BUTTERFLIES MADE QUEER TO ORDEB. (nenry E. Crampton, Jr., instructor iu biobgy in Columbia University, in his labora- tory grafting butterilies and moths.) years of nge. He stumbled upon the grafting idea a year ago while examin ing the phenomenon of cellular life— that is, the life of certain insects in the pupae stage. He never made much of his discoveries, and they would not be known now were it not that Professor J. B. Smith, who has charge of the biological department of the New Jersey State Experiment Station at New Brunswick, N. J., in au address! before the New Jersey MicroscopiclSociety at New Brunswick referred briefly to them. On December 28 last the American Society of Naturalists held its annual convention nt Ithaca, N. Y. One of the speakers at the convention was Mr. Crampton. Jle had with him twenty-five which were pre served in alcohoflwit number of spec imens of mybhs /mtl butterflies with their . anatomies completely mixed. These created a profound sensation. Mr. Crampton modestly explaiued how he had achieved the wonder. Jn his laboratory at New Brunjwick Professor Smith demonstrated to a re porter for the New York World how the grafting was done. From his col lection he took two caterpillars, in the pup® or third stage of the caterpillar's life, when it is developing into a moth or butterfly. In the pupa) stage the caterpillar rests in a cell somewhat like the shell ' but two and a half times ™pg and half again as large in di- When this cell is cut open •ting inmate is found to be a okiug object about an inch half an inch in diameter, •ply at one end and round the other. exhibited by Profes '""'wn in color. ' "*i the i ji up eien ifting Higher mot be us have the skin - of coarse latter com one by Mr. is. No man iscoveries may on the Klondike. to the Klondike" .e Century by John The author says: .Bonanza Creek and the i£l Dorado Creek are very / every-day creeks in ap . little less civilized, per creeks to be met with in; There are men living iiJ >-day who have hunted moostj jse creeks dozen of times; but,l as