Republican news item. (Laport, Pa.) 1896-19??, January 06, 1898, Image 2

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Ob, for a stretch of country,dear,
A tree and a brook and a hill.
With you sittiug close beside mo, dear,
Singing sweet love songs still.
Just as you did in the days gone by,
The days of long ago,
love's young dream made everything
A paradise here below.
Oh, for a stretch of country, dear,
With a meadow and winding lane,
Where, strolling together, I told you, dear,
Successes I hoped to attain.
Just as I did in the days gone by,
The days of long ago,
As beneath skies of blue, we pledged love
Our future all aglow.
Oh, for a stretch of country, dear,
With its clover and fields of rye,
That I might retrace our footsteps, dear,
With many a sorrowing sigh.
And dream o'er again of tho days gone by,
For, oh! I loved you so,
When down through tho heather, we wan
dered together,
In days of long ago.
—James T. Sullivan, in Boston Globe.
She had whispered, "Yes, Jack, I
love you!" in response to his ques
tion, his kisses were still warm on her
lips, their hearts were beating in
unison, though not so tumultuously as
before, and now that the first rapture
*nd thrill were over they were asking
questions, and making their little con
fessions, after the manner of lovers
on the threshold of an engagement.
"How many times have I been in
love before? Now, Jack, do you think
that is a fair question?" sho asked,
meeting his look with a roguish
"Why, certainly it is, Dora," he re
plied, earnestly. "You say you love
me, so it doesn't really make any
difference about the others; they're
done for now; but I think I ought to
know. Still, if there are so many of
them "
"Please stop, Jack! I won't have
you saying such dreadful things, and
with that look on your face!" she in
terrupted, playfully placing her hand
over his mouth,but quickly withdraw
ing it when he attempted to kiss it.
"How dare you!" she exclaimed,
"after the way you've been talking!"
"Well, if you don't want me to say
things why don't you answer my
"Must I, Jack?"
"I am afraid you must, my dear."
"And you won't hate me after I tell,
will you?"
"Well "
" 'That depends,' you are going to
say. You needn't hesitate so long; I
can read your thoughts."
"Can you? That's convenient for
you, I'm sure. I wish I could read
yours, then I'd know the answer to
my question."
"Would you really like to know?"
"Why, v'es, or I shouldn't have
asked it."
"Well, Jack, if it will relieve your
mind any to know it,you nave no pre
"Are you sure, Dora?"
"Yes, Jack. You are tho lirst and
"Thanks, awfully, Dora! I'm glad
to hear it; and now that question is
Bettled we will "
"Oh, no, my boy; you don't get off'
quite so easily as that! I want your
confession now. About how many
dozen times have you been in love,
j>ray tell?"
Jack Vernon winced. He hadn't
counted on this, exactly.
"Come, young man, you are now on
the witness stand, sworn to tell the
truth, thfc whole truth, and nothing
but the truth!" she continued,
"Must I?" said Jack, helplessly re
peating her question of a few min
utes before.
"I am afraid you must, my dear,"
mimicked Bhe.
"But I am afraid you will hate me
after I confess."
"Is the record, then so long?"
"No; it is a very short one. I have
never loved but once—before."
"And she—she refused you?"
"No,I never asked her."
"Why not? You see, I want the
whole story now."
"Because of pride. She was a
wealthy heiress, I a penniless lawyer,
with my fame and fortune yet to make.
I loved her; I am not ashamed to say
it; she was a woman that one couid
not help loving; she was all to me
then that you are now, and "
"And more. Goon and say it, Jack;
I want the whole truth."
"No, I won't say that, but she was
the tirst, and love was a new sensa
tion to ine then,and if I had been her
equal in wealth and station I might—
but, pshaw! What is use of telling
Vou all this? It is all over now. Hel
lo ve was not for me. I have put it
aside —and, besides, I have you. But
why are you looking so sober, Dora?
Have I confessed too much? Yon
wanted the whole truth, you know."
"Yes,and I am glad you were brave
enough to tell it. How long ago was
it that—that this happened?" she
"Three years."
"And her name?" she asked, in low
"Need I tell that?"
"Yes, please," said Dora, faintly.
"Edith Burton."
Dora's face grew suddenly pale.
"I thought, perhaps, she was the
one," she said, in a voice that Jack
scarcely recognized.
"Why, do you know her?" he ex
claimed, in surprise.
"I used to room with her at board
ing school," answered Dora. She had
regained control of her voice now.
"She is a good, noble woman, far bet
ter than I am,and I don't wonder that
you love her."
"You mean loved," corrected Jack.
"My love for her is in the past tense,
not the present."
" 'True love can never die,' "quoted
Dora, gravely. "Wasn't it the divine
William who said that? But there,
Jack, we have talked enough of love
for one evening. Don't' you think
"But you havenlt promised to marry
me yet."
"You didn't ask me that question.
You simply asked me if I loved you,
and you got your answer, I believe."
"And I am' to take the rest for
granted, eh?"
"Well, no; nothing should be taken
for granted in this world. I'll give
you your answer, but not now. I
think I'd better send it to you in
"My! My! How formal we are get
ting all at once! But, after all, I
think I prefer it that way; then I can
carry your note next to my heart for a
mascot until you are mine for good
and all. Shan't I run over here for it
tomorrow morning? I'm anxious to
get it as soon as possible."
"No; I'll mail it to your office in
New York."
"All right, Dora; and now, just one
before I go!" He bent down and
planted a kiss on her unresisting lips.
"Thanks, dear! Now, please forget
that there ever was any other girl, and
don't look quite so sober the next
time I call. I'll be over again Wed
nesday evening, if nothing happens.
Good-night, Dora!"
"Good-night, Jack!"
When Jack Yernon reached his
office in Temple court next morning
he found Dora Stevens' note awaiting
him. Tearing it open he read;
BBOOKLVN, N. Y., 9.30 p. m. March 15.
Dear Jack: The love I expressed for you
an hour ago I find has turned to pity, and I
am going to make you happy by sending to
you the only woman you have a right to
marry. After hearing your confession, and
knowing what I do, I could never bo happy
with you. I know you think you are in love
with ine. but the tendrils of your heart nre
still entwinod around that early love, and—
and she needs you more than I do. I told
you she was my schoolmate years ago; I
still regard her as one of my dearest friends,
and, though we have never met since we
graduated, we have always kept up corre
spondence. I encloso my latest letter from
her, received two months ago. I did not
know until tonight who tho man was that
she loves. I know now,and I wish you both
all the joy that life in each other's society
can bring you. Goto her. Jack, and make
her happy—and my blessing and prayers
will go with you. Not good night this time,
but good-by! liver your friend, DOHA.
The inclosure ran as follows:
XtocHKSTKB, N. I'., Jan. 14.
My Dear Dora: No, I am not engaged yet,
and never expect to be. I have had plenty
of chances to confer ray hand and fortune
especially the latter—upon aspiring appli
cants, but 1 have declined them all. I have
never met a man 1 really cared for. except
one, and I believe lie cared forme at a time.
Perhaps he does yet; but,alas! he discovered
that 1 was an heiress, and then pride ( lie
was a young lawyer, with plenty of brains
and ambition, but no money) held him back.
Ho loved me; my heart told me that; but
fortune-hunters were fluttering around me.
like moths around a candle, and I suppose
lie was afraid if he spoke he would bo
classed with the rest—just as though the
alchemy of a woman's love oould not detect.'
the gold'nmoug the dross!
"Ah. well! he is gone, and there's no use
mourning for the past. 1 cannot help sigh
ing. though, to think that the very money
which attracted so many society moths should
drive away the only man 1 ever loved!
There, Dora, you h:ivo my secret, and
know why I shall evermore a maiden be—
but please don't tell. Wishing you a lover
true, some time, dear Dora ( not being bur
dened with wealth, you won t have so many
unworthy ones as 1) and hoping to hear
from vou soon, I remain, with oceans of
love, yours sincerely, EDITH BUBTON.
Late that afternoon Dora Stevens
received the following brief message
from Jack Vernon:
My Dear Dora: Many thanks for your
kind note and the iuclosure. There are at
least two angels left on earth. Vou are one
of them. May heaven over guard and bless
you! Yours gratefully, -s JACK.
I'. S.—l start for Bochester at once, and
will mail this on my way to the train.
And as Dora read these words, she
smiled one little,wee ghost of a smile,
and whispered:
•'Better my heart than hers!"—
Chicago Record.
Striking Kvldence* oft» Former Luxuri
ant Tropical Growth.
Two eminent scientists connected
with the Smithsonian institution here
at Washington, who accompanied the
Peary expedition to the Polar regions,
but who were bent on business of their
own, have just returned from the
wilds of West Greenland, bringing
with them very valuable specimens for
the National Museum. In a region of
everlasting ice and snow Professor
David White and Professor Schuchert
have been exploring luxuriant-tropical
forests, beautiful which
make up the chief part of tlieir collec
tion. Fossils of the tulip tree, the
poplar, the magnolia, the willow, the
eucalyptus, the palm, and the curious
tropical dwarf called "cycad" —all
these ami many more are among the
remains of an ancient age—when
Greenland was in truth "a green
land," that have now been discovered
by these scientists and their party.
Greenland was once upon a time a
tropical country, That is proved ab
solutely by the remains of an exten
sive tropical flora. Whore now a
sheet of solid ice over a mile thick cov
ers mountain and valley, and mighty
frozen rivers called glaciers make their
way to the sea, and hatch icebergs,
there was in earlier days, a verdure
clad wilderness of luxuriant vegeta
tion. But all this disappeared from
the face of the earth several millions
of years ago, and only their fossil re
mains are found buried in tho strata
of the rocks.
The finding of the oldest hardwood
plant in the world was perhaps the
most interesting discovery of the ex
pedition. It wasaspeciesof poplar,and
the tree grew during tho epoch already
described-tliat is to say, in all probabil
ity, not less than 5,000,000 years ago.
Apparently at that time the climate of
Greenland was much like that of our
Gulf states today. All the evidences
seem to point to the conclusion that
climates all over the world in that au
cient period were pretty much th«
same. The same plants grew contem
poraneously in Greenland and in Cal
ifornia, in Spitzbergen and in Virginia.
There was a uniformity of vegetation
in all parts of the earth. Nobody can
say just why this was, though several
theories have been advanced to ac
count for it. One theory is that the
atmosphere in those flays was heavilj
charged with watery vapor, so thai
warmth was readily distributed
through it, and the sun's rays did no!
have a chance to strike the earth di
rectly, making differences in climat«
by the degreo of their slant. In tlu
course of time the atmosphere thinned
gradually, and then came climatic va
nations marking a series of zones
around the earth.—Washington Path
Theories of Ocean Titles— Sim Lcm Power
ful Than the Earth's Satelite.
Professor G. H. Darwin, in his lec
ture in the Lowell Institute course,
explained the causes of daily high and
low tides. "When the moon is ovei
any spot on the earth the water is
drawn up toward it by the force it ex
erts, and at the point directly oppo
site, on the other side of the earth, the
water is also raised in the form of a
big wave," said Professor Darwin.
"Between these points, on either side
of the earth's circumference,the ocean
is depressed, the moon thus tending
to form a spheroid of the waters, and
giving rise to two high and two low
tides in the course of one revolution
of the earth.
"To understand the bi-monthly
spring and neap tides we must take
into account also the effect of the sun
on the oceans. The force exerted by
the suu is 26-59ths as powerful as that
of the moon, and when there is a full
moon or a new moon the force of both
bodies is acting together, and gives
rise to the condition known as spring
tides. But when the moon is half
way between new and full, waxing or
waning, the force of the sun is actiug
at right angles to that of the moon.
As the sun exerts about half the power
of the moon over the tides, the differ
ence between the effect of the two act
ing together and in opposition is about
as three to one, so that the tides aris
ing from the conflict of the force of
sun anil moon are only one-third as
great an the spring tides. These
minor tides are called neap tides.
"The observed fact that high tides j
do not occur when the moon is over- i
head, but several hours later, was ex
plained as due mainly to the compara- j
tive shallowness of the oceans and to j
the different velocities of all points on j
the earth's surface between the maxi- |
mum of *25,000 miles a day at the '
equator and zero at the poles."—Bos
ton Transcript.
Cats That Hunt Snakes.
A peculiar story of cats hunting and j
capturing snakes alive conies frbm
Norfolk. A business man was at ahouse
there recently, when he was surprised
to see sleek oats coiue up to the door
step, each having a live snake iu its
The snakes averaged about a foot ,
and a half long, the largest one being !
in the possession of a tine yellow cat j
and over two feet in length. The cold
weather had taken some of the life
out of the rejitiles, and to make them
less vigorous, the oats seemed to have
filled their skins with a number of
small punctures by biting them. The
snakes were dropped upon the ground
and toyed with by the eats, but not by
throwing them about as they do rats
and mice. Instead they would staud
staring at their prey, while the lattei
held up their heads and stuck out
their tongues. Then the cats would
jump upon their victims and again put
thei • teeth through their skins.
A fourth cat made its appearance
while the other three were playing
with the snakes, and tried hard to
have some one of them allow him to
take part in the fun, but it was angri
ly repulsed every time it attempted to
interfere. The four cats belong to
the same woman, and she said that
hardly a day passes since summer be
gan that they have not brought snakes
into the yard. The biggest catch
which the foor-footed snake hunters
have taken from the woods aud swamps
near the house was one of about a
month ago, when the big yellow cat
walked into the kitchen with a four
foot snake wrapped about its body.
The cats seem capable of rendering
the snakes almost powerless without
lulling them, and, after playing with
them till they are satisfied, kill tliem.
—Hartford Couraut.
Floatlng: / |:p a lilver.
It was a vexed question in IS9O
whether the Pilcomayo river, which
flows f#r hundreds of miles from the
Bolivian Amies to the Paraguay,might
be used as'a commercial highway from
Bolivia to the ocean. Our country
man, Captain Page, settled this ques
tion so conclusively that 110 further
effort to utilize the Pilcomayo is likely
to be made ; and in this work, that
cost him his life, for he died of his
privations after being hemmed in for
months by hostile Indians, he devised
a plan for steaming up river when the
water was so low that his vessel was
stuck in the mud- He was determined
togo still further, though his little
steamer, which drew only eighteen
inches, rested on the river bottom,
so behind the boat he threw np an
embankment of earth clear across the
channel, backed itr with palm trunks
and brushwood, and before long the
•rwater had risen a couple of feet, and
the little Bolivia was able togo on bet
way four miles before she stuck again.
Then another dam was built, and this
process was repeated seven times, and
with the aid of the dams the vessel
advanced about thirty-five miles above
the highest point she could reach at
the natural low-water stage. —Harper't
Round Table.
Manuring Hop Vines*
Hops iu recent years have been an
unprofitable crop. Part of this is due to
the fact thao iheir low price Las in
duced neglect of the vines. A shovel
ful of manure thrown over each hill
wilt protect the roots from being in
jured by frosi. The mainrn will also
make a vigorous growth after it is
mixed with the soil, as it is sure to be
in spring when the hill is dug into in
order to remove all surplus roots. —
Boston C iltivator.
Superphosphate for Turnips.
It was long ago the discovery of
English farmers that bone manure, as
they called lime phosphate, was good
for the turnip crop. This was often
fed on the land where grown, and the
field thus fertilized with the sheep
droppings was afterward sown with
wheat or other grain. Usually sheep
given a turnip patch to feed down
were well fed with grain or linseed
meal, which made much richer manure
than turnips would do.
Cutters In Cow Stables.
On the subject ot gutters in cow
stables, there seems to be an endless
variety of opinions rangingnll the way
from gutters I saw in a Vermont stable
deep enough and wide enough to bury
a good sized cow in. I imagined that
all the cows must have fallen in it at
least once when young in order
to keep out of it when old enough to
get hurt by such a fall. This deep gut
ter was some four feet in the rear of
the stalls, and held three or four
months accumulation of manure. But
that was a dirty trick and don't count.
Some people have gutters eighteen
inches wide and six inches deep,while
others have no gutters at all.
I have often noticed that where the
gutters had only a medium fall or
slant that the cows never make urine
enough to How out the end of the gut
ter. It is always absorbed by the solid
droppings and other things that get in
the trough. Sometimes when the
stable is short it is easier to have a
gutter to shovel or shove the manure
out, but if there is anything like a
dozen stalls I would prefer no gutter
at all, for a cow's foot often slips in it
and spatters manure over everything
iu reach. It makes a bad place to ac
cumulate a mess for the cow's tail to
rest in when she is lying down, and
when made to get up for milking that
tail in fly time becomes an evil to be
avoided.—Home and Farm.
Egg* l>y Deception,
I presume many are wishing they
had a poultry house or two suitable
for winter egg production, but are de
terred from building by the expense.
They think it must be built of planed
and matched lumber and painted. A
carpenter would also have to be em
ployed to use such material. This is
all a delusion. The hen is not par
ticular in regard to the appearance of
her quarters, but she is sensitive to
the cold. If only the cutting north
winds can be shut out, and the bright
sunshine from the south let into her
quarters, she may be deceived and be
gin laying. Ho long as she can be
made to believe that spring or summer
has entered her quarters she will con
tinue to lay, but let the season change
into fall or winter, and she ceases.
This kind of deception is entirely par
donable, although it may be done for
selfish gain.
A very warm and roomy poultry
house may be built in the following
manner: Set eight posts in the ground,
inclosing an area sixteen feet square.
Saw them off level about two feet high,
and on the tops spike plates of 3x4
scantling. Upon this place a half
pitch roof and roof-board it tightly.
Cover with paper and shingle. Double
board the gables and sides with three
quarter-inch stuff, with paper between
and batten. Place two windows and
a door iu the end facing the south,and
you have a warm, roomy building.
The lumber used may be bought for
$5 per thousand feet, and the build
ing may be put up without the aid of
a mechanic.—C. M. D., in New York
Keeping Onions In Winter.
There is no difficulty in keeping
onions in winter provided they are
in a dry place where, if once
frozen, they will stay frozen until
spring. The cellar is always too
warm for them. They will begin to
rot and also to sprout long before
spring. We have found the best
place, a dry loft in the horse barn,
where the onions can be spread thinly
f with some hay thrown over them.
The hay is not to prevent freezing.
That is always expected. But once
frozen, the hay is so poor a conductor
that ordinary winter thaws are too
short to affect them. On no account
should onions be handled when they
are frozen. It is sure to make them
rot. But if they thaw out undisturbed
they will be as fresh in spring when
taken from the loft as they were when
put np, and with very little loss. The
white-skinned varieties are, however,
very poor keepers, and this plan may
not succeed with them, though it is
more likely to thaa any other we
know. Those who frow onion seed,
and who always plant the onions lata
in November or in December,
throw a deep ridge of earth over
them with a plow. !Of course this
ridge freezes and so loes the onion
beneath it, but the fevering is deep
enough so that onion remains
frozen all winter. Idtkis way a much
better stand of onioa, can be got and
much heavier seed |ian is possible
where spring plantpg of onions is
practiced. As the plver-skin onion
grows well under tls treatment, it
can probably be kept ifrozen under
hay in a dry loft wher the conditions
are much the same, exflpt that in the
loft the onion can be M>t much dryer
while it is thawing ontban it can in
the soil.—American C|tivator.
Painting Farm )lach«ry Cheaply.
The wooden parts o all farm ma
chinery should be paired every three
or four years and the idn parts that
are worn should have coat of paint
every season and the doner after the
season's work is over he better, says
the New England h'oniistead. No mat
ter how well the polished
metal portions wil'dranr dampness and
corrode. Some gnhse the mold boards,
shares, etc., butjfcis does more harm
than good. Tb j prober way is to
paint tliem.
Get five or si? gallons of raw lin
seed oil, a galloi or two of white lead,
a small bos of prussian blue, a small
box of chrome yellow ia paste form,
and 10 to 15 pounds of Venetian red in
powder. For the wooien parts there
is nothing better thtti Venetian red
and raw linseed oil. he mixture will
make a dark red. I > bright red is
preferred, mix some hrome yellow
with it in the propoi >a of 15 parts of
Venetian red to one lit of yellow.
This makes vermillu lilie brightest
red known. If blueplvanted, mix
white lead four partswith one of
Prussian blue. This w give a dark
blue which can be mad>as light as
wanted by adding wlii Green is
made by mixing yellowiil blue. Any
of these colors will aver for the
wooden portions of theicliinery. Do
not use any drier as t paint will
last much longer withefit. In win
ter a much longer timotween coats
is required for paint ttey than in
summer, but when it Income solid
it lasts much longer tb Wit dries
rapidly. I
Do not use white to paint
metal surfaras of any l for the
acetic acid it contains nd to cor
rode them. For all t dof work
use Venetian red and ;et some
of the common black sold es
pecially for this pu For the
portions which are t to scour,
mold boards, plow s d similar
points, etc., use a p e as fol
lows: Mix yellow ot\ j. coal tar
and thin to a wol vonsistency
with ''irpentine. 'lßll effectually
pre' „nt rusting bum-ill rub otf
quite readily when Bow is to be
Farm and GaJmto*.
Don't fool aroumflbttle in pas
ture with a new dogfj
Generally r.peakiiiftners use too
few eggs and too mtjh'k on their
tables. Thero isnmmore nutri
tious than fresh eggj
The Octobor pig i| into a land
abounding in soft, ilent foods.
He should have a elite make the
most of these while *et.
A great big muddrtard is not
the thing for comforrofit. Bettei
cut it down cne-halffethen keep
well bedded down wftaw, etc.—
anything to catch an|| the valu
able juices and keep&imals and
their owner clean anftrtable.
One of the most c« mistakes
among milkers is in ■ to milk
clean. A little carelSor undue
haste to get through results in a
considerable loss dir#d the per
manent injury of thelfche i#ilk
should be drawn a?
may be.
In some sections tj ures are
short now, and from ; ame sec
tions couie complaint; tter milk
and ill-flavored buttei chance?
are that in nine cases en weeds
are the cause. Thosi »ve clean
pastures and pure wa i no kick
Those who have hai inost ex
perience with cement i (re loud
est in their praise. I ly, clean
liness, warmth, manning ar«
among their points. |o horse
stalls must be kept s| bedded
that the moisture M ill i jsorbeil;
otherwise cement flooi neither
comfortable nor health
This fall and winter ;of the
poultry house should borough
as the spring cleaninj ke ou(
about four or five inchefhe old
earth floor and replace dry,
clean dirt, and see that Joor is
some six inches higher t| e out
side ground. Give the )>f roosl
a good heavy coat of Hsh, ii
will make it more cheerfog the
long cold winter.
In the Fullness ofi
"Mabel, how long has A>oon
amore been coming to seff
"Four years, papa." I
"You can tell him Ithil lonj
enough." >
"He knows it is. Hekg t(
see vou next time."—Chiciune
A Town Without a Mayor.
According to the St. James Gazet
at Bury St. Eilmunds Town Cour
the deputy mayor said he had to
nounce with regret that up to the i
sent no suitable inhabitant of
borough had been found willinp
undertake the important duties-
Mayor for the ensuing year.
Meeting would therefore be adjou
for a month in the hope that some
would be forthcoming during
time. °
(1 That Don't Hatch.
'*l have been experimenting It
on the eggs from certain hens, to
out if there is any great difference
the way they hatch, their vitality
and have been greatly interests
the discoveries. The eggs from
abnormally fat hens seldom h
The chicken usually dies on or a
the twelfth day of incubation. "W
an ®gg hatches a day or two in advt
of time, one usually concludes tha
was quite fresh when putin, but
now find that it is the eggs from tt
active and most healthy hens thu
break the shells first.
"Five oggs from a little game her
which were all over five days old
were the first to hatch. Invariab'
the egg from the sleepy, lazy b
hatches late. Out of twenty-ae'
hens whose eggs I experimented i
I found two quite sterile. They b
lay fine, large eggs of good shape i
shell, but though I must have tr
a dozen of their eggs, not one 1
ever had a sign of a chicken. I hi
even mated them with different roo
ers, but without avail; and, stran
to say; they are the worst temper
hens in the ard, always quarreli
and beating le others."—Fancie
Never Awake.
Some peot le will never wake up till tl
last horu blows, and then they'll ask i
that's the horn for dinner. Delays nre dan
gerou3 and ruinous. Thousands oan say il
they hadn't put off an opportunity, thev
would have been rich and happy. Some
never know they have rheumatism until
crippled by it, and all the while in paiD
thinking it will pass oIT. But St. Jacob
OH noverdelays, and is always widoawake
It goes straight to its work of cure in a
business way, and cures rheumatism in nnv
form and at its worst stage. It's a live
The jewels belonging to the British Crown
nro supposed to be worth three millions of
Florida literature secured free unon appli
cation to J. J. F.irnsworth, East'n Pass. A«'t.
Plant System, "Ml Broadway, X. Y.
In ton years school attendance in Buffalo,
N. Y„ bas more than doubled, although the
population has not increased in such pro
portion. 1
To Cure A Cold In One Day,
Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All
Druggists refund moneyif itfailstocure. 250.
Englishmen drink five times as much tea
as coffee; Americans eight times as muct
eoflfeo as tea.
How's Thlg ?
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward foi
any case of Catarrh that cannot be cured bs
Hall's Catarrh Cure,
W «. F- J : CUENKV & Co., Toledo, O.
We, the undersigned, have known F.J. Che
ney for the last 15 years, and believe him per-
F J honorable in all business transactions
and financially able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
WEST & TUUAX, Wholesale Druffgists,Toledo.
Drugerists, Toledo, Ohio.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, act
ing directly upon tho blood and mucous su
ffices of the system. Testimonials sent fre
~ l>er bottle. Sold by all Druggists.
Hall s Family Pills are the oest.
It takes about three seconds for a me:
sage togo from one end of tho Atlant'
cable to the other.
Mother Gray's Sweet Powders for Chlldre
Successfully used by- Mother Gray, for years
nurse in the Children's Home, Now York,
will make a sickly child strong and healthy
A certain cure for Stomach Troubles, Head
ache and Feverishness in Children. They
move the bowels, cure Teething Disorders,
destroy \\ orms and jicivr /ail. At all drug
g'sts -33 cts. Sample sent FREE. Add re,-
Allen S. Olmsted, Leßoy, N. Y.
Tho hair on tho head of most of tho do
in this country is mado from thahalr of ti
Angoru goat.
Fits permanently cured. No fits or nervo
ness after first, day's uso of Dr. Kline's (ir
Nerve Restorer. $3 trial bottle and treatise t
Dn. R. H. KLINE. Ltd.. UJI Arch St.Phila.,
Observations have shown that shi
slglitedness is far moro common with IK,
than with dark eyes.
Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for chlldre
teethinc, softens the gums, reducesinHamma
tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 2oc.abot;l«
The swiftest flsh is tho dolphin. It cai
swim for short distances at the rate o
twenty-live miles an hour.
Chew Star Tobacco—The Best.
Smoke Sledge Cigarettes.
Every adult male Mohammedan Is liabl
to military service, except those who wer
born in Constantinople.
Piso's Cure for Consumption has no enun'
as a Cough medicine.—F. M. ABBOTT. 88a sen
eca St., Buffalo. N. Y„ May 1). IMH. ' - Lu
Tho Boston and Maine Railroad has been
over six years in changing the color of it®
passenger cars, which number 1220.
Red, angry sleep-destroying eruptions vieh
to action of Uleun's Sulphur Soap. Of druiruH
Hill's Hair & Whisker Dye, black or browiy
One pound of cork is sufficient to support
a man of ordinary size in tho water.
Scrofula and
All other blood
Diseases are promptly
And Permanently Cur<
By Hood's Sarsaparil.t .
If you suffer from
Any form of Blood
Disorder, you should
Take Hood's and
Only Hood's.
PITFHTC luren tors' Quid# tree- EDO AB TATE
" ■ EM I a & CO. Patent SoHcltora,34* B way.N.Y.
WAKTBD.-Ptrtona employrowit or
#komu te the South to tJ*
CO.. JlckjMTiU*. FU.