Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, March 27, 1896, Image 1
.■umber -ria last year ..-jio me serum euro was most generally adopted—in New York City. It is reported that the constant vi bration, caused by the heavy steam and traction cars iu Paris, has caused great damage, especially to tall build ings, and many of them nro in an un safe condition. South Carolina has passed a bill, which puts the life of any and every tlog iu tho State at tho mercy of any person who may catch it away from home. Dogs oil their owner's property may be killed for committing any sort of a "depredation," and tho killer is judge and jury. It is aflirtued that a poem offered in n contest for a prize to the Chicago Times-Herald, and which took tho prize, was a bold plagiarism from a poem which was first printed in a Chi cago paper more than twenty years ago. The "author" was a twenty year-old girl of Indianapolis. Andrew Caruegio has aroused British ■wrath by saying that it would pay England to burn up her railroad equip ment and replace it with American models. Andrew is undoubtedly right if conveniences and comfort of travel aire considered. "Evtry American who is not an Anglo-inaniac that has •ever tested their out-of-date traction and tramway equipment will heartily indorse Aj.drow," udds tho Atlanta Constitution. General Traveling Agent Stone, of the C eorgia Southern Railroad, told a Georgia rnrm recently that he had dis covered nn electrical process for con verting wou.l into stone. Ho could, he said, petrify wood at a moment's notice, and ho proposed to make a for tune by converting the plank walks common iu'Southern cities into stone pavements. He also said that there ought to be lots of money in turning frame buildings into stono houses. His statement was printed in some of the newspapers, aud now Mr. Stono is kept busy telling his friends that ho was only joking. Dr. S. Weir Mitoholl, in his address at lladclitl'o College tho other day, said: "One of the requirements for admission to college should be a physi cal examination, as it is at Amherst, nnd during the college course the girls should not be nllowod to neglect gym nastic work, since regularity of exer cise is of the greatest importance. But it is a mistake for women to think that they can keep up to the standard of work that men sot for themselves. It is this disregard of their natural limi tations which causes so many women to break down. Two very important results of a collego training are tho cultivation of the power of quick per ception and tho habit of using the English languugo carefully in every day life. There should bo a ohair for daily English in every college. A most deplorable result of spending four years iu college would be to lose "11 interest iu the world outside of books, and to let dressing the mind keep you from giving eare to dressing Ihe body. May this never happen at Kadcliffe." Treasury officials wero greatly sur prised at tho eurelessuess of many bond bidders, writes Walter Wellman, in tho Chicago Times-Herald. In ad dition to the 4(H'J bids received there were several score of otlerings which had to be thrown out becanse the men lilaking them had neglected to sign their names or fill in tho amount they were willing to take or the price they wished to bid. Most of these blun ders were made by bankers aud busi ness men, and there wero so many tp«cimens that the Treasury officials who opened tho bids wero forced to woudor if their corrobpondents had not been laboring under some excite ment when they tilled out their blanks. One bidder, a Western bunker, would bo iu a pretty fix if the Department were to accept his offer. He thought be wus going to be smart and so start ed out to make his bid for a million road "at the lowest price offered." But by some curious montal lapse he wrote •'highest" instead of "lowost," nnd a greatly surprised and euibar barrassed man ho would bo if Secre tary Cnrhsle *vere to allot him his milliou at 100, VAN JSHfc REPUBLICAN. . THE DAY IS D3N& when the shadows fall, 10 day is done, the crimson veil is drawn the sunken sun, ?h the meadows, moist with dew, I hie away; hours of pleasure com© he close of day. >erfumes from the flowers more sweet at night, -ao dewdrops softer glow In the pule moonlight. So, tho hours of oare all 112 assed With the sunken sun, Joy corned springing to my soul Whon (he day is done. For thy ploasant faco I greet And thy smile I see, When across the dowy fluid* I have come to thee; Whon I hasten home, my love, With the sinking sun, All my sweetest pleasures come When tho day done. —Daniel J. D jnahoe, in Boston Transcript. LITTLE SQUIRE'S SCHOOL. | iHE village, with [/ "\1 tho sohool and v w everything in it, / properly belonged r . to tho Squire J bnt people called the »cti B °^ oo ' the little Squire's sohool, because no one j took fcueli an in terest Li it as did the little Squire. Why, he would arrive at <;he sohool every afternoon for weeks running and leave his pony standing, with its shaggy head halfway in the door, while he took up his position beside the teacher, and gravely regarded tho boys and girls. "Well, Charley, how's your sohool?" tho Sq lire would ask, if he happened to meet his son returning from the village. "Corning on finely, eh? Learning readin', writtin' and 'rith rnetic, and sowing into the bargain?" And then the Squiro would roar, laughing; for ha thought it a huge joke tho iutorest tho little Squire took in the village school. Even tho schoolmaster, Mr. Finch, spoko of the school over whioh he had presided for fifteen years as the little Squire's sohool. But many and many a time the good man eaid to himself: "He's a fine, manly little fellow, the little Squire; bnt I'm feared he'll be spoiled. 'Tisn't moro'n human nature that the littlo Squire should be spoiled, with the Squiro himself willing to run at the lad's beck nnd call, almost, and the children hero at the school fairly worshiping. A fine, fine lad ; but 'tis a pity." Tho schoolmaster said all this, however, before a certain occur rence and its sequel down at the littlo Squire's school. This is how it was. The little Sqnire stood as stnight as a soldier in front of a long line of boys and girls. He held a spelling book in one hand and a ruler in the other; tho little Squire was fond of slapping the book with tho ruler. The schoolmaster was smiling as he sat idle at his desk. The littlo Squire turned back the leaves of the spelling book and gave out the word "Bowl!" Seated at the head of the bench, with her eyes fastened upon the littlo Squire, was a little flaxen-haired girl wearing a queer, voluminous frock and a skimpy print apron. Sho was nn odd-looking, eagor little girl and sho spelled very quickly "B-o-1-1." "That isn't right," said the little Squire. The little girl's face grew red and white by turns, a bright gleam came into her blue eyes and she showed one dimple in her left cheek. "Ann Elizabeth," called out Mr. Finch, in a warning tone. "Next," cried the little Squire. "B-o-w-1, bowl," said tho second littlo pupil, emphatically. "Go head," ordered tho little Squire. Then he looked at Ann Eliza beth ; she was actually muttering that it wasn't fair. "You're a very bad girl, Ann Eliza beth," said tho lad. "1 think you for get who is teacher to-day." Then Ann Elizabeth shocked every one iu the school. She burst into im pudent laughter. "You're a common girl, Ann Eliza beth," cried the little Squire, energet ically ; "and I won't teach this class any more till Mr. Finch sees that you mind your manners." And with that the lad tossed the spelling book across to the teacher's desk, darted out of the schoolhouse, mouutod his pony, looking uncon cernedly into tho room, and rode away in high dudgeon. "I'm astonished at you, Ann Eliza beth," said Mr. Finoh, sternly. "I was uuder tho impression that you were a well-behaved girl." The spelling class was for the most part dumbfounded; but still that dan gerous dimple showed itself in Ann Elizabeth's left cheek, and still her uyes gleamed. "I know I'm a common girl," said Ann Elizabeth, as she trudged home a quarter of an hour after the other children ; "but I know it's worse to oall a person what they is than what they isn't; and I know that word boll was right. I'll be oven yet with tho little Square." About a week later the little Squire overtook Ann Elizabeth as she was walking aloup the lane. He rode verv slowly as be came up to her, for lie wanted Ann Elizabeth to beg his par don ; he wanted to give out some more lessons at his school. Then the shaggy littlo pony of its own aeoord stood still by the side of Ann Elizabeth. The little Squire lifted his cap and said "Good-morning." Ann Elizabeth curtesiqd. "i know I'm a common girl, Square Charley," she said, suddenly. 'i'ilOH'UjJOU the littlo Sqmre, who LAPORTE, PA., FRIDAY, MARCH 27, 1896. was really of a very generous nature and who kuew nothing of Ann Eliza beth's dangerous dimple, cried out, impetuously: "Oh, I shouldn't have called you that; I'm very sorry that I called you that. But I'm glad to bear you ac knowledge you were wrong, Ann Eliz abeth," he added, in a superior way; for i»t times the little Squire was ex ceeding pompous. "The word you give out is spelled two ways," said Ann Elizabeth, slowly and distinctly, "b-o-1-1 and b-o-w-1." „ "That may be, Ann Elizabeth," re turned the little Squire, determined not to lose his temper; "but it was only spelled one way in the spelling book." "Then tho spelling book's the dumb est thing I ever heered of," cried Ann Elizabeth. "That may be, Ann Elizabeth," ac quiesced tho little Squire; "but I scarcely think you and I are called upon to disouss the question." He looked so very little seated up there upon his pony, and his words seemed so very big that for a moment Ann Elizabeth almost gave up her idea of getting even; but she had been head in the spelling class three months all but two days, and her grandmoth er had promised her a new calico frock if sho stood head at tho end of the third month; and although Ann Elizabeth's frocks were voluminous aud came almost down to her heels she was immensely proud of a new one. "I'm a common girl, I know that," repeated Ann Elizabeth; "and you're a fine little gentleman, everybody knows that, and I got a grandmother dnd eo hev you." She was looking over the back of the shaggy pony, far away from the little Squire's honest eyes. Tho little Squire was going to be an gry, but he smiled instead. "That's so, Ann Elizabeth," he said. "I've got a grandmother, and so have you." "My grandmother," said Ann Eliz abeth, looking wickedly into tho won dering face of tho little Squire, "helps with tho baby and bakes pies and does a turn most everywhere; you can't go by the house you dou't hear her sing in'. Onct your grandmother went a potterin' 'round at Farmer Hath nway's, workin' hard as anybody 'fore she married the Square's father; now you keep her lack sho was a chiny tea pot or some'n; dress her in silk, and a'most set her in a chair. She do look lack a chiny doll, sur° 'nough, settin' wishin' tho Lord'd teck her. Little Square, my grandmother pities your grandmother; hear that?" Tho shaggy pony kept its feet plant ed in the middle of the lano as the little Squire's indignant eyos followed tho figuro of Aun Elizabeth going on to hiß sohool. Tho trees mot overhead in tho avo nue up which tho little Squire gallope.l his pony. Ho had muttered "china toapot" and fore he persuaded tho pony to leave that spot in tho lane, and his face was aflame as he galloped up the uvanuo. "China teapot I China doll, in deed I" The littlo Squire iu an irritable mood a* ho mounted the hall steps. Everything abont him was elegant as he had always remeinberod, large, comfortable and elegant; aud yet ho never tor a moment doubted the words Ann Elizabeth referring to his grand mother "potterin' round at Farmer Hathaway's." Ho entered tho back parlor where ha knew his grandmoth er was suro to bo; but he did not spoak to her, he just went to tossing about the papers on the center table. Be ing angry with the common little girl ma'lo him augry with the whole world. But never in his short life had the \ittlo Squire remained angry for a long time. All at once he raised his eyes from the scattored papers aud re garded his grandmother. Hho must have seeu him when he first came iu, but she was not thinking of him now ; she was sitting in her rocking chair at tho wost wiudow. No, he was not angry, but Ann Elizabeth's words wore ringing in his ears: "Dross her in silk and set her in a ohair, She do look lack** chiny doll sure 'nough." Was hi* grandmother sit ting there wisfiing tho Lord would take her? Then the little Squire hid i his face for a moment iu his arms ; for ; even as he had galloped furiously past Aun Elizabeth's home he had heard the useful old grandmother laughing und singing to tho baby. And that old grandmother pitied his grand mother Ho walked softly aoross the room and stooped and kissed the littlo old lady, "You dou't want togo Heav en yet a while, do you, Grandmoth er?" he asked, anxiously. She started guiltily, her shrunken little face ilushing. "It's very nice down here, Charley," she said, smooth ing out her gown. "Is it made of silk?" questioned the boy, following the movement of his grandmother's hand. "Yes l , dear, it's made of silk—fine silk," sho murmured. "But you don't fool like—like you was a china doll, do you, Grandmoth er?" "A china doll," repeated tho old ln l", in a tremulous tone—"a china doli. Who says that, Charley?" But the little Squire hung his head. Ho never intondud to toll of Anna Elizabeth. As the day went by the lad did not go again to the villago sohool; instead he set diligontly to watohing his little china doll grandmothor ; for that wax the way she began always to appear in bis thoughts. He wondered how it would bo to grow old and sit s.»j. ..u 1 have nothing to do. Some people, of course, might like it, but not a person who had onoe been busy, not a person who had gone "potterin* ronud at l''armer Hathaway's." His grandmoth er used to take np her knitting uo-vi «ions!ly; liat she dulu't care for knit- H I'tittujunl livr HugCf*. Homo times—this the little Sqnire notioed with a great linking of his heart—the little grandmother sat at the western window and cried softly to herself. One day the little Sqnire kissed th« little old grandmother right where the tears were settling on her cheek, and oried out, in his impulsive way, "Grandmother, did yon use to like to work ?" "Like to work, Charley?" she asked, faintly. And then of a sadden the little grandmother was quivering and crying and laughing all at once, as she told tho little Squire abont her past usefulness and, bow she was wont to "fly around the honse." "And now," she added, "I've nothing to do, noth ing whatever to do, no more than if 1 wasn't in the world. But it's all right; yes, > i course it's all tight,*' she went on; "I'm the Squire's mother, And I'm proud and happy ;*' and then the poo* little grandmothor, from something she saw in the little Squire's big blue eyes, hid her little, old face in her little, old, useless hands, and fell to sobbing like a baby. Ten minutes later the little Squire knocked boldly at his father's study. "Come in I" roared the Squire. When the little Squire, thus hid den, opened tho door ho fonnd his mamma idling away the Sqnire's time to the Sqnire's infinite satisfaction The lad walked resolutely to his fath er's desk, and determination in his blue eyes, his lips pressed together. "I've just been with grandmother," he began ; "sho isn't happy here. I say, grandmother ought to be made awfully happy, she's so little and she's so good." Thereupon the Squire was for rush ing off to the back ptrlor to find out what was the matter; but his wife put her hand on his aud bade him ask the littlo Squiro to explain. "Mother unhappy in ray house?'* fumed tho Sqnire. "What do you mean, Charley?" "She's got to have something to do," said tho littlo Squire, boldly. She and I have got to take care of tho parlors or some'n; sho mustn't sit still all day any longer." Then the lad's bravery deserted him, "It's true, Mother," he sobbed out, "my grandmother's treated liko she was a china doll, and Ann Elizabeth's grandmother makes the whole house chippy." The Squire's mouth and eyes were both open "very wide. "Clean tho parlors I" ho gasped. Mother would n't like that; that's servant's work." Then, as if he might solve the problem in another way, he inquired, anxiously, "Who's Ann Elizabeth?" The little Squire's mother answered for him, with a fniut saailo. "Sho's one of tho children down at tho little Squire's school." •'We'd just dust," 6aid the little Squire, perseveringly? "I'd dust the piano legs while Grandmothor dust tho chairs. Sally never half dusti, any way. And Grandmother and I could have a flower bed back |of tho parlor windows; that wouldn't bo servant's work, Fathor." The littlo Squire al most stuttered in his eagerness, whilo tho big Squire's amazement grew and gfew. But tho lad's mother had her arras about him. "The littlo Squire may bo right," she said softly ; "we must lot him do what he can to make Grand mother happy." It was a happy day for the littlo,old grandmothor whon, onvoloped in a white aprou, she dusted the center table in tho front partor. The little Sqnire sat under tho piano feasting his eyes upon her before he vigorously dusted the legs. And that flower bed under the baok windows; why, from tho very beginning it brought the laughter iuto Grandmother's littlo wrinkled face. The little Squire entered his school very gravely ono morning toward the close of the third term. It al most seemed as if he had been neglecting his duty; Le hadn't been near there for over four weeks. The common little girl hung down her head when she saw him. The little Squire had never told of her, and sho felt ashamel and repent ant. Tho schoolmaster smiled in hearty welcome. "I'd lilie to hoar the spelling class, Mr. Finch, if you don't mind," said the little Squire; and the schoolmas ter smiled again and held out the book, "I'm goiug to skip about," said tho little Squiro. It was a long time before the little Squire selocted a place in the spelling book. Then he looked at Ann Eliza beth, who stood at the head. "801l I" ho said. "B-o-w-l," answered Ann Elizaboth, iu a low voice. "Thore are two ways of spelling that word," said the little Squire, looking far away over Ann Elizabeth's meek head; "I didn't know it the other time; this word's spelled the other way, but both ways are right. If I'd know I wouldn't have made Ann Elizabeth go down." Then the littlo Squire's eyes fell on Ann Elizabeth, abject and miserable. He saw the flaxen head bowed away down over tho bib of the funny littlo apron. Ho knew that Ann Elizabeth was just as sorry as she could be. But, somehow, the little Squire was just as glad as he could be. "Ann Elizabeth," be said, in a friendly fashion, "you ought to see my grand mother and mo dusting tho parlor furniture; yon ought to see ns I And we've started a flower bed; we're going to have every kind of flowor. You must come up and see it some times." Then, to the amazemont of the spell ing olhhr, the little Squire held out his aristocratio hand to the common little girl, as if sho were a great lady or somebody whom he respectod very much, aud Auu Elizabeth took it and laughed bashfully. And Mr. Finoli looked on affeotion tl« iy Jroiu hi 4 Kjat nt th«* teacher's ilf- . down in the litilc Squire'* I'ohocl. -The Independent THE MERRY SIDE OF LIFE. STORIES THAT ARB TOLD BT THE FUNNY MEN OF THE PRESS. An Advantage of the Sterner Sex— A Tale of Adventure—Keeps Right On—Two Wishes, Etc., Etc. Though a man has fourteen rockets, And n woman has but ono," He can go through all ot hisn While her search Is just begun! A TALE OP ADVENTURE. "Hello, Billy, where's your wife?" "She's gone on a whaling expedi tion up in tho nursery."—Chicago Record. KEEPS RIGHT ON. Passenger (on the vestibule limited) —"Porter, does this train stop at Dinkeyfillo?" Porter—"No, sali; she doan* even hesitate dar, s&h."—Harper's Bazar, TWO WISHES. Mister—"Oh, dear! I wish I could get hold of some good biscuits like mother used to make for me." Missus—"And I wish I could get some good clothes like fntber used to buy for me."—lndianapolis Journal. HANDICAPPED HIMSELF. "You have the reputation of being a shrewd business man,'* remarked the friend of a young real estate boomer. "Yes," was the reply. "It's getting so that when I offer a man a genuine bargain he takes it for granted that I am getting the best of him."—Wash ington Star. FJHE MISJUDGED HIM. Mrs. Hardhead (glancing over let ters) —"This youDg man who applies for n situation has the stamp on crooked, and it's upside down. Doesn't that indicate he is lazy, careless and perbaps cranky?" Mr. Hardhead (an old business man) —"No, my dear, it indicates that he is a hustler who wastes no time on trifles."—Pearson's Weekly. MNEMONICS. Professor A.—"Would you believe it, my dear colleague, I actually do not know the ages of my children!" Professor B. "Such a thing could never happen with me. 1 was born 2300 years after Socrates; ray -wife 1800 years after tho death of Tibetius; our son Leo, 2000 years'alter the pro mulgation of the Liciuian laws by Ti berius Semproui-is Gracchus, anil our Amanda 15U0 years after the com mencement of the great Migration. Very simple, is it not?"—Zondaas* blad. THERE ARE OTHERS. Mr. Cityman—"l say, Mr. Meddere, the advent of the bicycle and the con sequent decline of the horse must havo hurt you farmers considerably by cut ting off the demand for one of your ohief products." Mr. Medders—"What product is that?" Mr. Cityman—"Why, it must be of little use to raise oats now I" Mf. Mcdders-- : "Yes; that's sol Tho bicycle has dono us on that j but when one door shuts another always opens. We raise the arnica plant now.— Puck i A STRANGE EXPERIENCE. First Department Official—"l had a strange experience to-day —very 6trange." Second Department Official--"Yon look a.s if you'd seen a ghost. Come, tell mo the story i anything to relieve tho monotony. ' "It is not a ghost story." "Well, well; out with it." "A man came to me to-day to ask about a matter which 1 couldn't refer to any other department, and I actu ally had to attend to it myself."— Sketch. NOT DISPOSED TO QUIBBLE. While the two urchins who had ad journed to the alley in tho rear of tho baru to tight were stripping for ac tion, tho larger ono said: "Kid, I'll lot ye off if ye're 'fraid. I flan liok ye ill two minutes; I'm ted pounds heavier'n you be." "That's all right," responded the other. "If you'd wash the dirt off'n that mug o' your'n we'd weigh 'bout the same." The tight that immediately followed was the fiercest ono the neighborhood had seen for mnnv a day, and it is with a melancholy satisfaction the his torian records the fact that tho smaller boy whipped.—Chicago Tribune. WHY HE RAN. Major MoLanghliu put a new man at work at his miuo the other day dry ing out dynamite. "Xow," said he, by the woy of ex plauatioD, "you've got to keep you* eyo On that thermometer in the heater. If it gets above eighty-five, you're lia ble to hoar a noise around here. When it reaches eighty-two degrees, you'vo got just three minutes in which to work, for it takes three minutes fcr it to rise to eighty-five." An hour later the Major returned to see bow the man at the heater was do ing. "Well, how is it getting along?" ho inquired. "Oh, first-rate." "Do you watch that thermometer?" "You bet your life I do, and I'm keeping hor down." H« reached into the heater, pulled out the thermometer. "Whew I She's up to eighty-four," he remarked. "There, that'll fix it!" He jammed the thermometer into a bucket of cold water nud liuug it bnek on the heater. Then lie wondered wlint MoLanghliu was |iii|Uitt|T for.-, tjf u i'muii-cu J'wt, Terms.-il.oo in Advance; $1.25 after Three Months. THK BEHIKMNH—IBO2. This is the beginning of a Democratic era, and ' ..ocratic Senators arc chosen to attend to the public business, not to own.—N. Y. World. NoTomb;r 25, 1892. AND THE ENO-1808. J"'' i' i Wc may now aid that this is the end of a Democratic eya, and Damosrat io Senators aro chosen to attend to their own business, not to that of the' public. HITS HOP GBOWERS. DEMOCRATS WANT FREE HOPS KOIt BRITISH BREWERS. Kicking American Ilop Meu When Tlioy Arc Down—Hard Times Cause it Oeerense In Consumption tof Beer—Brewery Dividends Be low I'rospeelus Promises. The New York Times every now and again has a dig at the unfortunate hop growers. Its latest, January 27, 1896, was as follows: "If tho hop growers of the United States can cell 17,001),000 poulids in Europe, meeting foreign hop growers there on even terms, withontany pro tection whatever, it is nonsense to pre tend that they cannot more easily undersell these foreign hop growers hero ftt home, either with or without the juriff protection of the present Nobady ever pfcteflded that tlie American hop growers "caniictt mory easily undersell these foreign hoy growers here at home." Of course they can. Tlioy can giva away their hope if they wiint to, and thus control tho homo market. That Would snit tbe British I rewfis' i-yndicatte which control most of our breweries, and, ad their dividends h;ve been pretty low lately and not up to prospectus pro fits, the New York Times naturally waoti id help its English friends. If our hop growers did "nnderseil these foreign hop growers here at home," would it pay them to do so? That is the American point of view. We don't want to sea American hop growers raising their crop just for tho fun of the thing and for tho pleasure of mortgaging their farms till they are seized by the sheriff, fort!-) sake of benefiting British brewing syndicates. But tho New York Times does want this. The Deuiooratio hard times havo cut down the consumption of'beer by 750,000 barrels during the first quarter of tho present fiscal year and business in undoubtedly dull among tho British brewers. But it has been worse with t!>e hop growers, who havo been obliged to sell their hops anywhere from iwa to eight cents a pound without musing u cent of profit. Root up tho American hop yards is the New York Times idea, so that more land may be dovoted to other crops of which we have a surplus, aud which arc not paying farmers money enough for tuxes. The condition of tbe hop market was will illustrated by Ilitjtaßtttl gl CoaußMCfl- itud Uu»- NO. 25. luercial Bulletin, oa tbe same day that Iho New York Times gave its kick at American Lop farmers, us follows: Prices (of hops) are still depressed and the prospects are unsatisfactory." This nieuut "unsatisfactory" to the formers who held bops. Having got them dosvn, the New YorkTime3 gave them another kick, with a sort of "blarst yon" expression, thinkinj; bow "satisfactory" tho bop market news of the day would be to the I!rit !sh brewing syndicates. Wo like to read the "high tariff ab surdity" of tho New York Times, be sause it contains such ft lot of low tariff rot. It is amusing in its intense ignorance. It used to profei-* beinfj an expert on tho Americut iarpet trade, but it has been significantly silent on that subject since the Amen can carpet manufacturers got tha; great boon of free raw material whicit was to let them capturo all tho carpet markets of tho world. Why not tell us all about those capttwes, and how many more carpet markets havo been put into captivity since we adopted the British free trade policy? 'live us some more low tariff rot. A Descrtoil Democrat. "A fnmine of statesmen.'' — York Evening Post. Of course there's "a famine of statts« men" in tho Deinoeratio rankH after the three years' experience of .Demo cratic statesmanship since 18'J3. Wlius HI | Dcmoc at wants to shouldor such » load of responsibility ? This "/amino of statesmen'' in its own r.inks is tho cause of the great Democratic editorial interest in the ranks of Republican statesmen. The one receiving tho most abuse jnst now is Governor Mo- Kinley, and whenever Democratio editor* unite in attacking any proiui nont Republican it is sure proof that they dread his power aud popularity. Koran's Kin* anil III" V»«'. Tim Kluar of Kora bus cut ofT hit qiK-ns *u<l iMUdtl a i.roolamatlon ordering his |ivt« I.) <lo llkewtv TTiev pr*ty imam •younly decltik*. ,