Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 17, 1898, Image 1

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    Published Every Friday.
Volume 2.
Business Cards.
Sl £isuS Matoom * Agents.
First national bank
CAPITAL - - $50,000
MRtmTft - 9X0.000
Doe* a General Banking Business.
President. Cashier.
Warm meab and lunches at all hours,
Oyßters and game in season.
Bar supplied with choicest liquors, wine and
cigars. Good stable room provided.
Mr Increased business at the Commercial Bote'
necessitated more commodious quarters, and
bare likewise moved into the large and well
appointed Laporte Hotel.
Thanking my {riends for past patronage and ro
spocuully solicit a continuance of same, I am
Truly yours,
A hotel of established reputation.
Strictly ffnt class in all of its appointments.
Bar well supplied with the best of liquors.
This largo and well appointed hoiine if
the must popular hostelry intbis seotio«'
Canton Street,
Wi. E. Porter. Prop'r.
D. KEEFE, Proprietor.
One of the largest and best equipped
hotel - in this section of the state.
Table oi tue best. Rules I. 1 80 dollar per day.
Large st bits.
Professional Cards,
112. J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal business attended to
in tiiis and adjoining counties
Prompt and careful attention given to
leg*). business.
W/ii be at Emmons on Monday of each week.
j'JMßce, over Keeler a store,
l'lporte, ... PA.
Offlce in Conn House Building.
Attorney-at- Law.
Offiee in County Building.
Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of
estates and other legal business will receive
prompt attention.
, * orrica is oosarr soaoiso
la#orte, pa
If ondafeof each week at Forksville.
JEllerjr P. fl Harvey K. HswitU
133 So. 12th Btreet Philadelphia,
Having retired from the office of United States
Attoroeyand Assistant United States Attorney,
will continue the general practice of law in the
United States courts, and all the courts of the
City and County of Philadelphia,
COURT hovbi sqcark.
orrica ok main strict.
ATTOaaaT'AT-L w,
Ofloein Bank uildiug.
Republican News Item.
7From the Keystone. r
£ Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer kickin',git a-hold S
Git a hustle on you; Of the wheel and turn it.
112 Skirmish'round and grab the dime* You kin never handle goldJJ
3 Efthe dollars shun you. 'Less you try to earn it.
112 Croakin' never bought a dress, Brush the cobwebs from your eyes 112
Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin' J
112 Fix your peepers on success, An'you'll notice that yer skies
C Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin'
r Times is gittin' good agin- Ifyou hain't the nerve to try J
Try to help them all you kin. Sneak away somewhere and die.
> Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip ; #***■ J
S That is sure to floor you.
112 Try to git a better grip yKS, BTOP YER KICKIN'. THIS J
On the work before you ; KVERLASTINQ KICKIN' HAS GOT TO [
a Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. V
' V When you greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD EELIABLE I
| r Throw your troubles to tlie birds. JEWELRY STOBE FOR WHAT J
\ Git right down to labor, VOU NEED AND BE HAPPY.
j An' you'll notice ev'ry day • J
Things is comin'rightyourway. £
Direct from Mill to Wearer, >
<4 * Which 'javes you 4 Big Profits, ★ )
<<J The Commtseon House. The Wholesaler. The Jobber and Store Keeper. o
| E. ROSENBURGER ScCO. 202-204 E.Mnd St., NEW YORK CITY. (
>ii nnpit? Qfi
i VV.UUI targest Value tptrOffered.
1 * ~jT , On account of the failure of one '
J A * AliiM thf largest Commission Houses here, repre
1 IJKT r?7 BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, sentml . Woolen Mill in Ireland, we
J SUX WITU *XTIIA fAIR OV PAVTS. bought last Spring the entire production of \
1 Thorn Sulta ar# auaranutd to be their gray and black Irish Frieze of 6.000 ■'
made from Imported Wool Cher- D i eccN >t a sacrifice. Therefore vie are able J
i Wk Mln from 6 :!toof « •• i""
Made up duubK-breasted, raw mattflil price. »l® 5 k
RBHR YB with Sailor Collar—Collar fancy before in the history of cK thing and
IB Bflß Hembroidered lined with tnst nroDable never again will you have • V
H c P H:^ lt ,ne t h.,f such . U efo, yZ
wim and \V orkm«n»Wp U>« wiy beat. money. Above pnee u less tn«n me v
®*tr» Paota Blsm ftte
—————a» with raised HIM lined througho.t with
* J'JBT THINK OF IT 1 * extra heavy woven plaid lininga, pinked I
A CUSTOM MADE TO ORDER fa.inn* all pocket! framed and well auyed ?
$14.00 EH3 F » $6.98 [
What you cin save by buying direct . '*> l * 'o.^SP) I 'S? PTVI. 5 (
from the manufacturer. 112 I double the Thii Qlt
Guaranteed to be mado frjm All V?3P P/« •«o u , n « of 0a.1.t P'- (
Wool, Fancy Brown, Gray. or J <o the new tanff duty. 3iyi«»7 *4 \
Blue Twee.l, made in latest sty'e, Measure same as I
o lined with Imp rtcd Farmer Satin, for a Sack Coat, giv- jg A&XjgA »
} trimmed and tinished i.i the best of - y\ ing length wanted, i
Custom Tailor manner. Youcannot /| /\ also night and 2 >1
\ duplicate it in your town for $14.00. J\l r \ weight ® (fl&Xr jfeUEiW (
Sizes 34 to 42. / I I \ ~ A ac * stam J ) wiU S ?
J The same c oocJ * "taus for i 'A 1 bring you samples, • V
y Youths, i\ to 18, in long Pants, i' Hij I X? | I catalogue, tape
) Coat and Vest v.Ul' r- r- I measure and blanks.
How to measure men's a youth s Suits I A U We pay express
A Measure around the breast and J" I/\ Jj' charges and should £ L
) waist over the Vest, and from crotch \y * y OU not satisfied 1 112
A to heel lor Pants. T I v/e will refund the q BHI |
) When ordering, send Post-Office ;/l j I mon< y* a iJI (
F.xpreS9 money crder or Ke;istcred II / I I Remember you ""
! Letters. Monty chrerful!y refunded if Jl / I I buy direct from one (
net satisfactory. S»ml te. stamp for [yd I //Q J R of'the largest Cloth-'
j Sun£ iesf - Ur ' e •^- JsUre ' ir,casurin 2 \il/ PJ Ift ing ma.nufacturer» ii> 112
n,A.Rogers & son.,
In Order to Make Room for Our
Immense Line of
That will soon arrive
to make room for the
large line of new goods
Kor Spring Trade
Highest Price Paid for Butter and Eggs.
After a Long lUnea« .th« Well Known
Physician Succumbs to Death's Cold
Olmd. Socially and Politically; Popular.
Dr. W. W. Waddcll, an eminent phys
ician of Dushore, known to every man,
woman and child in-Sullivnn county and
fora number of years a prominent figure
in Republican politics, died on Monday
at 6 p. 111. in Philadelphia where he had
been taken last week to undergo an oper
ation.. The operation was successfully
performed but- heart failurej- was the * im
mediate cause of his death.
The remains arrived at Dushore on
Tuesday morning one-haW hour in advance
of the telegram ■ announcing his death.
The deceased had been suffering with an
abscess in his side since last summer and
after an operation last fall was compelled
to remain in bed until within the past
few weeks when he had rallied sufficient
to be up and around in his room. It was
in the hopes of a more rapid recovery that
he was taken to Philadelphia
another necessary operation |»ertormed.
The Doctor was about fifty • years of age
and leaves a bride of but a few months
to sorrowfully mourn his death.
Personally, professionally and political
ly Dr. Waddell was rigidly honest. His
standard of integrity was high and lie
endeavored strictly to live up to it. He
wasjwarm-hearted. generous, faithful to
his friends and magnanimous in his
treatment of J political opponents,
his enemies, he had none; he was a man.
That Dr. Waddell was well in advance
among Republican leaders in the matter
of party policy and strength was attested
in 1888, when he defeated the strongest
party man in the Democratic ranks, the
late Hon. Josh Lull, for the office of Hcp
rcsentative. He served the county faith
fully in the Legislature during the years
1889 90 and could have returned had lie
I The funeral took place on Thursday,
j Interment in Dushore cemetery.
Court Proceedings
< outiuuvd from last Usue.
Alice Anders vs J. K. Bird. Case.tried
March 8, and iury find verdict in favor
of defendant, March 10. lfitle granted
to show cause why a new trial should
not be had.
T. M. Watts vs It. J. Way; Alias Sci.
Fa; ordered to issue.
John W, Flynn vs C. E. Yorks; Alias
Summons ordered to issue.
Iteibsam vs Reibsam; in divorce. I
Alias Subpoena awarded.
Grant and Dewaters, vs It, 11. Brewer,
Deft, and Wm, Keeoley, T. T.—Judge
ment to he entered against Deft, for want
of appearance, plea and affidavit of de
The court approved Bond of Ralph
Litzleman, as Tax Collector of Cherry
Township, for 1898.
Stephen Murphy vs Joseph Thall;
March 9, case tried and jury returned ver
dict for Plaintiff for $35. This was an
action to recover price of a horse, sold to
Deft, by Plff, but which was alleged by
defendaut as not being as warren ted by
said plaintiff. Rule granted to show
cause for a new trial.
The Court appointed Charles L. Craw
ley as Guardian of Jessie, Clara aud Mil
ton Taylor, minor children ol Alfred
Taylor, deed, and direct bonds to be giv
en in the sum of SIOO to be approved by
the Court.
And now to wit; Maroh 8,1898, on peti
tion of citizeus of Davidson township, and
an motion ol attorney for petitioners, the
Independent School District in said Twp
is discontinued so far as said district cov
ers territory within thecounty of Sullivan,
and within the Jurisdiction of this court.
By the Court.
In the matter of mortgage in the real
estate of Alfred Taylor deed. Upon peti
tion and motion, the Court <lo order and
direct the Executor of said decedent's Es
tate, to raise the sum of S3OOO by a mort
gage on said Real Estate in petition de
scribed, for the purpose of paying of the
debts of said decedent. Bond to be given
in sum of SGOOO. .Same day approved.
Bond of Dr. J. If. Hothrock. the executor
Kate Quigley vs Ellis Swank. March
10, case tried. March 11, verdict for
defendant. This was an action brought
to recover damages for the sale of goods
alleged by Plaintiff to have been her per
sonal property, and which goods had
been sold by the Sheriff on execution
of Thomas Fell, against her husband
On petition, the Court transfers the
hotel license at Ilillsgrove, granted to
Smithgall and Sick to Geo. E. Walker.
In the Estate of Mary Clark deed. On
motion, of attorney for the administrator,
Joseph Clark, it is ordered and directed
that upon filing an account as adminis
trator of said Estate, accompanied by the
proper vouchers, that the account already
filed may be withdrawn. March 10
second account* Admr. with vouchers
And now March l(),Jboud of Christian
Snyder, tax collector of Elkland township
for 1898, approved.
The Turner Frazier Mercantile Co., vs
Thomas A Mooney;and Alphonsus Walsh
Guarnishee. JudgmentJis ordered to be
entered against guarnishee lor amounts
in his hands as the distributivefshare of
Thos. A, Mooncy: amount to be ascertain
ed from the records by the Prothonotary.
In re: sale ol real (estate of Wm. F.
Smith deed. On petition of the Adtnrx. j
and on motion of her attorney the t.'ourtj
order and direct Jthat the , petitioner sell 1
thefreal estate at public sale i
under the rules of the orphan's court, i
Bond required SI9OO to be approved by a
Judge at chambers. *
Russel Karris,'l'fYu.stci vsjliolmes At
Passage. March 10, case tried; same
day, verdict for plaintifi|for $59 the full j
amount of claim. This was nn action I
brought by the Trustee'tbr the Bondsmen i
of ex-Sheriff Mahaffcy, to recever certain I
costs of salejof real estate on judgment ot
Holmes <V Passage vs S. ('onnielman, |
made by said Sheriff in 1895.
Comth. ex rel: Fred Newell vs S. ,S.
Rogers, Philip Secules and H. (!. 11 utf
master,Commissioners of Sullivan < 'ounty
and Robert Stormont, clerk to said Com
missioners. Rule granted upon defend- ;
ants to show cause why n mandamus j
shall not issue against them; returnable I
at next term,
Henry McDcrmott v* Thomas Malialtcy !
case continued until next term.
Mitchell Young <V Co. vs A.J.llackley,.
James W.C.Mason. Mar-j
tin Markes vs E. V. Ingham, continued.
These three cases to be certified to an- j
other Judge, the present Judge of this |
district being by circumstances unable to j
try same.
A. C. Haverly vsßenj. Kay Kendall jr.
continued by agreement.
The argument list was all continiKJ.
And now, March 11. 1898, at p.m.
the several courts of Sullivan county
stand adjourned until Monday. March 14,
at 11 o'clock a. m.
And now, to wit: Monday. March 14, j
Court met pursuant to adjournment;
Hons. John S. Line and Conrad Krails I
Associate Judges on the Bench.
On petition the Court transfered the
hotel license granted to Frank Mingo* at
Lopex to Thomas L. Dolan.
Kate Quigley vs Ellis Swank, Sheriff.
Exceptions filed and motion made in
arrest of judgment. Rule granted to
show for a new trial.
Holmes A Passage (use) v* Sylvanus
Councilman. Exceptions filed and motion
made in arrest of judgment. Rule grant
ed to show cause for a new trial.
Bond of Frank Buck as constable of j
Dushore Borough tiled and approved by j
the Court.
lure: Petition ofW. K. King ol La
porte twp., for the appointment of viewers I
to assess damages done to his land by the
reason W. AN. B. It. It. Co. by passing
through a certain portion of his land.
The Court appoint J, W. Rogers. Valen
tine Rohe, Manassa Savman. Joseph J.
Pardoc, George W. Glidewell. Boyd
Bennett and John Corcoran, viewers as
petitioned for, who are to meel upon the
premises on Tuesday, April I'J, IB9S at
10 a. view the same and assess the
damages, if any. Ten days' notice to be
given to said viewers and to the other
At 12:20 the court adjourned.
Eagles Mere.
Mrs. \V. If. Vanßuskirk and daughter
Mary are vieiting her parents at Elim
Mr. Ilyman HcrrofMuncy Valley was
calling on friends at this place Monday.
Mr. 11. R. Bennett has moved into j
Bennett and I'eales boarding house.
Mr. Rightmire and family are visiting;
friends in Elkland.
Mr. Vanbuskirk visited nut of town
over Sunday.
It iF reported that there will be a grand i (
ball at Hotel Alleghain Friday evening '
March 18th.
Irvin Taylor was in town Monday.
There was a large turn out. at the j (
Christian Endeavor Monday evening. (
A young gentleman of Muncy Valley j
came to this place one night last week to
call on hie best girl and when he got 1
here he found she had cotnpam. How is
it Bob? 1
Howard Stevens and Charles Bedford
started Monday to visit friends in William
sport. I
i-50 Per. Year.
Number 44-
Exoitoment is on the Wane (and |the Be
liel Gaining Qround Tb»t the Outlook
i I lop Peace is Muoh Better.
The belief has .steadily gained giouud
that the outlook lor peaoe increased
in ratio with preparation forjwar.
Thet.n o Brazilian cruisers have been ail
ded 10 our navy. McKinley does not
I expect war. He thinks the J whole Jmat
j ter can be nettled diplomatically. So <jo
| the people.
Bernice Eohoeu.
Miss Maine Lillie of Dushore was the
guest of Mrs. Frank Mayor Inst week.
The house ol S. A. Deifeubauch at
Mildred caught, lire Sunday afternoon ot
last week, but. it was discovered and put
out before it. done much damage, e.xctepr
• to give the lumilv a good scare.
Miss Zelplui Cunningham of Duafeprt
was the Sliest ol Mrs. If. VV. Taylor , last
i week.
Miss (Jrpha Squar* ..i Herrikaviile l'u
. the guest, ol Miss Alice Vandermfmk
I last week.
Thomas Killiher who has been i|iiitr
| sick is able to he out again.
, The Ladies Aid Society ot the I'reabt
: tei'ian Church gave m birthday party in
, the 1. <>.(». F. Hall Tuesday, March Bth
j for the benefit of the church. Four him
I dred invitations was issued each contain
tug a .-.niiill satin sack with the request
that a penny be placed in the sack foi
each year since your birth. The Hall
Tuesday evening was tilled to over (low
j and the decorating was certainly heauti
ful. I'he evenings entertainment w«*
| opened by the Culedonian Glee Club.
; Bert \\ alters led the elub in singin*.
I "Bumble Bee" Miss Blanch Brown gnve
I a reading, entitled •• Vacation." which
j well deserved the applauses she receive !.
| Miss Maine Lillie of Dushore sang two
I beautiful solos both ot which won the
i hearts ot the people. Miss Edith Thomj.
! son gave a recitation 'How Katie Saw the
j cars,'" in a very pleasing manner, nrtej
j which the Calidonian Ulee Club sang.
I lien supper was announced. The alfair
j was a grand success all around. The
receipts of the evening were ninety dnl
j lars.
Muaoy Valley.
There will be an entertainment held at
the school house Saturday evening, March
10, entitled, "The School Mn'nv." Ad
mission 15c.
i Mr. F. W. Dwell lett on Monday lor h
few days stay at Hughesvill
Dr. .!. L. Derr is kept very busy at
present, having considerable work atnouj;
his numerous patients.
\V. C. Taylor purchased a ticket for »
trip to ilugheavillc Wednesday.
Mrs. C. 11. Stroup left on Wednesdat
morning for Ficturc Hocks.
Some ol the tillers of the s«iil have al
ready started their plowing.
Mr. Parks of Towanda organized n \o
i cnl school Monday night. He teache*
| the children in the school house ul'tei . 4
j o'clock.
•lohn Ciirton is doing some slick paint
; ing at Peter Swank's. John know*, ho.*
i to do it till right.
Jay. Will Mornn savs it is a snap to be
Miss Jennie Hausc is now in William
sport. J eunic is a jolly pleasant girl aud
all the young people are sorry she ha*
gone away.
Miss Rvan of Picture Rocks is >peud
ing a l'>rinight visiting at J. P, Millers.
Charles Crawley spent Sunday down on
the farm.
Mr. Strong having moved to Xebrasku.
Alvin Miller is boss tanner in his place.
Mabel Moran fell from » buggy liwi
Friday and fractured her arm.
Colonel Webb's horse ran away Mon
day. It took fright near Soneatown.
The damage done was slight.
The Lyon Lumber Co. have been driv
ing logs down the Muncy Creek for tin
past week by means of splash dams.
There was a special meeting of the
school board Monday for the purpose or
having seven months school, but thex
could not carry the other month.
Ilyman Herr is busy collecting his bill*
since the burning of his store.
Miss Jennett Marks of Hlootueburg is
calling on friends once more.
Clyde Welliver was sick a tew days
last week, but, is improving rapidly.
George Meyers is one of the beat work
ers in town. He builds sidewalk, bo'chcr*
three hundred pound hogs and saw* wood
all alone. 1
Rev. Leech is going away to the State
Conference next week.
Prof. F. H. Oallagher sprained his
ankle on the drive Saturday night.
Some good looking young gjrfu act to
kind hearted that they always pick WMPff
one that no one else would go with for
their company.