Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 27, 1898, Image 4
Republican News Item. CHAS. L. WING, Editor and Manager THURSDAY JAN. 27, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS.' The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER. Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOHTE, PA. Enteral at the Post Office at I.nporte, :i --secoiitl-claHn mail matter. Si use turn ov— per annum. ll' liii<l in advance $1 "0. Sample copies free. All communication:, should be a<l tirenrieil to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, J.aporte Pa., The coal teamsters of Boston and vi jlr.ity met at IC6 Broadway, South Bos ton to decide whether to call upon the city government to pass an ordinance obliging the owners of he ivy coal carts to put rubber tiies on their wheals; also to have the cart 3 fitted with side lights. The teamsters declare that the rubier tire 3 ar.d sidelights are a public aetes3:ty. as so much coal U delivered tn the evening during the busy season. Many of the coal daalers are opposed to this proposition. They declare that it would put them to e. he ivy expense, which would make a sad inroad upon their profi:s. There seems to be a growing opinion among the dealers that it would be bet ter to discontinue the delivering of coal In the evening if this expense of rub ber tires and sidelights is to be forced i-pon them. Th y ; ffl m that the deliv ering of coal in the evening is wearing upon the horses, and th:U they would be pleased to discontinue it entirely, providing eve-y dealer will agree not to deliver coal af:er 6 o'clock at night. These men. It is said, prefer a union to the expense of rubber tires and side lights. Mewnire on a llnnfcnofe. Some years ago the cashier of a Liv erpool merchant received a Bank of England note, which he held up to the i.ght to make sure it was genuine. In sc doing, he noticed some very indistinct red marks, as if word 3 had been traced on the front of the note and on the margin, and out of curiosity he tried to decipher them. At length he made out the following sentence: "If thi3 no:e should fall into thf hands of John Dean of Longhillmar, be will learn thereby that his brother is languishing a prisoner in Algiers." Mr. Dean, on being shown the note, lost no time in asking the government for assistance, and finally secured the freedom of his brother on payment of a ransom to the Bey. The unfortunate man had been a prisoner for eleven years, and h?d traced, with a piece of wood for pen, and his own blood foi ink the message on the bank note, in the of its being teen sooner or later. rseftiln?s: of It'o Owl. "Can there be any possible harm In killing owls for women's hats?" ex claimed a New York milliner to a member of the Audubon Society the ether day."Of what use are the hor rid creature 3 to anybody?" The pretty milliner was quite sur prired when told that owls were very useful birds. Owls eat the field mice, and other small rodents that work great injury to the farmer, and every one that is lost r.ot only means a me nace to the farmers, but a distinct loss to agriculture. Dr. C. Hart Merrirtm, ornithologist of the United States Department of Ag riculture, has estimated that In offerinf a b( nr.ty on owls and hawks, whic-h-re sulted in the killing of mo:e than 100,- 000, the State of Pennsylvania sustain ed a loss cf nearly f3,000,000 in one year and a half. I.eft-Hn 'iteil Ammiln. It Is we'.l known that left-handedness has often been observed in animals. Acco d'ng to Vierordt, parrots selzf objects with the left claw by pre'erenct or exclusively. The lion strikes with the left paw, and Livlrgstre ; ave it bs his opinion that all animals are left harded. Prof. Jordan has recently ver ified the st-.tement with regard to par rots. Ho found that this bird makes a readier use cf the left claw for climb ing than the right. Tnrkff'n Postal Syitein. Although Tin key some years ago en gaged n German official to reorganize Its postal system, It has not yet been able to win the confidence of foreign residents, who continue to make use of the Austrian, German, English, French and Russian postofflces in pref erence to the Turkish. A physician who has given much thought to the subject says that so long as the cvc.'ist can breathe with the month shut lie is certainly safe so f.".i as )>e • .strain is concerned. Out of 25,000 school children exam ined In Minneapolis 8,000 had defec tive eyesight. The highest percent age of defection waß found tn a poorly lighted and unsanitary building. Swing BrlHges Operated by Electricity. All the swing bridges across th river within the limits of the city o Chicago are now operated by mean, •112 electricity. EELGIAN HOUSEKEEPING.3 'ue Servants anil Wii tern Noted Cor Their excellence. A writer in the New York Mall and Sxpress declares that Belgian servants md waiters are noted for their excel ence. They a«e never in want of em jloyment, ar.d are as eagerly sought or by experienced housekeepers in this :Ity as in Brussels itself. The secret, iccoiding to a distinguishd scholar of his city, who has studied the daily life >f that country, is to be found in what lie known as housekeeping schools. ri:e:e have long been established and ! ire considered a necessity by young iron and women who desire to enter :lie calling mentioned. The scholars ire educated in.groups of ten, this hav ing been found to l e the best number 'or obtaining the highest proficiency in the part of the pupils. Arrange ment is made whereby girls can study 'or a week, and then work for a week ! iv more, and then again resume their •education. 'I he tens are also broken f nto other teas In order to accustom hach scholar to the sensation, or ne cessity of making new acquaintances ill the time, and at the same time to 31 event their losing the spirit of rival •y with which they begin their work. 4,t the end of one year the scholars are j very proficient. The girls are taken 'rom twelve to eighteen, while the boys ire taken at a later age. Besides cook >ng, marketing and housekeeping, here are special instructions in re. arc! ii clothing,, house repairing 1 id other matters of domestic econo ny. _ Hails Hi- ISeei. According to the Chicago Tlme3-Her t!d, Sam Knight has robbed more th in 1 thousand bee trees. In his country >vild flowers grow. The honeysuckle blooms till frost. The jasulma gives fragrance almost the year round. Sweet are the pea and pptato juds .until way into the fall, vVi 1 d bees swarm about in droves. There are 110 apiaries in Washington :ounty. When honey is harvested by he busy little bees they to to a tiee ui Ips ,th i . i.g r. Sm Kn git waich ;s them during the sammer while they i.e at work. He baits them just as the urkey trapper baits his g :me. lie se lects a stump, and 011 top of it places i drop or so of molasses. Then he ,ake3 a chew of hometwist and waits. When a bee comes along and 1 ghts 011 he stump he stays there until he has oaded deep enough to require a depos t. Then he lilts his wings and makes i line for his home that is as . tra:ght is an arrow. Sam Knight takes up the rail. He follows until the tree has ;een found. He makes a mark cf ame sort on the bark, blazes- the way back 0 the stump, and then goes to another iart of the forest, where the same .hing is done over arain. In the ourse of a couple of months' work .Cnight locates a hunched or more rees. A I'.ovat Coi rtxtilp. In the year ISIC the Grard Duke Nicholas went to Berlin on the import int errand of selecting a anions he Prussian p;ince33. Princess ,'harlotte was given to under tar.d by her parents that a r.ion with the grar.d duke was gre.t --y desired by them. During a supper ;iven in the Duke's honor he was d next to th's princess, and while laying absently with a ring, he told .or that be had made a careful study 112 her character and disposition, anil '.at he found her in every quality best tlculated to make him happy in v.ed ed life. Wh le talking, he thrust the ring in .o a roll cf bre'd be ;ide his place, and isked her to signify her consent to 1 - cme h:s wife by taking up the ring. Presently the piir.tess, in a most tin .ncerned way, took tp the roll as if Mistaking It *)r her own b:e d, and, lnr.oticed by the company, withdrew he ring and placed it on her fir. er. icon afterward a magnificent wedding was celeb"ated. T'ijjlitv Year* a N in. For eighty years she has beard no icunus but the singing of hymns, the chanting of prayers, the low-toned, saintly converse of the sisters. For eighty years she has seen no sights but the convent class, the chaj >l altars, the black- o' ed nuns, the dormitories. Now she Is close upon a hundred years old, this French S s'.er Hator, cf the Ursulir.e Convent, at Boulogne. She Is the oldest living nun. What a stracge corn ersa,..on there would be if she and seme active eld lady who superintends her daily, he; farm and a great tribe cf descendants »t one hitdred-odd years, rhouid talk together! Don't Mnnn. "The worst possible thing for a man to do when cares oppress him," said Mr. Gratebar, "is to mope; to sit dawn md think It over. If the:e is anything in earth that will mildew a man and make him gocd for nothing, that's it. What he wants Is activity; to keep moving. If he can't work, or think 3 he can't, let him get out and take a walk, and start his circulation. It is imrzing what a little fre3h air and ex ercise will do for a man. Keep moving ir.d the first thing you know you'll find yourself whistling, or humming a tune, and then you laugh to yourself a little and go back and goto work. Hindoo Ingenuity. Inventors In India are not as slow as m'ght be supposed. A cooking box, Introduced by a Hindoo, is run by solar beat. It is lined with mirrors, con centrating the rays of a heater of cop per, covered i.ith glass, and performs lis wotk quirk!} in boiling, baking or stewing. A TALE OF THE LOBQY. (low a Wo nnn Obtained In Acl i nil re nn Im ]iurtuiit fenprente ( ourt Decision. Some years ago the widow of a famous union gennral was intimate with the wife and daughters of a jus tice of the Supreme court, and was as familiar with their home in Washing ton, as with her own, which was In the immediate neighborhood. She was al to intimate with the family of a prom inent and popular lobbyist who was supposed to represent Jay G<suld, C. P. llur.«;ington and other men of larp-e in terests whenever anything concerned them in congress. Ail iha parties aie now dead, except the lady in the case, whom I will call Jlrs. Smun. relates W. n. Ci rtis. She was a handsome, r.mbitious and frivolous woman, whose husband committed suicide by drown ing himself in his bathtub. She lived R gay life afterward, but mana.ced to keep many of her old friends. Know ing her love of money and the fact that I her income d d not keep nace with her 1 expense, the lobbyist told her that he would give her SIO,IUO if sha could gA him a copy of the opinion which the justice was expectt'd to deliver in the fiupreme court on the following Mon d :y. involving tho constitutionality of t e Thirman Pacific railroad law. He I !d her that he knew the opinion w. 3 i'l manuscript, an:l believed that the 5 dge had it locked up in the desk in his library. Sui day mornir?, a3 s'-on as she saw t'-p justice acd hig family start for chv.rch, she vent across the street, aroind 7hr circle, rang the bell ar.d told the servant that she wanted to icok at a took in the justice's 11- hr.::y. As she was accustomed togo short the hoi re almost daily they t ought nothing of it, and she was al -1 .ved to remain undisturbed in the s me rocm with the decision fir neaily two hours. It Is ppored that she had a set :if fake keys, for the justice said lint the opinion was locked up in his Cask and could not have been reached otherwise. I-: t, at any.rate, the lob- Lyist is known to have obtained the opinion in advance, and the woman was shortly after able to pay off some pressing obligations. An investigation disclosed the facts I have sta:ed, and it seemed tote the only possible way the opinion could have bean obtained. Of course the incident terminated re lations between the two families, and when the story cot about town Mrs. Smith found it more comfort hie to rent her Washington residence and re move to New York. Tlio First Fo'nr Explorer. The haidy mariners who were the pioneers in polar discovery achieved s, considering that they had ev erything to learn, about the methods of re tic work, and their vessels and ;• ipn:er.t3 were very inadequate. One 112 the greatost of all arctic voyagers .vas the man who commanded the first ri:e pobr expedition. William Ba !s. lie sailed from Holland in r>34 on the little fi hing-smack Irrciriis. ar.d the object of his i yage shows hew Ignorant the Merchants and of those i.:; i were rs to the navigability of arc ic seas. Baicntz pushed into the un ;::own for the pr.r; -e of sailing | rd ihe r.crtli er.d of Nova Zembla I i finding a ncrtbe «: ;-;iß3age to Chl : . ; d so for a mr-r !, be skirted the 'I of ice that b:i"red h s way, seaking : ■■ v direction for a lane by which mat travel through the pack, put ir?: h vessel about eighty-one, i travelling baok and forth along the a<.'. o for 1,700 miles. The highest lortli : e attained durinr this careful . ron of the icc:l " was 61-1 • itale mil: ; south of the highest poir.l i (bed by Nar.sen, or S7l miles from he pcle. A K iinti IIIT Ifor.p. I was F'e kirg of old harses while • TV: ei'.ville, Ivy., recently, saj-3 a \ "ite" in the l-nnisv.'lle Post, and a 'ifr. s iid: "You remember old 'Baw y.' I i tie Tom Prewitt's 'te in,' as he '-ed to C'U the bay ploddßr." I said r d'd, but couldn't remember the ior.-e's are. My frler.d answered: Hawley must have been clpse to forty vh'er. he turned Iris steel-shod hoofs to he bitteicips. 'i he animal was a haracier in town, as was good old ■cle Tf m, and for twenty-five years, hrorrh rain and storm, snow and leet, the we'.l-ke; t horse pilled Uncle Tern ar.d his express wagon to ar.d om the little biirk depot. Bawley's iwner h: d taught him to bite the boys vho were wont to ar.noy the oid 'nag' irle l e was hitched at the station, :r:l li ? sly old rasonl chewed on many i hit of coattail and hat crown. When Mawley d'ed Uncle Tom mourned as •'rce e'y :is he would for a member of he family." Tlie V«i'n;c i tn iiinnry. Oscar Be 1:, six:een years old —at- ard'or at law, of Har •ey. 111., is probably the youngest leg -1 lirht in the country. He has just -■■ red Ivs first fee from a landlord, vhoEe dilatoiy tenants he forced to ■;\y. lie has fixed his standaid high, .rd 1.: following the example of Abra lr.m IVnioln, In that he s?ys he will rly take bus'ness which his oon ierce and investigation show to be ight. Tiilc'ntj In Tshmli, to P'-'nce Krapotkln, this s the w y they t ke a cniuj in Russia, The r facial of the village takes a nip • ! br .rdy and .;: ,vs: "How many chil •• .>n wc a born last year?" "Oh, 25!" Then l*e • • iroltcr nip and says: Oh, lot's , y Cv!" AN « * I or- 'll • ; :v.'tnn by iicc;-t :■• ••• - ' $ a Bronciiis but extremely good for the suft'orer from that harassing disease is Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. No medi cine can compare with this great remedy in the . prompt and perma nent aid it gives in all bronchial affections. It stops the coup;li, soothes the irritated throat, r.a«i in duces refreshing sleep. " I hid a bronchial trouble of a per sistent and stubborn character that the doc tor pronounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recoinmer.ileit mo ta ?">' Ajer'd Cherry Pectoral. One bottle cured me." J. C. WOODSON, P. M., Forest Hill, \V. Va. "A short ti-ne ago I was taken with a aevcru attack of bronchitis, and neither phy sicians nor ordinary remedies gave me relief. In despair of finding anything to cure ir.e, I bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. Less than one bottle entirely cihed me." GEO. B. HUNTKIi, Altoona, Pa. Ager's gfetrrg PeeM now put up in half-size bottles at half price—so cents. Fall s Winter Goods You are invited to corru here and inspect our new stock ot Fall and Winte. Goods which is by far th. choicest collection consid ering style and quality foi the price, ever this store asked people to look at. /Vinler Weight Jnderware for Men, Women ant Children. In conjunction with the inviting vanties, al, prices will be found more than ordinarily small. Grocery Department A new and fresh sup ply of Groceries have h.ive just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove. 112 a. I am now putting up EAVE TROUGHS "that w ill not lust. Send me your order or write for prices. CUNNINGHAM'S HARDWARE STOR=- D-CTSHOIFtE -50 YEARS' EXPERIENCE m K. tT®®F i Wl 11l P a ! Ji WW ■ 1 ■ J TRADE MARKS DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sleetrh nnd description mn (jaloklr ascertnin our opinion freo whether n invention ls prAbnl»|y patentable. Comniunlo lions strictly confidential. Ilnndbookon Pater sent free. Oldest ncency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munu A Co. recel\ special notice , without charge, in the Scientific American, A handsomely Illustrated weekly. Largest clr culation of an 7 scientific Journal. lernis. W a year: four months sl. Sold by all newsdenlers. MUNN & C 0 .36, Broadwa - New York Branch Office. 024 F St., Washington, D. C. Gro ieisal Mwics Do you ur.Jerstand just Dr. J. C. Ayer's medicines will <lj f>.r you? Aro they helping you as fust cs you t" they Write to our djstor. lie will gnawer all question, ar.d give you t'..a best medical advice, absolutely free. Address the J. C. Aycr Co, Lowell, ilasa. W.L.Hoffman's hillsgrove Three Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, PROCTOR, PA. January Clearance Selling If you are looking for the bargains of the year go at once to any of the above named stores u here former values and prices are practically lost sight of in our determined iffjrts to dispose of the largest and best line of DRY GOODS and NOTIONS ever brought to this County. Extraordinary line of CORSETS The lady who wishes the latest styles combined with high grade and half the old price should call and select from the complete line of sizes. Unprecedented values given at these stores this i onth, JENNI NGS BROS. | We keep in stock at our mills a complete line of dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gai g Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. LOPRZ. PA. SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Eeech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in 3-8 ceiling. CORRESPONDENCY SOLICITED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. 1 \\V l.liVt j 11!" I 111 eil - I'!' It M< cl • 11 I'l 'li'p 11' 11 I' |1 h «■ ttlliill ««•»•!» pill 'pll In Cl'l Vi'lll H|» CIM I Kl't-I til It. \\Y Ik I I'll 't* ll 11 l>li 1111-11 11 I eii |1 hi Colli- 111 I' i- 111 I kt*l. I'll! " C 'li Hli* »«• ll iV< II < llLb'l' HIIII lllilihi flilll.j! I'M rillt'i Ik 111 lie. Out I'l'H ll* H 1111 CII |»h n It* llililll- lo « Till 1, 1 11l 11 111 Ixlirt 81.1 le- wii ll || I'l-.- 11l -111 1-VIIIIIIHIi. IN I)lti:ss GOODS WE W ERE NEVER DE'ITER rUEI'Ain.DTO PLEASE Yl U THAN AT 111E PRESIOKT, AS W E HAVE 111E LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN THE COUNTY. I.llili.S Mil I M BO\H Mini Mill, V' II llCfll >'"l yo I nil tll-Zl'li Ii ■ ll- WII lIT ll I »l --i live i<i 111..1 1 'r»f • r I'm vim ii I. I ili in I'iriiiii or uno . e'l HI jrr» \ mill ilitlll <• e - ur> v.-rv nv. < • I i>v i i u <v if i nil w nif fi HI I'J iisliim mliCil l' rll ur :re I" jrlvr n ll -mil lull «112 :• IIIH. One word in regard to foot wear: liiir I- linr ili* 1111 ri IIIFN i <in vcr IN*•• Hl. |ili- •* ninl it \i HI will IH»'T UH WII?« V•in M 111> I Moil Inr ll IHM 11. - H III 'I ii I. Ml. Wi « i'l II.IM ilnr\. II I'm We llive Ie 111. -HI l lire II |\ -e iel'le. I Mil' "I fine ll <1 l|.nv> li" IH lllnl lillnei. over I l.'ll. 11l I I'l'ine ill 111 lie. On ern'l-er- «e Ii ve JII.-i rn linl MHIII Ver\ pri I'* .lesiiiii- i. D.euiHi'il Dtn'i r .Spin i wlm li «• in* He ynui niiei.iii.ii. Tlif lin i.'JF 111 I nn (.rinliie. IIIIK 111 >ll' - liven 11 |.1.1H1 le tun •.! on Hnsin'h-. H>l W'o Ml I enHi 111(1 U"i!l'if llljriii i-I CHI-I. |II ict-h Hi Bniier g" SYLVARA, DUSHORE^PA. t RIGHT IN EVERY 4} PARTICULAR. Tin 1 Hiiil" of clutlios or o\t»r- coat you buy IKTC fits yon |ici f<'ctly YjCr and looks well, no mntk'i- in what position yon stiind or sit. // Our clothing is made to fit men TTTRJ I I \ ils thi-y aiv, not a-« tlicy nii};ht Ic. MPJ j r U \ If ii (loi'sn't fit at first. w« alter it «|j| I| I until it dons fit. Everything the t| «j // latest in style, of the most worthy iJ fi / fithrics. and tailored in the most ® i «>7 \ perfect manner. and we iia,ve avery thing you could wish io Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and MACKINTOSHES. We pay cash for ginseng foot and wool. SHOES: We are selling better shoes than wore ever sold in this section of th® county before at half the nsiift profits. Every price we quote is the lowest. HARRY HERR & CO., MUNCY VALLEV| PA