Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 17, 1898, Image 5

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    i')liwiri Niws Item.
\ i Fiction lags aftsr truth, J
\ Invention is unfruitful, and T
I' imagination cold and barren. T
And tbs truth is that £
p" c ißews |
} ITtem |
# Ever Charming, Ever New, #
is the £
# Handsomest and Best #
# Newspaper r
# in Sullivan County #
J giving t
# All the News #
5 ° f t
# All the County #
2 All the Time }
I #
# Read it, Your neighbor does, 112
# Subscribe, Don't borrow. #
A Pay up-to date— 4
A Or else we can't keep up 4
J tnls gait.
County Seat Indices.
With the valentine before him,
On hi- knee.
What a precious thought came o'er him:
••Sjtteit I ie
Did she send it ? Does she love me?"
Ho» lie sighed !
"She's un angel tar a lime inc,
But i wish her for my bride,"
Then lie kissed the scented letter
Un ii s knee'
And said "iioiu* could love you better-
Sweet T le!
Did she semi it? 1 toes she mean it?
Wish i knew."
Ah, the pity ! Susie sent it
And Staiy didn't care for Sue.
—The iloor of success litis the won I
Push on it.
—To endure and lo pardon is the wis
dom of lile.
—Ernest Latter is on the sick list suficr
ing with neuralgia.
—Judge Dunham is holding court in
Towanda this week.
Rev. nud Wrs. Win, S. Skinner left
on Monday for a lew days visit in Phila
Judge Ingham was transacting legal
business in the Bradford County Court at
'jfft>wiinda last Friday and .Saturday.
-SSihCe the Laporte twp. election the
weal is cooling off considerable. A
general flLaw is the only ihii&'we could
ex|H-ct. 4
subjerl to the new immigration law.
—The Democrats were <.ive - > their pass
ports for suit river long ago, but they keep
on abusing the President.
Altys. F. II Ingham, E. J. Mullen
and A. .1. Bradley were at Williamsport
the early part of the week, expound law
before the Superior Court.
Win. Cheney of Binghaiiitou was in
town Friday on his way to Eagles Mere
where he was called to the sick bed-ide "I
his mother, who is at present some better.
Master Robert and Miss May Mason
gave a pleasant social IO their many little
friends Wednesday evening of last week
at llieir home, where games and u very
nice su; per were much enjoyed.
—The sleighing is reaching die stage
again where the yoke of oxen and the
stone boat are the only outfit that can
make much headway on thecoiintry roads
-•-Some of those Democrats who profe-s
on the floors of Congress losee so much
calamity are possibly look ing .it the po
litical fences which ihey 1 must depend up
on this fall.
—lt is rather strange that, being a r>'si
dent of Wilkesharre, Judge Woodward
never had his alteiiiion calhd to news
paper liars uuiil some were imporied from
New York.
—There seems to be bin one hope com
mon to modem l'Zl (I womankind, to which
all her admiration is anchoied ; one sign
in which they unanimously repose un
swerving faith : $!
>lr. John Smith formerly of this
place now of Buffalo WUH a caller O" friends
in town the early part ot the week. lie
accompanied Miss Terena fleegan who
brought the body of Lotiie Deegun to this
place for burial
—Already are some of Ihe Democratic
pollutions, who can't split rails orcuiuiiv
ice either, occupying a great deal of time
mending fences. The Republicans seem n
little slow in this respect bill this is only
the substantial proof of winning the race
by being a little slow on the siart.
—Talk about hoi times in the old town,
why, the boys never had such a good time
crowded into such a small space of time
as at ihe dance <u the Kennedy Hall
Friday night. Some of them kept llieir
cup of joy running over all the next day
The dance was H success both in attend
aucc *nd nociul enjoytueuf.
—Mr and Mrs. 8 B. Karns took a trip !
I to Benton Monday returning Wednesday. '|
i —J. W. Ingham of Sugar Kuti, is visit
ing his biothcr Hon. T. .J. Ingham this ;
—Services at the Baptist church next
Sunday as follows. Preaching at 10 a. m.
Sunday School at 11 a. in. Christian En
deavor at 6:30 p. m., All are invited.
—M. E. Church Sunday School 10 a.m.
Epworih League 0:30 p. in. Preehing 7:30
p. m. by the pastor Rev. Win. S. Skinner.
Hon Russel Karns spent a couple
of days in Bloouisbiirg the fore part ol the
week on biisimss.
-11. A. Karns D P. of the P.0.5.0f A.
accompanied by F. D. Coo ley were in
Shunk Saturday where the L>. P. installed
the officers of camp No. 2i'o.
—The two Dushorcjournals have lock
ed horns and are now furnishing the
public with a woidy war over ilie Kratis-
S'oliteii affair. To the public, their
effusions sound like ihe braying of two
animals with long ears.
Every valeii line season brings out a
reflective essay generally congratulatory
in tone, io the effect that the custom of
sending tokens is d» iug out We miglii
by virtue ol ihe beautiful art received on
Monday gladly wish Ihis lo be a fact, l»»<!
as we are not too blind to observe tin
life ol the common Iblks who keep tin
worid moving, or 100 old lo experience i
ilii ill of happiness overa token Iroin tlios.
who make the carnival day one of inno
ci-ni merriment, we respectively exten
our thanks Shakespeare wrote sublime
Iv: ''Love and beamy still iliat wolfi.-l
visage grace." and why may we not thur
console ourself.
—We clip from the Tyrone News bud
gets published in the Altoonn Evening ,
News, the following article, in pari, of tin
report of ihe regular session ol the Boa id j
of Eilncalion:
Mr. Ewing moved iliai A. F, llcess l»
elected teacher of the commercial coursi
lor one mom Ii at a salary of SOO. and i j
he proves satisfactory, he will be electei
permanently; carried.
Mr. A. F. II cess, the newly elected 1
teacher of the commercial course, tool
charge ol the class lliis morning. Mi
Heess is Iroin Sullivan county, ami is n
graduate of the VVilliamsporl Comiuercia
(olicge lie taught live years in tin
schools of Sullivan county and one ye II
in ihe Willi, unsport Commercial Col leg.
and is ai pres-utone of ihe auditors o
Sullivan county lie conies t > iheboird
highly recommeiided Tli* board receive
pplica ions Iroin Williamspori, Pittsburg
Columbus, New York cily and various
other places.
Drowning men, says the proverb,
grasp at straws. When a resistless cur
rent is dragging its viciim to destruction.
the unfortunate reaches frantically lot
anything that seems to promise him safely.
I'his is why the mugwump newspapet
as the Dushore Review, last week, iriet
u, persuade its credulous readers tobelievi
that the present efficient Board of Com
missioned were in some mysterious wav
responsible for or wholy identified will
ihe portentous increase ol ihe county % •
indehtedness. Tne Commissioners lei
no room foi criticism because they exer
ciseil llieir choice and denied the Review
a third ol the usual amount paid for ad
vertising the statement which as a wlioh
is nieag.r enough. They saw fit to liavi
it published according lo a nensible view—
in the two party organs, which was sutli
cienl to comply with the law, ami as tin
Review is not the o.ily paper CII eaith.
we lb ink llie public has been made thoro
uglily iiCi{Uainted with the linuncial atlair
ol the County. As the Commissioner! '
are oblige to pay the expenses that ari
mc.ssarily incurred, and when theii
accounts have been carelully audited anil
approved, such reflections as in the Re
view were wholly uncalled for, save t>
give vent io peisonal animosity.
Eagles Mere.
Our road are very muddy an I
Mr. Norman Shickhouse Mer J.>hn O'Neil Miss Mazit aiul Mary Whitmoyei |
were to Laporte Friday evening
last and attended a ball at Hot* 1
ivennedy. Then reported tin-1
sleighing very thin.
Mr. 11. D. lluzzy was tending i
spikes for R. McEwen one day ol
last week when the sun shone so
bright thm he did not see a small
log coming when he sieped his lei",
foot in the slide with his canthook
above it and the log striking the
hook which broke hi* leg above
the ankle. Drs. Gross and Wood-
In ad attended to the wound.
Smith Boudmau, Bert Rider and
Normon Staekhouse went fishing in
the E iglesMere lake on Friday and
set their tips up and stood around
•all afternoon and did not get a bite
and then went home and left their
hooks but they had not gone long
until Mr. Harvey Danley caught u
beauty twenty inches long; hard
Smith Boudman and wife were
seen driving through town on Sun
day and were on their way to
Houseknechts to spend the after
Mrs, R. W. Bennett has been |
very *iek for hist few weeks but is
improving at this writing.
Mrs. Cheney mother of Chas.
| Cheney is very sick at this writing!
I and had a very bad attack Sunday. 1
Sheriff's Sale.
I Bv virtue a writ ol Fi. Fn. issued out of 'j
, the Court ot Common Pleas ol Sullivan
County and to me directed ahd delivered j
; there will be exposed to public sale at the I
i Court House in Laporte Pa. on Fridays
the 25th. day ol February lß9Sat. 10a.m.
the following described property viz:
All those certain lots of land lying and
being in the township ot Shrewsbury.
Couniy cfSullivan anil State ol Pennsyl
vania.* bounded and described as follows:
Beinjt lots Nos. 5, 7 and 'J in Oatnbles
addition on the plot or plan of Eagles
Mere le and surveyed by Win. A.
Mason beginning at a |ioint 150 feet from
Southwest eoriiorof Laporte and Alle
■rhanev avenue thense one hundred,and
sixty-seven I'eet and six it-dies VVesierlv to
mi alley tliense Northerly along said alley
15ti I'eet in Lots of Peale and Dickson,
liense lti7 leet and 6 inches Easterly to
the place ol beginning. Reserving there
from Lot No. 9, bejriiiiiig on West side of
Laporte avenue, 240 feel Southerly from
corner ol Alleghany avenue, it being the
corner between Lois Nos .7 and 9, thense
along lot 7 North 09] degrees West 1(17J
t'eei to an alley, thense along said alley
*oiith 201 decrees West C 7 feet to lot No.
11, thense along lot No. 11 >outh 09]
de-frees West 107] feet to Laporte avenue
mil thense along Laporte avenue West
.0] degrees East 00 feet to place of begin
-ling, containing 5(1050 square leet.
Land all improved and suitable for
iitiilding pur|ioses
Seized, taken into execution, and to be
-old as the properly of C. Peale Jr. ut
the suit of F W. l'eale. .
Ixohams Attvs.
Mierill's Oltice, LtiporlePa. Jan. 31, 189S.
Sheriffs Sale,
By virtue ol an alias writ of Levari
Facias issued out of the Court of I 'oniinon
i'leas of Sullivan County and to me direct
d anil delivered, iliere "ill be exposed to
üblic sale at the ourt House in Laporte
.'a. in. Friday I ebruarv 25 'B9iS at 1
.'nlock p m.the following described
rojierty viz. _ _ i
All tiiat certain lot of land situated in
! lie Township of Shrewsbury, 1 oiiiuy ol
ullivim and Slate of Peinisy Ivauia bound
| <1 and described as tollows:
Beginning at a |«ist corner on the South
ode of public road leading from Eiigles
ili-re to Forksvilie, thense South nine and
| itie-ha 11 degrees West, eight rods to a post
liense South eighty-five degrees Ensl six j
I oils to a post thense North nine and one .
i iiilfdegr-es En t eight rods to a stone
.ile on south side of aforesaid public road
liense along South side ol s line North
•ighiy-live degrees est six rods to the
,ilaee of beginning.
Coinaiiiing foriy-eijrht perches ol land
nore or less, on which is erected a two
• torv dwelling house and other oui btii d
ugs. Land all improved.
Seized, taken into execution and to b<
-old as the property ot Win S. Partnitier
■ I the suit of U. VV. Sanders.
Bkadi.kv, Any.
Sheritl's olfii-e, Laporte. Pa., Jan. 21, '9B.
Charier Notice.
Notice is hereby given that an applicu
ion rtill be made io ilie Hon. E. Ai. Dun
■ :iin President Judge ot the Court ol Coin
ikiii Pleas of Sullivan County, Pa. in.i
■loiuiay the 2lst day of February, A. 1).
898, at three o'clock p. m., under the
vet ol Assembly of the Commonwealth oi
iVniisy Iva ii in, entitled, "An act to providi
or ill- incorporation and regulation oi
•eitain cor|ioratioiis." Approved April ,
.9 1-574. ami the supplemeuis thereto, loi
lie charier of an intended co. poratiou, to j
•e called Thk WksI.KYA.N Mk'IHoUIS'I j
Jltl'KCH, of Alilview Sullivan County, Pa. I
. lie character and object whereof is tin
vor-hip of the AI in igli t> (iod according to j
ue taiili doctrine, discipline and usuages |
-t the Weslevan Methodist connection (or
-liurcli) of America. And lor those pur
o-es to have, po-sess and enjoy all the j
ijilits, benefits ami privileges of the said ;
Vet of Assembly and its supplements,
lie proposed charter is now on tile in the
- ticeol the Prothonoiary of Sullivan
; bounty L'a.
Rush J. I'iiomson Soltciior. j
lanuarv 27, 1898.
i * j
Charter Notice.
In the Court ot Coiiildou I'leas for the
'ouuty ol Sullivan
Notice is hereby given that an applica
ion will be made lo the said cutii'l on
.M •inlay, the 28ih dav ol February, A. L)
at three o'clock p. in. under the Aci
i >1 Assembly lo provide for the incorpor
I i'ion and regulation ol certain corpor
lions,'' approved April 29, 1874. and Hj
i iippleiueuts, by T. J. Keeler, R. A. Con-
I .liu. J. 11. W. Little. Mrs. Miua M.
| Jnase, and E. K. Powell for the charter oi j
'oi intended eorporniion to be called tlit- )
| iln|iii.»t Church ol E iglesMere, Sullivan
j County Pa. The character and object oi 1
I (Vliicli is the support ot the public wqi- j
liipol Almighty God. according to tin
i iilll, doctrine, discipline tllul ii-unges o
■the Bap ist Church, and for these purposes
! o have, possess and enjoy nil the rights,
benefits and privileges conferred by the
s id Act and Us supplements.
flic proposed charter is now oil file in
lie office of the Prothonoiary ol Sullivan
• .on ii ty Pa.
S B. Kahns, Solicitor.
Laporte Pa., February 3, 1898.
Charter Notice.
In the Court of Common Pleas for tlie
Cuiimy ot Sullivan.
Notice is hereby given that an applica
lion will be made to the said court on
vlouday, the 28th day of February, A. D . j
189*, at three o'clock p. m , under the
•Act of Assembly lo provide for the incor
poration and regulation ot certain corpor
itions ."approved April i9. 1874. audits:
supplements, by T. .1. Keeler' K. A. Con
k I in, J. 11. W. Little, E. R. Powell, and
William Meylert lortlie charter of ait in- 1
j tended corporation lo be called the Baptisi
Church of Laporte, Sullivan County Pa.
I'lie character and object of which is th•
support ofiht public worship of Almighty
(Jod, according to the faith, doctrine, dis
cipline and usuages of the Baptist Church
and for these purposes lo have fiossessa|id
enjoy all the H-rlus, benefits and privi
leges conferred by the said Act and its
supplements. j
The proposed charter is now on file in
theotfice of the Prothonoiary ofSuilivan |
County Pa.
S. B. Karvs, Solicitor.
I Laporte Pa., February 3, 1898.
Williamsport & North Branch R.R
In Effect Monday Sept. 0, 1887.
Northward. Southward"
pm. a. m. | a.m. pk
515' 10 W Halls 945 740
fS 211 flo 451 I'ennsdii le 9 41, f136
531; 10581 lliiKhesvitk* 9 :i'2[ 4 24
5 40 11 07 Picture Rocks 9 26! 4 14
fu-tl fll 11: Lvons Mills f9 22 M US
f547|f1l 14 !„ (jhamnunl 9 20 ft Ofi
554 11 211 Glen Muwr 9 14 4 Oil
ftio4 fll HO stni w bridge fao7 f:i47
fi>(9 fll 3(11 Heech Olen f9 02 f3 40
612 1140 Muncy Valley 8 49 338
6 18 1146 Snnestoun 852 332
6 341 12 01} Nordmont 837 3 15
6 54! 12 25 Lal'orte 821 257
657 12 28 Lal'orte Tannery 8 19 254
f7 13 112 451 hniKdiile fßtvi f233
'27; 100; Sattertteld 755 2 20
p M.i am.tpm.
An crni..B daily except Sunday; >'f" flag
slati ns.
onnections wi h 'he P"biln<leljibin A Reariiip
ii*. lur all points n<>nh and loutli, ami the
Pall Itronk nili Hqi-eh i leek ro ilmn is. At
■'aitirlleid for llp ints on the Lehigh Valley
railioiid. At SO.ICSIOWJ wiih tbe Eagles .Uert
R. E. EAVLNSON, (Jen, M na.'cr.
Hugh osvillu, Pa.
Judge. Honorable.- John S. Line and t'ouiud
Klaus Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and
I'eruiiiier anil Ucnerul Jail Deliverer, Quarter
.-e.-»ions of the Peace. Oiphaus Court anu Com
mon Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued
their piecept, bearing dale the 27 day of Dec.
1897, to uie directed, for holding the several
courts in the HorouKh of Lapoitc. on Monday the
28Ui day of Feb. Ih9B, at 2 o'clock p. m.
Theiefoie. notice is hereby given to the Coroner
Justice* of the Peace and Constables within the
county, that they lie then and there in their pro|>-
er person at 2 o'clock p. m.of said day, with theii
ioll», iccords. inqu.sitions examinations and
other remembciauces to those things to which
their offlces ap|>erlain to be done. And to those
« ho are bound bj lheiriecogni/.atioii to prosecute
against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of
thesaid county of Sullivan are hereby untitled to
ne then and there to piosecute against them as
will be Just.
■Sheriff's Office, Laporte. Pa...Jan. 17, 1898.
Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for
rubbers, blanket**, carpets, clothing and
dressgoods at December low prices. High
est prices paid for butter and eggs.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of J. c. Bobbins, deceased. Letters of
administration on the above estate having been
granted to the undersigned, all |iersous indebted
to tIM! said estate are (equested to make pa) ment
anil those having claims, to present the'same
without delay, to
Or to her attorney Nordmont, Pa.
S. B. KAHNS, Laporte.
Trial List February Term 1808.
1 Ilenry McDermott vs Thomas Mahafley, No.
->(,, May term, 18j5. Trespass,
2 MitJiell Voi.ngiUi. vs A. J. Hackley, No.
lu4 sept. teim. 1895. &cire Facias.
3 Mrs. Alice Aialrus vs John K. Bird; No 79
December term, lsuii. Trespass.
4 siepheu Murphy vs Joseph Thall; No. 59,
l ebruar.v term. 1897. Plffs appeal.
5 James McFarlane vs W. t'. Mason- No 9''
February term. 1».i7. I Ills. ap|>eal.
(i Kate yuigley vs Ellis Swank; No. 1, May T
-189*. nils, appeal.
7 Kussel K.irns trustee vs Holmes Jfc Passage-
No. 3, Maj term, 1897. lifts. ap|ieul.
v 8 A-C- Haverly vs Benjamin Knykendall Jr.
No. (1, May term, 1897. lies pass.
9 A. L. smith vs Kobett McEwen; No. 1119 May
term, 1897. Dfts. appeal.
10 Martin Maikie vs E- V. Ingham; No. 152
.-ept, teim 18'.I<. Lilts. appeal.
„ , . , WM. J. LAWRENCE. Prothy. i
I rothy s office, Laporte, i'a., Jan. 22, lsys.
Foreign Attachment,
J.D. Rhodes vs Kobert J. Mercur.—ln the Court
•if Common Pleas of Sullivan County, No. 33 Feb
iuary lerm 1898.
suilivan County, ss: The Commonwealth of
1 enusylvania, to tlie Sheriff of said County
Vic command you, that you attach Robert J.
Mercur Juteof your county" by all and singular
Ins goods uiul chattels, lands uml tenements. ia
whose hands nr |«>sscssioiis soever tlie mime milV
ue, mi tliut lie be .uid appear before our Court of
] Common Pleas to be holuen at La|iorte in and for
sunt county mi tlie loiiitli yiouuav of Kebruarv
; next. Ihcie to answer J. I>. Khodes a plea of
Assuui|isit. bull to dissolve 81GC0.U), ami also that
. >ou altucn all and singiilui tile gt.ods and chattels
money* lights. eieilits mid ellects lands and ten
ements ol the defendant in w hose hands soever
: illey may lie found und summon as garnishee
ihe |nr>oli or |>eisoiis who hold or |mssess such
j property and es|ieuially sherill to attach the un-
I •nviUeil one-half interest in all those two certuin
■ pieces pai eels or tracts of laud in the warrant! c
names of Henry Hurley and George Uurlev and
-ltuaied in me Township of forks. County of
| 'Uilivan and.state of Peiiiis)lvitnia. bounded and
! deseilLed as follows, viz: on the North by laud
| n the warrantee names of Henry sibbee and
; Joseph .-il.-bee. on the East by laud in the wairau
[ lee name of Andiew H'irley, on the South by
i .a id in the warrantee names of Samuel Klvnu
.mil Andrew Flyini. on the West by laud in the
warrantee names of Wm.Ktcadnmiumd Jeremiah
Jackson, being the two tract* of laud known as
• the .Mereur and Lippim-ott Coal Lands," that
he be-and appear befoie our Court 011 the said
tourtn Monday of February, to answer w><at shall
ne objecteil i.gnllist niui and abide the judgment
..f the Court ihetein. And liuve you then and
there this writ.
Witness the Hon. E. M. Dunham. President
ludge of our said Couit, at Laporte the Ist dav of
January, A. I). lb'JS. '
, , , Wm. J. Lawkence, Pioth'y.
tSeal of the Court of Common)
tl'leasof .sullivan County. I'a.)
Published by oldei of the said Court.
„ . EU.IS SWANK, Sheriff,
sheriff s office, La|>oite, I'a..Jan. 11, Isas.
Administratrix Notice.
Estate of Patroclus Kline late of Fox town
shi)i. deceased.
Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis
tration 11)1011 the estate of said decedent have
been gianted to the undersigned. All peisons
iidebu-d to said estate aie iei)uesteil to make
payment, and those having claims or dema..ds 1
against the same will umkc them known without
• iclaj to
MARY E. KLINE, Admrx. !
Piatt, Pa., January lu, lb'JS,
I hereby announce mvself as candidate
for road supervisor of Laporte t wnship.
subject to Hit- decision ol tlie tax-payers
ot said township.
■it George P. Karge.
Register's Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the follow j
ing Accounts have been filed in my office
First and Final Act of GeorgeWancn,
Administrator of John Wanch deed.
First and Final Act of George Fiester,
Guardian of Glen Peterman, minor child
of James Peterman deed.
Fiistand final account of Jasper Clark
Admr. of Alary Clark deed.
Also the following widows apprais
ments have been filed.
In the estate of John M. Brown, deed;
Chan. 8. Hartzig, deed; Allen M. Brown,
deed; Patroclus Kline, deed; Richard
Lisson, deed. J. C. Robbing, deed.
And the same will he presented to the
Orphans Court of Sullivan County on
Mondav,March 7,1898, at 3 o'clock p. m.
for conformation and allowance.
Wm. J, Lawrrxcb, Register.
Reg. Offic* Laporte Pa. Feby. 5 189 d. I
L R. Gumblc,
Dealer in and
flanufacturer of
AND Your l-'Htronage
Lumber [.*. noli»it#d on the basis of low prices. Don't let fact encupH.
ii/ \ e are r«d of our lar*re stock of lihim] n««le WHgons.
WagOllS, VVe also deaJ in factory made plethora spiing wagons.
Blacksmithing and
We»t°i?ain Street OIEv ' I ' H !.
CAMPBELL The Merchant,
To My Friends and Customers:— Why has my trade increas
ed 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of hard times.
I can tell you. There are three reasons:
First Class Goods, Lowest Prices,
Every thing as Represented.
That is the secret of my success. I save you money and at the
same time make some myself.
lam now opening up my new line of Holiday Goods. Presents
that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to
to see them. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods
of every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are always
fresh. No trouble to show you my goods; call and examine them, for I
cannot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity.
Yours very respectfully,
*-HEE|| John W. Buck, IE •
An endless line of canned goods, fancy and staple
grocer if s, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced
table delicacies, may always be found at ous store.
A Sensible Wife will Always
Watch the advertisements of responsible merchants
especially Grocers. Bv Uiiß , n<>ans p)ie wj| , bp (<>
save in the course of a year enough money
to pay lor r good many other household
Is well stocked with seasonable goods ami <ve intend to
dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carry them off.
All kinds of country produce handled.
$2,000 to $2,500 Will Build and Equip a
Large enough for
the product of
600 to 1000 Cows
With Latest and Most Improved Machinery
Hundreds of the most successful Creameries cost less than above amounts
Plans and specifications furnished without cost.
Send for full information before signing any contracts.
Vermont Farm Machine Company, tELLm ' s
800 Hen's, Boys' and Children's Suits,
200 Overcoats and Ulsters
600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children
Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B
together with cotton and woolen underwear, over
shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and
not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piec o
gathered for the occasion or marked up just to be marked down.
They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they must.
I have marked them at prices that will make you buy.
«X. "W. C-A-R/ROXiI-m SS!SL 0 "" U Dushom, P