Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, March 10, 1898, Image 7

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    SERMONS 01'' THE I)AY.
"Four Anchors'* Is the Title •>•" the Thir
teenth Sermon In tlie New \orlt
Herald's Competitive Series—Or. Tal
mage I'reaclies a Sermon to Sisters.
TEXT: "They cast four anchors out of the
stern."—Acts'xxvii., 29.
The symbolism of tho text is striking and
suggestive. Many lives have boon ship
wrecked for tho need of anchors holding
them to steadfastness. However deep we
may feel the waters to bo through which wo
are sailing, we are often nearer tho shoals
and reefs than is imagined.
The first anchor which should be thrown*
out is fixedness of purpose. The inner
most seoret of successful lives is lu the
concentration of power along certain de
finite lines. Paul says,"This one thing I
do," and the world will ever do him rev
erence. Dr. Hudson Taylor says,"This
one thing I do," und China is opened as
never before to higher ideals and larger
visions of life. The Earl of Shaftesbury
says,"This one thing I do," and ho goes
down to the Holboru viaduct, in London,
and the bootblacks and hucksters and
street arabs and costormongors are trans
formed. The great names in art, in science,
in philosophy and in finance are always
identified with pain and purpose. Life is
,'iower, but power undirected is lost. Only
constant striking on the same spot makes
an impression. Purpose connects and
unifies our months and years and makes of
them all but parts of a single whole. Each
day ought to be a link tempered and
wolded into the chain of a completed life.
Three-fourths of men's failures may bo
attributed to tho lack of purpose. The
house can scarcely be constructed without
a plan; how much loss can a human life be
fashioned without a conception of what
it will be when finished? Plan must precede
construction; the ldoal before tho realiza
tion, the purpose before the accomplish
ment. Only tlie man who aims will strike
the mark. Turn your life into a definite
channel; lot it not cover too much terri
tory, for it is the deeply flowing stream
which cuts away the obstructions and at
last reaches the isea, while the stream
which spreads itself in shallowness goes
sliently into the swamp-land and its life
is ended. The analysis of every completed
life reveals a central point about which
energy and emotion and devotion cluster
But purpose to exert Its Influence must
be accompanied by perseverance, so cast
out the second anchor. Here Is a vast dif
ference between the aim and the accom
plishment. Perseverance is tbo bending
of the bow to send the shaft at the target,
and the bow is the will. "I will fight it
out on this line if it takes nil summer,"
Says tho great general. That is the spirit
which conquers. No sooner have our plans
been 4raftod or our purpose fixed than cir
cumstances and difllculties seem to con
spire to defeat and ruin them. Many a man
has seen his star in tho east, but only here
and tliero lias one been possessed of the
courage and devotion to follow it over an
unbeaten path until it led him to his treas
ure. It is blood earnestness which tells.
Tho man who Is over unconscious of defeat
is he who some day will plant his stnndard
upon the enemies' ramparts and win the
day. He who holds on in tho face of the
storm, in spite of discouragements, calmly
suffering temporary delays, is he who final
ly secures his crown and ills reward. Shall
we complain of difficulties when a thou
sand fingers nro pointing at wonderful
achievements, made nfter overcoming tre
mendous obstacles? Hjlen Kellnr, without
ight, without hearing, without language,
oresses on until sho passes tho entrance
examinations to Harvard University. John
Bunyan, tlio drunken tinker of Bedford,
rises to tho authorship of "Pilgrim's Prog
ress." It Is half-heartedness which falls,
but the "doing with thy might" which suc
ceeds. Beforo a determined will and a
passionate "evotion men will stand aside
and let you pass—thoy cunnotholp It; diffi
culties Ivill vanish—they cannot withstand
you; obstruction will bo crushed—their
puny strength deserts them.
Then, in order to make perseverance
possible, anchor the third, faith in one's
self. Too often tho estimate of our power
falls far short of what it really is. Emer
son's word, "Trust thyself," carries with it
a true philosophy, for one may not achieve
until there is a firm belief iu one's own
soul. If we rate our ideal at 100 and our
power at fifty the accomplishmont will be
but one-half. Tho great erlmo men com
mit against themselves is not in overjudg
ing. but in underjudglng. My self-set
limitations determine tho extent of my
achievement. Aud what right has man,
born in tho imago of God, with unknown
and undeveloped powers standing beforo a
hiddon futuro, to measure and to circum
scribe his capabilities and to limit his pos
sibilities of success in the construction of
life? Only God may measure man, for only
God knows tho height the Individual may
reach. Men who to-day nre almost meas
ureless in their intellectual sweep nre they
who have not dared with compass and rule
to sot tneir bounds. This is not conceit,
but a respect fortheuntouched,undreamed
of potency of your own soul. So then,
believe not only in your ideal, but in the
possibility of realizing it.
And then the fourth anchor, faith in God.
Ve may imagine Paul as tho last anchor is
'irown out calling to the sailors, "Men,
sit hold?" and the answer coming back,
•; the rope Is tuut; we do not seethe
i down below the waves, but the
r holds." Ah! that is the blessed ex
■*) of life; this anchor always grasps
1 rock, the unseen rock of God!
j aeots man with Omnipotence,
a, conductor which places at our
dt fine grace and power. This Is
Jtimifiy of every child of faith. "I
o nil tlings through Him." This is
>oweri(ot our own which may be ap
prlated. And thore are times when the
ety of tho whole life depends upon this
■clior. The aichor of purpose may bo
islodged and fiuijg high upon the shore by
iorm and tempest; the anchor of perse
erance may bo wo f n away by tho fretting
iio and the cutting sands, the anchor of
faith may snap in\Jwain in some fearful
crisis when the straii.'. Is groat and the heart
is sick, but awav dow.n below tho crashing
billows of passion and temptation rests
the anchor of faltli embedded in tho heart
of God. So let us live with a noble purpose
worthy the patient endeavor aud unfalter
ing devotion we bestow upon it,mindful of
our own undiscovered ri£jurces and hold
ing fast to the might of God.
7 irst Presbyterian Church, Providence', R. I.
Rev. Dr. Talmaee Preaches Directly to
tlie Sisters.
TEXT: "And his sister stood afar off to
witness what would be done to him."—Ex
i ii., 4.
incess Thermutls, daughter of Pha
, looking out through the lattice of her
Ing-house on the banks of the Nile,
n curious boat on the river. It had
ler oar nor helm, and they would have
useless anyhow. There was only one
enger, and that a baby boy. Tho boat
made of the broad leaves of papyrus,
coned together by bitumen. "Kill all
Hebrew children born," had been Pha-
I'S order. To save her boy, Jochebed,
not her of little Moses, had put him in
at queer boat and launched him. His
r, Miriam, stood on tho bank watching
precious craft. She was far enough
il to draw attention to tho boat, but
enough to offer protection. There
tands on the bank—Miriam, tho poet-
Miriam, the quick-witted; Miriam, the
ful; thought very human, for in after
a she
'• wai the sister nf Moses,
u good t*. an. important thing, a
glorious thing when she watched the boat
woven of river plants and made water-tight
with asphaltum, carrying its one passen
ger? Did sho not put all the ages of time
and of a coming eternity under obligation
when she defended her helpless brother
from the perils aquatic, reptilian and
ravenous? She it was that brought that
wonderful babe and its mother together, so
that he was reared to bo the deliverer of his
nation, when otherwise, if saved at all from
the rushes of the Nile, he would have been
only one more of tlio God-defying Pha
roahs; for Princess Thermutls, of the bath
ing-house, would have inherited the crown
of Egypt; and, as she had no child of her
own, this adopted child would have come
to coronation. Had there been no Miriam
there would have been no Moses. What a
garland for a faithful sisterhood!
Miriam was the oldest of the family;
Moses and Aaron, her brothers, were
younger. Oh the power of the elder sister
to help decide the brother's character for
usefulness and for heaven! She can keep
off from her brother more evils than Miriam
could have driven back water-fowl or croco
dile from the ark of bulrushes. The older
sister decides the direction in which tlio
cradlo boat shall sail. By gentleness, by
good sense, by Christian principle she can
turn it toward the palace, not of a wicked
Pharaoh, but of a holy God; and a brighter
princess than Thermutls should lift him out
of peril, even religion, whose ways are
ways of pleasantness and all her pntbs are
peaoe. The older sister, how much the
world owes herl Born while yet the family
was in limited circumstances, she had to
hold and tako care of her younger brothers.
Aud if there is anything that excites my
sympathy, It is a little girl lugging around
a great fat child aud getting her ears
boxed because she can not lceop him quiet!
By the time she gees to young womanhood
she is pale and worn out, and her attrac
tiveness has been sacrificed on the altar of
sisterly fidelity and she is consigned to
celibacy, and society call her by an unfair
name; but in heaven thev call her Miriam.
Let sisters not begrudge the time and
care destowed on n brother. It is hard to
believe that any boy that you know so well
as your brother can ever turu out anything
very useful. Well, ho may not bo a Moses.
There is only one of that kind needed for
six thousand years. But I tell what your
brother will be—either a blessing or a
curse to society, and a candidate for happi
ness or wretchedness. He will, like Moses,
have the choice between rubies and living
coals, and your influence will have much
to do with Ills decision. He may not, like
Moses, be the deliverer of a nation, but he
may, after your father and mother are
gone, be the deliverer of a household.
What thousands of homes to-day are piloted
by brothers! There are properties now
well invested and yielding income for the
support of sisters and younger brothers
because the older brother rose to the
leadership from the day the father lay down
to die. Whatever you do for your brothers
will come back to you again.
Don't snub him. Don't depreciate his
ability. Don't talk discouragingly about
his future. Don't let Miriam get down off
the bank of the Nileand wade out and upset
the ark of bulrushes. Dou't tease him.
Don't let jealousy over touch a sister's
soul, as it so often does, because her brother
gets more honor or more means. Even
Miriam, the heroine of the text, was struck
by that evil passion of jealousy. Sho had
possessed unlimited influence over Moses,
aud now he marries, and not only so, but
marries a black woman from Ethiopia: aud
Miriam is so disgusted and outraged at
Moses,first because hejhad marriedat all,and
next because he had practiced mlsce
tiou.fthat she is drawn into n frenzy, and
then begins to turn whito, and gets white
as a corpse, and then whiter than a corpse.
Her comploxlon is like chalk, the fact Is,
sho lias the Egyptian leprosy. Aud now
the brother whom she had defended on the
Nile comes to hor rescue in a prayer that
brings her restoration. Let there bo no
room in nil your house for jealousy either
to sit or stand. It is a leprous abomina
tion. Your brother's success, O slstors, is
your success. His victories will be your
If you only knew it, your interests are
identical. Of all the families of the earth
that ever stood together, perhaps the most
conspicuous is the family of the froths-'
ohilds. As Slayer Anselm Rothschild was
about to die, in 1812, he gathered his chil
dren about him—Anselm, Solomon, Nathan,
Charles and James—and made them promise
that they would always be united on
'Change. Obeyiug that injunction, they
have been the mightiest commercial power
on earth, and at the raising or lowering of
their scepter nations have risen or fallen.
That illustrates how much, on a largo scale
and for selfish purposes, a united family
may achieve. But suppose that instead of
a magnitude of dollars as the object. It be
doing good, and making salutary impres
sion, aud raising this sunken world, how
much more ennobling! Sister, you do
your part, and brother will do his part. If
Miriam will lovingly watch the boat on the
Nile, Moses will help her when leprous dis
asters strike.
General Bauer, of the Russian cavalry,
had In early life wandered off in tho army,
and the family supposed he was dead. Af
ter he gained a fortune he encamped one
day In Husam, his native place, aud made
a banquet; and among the great militnry
men who were to dine ho invited a plain
miller and his wife, who lived near by and
who, affrighted, came, fearing some harm
would be done them. The miller and his
wife were placed one on euch side of the
General at the table. The General asked
tho miller all about his family, and the
miller said that he had two brothers and a
sister. "No other brothers?" "My younger
brother went off with the army many year?
ago, and no doubt was long ago killed."
Then the General said: "Soldiers, I am
this man's younger brother, whom he
thought was dead." And how loud was
the oheer. and now warm was the embrace!
Brother and sister, vou need ns much ol
an introduction to each other as they did.
You do not know each other. You thlnk
your brother is grouty and cross and queer,
und he thinks you are selfish and proud
and unlovely. "Both wrong! Thnt brother
will be a prince in some woman's eyes, and
that sister a quoen iu the estimation ol
some man. That brother is a magnificent
fellow, and that sister is a morning in June.
Come, let me Introduce you; "Moses, this
is Miriam." "Miriam, this is Mosos." Add
seventy-five per cent, to your present ap
preciation of each other, and when you
kiss good morning do not stick up youi
cold cheek, wet from tho recent washing,
as though you hated to touch each others
lips in affcotionato caress. Let it have all
the fondness and cordiality of a loving sis
ter's kiss.
I read of a child in the country who was
detained tit a neighbor's house on astormj
night by some fascinating stories that wore
being told him, and then looked out and
saw it was so dark be did not dare go homo
The incident impressed me the more be
cause in my childhood I had much the
same experience. The boy asked his com
rades togo with him, but they dared not
It got later and later--7 o'clock, 8 o'clock,
9 o'clock. "Ob," he said, "I wish I were
home!" As ho opened the door the last
time a blinding flash of lightning and a
deafening roar overcame him. But aftei
awhile he saw in the distance a lantern
and lo! his brother was coming to fotcli
him home, and the lad stepped out and
with swift feet hastened onto his brother
who took him home, where they were sc
glad to greet him, and for a long time sup
per had been waiting. So may it be when
the night of death comes and our earthly
friends nan not go with us, and wo dare
" ot S° alone; may our Brother, our eldet
Hrother, our Friend closer than a brother
come out to meet us with tho light of the
promises, which shall be a lantern to oui
feet; und then we will go lo to joiu oui
loved ones waiting for us, supper all ready,
the marriage supper of the Lamb!
Sail Jose BUB In Germany.
**®' nr ' ol > Dorhru, of Stettin, write!
that the San Jose bug hns long been known
in Germany as the blut-iaus and that the
present scare is unjustified.
Children'* Colunp
The Scartim Cat.
rrecious dolly Dorothy,
I've been linvinp; trouble,
And the weight of noxiousness
Nearly bent me double;
For I siiw the Searum cat,
In the slumber pillows,
Creeping, creeping toward me
Through the bending willows.
Oh, my dollv Dorothy,
1 was frigiiteued, frightened!
For the clouds wore very dark,
And it lightened, lightened!
And the creeping Searum eat,
Coming through the willows,
Made my heart go pit-a-pat,
Iu the slumber pillows!
An! I wanted to ory out,
But, oh dear. I couldn't!
And I hoped the cat would turn,
But, oh dear, 'twouldn't!
And I tried to run uway,
But could not leave the willows,
And the creeping Searum cat,
In the siumber pillows!
Then, my Dolly Dorothy,
I was nearly frantic.
When a foamy wave camo up
From the big Atlantic-
Caught mo from the Searum eat,
Among the bending willows,
And dropped me in my little bed,
And woke me —on the pillows.
Mamma said,though dreams are dread
They vanish like a bubble;
"But," said she, '-a simple tea
Would save you such a trouble.
If you eat just bread and milk,
You will not see the willows,
Anil the creeping Searum cat
In the slumber pillows.
—Mary Elizabeth Stone.
Why Do Your Skate. Slip?
Why do your skates slip on ice?
Glass is just as smooth, but you
couldn't possibly skate on it. If you
doubt it try your skates on a piece
o! glass and see whether they will
slip or not.
The reason why ice is slippery and
glass is not is very simple. Ice alwny 4
melts a little under pressure and fric
tion. When the steel of the skate
touches it a little water is formed,and
this acts as ii! between the skate and
the ice, and the skater slips merrily
nlong. The expression in regard to
glare ice, "It's as slippery as if it had
been greased," is not far wrong. On
glass this liquid lubricator is lacking,
and the friction between the skate and
the glass renders slipping impossible.
Put two pieces of glass together with
a few drops of water between them,
and sen how easily they will slip
about, one over the other.—Chicago
A furious Incident.
Horses will form strong attachments
for dogs, but it does not often happen
that a horse derives any real benefit
from having a canine friend. The fol
lowing case will show that a dof /nay
sometimes return a horse's aff otioii
iu a very practical manner. A man
living in the conntry had a horso
which happened to be turned out just
as his carrots were ready for pulling.
He also had a dog that was on the
best of terms with the horse. One
day he noticed that his carrots were
disappearing very fast, but he was al
most certain that no one had gotten
in and stolen them. Still he deter
mined to watch and see who was rob
bing him. His vigilance was re
warded, for he caught the thief in the
very act of pulling up the carrots.
Then he cautiously followed him from
the garden and found that he went
oft' iu the direction of the field where
the horse was. Arrived there, the
owner of the carrots saw that his horse
was the receiver of the stolen goods.
The thief was his dog. In some way
the dog had discovered that the horse
had a partiality for carrots, and was
unable to gratify its taste; but with a
sagacity that is almost incredible, the
dog found the means of obtaining the
succulent morsels for his friend, and
this he did without scruple at his mas
ter's expenne. There was something
more thau instinct in this dog's head.
But any one who takes real notice of
the habits and curious doings of ani
mals must inevitably come to the
conclusion that the theory is not
tenable which maintains that animals
cannot think and reason. —Detroit
Free Press.
How a Fox I* Caught.
Winter is the propitious season of
the hunter and trapper. His game is
out and nature obligingly nets the
part of detective by spreading her
mantle of snow to register their move
ments. Each kind of animal possesses
its own peculiar habits and strategic
methods which must be familiar to
the pursuer who hopes for success.
Any other denizen of the forest is be
lieved to be more easily outwitted
than the fox. All know how high his
reputation is for caution and cunning,
yet he has acquaintances of human
kind so intimatel}' acquainted with his
ways as to see just how to overcome
his scruples and make him an easy
victim of the trap.
If Reynard has paid a recent visit
to the henhouse, or whether he has or
not, if his den can be located with ap
proximate certainty he may be ap
proached in that locality on the sub
ject of capture; not in plain language,
to be sure; not by open methods, but
in accordance with his own stealthy
tactics. The tvhole plan rests on the
tripod of caution, patience and perse
Take the remainder of the fowl he
partly devoured, or, in absence of that,
a freshly killed animal, or piece of
butcher's meat, and at night place it
under a log to which his instincts will
be likely to lead him; if hunger is
gnawing he will find it—and what fox
is not hungry? The treat will not at
first be accepted in good faith, but it
will be sampled. Repeat the offering
the same place night after night, till
its daily disappearance shows that his
confidence is gained and there is no
evidence of hesitancy in his approach.
Then set the trap; a strong steel one,
well staked and entirely concealed
with leaves. He will come as usual
for his supper, and this time he be
comes a prisoner.—M. A. Hoyt, in
Farm, Field and Fireside.
The Electric Eel.
This curious fish, which exhibits the
singular phenomenon of voluntary
electric power residing in a living
animal, is an inhabitant of the fresh
water rivers and ponds of Surinam
and other parts of South America,
where it was first discovered in the
year 1677.
The power of emitting an electric
shock is apparently given it in order
to enable the creature to kill its prey.
Those who have seen the electric eel
in the Polytechnic while being fed
will have little doubt of this. The
fish given to it are,directly it becomes
aware of their presence, instantly
struck dead, and then devoured. This
specimen is unfortunately blind, but
it has learned to turn in the direction
of a paddling in the water, made by
the individual who feeds it. The fish
is scarcely in the water before a shock
from thegymnotus kills it. The usual
length of the pymnotus is about three
Captain Stedman, in his account of
Surinam, gives an account of the
electric eel, which he, of course, had
many opportunities of seeing. He at
tempted, for a trifling wager, to lift up
a gv .iuotus in his hands, but accord
ing to his own words:
'"I tried about twenty different
times to grasp it with my hand, but
all without effect, receiving just as
many electrical shocks, which I felt
even to the top of my shoulder. It
has been said that this animal must
be touched with both hands before it
gives the shock, but this I must take
the liberty of contradicting, having
experienced the contrary effect." The
eel mentioned was a small one, only
two feet long, but one that, had ar
rived at its full growth would have
given a very much stronger shock.
An English sailor was fairly knocked
down by a shock from one of these
eels, nor did he recover his senses for
some time. It is said that the shock
can pass up a stick, and strike the
person holding it. Mr. Bryant and
a companion were both struck while
pouring off ice water from a tub in
which the eel had been placed.
Humboldt, in his "Views of Na
tnre," gives a very animated descrip
tion of the method employed by the
Indians to take these creatures —•
method equally ingenious and cruel.
Knowing from experience that th«
powers of the gymnotus are not ade
quate to a constant volley of shocks,
they contrive that shocks shall be ex
pended on horses instead of them
Having found a pool containing
electric eels, they force a troop of wild
horses to enter the pool. The dis
turbed eels immediately attack in
truders and destroy many of them bj
repeated shocks; but by constautlj
forcing fresh supplies of horses to in
vade the pool, the powers of the gym
noti become exhausted, and they art
then dragged out with impunity.—
Detroit Free Press.
Corotinutft iu Hawaii.
Fivt years ago Hugh Mclntyre im
ported 2000 nuts for E. Lindemann,
which the latter planted along the sea
coast at Wailua, Kauai. Today he
has 2000 coeoantit trees in bearing and
some of them had fruit when onlj
four years old.
Mr. Lindemann says that in some
places lie had to dig holes in the rocks
to get the nuts planted. As copra
and is in great demand, tin
product of each tree being worth at
a very low estimate 50 cents. You
have SIOOO net, or say you value the
tree (six years old) at $lO. There you
have $20,000 worth of property.
Mr. Lindemann has now gone east
to sell this year's crop. These are no
fancy coffee figures, but facts. You
can get one of these beautiful Samoan
cocoanuts, sprouted, of Hugh Mcln
tyre for 25 cents. They are worth
$5. If you have a place to plant them
they will increase the value of your
lot. After you get them growing
these little cocoa palms are worth a
dozen of the almost worthless trees*
(with fictitious names) that you get
from the government nursery for noth
The cocoanut is destined to become
one of the most valuable products to
civilized man.—Honolulu Star.
Financial Wrecks.
Boarding Mistress (indignantly)—
Two of my boarders were brought
home last night in cabs.
Friend —Disgraceful, ain't it?
Boarding Mistresß—Worse! They
haven't a cent left to pay their board.
Not Apt Knough.
Mr. Middleflat —The professor says
my daughter Angs like a nightingale.
Mr. Topflat—Well, the professor is
wrong. The nightingale sometimes
rests.—Chicago News.
Making Oil Job Lait.
The city of San Luis Potoai jp build
ing a liall that will be the eighth won
der of the world. Seveu yearn ago a
dozen skilled stone-masons from
Pennsylvania were imported to do the
ornamental carving of its front. One
Fourth of July a member of the party
got drunk, and killed a Mexican in a
barroom brawl.
He was tried, and condemned to be
shot. Then arose the certainty that
with him in the grave tliere was no
one to do the fancy carving on the
City Hall. It was decided to keep
him at work, and shoot him when he
had finished.
Every day, in summer's shine and
winter's snow, this workman hangs
like a fly against the great white wall,
and pecks away at gargoyles and grif
fins' heads. A file of soldiers stands
iu the street looking up at him.
His life ends with his job, and they
say that he is the most deliberate
workman ever in the Mexican Repub
lic. At the present rate of progress,
according to the best obtainable calcu
lations, the front of the City Hall will
be sufficiently scrolled and carved
about the middle of 1950.—Chicago
Literary Dogs.
Some time ago the Kausas City
(Kan.) Council passed an ordinance giv
ing the public library fifty per cent, of
all money derived from dog licenses.
This will amount to about $2500 per
year. The membership fee to the pub
lic library is $1 annually. The pro
moters of the free membership scheme
claim that by virtue of the ordinance
giving the library half of the dog li
cense money, the poor people of the
city practically support the library. ,
They argue it is not the rich people
who keep dogs, but the poor classes.
The license on a female dog is $2.50,
while its costs §1.25 per year to harbor
a male dog. It is claimed that ninety
five per cent, of the money derived
from dog licenses comes from the la
boring people, and, inasmuch as their
money supports the institution, they
think it is no more than right that
they should be allowed free access to
the library.
The ordinance will provide that when
a person takes out a dog license the
city clerk shall issue with it one mem
bership to the library.—Topeka (Kan.)
State Journal.
Advertisement* in Snow.
A clever advertising scheme is suc
; cessfully practiced by a Quebec shoe
dealer. With every pair of shoes sold
he gives a pair of overshoes, on each
sole of which is a stamp of his busi
ness, with the letters reverted as in
type. At each step the wearer takes
in the snow the shoe dealer's advertise
ment is visible.—Chicago Record.
d SUA MICTAIf C Thousands have been g, > .
H W Ivllw I nIVCi cured promptly of tyjl
Purely vegetable, mild and reliable. Causa Per
fect Digestion, complete absorption and healthful
regularity. For the cur® of all disorders of the
Atomach, Liver, Bowels, Kidneys, Bladder, Nervous
PERFECT DIGESTION will be accomplished by
taking Radway's Pills. By their ANTI-BILIOUS
properties they stimulate the liver in the secretion
of tlie bile ana its discharge through the biliary
ductß. These Pills in doses from two to four will
quickly regulate the action of the liver and free the
patient from these disorders. One or two of Rad
way's Pills, taken daily by those subject to bilious
pains and torpidity of the liver, will keep the sys
tem regular and secure healthy digestion.
Price, £5 cm. per Box. Sold by all druggists, or
sent by mail on receipt of price.
RAPWAY ifc CO.» 55 Elm St.» New Yorlc.
l Ulf»t Seed POTATO (rawer. la America, i
l Tka "Itural Naw ; lerker n jcl«e a Sailer'. Karlj
l w leeeaeta a yield .112 Til baahela aer aera.
Prleea dirt ckeap. Our great Reed Beak. J» 1
MT Ladies Wanted.
THAVKLfor old established bouse.
I eriuannt position. per month an it nil
P.W.ZIfcCiEEK k CO.. aft Wiist St.. Philadelphia.
.at. Principal Exaalaar V. 8. r.aiioa Bureaa.
Sjn. la laat war, Ift abjudicating olauna, a,i uoa
FOB DECOIUTIH6 WILLS IMP CEIt urchase a package of
grocer or paint dealer and do your own kal- uALuIMO somiuing.
This materia! is made on scientific principles by machinery and milled
in twenty-four tints and is superior to any concoction of Qlue and Whit
ing that can possibly be made by hand. To BE MIXED WITH OOLD WATEB.
«erSEND FOR SAMPLE COLOR CARDS and if& i cannot
purchase this material from your local dealers let us know auu ■> will
put you in the way of obtaining it.
T !!j_^ ALO co -» MEW BRIGHTON, S. 1., MEW YORK
You Will Realize that "Thty Live Well Win Live
Cleanly," if Teu Use
A Vigorous Battle.
From the VFLIO Era, (treensburg, Tr.ii.
The following is ft straightforward
statement by n veteran of tile late war. No
comrade will need furthor proof thau
their friend's own words, as here given.
Squire John Castor, of Newpoint, Ind.,
is the narrator, and an honest, respected
citizen he is too. He said: "X have been
troubled with rhoumatism in all my joints
ever since I went to the war. It was
brought on by my exposure there. It came
on me gradually, and kept getting worse
until I was unable to do any work. I tried
several physicians, hut th'sy did me no
good. They said my trouble was
tism resulting in disease of the heart, anJ
that there was no cure for it. Neverthe
less I had lived and (ought the disease foi
thirty years, and did not intend to die,
simply because they said I must, so J
I Want to Swear to That.
hunted up some remedies for myself, and
finally happened on Dr. Williams' Pink
Pills for Pal® People. I asked some of my
neighbors about the medicine, for it had
been used by several persons in the com
munity, and they recommended it very
highly. I procured a box. The pills
helped me right away, and I continued
taking them. I commenced taking them
last fall, and finished taking the sixth box
n few months ago. I am not bothered
with the rheumatism now- the medicine
has cured me. 1 can most certainly rec
ommend Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Palo
These pills are not only good for rheu
matism, but are valuable for any disease
that arises from impoverished, or bad
blood. They do NOT aot on the bowels.
There are no fewer than thirty-one Scot
tish societies iu London, of which twelvo
are associated with Highland counties.
How's This ?
Wo offer One Hundred Dollir- Reward for
any ca-e of Catarrh that cannot bj cured by
Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CIIRNEY & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have knownF. J. Che
ney for the la-t IS years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business tran-actmn*
and financially able to curry out any obliga
tion m-<de by their firm.
WEST & Tituxx, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo,
Druggists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cureistaken infernally, not
ing directly upon the blood ami mucous sur
faces of the system. Price, 75c. per bottle. Sold
by all Dniggists. Testimonials free.
Hall's Family Pills are the best.
If London streets were put end to cud
they would reach to St. Petersburg.
Fits permanently enred. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great
Nervo Kestorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise 112 re»
DR. R. H. KLINE, Ltd.,9;tl Arch St.,Phila.,Pa.
The cheapest price 112 or a room in the slums
of Paris is forty cent? u week.
Alaska Advice
Keep away from schemers an<l irresponsible
people who know absolutely nothing about your
wants and for the sake of a few dollars thev make
out of you will steer you into certain houses with
whom Ihey nrr in collusion.
We carry the largest stock in Seattle and have
sold thousands of Alaska Outfits, KNOW exactly
what is wanted and everything is paoked by ex
perienced men.
We mail free of charge a good map showing the
best route and a supply list giving the cost and
weight of articles required for "one man for one
year." Address
101 & 106 First Aveuue, South,
Kef.: DEXTER HORTON & Co., Hankers. Seattle,
Wash.: FIRST NATIONAL BANK, Chicago 111.; WEST-
I-.RN N ATIdNAI. lUSK, \.'W York City.
j £ FOR 14 CENTS] |
! | We with to cain 160,080 nsw cat- | \
. tomers, ana hence offer , .
(jnSr 1 ' 1 Pkg. 13 Day Radish, 10c
1 1 Pkg. Earl y Sprint Turnip, 10a 1
i 1 Earliest Rea Beet, 10a < '
i i 1 *' Bismarck Oacuraber, 10c I )
i i I M Oueen Victoria Lettuce, 16c ( t
i 1 '* Klendyke Melon. 160 « ,
EMuiuSHK 1 *' Jumbo Giant Onion, 100 . .
| 8 " Brilliant Flower Seeds,. 16c
| j®F*T Worth $ I.oft, for 14 eeats. ( ,
I vwm || Above 1C pkg s. worth 91.00, we will ( .
, am ■■ Mail you free, together with our < >
fIU great Plant and Seed Catalogue . .
MM upon receipt of thin notice and l4c. '
1 mi M postage. We invite jour trade and ' '
I |M know when you once try Salter's I I
I seeds von will never get alonr with- ( i
I out them| t
I iQSBBBSB «■ Bbl .Catalog alone be. No AC 1. >
Watson E.Coleman, Attorney-at-Law and Solicitor
of Patents, F St., N. W., Washington, D. C.
Higliest references in all parts of the country.
SEEBIQ GBrden * flower
■™ P H Bwith a world-wide
IHIBUU reputation. Catalog
w frrr tu all.
JAMES J. H. flltECoßT4SoS,llarl»lfhe»d,M>iii).
fU IRRFfI (l< an PWMm. idilrmi,
HrnAhth The N. C. & Rubber Ml*. Co.,