playing with the colt of which he is some day to be the rider, and the horse and his cavalier grow up together. The ear liest education of the young animal be gins iu the family, in the same teut. The colt is constantly looked after ami caressed, and is never chastised except for acts of malice or disobe dience. He is given the choicest dainties of food, and is gradually ac customed to make himself useful. When the bit is putin his mouth the iron is covered with wool, so that it shall not bruise his lips, the wool having been dipped iu salt water to give it a pleasant flavor and make him like it. The animal's education is thus always carried on with constant discretion, and even after it is is com pleted the trainers never indulge in blows or hard words. Bv such asso ciation a real bond of friendship is formed between the beast and his rider. —Appletons' Popular Science Monthly. SoMftomihltt Feeding of IVetift, To replace the worms, insects and other fleshy food which the fowls nat urally get iu summer, feed pork oi beef scraps from some packing house, writes Mrs. Ida Tilson. These can usually be had for two and one-third centi per pound. As they have been subjected to great pressure excessive grcasiness need not be feared. Soaked, reco)ked, welTthickened with short* and fed warm every third day, they bring me a noticeable increase of eggs. Raw meat is more laxative and requires closer watching. Livers, tongues, hearts, etc., when obtained at reasonable rates,boiled and chopped are best of all. Milk and linseed meal are good substitutes for meat, but the latter when not laxative are very fat tenniug. Bather than watch the ef fects of sour milk, I add a little soda, or better yet make curd and feed it warm. Sweet milk cannot be given too freely. Every third day I boil vegetables and feed them warm. My usual com bination is potatoes with a few car rots and onions, a pepper pod and slice of.' salt pork. My hens think tliey are getting their beloved onions, but I know they are also eating car rots which help make the yolks as golden as possible. When cooked flit vegetables are skimmed out, the liquor is added and the whole is thickened with shorts or mixed meals. Baw beets,turnips or cabbages are chopped almost every day. Clover chaff is fed dry or placed in a pail on top of my mixed meals, where it gets first bene fit of my scalding water, then the whole is stirred together and allowed to stand for a few minutes. It is sur prising how green the chaff particles become and what a strong odor of hay tea even such a simple treatment yields without any trouble of boiling. For grit, several barrels of sharp gravel will last a long time. Old mor tar, sandstone, marble chips, old crockery, etc., may be pounded into small bits and fed. Coal ashes with eliukers rapidly disappear. Siuce we must needs seenre appetites for meals as well as meals for the appetite, many substances not directly valuable may become indirectly so, by creating a desire for something that is more essential. An Oak Tree 1(1,000 Years Old. An extraordinary discovery, and one which is just now exciting considera ble interest in antiquarian circles in Lancashire and Cheshire, has been made at Stockport. During the exca vations in the construction of sewage works for the town some workmen came across what has since proved to be a massive oak tree, with two im mense brauclies. Professor Boyd Daw kins, the well-known antiquary, is of opinion that the tree is one of the giants of prehistoric times, and he says that the tree is certainly 10,000 years old. The corporation of Stock port is at a loss what to do with the gigantic fossil, which is supposed to weigh about forty tons.—London News. Dnlwich, now a populous district of London, still has a tollgate across one of its main streets, at which tolls are collected regularly. INDIANAPOLIS CURFEW LAW. Policemen to Warn Children OfT the Streets Evenings. Seventy-five policemen at roll call sat in the crowded temporary station room last night in a solid damp blue block, and this mass of the majesty of the law was leavened with knowledge of the curfew law before being sent broadcast to set the law working in all parts of the city. Superintendent Quigley read the curfew ordinance slowly and distinctly, from "Be it ordained" to "witness my hand and seal." The enforcement of the law was to begin that night, he said, after finishing the reading. The efforts at first must be in the nature of an ex periment. The patrolmen must not be severe at first, and must always use a great deal of judgment. All children seen out in the streets after 8 o'clock must be warned, and warned in a way that would make them under stand that the police meant to be seri ous. There must be no joking with the boys on the subject. The superintendent called attention to the fact that some children under fifteen are permitted togo about after B—such as those working at night or running errands for their parents or guardians. Some, too, lie said, went to church, such as. those attending choir practice. Some way of identi fying such children he said would probably be adopted. Those of St. Paul's church intended to adopt a ribbon or ticket. Some girls under fifteen attended the Young Women's Christian association prayer meetings and other gatherings, and these were also to be distinguished by some sort of badge. The superintendent said that, while the police were to nse good judgment in the enforcement of the law, they were to be on the lookout for viola tions of it, and to speak to all children whom they found out after 8 o'clock. If they were in doubt they should call up the station and get advice from the sergeant or captain in charge there. He said that there would be further instructions on this subject from time to time. After all, a large part of the en forcement of the law came about without any action on the part of the police. When factory whistles gave forth a solemn tooting in various parts of the city at 8 o'clock, boys who were still in the streets made a grand rush to cover, and policemen saw boys scurrying home without lectures on their part. It was an impressive night for the beginning of the enforce ment of the ordinance—full of wet darkness which gave a mournful sound to the whistles, for the curfew blew rather than rang. The rain, however, was as effective as the cur few in keeping many children indoors. —lndianapolis News. A Precious Kit of Shamrock. H. Phelps Whitmarsh writes in the Century of "Tho Steerage of Today,' his article being illustrated by Andre Castaigne. Mr. Whitmarsh draws this picture of one of his companions in the voyage that he made: Kneeling in an upper bunk near me, a middle aged Irishman was hang ing a pot containing a shamrock plant. I entered into conversation with him, and learned that he wae going to join his son in California, to whom he wa. taking the shamrock as a present. "1 hope it will live," he said, looking wistfully at the pot as it swung from the beam. " "l'was the wan thing the bhoy wanted. 'L'ave iv'ryting,' says lie in his letther, 'an' come over. I have enough for the both of us now,' says he; 'an' I can make you comfort able for the rest av your days. But,' says he, 'fetch me a livin' root av shamrock if ye can.' " All Sunday we were iu smooth water, running under the lee of the Irish coast. The day being tine and warm, the steerage swarmed on deck iu full force. Men, women and chil dren all crowded about therafter-hatch, some playing cards, some dancing, and some already making love; but fo. the most part they lay about the deck, sleeping and basking in the sun. In the afternoon my friend the Irishman appeared with his shamrock. He wanted to give it a "taste" of fresh air, he said. At sight of it many of the Irish girls shed tears; then, seat ing themselves about the old man, they sang plaintive Irish melodies un til the sun went down. The sad faces of the homesick girls, and the old father sitting among them holding in his lap the precious little bit of green, presented a sight not easily to be for gotten. Mixed Maxim*. A man is known by the trumpery he keeps. Never put a gift cigar iu your mouth. The lack of money is the root of all evil. Where wisdom is bliss'tis folly lobe ignoraut. A pitch in time saved the niue. Chain up a child and away he will go- Virtue is its only reward. A bird in the hand lays no' eggs. All that a man hath will he give to his wife. Many hands like light work. The rolling stone catches the worm. Osculation is the thief of time. A thirsty man will catch at a straw. Straws show which way the gin goes. . . . "Heaven lies about us in our in faucy," and this world lies about ua when we are grown np. It is not good for man to give a loan. .•!, The wages of sin is debt. Every dogma must have its day.— Carolyn Wells in the Chap-Book. If we move our legs proportionately as fast as an ant. it is calculated we could travel nearly eight hundred miles au hour. Nover Content. Some people are never content with any thing. They will not And exactly what they want oven In heaven. If they know some one Is there ahead of them. For in stance, some are great sufferers from neu ralgia. Friends have told them what is best and certain to ours them. Not con tent with what is said, they suHeron. I'ain ravages and devastates the svstom, and leaves it a barren waste. St. Jacobs Oil has cured thousands. Just try It. Detroit merchants asked the Aldermen to protect them from outside non-oayiu" auction schemes. Chew Star Tobacco—The Best. Smoko Sledge Cigarettes. It takes 72,000 tons or paper to make the post cards used in England each year. I use T'iso's Cure for Consumption both in my faiutlv and practice.—Dr. U. \V. P V.TXH SON, inkster. Mich., Nov. 5, IHDI. A proposed London hotel will accommo date 800 boarders at two cents a night. America's Greatest Medicine GBEATEST, Because it does what all other medicines fall to do. As an instance of its peculiar and unusual curative power, consider the most insidious disease, and the disease which taints the blood of most people, producing incalculable suffering to many, while in others it is a latent Un liable to burst into activity and produce untold misery on the least provocation. Scrofula is the only ailment to which the human family is subject, of which the above sweeping statement can honestly be made. Sow, a medicine that cat meet this common onemy of mankint and repeatedly effect the wonderful cures Hood's Sarsaparilla has, —clearly has the right to tho title of America's Greatest Medicine. Bo sure to get only Hood's parilla Is sold by all druggists. SI; six for Unnri'c Pillc a( 't harmoniously with nuuu a rillb Hood's Saraaparllla. Sic. A Knnsas Komuiice. A Horton old maid has quite a ro mance connected with lier life. In her younger days she had a sweetheart, and he asked her to he his wife, but as she was too young to marry, she re fused him. They separated and the years fled by,bringing with them much sorrow for the giddy miss. Ten years afterward, on the very day of the month on which she refused him,came u letter from the sweetheart of her childhood, asking again for her hand. She did not love him, but decided to never marry any one unless it be this man. She refused again, and every year since then she gets a letter on their anniversary, with the same old question written therein. The letters, are not full of love. Oh, no, simply ji question, that is all, a dozen words or more written in a business-like way, with his name signed below. Perhaps they will get married some day; but very likely not.—Horton (Kan.) Head light. COULD NOT SLEEP. Mrs. Pinkham Relieved Hor of All Her Troubles. Mrs. MADGE ll.vncocK, 170 Second St., Grand Rapids, Mich., had ovarian trouble with its attendant aches and pains, now she is well. Hera and^si^c^ it all troublcshave gone. My monthly sickness used to be so painful, but have not had the slightest pain since taking your medicine. I cannot praise your Vegetable Compound too much. My husband aad friends see such a change in me. I look so much better and have some color in my face."' Mrs. Pinkham invites women who are ill to write to her at Lynn, Mass., for advice, which is freely offered. _ v What do the Children i Drink? 1 Don't give them tea or coffee. \ Have you tried the new food drink 112 called GEATN-O? It is delicious V and nourishing and takes tlie place m The more Grnin-O you givo thai children the more health you distri- J bute through their systems. J Grain-O is made of pure grains, and J when properly prepared tastes like P the choice grades of coffee but cost9 P about *as much. All grocers sell 0 it. 15c. and 25e. p *TryGrain=o! * 0 In»!et th*t Tonr grocer jlvet you GRAIN-O fj 1 1 Accept no initiation. m 1 '.0 , ™e>«.7« 9 h S Thompson'# E»o Water