Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 17, 1898, Image 1

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    Published Lvery Friday.
I'llllllliC I
Business Cards.
r .. )n"» inv.
n'"!f. I.,.,'h'""'"" • \*'nts.
- I \ - I'D V \ I'A
F;i;~r \ \riox \i it \s'K
or i>l -iii HMC rr.W \.
CA'HTVL - - " 5 \n
SURPLUS - - 910.^0
|>„.- (i l! I»I11!■ i•: I'.ll-illfSS.
y F. 11. I•<)M 1:1:<'Y M I'. \I:TS.
r csiilo it.i t*
r. \v. i; M.I. viiiiKi:.
WilMll IIU*-||.» .-111< 1 I 11 «• I »•« ;lt ;lli '-Hill's
< l\-UM> nid U:iliiv II stsi-Mii.
hill "Uppl Vd « lli I'IIM Vr-I ! : <|ii' win- lid
r i • im M I -IMI'U MNIIII I'H'V di-d.
TH')S. W. DPAHE\. Prop.
M\ IUM. tuis iii*s» .it till' t'• mill tv ill lint
il- rr*» I ill'd 11in i* i.uiiuii.l nil- •|l|:iltfi> ill
lui\ I kt-w 'sr iiinxod '111• • l'u* l.niri' .Mid
11*|hi nl'd I. l| •» If II l< I. n- in\ ll'viids :o |i;i>t |*;iI:* Hid u
*|nVt fill I \ -«»l • t i cunt : i:»!!••» -of Millie. I JIH
I 1111\ \ iHir>
nios. w. m: \iiKN.
",E W uo v ™y. puvjpmi-roub
A lit-If • li'-I.i' I - 11cd r| I'll.
-I I\ ill.-1 Ii .ill nl t- 111 liK'Hl*
1t.,, ~. .1 i.I i , 112., ~ 11l 11■« 'el ..I i-| i.1.-.
J ; L LIU ;I \L H JLBL:.
IM ) ; ,<. : :\T m BUY, P.O,>
i. \t*' »i: • k .• \
i- a ■ * im• •' *
|> u « \ t so
.IIL 5 J < J/ £ IL 'USE.
Firs c is- >■i 11 • 1.1
<V i 1.1 11\ ..if.i i-.1.
iii.i.;; i'.\.
4>. wi i ci. lli, r i ■ elor.
lirK I 1.. I v.
If.i . I 111l 112 .1 I I '
/ I" I I I- Il I II II I I)'
I. I . « l«\ C.iills.
J # I. \ L : . IL. I NGILA.M,
\II l> M/l \ lA W
1,.y u i/ lie •••
lli li .1 ... in ••• 1o-
I. \ ul< r K A
Attorn sy-at-Law,
l'r« »ni lil 11111 l'u. lul iiicii inii «ii i«»
l»'iT;il liusiiH'S-.
\\ ill liut 1 inn i lis iii Yt »i'n\ < 112 r: rli ttd k.
«I Ii «•. -i l\ Oli'l - HIT.
L.\ r» Mi I K. r.\.
Attorney-at Law.
I. \ I'UI; I I: I'A.
Oft'ii'v n t'uiiri lli iii-f liii 1.1 hi;,
Attorney at Law.
(>lli.•. iii < 'utiiii \ Iti. - ill . j
I'l I'l-cl nil- flillll'Mll <• lie. Mil' -« 11.1 mi-11l lif
c>l;ilv.- inn nilii i I I.? iii v \> in im 1 vi*
plo.inu .111 lit 1111.
\rutii> i \r \ u
ort i h i\ • ir\Ti 111 i.iiiMi
l. \ I: I* . I \
a'..- -1.1 IX ..I .IR 11 W• I K .1. 1..1 ,IU-.
I'. Ui|4 ..nil 11.11 icv K \eAili.
111" 1.l l I. «
"I I'll l:' Til 17 I I.ASKI IN 111 II 11. Mi.
I i ■ -ii. lii , si if, | I-. I.i..f!|.li,ii.
.1 . 1 : 112. fI I .1.1.. ~|i, ~ |l.|, I |.,|f.«
A i l-ii nc.- .M.i i. II i it i(. , I.iii* At >.
U.I. full, II .112 III,' Ii(l l-l.lfl ff ii| J; ,, 11 ihc
lll.f. -I.llf I'll II- ill. ~| ~,,. | - , , UK
•' tit... ■! '''i |
|| C NL K Y I . DOW \>.
\T I l( \ > - T I. *
t* l I v I' II • Ml' 11 |i| \|i
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*' i• ii \ \ i i . **,
X I I Its I
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or 11<>i<• a
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j 'v || : '-| j| j| £ | '^^^jjj^|
From the Keystone. )
Nloji vcr I, if 1, in' "lii ill' llii* I i UK'S — S'tm. v.-r :t luilil
(j ii :i 11 I:m If im yi ill ; ( M' I lu \v I fi I ;i in I ' ii in il. 112
j Sl* il 111 i.-ll '11.1t1.1l .1 111l V■ I":. Il llf llilllfH 'i'nil I* ill 111l fl' If JJlllil
S ICl'I In-iliill '!> slum Villi. 'l.c-- yon ni lii i':i 111 t. J
('i n 11, in'in'vi iln .i i 111 ,'iili.ssi. l'i sli i lif fni ii il'- Ii mi. yiii if t'Vfs £
lii i.ii Ii 11 isn'i in II Si n|■ \ ■ .i; i li. ;i iii 11 if | i 11i11* }
' I'i.V Mil.l' |.ff| fl- on stiff,,-s, All' lull ■! 111. if. llial M I skil'S 112
I C I'lifii un in in »i"it. Aln II I«• .-11ii.i11'
X Time* is vi" in' ? I nirin— !:vi.uli in'i iln mrie I" '' v
I L Tri II lit-l|. Ilifiu .ill yi.'ti Kill. .Sin .il* ilimy-i iii u lieif uml ilif. *,
i I'lin'i si 'riilinil iii li It 111. in' Ii 11 ; J
\ 'Flint is >lll'' 111 1111..| Villi C
112 Tii hi jjii n liitii-r l' ft 11 v r, KTOI-YKI: K'.ckiN', mis j
On llt,- iv.n l* li.-fi.i <■ mil ; KVKI L.WY.XIi KU'KIN' HAS (,t>i IO S
» I'll -II in- u'in.L'fi' in Vfr Mi i l'i Is BKANINIOIIHAI.iI'. XI SANI I'. i
! C Wln n vmi L'lVfl i iifi-lil.ii!'; i;u lu Tl.l. OLD REILIABXiB ?
r Fhi..iv ..'.tinr.i .lil ■- t.uiif 1,i.i1.-. Ji'.-. r I.Hd'rcHß fuu iwi.viV
(iii ii jlrll -1 iv: ■ iii | 111., r. Yuf X1.1.11 ANU lit: I.AII Y, x,
J A'i' i ..ii'il in*: iff i', 'i v il-iy }
V Tlii its t*i .in in' i iii I I i ut.i iv .-iv.
| lii.T'f i iMH iiY, <
DusiiOKL PA. nn. (
J,; » ' 'CO V US ' ''■ - - '' «? '
t; * .< i< . > i'- : >) - -«1' " '• ■ '
1,, ii \,a til;:. v. ■* J. -- • 1 1 .. *. i .i.
i f c-':' ry\ '--v ] v; ■
Ir " ' | §j' pj} A 4 ' I" "* V "•••.' C* »'" * '
{ J !» .- y , r .. . .
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i ' in., i: A '»• ri '• v; ' t , | | '•.•»*
112 • v ' in l'u tx. t - i. • , i. i, ,
r: .%! '/null*oi-uiuiiiM. i_ •. i » ~ ' ■ ' _ t . , 112
i . , •■ , r ........ii n-e #1 I-.l hlrtV''"v. .nil If !i - .... ,1 ~ ~ ' i ■J. . I r c l
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\ ' C' J .• T1 1/ \ " VO I " "> : iii • v •
r\ - "112; 1.
I . .1.. fl . 1.. , . I.:r - > ' ' - ,
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I 1 112. .1 I : I r ' '.. 112 . r r.l ■ • . :
. i i . 1 . . .i i i ■ t 11 r r . / • i ; i
■iIESS: <|i
j •/ /'j! | ii ' r,> -!
n.Aoßoger s & son.,
Our Large Stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Geiaral Store, Hardware, Etc.,
is complete. Hiving Purelnsccl at Lowest
_ riirk.'t R its Wc nre Selling
4 ' .
' ''
W iiii tr
r i 1 \ |9 i piD , 9
£ .J) v J A iij. / Ji'iij hr
UP TO -DATE . .. .
Red Cross Stoves
i • ■ ...
Sti llll'll IV UMf II jr;iM:| (I IV I .r OUl* t<■ W 11
ii h. in'/ ilie nee anion nt iIn 1 Aunnnl Local j
I siiute of tin- te aehers of this district.;
T i- I ,el (lint till w.• idler XV.IS cloudy inn
the roads not in good condition wns not
! r ikeu ns nil excuse, 11 s . neurit nil the I
t <•! i■ r- in the district tt re |>rofn."iit. 'l'ln
Ii StllUlc «ll- C lllcil til l.llllT nt >iii early |
liniir itml after tin- usual peiTliiiinaricA. ii •
; chior of I"u*:iI singers till nisi.til miiih
choice music to enliven tln- occasion. N.
F. (inliinsjii i.til i,-itin>r nt the organ.
I list tutc \v:ls tlll ll ii| I'liril for discussion
.i!" i|i,rstinns Ifi t; to school niil
Sell.'Ol ttot k. Mr V. Hull \V! IS till.- "Si ill!
iiml nil agree tlint lie v\nd a very good
II ice,
I'licn c imc Prut. Wmiil.iH of Forkst illc-
I'n.r Wni .) >ll Ikiil the 11mliviile it■ t
l ii I his niiilit nee, tsi ccitillv the voting i
: .iln s |.i i si nt.
IV'.f. .1.1- Honglnnd of Kstella ami '
tiher.- ilisci.s.-eil a Uiinher oi intpor.mi
[lies' ions.
L. B Speaker was the"desert" of tin
I'.iSiim, his tt s Ihe , v Ohl
•chtiol Director, though Mr. Speaker iliil
i'l sax in nili hi- re |'i aln I Calls Ins • .t .
I: ■: s h tea lit v ill that capacity speaks limn
■ • •11 lei 11 Iv I kali Mi mis.
The home student.- ninl teachers Innl
■ re|i anil a lilt r.irx entt riai i > l<
.lit en in the evening hi it us m» many of tin
t,-ache's Wei e obliged to l etlll n tlie ei.lei
i i 11111 ft 11 xx a s not given.
Ihe teacher.- will give Ilillsgrove iln
Oin.r nt tlll ll in xt annual ins HUte.
I'i. Ili.-ilvut 11 ii;*liesx ilU* xx is in tint i
I'lini 11..y anil Friday n. n ducing Ihet- ■ ■
I>, (in ,s,,f Forksville in tow.
■ n assisting Dr. UanibUf with his
Itnii iolls j.inei is.
i j • i iv tor tiieCJ. U. I'. in our town F.I
Uiii y j 5111.
I'lie leei'lli break-lip accounts tor tin
s Ce tll'il l .i.e nuuiher of Hicks i,
iir town.
U oac&X'ornan is :n inar In or.' ihi/e a
.nH V t lie I runs,'t || i.i■- tux
' 'a liie ItO tilts place,
'■ lie 11,I 1 , i' V; oi A ami their friends wil
■ I' In ate lln : , .mnive: sil v Siilurilat
■ i'i. i'eli' try I h, an aihlre-- tti. h
i\. '. in |. 111 i...i- .. hy .1. L. l'he ix at'ie
■ n It'll the li.i s wii I I'l I air to I lie Mills
rove House where a banquet xxi.l I"
•I. 11. Sick of Clierrv Mil's is spending
te. i< xi ii It his Inn.ln:- in Hie UilUgroVt
I. .ii-e.
ti. o. I'.r.ittni! t ait il 11is friends t-i
e .-Hilt sill, li. ■■ *•': i.l IV. in l If ft iv :ci.i■ it In - trie "Is thai lie Was
.lug to Mu e 11. see a iloetor, lie sa xt
'.to, tin* i■ 11 e Wits a I.) P. XV it) succeeded
i .inn' xing a rili io !iis i■ 11.r::11 tramp, 'ln
• lliei xxas Mi s 1...CX Dect«>ro Fast Mine..
. a. became Mr-, (i \V. Ilrauuiheck, ll .
:ilr,.eli'.g | .rties have tile I'est wisii. t
■ I i .eir many tiiend.- hoth at Muney ami
.1..!,ti I',. iiimh.'ck of Cascade was visit
g I'i it-mis. i:t this place I hurstlnv.
tjj&Milph ilie ten year oM sou ot M. \ ogle
* v. rx lint tt il h pneumonia.
Mi-sSa.lie Lnv fences' Hl aid Ilmt'e
; ■ slit I I.' ax i.l XV ere I. If: I S I lit ClllClSOl ,
. i-s Anna .1 inkers over Nuinlay.
Alls. 11. I> aiul i>. W. <_'ll II |>:ma ii ot ;
totn I.ntilsolue xxelc in town oxer Sun
■ I i.v.'
Mi-s Anna Jink 'iw visi el her uncle T, ■
.. lirass iit llux/a Is 111...5i last Week.
I'. >. I) II In is x -iting his Intlier-in-lnw
V Lew i-,1 li is s|• i i g.
Alter a inoiilhs x i.-it at llov'eville ?x I is -
I title lirvan I'e'nrne.l hotne Saturil ay it
• en; 11 nt ttiili Mi .Mi tie I >ai'li ( t ii ml Mr
I'». tii ii ot I»iy a n I ott n.
I'lie I'. I'i. ot the Union Church xvil
;it C a dime S. ci 11 at the residence of N
: ■ Aloitliliiop rut.-day evening Fvblliart
j l.j li.
Whereas; an all-tt i-e and loving Fatlit*i
' i is cll led from' hi if in .Ist, he ileal h, . out
ii.ei lot .-ti sisier, .Miss liltuiche Fleming
lif I el. ire lie i..
Ke-olxe I. I'lult whi'p we how in hum
ee suhnii-sion io llim whose nan
11111g11 to us iinscareluilile, are full o
j .vis.loin, we leel i ha' in the iletih ot 111 i -
-i fere christian Worker, the Sil'l ilh
; -eli.nil hi- hst an earnest, devoted and
icl'ived linnilier, the f.iniilt a hiving
I'lejlilernel sister ami her in si iCI a its
rue ti ieitd.
iii >t tt e as a Sahhalh school extend t(-
he h. iea ved I'i i .Is our stni'el'e sy 1111. (lit
in their gnai iitllieii .il, innl coiniuenii :
leiii to tjiod xt ho nlone Ciiii heal tliei
I'itii t :(• a token of our love mid resp ci 1
or our d. c. used sisier a copv of lliest
1 r solll. ions he pieced upon Ihe niinuti » «>•
! he S;i• • I.a It school, a copy s*nt to ihosi
' 'I s idly ii til ic: t< 1 and iliat they he pule I
; i.-licd in i lie county papers.
bAUit Ul t.Kii.LL, a. S, Com. |
I Calls on tho ITewspaper Thath Ilnr.
a Warm Place in His Expansive
.M. <'. Mcrcur lisi|., of Fldre lsville
was a husiness visitor til the county seatJ
ritursd iv of last week, and while hete |
| niiiile the Nnws ITI M office a pleasmit |
i visit. Mr. Mercur, t ill and straight tis a
111 ollllliiill pine litis recently passed the
i nile stone of his 8 I year, xct physically
and mentally he looms tin above the
coiinnon heard, and feels himself sail a
hoy. He has lived in this county a milli
ner of years, coming Totvainla where
■II tears gone bv lie ma le his reputation .
is one of the strongest men financial!}
I mil politically in Bradford county, lit'
-till loves to take tin ticiive part m politic
al! he never sought any t bin s? of a politi-:
oil nature. Ilia heart is large and his
-t inpa l h i.'s hri'in! and a disposi ion tint
: leads hiin tti help the worthy ond desert -
j ing,which makes him a eitiu i of i.i, 1
■ stiiiiding any xvax you look tit him, conse
quent the Nl'.tvs 1 xi,.M feels il iionor totinil
.■ illl one of its wariiieisl liricudd wiobing it 1
■ 'ontintied sncc' ss.
A Jolly SJoighiug Party.
A party of young people left this place
1 hiir.-day evening oi hist tt eel: to « njoy n
-leigh ride and attend tlie revival iiieetiugs
icld by Rev. Powell at li gies Mere.
■ )wing to the poor sleighing the parti
lid not fetich there it' ti! tilt el' the close ot
i.he sei vu and in ec s. quence all repair
el to the parlor of the Al eglnitiey Hotel.
0 jr icipaie in jnvenile liilniity. A
'leveu o . lock titl iihundauce ot cake aint
emonade tt is ptisseiV titnl till in de t
ifio e assault upon digestion, ttith Ci mil
n!e acting as tiene; 1 .11 - .n he "' r ea.-ra 1't'
locs. It was Hearing the morning hours
a-tore a majority vote to start for lioim
■onld be reached. The return protn
he sleigh-iide too mticli like co.. iting to he enjoyed o:i • xvay. It tt; s
■"ining home where the unique and ter
ific t.vpeiietice anil de'ightful liori'ois o
•• i- t iloiihled u[. in the I til' t
1 irkriiek, where every one wanted roou
I sleep, the pleasure of which can only
e compared with :l conlusii.g excuisioi
hro .-Ii tbeiinihind tu»..i an iiiitaintu
ighiniai . The higt -t lie tt e ein I.
■or them is to assert that thev took th
..■st oj cure ofoneaiiotlier in the load ai.t
hat i; was remarkable hotv they subot
■i■ 111'f the 1 iini't d space to each Olliel'.
onifoi'i. The ttiitor's composition tin,
lay was .-1■ 1111• 111i11 g like litis; ip\.;iui.
B. Ivli c reeeive.l intelligence on Friday
Ii he dealh of his agt I innther in <ici
11a11y who died about two tv. eks previous.
John lleinbn v and Mi s Theresa Kaii
■fere married on Thut liv morning lit.-..
i'iither K iir otlici niiig.
W. 11. Hi... llsi j. 1 f.'tnily of Wya
usiiig an- vi-itiug at .John l'iz.
Aiimas' 111v tuii'sing ttcaseo;
scarlet fever and (J. F. Molyneux's a case
it measles,
The Gazette mitl Iteview i. litoii- me
■arrying on a little c.iutrovefsy in th. ii
papers in regard to (lie Suouteu-Kruu.-
If each hud publisiii d - cotnplete a
eport as the N'l.tis iii.l there Woitlil
lave been no need to question each ot her"., make any explanatiotis, c.tu .
neiils or opo'ogies, or re-h::-!i the all .it :
"V Sections to get t(t the trillh of it.
lit the way Mr F.ditor xt e lent oui
a per containing Ihe tiC 'ottt.t to a gooil
limy re i.let's in tl.i.- uitvii who wanted :■
-ee :i published account of the whole trai •
-act io.i. they got i and i: was lliconl
Int per published in which they c mid get ti
full anil complete account of it. i'ln
ITHM receitcd many compliments for
its manly, straight forward publication.)
Report ofMie Advanced Department o |
lie Forksvilie High School, tor the hal
term <<!' tight weeks, ending •lamtary -Ith.
j -'cliohirs whose tinines are marked with :■ i
I dagger were present every day. The tit.
11res indicate the average | ivent is
| scholarship, tis deteriiHtied by the ittll
I I'll) exaniinatioi: -.
(leorge Miller. B'.'; Will Crawford 80':
rut Rogers. 9'JF; Set ly; Join
\ unable, (i. W. Clark , .SO- .T AM, .-
Powers. !)4 I; Jolin Wiiglit, SO; W. F.
Clarke, OIL*; Clyde I'lolts, SST; John
Molvi.cnx. '. "I; WEI In Coniiid, til; I has
seeiey, 7- J )*; F.Uie Fawcll, f- John
' 'oPins, "0; Jennie Riuehold, 70; Carrie
WIN burton, 7->: Stella WI i-iit. 77; Alice!
Moor, 70; Pottie MiTlwain, 7Sj Jciini>
schiinbacher. tit); Laura Pardoe, 7-1.
J Margaret Mcf.'ami. JJS; Anna Wright !tli,:
I 'attic Black, 85: Mnzv Shu Her. 70!: i
II ittie Rogers, lilt; Setvil O Titian, {-'l:
Average percentage of attendance, M:
! tvhole nuuiher iu o s , visitors
I '
j present during halt term, 14.
I F. W. WAN HALL, Price.
i-5o Fer. Year
Nralier 40.
Tha Political EJiturition in the County.
Once more with tlic same de ree of
nHi!>l:i<in to fi'! nil tho eoiin'v ofices >lO
the Democrats beginni' ito make thinrs
seem like a reviv dof nM times in {<•!; i
c:d cirehs. Fop the past t!.re r y- rs
Democrats have been :-r will
drooping heads, rout iP I!■II:«.■:« r.nd
bunds in empty | oek:, f.vtin;.' very
much Itkcmcn who had no ri/'it tooectl
|iv sluice hi ..ii this terrestrial here, un
less specinllv permitted liy t|,<-ir T7<-tinlili
-I'iiti silperi. i-s. In,!, i i :here h:s !. ■ n n
Intent feeling earth had no for
iheni, unle sit were ,-i.v leer !,e■ v the
-tirface. Put with the pr.mfss of human
nature to cii • r I if- d hope, cv. • t
• ler the most adverse eon ! < ihey
linve meekly mi.] tin, stlv ( : . : —some
ol them, ■ ■ Ve:i <»I.Iy k iiivh limv.—'a the
firm confidence thnt 112 uuio lay thi' gs might
nirn their v.-::y, aid th t next fill's
■lection il ■ Wia.hl j ,■ ■'to ben <1 vof
heir etnnm ip-ition I'oriti (lie h -: F-e ol
. .il it ;cil - ■ i f.ti ::i to Ihe tree,loin ol [ elii i
,• il .il;it:cy and tl ei ■ ol r.oxiona
official 1 roj I lews!,ii , either • I'f. :or l.y
representation. Witii to many demi.»*rats
running tor place it, will be strung# n there
is not n col'ision ol mene kind, >v ! even
• iie lucky nntiilier.s n, . . L ■ ,- t irv
:liey e," the ' '•• :i ' ;O;rt-s
--ive unit iute; i.lit 51".; ~.■ . ,*e h e.. t
nit and counted. 'i'l.i is t'..e •.,•(» of j io
zi'ess and inipr. vet: t . i:- ! iv:;-i
county is right in ti:.ej ; i>!..ica!!y ai.d
>t her n ise.
Pleasant BirilK'ay Si:: pi Party.
On ,y I'V, nil IV! re.. - k'th
i largo number of friends ol Miss Msry
elebration g. (ten up by her j uren:--, Mr
Hid Mrs. 0«. Cooiey at their r. -:c■ -
II the Second V. (James and ml
enjoyment were Ihe order of the evening.
•Piliy v:i ! ~e :.d i 1 j ,u",3 VVv.v
; resuted to the boric.-.-.
Shiin :
Our town ].i-i!jilc tire busy harvesting
: heir ice.
Mi- - Nettie Motrin ol IJnrii t Prnnch
••pev.j-.g a lew il.i}.- with her mother in
i.i, piaee., the eldu't i:ttr:!iit , i' of Mr. and
drs. M. E. Morgan ia very sick with
er.-loi.iti-', I>r (i mil :is in attend .nee.
Sam <' 11111.! !i of avtrr wa*
-haki'.g linnds with old l'.Pt.ds in town
Daniel Porter, an o'd and respected
•itizi'ii ol tl.ii ] lace died •lanuary iTth
ind was l.ttried the ('iliuwit r Sunday.
,'he funeral was attended hy a co.«
ourse of friends
Sam of Englesmcre was in
own Frid::y.
Mr. n: d .v.'rs. (".' lis V*i:ifi»r.3 refnrne.l
•<» their home in En.-a Canton S.iutrday
ifier visiiing relatives for some time in
hi« ph ce.
;-",i wank of Ln porte passi-d throogli
t• \vll rt-ociii ly.
, school is progressing finely uti
ler the tuiorshipofPiof. Sl.uhz of Ne .v
Mis: l.ik'a r .Itin uho has been in poor
:uml:li for some ti:i!« is ii. > >•; strci;;.:.h
-nwly and aide to lid out.
The three chi'dreu of.Mis. P rt Tlemsey
,re ill with s /»rlet fever.
A P. 1 in made a hr.Mncsa trip to
, I last wei k.
Born February Mil a sea to Mr. and
drs. Pi,;.mil \Yileo.-c i.l Piatt.
.) P. Solisbiiiy n:,d M i/3 •'n'iii Brown
iltended the wedding of the Inttirs Unei
Philip (i lock ler at Po-ksviih; Tl.ursday.
Ejisha Fanning had a v. iy narrow i
•ape tioiii bet-g Imdlv buti,.d on ;«.i:urdny
if.lagi week. While si:tp gin a chair in
the store cotiver.-ing with tia -e pi sent,
dr. r.iti"ing .-uddenly gave a scream and
ell liotn his chair a-rii.-: ti 'StoM 1 toll -.'
door. V.'it 1 , a- e I'.oni tlnis i i t. : . '
stoic he was helped to tite c .airng ii:> he
icing unconcio'ie lor a short time. Ti:
'ainiiv w::s i';:: ickly MuiniH.'ad and hew,..-
taken to his home. Mr. Fanning ha
been in poor health for a nniuher of years.
Mrs.•Ursula Campbell alter spending
s ..iie time with rel.i iv e here.iias depart
ed lor her hon.e in Many.
THe voting j,.M| le of town enjoyed :t
l inee nt the le-Ideiice ol'Ur: h Poaglan I
Fi idey ni ht, iiio-t excetl -nt music w.i i
Ittriiished and all r niort a good t.a:e.
.Mis Geo. Preileidey has r .unie.i from
'iiiiion where die litis been earing for per
.1101 her who has bein very siek.
Jennie May, the only dat.Miter of It.
ind Anna Co't ol Plkl.tnd diet Fibru uy
Itlih. A-ed l) ie .. •■. 'life fun.'ial w
lieid Sunday at this place, Rev. Prase:'
if Forksville otHeiatin'T, and was largely
ittended. lutetment was made in the
liiii Cemetery.