Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 13, 1898, Image 5
Republican News Item. THURSDAY, JAN. 13, 189S. I NO FEATURE \ |! OF } | \ ITtem \ || Is more S d Prominent # 112 than its J t Absolute ! \) Fidelity £ <> to the 112 || IRcws | |[ That is one 2 I Reason for its # 0 Superb Value ? J ( as an 1 | Ebvectlsing J J flfoeMum. I County Seat Indices. Now on the damp and balmy air Falls sleigh-bells' music every where, And each voung man doth haste away To invite liis girl and hire a sleigh. —lt is a real January thaw. —Mrs. Win. Kennedy is slowly recov ering from her recent illness. —The infant eon of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fraley is on the sick list. —Wm. A. Kennedy was a business visitor in Athens Tuesday. —Hon. Kussel Karns made a business trip to Williamsport Wednesday. —There is no true criterion of mans happiness but his own belief in it. —Ex-Judge Phillips of Muncy Valley was a county seat visitor Monday. Prothonotary Lawrence was tran- j sacting business in Dushore Tuesday. | —Judge Dunham returned home from Jacksonville Fla.. Friday of last week. J. W. Ballard has gone to Towanda where he has opened a blacksmith shop. —('. Peale Jr. of Eagles Mere, was in town Tuesday. —Judge Dunham was holding court in Wilkesbarre this week. —Miss Anna Kennedy is visiting friends at Muncy Valley this week. —The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. E. Kennedy is quite ill. —John J. Webster of Jakersville was transacting business in town Monday. —C. F. Cheney and Clarence Brink of Eagles Mere were nt the < ounty Seat Mon day. —Geo. B. Danley and Harry Brink of Eagles Mere, drove to this place on Sun day. —Prol. Lewis formerly of Dushore was shaking hands with friends in town Mon day. —A sleigh load of young people of this place enjoyed a ride to Ringdale Sunday evening. —Atty. A. Walsh of Dushore was in town between trains Monday on legal business. —We often submit to the inevitable be fore we are actually sure that it is the inevitable. —Landlord Schultzand wife of Ricketts were guests at the Commercial Hotel Wednesday. —Mr. E. G. Sylvara of Dushore was transacting business at the Prothonotary's office Monday. —Dr. C. F. Wackenhuth of Jamiso" City was registered at the Commercial Hotel Tuesday. —What a pecular thing it is to experi ence homesickness in its worst form when you are at home. —A tnerry sleigh load of young people of this place enjoyed a triplo Muncy Val ley Sunday evening. —Mrs. Lawrence and daughter Hattie who spent several days with Lopez friends have returned home. —As Andrew Jackson is dead it is of course, perfectly safe for Bryan to say what he pleases about him. —lf this keeps up the groundhog may take a fall out of the weather before the time fixed in the almanac. —Miss Jennette Spencer returned to Williamsport to Commercial College after spending the holidays at home. —After a two weeks vacation the borough schools opened on Monday with a large attendance of bright and cheerful faces. —Fifty teams arc now engaged in haul ing bark to the Laporte Tannery. Bark stacks are growing long and high'through out the yard. ' A. E. Tripp disposed of his hotel property at Jamison City l aß t week; the present tenant Jack F or b a was the purchaser. —General Manager of W. A: N.B. R.Il. R. E. Eavenson. was a business visitor at ; the county scat Monday. —Widow ofChas. Hartzig of Cherry j twp. was at the Prothonotory's office ] Monday taking out letters of administra- ! tion. —The ball given at the Laporte Hote l Friday night was a success in every par ticular and the participants all enjoyed themselves —Auditors Hetss, Brown and Caseman with their clerk Atty. Downs are busy with the great stock of bills before them to consult. —An Italian who seems to be doing first class work has opened a shoe repair ing business in the Kraus building, for merly occupied by N. C. Maben as a barber shop. —Mrs. S. B. Karns and two little daugh ters, Helen and Ruth, and Mrs. Corrie Stormont are visiting the former's sister Mrs. Win. Cheney of Binghamton N. Y. —Mr. Delroy Heim was in the western part of the county the latter part of last week visiting the P. O. S. of A. Camps in company with District President H. A. Karns. —Diet. Atty A. J. Bradley was sworn into office last week, and with the best wishesof his constitutents will ably han dle the indictments in behalf of the Com monwealth at next term of court. —President Judge E. M. Dunham and his associates Hons. John S. Line and Conrad Kraus met on Saturday to file their opinion on the legal proceedings in th<* iScouten case which has not yet been .nade public. —A merry sleigh load of gentlemen from Bernice drove to Laporte Saturday night and attended The Odd Fellows Lodge. Mine Host Gallagher properly attended to their wants while among us. —The County Commissioners made their annual appointment last week and retained the old efficient officers, Robert Stormont, clerk; A. J. Bradley Attournev and Jetbro Battin, janitor. —ln view of the partitioning of China and the generally unsettled condition of things in the East, the sentiment in favor of'a prompt ratification of the Presidents Hawaiian treaty is growing stronger than ever. —Sabbath School 10 a. nt. Class meet ing 11 a. m. leader W. .J. Iligley, Epworth League 6:30 p. in. leader Mrs. W. S. Skinner, preaching 7:30 p. m. by the pas tor Rev. Wm. S. .Skinner. Rivival meet ings next Sabbath eve. —Rev. Wm. S. Skinner has been con ducting a revival meeting at Sugar Hill during the past week and expects to con tinue them this week closing which Sat urday evening. So far two have been converted and many are under conviction. —The freight rush in the West is no yet over. Reports show that business it so great that the railroad companies find difficulty in securing cars enough. This indicates the movement of farm products and this means money in the farmers pock ets and consequent prosperity. Mr. Bryan and others remarked sev eral months ago that the signs of prosper ity throughout the country were only tim poarv and indicated no permanent improv ment. About what length of time should be considered as tempoary? —There is no doubt but that President McKinley's nomination of Judge Me- Kenna for the Supreme Bench will re ceive the hearty support of a large major ity of Congress. The objection raised against the nomination was sectional and of a most flimsy character, in view of the recognized ability and fitness of Judge McKenna. —Markus Horn and Hugh Iless of Nordmont, was brought before "Squire Karns Monday charged with having per formed the "strong arm act" on Fred Foust, after the closing of an evening sess ion of singing school nt Nordmont. Foust's eves looked some the worse for having came in contact with a Fitzsiinmons knock out blow. The matter wassettled between the parties before the trial was opened. —The country can at least see daylight in the matter of government revenue. The Dingley law presents the New Year with a handsome token in the way of treasurers surplus of nearly two million dollars for the month of December. This is a gratifying change from the al most unbroken line of monthly deficits piled up by the Wilson low-tariff law, which the country was f'orcen to endure for three years, to the detriment of all its industries. —The Greater Reading, a paper pub lished in the interest of Wyomissing a new town recently developed into exist ance, has the following to say of one of our townsmen.'' "Charles R. Lauer was born at Thorndale, Pa., in 1870. At the age of 21 years he embarked in the livery business at Laporte and continued in this business until 1895. lie then retired from the livery business and took charge of the management of"The Lyndhurst Hotel,' - Shumokin Pa., February 1 1897, he relinquished the management of"The Lyndhurst" and accepted a position as agent in Shamokin for Mr. C. F. Molley, General Selling Agent of Wyomissing. Mr. Lauer has been phenomenally suc cessful, this has been largely due to his un tiring persistency, good judgement, and his pleasing personality. —lt behooves us all to watch our' change closely, since there are£loocount- j crfeit notes in circulation. —The people ol the comiln have good cause for congratulation as they enter up on the new year. For the entire year past the country lias been free from disturbance or alarm, confidence has been restored, heavy foreign indebtedness has been paid, the monetary question is no longer a mat ter of uncertainty, the great industries have been reaching out all over the world with unprecedent success, carrying our manufactures to all sections of the globe, and our home markets have recovered some of its wonted capacity. According to the official reports more than half a million men who were idle last year have been emploped and general advances in wages have affected thousands of others thus bringing content and happiness to many homes and families all over the world. SHEEP OF DEAD SHEPHERD. A. Floclc of 2,000 Wandered fIOO Mlle» After lie Was Killed by Lightning. A herder in charge of a flock of 2,000 sheep, which were grazing near the base of the San Francisco Mountains, In Arizona, was killed by lightning during a terrific storm which visited that section about the Ist of August As the herder was not expected to come in with his sheep until the Ist of October, his absence during August and September attracted 110 attention. When the middle of October came and he did not show up. messengers were sent out to find him. After a search of some days in the vicinity of where he was last seen, the remains of a camp were found under a tree which had been riven by the lightning. The cooking utensils were scattered about, and the remaius of a blanket were found, which were iden tified as parts of one which the man had taken with him. The water keg also was recognized by a mark which had been burned into one of the staves. A further search revealed the bones of a human being scattered about over the ground, some of them more than a hundred yards from the tree, having evidently been carried about by wolves. A prospector who had passed i that way had camped for a night with | the man abort the Ist of August and j said the herd was then moving north ! ward. This tree around which these j articles were found was just about far j enough north to have been the next camping place, and when it was re ! membered that there was a severe i storm of thunder and lightning in that j section one night about the time re ferred was clear that the man had made his camp under this tree and had been killed by lightning and his body devoured by wolves. The sheep had never been heard of and no trace [ Df them could be found anywhere in that part of the country. But now comes the strange part of the story. Early in November a herd of about 2,000 sheep was found on the | plain in San Miguel county in New Mexico, with no one in charge of them, and to all appearances belonging to no body. The parties in Arizona heard of this fact and wrote to an officer in that Territory, giving their marks and ex plaining how the sheep could be identi- J fled. It was found beyond any doubt | that this was the herd that had dis j appeared from the range in Arizona j about the Ist of August. The animals 1 had been shifting for themselves for | more than three months, and turned up at a point fully 500 miles from the place where the herder was killed. They had crossed the Rio Grande on : the way. Cat Came Fuels .\fterSix Years. Visitors and intimate friends of Mr. | Meredith Reynolds, who died in Glas ; gow, Ivy., in the year of 1891, will re j call a large family cat, which, during I the declining days of this kindly old | gentleman, was the recipient of devoted ; attention from him. After his death j the cat seemed to mourn for a short : time and then suddenly and mysteri : ously disappeared. As weeks lapsed j into months and months into years it was finally given up for lost and for gotten. Recently while the family of , Mr. B. S. Reynolds, who is now occupy | ing the old home, were seated at the dinner table, the cat appeared as sud- I denly as it left six years before and took up its abode in the house with seemingly no fear or thought of in- J trusion after such a prolonged absence. Longevity i»u«i Agriculture, j Roswiell Loveland is a centenarian j who leads one to believe that there is a I connection between longevity and ag | riculture. He lives at Fulton, N. Y. j He has been a lumberman and a farm | er. • Even yet he chops and piles wood I with all the vigor of a youth of seven j ey-five. He has tilled his garden all ] the summer and still regards splitting ! wood as a sort of pastime, to be taken ifter the serious occupation of digging. l'eruli ir Fact About Whiaker*. It is a peculiar fact that with most I men the growth of hair is stronger on j one side of the face than the other. It j is said that hair always grows more quickly on that side on which we are stronger. Oregon a Nut Orchard. Sweet almonds and chestnuts have been raised with success in parts of Oregon, where it had been thought no palatable nuts would grow. Census in Australia. The Australian Statistical Society es timates that the population of Austral ia, including Tasmania and New Zeal and. was last June, 4,362.756. Williamsport & North Branch R.R TIIMIE T-A-BXjE. In Effect Monday Sept. 0, 1807. North ward. South ward pm.|U.mT| a,m. pm| 515:10 40! Halls 9 45 440 15 20 flO 45 Pennsdale 9 41 f4 36 SSI 10 68 Hughesvllle 932 424 5 40' 11 07 Picture Rocks 9 25 4 14 f5 44 fll 11 Lyons Mills f922 MOB J547 fll 14 C'hamounl 9 20 14 06 664 11 21 Glen Mawr 9 14 4 00 ftio4 (1130 Straw bridge f9 07 f347 fi>o9!fU3fi Beech Glen f902!840 012! 11 40 Muncy Valley 8493 38 (i 18 11 40 Sonestown 862 332 fi 341 12 01 Nordmont 837 3 15 r.54i 12 25 LaPorte j 821 257 0 67! 12 28 LaPorte Tannery 8 19 254 f713 fl2 46 Ringdule |fß 05 f233 7 27j 100 Satterflelfl :755 2 20 pm.|p. m.l lam. pm. All trains daily cxc«pt Sunday; "1 12" flag stations. connections with the Philadelphia A Reading at Hulls, for all points north and soath, and the Fall Brook and Beech Creek railroads. At SatUrfield for ull p >ints on the Lehigh Valley railroad. At Souestown with the Eagles Mere railroad. R. E. EAVfiNSON, Gen, Manager. Uughesville, Pa. Oood News. No other Medicine was ever given such a test as Otto's Cure. Thousands of bot ties of this great German remedy are be ing distributed EKEE OF CHARGE, to those afflicted with Consumption, Asthma, ("roup, severe Coughs, Pneumonia and all Throat and Lung diseases,giving the (ieo ple proof that Otto's Cure will cure them For sale only by T. J. Keeler, Laporte; VV.L. Hoflman,Hillsgrove; li.S. Lancaster Forksville; C. B. Jennings, Estella; Jno. W. Buck, Sonestown. Samples free. Large bottles 50c and 25c, Goto J. W. Buck, Sonestown, for rubbers, blankets, carpets, clothing and dressgoods at December low prices. High est prices paid for butter and eggs. To Whom it May Concern. The undersigned huving sold his store property at Muncy Valley Pa..desires all of his Muncy Valley accounts settled at once. The books o Muncy Valley store are now in the hands of L, H. Buck at Sonestown and must be settled by eash or note- Please call on JL. 11. Buck at once and oblige. A. T. ABMSEP.oxi;, Foreign Attachment. J.D. Rhodes vs Robert J. Mercur.—lll the Court of Common Pleas of Sullivan County, No. 33 Feb ruary Term 1898. Sullivan County, ss: The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, to the Sheriff of said County, Oreeting— We command you, that you attach Robert J. Mercur late of your county, by all and singular his goods und chattels, lands and tenements, in whose hands or possessions soever the same may be, so that he be and appear before our Court of Common Pleas to lie holden at Laporte in and for said County on the fourth Monday of February next, there to answer J. I>. Rhodes a plea of Assumi>sit. bail to dissolve SIiiOO.UO, and also that you attaeli all and singular the goods and chattels moneys rights, credits and effects lands and ten ements of the defendant in whose hands soever they may be found and summon as garnishee the'person or persons who hold or possess such property und especially sheriff to uttach the un divided one-half interest in all those two certain pieces parcels or tracts of land in the warrantee names of Henry Hurley and George Hurley and situated in the Township of Forks, County of •Sullivan and State of Pennsylvania, bounded and described us follows, viz: on the North by laud in the warrantee names of Henry Silsbee and Joseph Silsbee, 011 the East by land in the warran tee name of Andrew Hurley, on the South by lti'id in the warrantee nanus of Samuel Flynn and Andrew Flynn. 011 the West by land in the warrantee names of Win. Steadman and Jeremiah Jackson, being the two tracts of land known as • Ihe Mercur und Lippincott Coal Lands," thut he tie and appear before our Court on the said fourth Monday of February, to answerwhat shall be objected against nim and abide the judgment of the Court therein. Aud have you then and there this writ. Witness the Hon. E. M. Dunham, President Judge of our said Court, at Laporte the Ist day of Januarv, A. D. 1898. WM. J. LAWRENCK, Pioth'v. (Seal of the Court of Common) (1 leas of Sullivan County. Pa.) Published byordei of the said Court. ELLIS SWANK, Sheriff. Sheriff's office, Laporte, Pa., Jan, 11,1895. Administratrix Notice. Estate of I'atroelus Kline late of Fox town ship, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of Adminis tration upon the estate of said decedent have been granted to the undersigned. All persons indebted to said estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims or dema..ds against the same will muke them known without deluy to MARY E. KLINE, Admrx. Piatt, Pa., January 10,1898, Announcement. 1 hereby announce myself as candidate for road supervisor of Laporte township. Subject to the decision of he tax-payers of said township. 3t George . Karge, LAPORTE LIVERY AND BOARDING STABLES. Connected with the Commercial Hotel. First-class Horses and Carriages. Rates reasonable. CHAS. COLEMAN, Prop. BLACKSMITH AND WAGON SHOP Just opened at the Laporte Tannery. Custom work solicited. All work guaranteed. O. W. BENNETT, Prop. IF SOME MAM HAD AN ; ADVERTISEMENT I IN THIS SPACE II WOULD PAH i"WHY? Because it would be READ I just the same as you are read i ing this. Give it a trial. L R. Gumblc, Dealer in and rianufacturer of Farm CARRIAGES AND WAGONS. AND our Patronage Lumber OD l^e ba»is of low prices. Don't let this fast eacftp*. We are getting rid of our large stock of hand made wagons. Wagons, We also deal in factory made platfrom spring wagons. Blacksmithing and Repairing. West llniD Street LAPOETE. CAMPBELL The Merchant, SHUNK, PENNA. To My Friends and Customers:— Why has my trade increas ed 50 per cent.? while my competitors are complaining of hard times. I can tell you. There are three reasons: First Class Goods, Lowest Prices, Every thing as Represented. That is the secret of my success. 1 save yoti money and at thf same time make some myself. lam now opening up my new line of Holiday Goods. Present* that will please the old and young, the great and small. Don't fail to to see them. Call and inspect my new line of Fall and Winter goods of every discription. My stock of Groceries and Provisions are always fresh. No trouble to show you my goods; call and examine them, for I cannot save money for you unless you give me an opportunity. Yours very respectfully, A. E. CAMPBELL. ' e . II John W. Buck, I * • DEALER IN PA GENERAL MERCHANDISE. An endless line of canned goods, fancy and staple groceries, as well as high-grade but reasonable-priced table delicacies, may always be found atous store. A Sensible Wife will Always Watch the advertisements of responsible merchants especially Grocers. ... . ... . , • l'y this means she will be enabled (• tave in the course of a year enough money to pay lor a good many other household necessities. OTJIR, GEITERAL STORE Is well stocked with seasonable goods and we intend to—- dispose of them in a hurry if low prices will carrv them off. All kinds of country produce handled, er. w. zbttoik: SONESTOWN PA. 800 Hen's, Boys' and Children's Suits, 200 Overcoats an<J Ulsters 600 Pair Trousers for Men, Boys and Children Not sold before Jan. 1, '9B together with cotton and woolen underwear, over shirts, sweaters, hats, caps, trunks, valices gloves and mittens. EVERY ARTICLE IS NEW, not a weakness in them, nor a limp in the styles. Not a piece gathered for the occasion or marked up just to be marked down. They simply haven't moved as I'd like and now they most. I have marked them at prices that will make you buy. J". "W". CARROLL,. SKS. 0 "™" Doshobe, FA. Harrington's GREAT SPECIAL SHOE FOR TEN" BEGINNING ON THE 20, of NOVEHBER. The price of footwear of ail kinds is advancing in accordance with the raiue in leather. This means that you must soon pay a higher price for your boots arid shoes. We taw this and bought heavily before the raise. Now, we can not onl> sell at the old prices but to get our full share of your trade wc propose for the next ten days to sell lower than before J.adics' oxfords 50c worth SIOO, up $1.50 Men'e.lieavy boots 2.00 worth 2.50 heavy calf shoes, 90c worth SI.OO '• calf boots 2.50 worth 8.00 « fine ' 1-15 worth 1.50 " heavy shoes Ope worth 1.35J '• pebled goat 1.00 worth 1.50 " '• _ 1.23 worth 2.00 tine kid 1.10 worth 1.60 '• oil grain double sole 105 worth 2.2"> " " 98c worth J.35;1.56 worth 2.00 " dress shoes 1.20 worth 1,85. 1 '• hand turned 2.15 worth ."5.00 " Kangaroo shoe 2.25 worth Il.flit '• " and welt, 2.25 worth 3.25 Miners brogans 1.10 worth l.fWl Misses fine shoes 1.15 worth 1.65; heavy j shoes 88c worth 1.50. Babv, 15c up. A full assortment of all kinds of rubber Dou't j get the benefit of this special sale as the prices of bootware are sure to I advance You can get special low prices on; the entire stock. Four Thousand Dollars worth of boots and shoes of the best makes of fool ware. Call early for best bargains and sizes. J. S. Harrington, DUS 2£££# PA