Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 20, 1898, Image 1
Republican News Item. Published Every Friday. Volume 2. Business Cards. SONESTOWN FLAGGING Company, S h H:Eor B ah! amboß ' Agents. SO.VIvSTOWN PA. FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF DUSIIORE, PENSA. CAPITAL - - $50,000. SURPLUS - - 810.000. Due* a General Banking Business. F. B. POMEROY. M. D. SWARTS. Piesldant. Cashier. GALLAGHER'S HOTEL AND RESTAURANT, LAPORTE PA. K. W. GALLAGHER. Prop. Warm meiils mid lunches nt all hours. Oysters and mime in season. Bar supplied with cho'eest linunrs. wine and final's. (IINM) >tal»le room provided. L PORTE HOTEL. THOS. W. BEAHEN, Prop. My increased liusincss at the Commercial Hote nrecsiliiteil moie eonimndinus 'llliirters. an.' have likewise moved Into tlie large and wel »|i|>iinteil La | mite Hotel. ThankiiiK my friends for past imtmnage and re N|iei!lfnll>' solieit a eontiimanee of same. I an Truly yours. THOS. W. BEAHEN. MUNCY VALLEY HOUSE. who™?, PROPRIETORS A hotel <>f e>talili»heri lepntatiou. Btnetl\ ttot chuw in all of il* appointment*. Hat well >uppl.ed with tin* of liquor*. COMMERCIAL HOUSE. THO i. E. KENNEDY, Prop. LAPORTE PA. i 11if* l.i g Hid v<e I pp<»iiii<-d hou*® I eMI N p • u ir h»s e y it t 8 > etio HIL' .SGROVE HOUSE7 SMITHGALL &. SICK. First-class accommodations. Centrally located. lII LLSG ROVE, PA. CARROLL HOUSE, D. tCEEi-'E, Proprietor. DUSIIOKE, PA. One of (he largest »n 1 best equipped i ho.t-l in tlii.* se -tio . ul tie ctifa. Ta 100 i » bj.-t. it.ies I (jor-ay. LaigeSi »leß. Professional Cards. J.J. & F. H. INGHAM, ATTO AT-LAW, Leg; il liu- n 'si attended to in • nis ami oountiei LAPORTE. p A K KARNS^ Attorney-at-L*w, Prompt and careful attention given to legal business. W ill be at Emmons on Monday of each week. Olfi e. uver Keeler « s.ore, LAI'URT E, ... PA. £ J. MULLEN, Attorney-«t-L«w. LAPORTE, PA. Office in Court House Building. VVM P. SHOEMAKER, Attorney-«tL»w. Office in County Building. LAPORTE, PA. Collections, conveyancing; the settlement of estate.* tiud other legal Luaines* will receive prompt attention. _____ ATTOMMKV AT-lAW, OrFiCK 111 ivOIITV BU LDIHO Ki.Ali «Ui UT HOU»K. LAi' KTK, PA Monday ut em:li week Ml Forknville. Cilery P. Ingham. Harvey &. Newitt. |NGHA.\\ & NEWITT, ATTiI Kr *-L W. OFFICES 714-17 FRANKLIN BI'ILDINQ. l:« ao. IJlli Street Philadelphia, I* iv iU retirel fro n llie office of I'll.ted States AlUirnex au<l t .-tiite.- Atliiruey, will continue the general practice of law ill the L'u.led .->late.- courts, and ml ;!ic courts of tile City .i'ii .oiui.t »i t'un.i.U l|.lua, HENKY r. downs; ATT V" »T LA>» UKKIC IN r* BUILOIMfI CUT UUUHK SW AH. L I ORTE. J # H. CRONIN, ATTiiß* T AT LAW, *«»TA V hUL C. orrii kon mai> STUBKT. DU'IIOHK. PA JLPHONSUS WALSH, ~ *r T .RSIT-AT-L W Oftlcie in liai.k uilding. DU SHORE. { From the Keystone. > STOP YER KICKIN'. r £ Stop j-er kickin' 'bout the times — Stop yer l ickin',pit a-hold S Git a hustle on vou ; Of the wheel and turn it. r > Skirmish 'round and grab the dimes You kin never handle gold V N Ef the dollars shun vou. 'Less you try to earn it. y r Croiikin' never bought'a drees, Brush the cobwebs Irom your eyes t Growlin' isn't in it. Stop your blam'd repinin' J J Fix your peepers on success, An' you I) notice ihat yer skies C Then go into win it. Allus'll be shinin' J r Times is gittin' good agin— Ifyou h • in't the nerve to try V Try io help them all you kin. Sueuk away somewhere and die. > Don't sit'round with liangin'lip ; H»K>IOK J S That is sure to flour you Trv lo git a better grip YE3, STOP YER KICKIN'. TniS J On the work before you ; EVERLASTING KICKIN' HAS GOT TOr \ Put some ginger in yer words BE AN INTOLERABLE NUISANCE. \ V When vou greet a neighbor; GO TO THE OLD RELIABLE ! 112 Thruw your troubles to the birds, JEWELRY STORE FOR WHAT/ Git right down to labor. YOU NEED AND BE HAPPY, J An' you'll notice ev'rv day %%%% J Things is comin'right yotirway. £ ) liETTEN BURY, ? T DUSHORE. pa. THE JEWELER. M. R. Black. r - I © Graduate ( 112 Clark's School of J_ I^B^LXj^LXlsra-. Undertaker. and Dealer FUUNITUUE 9 M ANUFACTUNKR OF LUMBEK FORKSYILLE, A.. Undertaking. I Lumber; Every iHeihij >«»r Il»e proper audi iMHieful co duel ol tuueraUj toe fineft. o |. liaod, and made to speciul ordt-1 in t'i county, and eqnipmeiitw t°| on nliott n uice. P»"'" 'Specialties: Have iud ordered a new and atlrnc I 1 H "p-cialiv of the manufsc ive line ol chairs, rockers and othei | lurP o"'®' 1 C'Hmber siii s, side boarl urintiire lor Nt.rn.>: and su mer Hide.! huoKcases, extension lab es an.„l \ mil line ol chamber suit, mattresses ! ™li»wi »uik, cant hook i.Hn.lles, apu.i si.ri I"H, etc., all a. prices to suit the '""dies neck >okes turned lroa» bes. , r ~ ' ir«»nwood. i lines. 1 Aim to Give the Best PoSS 'j!fqZZ'fLj,, Lowest I'unDfible J'rice. Estimates cheerfully OD general and special work. IVE. R/. Forksville, Pa. H. A.Rogers & son., PA. Our Large Stock of Dry Goods, Clothing, General Store, Hardware, Etc., iS Complete. Having Purchased at Lowest m ~s—riarket Rats, We are Selling ' Accordingly, f.LSO A: NBW JE THE CELEBRATED Red Cross Stoves AND .RANGES. EVERY STOVE GUARANTEED. "ETERNAL VIGILANCE IS THE PRICE OF LIBERTY." LAPORTE, PENNA., THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1898. Bernloe. Five sleigh loads of school childre' from the Dushore school passed through this place Tuesday of last week. They were a merry lot, and as o -, e gazed upon them as they shouted and sang with glee it made one feel young again. This school receives a sleigh ride every year ai the expense of the school hoard, and wi think this is a good thing. The children certainly enjoys and appreciates it. Wt don't see why the school at this place C'>ll Id not have such a treat onceavear in the same manner. The Ladies Aid Society held their sup per in the I. 0. O. F. hall Tuesday even ing of last week instead of last Friday. There was a large crowd present. The receipts of the evening was $25. Hon. John S. Line was transacting official business at Dushore Tuesday ol last week. James Ladden of Mildred visited friendc at Dushore one day last week. Mrs. M. Donovan and Miss Sarah McGee visited friends at Towanda Wed nesday of last vveek. Mr. William Winters of Towanda was the guest of Hon. J. S. Line last week. We wonder what's the matter with our school house flag at this place? It has not been fluttered to the breeze for some time; it certainly cannot be froze up. Miss Jennie Vaness has gone to Ever green, where she will make her home with Mr. and Mrs. Lennox. Miss Theressa Ilannon, who has been visiting her parents at this place,returned to New York last week. Mr. and Mrs. Goier of < hicngo was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. G. K. Dougherty of this place last week Born, to Mr. and Mrs. John Morter, Saturday, January S, a girl. Rev. Mr. Dennis of Wilkesßarre, isj holding a series of revival meetings at Skinnetsville. Mr F. 11. Allen and Mr. T. Johnson is lon the sick list. | Mrs. S. A. Deafenbach and children j ! visited friends at New Albany last week, j j The following gentlemen frorti here' 'nave been drawn as jurors ror the Feb- I ruary term : Michael Doaovan, George Bodie, Thomas Fell. Harvey Kellar, 11. . Taylor. Mrs. Gaylor Vaness and Miss Eliza of Rummerfield were the guests of Mr and Mrs. J. S. Taylor the latter part of last week. James Smith is visiting friends and j relatives at Boston. Mass. this week. A young couple from Elmshurst, Pa., on an eloping expedition landed in this place Thursday evening dead broke. They were on their way to New York State. At a meeting of the Bachelors Club at Mildred Saturday evening the following was the subject for debate:—"ls single ness a disease or a habit." After three hours of interesting debating the presid ing judge delivered the following decision: Gentlemen (hie) we have decided (hie) i hat singleness ness ness (who u) is a disease (gimme a drink) and by gosh I have suffered from (drains glass) single ness twenty-eight years and I haven't found any cure for (hick) —At this point he went to sleep. The club is still wait ing for the judge to wake up and finish his decision. We are authorized to state that we have a man in this town that will wager any amount of money that he can eat more oysters than any two men in the county. Here is a chance for some hun gry William-of-the-Road. There is heap mueh joy in the wigwam of Katonka tribe No. 336 Red Men of this place; the warriors coming in from the trail with heap money pale faces. The Scalp Dame is a feature of each ' sleep. Rev. J. A. Enright visited friends in j Allegheny last week. IJ is sister Nellie I returned with him. j Elder Charles 11. Cro>v is holding Mor mon revivals in the K. of L. hall this week. SCRIBE. Bepublican Primaries. ! Each precinct of the County will be looked after by the following named Re | publican Standing Committeemen. Bernice—Nelson Cox. Cherry—R. R. Hunsinger. Colley—A. W. Barne. Davidson—D. W. Darling. Dushore— John Scher. Elkland—Ulysi-es Bird. ; Forksville—J. W. Rogers Forks -I. L. I Hottenstein. Fox—A.B.Kilmer. Ilills : grove—G. E. Darby. Jamison City— j Norman Schyler. Boro—W. C. \ Mason. Laporte Twp.—J. S. Newman, j Lopez—C. 11. Jennings. Mt. Vernon— -1 VV. Edkin. Shrewsbury—R. W, Bennett. FORCED TO RETIRE FROM PRACTICE. John O. Scouten a Practicing Attorney at the Sullivan County Courts Disembarrec by the Honorable Judges Who Preside. Woefully Mistakened in His Sensation al Act and Offers and Apology too Late. It may be some comfort to John G. Scouten that his passing out from tin practice of law and into that obsecurit> Irom which he emerges only to disgract i lie name of man, was accompanied by the satisfaction of having tongue-lashed the Court which he held in contempt, in hit accustomed slimy, poisoning venomous language that degrees below that of the lowest servitor of his Satanic Majesty. Now what are the facts in the case? rhev are these: In the Court of Com mon Pleas at last December term a rule was served upon John G.Scouten to show cause why lie should not be removed from liis office of attorney and be adjudged as in contempt of court and was acted upon as here lollows,showing the presuniptous arid egotistical manner the said Scouten with his self conceit and exalted idea ol his own infinitesimal mind, proceeded to criticise, sensure, attack and maliciously defame the dignity of our Court: BY THE COURT. "It appearing that John G.Scouten Esq a member of the Bar of Sulivan County, being in attendance upon an adjourned court, held at the Court House in haporte Pa. on the 14th day of October, as an at torney, and as such attorney was repre senting the application to set aside the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of John P. McGee. Also representing the plaintifl in the case of Bush vs Wiggins, being an application on the part of the above nam ed defendant to open the judgement en tered in the said court, and allow to come in and defend. And both of said cases having been decided,by said Court,against the clients of said John G. Scouten Esq., and while the said Court was in session, one of the Judges thereof to wit, Ilis Honor Conrad Krnus, having left the Bench togo down stairs for a few moments be was immediately followed by said John G. Scouten, Esq out into the hall or cor ridor of the courthouse and there in the presence of many persons, among them I-'. 11. Ingham, Esq., Wm.P. Shoemaker, Esq ,S. B. Karris, Esq., Frank Buck J. H. Siaekhouao and others, the said John G. Scouten did then and there make a vile, abusive and defamatory attack upon said Hon. Conrad Kraus for and because ol said decisions made by the Court at its session that day. And did in a loud and boisterous and angry manner say to Judge Kraus. "I don't think you did what was right. You did not go accorping to the dictates of your conscience. I suppose you feel tickled now. You don't know what is right and what isn't right. Your Court is nothing but a farce. It don't amount to anything. You only hold them for the money there is in it. You are holding your adjourned courts every two weeks just to get your time and for the money there is in it. I have more brains in the top of my head than the whole Kraus generation. I don't know whether your clothes are paid for or not if you keep on holding your adjourned courts you may be able to pay for them. You strut around with yor big belly and God Almighty coat on. Your a big tub of guts and a big belly ol * * * * Go take oil your God Almighty Coat, get ofl the Bench, get your cleaver and your knife, you are not fit to be a Judge. You don't know anything. You are a liar. Your decisions are not just and not ac cording to your conscience not what you think is right. And at noon adjournment of said Court upon same day the said John G. Scouten, Esq , followed Judges Kraus and Line in to the Judges Chambers making loud and angry and abusive comments upon the rulings of the court. And standing in the court room exclaimed in a loud and boisterous manner. "To hell with your Rules of Court. This Court is nothing but a farce any way". And said to Judge Kraus, "You go according to the rules of John Yonkin, he rules you and you rule i the Court. You don't know enough to I read the rules ol court and you could not understand them if you did. You are a liar, and dare not come down into the | court yard and I will clear you ofthc law." i And many other abusive and false things j in regard to the court and its decisions. It appearing further that the said John : G. Scouten,Esq., did prior to the 14th day ' of October 1807 at his office in the boro | ugh of Onshore Pa. say to Judge John J Line, one of the Judges of this court, j '-That I am through with Judge Kraus, j and will have no more to do with him,or give him any more business. I will here , after give you all my business." And 1.50 Per. Year. Number 36- hen in the same conversation he said to iia Honor|Judge Line. "I have bought the McGee Hotel property and I don't want the license removed from the same or taken to the other house. That while the license is in the name of Patrick McGee yet it is the house that is licensed not the person." A rule is now entered upon the sai<i John G. Scouten, Esq., toshowcause whv lie should not be removed from his office of attorney of this court, and his name stricken from the rolls thereof on the around. Ist. That his remarks conduct ind manner reflect upon the official hon esty and integrity of Judge Kraus one ot lie Judges of this court. 2nd. That ihey tend to influence and prejudice the court in matters that are to come before them. 3rd. That the action, conduct and lan guage of said John G. Scouten were in violation of his duty and oath aa an at torney of this court, and in contempt and derogation of the administration of Jug ice therein and attempted interference therewith. A rule is also entered upon the said John G. Scouten to show cause why he should not be adjudged as in contempt ot court. These rules to be entered and served with a copy of these charges forth with upon the said John G. Scouten, with the requirement that he make formal ana wer thereto on or before Monday Decem ber 13th 1897 at 2 o'clock p. m. at which time said rules are mad.; returnable." OPINION OP THE COURT. On Monday at 3 o'clock p. m.the opinion of the Court was filed in the Prothonotary's office. It is a length) written document and deals admirably and most judiciously with the matter. Apart from the details is found the follow ing: "If we are in error in feeling and holding that the present apology of re spondent to convince us of its genuineness and of his sincerity in making it, we can only say that respondent lias it in his power to so live and conduct himself a* to show and convince all, who know him, ot his determination to govern his temper and tongue, and when he has by long persistence in this course 6hown to ue that he has succeeded and can conduct himself in all respects properly and re s,iectfully we cheerfully hear hie application for readmission and act favor ably thereon. "Now, January 17, 1898, the case hay ing been heard and fully argued by coun sel the rule heretofore granted to show cause why John G. Scouten Esq. should not be removed from his office of attorney of the court, and his name stricken from the rolls is made absolute and John G. Scouten Esq. is removed from his offic* of attorney of this court and his name stricken from the rolls. BY THB COURT. "To which counsel for respondent es cept and at this request a bill is sealed." E. M. DUNHAM, P. J. Judge Metzger's Health. Pinehurst (N, C.) Outlook. Dr. Parcels and Judge Metzger drove across country to Carthage, the county seat a few days ago. They claim to have fount! the way alone, which is no doubt true, although it was intimated that a colored boy had something to do with it. At any rate, when they tried to tell the Carthagenians that they were invalid." from Pinehurst, it didn't go down—no sir' They were supposed to be henvy capital ists from the north looking for investment*. If we can only keep the Judge a few more weeks he will be the healthiest man in the county, Forkiville. A series of revival meetings are in pro gress in the M. E. Church at this place. Mr. W. E. Randall, who has been sick, for a few weeks with typhoid fever is now convalescent. Many friends of Miss Blanche Fleming who has been sick for the past vear and had recently returned Irorn Philadelphia where an operation had been performed, were sorry to learn of her death Monda\ morning. Miss Ora Fctherbay, who has been af Hillsgrove lor some time, has returnd home. The solt weather of last week, caused the ice to break up; making a serious jam above the bridge. Several charge* of dinamite were used on it, and it is now considered in a safe condition. • Mrs. Barton Molyneaux and two chil dren were summoned here on account ot' the serious condition of her sister Mis# Blanche Fleming. B. S. Lancaster of Towanda came home Sunday. George Snyder has returned from Phila delphia where he haß been undergoing i an operation upon his eyes. Alanson Messersmith expects to return home from Lopez, as the factory In which he has been working has closed.