COURAGE. J It Is not that they never knew Weakness or fear who are the brave t Those are the proud, the knightly few Whose joy is still to serve and save. fcui tney who, In the weary night, Amid the darkness and the stress. Have struggled with diseaso and blight, With pitiful world-weariness; They who have yearned to stand among The free and mighty of the earth, hose sad, aspiring souls are wrung With starless hope and hollow mirth— Who die with every day. yet live Through merciless, unorightened years, Whose sweetest right is to forgive And smile divinely through their tears: Tli<*y are the noble, they the strong, They are the tried, the trusted one», And though their way is hard and long- Straight to the pitying God it runs. —George E. Montgomery, iu Harper's Weekly. J On. Secret Service.J Yes, sir; I have carried tho Barubor ough mail for 30 years, seldom miss ing a day. Hard work? I have to tramp over 20 miles, suushiue or rain, every day but Sunday. You see that house over yonder— that pretty white cottage with the lilac trees in front? Well, I was wit ness to a romance which was enacted there a couple of years ago—just as romantic as any novel that lever heard of. A widow, Mrs. Wilson, lived there —a refined, genteel old lady—and her daughter, Miss Bessie. She taught the Barnborough Church school—a hard, dreary life that must be. Every morningwheu shecame down the gravel walk to the gate, on her way to the school, she was almost eer- j tain to see me, and she would wait I until I came and bid me good morning ' ho sweetly, and ask carelessly if there j were any letters for them. But they ■ seldom received any. One evening 1 saw Miss Bessie j walking with a gentleman. His name | was John Keen, and he occupied some ! position in connection with the general j postofllce police inquiry department. And I was glad when I found that j lie often went down at nights from his j lodgings—which were a mile or so on the way to the London and Brighton j station—to the cottage,for Iliad some- j how grown strangely interested in the . Wilsons. One day I heard that *John Keen 1 had been selected by the heads of the service togo out to Ireland to fully investigate some irregularities which j liad occurred in the postoffices in the j Ulster district. I was glad of it, for j 1 felt sure he would get to the bottom j of the matter. I did not see Miss Bessie for a whole ! week after thai; but one morning i there she was, standing at the gate, | waiting my approach, her face pale and anxious. "Any letters?" she cried eagerly, as poon as she had said "Go-id morning." j I knew that there was, for I had noticed a large square envelope ad- ! dressed to her iu a bold, handsome j hand, with the postmark "London- i derry." After that I used to briug her a let- j ter with that same postmark every j week; and she always looked so con tented and happy thu* when, at last, one morning I drew near tho Wilson's ' gate and saw the slim, neatly-dressed i figure awaiting me, I hesitated to ap proach,for I knew that I had no letter 1 for her. There was no letter the next day, or the next, and so on for days and days. . Miss Bessie was always at her post, ! but she grew so thin and pale that I hardly knew her, and I would just wliake my head and hurry by, and so «he realized that there was no hope. One day, as I was passing the cot tage. I saw a messenger boy from the telegraph office standing at the gate. Then Miss Bessie ran quickly down the walk, and just as I came up she seized the brown envelope and ' tore it open. Then she tottered a step forward ; and fell to the ground like one dead, j I could not help seeing the telegram; ! it was like all such messages—brief and to the poiut. They know how to stab the poor heart through. This was the message: "John Keen was drowned three days ago in Lough Foyle." 1 rang the bell and her mother came out. Miss Bessie was restored to con- I ecioitsness,and,pale as a ghost, walked into the house,leaning on her mother's arm, but you could see that all the light had gone out of her life. Mrs. Wilson wrote at once to the j man who had sent the telegram, re- 1 questing particulars,and soon received : a reply stating that Mr. Keen had been missing for some time, was last seen in a boat on the lough, and finally a body had been washed up neat- L'ole raitie, so mutilated as not to admit of identification, but in the pocket a card bad been found bearing a name which looked like "J. Keen," but was almost •bliterated by the water. One day I found in my bag a large imsiness-looking letter addressed to airs. Wilson, aud soon they told me •be good news which it contained. A Celative had died leaving them some S2OOO, and I think that I was as glad us they were, for they seemed like old iriends to me. Not long after Mrs. Wilson had de rided to give up the cottage, and take JNliss Bessie to Brighton for a time, hopiug to restore her health, which was failing rapidly. An impulse prompted me to ask for their seaside address. Ona day, a month after, as I was passing the cottage—it was still un occupied—l saw a man standing at the gate, and as I drew nearer my heart gave a great bound, and then ptood still, for, dead or alive, it was ?ohn Keen! "But—but," I stammered out, "are you really alive?" He looked at me as though be thought me an escaped lunatic. So then I began and told him everything, just as I have told it to you, sir. His face was quite white when my story was finished. "Mr. Jarvis," he said, "let me tell you I was sent away on a delicate mis sion, and it was necessary that my movements should be guarded and investigations secretly conducted. And then I wrote to Bessie, explain ing the situation and telling her that she must not be surprised or troubled if she did not hear from me for a week, as I had promised to communi cate my movements to no one. "Two months afterward I returned from the expedition—successful, too and I learned that the wagon with the mail bags from the country town from which I had last written had been attacked, the driver killed, the mail robbed of all valuables and the letters scattered to the four winds of heaven. "But, thank heaven, it was all a mistake, and here I am, safe and sound. Prosperous, too, for the post master general has recompensed me handsomely for my successful services, and with my increased salary I am free to marry as soon as the little woman is ready." The wedding took place iu good style not lot'g afterward, for John would not hear of being separated from Bessie again, and—what do you think—l was the first to kiss the bride.—London Evening News. DEBT-COLLECTINC BY STARVATION. The Absurd Maln atta Method as Practiced In India—Stouter Stomach Wins. Many queer stories are told of the persistence and cleve • devices of the collectors of bad debts, but even a professional humorist would find it hard to invent anything more absurd than the method actually in use among the Mahrattas—at least, if travelers' tales are to be trusted. Iu that country—so they say—when a creditor cannot get his money and begins to regard the debt as desperate, he proceeds to sit "dhurna" upon his debtor—that is, he squats down at the door of his victim's tent, and thereby, in some mysterious way, becomes master of the situation. No one can go in or out except by his sanction. He neither himself eats nor allows his debtor to eat, and this extraordinary starvation contest is kept up until either the debt is paid or the creditor gives up the siege, and in the latter case the debt is held to be canceled. However strange it may appear to Europeans, this method of enforcing a demand is an established and almost universal usage among the Mahrattas, and seems to them a mere matter of course. Even their "Scindiah," or chieftain, is not exempt from it. The laws by which the "dhurna" is regulated are as well defined as those of any other custom whatever. When it. is meant to be very strict the claim ant takes with him a number of his followers, who surround the tent, and sometimes even the bed of his r»lver sary to make sure that he ootai,>« no morsel of food. The code, Jr* "ver, prescribes the same abstinent ihe mau who imposes the ordeal; and, of course, the strongest stomach wins the day. After all, we have little right to ridicule this absurdity, for our own laws still provide, nominally at least, for starving a jury into a verdict. A similar custom was once so pre- ; valent in the province and city of Benares that Brahmins were some times systematically put through a course of training to enable them to j endure a long time without food. | They were tlieu sent to the door of some rich person, where theypublicly j made a vow to remain fasting until a j certain sum of money wus paid or un til they perished from starvation. To cause the dentli of a Brahmin was con sidered so heinous an offense that the cash was generally forthcoming, but : never without a resolute struggle to ; determine whether the man was likely ; to prove stanch, for the average j Oriental will almost as soon give up his life as his money.—Boston Jour nal. AVllliin nil Inch of Death. A correspondent of the Detroit Free Press relates a peculiar experience that happened to a friend of his during a stay in Burmah. We were sitting on the veranda of our bungalow one evening, enjoying our afternoon cheroot. Finally my friend arose and sauntered into his bedroom. Usually lights were placed in all the bed rooms, but this evening, for some reason—probably the moonlight—the sei'vunt had not performed his duties. I could hear my friend fumbling about his dressing table, and then suddenly he gave a cry of horror and rushed out to the light. "I have been struck by a snake ! " he gasped, and his face was deadly pale. "Where is it ? Quick ! Show me 1" I exclaimed, as I whipped out a knife. He held out his right arm. There was no mark on the hand, which I ex amined criiically, but on the cuff of j the shirt were two tiny scratch-like punctures, and two little blobules of ! poison sinking into the starched linen j and leaving a sickly, greenish-yellow ; mark. "You've had a close call, old man," I I exclaimed, with a sigh of relief, "and | now let us settle the snake." We found him coiled up on a small j mirror, which lay on the table, and an ugly looking reptile he was,too, ready : to strike again. He was a very poisonous snake, | known as the Deboae Russelli, but after my friend had done with him it I would have beeu difficult lor any nat < uralist to have placed him in his j proper genus. (CbMrcl*C>iui>D[ \s^====^=^ = r~ 7~ —^Z=s=mA- The Cradle Ship. When baby goes a-tailing. and Ilia breeze is fresh and free. His ship is just the queerest craft that ever sailed tho sea! Ten fligers true make up the crew that watoh on deck must keep, While ail a-row ten toes bolow are passen gers asleep. And mother is tho pilot dear—all, none so true as she When baby goes a-sailing, and the wind is fresh aud free. When mother rocks the cradle ship, the walls—for shores—slip past; The breezes from the garden blow when baby boy sails fast! So fast he flies that Dolly cries she fears we'll run her down, So hard a-port! we're not the sort to see a dolly drown; And then, you know, we've got the whole wide carpet for a sea When baby goes a-sailing and the wind is fresh and free. When baby lies becalmed in sleep, and all the crew is still, When that wee ship's in port at last, all safe from storm and ill— Two eyes of love shall shine above, two lips shall kiss bis face, Until in deep and tranquil sleep he'll smile at that embrace. For mother watches, too, ht night; while through his slumbers creep Dream memories of sailing ere the breezes fell asleep. —G. C. ltogers,in Great Thoughts. Willie and Dan. Willie was asleep and Dan was lonely. Willie is the minister's son, Dau is his dog. It was Sunday morn ing and every one was at church but these two friends. It was warm and sunny, and they could hear the good preaching, for their house was next door to tho church. In some way while Willie was listen ing he fell asleep. Dan kissed him on the nose, but when Willie went to sleep he went to sleep to stay, aud ho did not mind trifles. So Dan sat down with the funniest look of care on his wise, black face, and with one ear ready for outside noises. Now, the minister had for his sub ject "Daniel." This was the name lie always gave Dan when he was teach ing him to sit up and beg, and other tricks. While the dog sat thinking the name "Daniel" fell on his ready ear. Dau at once ran into the church through the vestry door. He stood on his hind legs, with his forepaws drooping close beside the minister, who did not see him, but the congre gation did. When the minister shouted "Daniel" again the sharp bark said "Yes, sir," as plainly as Dan could answer. The minister started bock, looked around, and saw the funny little pic ture; then he wondered what he should do next, but just then through the vestry came Willie. His face was rosy with sleep, and he looked a little frightened. He walked straight to ward his father, and took Dan iu his arms, and said: "Please 'scuse Dan, papa. I went asleep and he runned away." Then he walked out with Dan look ing back on the smiling congregation. The preacher ended liis sermon on Daniel as best he could, but then lie made a resolve if he ever preached again on the prophet Daniel he would remember to tie up the dog.—New York Mail and Express. Butterflies as J loom mate*. A young woman who lives in a New England town has had a unique ex perience with butterflies. She hap pened to be in the garden on a warm day iu the fall, and noticed a brown butterfly fluttering about, rather lan guidly, among the few remaiuing flowers. She caught it without much trouble and carried it to her room, where the windows were screened, and let it loose. The little insect accepted the situation, and conducted herself as if quite at home. The substantial New England name of Maria Silsbee was bestowed upon it—though not emi nently appropriate. Maria's food and drink were placed on the window sill, and consisted of a lump of sugar moistened by a drop of water, and she partook of this by unfurling her long spiral trunk, which resembled the hairspring of a watch, and inserting the end in the sugar. Maria was not fated to live in soli tude. One day there appeared in the room another butterfly of similar ap pearance, but more sprightly in be havior. No one could account for its being there, unless the maid had left the screen up for a lew moments while making up the room. The stranger was named Jonathan Matthews. He was far more venturesome than Maria, and of not so docile a temperament But he was never seen to eat. Pos sibly a false feeling of pride or diffi dence restrained him from doing so in any one's presence. The fame of this young woman's two companions spread abroad, and visitors to her room were frequent. This did not seem to ruffle the equa nimity of either. At last Maria, in different to the joys of a wordly exist ence, settled down in a comfortable corner, and remained there, to all ap pearances a corpse. She had decided to hibernate —and hibernate she did for several months. Jonathan, on the I contrary, was very active. Thus they remained for most of the winter. One dav Maria awoke, but. in the words of Hamlet—"to die—to sleep to stay." When the days became warmer and the spring flowers appeared iu evi dence that there was again honey in the land for vagrant butterflies, the I screen was pushed up,aud the solitary i Jonathan flew joyously forth. He has never been seen since.— Atlanta ■ Journal. Intelligent C*eeHe. It must have been iu the 40s. that my great uncle, Charles N , was graduated from college and begun to teach school. Communication was not so rapid then as now, and the ex change of ideas was accomplished with more difficulty. The country was not overrun with teachers' manu als aud guides, aud there were few educational works. It was only by gathering together aud exchanging ideas that teachers were able to pro gress. To facilitate this several would in the summer time travel from place to place, holding what they called "institutes," to which all who taught in the neighboring country would flock to receive or disseminate new ideas, and to discuss methods of study. My uncle and a friend of his had started on a tour of this kind, aud on Saturday arrived at a town where they were to hold an "institute" the fol lowing Monday. Sunday afternoon they took a stroll in the outskirts of the town, on the bauks of a stream, and were engaged in deep conversation when my uncle's friend espied a flock of geese ap proaching in a solemn procession. Moved by a sudden impulse, he took oft" his hat, made a low bow and, ad dressing tlie geese, said: "Allow me to introduce to you my friend, Mr. N , who will hold au institute in this town tomorrow. I cordially in vite you to be present." The geese appeared to listen attentively to the young man's words, and when he had finished they waddled gravely liwav. The incident passed quickly from their minds, the next afternoon ar rived, and the friends repaired to the church where they were to expound their educational views to those who were assembled for instruction and profit. The day was beautiful and sunshiny and everything beamed pro pitiously on my uncle as he arose from his seat behind the pulpit to address the dignified gathering. Hardly had he opened his month to speak when something iu the wide open door attracted his attention. There stood the old gander, leader of the flock they had seen the day before, and behind him were all the geesel Having completed his survey, to my uncle's horror aud chagrin, he wad dled slowly up the middle aisle, fol lowed by the rest. Was ever a young man in a more painfully embarrassing situation? At this moment he received a tug on his coat tail and plainly heard the par tially suppressed amusement of his friend and the-whispered.exclamation, "They've come!" My uncle grew redder and hotter as the geese approached in front and the tugs on his coat tail continued be hind. He could only stutter aud stammer, each moment becoming more painfully aware of the awkwardness of his position. At last, with the timely assistance of the congregation, the unwelcome intruders were expelled amid qtiack ings, confusion and uproar. It is almost unnecessary to add that the fount of my uncle's eloquence was checked for the time being, aud con sequently his disquisition on the edu cation of the young was not as edify ing as it might have been under ordinary circumstances. This did not eud the matter, how ever. My uncle's friend for many years after, at evefy dinner when lie was called upon for a speech,managed to recount this incident. If my uncle was there it only added to the general enjoyment. Tiring of this in the course of years, Uncle Charles once arose, after his friend had related the story, and said: "There was one point to which sufficient attention has not been called, namely, why did the geese understand so perfectly all that my friend said?" —Atlanta Journal. The Wild Home* of Arizona. "There must be 20,000 head of wild horses in northern Arizona, "said Will S. Barnes, one of the largest cattle owners in Navajo county, recently. "They are the worst nuisance that can be imagined. It has reached the point when we cannot safely turn out a riding horse to graze. We have to keep our saddle animals and round-up horses stabled all winter or bring them down to Phoenix for pasturage. The wild stock not only eat the food that ought togo the cattle, but they run cattle oft' the range. They have chased off all the cattle from the west end of the Hash Knife range, one of the best grass districts in northeastern Arizona. It is useless to put out salt for the stock, for the wild horses chase away the cattle that come near it. At this season of the year they are fat and have shining hides. They sweep over the country in great bands, gathering up any stray animals they may come across. A horse is as good as lost that joins them."—St. Louis Globe- Democrat. Got Off Ka*y. First Reprobate—Well, old man, did you get home all right last night? Second Reprobate—Yes; but my wife wouldn't speak to me. First Reprobate—Lucky beggar I Mine did!—Pnutih. MONEY MADE IN LAW, THE LEGAL PROFESSION FROM A FINANCIAL STANDPOINT. There Are a Few Who Slake Fortune* Kvery Year, but There Are Other* Who Are Obliged to Work Hani for Very Small Wages-Some Big Fee*. There are hundreds of lawyers in New York who earn less than a day laborer does, alleges the News of that eity. Hundreds of others make a fair ly comfortable living, and a hundred or so make from SSOOO to $25,000 a year, and a lucky few make a fortune. To be a successful lawyer in New- York means more than to be a success ful lawyer in probably any other city iu the world. In no other city are fees so high for the great lawyers or so low for the little ones. You can get the services ot a Tombs shyster for a dollar, or those of one of half a dozen others for a little less than a million. There is no maximum or minimum fee. New York lawyers charge just what they can get, and put their own valuation on the ser vices that they render. A good law yer—but, of course, not one of the great lights of the bar—will try a case at from $lO to S2OO a day, and many others just as good will do the same thing for half this sum, while the fees charged by the men who are con sidered as being at the head of their profession are well nigh incredible. "It pays to be a lawyer after you have succeeded in making a reputa tion, audit pays in proportion with that reputation, said one who is at the top. "Of course, it takes time to build up a reputation," and success to many men comes late iu life. When attained, however, it is substantial. Perhaps the best paying business for a lawyer is that of attorney to corpo rations. As an example of the high ' fees paid to corporation attorneys I | may mention that John E. Parsons | received $900,000 for organizing the ■ Sugar Trust, which, by the way, was | afterwards declared illegal by the j court of appeals of this state', and was, j I believe,recognized under the law S |of ; New Jersey. "Perhaps the highest fee paid to a j lawyer for attending court is received j by Joseph H. Clioate," continued my j informant. "When lie attends court j for another lawyer he gets a fee of | SIOOO for each appearance, together | with his retainer in the case. This j retainer is never less than SSOOO, and ! is often much more. The biggest fee i Choa.e ever received for one appear- j auce was SIOO,OOO. This was for his ! argument before the United States su pre me court to have the Income Tax law declared unconstitutional. When the corporate interests involved are considered, the fee was not such a great one, especially as he won his case. "As I remarked before," continued this lawyer, "corporation business pays best of all. As a recent instance of big fees paid to corporation law yers, the iirm of (luggenheimer, Un termyer & Marshall received the other day a fee of SIO,OOO for drawing up the articles of incorporation for a brewing company. An ordinary law yer would have done the work for a ifee of SIOO. Companies, however, are willing to pay big sums to be started right." "How does criminal compare with civil practice as to fees?" I asked. "There is a great deal more money in civil than in criminal practice. Criminal lawyers never get as high fees as civil lawyers, and for a very good reason. As a rule, rich men do not commit ordinary criminal offenses. The average crimiual is hard up. In fact, he commits crime usually in or der tog t money, and seldom has much to fee lawyers with. A crimi nal lawyer must be content to take what he can get aud be thankful. In many criminal cases the lawyer who defends a man accused of crime is out of pocket himself. There are no such fees for the ablest criminal lawyer as the one which Henry L. Clinton re ceived for defending the will of the late Commodore Yanderbilt. His lee in that case was $250,000." "But there are lawyers who make money in criminal practice," I re marked. "Yes, but they are few. If a man makes money by criminal practice it is due more to "until ing industry than to anything else. He must be work ing ail the time because his fees in in dividual cases are small. A good fee in a criminal case would be from SSOO to SISOO, and there are not many of the latter going." In building up ft practice it is an aim with all young lawyers to enlarge t the number of their acquaintances. To this end they are nearly all in poli tics, and many are club members. Many of the great lawyers of New York practice like English barristers i that is, they ouly appear in court — i their cases being prepared by another lawyer. A number of young lawyers who have means are also aping this English fashion. Clover attorneys not very learned in the law, but good i at hunting clients, bring them cases. The latter charge moderate fees for ! trying them, and the attorneys get a i treat deal more out of the client. L.imbl«Hft From Birth* A strange sight was witnessed re [ cently in the Southwestern police court. Au elderly man, armless and , legless, was carried into the witness J box by a policeman, who held him as . though he were a baby,while he made ' an application to the magistrate for an extension of time under an ejectment order from the court. Mr. Marsham asked him how he came to be so af flicted, to which the helpless man re » plied that he was born so. He got his t living by making beaded ornaments with his mouth. His Worship allowed | him a few additional days to find fresh accommodat ions. —London Daily Mail. President Kraeger'* Piety. Bishop William Taylor (Methodist), xrho has just returned from Africa, called recently on President Krueger. "I found the ruler of the Boer Repub lic," he says, "an exceedingly unas suming maD. He heard with interest of the work that I was doing, and spoke very encouragingly to me. He is an intensely religious man. He arißes at 8 o'clock in the morning to hold family prayers and preaches near ly every Sunday." A Pickpocket'* Ruse. Lady Bulwer sat for her potrait in Bath, and the artist was commenting on the beauty of the sitter's eyes, which, if contemporaneous evidence in worth anything, were indeed maguifi ■ cent. That started Landor on the subject of eyes. He insisted that green eyes were most "woouderful"— he always pronounced the word with a double o. In support of his argument he told the following story: "It so happened thatjwhen I was a young man at Venice I was standing in the doorway of the Cafe Florian one day, watching the pigeons on the Piazza San Marco, when an old gentleman rushed up to me and said, 'Pardoit me sir, but will you allow me to look into your eyes? Ah, I thought so! Sir, you have green eyes! I never saw but one pair before, and they belong ed to the late Empress Catherine of Russia; they were the most wonder fully beautiful eyes in the world.' I have reason;" continued Mr Landor, "to remember this, for while the old gentleman wns examining my eyes I had my pocket picked."—Argonaut. No Klondike for Me! Thus suys E. Walters, Le Baysvllle, Pa., who grew (sworn tol 252 bushels .Salter's corn per acre. That means 25,200 bushels on 100 acres at ilOe a bushel equals $7,560 That Is hotter than it prospective po' ' mine. Saizer pays 400 in Kold for W I name for his 17-inch corn and oats prodigy. | You cau win. Seed potatoes $1.50 a XJbi. i Sexi> This Notice ask 10 Crs. in Stamps ! to John A. Shl/.it Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., ; and get free their seed catalogue, and 11 1 farm seed samples, including above com I and oats, surely worth 810, to a start. A. C. 1 i The German navy has only been in exist - ! ence half a eentury, the naval officer I having been appointed in 1847. ! State of Ohio, City ok Toledo, > Lucas Couxtv, i i Frank .1. Cheney makes oath tin I senior partner of the firm of F. .1. ( i Co., doing business in the City ol'Toled. , and State h foresaid, and that said flrn ! the sum of ONE HITNUttEII DOI.I.AKF i and evervcase of catauuh that cured by the use of Hali.'s Cata < Frank 1 Sworn to before me and sub | i—i presence, this tlt.ll da' | j SEAL j- A. 11.18Stt. A. W I Hall's Catarrh Cure is tukr | acts directly on the blood an of the system. Send forte F. J. CIIENE"' | Sold by Druggists, Tsc. Hall's Family Pills ar The bonded debt o twenty-four cents pe Vnrili (irnt. This occasion nttrac of the United States. _ »._..wy as usual for the oeeai ckets at one fare for the round tri] son sale Feb ruary Ift to ril inclusive. o return until March sth. The time bi .1 Now York and Now Orleans is 30 hour, dally ser vice. Vestlbule<l New York daily at 4.20 p. in. Operated solid New York to New Orleans, with Dining and Pullman Drawing Room Sleeping Car and flrst-elafs ::oacii. The United States Fabl Mail leave- New York 12.05 o'clock night, with through Pullman Drawims Room Sleep ng Cars, New York to New Orleans. For full particulars, ■•all on or address Alex. S. Thweatt, Eastern Passenger Asent, 211 Broadway, New York. Missouri lias tho greatest bodies of lead ore in the world. Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous ness after first day's use of Dr. Kline's Great Nerve Restorer. $2 trial bottle and treatise free Dr. R. H. Ki.isk. Ltd.. Kit Arch St.,Phila..Pa. There are sixty different kinds of wood grown in Arkansas. Chow Star Tobacco—The Best. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. The progress in steam engineering com menced in 18511. Piso's Cure is a wonderful Couch medicine - Mrs. W. PiCKERT. Van Siolen and Blake Avos., Brooklyn, N. Y„ Oct. 211,1KH. Over (!0,000 oil wells have been sunk in the United States. Jack Frost irritates sensitive skins. Glenn's j Suloliur Soap overcomes the irritation. Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye. black or brown, 50c. Nebraska has 3118 State banks and 113 na tional banks. | Weak Stomach I Indigestion Causes Spasms- Hood's Sarsaparilla Cures. j " I have always been troubled with p weak stomach and had spasms caused b> | Indigestion. I have taken several bottle.' i of Hood's Sarsaparilla and have not beei bothered with spasms, and X advise anyom troubled with dyspepsia to take Hood'i I Sarsaparilla.'' llus. Hobton, Prattsburg ! New York. Bemembe Hood's Sarsaparills ■ls the best-in fact the One True Blood Purifte Hood's Pills cure nausea, indigestion. 25. ffOTATQES i Uiccut Peed POTATO «rowere la Am*rlom. 112 , The " Kuru! Mew Yorker "alvee 8»l»ert Karljr j . Wlteouli m yield of TB6 biifcel# »er •ere. ( 1 Priee* dirt ekctp. Our Brwit Seed Boek, 11 i ' Farm Be«d Sample* wortfi *l* a«tart t fbr I I lOe. portage. SOU A. BALi.*KB««PCO., LaLrm, Wis. J •wwWWWWWWVIAAAAAAAAAiI MEOKTIES FOR EVERYBODY •* we will send five different designs, Kilk Neckti. I<ftdles or Gentlemen, P°«tp«id for It cents. Krm .Hiinuractiirliijr <'«•» 11S7 First Avenue. >ew\or] PATENTS Watson E. Coleman, Attnrneyat-Law and Solicito ™f Patents. so* 1' Bt., N. W., Washington. V. I Highest references in all n»rls of th« Cf)uritr> ■■flF* Ladies Wanted, ■■W TO THAVICI, for old established hou« Permanent position. *4O i*>r month and all expense P W /IKOI'k.K h CO.. atk Ix*:ust 8t„ Phtladelpbts CNSIONS, PATEN 1 S, CLAIMS,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers