Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 24, 1898, Image 1

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    Published Every Friday.
Volume 2.
Business Cards.
Chas. F. ' .iamboz, AapntS
D. H. Lorah, rtgciil.3.
CAPITAL - - $50,000
Unew n General Bankinjr Rnsinepn.
President. Ciishlet.
Warm meiiN nnd lunches nt all liours,
Oysters and Kiinie In season.
Bar supplied with choicest llmiors. wine nnd
cigura- GIK«1 stable riKim provided.
My increased business at the Commercial !Iot«'
!Keessitnte<l more cnnuiMxliou* quarters, anil
huve likewise move«l Into the large and well
a|>|x>iutcil Lii|«rte Hotel.
ThaukiiiK my friends for past patronage and re
sjpectfully solicit a continuance of same, I am
Truly yours,
A hotel of reputation.
Strictly tFist elu&s in all of its appointments.
Bar well Mipplied with the l»e>t »>i li«nn>i>.
- ctiOi
Ei''E, Proprietor.
0. A ST in I lie<t • quip,'HL
bu. I .hi.- te lio ul tn. -I I
Ta L- II im A. It.KM 1.0.i .01 ar p.:i ny
LMNE »■ I'lw
Professional Cards.
112 # J. & F. H. INGHAM,
Legal »»u- n >» .itte<i l««l to
in uir> hdil a lju iiiiig coi t.t es
Prompt hihl curel'ul attenlion given to
legal liusincHn.
Will be at Emmons on Monday o( each week.
l>lK>'e. over Kceler h s.ure,
Offlce in Court House Building.
Attorney at Law.
Office in County BuiMinjr.
Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of
estates and other legal business will receive
prompt attention.
opnea i» » oo»TV BU LDIKO
Motniav oi each week at Forknvilie.
filler/ P. Ingtiaui. Harvey K. Wewriti.
ATTO.i - ir«>ir>L
l:W So. lith Street Philadelphia,
U ivini? retired fro U the oltli-e of I'liitcd States
Attorney and T'niteil Mute." Attorucy.
will continue the general prut-lice ol LIIW in the
United suite.- ctiurts. uiiii MI THE etiuiU til llie
City and Oiuuty of Pliiladelphia,
ATT'iRN l V»»T-L*w:
C UiiT HuUMK Stl. AK...
oppna oa MAI. sTHBKT.
Ofßoe in Uauk uildiog.
Republican News Item.
J From the Keystone.
Stop yer kickin' 'bout the times— Stop yer > ickin'.gil a-hold
Git h 11URtK- on you ; of the wl eel and uim it. 112
> Skirmish 'round mid grab thedimes You kin never bundle gold
Ef the dollars shun you. 'Less you try to eiirn 't.
Croakiu' never bought a dress, Brush t be cobwebs from your eyes 112.
Growlin isn't in it. Slop your blain'd repining J
112 Fix vour peeper.- on success, An 1 you'll notice ibut yer skies
v Then go into win it. Ailns'll be shiniii'
Times is gittin' good ngin— It you h in t the nerve to try J
Try to help them till you kin. Sneak aw ay somewhere aud die.
> Don't sit 'round with hangin' lip; J
S That is sure to floor you
Try ic. git u better grip YE a . STOl' YER KICKIN". THIS )
On the work before you ; EVIiI.LASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TO X
% Pui some ginger in ver words BEAN IXTOI.EUAM.K NUISANCE. V
X When von greet u neighbor; GO TO THE OIJD RELIABLE J
r Throw your troubles lothe birds, JEWELRY STORE lull WHAT 112
Git riuht down to lnbor, YOU NEEI) ANI) 11E HAPPY,
112 An'you'll notice ev'rv duy ;|-.;K J
Tilings is comin' rightyourwuy.
dushore, pa. THE JEWELER.
- »- -■ T - *• - - -
'MSSgaarssi Direct from Mill to Wearer, cr
'jl ★ \vnich Saves you 4 53ic 112 rci s ts. A*
*1 Tin Cimmtsson House. The Wholesaler The Jcbjei ii»i Store h it>.er
\ E.KIiSENMCEII&CO. 202: °4E lQtoist., NEW YUhKrTV
I . i Cn account of the failure
r««...v ..ul d&lZs. Our f.rc ot Ilnrentu OlTrr! 8 , .. » .
\ BOYS' ADONIS SUITS, \ scnnr.g a V oolen A ill in a. 112
J 1 I Vff Vi 11IJ IVIIII IAUI OF PINTS. j last Swr i $ th- mine pruJuci »
11»W» bulls are g*a'<intte<i to bo j n 4 ir gray *i d Mack I'i h I•it 7f . «•>
- | r Therefo*r * • .»»e *\ .
•1 L ut ' m blockT Bu.e. <iroy and 1 PI he.boNc HitMnHi }
Hr-wu. In oiaes from top years if 1 ° * ''' rrTX , t * n . VM ,
i Hwfr '.'i* .'•* jfcH a £® Slide up doUbl*--l>ieosied, r raw material pr cr, j>IO 75. nc .
v wuh Bui.or Collar—Collar fancy bcfoir in tl*e bi ti»ry of ci tn»»"K ai »
Cki Raembroidered li:nd with I „ roi) dtle never ■wain v» i!l you have »
■ * - Mvßm WBltuk Albrrt Iwl.l 6atet n and J .«, u vuc j, a vn!ue for von r
j Pate t Waist Pand". Tnmn.intf j. «■' ' r
i »v i, SgMa.U and W orkmatifh.p the very IH-si. hnu ney Abo\e pri>.r is 'T . 5 n k
* Kuril r.iot«. f->»* p— 10 in >«•*«, wltU«'U» tj if!" du Von'• e material, lbryarer
A p lUr \iantioii ajra at l*ai birthday, and if larp»«r «mall. made tp doUb'e*brc-' fc, rd f* p*r cut b
1 ■«- -—*■ ■ "112 with r.«i-ed seamt l.ned throupho t ■ 112
. * J IST CF IT ! * cxl . a heavy V oven phid l-ninjjs. pirk.-1 k
* A CI S TOM MAD C TO C-?OfcF? 1.101115* all pockcis framed an . II »ijyrd 112
j 314.00 Fur $6.98, *
, What you can save by buying direct ... * bl eto * r»v;« 1
1 \ from the m«inufuctu er. H ( ' rm for double the i
) Cuarante-dtobenuda A\\ - C~:s ; r • C £ U T. r P
■i Woo', l-ancy Lrown, I'.ray, I . ck or ~ J" the new tanf dutv. k
; l.'.ue Twee . made i.i Ijtest stye, •" *" yLA easuie ian.e as #
<i I: led with Imp red Farmer for ■ Suck Coat, giv-
t imncd and finished ii tebe l of/v i*'JT /\ ' :l 3 wanted.
■ i Custom Tai'r»r manner. You cannot l\ { \ also hight and . . ! v »". r l i
duplicate it in your town for Q. 4 00. / I \ we ; ht. " HjEi/ - ,'
•\ -•"* 54 ,3 4*- / I ' \ "/Tie. »u:r.p wiil S
The sane root's midj for , A 1 n 3 >' ou samples. *
'* Youths. '3 to i3. in long runti, II) I Jr7 1| I' catalogue tpe J 1 Mft- : .'sifj f#
\ <o I ,-nd \ c;t V'.I.U . _! Ij measu-e antt blanks, 112: 6.
V t!a\v to measure mcnc» y»ul.i sSulls: \ \_'| J , p 3y extras /J ! ■ Ir
..! *'c3.'.'.rc arcur.J t'.'.e b't.-et a:d /\ In' cliatges J sl.ju'J I »>
wsiit over t>.s Veil, and from crotch / XVI / you not fxl sat' •- ;v?P f'
to heel lor Pan', J. A I VC V> RE UND XAC 5
) V. k?a ords:lair,SfßjP.-s«.orr.ce " j '/] I I "onty. e [
< H:;prc:j incncy o Jcr cr He'iztered / / I / I U rr.cnilcr you "" h v 1
Letters. / o~cy ch?:rfu"y rc:.*.ndedif ./ / I I S bry i ircct from one [
\-i r.r* c-.:!;facto y. Ccr.d ct-.mpfcr Ail j, j K I c-fthel r~est t. Hit- - r
j M3t-.!53, r.::a:urc, ir.casurinj \U £•'! I i'i ■ iip r-.^nu cturcr& i n
H. A.Rogers & son.,
Our Large Stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing,
General Store, Hardware, Etc.,
is complete. Having Purchb sed at Lowest
Harket Rats, We are Selling
» ' 1 - •'
'' "
Red Cross Stoves
Saturday everting our town was the
scene of a very pleasant and interesting
event, it being tlie first anniversity of the
Instiiuiion of W C No. 639 P. O. S. of A.
At 7 o'clock the Lodge formed in the
rostrum of the Christian church which
h id been previously decoratid with bunt
ing aml Hugs. After music by the chior
and a few words of congratulation by J.
A. Gibbs Elder J. L. Pheonix of Troy was
introduced, Rev Pheonix took for a sub
ject the Platform of Principles of the P.O.
S. of A. Ilis address was listened to with
eager interest by all present and the re
pented applause proved (lie spirit in which
it Wi e received, after the ceretnnoies at
the church the Order and their many
friends repared to the Hillsgrove House
where a banquet was served. The Menu
was of (lie usual order and was served in
i lie pleasant corteous manner (hat is char
acteristic of the popular hostelry. At
ihe tables the guests did'nt do a thing
Jiut eat) Judging from the manner in
which the oysters were' ' *y were
mistaken for haughty J among
ihe chickei.s we noticed, roosters just
leaning to crow and virgin pullets oflong
ago and one old rooster huge and tierce,
thai was born in the days of peace.
Every body ate ull they wanted except
some young men viz. il. W. Darby, O. .S
Speaker, Francis Triichler, and J. A
>lorga:t, Joe evidently wains to be an j
Angel as he has a great capacity for wings.
Ai i.late ..our the guests returned to theii
Humes feeling that il was good for tliem
to be there.
Election is over and evere body is com
plaining ol the lack of snow, except our
Democratic friends. We are safe in pre- ■
dieting a much heavier fall in November.
The popular independent candidate,
Frank J. .Stuykhii d for the office of over
seer of poor is much improved in health
by ihe stthy breezes of ihe voyage up that
mysterious river. He met many Demo
crats from every town in Pennsylvania.
Dud Helen Theresa Lorah, aged -
years and IS .lays .daughter of A. A. and
Sulla i.oralt hurried on Sunday February '
20ih, the P. 0. S. of A. ol which Mr.
Lorah was a member attended the funeral
as a token of respect.
I he local Institute for the teachers and
directors, of Fox. Elkland, Forks ami
Hillsgrove townships, and Forksville
borough, convened tit liillsgroveSaturdav
February 12. 1 898.
Tits morning session was called to order
by the President J. Lyman Snyder. On
motion of Supt. Meylert the session was
devoted to the consideration of questions ,
from the question box.
While the questions were being prepar
ed the pupils of the Hillsgrove High
School siini' in a very pleasing manner, a
selection entitled "Keep Sweet."
After discussing many Sresting and
practical questions the ini .teadjourned
until 1:30 p. ill.. )
The nfternoon session was opened by
te cliaii-ian.
After disposing of the remaining ques
tions in the question box, the regular
programme was taken up.
Mr. Vernon Hull gave some excelleni
suggestions upon requisites in modern
school houses contrasting the school
houses of the present with those of fifty
years ago; proving conclusively that im
provements in modern school houses com
pare favorably with those along all otliei
Prof. F. J. Wanda!l followed with a
few well chosen remarks, showing how
the teachers may use literature, music,
patriotism, etc. as intellectual incentive.
Commercial work i» recitations was
ably discussed by Prof. J. L. Iloagland.
Mr. L. B. Speaker drew a vivid word
picture of a board of wide make, schoi I
directors which was very entertaining.
The above programme was inteisperced by
well rendered music bv the Hillsgrove!
chior; also a solo by Miss Iza Mcßride,
ami a recitation by Miss Ethel Hull; both
of which showed careful training, and
were highly appreciated by the audience.
Motion made and carried, that we thank
the people of Hillsgrove for their kit d
ness and hospitality, also the chior and
pupilß for the entertainment given.
On motion carried the directors and
citizens present gave a vote of thanks to
the teachers and those coming from a dis
tance tor the interest manifest, and enter
tainment furnished. Institute adjourned
after the singing of''Old Mother Hubbard
by the chior.
License Court.
Court convened at 2 o'clock p. m. with
Juilge Punh im nnd liis Aff-ociates Litie
and Kraus, on the Bench. The lollowing
list of applicatations were granted with the
exception ol'John Yonkin of Lopez, whicli
was the only one contested. After hear
ing the witnesses, court adjourned and the
Judges held the case under advisement
Patrick McGee. hotel, Satterfield; Johfl
C. Schaad, hotel, Mildred; .John Snhaad,
distiller, Mildred; John Daley, hotel. Mil
dred; Win. Collins, hotel, Mildred; James
Connor, hotel, Mildred; Leonard Hilhert,
brewer's. lJuslioi-e; John Gws, hotel,
Cherry Mills; Chas E. Jackson, hotel,
Mildred; Tlios. L. Doland, hotel, Lopez;
Hannah Farrell, Hotel, Lopez; C. F.
Ilunsinger, hotel, <'ollev; Frank L. Rick
etis. hotel, Ganoga Lake; Henry \V. Mc-
Kibbins, hotel, Lopez; Edward Steafather,
hotel, Dushore: Tlios- Mahaffey, hotel,
Dushore; Dennis Keefe, hotel, Dushore; i
Henry Obert. hotel, Dushore; M. J. j
Bailey, hotel, Dushore; Middendorf &
Cook, hotel, Dushore; Margaret Connor,
restaurant, Dushore; Robert McGee, res
taurant. Dushore; Patrick Daley, restau
rant, Dushore; Anthony Rouse, restau
rant, Dushore; Win. O'Neil, wholesale,
Du.ihore; Lawrence D Fiuan, wholesale
Dushore; Geo. Meyers, A: Chas. E. Craw
le<, lioiei, Muticy Valley; Mrs. Phoebe
Magargel, hotel, Sonestown; J. M Kline,
hotel, B.auntowii; D. H. Lorah, hotel,
Sonestown; James Moral), restaurant.
Muncy Valley; Chas, 11. Seeley, hotel,
Forksville; Stnithgall tfc Sick, hole!, 1
ilillsgrove; James H. Kecl'e, Hotel, Ilills
sirovc; Tlios. \V. Beahen, hotel, Laporte; j
Frank W. Gallagher, hotel, Laporte; i
Thomas E. Kennedy, hotel, Laporte: I
Moses Carl Miller, hotel, Ringdale: Win.
11. Vaiibuekirk, hotel, Eagles Mere; .1. 11.
.Stackhouse, hotel, Eagles Mere;
The Bazar which was held in in the
basement ol the St Francis Church last
week a grand success socially and
financially, Rev J. A. Enright wore one
of his broad smiles ai d hiui ,t I-.1. . void
lor one and all, the Ba/ar Daily Journal
which was edited by Micheal Enright was
certainly a sticces in every sense of the
word The St Francis Dramatic Co.which
gave an entertainment each evening de
serves great credit fur the able manner in
which each one preformed their part and
to special mention any one would be doing
ihe best and injust, for one was as good
as the other. The stand that contained
ihe fancy work was a beautiful picture to
look at.
Monday night was banner night a very
large crowd was here that night. A num
ber of loads from Laporte were present.
At a recent meeting of the Advisoiy
Board of the Laporte Summer School, it
was resolved that the following letter be
mailed to all teachers and prospective
teachers of the county.
'•lt affords the Advisory Board ol the
Summer School much pleasure to an
nounce that Prof. J. W. Mover and l>i-
Ueo. F. Stradling have accepted the invi
tation of the Board to assume jointly full
control and management of the school
I'll is action places the principalship in the
hands of educational leaders whose high
standing and gratifying success as instruc
lors insure a thorough efficient and sue
c.Ssful school. The high esteem and con
tidence in which Prof. Mover a'hd Dr.
Stradling are held by teachers and citi
zens alike assure us of the hearty co-opei*
itiion ofall who desire progress along edu
cational lines and the building up of out
selloo s. We feel that our teachers pros
pective teachers and advanced students
have cause lor congratulation in tin
marked educational opportunities that
will be offered them under the new man
agement and that the cause of education
in tii is county will receive great- advance
meut and lusting benefit from the insptr
ing influences and progressive educational
sentiment created by a s rongand efficient
normal school in our midst.
Many improvements are to be made in
ihe School and a circular setting forth t s
plans and purposes and giving full infor
mation in regard lo courses ol study, term,
faculty, tuition, grading and other details
will be sent out by tl.e Principals in a !<•«
weeks. We hope to receive your active
support in the developement of the
Very Respectfully.
E. M. Dunham, M. P. Gavitt. Dr. C. P.
Voorhecs, Russel Karns, \V. J. Law.ence,
W. C Mason, J. W. Flvnn, F. W. Mev
lert, M. J. Phillips, 11. T. Downs, T. j.
Ingham. Alphonsus Walsh, E. A. Hegel,
E. J. Mullen, A. J. Bradley, R. A. Con- j
klin, J. H. Spencer, James McFarlane,
Kev. E. R. Powell, Clinton Lloyd, C. K. i
1.50 Per. Year
Number 41.
Munoy Valley.
A toe social was lipid l as t Friday even
ing February 18111 at the residence Mr
N. S. Strong of this j»lace lor the benefit
; of the church which was a grand success
| raising $23 80 clear of expenses.
Next Saturday evening February 2tj
i there will be u literary entertainment at
school house, consisting of children's reci
t itiotis, instrumental music, tablatts.
| duets, and dialogues. Admission 10 cents
I there will be prizes given tor the three
! best recitations by children.
| Misses Myrtle and Blanche Milfer spent
| Sunday with friends at Hughesville.
P. B. Hopper is again engaged in the
fish business this winter.
Married Tuesday February 8 Mr. Vina.
Renn. to Miss Bell Sherwood of this
place at the lesidence of Jacob Warner
by Henry Swank, ,J. P.
Mr. coon or woodchuck made a big
mistake on the second day of Februan
according to the way the weather has
been for the past ten days or tivo weeks
we know it i.s an old Indian sign that it
the coon comes out on ihe second day of
February and can see his shadow he will
back to his nest and stay six weeks longei
and that we will have steady winttr
weather, but all signs tail in a drouth.
Robins and meadow larks were seen
here nearly two weeks ago in finite large
(locks, the meadow laik is generally one
of the latest Miinmer birds to make its
appearance in the spring,
Roland F. Bartow met with an accident
over a week ago which has laid him up
eversince. While nt w his bouse
lie Steped on a nai! that stuck up in
board that lay on the ground, thi* nail rat.
through his rubber shoe into the hollow
of his loot clear to the bone. Dr. Wood
head dressed the wound.
Powell Birdsell son'of G (.'. Birdsell o!
this place a boy II or 12 years old scnill
ing with his sisters in the kitchen Sunda\
afternoon when in some manner lit. l twist
i'd one ot his legs breaking' it above the
ankle. Dr. t.ioss wa> callt.l and reduce.,
the Iracluie, he is as comfortable as could
be expected.
The second grade ol our school and the
Bear Mountain school h.tve organized a
Literary Society at thi- j lace. The\
meet every Wednesday evening.
Local Institute.
The local institute of the teachers ol
Dushote boro, at.d Cherry and Colley
townships will be held at Dushote .Satur
day February 26, 1 SOS. The following
are the topics to be discussed:
'•Hints received from Dr. Green's talks
at the county institute which I have ap
plied in my school work" Gordon Saxon.
'■To what extent should civics he taught
in country schools,"' Edward Sweeny.
"Hints received from Dr. Hully's talks,
which I have applied in my work in his
tory. Miss Jennie Rogers.
'•The best means ot getting children to
use the dictionary and books of refer
ence," .
'•What lessons should we learn Iron,
the talks of Dr. Benedict," J. H.Thayer.
"A course of* reading for teachers."
Prof. F. W. Meylcrt.
"The ideal and the practical in educa
tion,"' Miss Emma Ilileman.
"What speci.l wotk have Horace
Warm and Froebel done for popular edu
cation," Miss Jennie Vaughn.
All persons interested iti education are
most cordially invited to attend.
—ln honor of of his 65th birthday S.
Mead was given a surprise on Friday
evening by a party ot young and old
people of this place. Foil/ s a lint
of those who enjoyed th' ."ality of
the Mead homestead township.
Mr. Gutnble and \V..e. Mr. Couklin
and Wife, Mr. G. Chase and Wife, Mr. F.
W. Meylert and Wife, Mrs. CoraStonnont
Mrs. S. A. Hier, Mrs. T. J. Keeler, Miss
Ktta Chase. Misses, Vina, Esa. Dora,
Agnes and Delia Upinan, Misses, Mary
in.l Mabel Gooley, Miss Lottie Miller.
loeGanscl, Henry Upman, Delroy Ileim
H. A. Karns, Charles Ballard, Arthur
Miner, Frank Cooley. Win. Shoemaker
and sister, Walter and Parker Low.
Dus lore.
Born, on Saturday to Mr. and Mrs.
Victor Hugo, a daughter.
Miss Jennie Vaughn is visiting friends
at Wilkesbarre.
Mr*. M. A. CarkufT who has been visit
ing her daughter at Suspension Bridge N.
Y. lias returned to this place nccompan
ied by Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Pruyne oi
that place.
W. H. Hill, Esq. of Wyalusing has re
moved to this place to practice law under
the direction of J. G. Scouten Esq. He
will occupy rooms over the store lately
vacated by O. W. Haymao.