Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 13, 1898, Image 6

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ffhea the mnroh begins in the morning
Aud tho heart nuJ the foot are light,
When the flags are all a-flutter
Ami th# world is gay uud bright,
When the bugles lead the column
And the drums are proud in the van,
It's shoulder to shoulder, forward march!
Ah! let him lag who can!
for it's easy to march to music
With your comrades all in line,
And you don't get tired, you feel inspired,
And life is a draught divine.
When tho march drass on at evening
And tha oolor-bearer's gone,
When the merry strains are silent
That piped so brave in the dawn,
When you miss tho dear old fellows
Who started out with you,
When it's stubborn and sturdy forward
Though tho ragged lines are few.
Then it's hard to march in silence,
And the road has lonesome grown,
And liie Is a bitter cup to drink;
But the soldier must not moan.
And this is tho task before us,
A task we may never shirk,
In the gay time aud the sorrowful time
We must march and do our work.
We must march when the music eheers us,
March when the struins are dumb,
Plucky and valiant, forward, march!
And smile, whatever may come.
For, whether life's hard or easy.
The stronger man keeps the pace,
For the desolate march and the silent
The strong soul llnds the grace.
—Murgaret E. Sangster.
| By itiß Doctors Older. |
"Hop-picking," said young Durell,
as he took a rosy August apple from
his pocket, aud fed it leisurely to the
beautiful horse against which he
leaned. "Why, yes, it is a rather ro
mantic business, if you look upon it
from a romantic point of view. You're
an artist, eh? Come to sketch our
little bits of romantic scenery? But
there's nothing particularly pictur
esque about our hop fields. Just sun
shine and the gold-green of the clus
ters, aud the curling tendrils reaching
out for something to grasp at, aud the
air so blue and clear that one cau
almost see the straight lines of the
sunshine. Of course, it looks pretty
to me, for I was born and brought tip
upon it; but—excuse me—l can't see
what there is specially worthy of an
artist's pencil."
"Do you see those long perspec
tives of green alleys," said he; "with
figures running in /.nd out, and the
old woman sitting a/iong the fragrant
heaps, with the si/:rlet cloak, aud two
little toddles at Her feet? And yonder
feeble, bent old man, with water cans
on his shoulders? Why, there are a
hundred bits of genre here, to say
nothing of the background."
And Raymond took out his mill
boards and color boxes, set up an im
promptu easel, aud began digently to
Squire Durell's son looked on with
an amused smile. To him, the ma
chinery of the great hop farm was the
real business of life. Artists and such
like were merely pleasure seekers who
disported themselves airily ou the
outskirts of creation.
"You will find some very pretty
faces here," said Durell, "if you care
for sketching that sort of thing. Peo
ple come here from all parts of the
country in bop-picking time. Gypsies,
tramps, respectable poor workers who
don't object to turning nn honest
penny, youu£ people who come here
for the frolic of the thing, and poor
old wretches wh<k think that every
season will be their last. It's healthy,
the doctors say. At all events
it's profitable. In hop-season there
isn't a cottage, a farmhouse garret,
nor even a barn untenanted. There
are tents, a white sin'inkle of them,
down in the meadow by the vines,
where people sleep at nights. You
can see them from here. You are
Btaying in this part of the neighbor
hood? No? My father will be very
glad to see you up at the house if you
•will honor us by becoming our guest
And raising his light straw hat,
Daniel Durell went his way, the beauti
ful satin-skinned white horse following
like a docile kitten at his heels.
"Hugh," he said to a servant who
had come down with a hamper from
tho house, "take a cup of coft'ee and
two or three of these white rolls, with
my complements, to that gentleman in
the white linen coat who is sketching
under the trees. And, Hugh!"
" Did you carry the sardine sand
wiches and the basket of apricots and
the fresh milk to the young girl in
The man nodded.
"She didn't want to take them, Mr.
Durell," said he. "She was all for
calling me back, but I minded your
order, sir, and made off as fast as I
could, pretending not to hear."
Durell smiled.
"That's right," and don't forget the
cold meat and slices of new bread for
old Dunstable. He grows weaker
and weaker every day, and there was
nothing but the heel of a loaf and a
black-cheese rind in his dinner basket,
for I saw it myself."
"It's all right, sir," said Hugh.
And then Durell, going up to the
great house, shrewdly noticed all the
hop pickers as they sat and lay around
under the shadow of the vines, in the
dolce far niente of the noon intermis
sion, and finally came into the great,
cool room where the scent of cheese
making tilled the air and the muslin
curtains fluttered to and fro in the
The squire himself sat there, gouty
but content. Iced tea and cold chickeu
were on the table; forced hothouse
peaches scented the atmosphere; a
plate of deviled tongue, with curry
eauce, snjiplied the fiery element, and
delicate cutlers, breaded and fried in
egg; were brought in. The old gentle
man's face brightened at the sight of
his sou.
"It haa seemed a long day without
you, my boy," said he. "Sit down,
sit down. Do you know, Daniel, I*v«
been thinking all the morning that J
wish you'd briug a wife home to th<
old place. She would be company foi
me when you are gone. Why don'f
you think of it, my lad?"
"I have been thinking of it,father,'
said the squire's son. "But wha'
would you say, sir, if I were to marry
a poor girl?"
The squire set down his cup of iced
tea. Evidently this was entirely anew
view of the matter.
"A poor girl, Daniel?"
"Yes, but a poor girl, father,and as
sweet aud lovely as yonder half-opened
rosebud. You will perhaps laugh at
me," he added, "but I have lost mj
heart to one of our hop-pickers.
"Her name is Mary Ravenel, sir. J
never saw her before this season. Shi
is picking hops with her aunt, or sonn
elderly relative—a pale, fragile look
ing girl, but as beautiful as a dream
And I—love her."
The old squire shook his head.
"I can trust you, my son," said he,
"and whoever you choose to bring
here will be as welcome as the flower!
in May."
While all this time the artist,stroll
ing idly along to observe the various
groups, came upon a pale faced gir.'
in black—a girl with large, melting,
wine-brown eyes, straight pur«
features and soft dark hair, overhang
ing her forehead like a mist of jet.
"Miss Kavenel," he cried, in a tone
of utter amazement.
"Yes, 'Miss Kavenel,'" she smiled
back. "You are astonished to see me
here. But the doctor declared thai
hop-picking would be the very thing
for me. So Aunt Yerna brought me,
and here we are. And lam really ac
complishing wonders in the hop-pick
ing line! Sit down here and eat some
of these delicious hothouse grapes.
They are sent to us daily by an un
known benefactor. That is," as Aunt
Yerna smiled meaningly, "not exactly
unknown. It is Squire Durell's son.
He will persist in sending all these
delightful things, although I tell him
over and over, that I have no need of
them. I believe he thinks I am a
starving dressmaker, or something of
the kind," with a blush and a smile.
"But, oh, he is so good! And I like
him so much! Now show us, please,
what you have been sketching."
Mr. Durell came down,in the warm,
red glow of the summer sunset,to the
willow-shaded curve in the river where
Miss Kavenel liked to sit when her
day's work was done.
"I have brought you some of the
rare orchids from the conservatory,"
said he. "You told me the other day
that you liked flowers."
"[ am much obliged to you," said
she, gratefully. "But, Mr. Durell, I
have something to tell you."
"Stop a minute," he said. "I have
something to tell you—that I love
you, that I want to make you mv
wife. Dear Miss Kavenel, you are
surprised at this? Have you not seen
it growing out of my heart by degrees?
My father is old and infirm, but he is
reudy to welcome you with all paternal
love, and "
"You reully love me?" she cried,
with wide open eyes. "Me, a poor,
pale, little hop-picker?"
"You, my queen and my ideal!"
"Then," she said, all smiles and
blushes, "I think I ought to repay
you by loving you a little. And I
think I do—nay, I am quite certain of
"My darling! Oh, my darling," he
"But wait; you have not heard what
I am," she urged.
"You are Miss Ravenel 1 "
"I am General Ravenel's daughter.
lam here by the doctor's order, not
because I need the daily wages of a
hop-picker. But you won't like me
any the less, will you, for that?"
Mr. Durell stood amazed. Miss
Ravenel, the great heiress!
"We are stopping at the ClanclifT
hotel," said she. "I have my phaeton
and ponies there. I will drive up to
the house to see your father, since he
cannot come to me."
"But I thought you were a poor
girl, hiring one of these tents at so
much a night," said Daniel in per
"That's where you were mistaken,"
said Miss Ravenel, smiling. "But
hop-picking has done me a great deal
of good. AuntVerna says my cheeks
are redder than they used to be; and
I must be better, because "
"Because I feel so happy," said
Mary Ravenel, coloring like a rose.
And so Daniel Durell found his
life's treasure out among the garland
hoppoles.— London Hearthstone.
A ltnre Sight on Lake Ontario.
A waterspout traveled down Lake
Ontario at the rate of probably ten
miles an hour one afternoon recently.
It was first noticed by some gentlemen
who were in the board of trade build
ing, aud was then about a mile out in
the Inke, off the centre of the island.
The heavy black clouds overhead had
approached down close to the surface
of the lake, and sucked the water up.
The water ascended in a straight
spiral column right to the clouds and
then spread out, the clouds being
blown rapidly dowu the lake, carry
ing the waterspout with them. When
nearly opposite the eastern gap the
spout broke, and in an instant disap
peared, while the clouds continued on
their course down the lake. It is said
to have been nearly 30 years since a
waterspout has beeu seen on Lake On
tario.—Toronto Globe.
Ch dly—Would you like to own a
little donkey, Miss Oerahline?
Miss Geraldine—Oh! Cholly, this is
so unexpected. Yes! Philadelphia
The mild climate of the southern
portion of Alaska is due to the Jap a
uese current.
After several years of trial, pulleys
covered with papier-mache are gain
ing in favor among British machinists.
The tint of birds' eggs, especially
the light colors, ore apt to fade, on
exposure in museums to too great sun
light. This is the case with the green
ish blue eggs, as those of the murre.
By experiment the darker colored eggs
of olive brown or chocolate hue have
been found to undergo little change.
Lord Kelviu estimates that the age
af the earth, since it cooled suffi
ciently to support life, is about2o,ooo,-
000 years within limits of error, per
haps ranging between 15,000,000 and
30,000,000 years. Eminent geologists,
in discussing these figures recently,
say that they think the true age is
nearer 60,000,000 or 100,000,000
The longevity of astronomers has
often been noted. A French compiler
finds that Fontenelle lived to 100,Car
loine Herschel to 98, Cassini to 97,
Sir Edward Sabine to 94, Moiran to 93.
Santini and Sharpe to 91, Yates, Airy,
Humboldt, Robinson and Long reached
90. The long list of those who lived
to 80 includes Halley, Newton, Her
schel, Kant and Roger Bacon.
A Massachusetts man has patented
an X-ray machine for examining jew
els consisting of means of producing
the rays, a support for the jewel
opaque to light, but transparent to
the Roentgen rays, a screen for con
verting the rays into light after the
passago through the jewel, a mirror
for reflecting the rays and eyepieces
tor examining the reflected image.
Compressed air is used in place of
the old-fashioned well sweep to raise
water from a well, the bucket being
Lung on one end of a rope with a hol
low air chamber and a number of
weights at the opposite end. The air
is pumped into the reservoir to raise
the weights and lower the bucket,
which is raised by exhausting the air
and allowing the weights to fall to the
bottom of the well.
A singular effect of a bee sting is told
by an English astronomer. The sting
»vas not painful, but in about fifteen
minutes the face of the victim, a lady,
became violently flushed, and blains ot
white blisters appeared all over the
body, arms and legs, and then, more
curiously still, she developed a sharp
attack of asthma. This yielded to
home remedies, and the blisters turned
from white to red, disappearing in a
few hours.
More than half the streets of Berlin
already are lighted with the best kind
of gas glowlight—perfectly white, and
live times as powerful as the old flame.
Aug. 1 11,483 out of the 22,000 street
lanterns were fitted up with the new
light, and the remaining 10,523 lan
terns are to follow during the next six
months. This new light effects a large
saving to the city. In future but 10,-
000,000 cubic meters of gas will be
ueedcd, against 17,000,000 before, a
saving of a big sum per annum, with
fivefold the illuminating power.
Slur limit* I *.
One of the United States postoffice
inspectors assigned to duty on western
star routes tells an interesting story
explaining why postal routes supplied
by couriers on horseback or by stxge
came to be designated "star routes."
Years ago three words found place
on the records of the postoffice. They
were "certainty," "celerity" and
"security!" In subjects pertaining
to the transmission of the mails no
words were repeated so often. Up to
1845 no contract for carrying the mail
was let unless the bidder made known
the manner in which he proposed to
carry it. There was an understand
ing that bidders who run stages should
have the inside track, but Congress
knocked out this practice by enacting
a law by which contracts were to lie let
to the lowest bidder without taking
into consideration the manner in which
the mail was to be carried from one
place to another, stipulating o.ily that
it must be handled with certainty,
celerity and security.
After that the postoflice clerks classi
fied bids as certainty, celerity and
security routes. The use of this four
word designation became so common
that the clerks cast :ibout for some
appellation easier to write, and they
hit on the plan of substituting three
stars (* * *), and from that incident
the pony and stagecoach lines became
known as star routes.
The first reference to star routes
was made in 1859 when in an adver
tisement these routes were explained
as being certainty, celerity and se
curity routos."—Chicago Record.
Aii Innovntion in Wild Fowling.
An innovation on the grass mats
use.l as a blind for wild fowling has
been introduced by a New Yorker at a
point in Georgia where snipe and
waders are plenty and the beach is
hard and smooth. This is a grass
blind built around a rubber-tired
tricycle in which he sits and quietly
pedals from point to point where he
has placed stales, calling as he goes.
If birds alight or are seen at a dis
tance, he very slowly drifts down to
them, and in this way is reported to
be making excellent bags,—New York
Her Specialty.
"She has a wonderfully forgiving
nature," said one young woman. "I
offended her, unintentionally, and
when I spoke to her about it she said
she was perfectly willing to overlook
the past."
"Yes," replied Miss Cayenne.
"That is a specialty of hers."
"Overlooking the past. St e says
that she is only twenty-eight y;ara of
e."—Washington Star.
Keeping Frost From Cellars.
The unsightly banks of horse man
ure piled against the basement walls
of farm houses are not needed to keep
out frost. They are worse than un
sightly, for the odor from decaying
manure affects a sense more sensitive
than sight. If a second wall of brick
or stone is laid two inches from the
wall, and its top tightly joined to
the building above, this dead air
space will keep out frost better than
will a three-foot bauk of horse man
ure. Some householders make the
protection inside with a dead air space
enclosed in matched boards, or, bet
ter still, covered with the well-known
Neponset paper siding, which is bet
ter than boards for securing warmth
to any building.
A Cleanly Way of Milking.
The thumb and finger pressure on
the cow's teat is not the cleanest way
by which a cow can be milked, al
though it is the quickest and easiest.
Indeed, a cow can hardly be milked
in dirtier manner, for all the filth on
the teat must necessai ily be scraped
from it by the rapid downward pres
sure. Neither is such a way of draw
ing the milk nearest that of the calf.
When the thumb and all the fingers
are closed tightly about the teat, the
grasp is nearer that of the calf than
any other. Now, if the hand is drawn
slightly downward, the milk is pressed
from the teat in a steady stream.
Such a method of milking is the
cleanest possible one. The least dirt
falls, and the motion and grasp of the
hand is similar to the action of the
calf's mouth while sucking. This
method of milking is slow and tedi
ous if the teat is short, but the cow
can be milked dry, and the milk thus
obtained is clean. New England
Strawberry Hunt.
Strawberry rust is a fungous dis
ease which injures some varieties more
than others. Most of the larger straw
berry growers in Vermont avoid seri
ous difficulty from rust by frequent re
setting of their beds, taking only two
crops of fruit, then plowing up.
Where they keep them longer and the
rust begins to trouble, the best pre
ventive is spraying with bordeaux
mixture—the same remedy as used for
potato blight. Spray at least three
times, once as soon as convenient
after the berries are harvested, again
later in the summer as the new plants
are well developed, and again the fol
lowing spring before the fruit is set.
If disease is very bad, I should advise
two sprayings in addition to the above
—one more in the fall and one earlier
in the spring, making five altogether.
In addition, it is a good practice to
mow the bed after picking, and rake
off and burn the old leaves, which de
stroys many of the old rust spores. —
L. 11. Jones, Vermont Experiment Sta
Millet for Horses.
The effect of such coarse fodders as
millet on horses has been studied by
Professor Hinebauchof the North Da
kota experiment station. In the first
trial two horses were fed grain and
hay for two weeks. For ten days
millet was substituted for the hay. No
bad effects were noted from this test.
A second and similar one was made
later, when one of the horses became
lame and could hardly stand. The
other horse did not show such marked
symptoms, but when fed millet for
about throe months became so lame
in the joints of the hind legs that it
was almost impossible for her to move.
When the millet feeding was discon
tinued she would recover. The lame
ness was again produced by millet
feeding. After two years of alternate
millet and hay feeding she became
practically worthless. Professor Hine
bauch sent out a batch of circular let
ters to farmers, and from his own
tests and replies from these letters
concludes that millet alone as a coarse
fodder is injurious to horses. It pro
duces an increased action of the kid
neys and causes lameness and swell
ing of the joiuts. It causes an infu
sion of blood into the joints and de
troys the texture of the bone, render
ing it soft and less tenacious, so that
the ligaments and muscles are easily
torn loose. The experiences of many
farmers seem to confirm these conclu
Cheap Grain Ilatlons for Sheep.
To determine the relative value of
different food stuffs raised upon the
South Dakota farms, the experiment
station conducted a number of sheep
feeding tests. One lot was fed shelled
corn, oats, shorts and oil meal ; an
other, equal weights of corn and oats ;
a third, equal weights of wheat and
oats, and a fifth equal weights of bar
ley and wheat. Good healthy lambs
were selected, weighing about 54
pounds per head. They had not been
well cared for, and consequently were
in rather on unthrifty condition.
In summarizing the results, the sta
tion authorities conclude that the ani
mals fed corn and oats produced the
cheapest gain, and those fed wheat and
oats the most costly. The mutton from
the sheep fed corn and oats was pro
duced at a cost of $'2.45, while that
from barley and oats cost $2.80 per
hundred. The best and cheapest gains
were made when feeding the sheep up
to or near their full capacity, after
they had become accustomed to the
ration. The heaviest feeding should
be done during the last four or six
weeks of the feeding period.
It was also demonstrated during the
test feeding experiment that the sheep
should be dipped if good results are to
be expected while fattening. Of course
the price of food stuffs has much to do
with the profits. For example, by re
placing in the rations of lot 3, the 718
pounds of wheats worth 90 cents per
100 pounds, by barley, worth 25 cents
per 100 pounds, the cost is reduced
from $5.35 per 100 pounds to $2.80
per 100 pounds. By sub« f itution in
ration for lot 5, for the 7 pounds of
wheat, oats worth 37 1-2 cents per 100
pounds, the cost is reduced from $4.42
to $2.80. From the above figures it
is seen that the farmers in Dakota
have an immense advantage over east
ern feeders and that the northwest can
feed grain at a profit while other stock
men may be feeding at a loss. Im
mense numbers of sheep can be raised
in the Dakotas and Minnesota, and
with care and intelligence this indus
try will become a source of large profit
to those who develop it.
Care of Brooder Chicks.
1. The down of "just-hatclied"
chicks is no protection from the cold,
and in winter great care must be ex
ercised that no chick becomes chilled.
2. Like full-grown poultry, chicks
need exercise. Keep them busily
scratching in light litter furnished for
the purpose.
3. Keep currents of air from pass
ing over the chicks when in the brood
ers. If bowel disease appears it is
usually due to colds induced princi
pally from lack of warmth at night.
4. When chicks droop and appear
sleepy, look for large gray lice on the
neck and head.
5. Dry feed is the best for chicks,
fed three times a day, but scatter mil
let or other small gruin in the litter to
induce them to scratch. A good au
thority on brooder-raised chicks says
they should have "rolled" dry oats
for their first food, scattered where
they can pick it up. Stale bread
crumbs, dipped in fresh milk, are also
good. These should be placed in little
troughs. After the fourth day give
the bread and milk for the morning
meal, rolled oats at noon, and cracked
wheat and cracked corn at night, with
occasionally a little chopped eggs or
meat. After they are ten days old,
feed them anything they will eat, com
pelling them to scratch as much as
G. Supply water in such a way that
the chicks cannot get themselves wet.
Furnish grit in the shape of coarse
sand, pounded shells, or some hard
7. The main requirement for the
successful raising of thrifty brooder
chicks is warmth. If the chicks
crowd together at night you may be
sure there is lack of warmth. If they
separate under the brooder they are
comfortable. In winter the tempera
ture of the broode.' should be not less
than 00 degrees and'not more than 100
degrees. Examine the heating ap
paratus, as well as the position of the
chicks, at bedtime also early in the
8. Keep the brooders clean.
9. Feed a variety of food, but let
cracked wheat and cracked corn be a
part of the ration after the chicks are
old enough to ea; them. Give cut
clover hay for gretn food. Fresh milk
may be given, but not sour.
Farm and Oarden Notes.
Make quality rither than quantity
the principal aim.
Fruit trees or plants will not take
care of themselves.
Grapes thrive best in well-cultivated
and well drained laud.
Cherry trees must be grafted early
if good results are expected.
Having the orchard trimmed up
keeps the trees bearing well.
Choose young, thrifty trees, with
good roots and straight, clean tops.
Annual pruning largely avoids the
necessity for removing larger limbs.
No fruit repays judicious pruning
and trimming better than the pear.
All trees that have roots or tops
bruised or mangled should be discard
By stirring the soil after every rain
the weeds will be more easily de
In setting out a tree, save some of
the top soil, especially to put around
the roots.
It is not a bad plan to plant trees
along the roadside the whole length
of the farm.
The peach and plum are nearly
enough related to be budded or graft
ed on each other.
Mulching prevents the early flow of
sap by preventing the ground from
warming up too soon.
Nectarines and apricots can be
grown everywhere that the peach 'or
prune will thrive well.
Jack Frost will burglarize the hog
pen and rob you of all the urofits of
feeding if you don't stop those cracks
and kuotholes.
French Village Mall.
One of the latest horseless carriages
in France is adjusted to take the place
of engines on steam railway tracks for
the delivery of mail late at night in
small villages, which is required by
the Government. The railroads find
their use an economic advantage.
Deep-Sea Diving;.
A record in British deep-sea diving
was created on the Clyde, when Diver
Walker descended 13G feet, and was
under water for forty minutes.
Slaughter on the llails.
On the average sir thousand per
sons are killed on the railways of this
country every year, and upward of
thirty thousand injured. Hundreds
of employes are killed and thousands
injured every year while engaged in
coupling or uncoupling freight cars.
The law of 1893 demanded that the
roads should equip their cars with
automatic couplers and air brakes.
After all these years much more than
half the freight cars remain without
even automatic couplers, and fewer
still are fitted with the brake. John
K. Cowen appeared before the Inter
state Commerce Commission and re
quested that the time within which
the roads must comply with the law
be extended for five years. This
looks like asking permission to kill or
maim a hundred thousand persons in
order that derelict roads may wear
out their old equipment without the
expense of fitting it with the required
safety appliances.—New York Her
The Chinese Treaty Ports.
The best indication of the increase
of foreign traile with China is found
in the mercantile conditions of what
are known as the "Treaty Ports." In
these treaty ports there are 672 for
eign firms, and there has been an in
crease of sixty-nine firms during the
past two years. Of the total, 363 are
British, thus showing that the busi
ness of these ports is still largely in
the hands of the English. But while
the English firms have increased onlj
by two during the last two years, the
Americans have increased by nine and
the Germans by seven. There have
also been fifty-seven new Japanese
firms established in these ports, but
French, Dutch, Portuguese, iSpanisii
and Italian are all on the decline.
The total foreign population of the
treaty ports is 10,855, which is an in
crease of about 1000 during the twe
A Closed Incident.
So Captain Leonard A. Loveriug,
the officer at Fort Sheridau who kicked
and prodded with his sword an ob
stinate private soldier, is to be "rep
rimanded." The penalty, to a civ
ilian, seems rather mild, all things
considered, but in reality it is by uc
means a light one, and the ends of
justice will probably be met. An of
ficial reprimand is not easy to bear
when directed at a man of high spirit,
to whom reputation is a matter of im
mense consequence. Captain Lover
ing has had his lesson. It is not
likely that he will offend again, and as
no doubt he is a good soldier, the in
cident may bo regarded as satisfac
torily closed.—New York Times.
Host anil Ilnllef.
A ptoco of machinery run by steam ami
overworked will become eranky, creaky,
and out of gear, owing to some expansion
of metal from heat und friction. Stop its
work, rub and brighten and let It rest. In
a short whilo it will be restored and will
run smoothly. The human system is a
machine. Too much work and worry are
thrown upon it; too much of the heat of
daily cares; too much of the steam of daily
business. The nerves become eranky; they
are restless, sleepless and twltehy, and a
neuralgic condition sets in. Pain throws
the machine out of gear and it needs rest
and treatment to strengthen and restore.
Bt. Jacobs Oil is the one remody of all pecu
liarly adapted to a prompt and sure cure.
Bo many have so freely testified from ex
perience and use to its efftoacy tn the euro
of neuralgia that it passes without saying
that it surely cures. It will bo a gracious
surprise to many after the free use of it to
Unci how easily pain, cares and worry may
ba lifted, and now smoothly the human
machino goes on.
Eighteen Grandsons as lVillbearers.
Eighteen grandsons of tho late William
Belt, of Baltimore, Md„ bore his body to
the grave a few days ago. No hearse or
carriages wore used.
There is more Catarrh in this section of thfc
country than all other diseases put together,
and until the last few years was supposed to be
Incurable. For a great many years doctors
pronounced it a local disease and prescribed
local remedies, and by constantly failing to
cure with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science has proven catarrh to be a
constitutional disease and therefore requires
constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure,
manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
Ohio, Is the onlv constitutional cure on tho
market. It is taken internally in doses from
10 drops to a teaspoonful. It acts directly on
tho blood and mucous surfaces of tho system.
They offer ono hundred dollars for any case
it falls to cure. Send for circulars and testi
monials. Address F.J. CHEXEY& Co., Toledo, O.
Sold bv Druggists, 75c.
Hall's Family Pills arc the best.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervous
ness after first day's use of l)r. Kline's Great
Nerve Restorer. Si trial bottle and treatise free
DU. 11. 11. Kline. Ltd.. Dill Arch St.,Phlla.,Pa.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamniii
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 35c.abottle^
We have not been without Plso's Cure fo/
Consumption for IX) years.— Lizzie FeiiueiA
Camp St.. Harrisburg, Pa- May 4. IBtH.
A healthful clearness is acquired by the sal
low skin washed with Glenn's Sulphur Soan.
Hill's Hair&\Vhisker Dye, black or brown, 5Uc.
Was Nervous
Troubled with Her Stomach-
Could Not Sleep-Hood's Cured.
" About a year ago I was troubled with
my stomach and could not eat. I was
nervous and could not sleep at night. I
grew very thin. I began taking Hood's
Sarsaporilla and am now well and strong,
and owe it all to Hood's Sarsaparllla."
M a uv RETEIIS, 90 South Union Street,
Rochester, N. Y. llemember
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Is the best—The Ono True Blood Purifier-
Hood's Pills are the favorate cathartic.
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