THE REPUBLICAN. " FKIDAY, FEBRUARY 14, I*Bo - * * * * * , * * * I The N. Y. Weekly Press I *. and I * Suliiuan Republican * | for I * $1.25 One Year $1.25. |* * —* —* * » • » *• * * Pay the printer court week. The first winter of the season. Our candidates are industrious. The blacksmith is putting in full time. The greater part of our snow fell on Sunday. "'ic pedestrian has the right of -emove the snow. se court February 17th. erm, February 24. i girl who promises her hand also puts her foot in ■>er of Laporte, is visit- Wilkes Bane, this lore, was trans te couuty scat, and Mrs. Merrit te twp., on Wednes , a son. m of Scranton, was usincss callers at the Wednesday. the best men and retain cience—as white as snow. , great Scott, where are we This Friday is St. Valentine's day. Of course the usual number of tender missives, as well as horrible daubs, will burden the mails. James McParlane is stocking his mill yard at a double quick gato. He has engaged nearly all of the teams liireable in this vicinity. Lincoln Day, Wednesday, Feb. 12, was observed by the Young Men's Republican Club of Williamsport. Governor Hastings was the orator of the day. The Ladies Aid Society will meet at the residence uf Mrs. Andrews Saturday, February 15th, 1596. Mrs. J. H. Spenoeb, Sec'y. The new Evangelical church at Nordmont is nearly completed. The building is a pretty little edifice and will present a neat appearance when completed. Ex-County Treasurer, Wm. Mur ray, of Cherry, was circulating among old friends at the couuty seat, Mon day. Billy is just as young as he ÜBed to be. The Lyon Lumber company lias purchased several thousand feet of hemlock logs of W. C. Mason of Laporte, and will transport the same to their mill at Tivoli oyer the W. & N. B. R. R. James Gainer of Cherry twp., •while at the county scat transacting business, Monday, called at the Rk- PDBLICA office. Come again, .James; you are always welcome. Vf: A. Kennody and wife of La porte, are the proud parents of a new born daughter. It came to town on Thursday Jast. The Mrs and baby are as well as could be ox*- pected. _________ Many instances of affection of the heart due to tight lacing have recent ly been noticed by the medical journals. A word to the wise ought to be sufficient. Loosen your corset ■trlng "gals" and breathe easy. Judge Dunham is holding a special term of court at Tunkbannock this week. Judge Dunham is well liked aa a judge and is Kept busy a good part of his time. Last week he as aisted Judge Peck at Towanda, Tba first step in the enforcement of the compulsory education law will be kept this spring, when boro ugh and township assessors must anroll all children betweeu 3 and 13. Thaae lists will eventually reach the achool teachers. Snow is about seven inolies deep and the lumbermen are working day and night. The Lyon Lumber Co. of Williamsport, expressed a large ■apply of lanterns to their camp at Nordmont, Saturday. We presume for use in skidding logs etc., at night time 1 A pleasant eveut of more than ordinary interest was the mum social held at the home of Miss Fanny Finkle's, last Friday evening, under (ha auspices of tbo Lndies Aid. There was a full attendance of our young people, and the evening was past quickly with the many diver aions indulged in. Tho most pre senting feature ol the evening was the excellent collation, and the gen eral disposition of merriment, and the two ladles that kept perfectly •♦mum" the entire evening. E. J. Flynn and Harry Miller of Jamison, were calling on friends in Laporte, Wednesday. Born: To Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Goodhue of Jamison, on Monday, February 10, 1896, twins, two boys. Married. Mr. J. T. Brady of Jamison City, and Miss Lena Lewis of llillsgrove, were married at Bloomsburg on Tuesday, February 11, 1896. The Republiacan extends congratula tions. The question ot perpetual motion has been solved by a populist genius thusly: Rags make paper, paper makes monej*. money makos banks, banks make loans, loans make pov erty, povertj' makes rairs. rags—well you stop right here ana commence over again and keep ongoing until the cows come home. . A bill has been introduced in Con gress authorizing the payment of SIOO,OOO to any person who shall prior to 1901, construct an apparatus weighing at least 400 pounds, that will safely navigate the air at a speed of not less than 30 miles an hour, of carrying passengers and freight. Will a Sullivan man receive this prize ? _ Elmira complains of a scarcity"oi pennies. So do we, says the Law rencoville Herald. We not only complain of a scarcity of pennies but also of nickels, dimes, quarters, halves and dollars; and if some of our subscribers don't pay up, we shall complain ofu scarcity of shirts, soup, beef and breeches as well. 11. W, McKibbins, proprietor of the Commercial Hotel, Laporte, has sold his personal property to Tlios. Bcahcn who lias leased the hotel stand of W. A, Kennedy, and will take charge of the same next week. Mr. McKibbins is looking up other quarters and it is reported that he contemplates leasing the Obert Hotel in Dusliore. Mr. Beahen is of Laporte, and his many friends here are of a solid opinion that lie with his estimable wife will conduct a first class hotel. It is reported that an eight-foot vein of good coal has been found on the Stevens tract of land, above Elk Grove. Wo arc informed that par ties arc endeavoring to lease the land, but that the owners refuse unless a clause is inserted binding the leasors to develope the mine and continue operations from the date of leasing. If the report of finding such a large vein of eoal there, is true, Elk Grove and Emmons will yet become lively, booming towns. Bentoi. Argus. \ Log Driver l>rowin>«l. Geo, Bahl, a member ot the firm of Jiali) Bros., of Overton, who are engaged in stocking logs for tbe Emory Lumber company, of William sport, was drowned early Friday morning in the Little Loyalsock. This sad and appalling occurrence is quite a parallel with that of one year ago, when one, by the name of John Powers, met with a similar fate at about tbe same place, six or seven miles above Forksville, on the Little Loyalsock. Mr. Buhl at the time of the accident, was engnged in breaking a landing that extended nearly to the centre of the stream. George, with another brother of the firm, were both out at the extreme end, rolling tbe logs oil into tbe rapid current, when suddenly the whole body of logs was lifted by the water, and with a crash, was carried off in the boiling current. George was on the lower side of the mass of logs, whilo his brother happened to be at the upper side, and was fortunate enough to reach shoro by his own exertion in securing a hold on a portion of one skid yet remain ing. The unfortunate was instantly precipitated; he, however, succeeded in making fust to a log and was still clinging to it when last seen by his friends, who were on more solid footing at the time. They shouted to him, to leave the log and swim ashore, as he was considered an ex pert swimmer, but as ho did not avail himself of this opportunity, it was conceeded that he must have been overcomo with cramps. All efforts to rescue proved futile, and when given up as lost, the services of the Dittman Bros., export divers, of Williamsport, was immediately secured, in hopes of recovering the body. Their search on Saturday and Si inlay proved of no avail and with another attempt on Monday, gave up the effort, lie has not yet been found. Deceased wa-i 11 model young nirui r license have been duly filed and the same will be presented to the Judges ot the Court of Quarter Sessions of Sullivan county, on the 17th day of February A. D. 1806, at 2 o'clock p. in. HOTELS. Dennis Keefe - - IHsuoUK BOIIOUOH. Henry Obcrt do Richard Cummuskey, do John Pyne, do Thomas MahafTey, do A. L. Johnston, do William Collins - - Cranny Twi». James Conner, do John Daley, do Charles E. Jackson, do John MeOee, do Ernestine Seeiuan, do John C. Schoad, do John E. Gross, do Henry W. McKibblns, LAPOBTE Bono. Rttssi-I Karns, do Smiihgall & Sick, HILLSOBOVR TWI*. .1 anus 11. Keefe, do Charles 11. Seoley, FOHKSVII.i.k BOKO- Moses C. Miller, LAPOHTK TWP. Jeremiah Stackhousr, SIIKKWHIICIIY TWP. !C. Poalojr. Jt Win. Vanbuskirk, do Pboebv E. Matrarglu, DAVIDSON TWP. Daniel 11. Lorah do J. M. Kline do I'cnnlugton Brothers, do Jeremiah Dcegan iV A Farrell, COI.I.KV. .1 elferson T. Jackson, do Charles F. Ilunsingcr, do Frank L. Kicked*. do MERCHANT DEALERS. William Onlel - DIKIIOHK UOMO, Luwrenee I). Finnn d<> EATING HOUSE, Robert McQee, do Mrs Ma'garut Conner, do Patrick Ibiley, do J 'dm II Yonkln, do Frank W. Gallagher LAPOKTK BORO. Charles E. Jack" >n, CIIKIIIIY Twp. I James Muraii DAVIOMH Twp. Martin L, Hrown, COI-LKT Twp. DISTILLERS LICENSE, j John Seliaad, CIIKKHV Twp. I BREWERS und DISTILLEKS. Lenord Hubert, CHKMHY TWP W J LAWRENCE, Clerk (j. S. Clerk'* Office, Lapoile i'tu, J»u. W, 1100, Annual Statement Ofthe«^" — Expenditures of Sullivan County for the year 1895. ANNUAL STATEMENT of the Expendit ires of Sullivan County for the year 1895. Assessing and Regi.lotlng 886 »| Brouebt Forward flnnnfv Bridtfca 779 01 Constables Returns to Court 20j«o iHationery and Blank Books 893 02|Insane Asylujs-Warren 93 57 Printing and advertising 4f13 2oi Danville . Freight and cxpressago 59 40 Sheriff's Cost, summoning Jurors eto laS ..8 Auditing aot. of Proth. for '9l 15 00 Boarding Prisoners »» County Institute 1»* Expenses «■» »» Mount Vernon" polling place 4 00; Postage and Telegrams 1« • 1 Jury Commissioners and oicrk 140 70 .Jail 1 hysician ................... . P.othonotary and Oicik of Courts... 212 65 Conveying prisoners to Penitentiary 214 8J Court Crier 11l 00; Eastern Penitentiary bill 05 70 Costs on account of judicial contest | Burrial of Soldiers... 36 «0 pa;d in 1895 2052 98 Refunding Account 1- 33 Costs on county suist 182 93 Janitor... •••••• ' County Commissioners 1188 50 Attending Heater 118.00 Commonwealth costs 830 19 " Shoveling snow... 3.09 221 85 Cmnmiwiniiers'counsel 50 00 Repairs to Public Building 1- 80 Commissioners' Clerk 500 P0 Corn's. expenses to Stato Convention 100 00 Court Renorter 680 10 County Auditors, Clerk and Counsel 174 90 Court Expenses.:::::::so 59 i< er /a prisoners 20 00 Sheen Claims Paid 202 25|Safe for County Treasurers c.flieo 145 00 Bounties 248 OOi'lrading, seeding of court hours Sqr, Oil 4J Interest on'Sorrowod Money 840 58 Cost or Sewer •••••••••;• *®" O J> Interest on Bonds for one year 1320 00 Stone pavement around courthouse 345 80 New Court House 6700 44 Expenses of new well at courthouse I9s 100 00 Fuel and $ 23 > »»| Total $28,27 . « Financial Condition of Sullivan County for the Year Ending December 31, 1895. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. Ami. of County orders at Interost Amount to bo refunded by State, of issued prior to 1895 12,232 99 State Personal tax for 1895 viz: Amt. of county orders at interest 3-1 of $735.92 557 50 •Usued during 1895 9,500 00 Amount due from collectors for 1895 county orders outstanding ! and for previous years 5121 97 * % interest 1,033 90; Amount due froui Henry Tripp, for A # B »JMW O townships by the Co. Jury fees for ISB9 24 00 I \Ex-Treos. Lorah 044 92 Amt. of halance due the county on on ace . money still duo judgt. No. 62 Feb. T. *9l against m ' 0 e ® on same account 209 23 Jacob Lorah via: debt and interest & T "* on to September 23, 1892 4705 19 duo Stuto fokj o||o at 4 mi|la 132 0() Amt (luo from c E J. p. negotiated, jris.f' state Personal forfeited recognizance in 1893 50 00 Amt. pue Stato r. 735 92 Amt. due County by Fox township tax tor year 1 P()0r Dhtrio f. 93 57 Total 24,004 02 Amount due County by Laporto borough Poor District 41 09 Amount due county by Laporte boro one-third of co*t of sower 123 01 Amount due county on nolo of P. ' -r»hy 25 47 J-' aurctiuigcu 1894 .. 21 82 /The county holds tho notes of vari ous persons for Commonwealth costs which amount to the sum of $1075.- 09, which the County Auditors con sider valueless as resources and do not therefore include them herein ) Balance in hands of Co. Treasurer. 314 37 Liabilities in Excess of Kofouroe (Dxclubivo of bonded indebtedness) 13,403 03 24.604 02 corNTY OKDH& ACCOUNT. Amt. of County Orders outstanding Amt. of County Orders redeemed by on December 31 1894 12,480 11 Co Treasurer during 1&95 26,014 04 Amt. of County Orders issued dur- lAiofc. of County Orders outstanding ing year 1895 30.454 38; on December 31 1£95,.„ 22,920 45 $48,934 49! $48,934 40 REDEMPTION Ft ND ACCOUNT. To Amt. of Redemption Money ill ,By Amt. paid out by Co. Treasurer hands of County Treasurer as during tho year 1895 7 74 shown by la-t audit 50 01 li.ilaiioa in hands of Co. Treasurer 42 27 To amount received during 1895... 1 sso sso 01 __ $ 50 01 A. L. SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. In Account with the Collectors of Stato Tax for tho year 1895. BOROUVJ HS ANDj | Amt. 112 Amt. I Col's. | Rebate due from TOWNSHIP. j COLLECTORS. ; Charged. Paid In. Com. Allowed Coll. Balance, I Cherry? F. W. Mittendorf! 69 s:.- 00 00 186 315 482 69 83 Colley/. J.P.Allen.. j 23 II ... ..I ... 23 14 23 11 Dushore Borough... C. 8. Reitmeier...j 229 801 168 01 510 881 47 23 229 So liavi bon ...'.James Moran ... 99 27 91 -I; 2 82; 490 I 99 27 Elk! ami j Wheeler Plotts ...j 43 40 10 00 12\ 2 1041112 1 4:1 Forksville Borough'Charles Nye i 05 84 37 29 116 1 9<> 25 44 65 84 Forks | Henry Kitohlia.. 60 60 47 39 1 ißj 2 49! 920 60 56 Fox A. Dickenson j 140 129 4| 07, 110 Hill-grove ... Charles Haas 45 40 30 00 1 24] 2 05' 317 45 10 Laporte Borough... T.J. Keeler | 58 51 *• 54 14 182 2 55; 5S 51 Laporte Phillip Knrge 25 so' 23 49 73 128 25 60 Shrewsbury Mathew Taylor...! 20 60, IS 35; 48j 81 j 3 96' 20 60 | Totals $ 742 87 $ 577 48 %1805 $ 30 26* 117*08 $ 742 87 A. L. SMITH COUNTY TBIABURSB. In account with tb j Collectors of County Tax for tho yoir 1895. BOKOUQHSI | Amt i Amt. r 1 m Rebate Collet'«■ Due A\l> COLLECTORS. .churged Paid In. o o Aliow'ii Com. from Balance TOWN' IPS. ■ £" • Coll' r«. Cherry P. Mittendorf... 1881 29 1001 24 1 * ' 3 20 35 5S S2l 16 ]HS 1 '>9 Colley I. P. Allen ! 920 45 145 00; j 704 4 02, 709 19 920 46 Dushore boro C. S. Heitmeier... 9J5 27 0:11 25 g I .1.1 23 19 ,'i2 271 27 95.i 27 Davidson .... James Moran ... 1377 19 900 Oo ® 47 it7 in 42 401 40 1377 iu Elkland Wheeler Ploits ... 1041 811 791 07 >' 32 fl:i 21 01 190 49 1041 80 Forksvitte B. Charle(i 201 81 119 .'IS 5" 512 417 133 19 201 81 Forks Henry P.itoliliu... 810 12 All 9.V J 1 28 00 22 15 114 3d 810 12 Ko* A. Dickenson 457 20 245 Brt; 930 11 11 192 99 <57 20 llillsgroTO ...[Charles Haas 040 22: 590 mi! | 31 II 18 26' 80 040 L' 2 Laporte boro T.J. Keel t 407 89' 339 10 16 84 13 72 12 35 80 88 407 «V I.ap .rtJ Phillip Karee ... 300 77 2I J2321 71 - 750 727 51 00 300 77 Shrowsbnry.. MathtW Taylor... 1000 11 008 00j i 32 03i 21 22 278 s>o 1000 II i Total 10129 18 10395 03 37 55 >275 23 204 27 3317 10 I0I?9 Im A. h. SMITH COUNTY TRBASUHBtt. Iu uecount with the Collectors ol Dog Tax, for the yuar 1895, B'iKOUll Hti, Auit. Amount Kebato iollVtrs' Due | AND COLLKCTORS. ch& ivi a 06 8 46 11 Forksville Boruugh 11. W. Gilbert ...... 12 00 ] ij „ n LaporU do N.C. Maben | ; I an |„ Jj David>un Township W. M Kolililns |KU2 .ill 00 M Celley do P. A. Wallh ........ |KV,I 10 07 ll.'. 74 )U „| Cherry Township ... H. Mittendorf |KVI *3 ttu 169 4» (.6 62 2V vo Colley do Oahr.l lluumano t73 70 62. so 03 ||| 'in Davidson de James Moran I j 20 36 231,1* ~n Jc, '| o Forks do P. P. Meal,l iu | 60 12 66 12 Fill do A. Diekerson i 21 V* 3* 21 M Foiksvtlle Bomugli Charley Nyo 1 j 39 36 21 II on jj lltllegrove Towusbip I'hailes lla.s 6 00 Shrewsbury Tw| Mathew Taylor... .. 219 41 16 H ..j M cherry do K. Mlttei.d .rf l«Uft 182 821 16 92 93 t >U 9o Culley Township...... J. P. Allen I 23 14 7«> 19 6.1 :» liavl'lsm do Jaiues M»ren ] 4,11 40 34 ;tgj 4 | 4 : Dushore ll<>re*lh O. M. IMnn«y.-r ... 47 2;i 271 27 2o vy| iy Klhland Tewnehip ... H'h««l«r P|ot»#., , l 3 |vo tii i,| 17! '24; j« ?e* do A. Dieh.r.on ! 192 99 2» 75 «1« 74 Forks do Henry Hlleliliu j u2O ||4 30 41 04, ~ w j,, Forksville Borough...'Cileries Nye : ! j 4 44 133 jy tuu ... lllHsgrove Township Char es llass I j 3 17 K6 J 3a Urorte do Philip Karge 51 06 21 no .. Laporte Ilerongb .. ..'T. J. Keeler ! **. J ifl J! ,'t Shrewsbury Township Math.w Teylor .... 3 96| 2T» 2oi |6 3«j ;vs «• 119 47' 4281 19 $ 0*779 ttJtt Vt A. L. SMITn, COUNTY TREASURER. In account witli various Collectors of previous years f< r Tax acoounta paid up and settled during the year 1896. BOKOUGIIS COLLECTORS. Yrs. DuT~Co. Pby Tres Com. Twp. Trex last audt lust audi : | Chorrv Towuship 81 76 1 98 86 7-1 122 08| 6 10 41 44 Colley do 342 10 4 98 347 14, 391 79 19 59 04 24 Dufihore Borough 313 313 297 16 Davidson Township 581 5S 10 581 48, 065 50 32 28 110 33 Elkland do 40 13 112 41 25 10 ... 2 ... 74 Forksville Borough Forks Township 193 22 41 00 | 237 82 251 47 12 57 26 22 Fox do 11l 49 798 149 47 100 ... 5 ... 44 47 Ilillsgrovo Twp 140 09 1 08 I 147 77 180 50| 9 33 48 06 Laporce Borough .•••••«•• 95 05 I 06 Laporte T0wu5hip......... 506 30 | 26 01 480 26 175 48 25 08 20 30 Shrewsbury do 706 48 1 45 j 707 93 714 3) 35 71 42 00 Totals I 60 371 20 14! 2783 04 2950 16 147 82 44 52 359 40 A. L, SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. Tn account with tho soveral Townships for School and Building Funds, for Taxos rooeirod from Unseated Lauds, for tho year 1895 BOROUGHS AND I Amount Amt duo Amt duo |Pd. outlTreas. Duo Due TOWNSHIPS. Roeo'vd.| Twp. Co. TrosJ Total by Tros Com. j Twp. Treaa last audi last audt Cherry Township 61 19. 228 j 60 47, 50 ...' 250 13 97 Colley do 45C 10 529 ; 461 39 300 ... ! 15 .... 140 39 Dushoro Borough 713 713 6 981 36 21 Davidson Township 232 58i 403 228 55 237 50 12 08 21 03 Klkland do 21 71! 235 19 39 20 ... 1 12 17J Forksville Borough Forks Township 92 74, 21 48 114 22 100 ... 6 .... 922 Fox Jo 212 21 100 213 81 50 ... 250 101 34 llillsgrove do 78 23j 45, 77 78 70 .... 352 420 Laporto Borough j 11 I 11' 11 Laporto Township 379 76 62, 379 14 350 .... 18 63 10 61 Shrewsbury do 470 91 24 A. L. SMITH, COUNTY TREASURER. In acoount with tho several Townships for Poor Funds for Taxes rocoived from Unseated Land fur the years 1895 BOROUGHS AND lAint due Amt duo iPd outjTroas. Duo Due TOWNSHIPS Heco' vd. Twp. Twp. Total by Trs Com. Twps. Treaa. last audt last audt Cherry Township 30 51 i 33V ! 33 Bii! I 33 80 Colley do ; 57 II 31 j 68 22j 50..., 250 572 Dushoro Borough ! Davidson Township i 232 58 12 27 244 85 200.... 10 ... 34 85 Klkland ' 5 05j 101 0 09 | ; 009 Forksvillo Borough I Fork.? Townshil j j 2 041 2 94 2 94 Fox do I 141 51 78 OS! 219 59 179 50 898 31 11 IMlsgrove dv i 58 97 93| 59 90, 50 .... 250 740 Laporto Borough I j 2 48' 2 18, 2 3lj 14 Laporto Townshij Sherwsbury do j I 481 I 4 81, 458 23 Total i 520 03 100 71 i 032 71 486 42 ! 24 35! 121 97 A. L. SMITH, COUNTY TREASURER. In aooount with the County of Sullivan for the year ouding I'eoombar 31, '95. To Balance in bands of county tres. |By Bint, of county c rdors redeemed as shown by the audit lor '94 5743 26 during the year '95.. . 20,014 04 To amt. received from ono Bon 1 By Treas commissi, u thereon 1,300 70 ! (new series) negotiated 600 amt. paid Stuto treas. tax on To amt. received from county corns, j bond to Jon. Ist 95 833 000 at 4in. 06 ... Borrowed money WO ... By ami. of mouey paid out 7 T4 To unit, received from cello-tors f.r Hy Treas. commission thereon 39 the year '94 and for previous yours 2774 5* By amt. of interest paid on bonds vit: To amt of county tix reeei. od from $33.000 at 4 percent 1320 ..« unseated lands during '95 1608 09 Treasurer's commission 00 ... To amt. received from county's pro- By balauce in bonds of Co. Tress. portion of license money 726 75 County money 272.10 To ami. received from State, being Redemption monoy 42.27 ' 314 87 tho refund of 3-fourth of '94 tax 545 42 To amt. received for fine and costs Leverton 63 ... To amt. loceivod from ex-Sheriff Utt for jury fees 12 ... To aint. recovered from Davidson twp. school district overpaid to them on Lorah account 297 45 To amt reed, from collectors for '95: State tax 577.48 County •' 0295.03 Dog " 270.08 7149 19. (Vint, received form Fox twp. act. of Harvey McKay 179 50 29.089 24 *29,089 24 A, L. SMITH COUNTY TREASURER. In account with the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, for the yoar 1895. RETAILERS' [meieantile taxj LICENStt. To amt. of Retailer's Lieuiso 502 00 By aint. returned to slate as uncol leetithle 7 00 By costs of advertising 64 09 Hy state treasurer's receipts 416 69 By Treas. commission at 5 per cent 24 79 502 00 602 00 WHOLESALE LIQDOB LICENSE. To amt. of Wholesale Liquor S4UO 00, By Stale iauiurer's iteeeipu 380 00 By Treasurer's com. at 5 percent...] 20 00 •400 00 1 400 00 - : . a DISTILLER'S LICENSE. To amouui of distiller's license 100 oil Hy State Treasurer's receipts 95 lUy treasurer's commission 6 ... 100 00 100 09 BILLIARD LICENSE. 'To ami. of Billiard Licsnsts 120 001 ily State Treas. receipts 114 09 By Treas. eolumissiou at 5 per cent 0 09 120 00 120 9* A. L. SMITH COUNT? TKEAriI'KEIt. iu account with tiie county and th> several boroughs and townships for their and eaeh of their proportion of lioetise uwuty, under the aet of Is 1 JI, for the year 1594. IIOHOI'IIIIH AND IF ET !£■ IfitJ IJI !IF Ijiil j j S| I'? m1 if 111 I]!'— - • C S.3 i. - a AI: s. 2.-* ' * j Clierry T wo.hip.., tl"« ... 120 ... t«o , ,10 ... 11 ( 1 OOO"!?, (V.lley do .. .17j ... T6 ... .100 ... MJS 71 25 2*6 ... 37 69 lluahnre n >ro«gh ... 1400 ... 300 .. IJOit ... 76 2*6 mo ... 140j llatidsoo Township,.. 100 ... (tit .... 210 IJ . ij 100 HHl'g'ert do ...! ISO ... so ...' ISO ... 7 3* 4#' 114 Itl " forkisille UoMUgk... 150 30 ... I2'l ... 740 2a b* 114 ... IK Uf'rt' •••! 449 ••• 90 ... Sflo ... JJ .'.O. Hi 60, 342 ... 469 Upon* To*n.hip ... "6 ... II ... »U ... 3 76, 14 ?* 67 76 ... Mhtrafbvry H» ... H IsO ~ II 261 41 76} 171 ... 126 ... Tot (Ml i *' 26 ... T«4 .10 At ... |«| 11 710 74 1907 »«•» .y i'ONTINI'KU ON PAOK *,