Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 24, 1898, Image 8

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Of Sullivan County for the Year 1897. !
Expenditures of Sullivan County for the year 1897.
Assessing and Registering 8 902 99 Insane A5y1um5.............. 36.71:5 !
Auditing Proth. - s,Rcg..S: Recorder's Act. 1.) 00 Insurance on Public Buildings MOO 00
B.ioks and stationery 378 93 Interest 1214 99
Burial of Soldiers 3.5 o<> Jury Commissioners uud Clerk 10/ 90
Bounties 25 Janitor 258 10
Borrowed Money 81.MJ 37 Jail Expenses 38 ot>
Court Crier 'JO on New Poiliugplace at Ringdale 25 14
County Auditors, Clerk and Counsel '.'0190 Proth'y and Cleric of Courts 'JI7 f>o
County Bridges 8694 70 Penitentiary Bill -Jf-t y«
♦County Cost 80 Si Postage 8 37
Commissioners - Clerk 293 80 | Public Building and Orounds ?06 00
County Commissioners' Salaries 895 35 Printing aud Advertising : '.06 05
County Commissioners' Counsel 90 00 Sheep claims 379 :v">
Commissioners' Convention -55 On Sheriff's Costs 220 97
Commonwealth's Co6ts 481 75 Traverse end Petit Jurors '.'.533 99
County Institute to* 33 Tipstaves 130 u
Constables' Returns 1:19 60 Hillsgrove twp.[duc from) D. B.Davis... 95 99
Court Reporter 513 60 Sundries 8 48
Conveying Prisoners to l'eniteutiary 52 70 Refunding Account 48 68
Court Interpreter 17 (K» Taxes Paid on Co.Property at Soncst'wn 7 5o
Elections 1328 44
Former Commissioners (Extra BtlLs 1890) 32 00 Total S 30,341 71
Former Treasurer, due at last Audit 6990 06
Freight and Express 14 78 *Of this amount of County Costs, §01.40 has tjeen
Fuel and Lights 297 :!4 recovered ami puid to County Treasuier to be
Grand Jurors 725 WJ accounted for in uudit for 189s.
Financial Condition of Sullivan County ~for~theVmeiul Year Ending January 1,1895.
Amt. of County Orders at Interest 21359 31 , Refunded bv State vi?- »>
Amt »t o i f n^"t tyOrdersoUtetu,Mlingnot 5-1 » of^wlatePe^rrax: 1 !.:* m n
knt cHii,H^'Kv'n^Vinfrv'Amt. due County from Collectors for
Ex Treas Srah 85 14 the year 1597 and previous years 7071 75
fc.7 Amt.due from ex-Sheriff Tripp,Jury fee 21 IX
Amount due e foir Tiu oi ll Amt. due fitom Sheriff Swank, Jury fees 30 00
viz. J6..38J.00 Amt. of Balance due County on Judg't
T. T Personal , Lorah, viz: Debt.and 5ep.23'92 4765 19
B»lan«i due - Jackson J. P.
Balanoe aue county treasurer inrasner <nsi b, forfeited bail paid to him in 1b93 3143
. Amt.due County by Laporte Borough
Poor District, acet. of H. Gcnoski...
Danville Insane Asylum less 815
; all eady paid County Treasurer 92 00
Amt. due County by Hillsgrove twp.
for keep of D. R. Davis to Dec. 1, '97
| in Danville Asylum 1150
i Amt. due County by llillsgrove twp. on
I aect. of exp. of lunacy of D.R.Davis So 99
I Amt. due County by lox Twp. Poor
District, account of llurvey McKay
! Warren Asylum balance fur 1896... 30 00 ;
Amt. due lor same lor .Near I*97.per bill 91 25
Amt. due Co, uote of P. Murphy 25 47
" " T. Oluistcud 5 00
R. S. Kimble 100 00
" •' 15 00
" " J. P. Carson 17 96
i '• " CummingsdiStone 57 60
! " •' same :J4 77 255 80
" " From Wyoming Co. on
I acct. of % share Judicial Contest costs 11 G3
' Soiii'stown property (in litig.itioiij viz:
I Amount of Contracts >1:105 00
i Trustees have reed, on co"tract 2132 92
Amt. due County by J. 11. Farrell, sur
charged luct audit $lB 76; O.Lltzel-
I man, 81010 28 85 j
I Amt. due Coulltv surcharged this uudit 101 92 ,
! Liabilities in Excess of Hesouiees (Ex- I |
| cess of Bonded Indebtedness) 16496 53
*29,813 59 j "$29813 59
To Amount of Orders Outstanding on By Amt of County Orders redeemed by
December 31. 1899 20172 11 County Treasuier during 1897 25602 (0
To Amount of County Orders Issued Amt of Orders outstanding at the end of
during 1597 30R41 71 the official year 1897, to wit: Jali.l '9B 2191122
( 60513 8 2 850513 82 j
To Amountof Redemption Money in the By Amt. of Redemption Money [mid out
hands of Co. Treasurer, as shown by by County Tieasuier, during 1897
last audit 42 27 By Balance in hands of County Treas-
To Amount Received during 1897 49 19 urer 91 46 j
$ 91 46 S9l 46 |
In account with the Colecltors nf Dog Tax, for the year 1897.
__________ _ _ Al) — Xuit. Exone Kebate Collec's Due j
TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. ; chaig'd l'aul in rations. Al. wed Com. 'ROM 001 " al net j
Cherry Township R. Liueiiuan 1 196 00) 72 75 8 80; 234 117 11 196 00
Colley " j James 1\ Allen I! 65 00| 1 j 65 00 65 00 [
Dushore Borough J. 11. Farrell ! : 42 00 42 00 42 (x 1
Davidson Township... James Moran j 194 00. 194 00 194 00
Elkland " ..J A. Rightmire I 132 00 6 65j S5 21 12179 lfi'2 00;
Forksville Borough JohnPardoe |j 19 00; 19 00, 19 00:
Forks Township llenry Kichlin j j 109 00; 57 00 3UO 1 80: 47 20 109 00
Fox " A. D. Diekerson 74 Ou 24 89 Us 106 47 37 71 00
Hillsgrove Twp M.W.Lewis j MOO M 00' ««"'
Laiorte Borougii A. Buschhausen 1 26 00j 11 17: 41 17 It 26 26 00
Laporte Township PhillipKarge 31 IX' 19 00 100 i-O 10 40 31 Oo
Shrewsbury Twp Mathew Taylor j 75 00 75 00 75 00
li Total I | 1027 ooi 191 46| I 921 6 18j 820 12 1027 00
In account with the several Townships and Boroughs for Road Funds for taxes received on
Unseated Lands for the year 1897.
BORot'OHs AND Amt reed lmeTwp. Due Tres. Total Paid out Co. Tre's. Due Due
TOWNSHIPS. .in 1897. last aud't last aud't Ree'd-'97 byl'res-'97. Cotn. 1 Xw ps. Treasur 'r
Cherry Twp ji SI 05 60 &■': 113 90 59 3:1 1 48 53 09
Colley I 295 20 368 38 663 58 872 61 21 82 2-tU 85 |
Dushoie Boroagh 39 89! 1 39
Davidson Twp!.....'! 1770'20: 8.5 91! 1856 11 1313 66: 33 59, 4,8 86
Elkland jj 81 93 : 25 86i I 110 50j 8 80, 22 101 77
Forksville Bor ! 1 •,••••■
Forks Twp 1 10.9 19 79 11 1178 30 26 68 66 115106 I
Fox • 247 88 22 *5 270 i! 270 23
Hillsgrove 251 03 141 46; 392 49 132 90 8 32 256 27
Lapoiteßoro ' 25' 20 34 ; I 20 59 19 *3 60 26:
Laporte Twp 809 8V 20 38 1 829 71 896 41 22 41 89 11
Shrewsbury j 925 19j 129 59 1054 7 8 637 85 15 9 > 400 98
Total ![ 6536 25 954 421 1 6190 67 3997 77 ! 99 95 2712 91 319 96
In account with the Collectors of County Tax for the year 1897.
BOROL-r.HS AND Amt. Amt. Lands" Exoii's. Rebate Collet's Due
TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. charg'd Paid in. Retur'd Al' wed Al' wed Com. raoMpoi Bal net
Cherry. R. Litzelman 2359 34 1475 7* 4211 5145 7 00.) 2:t">9 34
Col lev Jasmes P. Allen. 111* 63 618 80 32 52 1* 02 449 29 111* 63
Dushore J. H. Farrell 1192 67 973 6'.' 51 21 20 49 147 2H 1192 67,
Davidson J. W. Moran 1702 55 800 00 42 11 16 96 843 48 171.2 55
Elkland A. Rightmire 1272 35 854 81 41 01 20 M *>> 99 1272 3>
Forksville Boro. John I'ardoe 3:1:1 61 195 00 10 CO hOO I' t>t 81:1 14
Forks Twp H. Richliu 1001 91 882 61 40 22 22 11 56 97 1001 91
Fox A. Diekerson 576 25 2*l 91 / 9;> 11 96 2,1 41 0,6 2o
Hillsgrove M.W.Lewis ! 773 37 COB 48 32 0:? 19'22 11* 64 7<3 37 I
Laporte Boro A. Buschausen.. 656 33 472 41 21 ,2, 16 46 17 556 33 ;
LaporteTwp Phillip Karge.... 403 23 217.'*), 870 7 8.1 169 20 403 21
Shrewsbury.-... Mathew Taylor.. 1220 60 869 26 43 62 16 92 290 80 1220 60
i Totals 12505 87 8253 20 1 ! 373 23: 222 50. 3656 94 12505 87 |
In account with the Collectors of St""' Tax for the year 1897.
BOROUGHS AND I l! Amt. /v.— Collec's Rebate Lxou's Due „
TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. chaig'd paid 111. Com. Al'wed Al'wed riioM col,® nee ,
CHerrv..'.'.. ! .' RTLUzelman i:" 110 56 75 601 2 SO: 399 ..j 28 01 110 56
Colley James P. Allen i ; 48 17 1 48 17 48 17
Dushore J. 11. Farrell 234 75J —.4 75 2*4 75
Davidson James Moran 110 68 , 110 68 110 68
Elkland A. Rightmire til 77 2 92, 09 16. 78 60 81 77:
Forksville Jouh I'ardoe 79 36 36; 79 36:
Forks Harry Riehlin : 52 98 *o4 OOj 170 '2 84 »5 56 52 98 j
Fox A. D. Diekerson 11 0* 4 9(1 16 27 561 11 03
Hillsgrove M.W.Lewis i 72 «1 ( ■■ ■_ 72 03 72 JB
Laporte Boro A. Buschhausen 08 ,3 ,d 118 o, 58 ,3
LaporteTwp Phillip Karge i 22 52 *33 08 114 2 75; *ll 45 22 52
Shrewsbury Mathew Taylor jl 14 27 j j 14 27 14 27
i Total li 806 85 221 90' 717 12 68! I 672 111 896 85 1
•Due to Collector of Forks #5 56. 'Due to Collector of Laporte T. 814 45.
Statements showing amounts of State, County and Dog Taxes due from the various Collectors
for the year 1897 and for previous years.
BOROUOHR AND I, ' Year. 1 County. I State. Dog. Totals.
Cherry" Twp Michael Gallagher! 1 I 133 95 2720 ! 16110
Cherry " F. J. McDonald i ;' "r y; , „• «
Davidson Twp W.M. Robbins fio 20 19 07 ' 69*6
cheirv ■■ :::::::::::: V
Colley Twp O. Baumann „ a •"
Shrewsbury Twp... Mathew Taylor IS9S 'il'v
Cherry Twp Mittendorf iil r":::: W9* : 522 i"
Colley " J. P. Allen J(i --
Dushore Borough... 'C. J. Re'itmeyer „ "53 77 , i'M "43 57 73 I
jS?f, kß " '1 pTkHen IV.Hi 2 67 7 50 10 17
Colley J. P. ■A l '*" •• 220 44 * 21 96 19 S3 261 7*
Davidson. i am< ? " 152 10 2 00 26 40 180 50
Dushore Boro hrMiik Buck iaa f ; 271 7 78 16 20 2U5 59
Elkland Wheeler Plotts jg* ;}J g 1 716
Elkland ! " .. i
Hillsgrove Twp Charles Haas „ "io 'fii !.. ! 10 61
Shore ii I H h l ® W ,T?« y '° r 1897 71 57 "'l4B "*125 104 30 1
Cheny Twp K. Litzelman ~ 7"0 05 28 61 117 11 935 77 i
0011ey....... |J. P.
Dushore Boro John H. Farrell t4 in .»o qo 404 m
Dftfdson " 8.3 48 fl6« 194" 06 1148 16
Elkland Alvln Rightmire. .. n.v, 99 78 m 124 79 5">9 :18
E«rks Henry Riehlin ,V, 97 ' •5 66 47 20 ' 104 17 !
Jo* A.Dickerjon 2T , 5 54 47 37 321 41 ,
Forksville John I'ardoe j vs , M 7! , 3fi 19 00 221 00
Hillsgrove M. W. Lewis I(W7 113 fi4 72 0:1 WOO 249 67
Laporte Twp P, Karge ~ , 109 20 *l4 46 10 40 : 179 60
Laporte Boro A. Buschhausen ~ 4(; 17 14 2 6 | 60 42
Bluxwabury- ,Mathew Taylor | 290 80 "14 27 75 00 \ 380 07
TOt«J |
Utath m7O I UU» 1 7071 7$
In account with various Collectors of pevious yean fur tax account* jvaiii up and settled I
_t during the year 1897.
Bor.ouuits ask i ■! Vwr , Due Co. Pd Tres Luim* Exon's Collee s Due
TOWNSHIPS TOLLtCTOW. Year. lastaud in 1897. Retur'd Al' wed Com. County nee
Cherry ...~f.7. ! "MB ! H io< 11 00! ~io, fTio
! Forksville H. W.Gtlbett !| 12 00 12 00f j 1 12 00
Laporre Boro '.WO.Ma'jeti 3t< 19 19 18 17 01 :m 19
Davidson Wm. Bobbins low 30 no 13 40 «05 8 56l :o 00
Col ley P. A. WslnJi , 1893 t'9 so : I C 9 36 f.y 30
: Cherrv „... F. Mlttwlorf II lstM 1"»7 4<» ! 1 157 40' 157 JO
Colley '(*. Bauinanu t»l 38 59 23 12 25 aso HI 3S \
Duvidion James Moran 259 91 259 yi: 2- r iV yi
Fork.- !F. I'.Scanlan ij 60 l'J 60 12 00 12
Forksvllle 80rd...- Charles Nye ■ 41631 4163 14 6::
Hillsgrove Charles Haas | 5 cyl a6y 09
Shrowsburv Mathew Taylor...;! ; 21 371 21 37 21 37
Cherrv F. Mltiondorf 1595. 522 97 592 97 522 97
Colley I. I'. Allen : : : K2l 62 277 87 46 75 324 62
Dtlvid«on James Moruil ;, j 12.5 50, 125 50 125 5(1 i
I inshore C. S. l'.lchlluira... ! . .. | 339 49! 268 11 13 6ft 57 73 339 4' ,
Fox V. I). Dicketsou 1 12161; 113 91 150 <OO 12161
Forts Henry K ieli tin... I! I 113 W 103 76 10 17 113 y;
Forksvllle Bono Charles Nv- ; 70 85 70 85 70 85
L tjiotto lioro T. J. Keeler [ lii 4!.' 16 49 If, 4 1
Cherry Kolund Mailiu... In»6 1375 76 1242 90 53 40 30 yfi 48 50 1 1375 7i
Colley I)'. Allen 5#S 04 322 13 | IJ4 18 16173 S'.tH (M
Davidson lamti Moran ,| 995 74 815 21! I 180 50 (195 74
Ini-hore I'lank lluek .'ml 3"> 257 sM) ! 27 88 v"Jft s'> ;,st x
Klkland Wheeler Plotts...' 560 61 514 47! 28 10, 22 88 ' «4M W.lj 01
Fox A. D. Diekerson.. 1 193 51 141 27; 87 »> 113.' ' 19.1 51
Forks Henry liichliii...'- WJ 71 273 ITi 10 31' 16 93 :v0 71
Forksville Charles Nye 143 86, 142 03 ■ 4 83' j» 3 00i 143 81
Hillsgrove Charles Haas 210 87 168 2W 28 601 3 41! 10 61 210 87
La|ioitc Twp 'Phillip Kaige 218 52] 164 85, 38 06 13 321 2 291 2IM If.
I.ajiortn Boro T. J. Keeler 255 5s 217 »:tl 13 so 19 371 4 a.s 2.V1
Shrewsbury Mathew Taylor 514 43| 367 83j 9 55; 32 75; : ; 101 30 514 4;,
; Total 'i ; 8373 s'j| 6059 90l 192 61' 383 Bli .Vj 681 1619 09i 8373 59
» Due Collector.
In account with the severs 1 Townships and Boroughs for School and Building Funds, for s,taxes
s,taxes leeetveO for Unseated Lands, for the year lsv7.
BOBOUQHS ANti , AuiFjecd Hue TtviTDue Trey Total ~Pd out by Co. Trei! Due Hue
TowNsiurs j, iu lfey*. last aud't last aud't Rec'd- '97 Tres ln' I J7. Com. Twp. ;T«va»ur'r
Cherry 11 3ii 20 *. 61 !' 90 53 " "50 uj; 1 2i>| ii'.t 2.' " ...'
Colley !' 147 66; 4U9-4M 1 578 12i 419 70: 10 49' 147 93!
Dusliore Boro I ! *2 V. ' 42 1 12
uavidaon | 944 06; 428 2s j 1372 31 710 57' 17 91. 6J7 si:
Elk laud ; 51 93; 13 79, 0l) ->l 1 ! us 721
Forksvllle I I I I I ! I I
Folks 219 65: 2S9l| i 24s 76; 248 70
Fox 123 9; 9"> 97 219 91 219 91
Hillsgrove j 150 60. 62 06. j 212 68 103 U). 2 ai. lOu ;VJ;
Lupuileiioru 56, 42 90 43 46l 41 831 1 071 56
Laporte Twp 480 51] 120 55, I t>o7 06 417 51 10 41! 17:< )1
olucwsbury [ 497 10, 200 71 j 697 81 195 69 sOu 497 12.
!i 2661 44 1476 40; i 4136 »»; ISM 4 88i 48 73! 2143 231 171"!
In account with the several townships anil tjoroughs for taxes received from unseated land
for Poor Funds during the year 18'J7.
BOROUGHS AMU Amount DueTwp. DueTresfTot'lrectTTald bv 1 Treas. 1 Due j Due -
TOWNSHIPS. rec'd '97 last audit last audi. 1 in 1897. Co. Treas. Com. Twps. Treas.
Cherry 17 29 42 69! 59 98 " 41 Mi Foii 17 .'iS T77" !
Colley H I 103 291 1 103 29 100 71 252 Wi!
Uushore II I i I \ ,
David.-on 1 372 03 3s."i 24 757 27 750 61 17 70 11 10
I Klkland 17 85 17 *s' : 17 85
! Forksvllle 80r0... 1 ' ' I I I :
I Folks j ! I ;
Fox 247 88 . 45 00 2i 2 88 132 32 : 3 12 157 35 ."
Hillsgrove 125 54 49 18 174 72 1 45 01 173 23
Lapoiteßoro : l I 1 1 11 1 !
I LaporteTwp 162 57, 28 22 190 79. V0 50 2 26, 9s Itt,
Shrewsbury- j| 30911171 • 309 17 86 3;!; 210 220 6s;
Total 1234 48 671 47 i 1905 95 1208 4N 28 90 681 58; un
In account with the County of Sullivan for the year 1897, (officially ending Jan. 1,1P9?.
Amount received from Collectors for '96 By amount of County Orders redeemed
and for previous years, during 1897 GOS9 90, by County Treasurer during 1897 25602 fil 1
Amount of County tax received from By Treasurer's commission thereon 610 ot,
Unseated Lands during 1897 3111 71 Bv amount paid State Treasurer, the
Amount received from County's propor- State Personal tax for the year 1896. . 640 o<
tion of license money, for they ear '97 731 25 Treasurer's commission thereon at 2
Amount received lioni State, being the j>er cent 878 8!i
Refund of J4 of 1896 tax 659 17 Treasurer's commission theieof 21 97
Amount received l'nun Laporte Borough Bv Hint, paid State Treasurer theauit. of
propoitiou of sewer expenses 11 00 tax on loans for 1596 217 4S
Amount W. A. Kennedy, Fine iu ease Co. Treasurer's commission thereon 5 44!
! of Comth. vs Kennedy 50 00 !Bv amt. of interest paid on bonds, viz:
Amt. Pioth'y Lawience Fine 810 and . oil Ist series 4 per cent 1320 00
I Jury Feeß4: Comth. vs G. E. Brown 14 00 , ou 2d series 5 " 262 50 1,582 5f i
Amt. of Jury i\ es received from clerk Treasurer's commission ou same 39 56
i \V. J. Lawrence in cases of Comth. vs
I Bahr and comth. vs Roselierantz 8 00;
; Amt. received from State Dept. for ex
-1 tra Reports for 1897 35 CO
j A nit. received from La]>orte Boro for
; suppoi tof lienoskl in l»anvill Asylum 177 59
i Amt. received fiom Fox twp. onacct.of 1
| supimit of McKay (Wanen Asylum) 1.2 32 1
! Ann. collected by Atty. Bradley on note
[ of County vs E.T. Blown 93 39 1
I Amt. received from sherilT Swank sur
-1 charged by Co. Auditors for 1896 100 1
Amt. collected by Atty. Bradley of C. E.
Jackson 011 aect 15 57
Amt of money boriowed by Co Corns.
during 1897 of various patties 5156 37 .
Amount received from Collectors of '97 1
State tax. 224 90; County tax. 8253 20;
Dog tax, 191 46 8669 56 I
, Balance due County Treasurer :;732 or;
28188 50 i 9 28988 50 i
In account with the various township* for Road, School and Poor Funds, at the end of the
official year. 1597. to wit; January 1 1898.
ROUGHS AND TOWNSHIPS. Hue Hue Hue , Hue i Hue Hue
Treasurer, township Treasurer, township Treasurer, township
| Cherry Township ; 53 09 39 22 17 3s
Colley do - !i 230 85 j j 147 93 06
liushore Borough !| 39 j 42
Davidson Township 478 80 137 86 11 10
Forksville Boiuogh i
Klkland do 101 77; tt'i 72 17 85
Forks Tow nship 11*1 0® 248 76
Fox do 270 as; 219 91 157 3.'.
Hillsgrove Township 256 27j 106 59 173 2:> I
Laporte Borough 26 1 56 I
Laioite Townsnlp S9 11 179 11 98 0;',
Shiewsbury do 1 400 9S| 497 12j 220 OS !
31» »« 1712 »1 ! I 2143 23 11 10' 684 5s !
Road Fund due Twp 2712 91
School '• •' 2143 2-,
$5540 7-.
Leu du« Treas. Road $319 96
Poor 11 10 an «■ |
Net Amt Due Townships by Treasurer 52v» 66 !
In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the year 1897. 1
By amount returned to State as uncol
j To Amount of Retailer's License for the lectable 7 00 :
year 1697 $535 50 By costs of advertising 51 5n
By State Treasurer's Receipt 447 57
By TreufUrer's commission 20 4;.
535 00 535 5t
To Amt. of Wholesale Liquor License S4OO 00 By St3te Treasui er's Receipts S>so o
By Treasurer's Commission 20 00
S4OO 00 $ 400 (X
T 0 Amount of Brewers and Distiller's By State Treasurer's Receipts $l9O 00
License S2OO 00 By Treasurer's Commission 10 00
S2OO 00 S2OO 00
To Amt. assessed for the year 1897 $l4O 00 By uncollected license $ 30 00
By State Treasurers receipts lot 50
By Treasurer's commission 5 50
In account with the County, and the several Boroughs and Townships, for their and each of
their proportion of License Money, under the Act of Junc9, IS9I, for the year 1897.
Total Proport'n l'ropor- Treas - "" | Paid to - Due~"to
BOROUGHS and 1 Amt. of ; to itiontoß. Comm. Paid to Boroughs Boros. ;
TOWNSHIPS. L. money County ;andTwp. at 2 1-2 the and and Balance,
received l-Sshares 4-ashares per cent. County. Twps. T«|s |
Cherrv Township Ij 600 00; 120 OOi 480 00 15 00 117 00 468 00 600 00
Collev i 300 00: 60 00 240 00; 750 5S 80 236 00' *2 00 300 00
Dushore Borough il 1500 00 500 001 1200 00; 37 00 292 50 1170 TO I 1500 00
Davidson Twp [ 375 00 75 00, 300 00; 938 73 12 292 .50 375 00
Forksville Boro 1.50 00 SOW) 120 00! 375 '29 25 117 00 150 00
Hillsgrove Twp 150 00 30 00 120 00 3 75 29 25 114 00 S 00 150 00
] Laporte Boro I 450 00 90 00 SCO 00; 11 25 87 75, 351 00 4.50 00
Lapoite Twp 75 00, 15 00; 60 00 lHxj 141.2, 58,50 75 00
; Shrewsbury 150 OOj 80 OOj 120 00 3 75; 29 25[ 117 00; 150 00
|| 3750 001 750 001 3000 00 93 76! 731 21 2921 00 1 Ooi 3750 00
The County Commissisoers in account with the County of Sullivan, for the year 18S6;
S.S.ROGERS: To County Orders drax»"n during lSf*7 18000
| By 57 days service as per bill, aud't $ 350 199 50 To balance due 8. S. Rogers 30 30
By expense account as presented 10 80
1 11. O. HUFFM ASTER: To County Orders drawn in 1«97 335 00
By 107 days service as per bill ® 3 50 574 50 To balance due H. G. Huffmaster 49 50
: By expense account as presented 10 00
I PHILIP BECULES: To County Orders drawn during 1897 380 35
IBy 117 days services as Com. at A $50... 409 50 To balance due Philip Seeule* 419$
, By expense account as presented. - 12 7*
48$ M
Public Building and Grounds.
I lost of sewer, including pipe. labor
freight and hauling pipe 231 37
Sldiwuiks in uiiditiuuim public giounil 103 93
Lime and c ement 15 47
Windmill repuira, water supply 25 04
Neeessarii s for use of janitor 7 7u
Repairs to and plastering public build
ings, lumber for same etc 48 79
Paints, paint btushe.-, tools, nails, lad
der and two lawn mowers 77 21
Furniture and repairs 46 50
1 lilack.-muhing 8 15
learning 19 60
Plumbing 16 05
New looting ami euve troughs and put
ting ou same 89 14
Painting public buildings and couithuuse
fence 54 21
80C 06
Assessing and Rcgi&tering.
Cherry Township 184 2s
. oiley do - 143 4i.
Dushore Borough U7 35
Davidson Township 87 07
uiklaud Uo 121 41.
I'OiksVllle Boiough 25 lo
Folks Township 45 59
•ox uo 14 00
Hillsgrove 68 42
l-aiioite Borough 66 <9
'low iislnp 34 29
.sluewsbury do 45 12
New County bi .uge over Big Loyal Sock
creek, iieur uiouih ot Milt Clevk :
l uai I'.ng.neei tot estimate 35 00
A. E. Tripp, coutiaci lor abutmeiils 648 00
liiung 111 229 00
Sundry persons for laLor unu leuiii lure
lor iilling 111 to and builuuig bnuge
... iss 5 .,,..u 11,11 uujo.uiug above
"• Bridge 131 17
IllaeUemithing 4 us
Labor 7 60
iiecuci OL 1\ es, lumcei aim piuiik 92 2i/
engineer, W. c. Mason 10 00
llorseheuds Bridge Co. ami. of coUtruct 1600 00
2756 9..
New county bridge over Big Loyal
sock at Lopez : 1 a.u J. ImcUmii
for woik ou abutments 162 37
sundry persons foi lacor ou abuts. 2s 39
I'UI t'WtUtllg 27 00
llorselieaCs i>i lUge 1.0 oil aeet. of
contract (.SoOJjyi 330 00 547 76
Unuge Views: lain Viewers on
Ist view, Lopez bridge 19 80
2d ,• " 13 32
; View for Mill Creek briuge... ll 20
I "at uiiish of " l 100
" county bridge in Dushoie li.. 15 04
near Deep Hollow 22 so 96 76
Paid the A. R. '1 lumioiis u,, 101 (aint in ,42
lei uiis, painting ami lumber viz: «
I'uintlng -Nluiicy Valley br,uge... 37 45
Worm's Luu oriuge 1»00
Plank for Ni.iomont briuge 14 00
Forksville bliuge 34 14
" hik Cleek •• 2» <5
" holiesUiWU " sft cO
■Rip-rapping do " 32 00 90 00
1 itcpaustoiMillvicw •* 075
luut.dalc " 8 42
" Hillsgrove •• 600
Plank and lepuirs to Warburiou
bridge 30 70 271 81
I Total expenditures oil count bridges i'3i,9l 7u
Burial of Soldiers.
. l'aii' John HougllU.ll <v son tor ourial of
1 .Natliuinel liari.s.Shrewsbury tup 350t
For township (Feb.) and general (Nov.) 1897.
I Uernice Township 36 85 General 30 56 67 41
j Cheiry 29 38 •• 30 90 00 2o
, >-o!ie> " «120 " 31 so « to
tlaviusoll " 36 46 " 29 60 66 00
, Dushore 8.. " 35 34 " 3140 06 74
! Klkland " 33 50 " 2,» 2o 58 7o
; toiksville B ■' 34 io " 2900 lii 7o
Folks '• 39 78 " 30 60 70 3h
I'OX " 30 22 " 27 00 63 22
llillsglove.... " 20 30 " 30S0 57 lv^
Jamison Cty " 27 06 " 27 40 54 40
Laporte 8... " 30 10 " 22 00 52 lo
Lapoite Twp " 40 •' 27 20 oo w
I L«,|e/. " 35 14 30 40 o,'r 5l
■ -sit Veinoll " 33 22 29 40 62 62
tuckclla... " 29 10 29 II
i itinguaie " " 23 80 23 80
; Shiewsbury " 30 07 " 28 20 04 2;
11 urn Alt. iiollj Co. Twp. election
blanks 13 10
. C. L. \\ lug, printing Iw p election ballots 01 00
I >;ie; kof courts, tiling uti-j recuntiug re
turus 21 4o
For tac-sinules for to Corn's, signatuies 6 UO
Ceo. stieby, publishing Election l ioc.. 40 Ot,
L. U nig, " " " 4o i,e
1 Ceo. stieby, printing Gen'l Elect ballots 29 2.5
I Alt Hull} Lo, blanks lot guierai clect.oll lo si,
Asa'is loi counting returns " 10 00
Pioth'y Law leuee, lilmg and recording
; all retums 01 the general election 36 75
Total costs of elections iu 1597 sl.i2ft 44
Grand Jurors.
February Term 19-5 4s
May leiin 11l 32
SeptsUiber Teini 219 4i
December Term 16J 3(
725 til
Traverse Jurors.
i February Term and Sessions 552 41
I May " '• 324 44
September " Is week 620 5i
" " 2d week 403 32
, December " 576 4s
2483 24
Board of Trial Jurors:
At February 'lenn 9 It
May " 4 5-
September " 2 weeks 37 10
| 2533 99
Borrowed Money Statement.
Amount boriowed prior to 1>97 viz:
Philip Kaige $ 205 49
tieiuy Karge 115 oil
-atah Speaker 4SO 00
W. c. Mason 500 00
Klhlin Mason 500 00
K. M. Stotmont estate 5166 50
Russel Karns 3i>oo 50
Kincstina Seaman 4uoo 00
.lanies Quilin ."KW 00
John 11. l'anell 250 00
Dushoie Bank 2000 00
do - -2000 00
ltobt. Stormnt 500 00
ida L. Slorinoni lOitl 00
Anna Collin- 900 00
Frances Breigcr ;«iO 00 192:12 99
Amount of money borrowed during 1897
\ . N. Belts 1500 00
W. L. Stotmont 1000 00
Klizabeth C. sick 900 00
Kthlnt Mason ;',OO 00
Hannah t'. Yonkln 200 00
l eiccval Kinsley 100 00
K. K. W rede ;tIV 00
Phillip Kaige »'4lO 00
John Si Kuige 200 00
S. 6*. Rogers 56 37 5156 37
24389 36
Statement showing the Bonded Indebted
ness on January 1, 1898.
To amount of Bonds outstanding bear
ing interest at 1 per cent |er annum... 33000 00
To amount of Bonds outstanding I ear
ing Interest atsper cent. ]>er annum... 5000 00
:tbUO 00
Statement showing the Total Actual In
debtedness on January 1, 1898.
Ronds outstanding S9OOO 0" j
Libilitils in Excess of Resources 164.<n •
51496 5i
! Commonwealth of Pennsylvania County Of Sullivan . . 112 .
We the uiiderwjnied Auditors of Sulivmi County do her * h - v cer, ' f ft Th " l '?
pursuance of the various .luties imposed upon us by the « ve ™' ' '°' B tl,e H ml the supplements there owe did meet at the office ol the L..nntv loin
niisMotiers, in the Court Uo""e, in tl e Boroug •ol Laitorie,on Mo"dav tl.e
of lanuarv, A D 1898, (it heinjr the first Mond >v ol Jnnnar>) Hiid did eotntneiice lo
"udiN ad|i«t atld settle' the seven. I „cco„„«a of he County Treasurer County Com
ini—ioners and all such as are requ.sled of us by law, tor the \ear 189.! did
continue so to audit, .idjuxt and «e'tl.- said variou-aml several,acsts.uhjeet 10 adj. urn
ments until this date, when we completed this our annual rej.ort; and we '"■<»«■
certify that we found the en id seveial accounts co rert, to the hist ol our knowl. d>re,
information and belief, a* the san e appear audited and adjusted and hilly set forth
and itemized as shown in this forgoing report. . ... . fo#u ,
In testimony whereof, we l.ave hereunto set our hands and seals this 19th day
of January A.fcUMUK. C.MM, MUMXI.JMW
AtMSt; B- T SQWJtI, War* ■
Sheep Claims.
Costs. Damages.
James Gallagher, 2 killed 2 duuiuked ♦:( 9 00
Itoyul fulgent 1 " .. " if 3 00
Frank Bahl, 4 •' " 3 14 UO
Geo. L. Bennett 1 " .. " 3 4 60
J. M. Breitmaier 2 " "38 ...
do .. " 6 3 10 ...
do 4 " "Si ...
Charles Hugo 1 " 3 " 3 6 ....
i luodore lieess 1 " 2 "37 ....
Joseph Yonkin 7 " 3 6 26 ...
Lew is B. Sutler 3 " 1 " 4 U 50
C. S. Waibuiton 2 " 8 3 11 ....
Charles Hugo 3 " 6 " 3 la .._
Itiiui A.Bui US 6 '■ .. " 3 20 ...
llelilj kobl.e 3 " " 3 10 ....
J. A.Beliliett 1 " "34 ...
A. T. Armstrong 4 •' 1 "3 12 .._
Joiiutliuii shatter 1 " " 3 2 ha
lid. llolteiisU.-iu 1 " "33 ....
John Aioi risou 1 •• i "36 ...
U. E. ."-hi els 2 " 1 " 3 V ....
»alter U. Taylor 1 " .. •• 3 3 25
I'attick Joidau 1 " "34 ...
tiulMiii lawcett 3 " 2 " 3 50 13 00
J. B. Luuibeitsou 1 " 1 '• 3 4 60
Joseph t uimer 2 " "36 ...
JUUKS 'louipkuis 1 " 3 "37 ...
J. L.l unell 4 " .. " 3 16 ...
Emanuel stiner 1 " 1 "36 ...
juiub 1 mustier 1 " H " 3 375
U.S. i'lulups 4 " .. " 3 11 ...
C.W. bpeury 2 " .. " 3 4 00
#99 50 277 15
Const. F.Buck, notifying owner
to kill uog 2 70
102 20 102 20
Total cost to County fir 1897: fcji'j
No. of Sheep killed, 71; dumuged. 30.
statement showing disposition of Sonettowu
liopetty bought by liusuts tor the county
at the's rule 01 the l.eul Estuteof
Jacob Loiuh, Ex-'Uea&uiei.
1 ontiact* mude b) the'trustees of thia pro|erty
to \unous pci soils, una ilie uniouiits ut \ut.< us
payments leceived by sa.u 'lrusiees on said
contracts, up to Jan. 1, lb9S, viz:
Auit. ot Cont. Tayments
Clara Starr 550 ... 43> 35
J.C. Boguit 275 ... 171 25
Ida L. Loruh ... 177 45
tiyruti Cuuipoeu 125 ... 131 30
Jessie F. Body 4LO ... 223 88
Jutnes C. Starr 300 ... 103 30
Ljuiu L. Lanu 3'.15 ... 200 00
Geoige Hazen 350 ... lon 00
»m. K. Miller 350 ... 317 00
belij. liess 350 ... 110 47
Auu. received for umber
sold to A. T. Armstrong... 28 00
93305 00 2132 00
Amt. in hands of trustees, due to County 2132 CO
Amount Surchaigsd on Audit for 1897.
' Sheriff Swank 011 oiuer No. 1203 10 00
!| " •• •• ;!)1 luu UOO
' County Commissioners (Jointly)
V Amt. reed, from Brou n judgt.... 28 47
UrUel- Nu.1222,J1«WU tw .ee u2U) b 4,'i
I 1480, oveldiuw 11 100 35 92
l'hilip\peci.les, Co. Commissioner
li.iuAt.oll, older ,\u. 1-139 25 00
11. llutliuSkiitcr, U). Com. conven
tion, 1410 1410 3(1 00
———® lW
State Tax and IntaHfist on Indebtedness.
. .-tale lux on County InullLlcuncss |u.d
I lo Mule 'lrvuMuer ""S
»I lntcieM paid on count)
I n,g beuiitig itilcicsl 7!V- 121199
1 lntcicsl on boiids ut 5 pel el. -u®. Sljl '^ r '~ 50
do at 4 do Ist 1;iAl (»
Annual cost of Indebtedness VjßiM 97
, NOTE: The inuiest puid annually on ciV" l ')'
j >.roeisatiUtcicst is b> ci,unt> oiueis uiuwiV ,Jtl
County Tieasurcr by the Commissioner*. 'lliA 111 *
iciest on the bonds is paiddiiect to Bnndholdr"'
|u> the Co. neasuicl on piesentuliou 1011.11l 01 iKt u
! .-eiin-uunuul coupons. 1 lie Sluie lux on iuuebt\
i I cdness is ulso paid by the Co, TreasUier. due lo<
the Bepuriiuentat llurrisbuig.
1 Sharift's Cost and Jail Expenses.
> Seiviceoi sub. lor Co.AUditois,auii for'9o 102
Brauingand sub. Jurois l'eb. Teini und
one repot t to board of I". ( . und C 35 CO
Bouid ot prisoners, comnntnieuis etc 17 :«)
Muk>ng ie|<oits to Bouiu 01 I . C. and C. 20 00
lJiuwiiig uud Sub. Jurors Muy 'lerm 18 00
J " " Sept. "32 10
i Hoarding prisoners. commitments etc ks 65
1 •• •• ♦27 :*>
; Ur. Voorhees, Juil I'hysician's bill 205
Cleaning out cells uiul jail 3 (0
Muteriul for bedding 3 hi
jail 1 50
Boarding prisoueis.wushing tor bume... IV 80
1 Clothing for Thorp boys 700
®2SM 0:5
' * Krror In this bill of $lO which has been sur
! chuiged to sheriff Sv unk.
' Hxjicnses for Printing und Advertising, also for
' | Books uud Stationery for the jeur IM7.
J News ITEM. C. L. Wing, publisher:
I l'uli trial list, court prociuuiution
! culcndars etc 23 50
. Annual Mutiuielil.tnul list.bluiiks MM
, I'iiutaig blanks for count) otlieis 2525
I'lirchmeiit nuiurulizatiou eet.tic't 33 80
I'ub trial list, eouit proelumal.ou
budge letting, blanks etc 15 50
• 1 I'rlul list, com i |>roc and caletid'r 750
Envelopes for yneritl and Tieas... 450 19:! 95
1 GAZETTE. Gto. streby, publisher;
I'ub uniiuul statement couit pioc.. 77 65
- Sheriff's sule blanks court piocla
lmmon and trial list 12 25
; Trial list und couit pioeiamution tioo
stutionery 1150 107 40
REVIEW, Fred Newell, publisher:
. j I'ub election pioelamation. court pioc.
1 Subseription, envelopes, letter heads 78 00
I .Note: lliis bill is lor woik elc in IMM.)
DEMOCKAT, Victor liugo. publisher:
; | I'ubeouit proc. envelopes for'lreasuier
{ und suliscription 13 25
. , .Ml llolle\ ( o.Legal cup and ballots If 89
Insolieutdocket 1085 30 74
1 v\. s. l(a>. Alien lux blanks 14 00
■ L. S. Foster, 1 doz Arnolds' tluid ti 00
, t\ B. I'omeroy, stutionery and 1 lump 22 00
-uu Pub. Co., transcript ducket uud
pa pel for 'lreasuieis office 30 50
' Henry llall, bluuks lt> 58
Kidgway I'ub. Co.. blanks 24 96
Monigomei), V\ aid <k Co., tailet puper
j and stationer)' "
Win. Mutin Co., legal cap, blotters etc.. 11 20
1 J. V\ .Jolitisoli iV Co., I'.and L.Bigest 13 10
11. Bain <k Sou, new couit rules 35 CO
J w, Kaeder, tux duplicate aud legistry
luniks - 2.'00
Hegistery und Ass't looks 39 <5 68 45
i I'a.d for Legal Cap, Spencer 1 '£>
ti,3 78
year l?w7
False pietense. S L Mitchell.
Laiceuv, Irauk Mtt> 7 56
l.arcenv, Solan Hunsinger 2198
1 Felonious assault, James Spence 7011
Uelrauding B K Keeper, cumuongs.... 40 48
Fraud, scott etouer 15 47
Larceny, F Mittendorf 45
Desertion, Geo Rcmsnydcr "> 15
Burglary. JohnGil*n « «
.MulUel, Stan.stalls Saicobits 1,1 «
Burglarv. Millard und t:Th< rpe 9 48
Habeas Corpus, Adam Kneler » .8
4ft4 76
Paid - Eastern - ! lVni / l '\ i f I |" r5 ISM - nd ~ 9lu,v ~ v * >lum#
I'aid KasteriT State IVnitentlaiy •" 26494
Danville As>ium, to Dec 1. 9*> lNilO
.. - June I, 'ti7.„. 41100
Mch 1. '97™ 45 ( 0 274 00
) Warren Assyuni, II Sept 1 '97 91 '25
> 630 19
It II 1 «■! I I
] ' Fuel and Lights.
psld F M Crossiey 21.1105 tons |>ea com 7fi 78
•' 3i9:t ewt nut coal @ 525 727
21.14 9 tons " " 113 "7
Fred Koeihie.lii.ltiOo tins jßcrnice) S2O 52 80
J McFarlane. 4.1M0 hold <nai @ 500 21 CO
W c Mason, hauling Bcrnice co»l 7 38
W Spencer, 3cartels oi), matches etc.... 14 84
297 34