News Item. C-tA3. L. WING, EJitor and Manager- THURSDAY" JAN. 6, 1898. "FIRST OF ALL—THE NEWS." ! The News Item Fights Fair. IT IS A PATRIOTIC HOME NEWSPAPER.; Published Every Friday Morning. By The Sullivan Publishing Co. At the County Seat of Sullivan County. LAPOHTE, PA. Entered at the Post Oflice at a« second-clasH mail matter. SnBSCRtPTinv —$1.50 per annum. If paid in advance if I 00. Sample copies free. All communications should lie ad dre«9ed to REPUBLICAN NEWS ITEM, Laporte Pa., A GERMAN CYCLIST BRAKL Ingunuitj on a Swiss Mount »in Tlmt Mmle Sonic .. luei-icuns Mi r.'. "We Americans traveling abroad are apt to be very proud of our reputation for cleverness," said a tourist who went bicycling in Europe last summer. "And no doubt we have reason to be. But I am going to tell you how I had seme of the conceit taken out of me. "We were going through Switzerland and had reached the close of the first day's descent toward Geneva. The road had been too steep to coast with out the aid of a brake, and as we were afraid to use our breaks for fear our tires would not last us through oui trip, we back pedalled all the way. "As we were sitting after supper on the veranda of the lodge, discussing the fatigue of our unusual exercise, and dreading the morrow, which meant more of the same sort, our attention was suddenly called to a cloud of dust descending the mountain side. Then we saw a cyclist, coasting as nice as you please, towing a good-sized sapling by a rope tied to the rear of his wheel, j which acted as an effective brake with- j out injury to the tire 3. One of the boys ejaculated: 'Well, why didn't we think of that?' The rest were simply dumb. That man was a German. 1 now take off my hat to our German j brethren of the wheel." Ite*t 111* H f rovers. The worrying habit. The overwork habit. Habitual overeating, or taking food at bedtime that is difficult of digej- j tion. The "wide-awakes" who cannot sleep j themselves and disturb the re3t of oth- ' ers. The "fond mother," who awakes the baby to exhibit him to a friend. The "early-to-bed" who interferes with the "late-to-bed's" morning nap. You Ai iiHt Keiuemher: That sleepiness Is an Indication of the need of sleep, and, so far as pos sible, the sleeper should be allowed to i awaken naturally. That brain workers, nervous people and children require all the sleep they j can get—ten to twelve hours of the twenty-four, usually. That stimulants and narcotics will In time prove sleep destroyers. That sleep that is alike restful to mind and body can only be induced by natural methods. Incubating Pcnc'iiefi. Visitors to the new states of the far west are generally prepared for any phenomenal showing in the line of ag riculture, stock-raising and the like, but once in a while they are taken by surprise. An easterner who was spending his summer vacation on the ranch of a rel ative In Colorado, went out one morn ing to inspect a large incubator iu which the young chicks were hatching. In one corner of the incubator a neglected peach seed, encouraged by the warmth of the atmosphere, had ; burst, and a tiny sprout, several inches long was growing out of it. "Great Ceasar!" exclaimed the east ern man, as this caught his eye, "do you hatch out your peaches in this . country?" Woman Dion at 154 Years. Margaret Bouhan, better known a? 'Peggy Bowen," probably the oldest person in the State, Is dead in her late home, at Chicopee Falls, Mass. "Peg gy" w *3 124 years old according to hei , own testimony, and her husband, whe wrote to her birthplace, Evelane, Coun ty Cork, Ireland, and ascertained that the records showed that "Peggy" was born In that village in 1773. "Peggy' was married in Ireland in 1862, hei husband being only forty-two. They came to this country in 1865 and set tled at Chicopee Falls, whe-e they oc- ! cupled a house of one room. Up tc within two years "Peggy" retained hei faculties. ITntqne Jitpnnege Custom. Among the rites which are practiced in far Japan and which doubtless dr much to keep the Japanese women in that sweet and meek state so attractive to the masculine mind, is one called worshipping the mother-in-law. Before a Japanese bride Is married she is put through a course of ceremo nies before which the initiation Into a college secret society is a mere trifle One of the most important and most imposing of these ceremonies is the i adoration of the mother-in-law. The poor little bride prostrates herself most humbly before the arbitor of her future i oeaca. JJUi illl B. The follow ingyoting people visit-1 ed parents and Meads here Christ mas week:' Miss Theresa Hannon, 1 Greater New York: Patrick Han-; non Jr., Ransom, Pa.; Misses Kat- j jie and Theresa Leonard, Waverly, | N. Y.; Misses Mary E. Low ery and Charlotte Lang, and Mr. Dunn, j Waverly; Misses Nellie Ilaloy and I Prudie Collins, Elinira; Mioses I Bridget ami Nellie Walsh and An ! nie Uilfoy, Towanda; Andrew Kel liker, Frederick Wood and Miss Katie Brogan, Hay re; Win. Tlinrs-j ton, Greater New York; Miss Flora Thurston, Mansfield; M.Dougherty, Long Valley; and .Miss Nettie Fitz gerald, Towanda. Mr. and Mrs. Emery Kurkendall visited friends in Franklin Xnias. Warren Watson of New Albany, has moved to this place. Benj. llelsman lias moved to his new house in Mildred. The hall given under the auspices of the St. Patrick C. T. A. society of this place on Thursday evening, Dec. 30, was a social and financial success. John Bowles and John Crowley attended the dance at Long Valley Friday night, .Mr. and Mrs. William Parr visit ed friends in Say re New Years. The members of the St. Francis Church chior deserve great praise for the music and singing at the St. Francis church Christinas morning. They accompanied Kev. Fr. En right to Laporte where they won the praise of till who heard them. At the regular monthly meeting of theSt. Patrick C. T. A. society j of this place Jan. 2nd. the follow-j ing officers were elected: Presi dent, P. 11. McGee; Vice President, James Long; Recording Secretary, j Wm. Abby; Corresponding Sccre : tary, Robert McGee; Financial Sec- 1 retary, John Bttrnes; Treasurer, j John Dempsey; Marshal, Michael Donovan. David Wilhieins child is verj tick. L. L. Lowery visited friends in j | Dushore Saturday and Sunday. \ Mr. Francis Hope of Dushore visited friends here Sunday even-; | ing. "1 wonder why?" Estelln. Cold as Christinas is an old adage j which was filled to the letter t hi. ! | time. And now with twenty inches of j | snow the log and bark haulers are ! liappy. | Sunday morning the thermome- j ; ter registered fifteen degrees below ! I zero at this place. ! Both grades of our school start ed up again with a full attendance Monday morning, after the Ilolidax i ; recess. C. J. Fuller who has been at Can- j ! ton Bradford Co. the past week | taking a course of treatment for j i eyes under Dr. Davidson returned | home Monday evening. One of the worst snow storim j that we have experienced for man} years commenced Friday morniiij: and kept it up with increased fur\ | all day ami most of the night ac companied by a heavy wind which j drifted the roads full. It is inipos-! sible to tell the exact depth of tin snow, but it must be from 20 to 21 inches. We have had no mail since Fri-j day. Only once in ten years havt we missed two mails in one week j till now. Mrs. Hattie Smith, nee Brown, i> dangerously ill at tl:e home of her; parents at this place. Miss Ida Right mire, of Grover. Bradford county, spent the past I week visiting her sister, Mrs. C, J. , Fuller, at this place, Miss Nellie Webster, who if- j learning thetlressmaking trade at ; New Albany, spent Christmas week ! visiting her parents at this place. Miss Emily ITazc of Tow anda, is spending a few days with her par ents and many friends at this pltn e Geo. B. Norton has moved lib family from the Dr. Cliaft'ce place 'to a part of J. J. Webster's resi dence. Prof. J. Nelson Thompkins, of Scran ton, is visiting his parents at Bethel and many friends in this ! place. OBSERVED. Dushore. Johnny Dcegan of Wyalusing spent Christmas with his parents | at this place. Stirly Kisner and Harry Hun singer of Say re visited relatives' here last week. I Charley Scureman of Towanda is visiting his parents at this place. Mrs. M. A. Scureman is recover ing from her recent illness. Ed Baumgartner, our blind newsboy is critically ill. He isj some better at this writing. Miss Emily Pomoroy is home ; from Jersey City during the Holi-, 1 days Ed Cannon expects togo to i '.Montana tiiiri we.■k to make it bin j future home unless he presses on | I to Klondike. Fred Glover and Miss Cora 1 Dieffenliauch were married at thoj residence of the bride's parents on Thursday last. A. D. McHenry lias accepted a position with J. O. Frost's Sons of Towanda as traveling salesman. Arch Garey of Elmira Heights I accompanied by bis nepbews, Arthur and Charley Garey spent Christmas with relatives here. A fishing trip to Nigger Pond was a part of their program. The Institute last week brought a lot of fine looking school ma'ams to our town. As a means of increas ing one's acquaintances the Insti tutes are a grand success. The fncie-tse of Home*. One of the best possible facta In the ; latter-day progiess of this country Is : the inciease in the number of home 3. in crowded centers of population, such ■is New York, and one or two other jities, the flat and the hotel must al- i 1 ways be necessary, for space Is too val uable to be monopolized by the humble. 15i:t even around the very large cities i here are being built thousands ir.d thousands cf suburban cot tages and country residences, and ill through the length and breadth if the country, in the towns, villages and citie3 artistic homes are In •re:ising at nn astonishing rate. If any I • : e will take the trouble to look up j tho literature on the subject he will lind that in thi3 country there are more i ihan a hundred papers devoted to these ] home builders, giving them teach week i plans and suggestions. The numbsr of ' books upon low-priced architecti re, I written in the past fifteen years, ex reeds the total for a century previous. \ wider education is being spread, and ! ihe gain in every way is enormous. A i:\an who owns his home is a bet -1 ler citizen, even if there i3 a mortgage |»m it. 'I here is a feeling of personal i partnership in the protection of proper ! ly and the pressrvation of public order j.i liich make? h'ni stand for what Is ' est in law and government. It is I > e best poss'ble thing for his wife and ! i'.dien; best for him and best for the | '■ .untry. HOTIH OvHfpr*. i The municipal authorities of Paris ! ire just now engaged in the suppres | ' ion of an altoge:her novel form of I food adulteration which is assuminp phenoirenul proportions. Real oyster? . ire expensive in Paris, and so, wltb the object of suiting slender purses, ar •ificial oysters on the half shell have teen invented, which are sold at twen •y cents a dozen, and they are so clev erly made and look so nice and fre3h that, once lemon juice or vinegar has been added, they can not be distin guished from the real article, especial !y when white wine is taken In Conner lion therewith. The only genulnt thing about these oysters 13 the shel! the manufacturers buying second-haml shells at a small cost, and fastening tht spurious oyster in place with a taste less paste. The municipal laboratory lias not yet proclaimed the ingredient of which these bogus oysters are com posed, but has announced that they are of a harmful character. A llid I'rlT.e In slulit. M. Osiris, a well-known French phil anthrcpist, has shown his Interest Ii the Paris'an exhibition of 190U in a tan gible way. He has just deposited ai the Bank of France a sum of $20,000 which he has placed at the d'sposal df ' the Parisian press syndicate to reward I he exhibitor of the most meritorious | work in the exhibition from an artis | tic, industrial, or humanitarian poin: of view. 1-1«* filled to All. Fontenelle listened to everythiru i and he offended no one by disputini inything. At the close of his life IK was asked the secret of his success, an< ae replied that it was by observing tw< maxims: "Everybody may be right and everything may bo so." A Famous Dike Mnr«li. Addison, Me., is famous for Its dlkt marshes, which for ni my years have bneii a source of income to its people T!-e estimated wr,p of hay yielded b: these lands tiiisi • ' i: is 450 tors , ' (•' ' j ( V . . '••• ■Vv • ' ' ■ , ' v 1 ■ 1 ; r . % l||i : j Vcty fine thorough-bred Bared Plymouth j | Rock birds for sale. These are dandies, it will 112 pay you to git them for breeding. Come an- month Rocks, White Plymouth Rorks. Black Ma no ItutT Leghorn*, White Leghorns, am' Black-red Games. All line thorough bred birds S. H. BURROWS, Picture Rooks. (Cut this out for reference.) Mieiiifs but extremely good for the sufferer from that harassing disease is Dr. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. No medi cine can compare with this great remedy in the prompt and perma nent aid it gives in all bronchial affections. It stops the cough, soothes the irritated throat, and in duces refreshing Bleep. " I had a bronchial trouble of euch a per sistent and stubborn character that the doc tor pronounced it incurable with ordinary remedies, but recommended me to try Ayer'a , Cherry Pectoral. One bottle cured me." J. C WOODSON, P. M., Forest Hill, W. Va. "A Bhort time ago I was taken with a severe attack of bronchitis, and neither phy sicians nor ordinary remedies gave me relief. , In despair of finding anything to cure me, I j bought a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral. : | Less than one bottle entirely cured me." GEO. B. HUNTER, Altoona, Pa. AfICP'S C&errg fecM now put up in half-size bottles at half price—so cents. Fall»Winter Goods You are invited to corm here and inspect our new stock of Fall and Wintei Goods which is by far the choicest collection consid-! ering style and quality for the price, ever this store asked people to look at. „ i i /Vinler Weight Jnderware for Men, Women and Children. , In conjunction with the inviting vanties, all prices will be found mort than ordinarily small. j irocery Department A new and fresh sup- | ply of Groceries have' have just arrived. Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove. Fa. 1 am now putting up ' EAVE TROUGHS that will not rust. | i Send me your order or write for prices. 1 HARDWARE STORF DUSHORE. JKHKIIDLA 60 YEARS* J|^HB,EXPERIENCE A II n k I M TRADE MARKS 'NMIVR DESIGNS COPYRIGHTS AC. Anyone sending a sketch and description n inleklr ascertain our opinion tree whether n nventton Is probnlily patentable. Communis Lions strictly confidential. Handbook on Paten: iont free. Oldest asency for securing patents. Patents taken through Munn A Co. recciv special notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handsomely illustrated weekly. largest eir culation of an? scientific journal. Terms. t3 a year -. four months tl- Sold by ail newsdeslers. i WUNN & Co ®« , ® po »4 wa » New York Branch Office. (DSFBU Washington, D. C. 1 rceewsc® I MtiM I i Do you understand just ]>. J. C. < Ayer's medicines will do for you ? Are ;*" thay hslping you cs fast as you t'. ink tb?7 Write to our doctor, lie wi.l answer all question, ar.d givo you t!.s j beet medical advice, absolutely free. Address the J. C. Ayer Co., Lowell, faga. 1 W.L. Hoffman's - HILLSG ROVE inree Big Stores- MUNCY VALLEY, ======= PROCTOR, PA. Bargains in CLOTHING. H We have a fine line of seasonable ready made Clothing, x etc., that we are selling at figures your \ good sense tells you are just. » Men's suits, Five dollars and up. Call and get a bargain. It is about time for our annual inventory and we are making very close prices in order to reduce stock. Strike below the belt. lliats where our bargain offer strike. They aim at the pocket-look ami hit it. Cant mis Kit if d, e o \\ ncr needs L mlerware, Clothing, JM (iooils, Uoots, sl H ,es, llats, Caps, Ci roc tries or I'rovit.ions, and appreciates- under\alue prices. JENNINGS BROS. We keep in stock at our mills a complete line ot dressed lumber in hemlock and hardwood. MANUFACTURERS OF Gang Sawed and Trimmed Lumber. <^_lopezTPA^ SPECIALTIES Hemlock Novelty or German Siding, Hemlock Ceiling 7-8 or $-8 stick, Hemlock Flooring any width desired, Hemlock Lath both 3 and 4 feet long, Hardwood Flooring both Eeech, Birch or Maple, The same woods in ceiling. COR RESPONDEDC Y SOLI CI TED. Buy Good Goods! And you will be surorised how cheap they are in the end. W'e IIMVI- j 11CT UI.|III<'I-«MI 1- 11l N fl< Ci v' C I-N'l-M il R| I P .«. U liii Ii U e »re p'en-ed til C»l' VOIII- l-|H Cl«l lilirl li. 11. \\V 110 111 I I'll If il •(. 1.11l ti elit I It-1,1 ,M cnHt-iii t'c inn 1 kel. l-u 1 "e< 11 on>- il.t- BLijT «ml mhhpi Hhiiiu fiirniei.lf niiiile. Uur cnHih HIHI mt liiiidt- 10 i rdt t, >u,d n. n., | M |«ft stales willi |N !<•«-«• to -U >t <*vcr\ IKHI«. IN DRESS GOODS WE WERE NEVER BETTER PREPARED TO PLEASE YOU THAN AT THE PRESENT, AS WE 11AVE TIIE LARGEST AS SORTMENT IN THAT LINE EVER DISPLAY ED IN TIIE COUNTY. [.nilies !I n 1 M'.SH'H, l?F>\c !iinl M CM, vi'ii tieiil not JRO Imll I'mzcn iMH wn.ti r for we 1 h vi* |m»II« vni iin.ltr«eur liii \ nil ml, I nth in cicum or uuo l . nl HI gin > tunl lln- |ii-ce- Mre vi-pv nv, - • Imv imi >vue i \oti -ee tue goo U a yuu win 1.0 i.ntun 11 1 »it ttf lire iiMe ti» )Tive \i>u >ut-li lmijjnnm. One word in tegard to fcot wear: Uur hlint' «lepHfi 111 eni «»if« never iiion* coinpltMp nixl if yon will tav#»r iih with \ • »nr MI lent ion lor Ml« w wlifti n i. wn \v» w i!I ennunre \tU tf i»« u> have t e IIIOHI « Hr«* Uly MUcleil »ine fine «• «l li» »v\ Imi in nn»l cll«m> EVER \l < »Hlll I'i'Coie ih |>II lie. On eri»« Kri* lii.\f j tin 1 rec« i»e«l *ai»f Ver\ |»reti% «leai«rii.» ii Dpioimhil Dum « r SeiH i \v 1• 1« Ii in\ne your »• iienin n. Ti.r l«n\i» t£ nl (•'un»r\ |• l*t m lU''• luih nl-wn- l»een 11 | t«inl li-. (lit*- <»! oil Bilffin 'H*, HIHI htnl i-uiitiniie in p '"e. C. SYLVARA, dushore^pa. and we to's ii^ Clothing and Gents Furnishing Goods HATS, CAPS, TRUNKS, and MACKINTOSHES. jittiij.lj I'JJt ; 'l-1 wool. SHOES: We arc Polling better FIIOCS than were ever fold in this section of the county before at half the usual profits. Ever}- price we quote is the lowest. WRRY HERR & CO., MUNCY valley, PA.