Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, February 03, 1898, Image 1

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    • • V**, • ; • •• * k * #
Republican News Item.
Published Every Friday.
Volume I
Business Cards.
x. Comp mv,
UhH- P Rillim'tois. AirontS
N 11. r.nruh m ' -
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Mice lll'l itirt Utilise IttiililiiiK.
if ,\l P. SHOEMAKER^
Attorney at Law.
I Mli.-t in ('utility I>iiililin^r.
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Sinii vcr liii-Kiii' "Inmi tin linuf— S'tO|. vi-r icKin'. nii a-liolil \
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\ Kl'llll- llollill-.- HIIIIII Villi. '1.1.-- Vint tl'.V I.HMIII t. 1
r l 'in;, Kit,' m-v. rlk mv lii II ili'.PS, I'-rt'sli tin- <•"! «vl.- If your evi-s 112
>' l ir.nvliii i.-u'i in il. Sii,|. y.iir liliiinM it'i'iiiiii' J
Fix vui.r in't'i ci-"H huoi'iw, An' >"11.1 i.«i id'ili.m y.tskics L r
r win ii. A IH-'II U' <' i
? 'l'iini'.- if »illi„' pull ii'.'in — I' V'uli in't tli.'ii.rve tony J
Til in lii-l|'ilii'in nil yen kill. Sin'.ik a»ny.-..m lien.* ilu>.
> Dnn'i si: 'riitind wi li Ii in_ in' li|■; V
S 'l'll:ii if -in.' in 11....i yi HI
r Tt-v (II jrii .1 lii tlci- L'tlj. YE- sTOI' VEK Klf'KlX'. THIS J
S (111 till' W"|-k li.'liirc y.'ti; EVKI I.AST.NU KH KIN IIAS CHIT 'I j /
« !'u sum.' "in"i'i' iii vcr Wuiils Ii 1. \.\ INIOI 1.11AU1.1. XI ISANCI- \
C Willi, voti "ivt'l :i Iteinlilim-i til) 111 Tin; OLD RELIABLE !
/ I'll I", w X.'.111-11.. .11l -f 1..: 111- l.iids, JEW I.LE ■ b'iCKE It ill WHAT /
(i i I I'iijli ill i\v 'i t« ill lii.r. "i UU N 1.1.11 A Nil Ll. I. A; I \
J AII V ' It'll II" i'i' .V IV 11: l V I
?Tliinjii' is' i i'jl i \dm«:iy. 112
Ki-.'l Ti:N iJUHY, <
Jndertaking t.umber;
K» r. .hi l "i • i'.'l*' I " I' . ii.'.-, hi iiilk,..'. I hi -ill.-
..Hill «» 'I'M- -»l In I'l.i •; I li «*-t Ir. • l> «l. d •. .ill' I" -j'r. lii old'
r»» Hi K • Munh i i d i| • |ni** id .. .li.. i i irr.
5 specialties
garniture; H , . ~
,M - , : ..i u.- >»"■ -.-.i. i...,r
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ii- t.,r. »r -|.i i.' •>••'! -ii ii""i 'l'
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E-ai ii it('f f!u'fi't'n 11iv -ii <>i. .in I -ii ' >Vi>i"!c.
IVE- QIC, Forksville, Pa.
Our Large Stock of
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Geieral StDre, Hardware. Etc.,
iS complete. Having Purchn sed at Lowest
v fl rket Rats We are Selling:
"K •
/ •■■■- .
, • .-v.
; ''' > ;
> KM \ \l?vi V]V rp
' ) '»UJ J A J ill W _lil jj I 1
Red Cross Stoves
A Swindler Exposed.
; pi c:iil Coric.-| (Unit ncc.
A lew ul ilii* |.co|ilf nonrStincPlowii lmv.
liccii vicinii/i'il liy ;t iniiii I'iolll nno lici
feci in n, mill l lie jicni-riil en til ion is licu'tir
.if liim Lute 'l'liuisdiv n I ternoini i
-Uiilil»i 1v 11 i'v.-fi■(l imlivitltttil whose lireatl
s Miicil HI i'i HI jrly ul i nT< ix icii nI tn ciime inii
the I.lucks nil Ii shop liclmv ituvii iiml re
|iie.-tc(l Sntne work done. The innns lie
Ii ivior titid the extreiiiclv poor condilioi
.il his sli"ls mid le iiii moused Mr Edgiir'.-
-nspic ius Illld lie leltlsed to do :ill tin
wiirk required. At this the mini snid IK working lor Win. Vtin Dyne win
iiml sent I.i MI lo hiive the sleils repnircil
mil lheliioney wi in Itl lie | ill ill hy Vai
I >v!ie its he himself had none. lie stayed
II iiiuhl wiili John Snyder, mid depinte..
HI ihe nlorninjr. repealing llnit Van Dym
wuiilil al.-o pay his hoaid. Arriving be the hitler a few hours Inter his stori
was dil'erently lold. lie then had he
ciine a poor man who 11 liiglil lung luiif
.(•en on ilie 11kiiiiii:ii11 searching lor tin
i'ilH|i wherein he hoped to It lid work
dr. Vim I)ylie cmild nut hire hint hecitusi
ii- sled- would not hold the logs accord
i'ljrh , he said lie wuttld siarl for hif home
• I I'eiinsil for it heticr p.tir. 01 nno'hei
■II in he iiit|iiii cil the way lo Pielnre Itocks
ing I hat •■..« hisdi eti nation. He prom is
■ln. he hack hv .Sunday evening, Inn
U'cdiiesday linds him stiil absent and the
lien he d, ccived indignantly awaitinji
heir next news of him. . -
We the repivsentaiives ol the G. O. 1'
e|.| u caucus W'tdiiesday evening and tdl t lie fuliouiiiji tickets, .lud^i
l.Uctii.ii, 11!ui(kI I.alar: Assessor, 11.
1) I'l :>! Hiai : 11 is | eel nr. A. A. l.orah:
.■ ....I, V. Hull. W. 11. iii,l,lie. I.'. X. Saillei; Auditors, E. S. Little:
I'i casii •i i, ti. !•; I >ji.-liy; I'otnnii-s
--itn.t r, I.i 1111111 Noi tcii; I tiwn Clerk
iiiic lei; 1 vnwii'dl poor, Aaron I.ewi.-:
■, li. I.ilile. t>ur llclno
eiiilie li.ei.iis held iheii's 'l'hiirsday eieii-
IHU hut since Mr. Bryan has heeii in Me.xi
■•■l 11. ill I>l i 1 In- money they could not liml
Dciiioei Us eiii.u-h i (j till their ticket they
-ill.-: / 'si .in- go il Uepiil.liivnm who
i:ij• | eiicd to he there. We have om
opii.itin i.fa 1111111 thai will attend two
• n.cti-• - lor the otlice ol Itoad Cotiiiiiiss
■ iii.d \\. -111(I not vole for hiin not
.■v. n for l'oor .Master il it was not a case
.if in c. s-i y.
'T.i._' A liillc a (roii) " away from his
party; why? 'l'o seek an otlice fioin a
I'ciiiot iatie c. i.cus, hecause the Repulili
cm- w i >ll It I not try.
Win. Dnniniheck ol this place and Miss
lulia ."-hadi.c.k of Willinmspol't were
null iul i.l Ifihsxille TllisdaV. Rev.
.[-ivv.-r oiU *i they are vi-it
ing l' lends al .>hiink al present: lite happy
e 111 le have (he best wi.-hes of their many
li it-nils
W e hear of another wedding in the near
future, is there anything ol ii Sick.
I he C. K. of iheC'liutch ol Christ held a
night cap social al ilie home of W. A.
i• mlllll e rhiiisday evil ing which was a
-ueccss both socially and liii.ancially.
Altera pie sunt visit with friends and
iclaiivis at this place A. K. and G. I-'.
linen ami families Icll lor their home in
I'm t vis N. V. when- I hey «ill rest! 1111
t iicir ( ceiipai ion ol Bridge building loi tin
Kric h\ li.
I'r .oks Field, Joseph. Ilaten Lartayetie
i >hall'er, Ed Shaller, Snhii Norman, and
[Geo. I'idco of I'roctorville and Geo. Tall
; man iii.d J. J. lander of Loyalsock were
- "I U No 631) P.O. S.
| of A. on Ft iday evening.
l'.cks Orchestra gave a concert at tl.e
! Sadler House Saturday evening which was
a site.vss, they c in fill Sweet M iric.
I'iie Until sign reminds lis, we would
like a whisky wash but alas cold weather
11.1,- Uf with bill live cents in Cold cash.
(ti n. Washington is dead and the ther
mometer i- (low a tu Oh!
Llo\d ."sick was out riding Sunday.(nit.)
Ml, ny of our bms and girls took advan
tage of the beautiful, Sunday.
E«g es Mere.
Ice culling and lilting ice houses seonis
to be ilie go in Hiu 1 town.
Nelson Bennett was called lo see his
s'ck ' iiv Cat linn whom Mr. liartly Chi I
Sun raised. When he anivcil there lie
full• ■«I he had passul awav. Interment
in F.u-ksville cemetery on Sunday.
I gues.i our tubogiiii is a fall in now they
have cut a hole iu the ice and don't belli
any more about ii at present.
W illi .in Purineiier has been engaged
in diii ing W , 11. \'aiibuskiiks team till
ing the ice IHHI-I- at Hotel A leghenv, niul
I>lni• 11 II -111 i- wli C 'tills; the mules I'm 1 him
Mi-s 'l'olie Recce ol La pone catne home
Sun lav with a horse and sleijh and did
not have any driver, hut when she got
to Jerry's she saw M. uud lie took cure ol
the hoiae.
'repressive Dedicatory Services at the
New Baptist Church.
Sunday, January 30th, was a red letlei
lay lo the Baptists of Laporte, il being
the date of the dedication of their new
louse of worship. The building is cen
trally located on the soutli-west corner o
Main and Beech streets, is of the golhic
style of architecture and is a model ol
comfort and covnenience.
The dedication services were especially
interesting because of their informal and
Iceply spiritual character, while the beau
iy of the day added materially to the
_ r e. eral enjoyment.
The opening services began at 10:30 a.
m. liev. L. J. Shoemaker of Muncy
|.reached a most profitable and practical
sermon from Psalms !2(i: 0.
A collection was then taken amounting
in pledges mid cash toSI'JIMM.
At 3 pin. a historical meeting was
conducted by the pastor Mr. Win.Meylert,
who is the oldest member of the church,
j-ave an address on theearly history ol the
Baptist cause in Laporte and the surround
ing country. The address showed a
wonderful memory and a deepin.-ight into
causes anil events. He was listened to
with intense interest, lie was followed
by brief addres-es Ironi Rev. .1. R Merri
man. a former pastor, and Mr. James
Coulter of M uncy.
At 6:30 p. in., a praise and prayer ser
vice was conducted by .Mr. E. M. Cruse ol
Picture Rocks.
Al 7:3U p. in. Rev. W. 11. Con aril D. 1).
I reached the dedicatory sermon to a
crowded house, from Acts 1:8. His
theme "The • tiurch Christ's Witness in
the world." It was a masterly exposition
ol the mission of the christian church.
The pastor, as treasurer of the building
committee then made ihe following linan
uial statement. Cost of building and lot,
•5J300.00, amount of subscriptions etc.
cKiU'J.IS, amount ol morning collection
SI'JiV-4, total, ST3I.-12.
He then spoke briefly and feelingly ol
the kind support given him in the work
by the church and friends, milking special
t • nil.tii>u ol a lew particular gilis.
Alter a short address on '"giving" by
Rev.Shoemaker, a collection was gathered
amounting in pledges and cash to .SLS ( J.:>. V
imikinga total for the day $311.52.
The dedicatory prayer was ottered by
Dr. Conard, and the day was closed by all
I joining heartily in singing "Praise God
i iloin whom all blessings flow."
The music for the various services was
furnished by the Baptist etiior; was well
rendered and highly enjoyed.
The mercury was down pretty low Wed
nesihiy morning.
Ralph Magarge! Jason John and George
l Simmons .I r. enjoyed u bicycle ride to
M.mcy Valley Sunday.
| Mr. ard Mrs. Hess accompanied by
! Miss Maine Cole and Mable Car rig drove
Irom Waller Sunday to take dinner with
Mrs. Theo. Mencer.
Miss Florence Cook of Nordniont paid
a school visit to town recently.
Jesse Lovi-lacehas returned from alive
weeks visit to Fairmouut Springs.
Miss Mary Fairiuan is now at Blooms
b irg.
11. C. Boatman is clerking for A. T.
Armstrong below town.
J. F. Ilazzen is again home from Eagles
Mere. During the lour weeks of anxious
trapping he succeeded iu catching one
s |iiirrel.
Win. Van Busk irk was down from
Fagles Mere yesterday.
A. Edgar accompanied his father to
llngliesville on Monday morning. The
latter w ill remain there with hisduughtei
| for a siiort lime.
The little son of Alex Iless is ill.
A very large crowd represented Sones
tow n at the Friday session ol the
liisiitute at Muncy Valley. One young
crowd go oil without him, but as he is
ral her tall and docs'ut go quite to town
lie survived the ellecis.
Last Sunday was an ideal day for
sleighing. Among those to take advan
tage of il were A. T. Armstrong and
family J. W. Buck and family, and a
crowd .of young people who in the evening
drove to the revival meetings now held al
Muncy Valley.
The Methodist have announced n
Klondike supper for Friday evening, and
! ii pie supper for Saturday evenning, to be
held in the M. E. church for the purpose
of tilling (lie pastors salary.
The paragraph that in the last edition
uf this paper announced thai Rev. G. L
Maice had begun protracted services al
Souestown, was a mistake.
1.50 Per. Year.
Number 38-
Minutes of the Local Institute.
The Local Institute for the district? of
Davidson, Shrewsbury, La porte, and
Laporte Bfrough was held at Muticy
Valley January 28th and 29th. The
jirogram for session consisted
ofrcscitations and essays by the pupils of
ne various schools of the districts. The
music was rendered by theSonestown and
Muncy Valley choirs. Supt. Meylert
delivered an able address on "what
makes a good school. The mottling see
sion was called to order by the president
Miss Miller. The following topics esseir
ials to success in teaching, Rapid Calcul
ation object of Text Books, Language
Training, Teaching decimal tractions,
I when and how should literature be taught
were discussed by Supt. Meylert, Messrs,
Sweeney, Gallagher, Hazzen, Yeagle,
Ivernan, Phillips and Misses Roach, Kurge
Mosteller, Lusch, and Mrs. Cook.
Thealternoon session was called to order
liv the president. The first works was the
discussion of the question box. Followed
by the topics assigned
Practical drawing for busy work, T. F.
Kernan; Moral training, Jennie Roach:
i Mow to make geography interesting, W.
1 15. Hazzen; The child considered psvehi
; rally and | hysicaily, A. Duuham;Enforce
ment of compulsory school law, bv diree
tors. A. A. Baker.
Report of Laporte Borough School
; G rammer Grade lor month ending January
| 13 1898.
I A Class. Agnes Upman, 91; John
| Reuben, 9ft; llai.nah McCarthy, 94; Kate
! Bet;hen, 93; May Mason, 92; Etta Chase,
92; Walter Low, 95; Parker Low, 92;
! Lottie Landon, 92: Annie Shoemaker, 90;
' Delroy Ileim, 80; Lee Voorhees, 94;
! Willie Fries, 90; May Iligley, 92; Delia
! Upman, 90; John llasseti, 87.
B Class. Herman Yeager, 97; Robert
Mason 94; Agnes Walsh, 93; Maine Heiin,
91; Ella Tripp, 93; Lena Rosencrants, 90;
Lee Rosencrants, 90; Lizzie Lloyd, 92:
Dollie Crossley, 90; Savior Lawrence, 93.
C Class. Joseph Wrede, 94; Harry
Landon, 94: Leo Fries, 95; Willie Waldron,
>o' (.'scar Ring 82; Guy Crossley 91 Freda
V:o*sley. 83; Dora McErn, 91; Jennie
.Minuter, 89, Jennie Hose, 90; George
I'pman, 9'.': Ernest Gnuski, 90; Leo Gasp
erine, 91; Edith Abbott, 89: Mard W'ald
mil. 89; Winnie Keeler, 93; Howard
Ballard, 90.
The percentages given above are based
on class standing, and regularity ofatten
dance. Total number enrolled 43, per
coinage of attendance 93.
Mrs. Herman Taylor is seriously ill at
the residence of her father J. J. Boyd.
George Kinney of Tunkaunock has
accepted a position with Emil Tubach in
the furniture store, lie has moved his
family to P. Tubach - 8 house on German
M. A. Scurcmnn has resigned bis posi
tion as foreman in the Gazette office to
take up the insuretice business. John
Boyd Jr. is forman at present.
G. F. Huckell visited relatives at
Hiighesvilie lasi week.
Wm. Mt'Henry from Virginia visited
his parents at this place last week.
Mrs. James Cunningham is visiting
relatives at Scranton.
Mr. Hartman of Columbia Co. visited
1 at A. 11. Zaner's last week.
Rev. Noll of Dushore, visited the school
at this place, Tuesday of last week. He
seems to be particularly interested in the
primary school.
Messrs E. M. Schanbacher and F. W.
Waudall attended Local Institute at .Mun
ey Valley, Saturday.
Miss Lottie King of Jamison is visiting
friends in town.
Miss Pearl Brewer of Lopez is visiting
relatives in town this week.
Two merry sleigh loads went to see the
logs slide, they say tliev saw the log slide
tmt did not see the slide. We also
saw one of the girls slide in the wrong
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Messersmith, and
daughter,spent Saturday and Sunday with
relatives in Lopez.
Teachers Local Institute.
Following is the program for a local
institute to he held at Hillsgrove on Sat
urday, Februa-a 12:
Literature in school, Miss Greathead.
Requisites in modern school rooms, V.
Horace Mann. Miss Clarke.
Eastern and Western class methods.
Mr. Warren.
Intellectual incentives, E. J. Wandall
Commercial work in recitations, Mr.
Wide awake directors, L. B. Speaker
Chart drill. "Class present;" Miss Ler
All are cordially invited to meet with