Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 17, 1898, Image 8
ANNUAL STATEMENT OF EXPENDITURES | Of Sullivan County for the Year 18p7. ! Expenditures of Sullivan County tor the year IW7. Assessing and 902 WT 111M11K' 865 • Auditing Proth"»!kcis.& Recorder's Act. 15 00 Insurance on I'nblioßuildings ,300 ( B K>ks und stationery 378 93 luteiest - 1214 j , Burial of Soldiers £ 86 00 i.l ury Commissioner* and Clerk 107 V Bounties ...•••••• X) 2, ; Janitor 258 1 Borrowed Money 5156,37 Jail EX|ielises.. 38* Court Crier 96 00 New Pulling place at KiliKdtile ® 1 County Auditors, Clerk and Counsel 20196 I'mth'y and Clerk of Courts 217 5 County Bridges BWH 70 Penitentiary Bill 2M t •Countv Ciot *0 :u Postage 8 i. Commissioners' Clerk 295 SO Public Building and Ground* 806 1 County Commissioners' Salaries 895 35 Printing and Advertising 306 ( County Commissioners' Counsel 90 oo! Shecpcmims 3/9 : Commissioners' Convention 55 o» Sheriff's costs.. £2O ! Commonwealth's Costs 484 75 1 raverse and I etit Jurors 2533 . County institute 158 33 Tipstaves .. 130 j Constables' Returns 139 50 Hlllsgiove twp.(due fiom) D. K.Davis... 95! Court Reporter 513 00 Sundries 8 4 Conveying Prlaouers to Penitentiary 52 7ti Keiunding Account 48 • Court Interpreter 17 t*i Taxes l'aid on Co.Property at Houest'wn 7 I Elections ... 1328 44 „ . , . Former C<.mmissioiien>;!( Extra Bills WW) 32 00 Total $.10,311 . Former Treasurer, due at last Audit 6990 05 Freight and Express 14 78 *of this amount of County Costs, $64.40 has bet- Fuel and Lights 297 34 recovered and paid to County Treasuier. to I Grand Jurors 725 00 ! accounted for in audit for 1898., Financial Condition of Sullivan County for the OfflciaTYekiTEiidliig January iTISS^ LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. Amt. of County Orders at Interest 24389 3i vmt to lie Refunded bv State vi/' Amt. of County Oniers outstanding not ™tePc,SnalT«.„. Indebtedness of Ex-Treas. Lorah ... 35 M . j*";™ Amount due ,a *■ «']Amt. due from Sheriff Swnnt. Jury fees 3*» ( indebtedness for 97 ii*. $6_,38J.00 Amt. of Balance due County on Judg't Amouut"due State"for State Pereinii v *£Vit.Jud iKiSLiiana 4765 1 Ealaifcedue WunW Tr^iirer 3732 67 1 :: 34 4 Amt. due County by Laiiorte Borough Poor District, acct. of 11. Oenoski... Danville Insane Asylum less sls ahead* iniid Countv Treasurer 92 I Amt. due County by Hillsgmve twp. for keep of D. It. Davis to Dec.l, '97 in Danville Asylum 11 6> Amt. due County by Hillsgmve twp. on acct. of ex p of lunacy of D.R.Davis 95!' Amt. due County by lox Twp. Poor District, account of Harvey McKay Warren Asylum balance for 1x96... 30 (I Amt. due lor same fur year ls97.per bill 91 V Amt. due Co. note of P. Murphy 25 47 T. Olmsteaa 5 00 R. S. Kimble 100 00 " " Lilian.»lf.S.Kimble 15 00 " " J. P. Carson 17 90 " " CummingM&Stoue 57 60 " " same 34 77 255 8 I " " From Wyoming Co. on acct. ot share Judicial Contest costs 11 6 Hones town property (in litig.itioii) viz: Amount of Contracts $130600 I Trustees have reed, on contract 21:12 92 ; Amt. due County by J. 11. Farrell. sur charged last audit $lB 75; G.Litzel- I man, slolo 8- j Aim. due County suichaigcd lius audit 101 V |. Liabilities in Excess of Resouices (Ex $29,813 59 I $29813 COUNTY ORDER ACCOUNT. To Amount of Orders Outstanding on By Amt of County Orders redeemed by December3l, 1899 20172 11 County Treasiner during 1597 256C2 it To Amount of County Orders Issued Amt of Oiders outstanding at the end of during 1897 30:141 71 the official year 1897, to wit: Jan.l '9a 21911 50513 82 $50513 8: REDEMITION FUND ACCOUNT. To Amountof Redemption Money in the By Amt. of Redemption Money |wid out hands of Co. Treasurer, as shown by by County Tieasuicr, during 1897 last audit 42 27 By Balance ill hands of County Trvas- To Amount Received during lt>97 49 19 urer 91 4' $ 91 46 » «l 4. RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Colecltors i f Dog Tax, for the year 1897. j BOROI'DHR AND ii ~ | I A 11... Amt. Exone- RebateiCollec'Sj Due |„ ~ ! TOWNSHIPS. COLI.ECTORS. chaig'd l' in lations. Al, wedj Com. FROM COL ,AL M Cherry Township. !R. LiUcniiiin 196 OOi 72 75 3 soi 231 117 11 196 (► j Colley " James P. Allen ■ 65 00| j 1 65 00 6n 0> i Dushore Borough I. 11 Farrell ji 42 00 ' 42 00 42 6 ' Davidson Township... James Moran j j 194 00: 1 ! | 191 00! 194 0. Elkinnd •' ... A. Rightmiie ! ! 132 00 665 35: 21 121 79 132 ti Foiksville Borough John I'ariioe 19 Mi 19 00 19 ti Forks Township Ilenry Riehliu j 109 00! 57 ihi 3 00. 1 80- 47 20 109 0> Fox •• A. 1). Dickerson i I 74 00. 21 89 68 106 47 37 71 W Ilillsgmve Twp M. Lewis ! ; 64 00 ! W0? W Laiiorte Borough A. Busclihiiiisen \ 26 00 11 17 41 17: 14 25 26 Ji Laporte"Township Phillip Kaige 31 00 19 00 100 60. 10 40 310 Shicwsbury Twp Matliew Taylor 75 00 7 > 00 0- Total I i 1027 00! 191 46 1 921 618 820 12 1027 0. RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. * In account with the scveral.Townships and Boroughs for RoadJFunds for taxes received on Unseated Lands for the year 1897. BOROUGHS AND Amt reed DueTwp. Due Tres. Total Paid out Co. Tre's. Due Due TOWNSHIPS. .in ib 97. last auu't lust riti* I 'r Rcc'il-'97 byTies-'97 Colli, i Tw|s. Treasur i Cherry Twp. ST® 60 o.j i 113 90 J jjjl M OO Colley 295 20: 368 ! 063 ,)8 8.2 61 21 82 2W S Dushoie BomHgh.. 39 ; 39 .j ' . Davidson Twp 1770 20 85 91: JBn6 11 1313 66: 33 59 <<H W. Elk land 81 93 25 Mi 110 59 8 60 22 101// Foi ksville Bor 1 ;••! Forks Twp 10 9 19! 79 11 117S :10 26 i* 66 1151 06 Fox 217 88 22 :Is| 270 2:1 1 270 23 Ilillsgrove ! 251 01 141 46 j 392 19 132 90 332 256 2/ Laioileßoro ! 25 20 31 2n 59: 19 "3 W 2»> ( LaiorteTwp 809 31! 20 8»J 71 896 41 22 41 ......... 89 1. Shrewsbury 925 19: 129 59 10)1,8 63 /8o li>9> 400 98 Total 'i 55:16 251 951 42' 6190 67 3997 77 99 95 2712 91 1 319 9i RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Collectors of County Tax for the year 1897. TOROI'OHS AND Amt. Amt. Lands Exon's. Rebate Collec's T)ue i>«|. np TOWNSHIPS. COLI.KCTORS. chaig'd Paid in. Retur'd Al' wed AT wed Com, MOW COL " C> Cherry R. LiUelman 2159 31 1175 73 :"« " "!S r Colley Jasmes P. Allen. 1113 63 618 80 32 -.2 13 02 «» » }}» *L Dushore J. 11. Farrell 1192 67 973 69 51 21 20 49 1' 28 1W 6, Davidson J. W. Moran 17u2 55 MXI tiO 421 lh W. 843 48 17W .. Elkland A. Rightmire 1272 35 854 81 4101 '2O 51 8-vj 99 3. Forksville Boro. John I'ardoe 333 61 190 00 10 U) hOO 1.2 64 3.13 M Foiks Twp 11. Richlln 1001 91 882 61 1 40 22 22 11 56 97 1001 91 Fox... A. Dickerson 576 25 2M 91 11 W. 27,1 43 ,>/6 2/. Ilillsgrove M. W. Lewis 773 37 608 48, ! 32 ttt 19 22 13 b4 <73 3. Lapoitc Boio A. Buscliauscli.. 556 33 4/2 41 21 «. 16 ttl 41> 17 556 A LaiorteTwp Phillip Kargc. .. 40:1 2:1 217 .i0 8/ 0, 783 lw 20 4(W 2 Shrewsbury Matliew Taylor.. 1220 60 869 26 43 62 11' 92 290 80 1220 >* I Totals 12505 871 8253 20 11 373 '2l 222 50: 3lUi 91 12 r iQ5 B', RANSOM,THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Collectors of Tax for the year 1897. BOROI'CTIIS AND I Amt. ... * ollec s Keliate Exon S Due DAI'NM TOWNSHIPS. COLLECTORS. cliaitf d paid tit. Com. Al'wed Al'wed rwoM 110 RLitzelman ftIJM 75M1 8 801 3 99, 28 61 110 5. Collev James P. Allen i 48 17; I 1 j 48 17' 48 1. Dushore .J. H. Farrell ! «« 75 1 2:M «» 214 7 Davidson'.'." James Moran 110 68 ........ ...... j j 110 68 110 Elkland A. Rightmire 81 7< 29- 09 lo /8 60 81/. Knrkwvillf Jouh l'aidoe -it) ' •»* Folks I"""ll|Harry Richlin I 62 98 *sl 00 170 281 j*s 56 52 9S A. D. Di«ke«on ! «o» 4s» i« 27 »% aw Ilillsgrove M.W.Lewis /2 (Bl ...] 7- U»i 72 0 Laiorte Boro A. Buschhausell ] 58 73 51 2S 178 2 67; LaiorteTwp Phillip Kaige 22 o2 »3.J OS 111 2 70, i »4 46 2 Shrewsbury ,Mathew Taylor | 14 2/1 : 14 -7] 14 2. I Total || 896 85 221 90 : 717 12 68 1 672 111 896 86 ♦Due to Collector of Forks $5 56. »Due to Collector of Laporte T. sll 45. RANSOM THRASHER, COUNTY TREASURER. Ktotcments showing amounts of State, County and Dog Taxesdue from the various Collecton for the year lt>97 anu for previous years. " BORoi r.HS AND j I COLLECTORS 1 Year ' County. | State. Dog. Totals. ""ffi __ : « » gsa»"«ic: j* = = jS - Colley " A- *»»»■>;•• 18'J4 66 98 3:1 90 j 56 52 157 40 Cherry " F. Mittendorf , .. I j 9 so , 990 Colley Twp «• Baumanii. ; | Shrewsbury Twp.. Mathew lay tor jgjs ' 21 37 I 21 37 Cherry Twp. !|J. Mittendorf .. 04 68 93 522 97 Colley " jIJ. P, Allen „ 46 75 i 46 75 Dusiioreßorough...: iC. J. Reitmejer , ii 77 1 A3 ! 2 43 , 57 73 Forks •' Henry Richlln 189# 267 7SO • 10 17 Colley J.P.Allen *?f° 220 44 21 96 19 33 261 73 Davidson James Moian Jf)2 | <_> 00 ! 26 10 180 50 Dushore Bom ' Frank Buck.. ,«« 27161 ! 7 78 10 20 295 59 Elkland jWheeler Plotts , |)0 00 ! 4SO ! 450 Elkland 1 " i 961 ; 1 HillsgroveTwp Charles Haas , ~ 1 10 (ii 10 61 Bhurewsbrv Mathew Taylor 1H97 71 r>7 11 48 31 25 104 30 Cheny Twp. R. Litzelman 7iH) 05 28 61 | 117 11 ! 93.5 77 Colley I.P.Allen I .. 419 29 I 48 17 65 00 662 46 Dushore Boro iJohn H. Farrell I „ 117 28 234 75 42 00 424 OS Davidson" James Moran 1 g|:t 4« 1 ]iu iw 194 00 1148 16 Elkland Alvin Rightmiie. „ 3.V, 9! i | 7s 60 121 79 5.9 38 Forks i Henry Richlin „ | M 97 5B 47 20 104 17 Fox 'A. Dickerson .. I 271 43 564 47 37 321 41 Forksville ' John I'anloe .. |« 64 , 79 36 19 00 221 00 Hlllsgrove M. W. Lewis . 897 113 64 72 03 61 00 249 67 La|mrte Twp P. Kargc .. l,i;i 20 »14 45 10 40 179 60 La|«>rte Boro A. Buschhausell •• 41; 17 14 25 60 42 Shrewsbury. I iMathew Taylor .. 290 80 11 27 75 CO B*l 07 Total UMtti 7k70 win nan i I RANHOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. j ! In account with various Collector* of ]>ev!ous years for tax account* i»id up and settled I _____ during tho year 189?. i Bofloouks JIND . fur Due Co. Pd.Tn* L.,iu.,- fcXunV Collcc'si Hue i„ ToWymira coueoee*. Tear. laataud/ln m/1. Retmr'd AV wad Com. 1 County Ual "c> harry _..... Jr. J. MeDonaßl UWI 1110- 1100 10 11 10 orksvflle ...... H. W.Ollbart WOO 12 0U j 12 o> La parte Boro N.C.Maben 36 19 IV IHj 17 01 1 3ti lit I Mvulaaii VVm. Bobbins 1892 30 00 13 401 805 »&."> 30 00 I :.,lley P. A. Walsh.. 18U8 6W 3«H 60 M 6'J 3i. ! :berry F. Mittendorf IBM 157 40] 157 40 157 10 •olley O. Baumanu 81 88| 59 23 12 259 SO Ml He t.tvidaon James Morau 2W 01 250 01 2.V.1 ai Whs "V. P. Haaulan..... 80 la CO 12 t» 1* | 'nrksville 80m... • Charles Nya. 44 63 44 63 Hit | lilhwrove Cktrltn llm 5 60 5 60 r> 1 < hreurkbury Mathew Taylor. 21 87 21 37 21 37 nierry "• Mltllitorf Utt 522 07 522 H7 522 97 olley P. Allm 324 62 277 8T 40 75 324 li: Uvldxofi im«a Moon 125 srt |2S 50 12ft 5< nuhore s. Rtahtmire 330 40 XK 11 13 «r> 57 73 » i D. lrtckemou 121 61 113 01 150 C2O 1-1 r, •orks enrjr Rlchlln 11* 93 1(J8 76 10 17 113 a •'nrksville Boro.. bailee Nye. 70 (W 70 85 70 8- - t|iorte Boro J. Heeler. ' 16 401 16 40 Hi 4 Hem- "'«•»' Martin... 18(6 1375 7«( 1242 90 53 40 30 afi 48 50 137"> 7 ■olley P. Allen m W 822 13 114 18 101 T-' 5!« < "iivldeon ..... amea.Moran 005 74 815 24 IKO 50 so.". 7 ashore. >*«k Buck 581 3fH 2Ti7 KM 27 «8 1 iftfi S» :.*l : Ikland Vheeler I'lotts 560 61 514 47 » 1(> 22 88 »4 H MUI' ox I>. Dickereon 103 51 141 27 87 IN 14 35 1 ! 19:1 A orks eniy Rlchlln 300 71 t<3 47 10 31 18 let J :itO irksville harfe*;Nye 143 Brt 142 03 4 8:1 »3 O H:u illsnore harlcx Haas 210 87 1«8 25l 28 AO 1 341 10 61 210 K . iiorte Twp hillip Kai*e....- 218 52 104 85) 38 06 13 82 220 21s: 1 porte Boro I'. J. Keeler 255 SM 2t7 t* 13 W IS 37 44* 2V, 112, hrewsbury .Uaftfcew Taylor iU 43| 367 83 055 32 75 101 30 514 4 Total 8878 soi <U» «0l IS2 611 383 31 58 6»i IWS OS 8373 ;• « Due Collector. RANSOM THRASHER. OOCHTY TREASt'SER. In account with the several Township* and Boroughs for School and Building Funds, for taxi* received for Unseated Lands, for the year I«S7. UOBOI'UHR AMD Ant reud Due Twp Due Ties Total Pd out by On. Trcaai Due I»ie TOWNSHIPS In 18S7. last aud't last aud't Rec'd- 'ST Trea in' 97 tsom. Twp. Treasui 1 herry.:.. iTjl hi ......... 90 53 50 Oft 1 » .'is 22 olley 147 66 4aO-4« 578 12! 419 70 10 4»! 147 S3 'Ushore Boro 42 42i | 42 avidsuli 944 06 428 28 1372 31 716 57 17 911 (37 Krti .ikland 11« 18 79 65 72 66 72 orksvlUe ' I oiks 219 85 28 91 248 76i 248 76 ox 123 97 95 97 219 94 219 91 lillscrove MO 60 62 08 212 68 108 50 2 59 106 59 •apoiU Boio 66 42 90 4:1 46! 4! 83 1 071 S«l . iiorte Twp. 486 51 120 55 1 807 06, 417 54 10 4l! 179 111 lirewsbury 417 10 400 71 697 Blj 195 69 500 497 12 'Mil 44 1476 40l I 4136 84> 1944 88' 48 73l 2143 23> RANSOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. In accouat with Utaaevetal townahipa and boroughs for taxes received from unseated lands for Poor Funds during the year 1897. noßoi'OHi xmd I Amount Dae Two. Due Trea. Tot'lreed Paid by Trea*. i Due"i Due TOWNSHIPS. rec'd '97 last audit laat audt. in 1897. Co. Treat Com. . Tw |w. Trtu- Uerry 17 29: 42 69 '"" 59 99 "" 4156 1 (Ml 17 38j olley 108 29 1 103 29< 100 71l 252 «>< > ushore I ! I ■uvidhon 372 08, 885 24 757 27 750 61 17 76 11l Ukland 17 85 17 85! i 17 85 . orksvlUe Boro 1 ' '■ ' ! 1 i oiks | ■ : ox 247 88 45 00 ! 2!'2 88 132 32 312 157 lillsgrove 125 44 49 18 ! 174 72 145 04 173 23 •npoiteßoro 1 ! I ji|K>rte Twp 162 571 28 22 i 190 79 90 50 2 261 98 Oil| hrewsbury *» 17i 809 17 86 3.1 2 16 220 litt Total 1234 48671 RANSOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASI RER. In account with.the County of Sullivan for the year 1897, (officially ending Jan. 1,1898. .mount received from Collector* (or '96 By amount of County Orders redeemed mid for t>revious years, during 1897 8089 90 by County Treasurer during 1897 2SW2 1 1 mount of County tax received froaa By Treasurer's commiss on theieon 610 0 I'nreated Lands during 1897 3411 71 By amount paid state Treasurer, the vinouut received from County'* propor- I State Perimial tax for the rear 1896. . 640 1 tion of license money, for the year '97 731 25 ! Treasurer's commission thereon at 2 % mount leceived from Mate, bwtig the per cent 878 K Refund of %of 18S6 tax 659 17 Treasurer's commission the.eol 21 a t mount received from Laporte Borough 1 By amt. paid Slate Treasurer the ami. of proportion of sewer expeaaea 11 00 tax on loans for 1886 217 1 mount W. A.Kennedy. Fine in eaae tlo. Treasurer's commission thereon 5 4 of Comth. vs Kennedy DO 00 By amt. of intenvt |iaid 011 bonds, viz: int. I'ioth'y Lawrence Fine t»0 and on Ist series 4mr ont 1320 00 Jury Fee 84; Comth. vs O. C. Brown 14 00 on 2d series 5 " 262 50 1582 5 ,mt. of Jury F«-«s received (nam Clark Treasurer's commission on same 39 I W. J. Lawrence in oases of (saittl. w Hahr and tomth. vs Kossartaala 8 00 ; \mt. received from Slate-Dept.fop«X tra Re) orts for 1897 86 00 : unt. rece.ved from La porte Boro for I suppoitofOenoofcl in Uanvlll AijlMi 177 59 : vmt. received tram Hox twp. onaect.o( supi»it of McKay (Warren Asylum) 132 32 .mt. collected by Atty . Bradley unnote of County vs E.T. Brown 93 89 mt. received from Sheriff Swank sur charged by Co. Auditors for 1896 1 00 Vmt. collected by Atty. Bradley of C. E. Jackson on acct 15 57 Vmt of money boriowed bv Co Casa*. during 1897 of various parties 5156 37, Vtnount received from Collectors of '97 State tax. 224 90; County tax, 8253 20; Dog tax, 191 46 8669 56 B ilance due County Treasurer >732 67 S* B ** M t 28988 5(1 RANSOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the various tnanahips for Road, School and roor Funds, at the end of the ofltaial year. 1«97, to wit; Jaauary 1 IWB ROAD FUNDS' SCHOOt FUNDS. POOR FUNDS. ROUGHS AMD Towmm. Due Due Due Imic Due Due Treasurer, township Treasurer, township Treasurer, tomislni Cherry Towmhip. •* *•! i JJ? ® 17 >)lley do 280 «6 , 14/ 83 ; Dushore Borough I Jg 1 ® 1 Davidson Township 478 86( 687 86 ( 11 10 .'orksvlUe Botuogh | I ■■■■■■ ■ IClklaud do 161 77 61 <2 1/ n ' i-orks Township "M «! 2« 76 I Aix do 270 21 219 94 157 3 j ' Hillsgrove Township 254 jJJ ?? 173 2 Uipoite Borough ■■■■■■••••■.! * ... % •"•••• Uiioitc Towiksoip 81 Hi 1/9 11 J8 0; i 40098 w». am 819 98' 2712 91 2143 23 11 10 684 5f Road Fund due Twp 2712 a. School •• 2143 2 $5540 7. Less due Tretu. Road 1319 96 Poor iriO 3SI 112» | Net Amt Due Townships by Treasurer 52< 9 j gggKßß— l —a ' i— 1 RANSOM THRASHRR. COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for the year 1897. I By amount returned to State as uneol To Amount of Retailer'* License tor the lettable 7 « year 1897 1685 50 By costs of advertising 54 st_ By State Treasurer's Receipt 417 5< By Treasurer's commission 26 4. 535 00 A® "* WHOLESALE LIQUOR LICENSE To Amt. of Wholmale Liquor Llcease ftoolo By StSte Treasurer's Receipt* |3)« o' By Treasurer's Commission 20 on •400 00 • 40J 0 BREWERS AND DISTILLER'S LICENSE. r o Amount of Braves* aadMs«llerl By State Treasurer's Receipts $l9O <J License ~SMO 00 By Traaaurer's Commission 10 01 BILLIARD LICENSE. To Amt. aaaemed for the year 1897 $l4O 00 By nncollected license.. $ 3" « By State Treasurers receipts ltu • < By Treasurer's commission 5 s)> $l4O 00 14 RANSOM THRASHER. COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the County, and the wveral Boroughs and Townships, for their and each of their proportion at Lfoame Money, tinder the Act of June 9,1891. for the year 1897. II Total iProport'n! Propor- [""tiea* I ! Pa dto Due to ■oaovon* *St> Amt.of to tieofoß. Comm. , Paid to ,Boroughs Ho'™- _ , TowKsmrs L. money County and Twp. at 2 1-2' the j and J 11 "' Balanc*. I received l-s*hane4-Ashare* per cent. County. I Twi*. Tups (iSey Township..... 600 00 120 00 «0 00 15 00 117 00 468 «' # Forksvllle Boro 150 00 30 00 120 00 375 29 25 117 00 IN) 00 Hillsgrove Twp. 150 00 30 00 190 00! 3 75| 29 35 114 00 300 1-VJ 00 Laporte Boro 450 00 90 00 360 00l 1} 46 87 75 351 00 450 00 Laporte Twp 75 00 15 00 60 00 ISj 14 62 WSO 75 00 Shrewsbury.. 160 00 80 68, 120 00: 875 21) iU 1" 00 00 3750 00 750 06! 3000 o*l 98 76 731 241 2924 00 100 3750 00 The County Commtsefeneri in aceount with the County of Sullivan, for the year 1896; a s Ror.FRH- Ta Onunty Orders drawn durinir 1897 lsono By 67 days service aa par bill, aod't# B*o 199 50 To balance due B. S. Rogers 3,1 Rn By expense account a* prevented 10 «0 2uTiiii no 80 H n HCFFMASTER; ToOmmtr Order* drawn In 1«97.. 335 ro By 107 days service a* per Mil® S - ## 874 6# To balance die H. O. Huftmsster 49 50 By expense account as praaeated "0 3m70 POTT ip ARrrLRR- To County Order* drawn during 1897 SBnas By inlays MrvieHm Ooa. at# s#s.,. 40980 Tohakaoedu. PhilipSecules 41 « ! By ax pause aecouat aa preaental. - "78 Ota mm i Public Buileing and Grounds. io-i of M\u*r. inc |»i|e. lal.or fiivglu JJIUI hauliiig p I 2:JI ST kt it t.t u ..a i.i t. 11.1 i i lad Lhiß-uiiu cinitiu j.-, Windmillrejrniu, waterpuppl> 2"> 04 h>r u>u t.ij»w«u.i 7 7 lupair.- 10ami pi»b*.c tuiid* ingb, lumbrr l»»r m«dk* etc 4b 7<j I'ttiiiUi (-unit biUhlic.-. nail>, iad dei un«i tv\«» lawn ua.\vii> 77 21 Kuiiutuic and rc|«aii> 4C> ; M limi'k. nothing 8 1. . ctilii.liK 1«.» ;h . luinUnn lii u Saw KM'lnig aim \%• nought* uul | ut iiliK nil Mime M) 1 t'aint.iig I'Ubnc build. i.nuit lionse fi'iiue 54 21 mi Oti Assessing and Registering. v hen-y Towiibhii) o n 4 4t> no [ j <;i „ liomuKlt i>avalM>li 'ln\Mu»lii|» .aikiaitd un J2l . (iik>ville ox «*u ..iibKlnve r iil<ate boroiiKli Ui 7\ ui-nite invt iilVHhbUiy Uo 4;, NEW UHlLOlis. w i.nuni.x i»i A.gv over liigL< yal Si.ek Uul, neui liinuiii ol Jti.n : 1 tt»tt L.iig.iicci loi tM.uiuu 35 U A. K. l iij.p, eoiiliaei ini aLi.ina.iii> u Innng .11 •»-¥ ct ulaliy |iett>nii2* for latnl anu Kaia i.uc ini'lilltiig into ann bUiinn.g U.ngc t tnba . . . 11 nil m ove 1 i'r»lge 1 31 j. i.aeKMii.lli.iig 4 I, '•al-o' 7 6. .»«.euct OL I\C», iniiu ei uiin |'iaiiK yj .ng.iteer, \\. c. .wum>ll lo u .aoiaciuadd liiaigc Co. a ill I. oi coiiltaet llioo u . .. 27cM> y •ew county bridge over li.g Lnyul ■ uek al Lu|.«.fc : t a.n J. 11 siciiudi tui v»Oik 011 ai.utiiieiiiis IV,'2'A7 uuury |»ciM>u* foi lai.oi oil abuia. ;;*> oi 27 0u • aOlftciicaup iii «ugc t o «<ii aeel. ol eontiacUNinw); 0U 517 7i •l.uge Vieu.s: iam VicVNci»i/ii i»l v.ew, Ls jie/. ni.Uge 11l mo 2d •• 13 32 .11 air Mill ciei k n " at 1.111.011 nt " i 1 i<o •' county nudge in L)u»lioic i>.. l.» 01 kep himou Jl t*> 9»i "i a.d the A. It.l iiiiUiuii.- o« . 101 , a.iu io) 4j e, uiin |iiiltt.lig aim IUUIUi xu: a.ntiiig .WUi.e> \a.h) 0i.0ge... 3745 ltonii.> Litugv Id 00 .auk I'm N« Kiiiinnt bi.ngt i< m> FoikaViiie biiugc 34 11 hik Uitk 2f* t ,i " boiiisl>\t 11 " iihiO .ip-lll|>|»ilig (in " 32 00 90 00 to .villi Vit. w " 0 75 " ve •• tioo IM.tiik and ie|U<i» to Waibui tt.ll ni.oge i :Jo 70 271 •* lal ex| endituieh nil cnunt biidgea 90. j. .. Burial of Soldiers. raid John Nathan.ei liaii ». ehi\. V\obni> t»|i 3o 1 ELKCTInN KXI'KNhE-w. For towu>h.|» O ct .) aim geiieiul tNnv.) IMiT. 'lown.»h.|i :u» n"» lieiaiai 3o ."»i» 07 i. neir\ " Ai ,'>9 " 30 90 iiO 2 .'u>la>ie li.. " :W> ;»4 " ;>1 40 Wi 7, " ;u.)O " 2w .A 7i «>i k>\ tile li - 'M .0 •• L9 00 u. a ink.- " 39 7b " 30 iiO 7o .«• t»x " 30 22 " 21 ou i*3 2- . iu-gio\e.... " 20 ..0 " 3u fiO 1 ..tin..-011 cty " 00 •• 27 40 .'»4 n I Ail le 1i... *' iki lo " -2 00 .*»2 h .~ij-o. ic iw |» ;{.»10 •• 'Si 20 <«o t i 4. le/ " :i-» 11 " «»o iu o» .», it Veinoii " J2 " 29 lo 02 1. ( Kca.i... " " J9 I\j 29 • ..ugoaie " " '!•» bO 2.» ft •uii'UM uiy " 30»7 " 2ft 20 ui 2. .4.u .ui. iioil\ Co. 1 v. j. v.v etion Oiaiik- 1:1 I . L. Vv iiig, I'l l \» I'em t.oli hailot» Ol 00 ie. K ol i.dtii t». in.iig ttiui lc luiu? 21 .01* loi 11» l nin .- 0 u inn. . tiei.x, } Uiii.along 1 toe.. 4»- 0 .L. .iik. " 4" * •eo. Mieny. print ngCii.iri HUet balloto 29 2- .at iion.t 1«», blank.- 101 gi.iieiati-ii-ei.oii lo ft. ..-a la 101 uu. 11.- •' lu (.( mill > Lawieliee, tiling and recording an letuuib ol tne general eiict.oll 30 7- Total coat.-of ehct.mii> in IM. 7 fl.i2ft t Grand Jurors. February Term 19-*» 4.* •la> lei 111 141 .. t.pi.-111 Lei lei 111 219 * I'eecnibei'leini lu9 • 72.» u» Traverse Jurors. . ebruary Term and Seasicm.- 552 4 tiay •* " 324 4 cntcmber M la wet k 020 •• 2d w cv k 4u; i»eceiiiber " 570 4. 24b3 2 lloard of Trial Juroi*: At lebiuar> lei in 9 b May •• 4 5 Si pteinber " 2 week.- 37 It 2533 .: Borrowed Money Statement. Amount loiiouid |>iioi in 1v97l v 97 viz: . tulip Kaige 9 205 49 iienix kurge H.*» wi aiah Speakvi » 4fto 00 A . C. Maa< 11 500 00 Maron V.o 00 it. M. Stoiniont eat ate 2»oo V) it UK-el Kaina :tsot) 50 ue.-t.lia r%ea 111 all IMR) 00 anna Qu'.nii •*»<"» 00 John 11. Kartell 2.V) 00 iniatioie Hank 2*ou 00 do 20u> 00 itol t. Storm nt ">OO 00 nit L. stormoiit lt>o tA) viiiiaCoil.n- '.to 00 Fianccf Hieig. r :USO 00 192 2'. Auiount of nione> lot lowed during IMJ7 h.N. betta |.mo uo W. L. stoimnlit 101 0 00 Kl.zabcth C. >ick 900 00 i.ihlin Maanii :.00 00 llitiiniih C. Ymik 11 2*o 00 . eieeval Kinah-\ lUI 00 ... K. \\rid«- uo l'hillip Kaige wm 00 .Inhn NI. Kaige 210 00 >. ft. Kt gel a si» 37 51. Vi *. 2l:iM» ::i Statement showing the Bonded Indebted ness cn January 1, IS9B. To amount of Honda « ut>\l\uW\ g 1 ear ing ntciiat id 4pi 1 cent lei annum... :t3u:o <> To amount • 112 H«»nda 01 tasluuiiig le.ii ing intereat at cciili ler annum... fiimi m »bUJO Statement showing the Total Actual In debtedness on January 1, 1898. Honda c»ut.-tanding SBKXJ < Libilitiis ill EXCCM>nl 544• Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Coun' cfSulivan. We tin 1 ninlt'ifivrnl Ainli i"i" IVHII * ••iiiilv 'I" I" " 11 ' ' . i iiurstni.ce of tlit* v irim-" I itVe« i n;> •« Hup »•» N I.V tSe-ever i .CM "I t.e - ' Af-i'inMv Mini llie i-n1I|.Umim V«tr> tin io we liiil ihm l ill ll'>'' 1,1 "' 1 "J" . in tin- llmjiff, in ll e Bulling nI'I.II|K>I " LL V ' ' " .if., A I) IN«.I8. (it i.Ki..js 11. tirnt > «.r ;; iiiiilii. Hiljiint inill net I It* tin* (-ever il ri-ountx of l.e ' ■' " M "' '• '11"' • , . iiii-nioufi-B mnl 1.11 Hiirli »|* M r «" r«<l" ute.t «itti* b Inw. , " r • 112" r . 'i, c... NII tn iinli', nlj'i-t .. -I . ».i.l I *■»•.*. <••'J; '' mettVH fin il t (I »!«•, w lifii wt- ii |*)«*ie«l iliin u *l ° ! f i j , l e.tify i1...1 we I'liniiil LLIE HH. : «I WM IH I Hcnuiiitc <5» ''• 1 .''l'l. ! . |,„ i|," i.iliir.iii.iin.i ...ill lielief, ..* ti'.e MI e>t j >| >t-i.r midite I luiji.*'*.«l ....'I IIIHI iieini/.eil IIH HIIHWII in tl iif fin ifoinjr re|K>rt. , . ... , , | In teriiiiintiv wlivreojti we liove our lunula uinl h; ■■ Of Jammr) A. f Ltwiijii n»t»TT. Him PEMKBIX.»OW».AuAUoW. Imn&llMwimm I | Sheep C kirns. Ottf. I-j.n liptF. Jane. Gallup I ci. 2 killed 'id ni' *•. o to I i.t }«4 I U 1 .. •• .it 1-lulik liulii, 4 " " 3 14 tU I Utu. L. l>umett 1 " .. " 3 4 oO ! m. 2 " .. " 3 6 ... | do .. " 0 "3 lo ... I , uo 4 '* "34 ... ( haikf Hugo 1 •* 3 •• 3 o .... 'luouoii l.ctfs 1 '* 2 **3 « .... J (*e|.li 7 " 3 \ 6 2o .... oc». .112 I*. 4.uu% I* 3 •• 1 "4 1..0 p • \ 1111,1.11111 2 3 "3 li .... iiiurte* iii.go 3 ti "3 its .... j .u.i tl i, 6 ti •• .. 44 a 2o ... i.t'iii.x Ki.ti e 3 •* .. •* i> jo •I. A. l-l llllill 1 •• ~ • • ;j ~ A. i. I •• l a 12 • • 1 tja l I lit I I .- 1 •• .. •• a -i w Ul. 1.01U1.J u .1, J •• .. a ji.mi i u>i,ii i x a o ... 11. 1-. • I»llU V.» | M OllilCl C. ill.Xlol 1•• i. It 1 •• " "34 .i. J.. L1111.L1.U441. 1 | .. M ' I !A> Jo.-C|il 1 UURI 2 44 - •• 3 o .'t.llnf IOIi.J K ll.* I " 3 "3 ... L.i unvii 4 •• .. •• a it, !" hlitanbcl .I. Ui. I I " 1 "35 u.r. I 4 " .. - 3 || i..W. f|e..iy a •• .. •• a . u. ftl.o «A> . 1*« Court., lit lif.x ing oxviicr lo H.i, 2 70 lc2 2i 1()-J 20 Total coft to (_• in.t\ l« r.. o'.: s..,*> .5 No. of Slut). ko.eo, «1; oil 11.1*4 va •»(• lltlcllli lit rllW.lig dir| Ir.t l I.of £nl.eH(X. u liOJCM.N Loiifclu l> UUlut II I U.c M.l 1.1,\ 111 IOC- . llv 112 . 1..V Ol tl.v i U.I I- I. lc« I ' JltlUi., L..K-i . ontiacl.* inane Lj ilic liiMcc.- oi ili.s |io{i*ilv IO Ull.J.ltf |t.M llf, «.l I. 11.1 1.1i.(.. I. If , 1 v it . , I ll.\ 111Ci.1.0 .ICC.XvU b.t .-a.*, lit.} iLCt oil ;U.U u»uii..iifc, Li j • u> Jiiii. l, l?iw\ x.z: <iijii.oiv.oiii. I u\iiu nth *Jl«iia Starr ... I. C. bog,, it 27.) ... lii 25 -« L - ... 1. V ii> ...» o.ii can. | . i2" ... 1..i ..u jw.f 1\ J..,ti\ 4.0 ... 22. • iss» t. &i..r oOi. ... iu. -o I:* i... ... j., 10 11../ All iioo ... | (k v 00 »iiu. E. .MiOfi . cnj. i . l.iN- ... a,. 47 viiii. Ki'c.vtu i«.i auid lo A. i. Aiiu&lo i,g... 2» to #.i3u> Oi) _1 » to : A int. in hand? ol'tiuMuo, due-> 21..2 <0 Amount Sincha g dcn A^dittor 1 fc97. lici.llfcWai kt.ii <iiuii No. i2\».. io 00 •• 'Ji 100 11 to » Oi.lit.v l« i 11111 :>.*• i«il 1 t i.»' IIII.\ > Ami. let d. fit in t>io\\ it ji.ogt.... 28 47 vi.oi-i .\t». c v i2i»; «• l • 1 IN.. ov< iuia\. 11 Oo 35 i«2 I hilip.Sii i lit, ct». 1 omin .NB.t.lici o iiwia on, tiiuci .\t». 2-» 1.0 ' i». liUliliia.-U-i. 1t . i oiu. t t.i.w 11- l.oii, oldci No. 1410 :;«» 10 s n 1 02 State Tax and Interest cn Indebtedness. I.tic Ul.\ till Ctlxllt« i1.1.V . tct.liv. .• I<4 II I lo ; laic 1 lca.»U.«'i 21". IN , .lllt lc.-l I'liitl till Ct>t 111 v t It.i «.* 1.1 I. tliliO* •<g l.t .«• .lit liO ICM l_i Ul» . 11U .c.-l oil I t l.U> ..I .. 111 n. _'t. ft . c 2« •» iio ui 4 ta> ift 1; 2 >0 .Mini al co. t of .i.i'.cl tct.iiff.- Note: ll.c ul. u>l |u.o aniuali\ on v 01 l> i».c..-al lite t,.-l .> L».» c 1.1 a.. ii.«ii'i> tiiav 1.1 11 1 < I.ui\ 1 ii\ ii«.i« 111111 nci . 111 ii 1 C C.-I 01. lIIC I « lltl> .- | 11.(1 O ICt I . 1.1.1.t.1.1 .(.!• > , . lilt. V1... t .4. |KM i 1.,1, I. It 1. 11l t I lie J ciu.'iiliiiu.i 1 toi.ji .IK mhic . . x 11. i.« « «l . Ol.Cw UIM» |.. 1.11 In lilt.' ( t». lltUuU r . 11I1C In ..C It I .ill 11U 111 i.l I.M Uiy. Sheiil.'s Cost and Jaii E p.nscs. c.x.ccoi .-no. 101 C0...00.100-.a« .tit 1 \n. 1 12 1 #iat. alio .-lii . .1. o i> lel . It lin i.ial one u j* 11 lo U aid of I . 1 . ai.d l ;>•*> i n .4UOU I 1 | I iPOI.CIS, COllllll IIIICIII.- * it I"1 0 ink i.K u|Oil> 1 Ot aiti t 1 .. 1 . ai.t. ( . 2> <0 iiiavt .i.g aim MiL. Juioif .\.II\ 4el in l.s to M'| I. 32 10 0..1d.nt; | rin ci if »tc i> . .. .. »j; 0 .»r. Vooi iv . .la 11 lij.»;i';an'> I) 11 l. 0.1 c. loiiK • « l eciif ..nt. ja 0 oiie. a. foi 11 t.d ng > 1 ja 11 ;*> iillti.nK |lft ot it,... ui M.n e... I M' OIII.IIK lo' 'll»(.l| Lo\t 7 '.O 52-• 0.. * I'rroi in tli V I ill of $lO uli'cli la> In 11 .mi ; cliaigcd lofcliCiill S\ti.nk. .xi ciift> for |»rlilt ii|r and Adxt it 112 i>tM.k> and lor liu \e..i l v '.'7. .* KVV> lIKM. ( . 1.. \N .1»K. |UI.. fliii: > I'uli, proe.amai oil ea.cli(lai> tie 23 50 .lillliui • ll.Clil.lii.i. 1 11.1 a.nk.- n. IHI . i.l ng l.n.iik. 1( 1 e«»i.lit\ i li c« 112 St . aiei.UKiil 11..luiai./at 011 eel lie I 33 N) uo 11 aii 1 i.fl. eoiiit |'ioi .alii..l 1.11 oi.okc liii.nkf eic* 15 50 . rial i.fl. coml in e. and t iociiu'i «. 0 • -ii v ciOj ef loi MieiiliuliO I icaf... 4 .'Ki IIK I «J5 (J..ZEriK. (.ito. Mul \. | i.tlu'l ci; | ul) annual flaleliniil | ice.. 77 £> ; an r.ii 112 fulc luiiiikf eon 11 | H.eia | 111111.(41 122"> i'lml lift i*li(i e(>Uil i at-0 ! fU.l.oiieiv 11 50 107 40 1 Kevikw. Fied Newell. |.itbi.Mui: ! . ul* c.ici i n |.iot-iumat on. coon 1 n.c SuLift i.j l.ou, cli\c.o)A-f. idler i.cads 7b CO .\oic: 1 n.f bio if 101 1.0. k 1 it- .11 in*.) l>K.Mot K.IT, V ctoi | iil>i.flier: .'ubcouil 110 c. tn\c.o| Cf foi lieafUicr ..lui liifoixeui docket loN r i 30 74 .. Ka.t. i.iX biitlikf 14 to 0. s. Ko ur, 1 00/Aino.ii> 0 00 . . li. 1 oincioy. ftat rx aim I laim|» 22 10 ail lob. io., liaiifci.|l (lickt.l and |.a|ci lot 'llciifo 1c 1 112 ollicc 30 50 ..clii.x llall, blankf lo 5M titiguax 1 üb. Co., biaiikf 24 .0 .oniM'iuel.x, Nxain Co., l.niel !• Icr alio .-tat.t.iicl> 7 (0 . la. .Xialin C« .. ilgal C.«i , b.ollcif etc.. 11 -0 J. Xt .jtii-li. oil iv i 0.. 1 .111 a. 1..1 • K.c. I 13 »0 . Soli, new coin 1 iuU ;>.*> i0 ». XV. Kanui, lax iiUl'i.caU 111.(1 .vj; Ml \ u.ok- - 2 1.0 liCRi-'-l' IX • I'd Aff 1 '«i k: • •«» ft* .a d loi Legal Cap, ."1 ci ice 1 CtiMMO.N XX'K.X I.T 11 S TOfTh IVXII* It Y Till: Col'N'l Y i.u. nj; Uo xcai 1 - 1 al.'C nielciifc. S 1. Mitclii II Miicc.'.x, 1 I.«i k .Mux 7 . ai« cn*, .n inn ligvi -» . C.oil OOf, .luiKC . v |UltC 70 il ... liai.ll.UK »• K Kcv I ti. ligf— . 1 a oil. . o nci I.accnx.F Mitli in loi I* .^ hCfcitU n. (ico Kxnifiixdir 2 i.uigiaix. Ji.liiin *- 1. mi 1. Man Mai .- M.. ci i 1* ' 1 . uigiiirx. Mi I.aid iiik 1 I•' 1 1 i.iibiiif 101 l'of, Aduni Knclci I 4>4 ;. r » I'li ti liifteiH l .-iiMfiit :.r> mul Slutv A<> iim<s t.lli lig 1:'.»7 i' Ih I. ii' ««•'" 1 i'ii. iv 1.1 hi\ -11 -H IK--W ;;; Mi ll 1 4: M 274(0 Wi.riiU As-x iu 111, 1. > Si|l 1 07 <::U ' 1! ' \ uel and Lig'its. I»HiTT F M ( rf*>ie> 21.11*n n- 1 «•» 7 'j •• :ti'.i . twt not com (4* • > '-'* > 1 21.14 i»t-iif *' ll:i '' I Fr(d Koe .lt(»• i« n* )l c»» j}'** - ■ INiel ui >ni ic. 4.1M0 lihio ««» n « •* i{ \ 1 >.»?( n, luit 1 njr I.«iu «c«o . .mS I.V 81 cl.Cil, 3calici>> oil- n.utcl c.- i1c.... 11.4 -0". 4