Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, March 27, 1896, Image 3

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ilcii 2?. iHim
_» *_»_*— *
Veekiy J'ren* I,
■•'•dean »
<1.25. |*
'• •
.1, was calling
of Cherry, spent
uds in Laporte.
of Elkland twp.
on Sunday,
sville, Sun
days .. 1 thc count >"
seat. t
Mrs. 8.8. King °' Laporte twp.,
was calling on friends in Laporte,
Geo. B. Smith of Eagles Mere,
was doing business in Laporte,
Judge Dunham is holding a two
week's term of court in Troy, Brad
ford county.
Next Wednesday is April fool's
day. Young America will be heard
from on this dale.
Atty. J. 0. Sconten of Dushore,
was doing business at the county
seat, Saturday.
D. J. Sheehan of Laporte, left for
Kidgway, Pa., on Monday, where he
has accepted a position.
Clias. Tinklepaugh has purchased
a pool table and will place it in
Fairview Cottage next week.
Parties forwarding us subscrip
tions will please address their letter
to W. M. Cheney, Laporte, Pa.
The pipes leading from the county
well to the water tank in the court
house, were frozen up last week.
Peter McDonald of Laporte, is
nursing a mashed finger. Peter
says its a sister of a lull grown felon.
Mrs. Chas. Tinklepaugh of Laporte
was visiting lier daughter, Mrs. W .
L. Kopp of Williainsport, oyer Sun
A new breed of chickens, is being
experimented upon. No doubt
preachers will smile when they read
tinJe ia hard IUCU,
*iou policy should set in.
Mrs. Henry Koliensparger of La
porte twp., whom wo announced on
the sick list last week, is slowly im
Trout fishermen are overhauling
their tackle and getting ready for
the sport which commences on the
15th of April.
The Republicans of the western
end of the county feci that the new
paper, if it is put forth, should shine
in Forksville.
The Ladies Aid Society will meet
at the residence of Mrs. J. 11. Spencer
Saturday, March, 28, 13!)G.
Mits. J. 11. Si'K.vcF.u, Sec'y.
County Supt. F. W. Meylert of
Laporte, is busy looking after the
Bchools of the county. Mr. Meylert
is one of our very best ollicers.
It is said that a drowned man i
floats face downward in the wster
and a woman, face upward. Can
anyone explain the phenomenon ?
Miss Ivy Glidewell, aged 2!} years
and daughter of Frank Glidewell of
Forksville, died very suddenly of
hemorrhage of the lungs on Satur
day last.
The land sales and a number of
sheriff sales will appear in the new
paper, with its first issne. This
looks encouraging to Victor, the
Mrs. Cora Stormont and Miss
Mabel Spencer of Laporte, will leave
for Williamsport next Wednesday
where they will assist to trim hats
end do millinery work.
Notwithstanding the tact that
Blother Earth is covered to the
depth of a foot or more of snow,
apriug is coining on apace and its
presence will be welcomed by all.
We are in receipt of several com
munications like this: "Come to our
town and establish a newspaper.
There is money in it." We haven't
yet made up our mind what we will
do in the future.
Considerable sickness isi prevail
ing in this vicinity and the doctors
have been kept on the go almost
night and day the past two weeks.
The complaints most prevalent are
grip, pneumonia and severe colds.
The revival services in the Baptist
ehurch in Laporte will close to-night.
Bince December last, there has been
120 conversions on this field, under
the Rev. H. K. Miller and wife,
who ia a well cduoated lady and fills
the pulpit with as much acceptance
|tf dote bcr husband.
T. S. Simeons, J. P-. of SOIIOS
town. was doing business at the
county seat, Tuesday*
Sheriff Swank and Debt. Treas
urer, Morgan Gavitt, wore tansact
ing business in Dushore, Tuesday.
•Judge Seaile *'f Montrose has
handed down a decision sustaining
the commissioners ot Luzerne county
in the contention of their rights to
build a new courthouse on the pub-
lie square in Wilkes Barre.
F. W. Gallagher of Laportc and
proprietor of the city cafe, has re
cently placed a now back counter in
his restaurant. This has added
very much to the appearance of the
interior of his office apartment.
Mr. .1. A. Jordan of Laporte, will
move to Coalport, Clearfield county
on April Ist, where he will establish
a bank. Mr. Jordan is a good citi
zen and he and his estimable wile
has hosts of friends in this vicinity*
In the Republican primaries in
York county last week the popular
choice for presidential candidate was
expressed l>y the following vote in
the city of York; McKinley 1,046,
Quay 112, Reed 35, Allison 17, Mor
ton 11,
Judge Peck of Towandn, whom
we announced as being dangerously
ill last week, is improving, and our
Towanda exchanges say he will re
cover his usual good health. This
will bo gratifying news to his many
friends in this county.
In laying down the rules of
etiquette a Connecticut paper says :
"When a gentleman aud lady are
walking in the street the lady should
walk inside the gentleman." Now
tliis rule will never become popular
in Laporte, that is cevtain.
Of the sixteen representatives
voting against the Cuban resolution
in the House, nine were good south
ern democrats. These gentlemen
have not forgotten that Spain was a
fast friend of the south at a time
when the south needed friends, aud
needed them badly.
We shall take immediate steps to
collect amounts due us on subscrip
tion To this end we shall address
statements to each on of our delin
quents and devote one day in each
precinct of the county, the date of
said visit will appear on said statc-
uU'tiL *ll wiiii uau miU scllio
will sav({,^/ftt.
Probably the quickest burial after
death 011 record in Northumberland
county, was that which occurred at
Milton on Wednesday, of last week.
A five year old child of Charles Run
yon died at 3 o'clock in the after
noon, from the effects of black dip
theria. The undertaker was hastily
summoned and in less than one hour
the remains had been interred in the
A Kelic ol liiditui llaj'N.
An indian scalping knife was found
in a tree in Clearfield county, a few
days ago. The blade was imbedded
20 feet from the ground, and as the
tree counted 17L rings from the point
of the knife to its hilt, it would in
dicate that the blade had been in the
same position for almost two cen
turies. The stamp on the side of
the knife consists of the representa
tion of a crown and a bottle, and it
was no doubt imported from England
in the early days of the colonies and
was probably traded to the Indians.
The. contest court convened in
the Sherlfl's office at Luporte, on
Tuesday. Judge Archbald of Scran
ton, was the only member of the
tribunal hearing the case, present.
The costs were adjusted which was
the finishing touch of the long and
continued proceedings. The Com
missioners of Wyoming county with
their Atty. E. J. Jorden were pres
ent, also the Commissioners of Sull
ivan county. Prothy. Lawrence
was awarded one hundred dollars
for services in paying out costs due
Sullivan county people.
The contest is at an end nnd the
tax payers are pleased with this ver
The Spanish Flag (turned.
Wilmington, Del., March, 13. The
insults offered to Old Glory by the
students of Barcelona and other
cities in Spain, war resented by a
large crowd of boys in Smyrna, a
Tew miles below this city, last night.
More than peventy-five lads formed
a procession headed by a brass band
and three flags, two American and
one Spanish, and paraded the streets
for two hours snouting the praise of
Cuba. Almost the entire population
of the town, numbering about two
thousand, turned out to witness the
In the centre of the town the pro
cession halted and the boyß kindled
an immense fire, over which they
held the Spanish flag until it burned
amid a chorus of cheers for free Cuba.
We shall take immediate «tep« lo
collect amounts due us on subscrip
tion. To thin Pint we shall address
statement* t« each one of our de
linquents and devote 0110 day in etcli
precinct of the county, the date of
said visit will appear on said state
ment and those who coll and settle
will save costs.
Bring your est filiates early and get low
prices on Steel Wire Nails at
Coles Hardware, Dushore, P».
Next week, April 3d, Prof. Ford
will bo in Laportc to decido whether
he will locate his Summer school
here or not. Dr. George B. Btrads
ling has been added to the already
strong taculty and Dr. Byron W.
King of Pittsburg and Managing
Director of Academy of Fine Aits,
Philadelphia, are interesting them
selves to aid Mr. Ford to secure
first class teachers of Elocution nnd
Fine Arts and Sketching. Let us
not miss our chance for an excellent
educational institution at Laporte.
Sap pans, pails, spouts, etc., at lowest
prices. Coles Hardware, Dushore I'a
An old time newspaper man saj's:
No sensible man should or ever does
get angry because a newspaper man
duns him for money. A dun is not
au impeachment of a subscriber's
integrity, but is simply an outcrop*!
ping of a public necessities. For
instance, a thousand men owe a man
from ouc to ten dollars; ho has to
dun them in order to pay his ex
penses. Instead of getting angry
and stepping his paper because the
publisher asks what is due, the sub
scriber should thank the editor for
waiting so patiently, and pay up
like a man.
Car load of Barbed Wire just received,
can give you low prices on early orders.
Coles Hardware, Dushore Pa.
Cai'iliual Natolli ut Krraulou.
Scran lon, March 22.—The con
secration of M. J. Hoban, I). I)., as
Coadjutor Bishop of the Scranton
diocese, took place in this city to
day, and was the moat brilliant cere
mony that ever occurred 1 11 Scranton.
It began in St. Peter's Cathedral at
10 o'clock this morning, and con*
sumed nearly four hours. The vast
auditoiium was crowded to the door
and thousands would have liked to
have secured tickets of admission,
some men of great influence, who
were refused.
Interest in the occasion was in
creased by the fact that the conse
oration mass was oy oaramal ttntolti.
Archbishop Rvan, of Philadelphia,
also participated in the consecration
ceremonies, liishop lloistman, of
Cleveland, preached the sermon
Other BisUops present were Bishop
Bevan, of the Springfield diocese;
Bishop McDonnell of Brooklyn;
Bishop Phlean, of Pittsburg; Bishop
Mullen, of BJt'ie; Bishop MeGovcrn,
of llarrisburg; Bisho|> McFaul, of
Trenton; Bishop Lndden, of Syra
cuse; Bishop Mioliael, Burlington,
Vermont; Bishop McQuaid, of
Rochester, and Bishop Charao, of
Fully 200 priests were prosent in
the sanctuary. Fr. Enright of La
portc was among the number.
As this was Passion Sunday, no
decorations were allowed in the
cathedral. The musical features
were in keeping with the importance
of the event.
A reception <vas tendered Cardinal
Satolli at College Hall this evening,
and it is estimated that from 5,000
to 8,000 people passed before Hie
Eminence, and received a bow from
Prof. Ford's suggestion to the
advisory committee having in charge
the organization of the Liporte
Summer school.
"To facilitate action at the meeting
of the advisory Board of the pros
posed Laporte Summer school, to be
held April 3d at 8 p. m., at Laporte,
I beg leave to submit the following
suggestions for your consideration.
First., The advisableneas of organ
izing a joint stook company to issue
shares at ten dcrtlars each, entitling
the holder to one Summer tuition in
the school; and to issue shares of
one hundred dollars each to be paid
ten dollars each year for fen years to
insure tjie continuance of the sciiool
at Laporte for at least ten years.
Sficond. The advisableness of the
company's electing a general man*
ager who shall receive from the pro
ceeds of the school such compensa
tion as he and the company may
agree upon and shall be entitled to
ten per cent of the prooeeds left,
after the necessary expenses of in
struction etc., are met, in addition
to his 3xed remuneration. The rest
of the proceeds togo toward the
permanent improvement of the
Third. The advisableness of
assuring the present management
the sixty scholarships proposed n
security againßt loss in bringing Dr.
J. W. Bowlus, Prof. J. W. Moyer,
Dr. Or. F. Stradling and L. I*. Ford
as instructors from June 29th to
August 7th, 1896."
rrssk Lesrh Alter Andrew*.
Washington, March 23.—Reports
received here indicate that a bitter
fight is on for the Republican State
chairmanship In Pennsylvania. It
is war to the knife l>ctwecn two of
Senator Quay's trusted lieutenants,
namely State Senator Andrews and
Executive Chairman Frank Willing
Leach. Mr. Leach has enlored the
contest, ovidently asking favors from
no one, Senator Quny himself includ
ed. This much is gleaned from a
letter which is one of the many that
he has been sending to editors of
Republican papers throughout Penn
One particular letter, which is
marked "confidential," and which is
addressed to the editor of a Republi
can weekly in the western part of
the Stale, has found its way to this
city. From its wording it appears
to be the counterpart of others writ
ten tor the same purpose. This
letter is written by Mr. Leach on
State Committee paper, and is
accompanied by a printod pamphlet
bearing his picture and numerous
quotations from State newspapers
endorsing tbe work he has hitherto
done for the State Committee, as
recommendations for his election as
chairman. The letter reads as fol
Philadelphia, Pa., March 19, 'flfi.
Mv Dear Sir:—You have probably
noticed the announcement of my
candidacy for State Chairman. Ex ■
Chairman Andrews is also a candi
date, I am satisfied your paper
does not favor the election of Mr.
Andrews, Whoever is chosen will
naturally be friendly to Senator
Quay, llut it has occurred to me
that you might conclude to say a
favorable ward in behalf of my can
didacy as against, that of my oppon
ent. You will notice, by the way,
his friends claim support from Wash
ington. Concerning this, I can only
saj that T am ft candidate upon my own
responsibility unj will not accept
the chairmanship unless it is the de
sire of tlio party leaders and workers
throughout the Statu that I should
bo placed at the head of the party
organization. It is to them that I
j propose to make an appeal, I have
J always had, ns a rule, the active
support ot the interior papers (see
the inclosurc) without which no man
can succeed in Pennsylvania. 1 will
be grateful for any friendly word
editorially which your paper might
say in my behalf.
Yours, very truly,
A very significant inclosurc, be-
QTflpQ flirt nnwnMrtf r ,. -
tliis letter, In the shape of an editori-J
al from a Philadelphia evening paper j
which is particularly bitter against I
Senator Andrews, and protest in the
name of all political decency against
his selection ts State Chairman. The
fact that Mr. should select
this cdltoiialas cmboding his argu
ments in favor of bis own election is
taken as an indication of the bitter
contest in which these two gentlo*
inrn are engaged. The editorial at
tracted considerable attention at the
time it was published, and some ot
the sentences and accusations are
particularly interesting when used
by one Quay lieutenant against the
interests of another Quay lieutenant
Here is one of the extracts:-
'•The one tiling upon which there
should be practical unanimity is as
to tho uuworthinesß and unfitness of
Senator Andrews, of Crawford Co.,
as the responsible director of the
coining campaign in this state,"
Further along occurs this very
pleasant paragraph, which must
have the Indorsement of Mr. Leach,
since ho U6es the editorial as his
campaign document. It reads;—:
''lt (the Republican party) would
cut a rediculous figure making em
phatic declarations In favor of'rtcceut
polities, reform and good govern
ment, and then calling a man like
Senator Andrews to the front to
direct the battle, to handle all the
resources which will be at the dis
posal of the State Committee, and
which in that, case would, without
doubt, be selfishly used to promote
personal purposes."
Again the editorial says, in regard
to his management of tile campaign
of 1890: "Dclamaterism and all that
it implies, and Andrcwsism, it was
soon discovered, were interconverti
ble terms, and tho peoplo again turn
down the Republican party. But
Mr. Andrews was placed at the
head of the Philadelphia Senatorial
Investigating Coinmitteo and the
result has been precisely what might
have been oxpoeted. Tho whole
affair has dogenerated into a miser
able and disgraceful factional scheme
which has disgusted every friend of
municipal reform. Andrcwsism was
again illustrated all the way through.
This supplemental performance on
the part of the Crawford Senator
should put a period to his public
career. It should make his alleged
candidacy for the State Chairman
ship this most important year an
utter absurdity."
The editorial abounds in such ref
erences to Mr. Andrews, while the
pamphlet gotten out by Mr. Leach
is Just as laudatory of tho latter's
ability and Qtness for the plaoe as
the editorial is denunciatory of the
Crawford Senator,
We shall tnko immediate steps to
collect amounts due us on subscript
lion. To this end wc shall address
statomets to each one of our delin«
bucnls and devote one day in each
precinct of the county, tbe date of
suid visit will appear on said state
ment and those who call and settle
will save cost.
If one tenth part of the statement*
contained in the Press of Tuesday
in relation to the attempted set
tlement of the difference between
Senator Quay and the Pittsburg
Republicans is true, it places all
partie3 to the transaction in anything
but an enviable light. When two or
three parties pretend to have the
power to barter away the patronage
of a city like Pittsburg, it is abont
time some one called a halt. In so
far as these agreements were pro
posed or accepted have the parties
concerned brought reproach upon
the fair name of tbe Republican
party T We prefer to believe that
some denial or explanation will be
made in the near future by which
Senator Quay's skirts will be cleared
from any connection with what
appears to be an attempt to enter
into a disgraceful conspiracy to dis
pose of the offices in Pittsburg with
out as much as saying "by your
leave," to the voters of that enter
prising city.— Jowanda llep.
How can Quay clear his skirts ?
lie has already stated that the con
tract between himself and Magee
and Flynn was correctly stated in
the press,
The New York World editorially
predicts tlie nomination of 'William
McKinlcy by the Republicans as
their presidential standard bearer
aud gives the following five reasons:
Ist. He is the only candidate rep
resenting a national idea and a
national issue. 2d. No on* else
mentioned for the candidacy is links
cd in the popular mind with a nation
til policy, a national idea, a national
sentiment or a national measure.
3d. He is a western man and has
behind him the enormous sectional
pressure of western sentiment, with
out which no Republican has ever
been elected president. 4th. The
' opposing candidates have s-uo of
them any strength outside of their
own state or section. sth. Last but
not least, the very fact that Mr.
McKinlcy is opposed by the two
most powerful bosses in the east.
icot Atom iao -i decided | t
Piatt anil Quay, and the two most
odious, despotic political machines,
is bound to create a reaction in his
favor; bound to givo him the sym
pathy of the masses, who hate bosses;
bound to help him in the end.
Auditor'* Notice.
McNab & Harlin Mfg. Co. vs Bigger
Brothei s.
In the Court of Common Pleas of Sulli
van county, No. Feb- term, 1890.
The undersigned aud auditor appointed
by the Court of Common Plea:, of Sullivan
county, to make distribution of the monies
arising from the Sheriff s sale of the per
sonal property of the defendant above
named, will attend to the duties of his ap
pointment at his office in the Borough of
Dushore, Pa., on THURSDAY, the 23d
day of April, 1896, at 10 o'clock a, in., of ■
said day, when and where all parties in- •
lerested are requested to present their
cliiras before the undersigned or be for
ever debarred from comiug in upon said
Dushore, Pa., March 28, 1805.
-1 V:tn county. In the estate of Lucy
Wilcox, deceased.
To the heirs of said Lucy Wilcox, and
all others interested:
You are hereby notified that the Or
phans' Court of Sullivan county has award
ed an inquest to make partitiou and valu
ation of certain real estate, of the said Lucy
Wilcox, deceased, consisting of the follow
ing described tract, aud messuage of land
lying and being in tho township of Fox.
in the County of Sullivan and State of
Penna., bounded and described as follows:
Iteglnnlng at a post in the line of land
owned by A. 11. Blackburn (now Milton
iJattin) thence along said line North
degrees, wc<t 82 rods to a post; thence by
land of O. Hartung (now C. Caseman)
north 2}-2 degrees, east 87 perohes to a
corner, thence south degrees east 102
rods to a beech corner; thence south 15J£
degrees, west SOy road to place of begin
ning. Containing 50 acres, be the same
more or less.
And that said inquest will be held on
the Premises aforesaid on Tuesday the
28th day of April, 1800, at 10 o'clock a. m.
when and where you may attend if you
think proper.
Sheriff's office. Laporte Pa.. March 19, '96.
Sheriffs Sale.
By virtue of a Writ of Fi. Fa. issued
out of the Court of Common Pleas of Bull
i Vim county to me directed aud delivered,
there will be exposed to public sale at
Hotel Carroll, in Dushore, Pa., on
At 1 o'clock p. m.the following described
property, viz:
All that piece or parcel of land lying
and being in the To.vnship of Cherry,
County of Sullivuu and State of Penna..
bounded and descriliod as follows, towit:
Beginning at a beech corner, thence by
lands of Patrick Brennan, uorth 89 degrees
west 160 perches to a stone corner; thence
by a tract of land in the Warrantee name
of Jessie Harris, north 81 degrees, east
120 perches to a post corner: thence by a
tract of land in the warrantee name of
Eleanor Siddons, soutlt 89 degrees
east 160 perches to a post thence by
lands of William Rouse south 81 degrees
went 120 perches to the place of beginning.
Containing 98 acres and allowances of 6
per cent for roads. About 60 acres Im
proved, the balance in timber. The farm
well watered and having thereon erected
a fnine dwelling house, two frame barns
and other out-bulldings, fruit trees etc.
Seized, taken into execution and to be
sold as the property of P. W. May, at the
suit of Peter McDonald.
Sheriff's office, Laporte, March 28, 1890.
Now is the time to get great
At the closing out Bale of
Spring and summer clothing
Q At y°ur own price to
\J V-/ v-/ J-J O Make room for the largest
Fall and Winter line of
Ever shown in this vicinity. Lots of Staplfe
vU 1/11111 j4 Goods in this Lnrgc Assortment.
Goods must and will be sold within the next
Thirty Days.
J, W Carroll & Co.
Dushore Pa.
•JF # H Al* lIAR n 112 M'fg._aiid_ Dcalerin
a ' Trm and open buggies,
Fara aid Heavy LnmbEr Wai«.
U Quality is Chief, good workmanship
1 n _// / X; and reasonableness of price are liiee
r 1 BiJ „,, , tenants in our establishment: and tte
_ ti siuccritv of out endeavor, tlie' ho«ei^p
Vicious Horses Shod in Martins Horse of purpose, are the links that lira*—
Shoeing Hack. i experience—tact—have forged into %
■" —' ~zr ———— | chain that secury os
I Blacksmlthing and repairing.
J.|W. BALLARD, Laporle, Pa.
Manufactuter and dealer in
Boots and Slioen
I Defy Competition.
j v Normous Spring Stock
J _ Of Fine Shoes marked down
The most complete stock'of reliable Footwear in thecounty.
Everything Stylish and fresh from the Manufacturers.
J. S.
uuueic, . -
of tli- tacn. i —
■««■•»•■"■■•• • - deserves boing cheerful, but ■ _
•' *'•• ,*• ; .lin my case." —Chicago niouiit.
"'WSZa unaividea Profits wtST **»»
The First National Bank,
B - TJiis bank offers nil the usual facilitiesJw
' ' 4 the transaction of a
Vice President, 1 ..
Cashier, 112
\V. C. FIiOSTZ. Accounts Retpeotfuily So'.i'*"®
We have planted our T "\7"
Prices so low that ±~j V J_J Xv X
T3/^}A7~ Is Astonished. We har«
Ly X opened up a fine line of
fDress Goods,c
Consisting of Ducks, Royal Piques, Jaconcttc Plisse, Henriettas,
Serges, Broadcloths, and a hundred other different kinds, style®
and varities of goods suitable for this season's trade. . . . .
We make a specialty of the Grocery Trade and at all times have
the choicest and best goods the market afford. CASH PAID For
Thanking the public for their very liberal patronage, we invite a continuance of
the same.
E. G. SVLrjiF^
Dushoi cani t no>
_ _ mini-
O-O—o—O—O—O—o—o-o—o—o—o—o—o *
I am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class ani
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
lishments,for Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get price*.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State Line A BaOMl
Railroad Co. at Bernice
The State Line k Sullivan R. R.Co. 1 0. BLIGHT, Svp%