Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager. THURSDAY FEB. 17, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." The News Item Fights. Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Beat of Sullivan County. LAPOBTE. PA. Entered at the Post Office at Laporte, as second-class mail matter. SUBSCRIPTION —$1.50 per annum. If paid in advance $1 00- Sample copies free. All communications should be ad dressed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., Bepublican Committee Meeting. There will be a meeting of the Republi can Standing Committee for Sullivan Co., held at Laporte Pa. on Monday Feby. 28th at one p. the grand jury room for the purpose of arranging for the hold ing of the primaries and county conven tion and any other business that may properly come before said Committee. It is the desire of the Chairman that there be a full atlendance at this meeting as it is of much importance to the organiza- ; tion: following is a list of Committeemen j and the precincts they represent; Bernice, | Nelson Cox; Cherry, R. R. Hunsinger; j Collev, A. W. Barnes; Davidson, D. W. j Darling; Dushore, John Seller; Elkland, U. Bird; Forksville, S. W. Rogers; Forks Twp., J. L. Ilattenstein; Fox, A. B. Kil mer; Hilisgrove, G. Edgar Darby; Jami son City, Norman i[Schuyler; Laporte Boro, W. C. Mason; Laporte Twp. J. S. Newman; Lopez, C. H. .'ennings; Mt. Vernon, M. Edkins; Shrewsbury, R. W. Bennett; Ricketts John Miller. Bernice. A number of young people from j here attended the dance at Satter field Tuesday evening of last week. I All report a fine time, especially j Will and Frank. A sleigh load of jolly young j people from Skinnersville went to Laporte Wednesday night of last week. Constable L. Lawrey was tran sacting official business at Cherry Twp. and Cherry Mills Friday. Mr. Rinebold and family of La porte Twp. visited Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Rinebold Sunday. James Gilligan visited friends at Dushore Sunday. How many "1 told you sos," j have you got left over after election. Mining foreman R. H. Guy has moved into the house lately vacat- ] ed by P. E. Alden and Thus. Filz gearalds has moved iDto the house vacated by Mr. Guy and H. W. 1 Taylor will occupy the house just vacated by Mr. Fitzgearalds. Rev. Mr. Brooks of Wilkesbarre preached a very able sermon in the Presbyterian church Saturday even ing and held communion and bap tism services Sunday morning four j new members were taken in the j church. John Roerhle of Skinnersville, visited his son Fred at Hughesvilh Monday and Tuesday. Rev. Father Greene of Overton was the guest of Rev. J. A. En right Friday. Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Roberts and ; children and Mr. and Mrs. Michael Donovan visited Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Middendorf at Wyalusing Sunday and Monday. Mrs. Harry Hampson visited friends at Towanda Tuesday and ! Wednesday. Miss Nellie Fitzgearalds is visit ing her brother Thomas of this place. A pleasant surprise party was held at the hame of Mr. and Mrs. John Roch in Skinnersville Tues day evening in honor of their son John's 20th birthday. Mrs. Solomon Barnes visited friends at Towanda Wednesday. No, Miry, an elephant does not use a brass trumpet when he trum pets. Nordmont. Oh, it's nice and cold and busi ness is booming. On account of the wreck on the W. & N. B. just above this place Tuesday evening, the train men were oblige to spend their time in Nordmont until 5:30 this morning, when the track was cleared so they could go through to Satterfield. Mrs. Frank Lewis of Fairmont Springs, is spending the week at Oscar Lewis' this place. Mr. Chas. Reeder of Hughesville spent Thuesday with Mr. Lewis' people, The young inen of the singing class are busily engaged in placing a line stage in the church for their concert that is to be given Friday evening, the 18th. Directed by their instructor Geo. Sturdevant. The concert will undoubtedly be the finest ever given in this place. Mrs. Edna Turney furnishes the piano for the occasion. Mr. Ernest Botsford entertained one of our young men last Satur day evening, in disguise as one of our young ladies. It was fun for all except the young man who was entertained. Honeatown. Misses Nora and Olie Campbell from New York state have been visiting friends near town. Miss Carrie Staekhouse has return ed from Matter field. George Carrig has been in town calling on relatives several times lately. Mrs. Alonzo Converse is spend ing a few days with friends in Wilkesbarre. The I. O. O. F. of this place yesterday buried at his home on North Mountain Tucker Green, a member of the lodge. Mrs. Theo. Alencer has been in Galeton since last Friday visiting her husband who is there engaged in the mercantile business. Her | little son Raymond accompanied' her. John Glidewell, one of the county's oldest residents is danger ously ill at his home a short dis-1 tauce out of town. Mrs. A. Edgar is visiting friends at Farragut and Williamsport. J. C. Deininger left town Tues day for his llarrisburg home. Alvah Starr spent Friday and! Satarday in Williamsport. Will Keiss was home over Sun- | day,from his camp near Baumtown. St. Valentine must have been too poor this year to pay postage on j liis missives. For some reason he 1 did not send so many to Sonestown as he usually does. Damon Hall is clerking for Theo. j Mencer during his absence. The voters were not very well represented at the polls Tuesday. ; John Wilson and Wm. Laird were, the successful candidates for super visors. George and Arthur Sheets who have recently been living at Penns dale spent Sunday at home. Public Notice. The pulilic is hereby notified that we have this day purchased at slieri(l'M sale ilie following personal property of.l. 11. 1 Siacklioiise an.l have let the same to him 1 during our pleasure and creditors of tin j said -I. 11. Staekhouse are warned not lo ! purchase or in any way interfere with the < j -taid personal property under any penult) j i lull may ensue: DINING HOOM— Tallies, chairs, lamp, ! stoves ami all contents of dining room. BAR ROOM Stove, glasses, bottles, chairs and general furnishing for bar ; room. . ONE ORGAN. PARI.OII— AIt contents ot parlor, con-, ; -isiing of chairs, table, carpels, 6tove, ! pictures, stands, curtains, etc. | BKD KUO.MS NOS. 7, 1, 0, 2, 3 and hall | room: all contents ol said rooms consisting I »t beds, bedding, carpets, shades, bureaus ' bedsteads etc. KITCHEN —Stoves, tallies, carpets, and j all contents of kitchen. ' CEl.l.AK —Suited meats, canned goods, ; and ail contents ol cellar. Ail robes and blankets, 6 pigs, 1 team I of brown horses, I team ol gray horses, ! 1 heavy harnesses, 1 double light harness i I light single harness, one single light j harness including nets and sleigh bells. I Spotted cow, I black cow, I lop buggy with pole complete, I road wagon, I pair ol light bobs tongue and neckyoke colli- I plete. All of hay in south mow of barn and | ilie straw and hay in north mow of barn, i all grain and feed in granary at barn. J Two pairs ol heavy bobsleds with toil- I gues, ueckyokes and bark racks, 1 heavy wagon with bark rack, I low lumber wagon, I spring wagon with pole and 1 | laud roller. The above property is all locaied at the residence of J. 11. Staekhouse iu Snrewsbury twp. Also at the mill at Rock Run the fol lowing properly of .J. 11. Staekhouse: Several canthooks more or less, pipe wrenches, monkey wrenches,etc., one 10 inch bell, I 8 inch belt, 7 lath saws and I new jack chain. Also all the interest of.l. 11. Stack house in one steam saw mill and the fix tures connected therewith. All the interest of J M. .Staekhouse iu 40,000 leet of hard-wood lumber more or less, piled at the Muucv Vallev station of the W & N. B. R. U. Any one interfering with the above specified property will be amenable to 1 the law. FAU T.HAMis & SOXES. 11. T DOWNS, Atty. February I, 1898. HOTEL PORTER. Canton Street, SHUNK, PA. W. E. PORTER, Prop'r. >i First-class in all ist appointments. R'ltrs very reasonable. Good stabling. | Special attention given to traueieut trade. Comething to know! Our very large line of Latest patterns of Wall Paper with ceilings and border to match. All full measure ments and all white backs. Elegant designs as low as $c per roll. Window Shades with roller fixtures, fringed and plain. Some as low as ioc; better, 25c, 35c, £oc, Elegant Carpets rainging in prices 20c., Soft top mattresses, good ticks, $2.50. Feather pillows, $1.75 per pair. GOOD CANE SEAT CHAIRS for parlor use 3. 75 set. Rockers to match, 1.25. Large size No. 8 cook stove, $20.00; red cross ranges s2l. Tin w-asli boilers with covers, 49c. Tin pails— 14qt, 14c; lOqt, 10c; Bqt, 8c; 2qt covered, sc. Jeremiah Kelly, HUGHESVILLE. HAVING PURCHASED THE GRIST MILL Property Formerly Owned by O. W. Mathers at this place 1 am Now Prepared To Do All Kinds of Milling on Very Short Notice With W. E. Starr as Miller. Please Give a Trial. FEED OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. W. E. MILLER, FORKSVILLE, PA. N. B. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will confer a great favor by calling and paying the amount due, as I need money badly at once. Respectfully yours, W. E. MILL R. Spot Cash «§ Purchase i \ We have purchased the entire stock of Children's Clothing from L, L. Berman New York City, which enables us to offer children's suits at nearly 50c on the dollar. Now is your chance | to buy suits for your children at lower prices than ever heard j of before. Children's suits whice Berman made to wholesale at 51.50, we are able to sell at 85c. Suits, age from 4to 15, which Berman made to wholesale at 82.50, our price 82.25, Best all wool childrens suits regular pi icc 84.50, our price 2.75. The finest Bei man made to wholesale at 85 and 600 our price 3 00. AVe have bought 2000 Children's Suits and they will all go at a big sacrifice. You are all invited to come and see the wonderful bargains we are offering. It will pay you big to make your purchase now as you curely will not duplicate these bargains in the future. All the ladies' Coats and Capes at less than half price. Big bargains in shoes and rubbers. A big reduction in overcoats. Every article in the store we will sell this month at half price, as the season is advancing and we must have room for Spring and Summer goods. You can save from 40 to 50 per cent on every purchase. Ha- The Reliable Dealer in Clothing JfICOD rCI Boots and Shoes. HUGHESVILLE, PA. W.L.Hoffman's ========== HILLSCROVE Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, ■ PROCTOR, PA. February Clearance Selling If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores w here former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined efforts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. Unprecedented values given at these stores this n onth, IjENN INGS BROS. 1 <r^l We keep in stock at our nulls a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LOPEZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or j-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, / Hardwood Flooring both Beech, Birch or JVapltf, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CO R RESrONDEN C Y SOLI CI TED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. Wf I.MVf jnr-l lll.|um4 eil >• <-l. » Cl «•' n> il «• |ti- <• »ili' It «112 *•>«■ pVn-fil l.ici-l vomi h|» imhl nun ii< 11. \W «l" im I|i<«* il '< l.»i lile 11 « ciihj-hi 1 1 »* 111. ikri. I'lii »e-l« hiiv we li • \c- il i HtJST nimi i.«-mi«• i «.>s <*Hrnifl-If iiimlf. Our win* hhil nit" Mmd" - lu • nln, M'tl n tl « laii.l Ht\ le>- will* |.iircf to fll 't Hvi r\ liiml>. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE lIAVE THE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. i Lmlit'S hll I Bo*m mill v«<ii nwl nut (.'O I nil It'-z* u 11»* iiilit N'f i 1 nv'f \ I'm \i»ii h 11 . I' -ill in I'litiiin or woo . c«l »»l hihl I tin- pr ce" nri* V>tv i"W, < 1 l i>v Hi-ti mm«VI ml i ntf £<»• I* w " 1 ' ,J »mi• •«lieil t' lil Wf nre HMi- jfive \>.|i riieli One word in regard to foot wear: Unr cliiif ile|inriiiii*nl •<'»► ni-ver in.mill it vim «ill la>«-rn- with \ fiir h i ipnt ioii Inr ii!'•*« n>iiiii i• » H'lifi i» inwn w»* « ill rim* ini'f }*■ n I 1,1 hut- I *■ 111 -HI i HIV u l\ iiie i»l tine » •! ll»*HV» l»i IH iiiml filing <\ei 1.1..11 In l.eioie 111 |ii lie. On i-rm «e J"i" rei v. r\ .lesitfiif i- Dhoihihl SeiH I whirl. «• n.» He ) •'»» The hiu iii>t til ei iinir* |iriHlui'< liiih »l •»»> - lien. » |iei ihl le. lurr ... ou Basin.'*-, H' il hilll euiiliiiiie in p }i"JJ 1,,e li'giiei*t ctieh pi ieei< u.i Bimer j "**E. g! SYLVARA, ITR Some Shoe Sur P rises - I iV I ; i This is our surprise FSsfiiF'v- ' W- season. At this time of the year , jijl we roust begin to think about our if! Spring stock, and make shelf-room ( I for it. J (ji That's why we cut shoe prices ,\.%5 V' beyond recognition—that's why tyW'-' you are in luck if you need shoes ;lJ now. You can buy two shoes for r.:'- the price of one. and we have every thing you could wish iD Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and MACKINTOSHES. We pay cash for ginseng root and wool. SHOES: We are selling better shoes than were ever sold in this section of th** county before at half the usua profits. Everv price we quote is the lowest. HARRY HERR &. CO., MUNCY VALLEY, PA.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers