Republican News Item. Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING <^_Company, % h %\lo?£* mho * t Agents. SONESTOWN PA. FIEST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSHOKKi PENNA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - - #IO.OOO. Does A General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY, M. D. SWARTS. President. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPOHTK, PA. F. W. GALLAOHEK, Prop. Warm meals and lunches at all hours. Oysters and game in season. Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and cigars. Good stable room provided. LAPORTE HOTEL. THOB. W. BEAHEN, Prop. My increased business at the Commercial Hotel necessitated more commodious quarters, ana have likewise moved into the large and well appointed Laporte Hotel. Thanking my friends (or past patronage and re spectfully solicit a continuance of same, I am Truly yours, THOS. W. BEAHEN. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. PROPRIETORS* A hotel of established reputation. Strictly Srst class in all of its appointments. Bar well supplied with the best of liquors. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THOS. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. This larg* and well appointed house if tha most popular hostelry in this section HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, ' SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. CARROLL HOUSE, D. KEBFE, Proprietor. DUSHORE, PA. One of the largest and bent, equipped hoteli. in this section of the state. Table oi the best. Rutes 1.00 dollar per day. Large it bles. Professional Cards. J.J. & F. H. -INGHAM, ATTORUKTS-AT-LAW, Legal business attended to in this and adjoining oounties LAPORTE, p A £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-«t-L*w. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. WM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-at-Law. Office in County Building. LArORTE, l'A. Collection*, conveyancing; the settlement of estates and other legal business will receive prompt attention. J. BRADLEY, ATTORHir AT-LAW, orrici 1H OODHTT BUILDING NEAR COURT BOUSE. LAPORTE, FA Monday of each week at Forksville. Bllory P. Ingham. Harvey K. Newitt. |NGHAM & NEWITT, ATTORHITB-AT-LAW, OFFICES 711-17 FRANKLIN BUILDING. 133 So. 12th Street Philadelphia, Having retired from the office of United States Attorney and Assistant United States Attorney, will continue the general practice of law in the United States courts, and all the courts of the City and County of Philadelphia, HENRY T. DOWNS 7 ATTOB«CY*AT*BAW: orriCE in PUBLIC BUILDINS COURT ROUSE SQUARE. LAPORTE, PA. J # H. CRONIN, ATTORHET.AT -LAW, NOT ART PUBLIC. ORPICR on KAIB STUBIT. Dt SHORE, PA j^LPHONSUS~WALSFL ATToa*ET-AT-L W, Offleeinßank ullding. DUSHORE, PA. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. ■ O. W. BENNETT, Prop. ? From the Keystone. ) > STOP YER KICKIN'. / £ Slop yer lsickin' 'bout the times— Stop ver kickiu', git a-hold \ Git a hustle on you ; Of the wheel and turn it. _ 112 \ \ Skirmish 'round and grab the dime- You kin never handle gold ; ' i > Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it. ! r Ooakin' never bought a dres.s, Brush the cobwebs from your eyes 112 t, Qrowlin' isn't in it. Stop your blain'd repinin' J , T Fix your peepers on success, Vn' you'll notice that yer skies , v Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' r Tunes is gittin'good agiu— If you hain't the nerve to try Jj l Vk Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die. C 3 Don't sit'round with hangin'lip : J , S That is sure to floor you C 112 Try to git a better grip YES, STOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO 112 \ Put some ginger in yer word.i HE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V j ■ C When you greet a neighbor: 00 TO THE OLD RELIABLE ! Throw your troubles to the bird.", JEWBLHY STORE FOR WHAT / Git right down to labor, YOt' NEED AND BE HAPPY. : 112 An'you'll notice ev'ry day -:•«***■ J ' Things is com in' right your way. S \ RETTENBURY, ? DUSHORE, PA. THE JEWELER. j. Direct from Mill to Wearer, *- 1 * Which Saves you 4 Profits- \ j A The Commiston House. The Wholesaler The Jobber ami itors A>< ;! | E.ROSENBURGER&CO. 202-204E. 102 nd St., NEW YORK liIV. 1 j; 1 mm*9 Qfi 1,? ; ! J yVcyUuSSiwhaVU cargest Value cucr Otters • i n « . . .. of the fjiluir t1 • r ' » iDifltill /A „« o7ii-rf» the largest Commission Houses lieir- iti'r • I Ktyrn. I Itl BOYS ADONIS SUITS, senting a Woolen Mill in Irrun I >• - > I I Cm*", i VjvJT WITH liTlti run OF PiNTS. bought last Spring the entire prv JuiM li k | | • sdm-'&f*. Those Suits are guaranteed to bo \) eir gray and black Irish l-rie/e • y , made froru Imported Wool Chov- nietes at a sacrifice. Therefore we air * ■ 4 <4 IBflL V l ' in Black, Blue, lirer and [ j. . 112 he al>ovc less than the r ' Brofrn, In aisoa from 3to V ymn» of loiUl,Me ™ . , *.o •*« never 1 J WflßiM aire. Mallo lip doubh-breasted, fiW P r ' ce ' 5 7^,'• 'L \1 VI Qwjflßn with Sailor Collar—Collar fancy before in the history of cl thing a rut 112 1 HB fIHB ■ embroidered lined with last i )run able never again will you have 1 «" Hi £& « cUc. ,o B e, h.J.-ch . v.lue for v- . i w.•». and Workman ship the very best. money. Above price is less tnan u.e xl l.iira I'nnta. SltM fwr a**« 10 to 15 yean, wttfcool new ta ifTduty on material. I hey .t? J smirtr OilUr at U«t birthday, aod If unwll- made up double-breosted as per cue below, ■ ( 1 ~er-,i . . Him 1 ———. w (,|, ra |„j H imi lined througho t with jj * JUST THINK OF IT ! * extra hea y v-oven plaid linings, pinked L 1 A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER f«inss alt pockets fr»me<l »nj well suyeJ 112 I SI4I 00 Fop 56.98 |> 1 ▼ VIMW alter these are closed out we will not be J 'J Wh^r,. C , a e n^nS^,u b r U er S dirCM O-• TWS fat 1 S Styles : ;] Blue Twee.', mado in latest sty'c, ®™ ■" W-A Measure same as jfQKHE&f*. I <1 lined with Imp r'.cd Farmer Satin. for a Sack Coat, giv- jJIBScpaEa ►» " ' ''' 1 | ' j " »«ns4you;!i6Suits i\Z 1 VVe express ' j "S I N.A.Rogers & Son., PA. In Order to Make Room for Our Immense Lino of CPRING GOODS That will soon arrive WE HAVE DECIDED TO MAKE A IN PRICES to make room for the large line of new goods For Spring Trade Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, < MARCH,. 24,1898. Berrnoe Echoes. Atty. F. Q. Ingham,of Laporte was in town Thursday and Friday in the interest of the P. O. S. of A. There will be an order started at this place in the near future. A number of names have already : been secured. Supt. I. O. Blight and M. Cuddy was in ! town Monday of last week on business. Again the robins and blue birds have i been seen and inspired us with their sweet; songs. No wonder the poet sings of the beautiful creatures for how t>l»ey gladen the hearts of all who hear them , in the sweetjmorninc|of spring. Mrs. John Boyd was visiting her daughter Mrs. H. W. Taylor of this place Tuesday and Wednesday.] Edward Sweeney oi Ringer Hill was calling.on his many friends here Friday. Hon. ,J. S. Liue, Rev. J. A. Knright, Jas. Ladden, A. 11. Roberts and Mrs. J. S. Taylor attended the funeral of Dr. Waddell at Dushore Thursday. Miss Thressa McGeever visited friends at Dushore Thursday. •lames Ruthford the well known and popular clarnet soloest of this place play ed with the Orchestra that furnished music for the A. O. H. Ball at Dushore Thursday evening. After a vacation of three weeks Cordon Saxon will reopen n term ot summer! school at this place. A temperance society was organized in Shinnersville Tuesday evening with 15 charter members. It will be known ;is the Red, White and Blue Society. Charles McFadden of Prinexsatoney visited friends at this place Wednesday. A valuable cow belonging to Squir I White was killed in front of the Lehigh Valley depot by the passenger train Mon- i day ol last week. Sosepli Fullmer Jr. of Shinnersville j who returned from the Say re Hospital a short time ago after undergoing two oper ations, strained himself by slipping one day last week so he had to return to the hospital again. His case is quite a severe one. The young Ladies Aid Society met at Miss May Watsons on Monday evening and decided to have a warm sugar party in the near future for the benefit of the church. Rev. 1. E. Spangler has been sent back from conference to Lopez and this place for another year. Mr. and Mrs. 11. E. Watson was called to New Albany Wednesday to attend the funeral of Mrs. Watson's brother Mr. 11. Haverly of Ohio. Patrick Daley and wife of' Dushore visited relatives and friends here Sunday. Eagles Mere. The weather is unusually pleasant lor this time of the year. Clarence Brink is clearing his lot for the erection of a new house- Mr. Dunham is at Dushore at this writing. Mr. A. C. Little and Mr. Cline of Pic ture Rocks was visiting iu town Friday. Charles Brink was transacting business in Williamsport last week. Harry Egly of Ringdale was visiting at Oscar Confers Sunday. "Mr. George Lawreuson and daughter Zada was calling on friends in town Fri dav. A Oood Investment. By request of the officers ot the New Orange Industrial Association, ou Thurs day February, 10 1898, in company with several gentlemen, I visited New Orange; I was well pleased with the location and general outlook of the enterprise. The land is mostly rolling and dry. Some improvements have been made, some streets and avenues graded, a new rail road has been built through New Orange connecting with the Jersey Central and , Lehigh Valley railroads. Oround has i been broken for a large building to be used 1 for a factory near the New Orange rail road and a second one has been staked out. The lumber is on the ground for the erection of these buildings. Several new houses have been built and some more are tinder way. Every thing indicates of coming activity and building. The site for the Upsolo College and : City hall are very fine. In regards to the tax on real estate I was shown some tax | receipts by an old-time farmer of New i Orange which disclosed the fact that the | tax is less than one per cent, and I would consider my investment at New Orange j good. CONRAD KKALS, Associate Judge. I W. M. CHKNEV, Agent, Binghamton. MAINE REPORT ON THE WAY, With or Without Spain's Approval the President Will Soon Take Action in Behalf of Cuba. '■Tliero ifl n lull before I lie storm,'' and yet there have been fully HH many expres sions of hope that, alter nil. there may be no storm, no disturbance of the peace of the world. Nevertheless, anxiousdeliber ation and apprehension of a crisis seem to characterize the thoughts and utterances of all public men on Capitol Hill, (every body now under stands that the publica tion of the verdict of the Naval Court of Inquiry will cause temporary excitement no matter what thai verdict may be; and yet, all public men express the opinion that the administration is prepared for any emergency that may arise. Advance publications concerning the findings of the Naval Court are pronoun ced by officials of the Navy Department to be absolutely worthless speculatians. There is not an ollicer on the Naval Board nor an employe engaged in th» work, who would divulge the findings; not one who would be ;i bribe-taker. Consequently, the guess-work special dispatches which piratical newspapers have placed before their readers deserve no credence. The same unbridled imaginations might as successfully have written out the find ings of the court as soon as it assembled. Naval officers indignantly declare that such publications are wilful insults to the brave men who have diligently, faithfully and honorably conducted their work at a time and under circumstances which made them feel that they might be taking their lives in their hands as surely as though they were going into battle for their coun try, Such men, American sailors, are discredited by false publications, but hon orable citizens must know that such pub lications are dishonorable only to the pub lishers of falsehoods. The men throughout the country who want hasty action will be disappointed. Not a movement will be made by the President nor by any member of the ad ministration until it is perfectly sure that there is no mistake being made. While this liepublic has a superior population, superior resources and financial standing, we have not a navy which will warrant any swaggering or bullying " before the nations of the world. Whether thi> is humiliating or not. it is a fact which will not be overlooked by those who are charged with grave responsibilities. Whenever the pence ol the world is dis turbed and this nation may be. involved, we may not expect any foreign nation to invade our shores, because every sagacious military man knows that on land we 1 would be invincible. Therefore, when there shall be war it. will be on the ocean, and this countrv is not prepared forall |>ossible contingencies in that direction. (Icntlemen who reside in Washington know that the personal relations between William McKinley anil Thomas li. Reed have not been friendly for many years Consequently it is regarded a* an exceed ingly significant fact that thev are now on friendly terms. This shows to conserva tive observers that the President desires to have an understanding with Speaker Reed concerning future action in :i grave emergent). There must be a complete lujrniony be tween the executive and legislative branches of the government. Speaker ! Reed on Sunday afternoon announced that the Congress is prepared to act in harmony with the President and his visit to the White ITonse to-da\ confirm" liis utterance. Muney Valley. Mr. Harry llerr left on a busines.- trip to Ilughesvilie Thursday last. The insurance agent for the Co. ui which the store 11. Herr and Cos. was insured was here. Thursday lust to look tip the matter. Mr. and Mrs. Win. 1 Say have went to Willtnnisport on a few day's visit. Alvin Hill left for Williamsport Friday morning, his wife accompanying him to Hughesville. There was a small bla/.e in Muncv Val ley tannery Friday morning. Mrs. Dr. Derr and Mrs .1. * Secules lelt for Williamsport Monday last. Mr. Fred Hohle of Hughesville was in (own Monday. P. M. Taylor left Saturday tor Potter Co. to deliver pictures. P. M. is making a success of the business. . Mrs. Geo. Crawley is on the sick list, Miss Myrtle Miller left Monday for a visit at Tivoli. 1.50 Per. Year Number i.> The Naval Appropriation. Washington, March 21.—The House | Committee on Naval Affaire completed the >aval appropriation bill this after i noon, and it will he reported to the House J to-morrow. While the footing of the j various items were, not completed when I the committee adjourned, the bill was | roughly calculated as carrying between $30,000,000 and $37,000,000, of which about $3,000,000 will be expended on this i years work on the three new battleships, | six torpedo boat- and six torpedo boat de ■ stroyers. The. House Committee on Military At I fairs held a meeting to-day to continue I the consideration ol the armv reorganize | tion, but deferred action until to-morrow. I The changes made to-day were not signi ficant, but were merely designated to make I more clenr the language of several of the j items. Hillsgrove. < >ur popular lumberman tieo. K. Walk jer with his large crew ol jolly drivers ; have been making a hot time in the obi | town during the past week. The boys enjoy tlie pleasure of sleeping in beds of ' down at the Hillsgrove House and eating ; five meals a day. Refreshments furnish I ed at their own expense. Lucas Brass the old-time mule puncher | and proprietor of the* ictava House some ! times called the Buzzard Roost, near this ; place has moveu his family to William i sport where he will conduct a boarding i house in the Lvnx Block West Fourth ! St. Mis.- Bessie I'eck of Lopez is \ isititii; I friends at this place. Clarence Darby and Miss Edna Lewie ; who have been suffering with an attaet I ol pneumonia are convalescent. Myrt Stack house of Eagles Mere and Miss JTattic Brass of Octuva were pleas I ant callers on Miss Anna Jinkens Sun j day. W. Ileitis and Chas. Parish ol Shun Is j were welcome !iucs!s at W. <'. fi.'W P. 11. S. of A. .1.11. Plotts ot I'roctorville wa.- doing I business in our town Satt.rca . The Literary Society of the high school i have purchased a Library ot choice volumes which will be a much appreciat , cd addition to the school furniture. M. Vogle has been on the sick list for i the past week. Mrs. Geo. Davis of Reeders was doing | business in our town Friday. Andrew (lalough, Rend Freen, Wall i ace Vromaii, I'eter Wager and Paddy i .Taekson washed their feet in Mill Creek 1 last week in the interest of Ceo. Walker. The grim destroyer death recently en i tered our community and removed two i old and respected citizens, Mrs. Martha .T. Davis, aged 77 vears. Deceased leaves ! a son and daughter D. R. and Mrs. Man i Davis to mourn her loss. Obsequies were j held in the I'nion Church. Rev. Adams ot Picture Rocks officiating. The other victim being A. 11. Hultzson lather of J. 11. and Edward Hultzson of ! this place. < held in the Union Church. Rev. Mowyer of Forksville otfi ciating. The bereaved families have the I sympathy of the community. DeLoss Hoagland of Shunk visited our j city Saturday. Miss Dosia l'lotts of Eslella i- visiting I tViend< in town. Straw Bridge. The dance at Hotel Alleghany on , si • • ! Friday evening was largely represented from this place. Everything first-class. The boys wish to thank landlord Vanßuskirk for his liberal kindness to them. A gang of thieves are operating in this neighborhood that should be severely pun i ished, (ieorge Edkin, <>eorge E. Taylor I and.l. •!. Harding have been the loosers i thus far. Mr. Samuel Middle of Picture Rocks made a living visit to this section on Sun day evening. Mr. J. J. I larding is building a new I blacksmith shop tit his house near Straw Bridge. We understand that Miss Etta Buck ol ; near Strawhridge who has beeu very ill for some tiine. is decidedly better. This will be good news to her many friends. Mr. Thome Edkin of Forksville attend ed the dance at Eagles Mere Friday evening, Miss Zada Lawrenson has closed her I term of school at. Buzzards Roost and re : turned to her home near Strawhridge. Mr. Clyde Harding of Montoursville spent a few days with his father J.J. | Harding, last week, but most of the time with hieO, —
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers