Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, December 20, 1895, Image 1

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W. M. CHENEY. Publisher.
There were 11.890 persons in penal
servitude in Great Britain and Aus
tralia in 1870 and only 4345 in 1895.
The five principal languages in the
order of their importance, are English,
Oerman, French, Spanish and Italian.
A Berlin Judge recently held that
nobody has a right to say anything
against the Emperor, bcoause his per
son is sacred.
Milwaukee contains 21 i square miles
of territory—probably the smallest
area of any city in the United States
of equal size.
The publication at this time of the
rnmor that Washington played the
flute is doubtless due, suggests the
New York Becorder, to the mean in
sinuations of tho surviving members
of the Cornwallis family.
The city of South Bend, Oregon,
presents a novelty in Amorican poli
tics and government, in that no city
office thore will have any salary
attached to it during 1896, or prac
tically none, and also that there are
more place hunters than there are
places. Tho city is in debt for im
provements that have been made, and
tho New York Sun states that the
Council voted to reduce the salaries
of all city officers to SI a year, and
devote the proceeds of tho tax levy to
paying off the debts. More than
enough citizens and taxpayers have
declared their willingness to take the
offices, and thus help to clear the city
of debt. The State law provides that
the Treasury shall receive at least
§25 a month, but the citizen who
takes that office will turn over tho
salary to the city.
This country has furnished so many
remarkable criminals that it is a relief
to the Atlanta Constitution to find
Europe coming to tho front with a
similar exhibit. The latest monster
is claimed by Germany. He is named
Springstein, a blacksmith residing at
Prenzlau. Within the past few months
he has poisoned his wife, mother and
brother-in-law, the latter's son, a
governess, one of his apprentices and
a neighbor's daughter. Ho is also
accused of drowning his* own father.
His other victims were poisoned by
the administration of strychnine. The
case will rank with tho most celebrated
trials in tho criminal annals of Ger
many. Springstein's motivo for tho
commission of these murders is not
known and the general opinion seems
to bo that he is simply one of thoso
exceptional monsterswho appear from
time to timo in the world's history.
It is safe to say that he will not be
acquitted on tho ground of insanity
nor will ho receive any misplaced
sympathy. The Germans never make
pets of thoir big criminals and they
turn them over to the exectioner with
out any unnecessary delay.
Two of the most conspicuous signs
of civilization are newspapers and rail
roads, observes the Atlanta Journal.
When wo claim to lead tho march of
the world wo may go far toward justi
iyi*g the assertion by pointing to the
faf that we lead all other Nations
ccfnbined in these two eloments of
power. There are about 50,000 news
papers published in the world, and of
this number 20,169 are in the United
States and Canada. These American
newspapers printed last year 3,481,-
610,000 copies, which is far more than
the combined circulation of all the
newspapers of other Nations. Of the
20,160 newspapers in the United States
and Canada over 19,000 are published
in this country, and it is probably
true that the newspapers ef the
United States have a greater total cir
culation than all others combined. No
country can show newspapers
-ijual our great metropolitan
dailies either in quantity of news or
in circulation. Compare any one of
tie great newspapers of London or
Paris with any one of the leading
newspapers of New York or Chicago
and the superiority of the Amerioan
journal as a newsgatherer will be evi
dent to the dullest reader. One of the
first things to be established in any
settlement in the Unit3d States is a
newspaper, whereas in Europe they
nr.e seldom published outside of cities
lonsiderable size. No Nation in
world has so many newspaper
ersfas tho United Statos. Here
lajses read, and the proudest dis
up any journal can have is to be
*as tho people's paper. In the
;r and extent of railroads the
States also excels the rest of
Id combined. There are in
ntry about 180,000 miles of
and all tho other railroads in
combined fall short of that
uany thousand mile<<. A
h leads the world in uew6- is in no danger
Across the hedge a scream I heard,
And saw Priscilla run.
Pursued by a gigantio bird
Out in the winter sun.
The gander flapped his wings in air
AnJ, hissing, pressed the pace
While she with feelings of despair
Led tho unhappy chase.
I scaled tho hedgerow double quick,
Aud as the gaudor camo
In range I raised my walking stick
And with unerring aim
Landed upon his head a whack
Which proved the maid's reloaso
From harm—for he turned on Ids back
And closed his eyes lu peace.
"Our Christmns bird is ready quito
To dangle on the peg,"
She murmured, "till with rare delight
We eat him wing and leg."
She smiled and said, "You'll come around
On Christmas Day to dine?"
I answered, with a bow profound,
"I'll be there snow or shine!"
In juicy prido the gander lay
Most luscious, brown nnd fat.
Upon the dish that Christmas Day,
While we about him sat.
Across the board upon me fell
Her smile, which was tho spring's,
Till I win dazed and couldn't tell
Tho drumsticks from the wings.
Wo ate him till lie was a wreck—
A wreck of loveliness—
And then unto her fairy beck
And call, I must confess,
I went for love's most precious sake—
(Love set my dreams astir)—
Behind the flowered semen to break
Tho frail wish bono with her.
I won the I etter part, and wished—
Sbo seemed my wish to read.
While with her eye in mine she ilshod
With subtle skill indeed.
Just then the Christmas chimes with zes!
Tromblod across the dell,
She blushed as if thoy did suggost
Tho merry wedding bell.
My golden wish, made on that day
Of revelry and mirth,
Has been fulfilled—perpetual May
For me begllds the earth.
That wish bane, like tho horseshoo old.
That brings good luck galore,
Now, mended, hangs with ohurm untold
Above our cottage door.
—E. K. Munkittrlck.
W' DUNNO what in
. 19 creation to pet
y° ur for
' aSOD
ingly as if expect
ing her to suggest
But she was busy
at that momcut
testing the condi
tion of a cake in
the oven by
thrusting a broom
straw into it, aud
when she had
risen to her feet
her father said:
"i got her a nice silk timbrel' with
a silver handle las' Christmas; paid
four dollars an' sevonty-nino cents for
it; an' I'll be switched if she's had it
out o' the case it came in but one
solitary time, an' then she knowed it
wa'n't goin' to rain. Beats all how
savin' your ma is of things. There's
tho silk dress pattern I got 'er two
years ago this Christmas, not even
made up yit. I want to git her some
thing this Christmas that she'll have
to use au' enjoy. What kin you sug
gest, Mandy?"
His married daughter, Amanda Jen
•ness, now stood at her molding board
rolling out pie crust. She was*i dumpy
little body with laughing bluo eyes
and a good-humored expression of
countenance. But now a look of de
termination came in hor face and she
turned suddenly and faced her father,
with her back to the table and the
rolling pin held in both hands across
hor checked gingham apron.
"You want me to tell you what to
get for ma's Christmas gift, pa?"
"Yes; blamed if I know what to
"I can tell you in one word, pa."
"You kin? Well, I'll git it if it
don't come at too high a figger. Never
had better crops in my life than I had
this year. My onions an' tobacker 'll
bring me in S2OO more'n I expected to
git for 'om, an' the rozberry crop was
Bomething tremenjus an' I didn't have
to sell a quart for less'n twenty cents.
Your ma done her full share o' work
an' I'm anxious to git her something
real hansom for Christmas. What
shall it be?" .
His daughter looked at him steadily
for a moment and then said slowly and
"Jenny 1"
A sullen frown took tho plaoe of the
kindly smile on his wrinkled face.
His eyes flashed ominously and his
voice was harsh and cold as he said :
"Haven't I told you, Mandy Jen
ness, never to mention that name to
"I know that yon have," replied
Mandy with gathering courage ; "but.
I never said that I wouldn't do it, and
when you asked me what I thought
jaa'd like best for Christinae, I ju-t
iold you what I knew she'd like best.
She'd rather have my sister Jenny
than anything money can buy."
Then she added, undaunted by her
father's frowning visage:
"I firmly believe, pa, that ma is
shortening her days grieving for Jen
ny. She just is! I'm going to say my
say while I'm at it, whether you like
it or not. I know that I owe you re
spect, but I owe my own and only sis
ter something, too, and one duty is
just as important as the other. If I—"
"Wait a minnit, Mandy," her father
said, rising and buttoning up his
overcoat. "When your sister Jenny
disgraced the family by up an' running
away with that Will Martin an' mar
ryin' into that good-for-nothing
Marlin family, I said that I'd never
own her as my daughter ag'in, an' I
never will. I said that she should
never cross my threshold ag'in, an' she
never shall."
"I know that the Martins are a
poor, shiftless lot, an' that Will was
as trifling as any of 'em. Like enough
it was born in 'em to be so. But there
never was anything bad about 'em,
an' he's dead au' gone now. An' when
I think of poor Jenny workin' the way
she has to work over there in Hebron
to eupport herself an' her two little
children, an' you with plenty and to
spare, I know it isn't right. I can tell
you now, father, lhat 1 goto see Jen
ny ev'ry time I goto Hebron, an' if
wo weren't so poor ourselves, an' if
It Is tho holy Chrlstmas-timo O blessed season, angel-Suost, Ring, Christmas bolls, an I tell again
That sheds a glow through all tho year. Thou comest aliko to all on earth, The good old truth for ever new!
Hark, how the bells, a silv'ry chime, Bearing sweet gifts of love and rest, There is no heart so dull with pain
Iling out thoir welcome far and near! Of precious hope and heartfelt mirth. But will rejoice and sing with you.
my husband's invalid mother didn't
have to livo with us, I'd bring Jenny
an' her children right hero to live."
"I'd never darken your door ag'in
if you did."
"I guess ma would. It's a burning
shame, pa, that you won't oven let hor
goto Hebron to seo Jenny. It's kill
ing ma. To think of her own daugh
ter living only fifteen miles away and
her mother not seeing her for nearly
six years! It's wicked. If I was ma
I'd go no matter what you said."
"Your ma knows very well that she'd
have togo for good if she went at all,"
replied her father, coldly. Then lio
"I must be goin', for I've got togo
'round by Job Prouty's an' see if he'll
loan me his light wagon togo to He
bron with, Wednesday. I broke the
tougues o' mine Sunday an' that pesky
down to the village ain't
goin' to git it fixed for a month, I
reckon. You an' Tom'il be over to
eat dinner with us Christmas, I
"Yes, I s'poso so."
They parted with manifest stiffness
of manner on both sides.
"Set! set! set!" said Mrs. Jenness,
as her fatlior walked out of the yard
and down the road toward his own
home. "The settest man that ever
walked the earth! I wouldn't stand
it about Jenny if I was mother. She's
dyiug to seo Jonny's babies, an' I just
b'l'jt\\> that father'd soften if ho saw
'em once. The only grandohildren
he's got on earth, and he nor ma never
even saw them. If 1 dared I'd fix it
so he should seo those two dear little
tots once!"
It was dark when Jason Hogarth
reached his house. There were no
lights in the front windows of tho big,
equare farm house with an inoredibly
long L back of it. He walked urj.._ 1
to the rear, where streams of cheery
light shone from tho kitchen windows.
A pleasant odor of frying ham greeted
him as he entered the kitchen, where
a table with a snowy cloth was set for
supper, close to tho shining kitchen
"It was so chilly in the dining-room,
1 thought we'd eat supper out her","
said his wife, a small, slight, gray
haired woman.
"I enjoy eatin' in the kitohen of a
cold night like this," said hor hus
band. "It's gittin' colder fast. Sup
per 'about ready?"
"Yes; I'll take it right up."
They talked little while they ate.
Jason was inwardly rebellious ovor
what he called his daughter's "impu
dence," and Sirs. Hogarth's thoughts
could not be given utterance, bcoause
they wore of Jenny.
"I must go up to the attio an' git
out the buff'lo robes," said Mr. Ho
garth, pushing his chair away from
the table. "I'll start so early in the
mornin' I won't have time to git the
robes then. I guess I'll put right off
for bed soon as I git the robes. I've
got to be off by 5 o'clock.
Five minutes later ho was in his
musty, oobwebbed olchattic, candle in
hand. When he had found the robos
he said to himself:
"Wonder if my big fur muffler ain't
up here in some o' them trunks?
I'll need it if it's cold as I think it'll
bo in tho morning. Mobbo it's iu this
Ho droppod on one lcneo before a
small, old, hair-covered trunk, with
brass-headod nails that ha 1 lost their
luster years ago. Throwing up the
trunk lid, ho held tho candle lower.
His eyo fell on a big rag doll with a
china Load. He picked it up and
stared at it a moment.
His mind went back to a Christmas
long years ago. He was a poor young
married man then, and he had worked
nearly all day at husking corn for a
neighbor, to earn money to buy that
doll head, and his wife had sot up un
til midnight to make the clumsy body
stuffed with sawdust. He remombered
how his little Jenny had shrieked with
joy when she found the doll in her
stocking the next morning. And what
is this? A tiny, faded, blue merino
baby sncque. His wife had made it
bofora Jenny had yet como into the
world. It was the very first tiny gar
ment she had made, and her husband
recalled how she had blushed and tried
to hide it under her apron when he
had found her at work on it. He re
membered that he had taken it from
her and kissed her, and then he had
kissed the tiny garment itself.
The candle in his haud shook
strangely as he bent lower ovor the
trunk and brought forth a tiny ohina
cup with "From Papa/' on it, and a
little sampler with "God bless father
and inpther" worked in rather uncer
tain letters by a little hand.
There wis a string of blue glass
beads that ho has given her on her
fifth birthday and in a heavy black
case was a daguerreotype of her with
tho beads around her neok. The lit
tle pictured face smiled up at him
from the frame and there was a mist
before his eyes when ho thought of
how many, many times those bare lit
tle arms had tightened in a warm em
brace around his neok, and of how
many times those smiling lips had
kissed him and said:
"I love you boat of anybody in all
the world, farver."
Everything in tho trunk was a re
minder of her in her baby days, of his
little Jenny. He sat down on the
floor beside the trunk and took the
things out one by one, the stern look
in his faoe softening and his heart
growing wirmer.
iio smiled when he ca:nn to a little
white sun bonnet and remembered just
how Jenny had looked when she oame
toddling oat to meet him, wearing it
for the first time.
It was 9 o'clock when he went back
to the kitohen. His wife lookod np
from the weekly paper she was read
ing and said:
"Why, Jason, you ain't been up in
the attio all this time? I s'posed you'd
come down an' gone to bed long ago."
"I'm goin' right away. Set me out
some breakfast on the table and fix
the coffee so I kin make me a cup
'fore I start."
"I shall get up an' get you a good
hot breakfast myself, Jason."
"You needn't to, Marthy, it'll be so
"I shall get up just the same. How
husky your voice is, Jason. I'm 'fraid
you took cold up there iu the attic.
What ever were you doing up there
all this time?"
"Oh, just lookin' over somo old
things. I didn't tako any cold. Bet
ter goto bed, Marthy, if you're bent
on gittin' tip at 4 in tho mornin'."
Why, Jason, how'd you happen to
come in at the front door?"
It was 9 o'clock at night, bitterly
cold and stormy, aud Christmas Eve.
Jason had just como homo from He
bron. His wife had heard him drive
into the barnyard and had made haste
with her supper that it might be
ready aud hot wheu he came in. She
had also bathed her eyes hastily in
cold tyater that ho might not know
that she had been crying. But he
would know if ho had any discernment
at all, for she had been crying nearly
all day. Her heart had been so heavy
with thoughts of Jenny.
"How'd you liappen to come in at
the front door?" she askel.
"You mustn't ask questions so near
Christmas time," he said in a voice so
light and joyous that she looked up
quickly. He picked up a lamp and
said :
"I want togo iuto the parlor a min
ute before supper."
A moment later he called out
"Come in here an' see your Christ
mas gift, ma. It's suoh a beauty I
can't wait until morning."
"Better wait until after supper any
how. It's all on tho table."
"No; como in here first."
When she reached the opsn door of
the parlor she saw her husband on his
kneos between a little boy of about
four years and a little girl of two, his
arms around their waists. A little wo
man with a thin, pale, tear stained
face showing boneath her cheap little
mourning bonnet, was standing be
hind Jason.
"And this is Walter Jason, named
for me, and this is Marthy Isabelle,
named for you," said Jason, joyously.
"Come, come ma; stop huggin' an'
cry in' over Jenny au' take a look at
your gran'-ohildren. What do you say
to them for a Christmas gift?"
She knelt down and took them in
her arms, saying incohoreutly :
"Jenny—Jason--oh, dear—l—l—
you dear, little things! Gran'ma's
babies! You darlings! You darlings !
You're the best gift, the sweetest gift,
the dearest gift in all tho world 1 The
little poaoe child that came to Beth
lehem was not dearer to his mother
than you are to me. Kneel right down
here by me, Jenny an' Jason, an' let
me thank the Christ who was born on
Christmas Day for this an' for tho
beautiful Christinas there will bo un
der this roof to-morrow!"--Detroit
Freo l'ress.
Term s---$ 1.00 in Advance; 51.25 after Three Months.
Cscolc),te ~ " iLStfl/c)
'i&kMli iiboi.
liWion x '"lade nvror«itni'CouTitrit«.. ion
fWfc '"V (««vi«\tlo>Koed m t\»e
(flarirjgthe.lhree fiscal yeors\
tending 'June 3brTß9iyßW%>lß#l ; M#
ISO; , JSO'.,
p|if r ■■ i
500;-j Y T - sob -
fiiUiffl «mwaroagite. j^L*^
Pounds. 1
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m- • jfe;
mp M2
Pbjmds IPouVldsj
's#sv HVurdo v l)ioseu<L'sel[tjoQ(ioii(tclotWtoitinpjotehandslikVO ||&7
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l ■ ■■>■■■ 1 ■ —LI «>■■ ■*•
Free Trade Threats Doubled the
Number of Strikers and the Loss
Iu Wujjes Strikers Lose Two
Dollars for Every Dollar's Loss
Incurred by Employers.
The Commissioner of Labor has just
complete*? a report upon strikes, the
period covtoed being from 1881 to
Juno 30, 1894. Summarizing briefly
the results oi recent years, 1891-1894,
wo have the following results :
Number Employes
of strikes, nindo idle.
IR9I-92, 24 months 3.010 505,735
1893-94, 18 montlis 2,201 747,980
Strikes. Lockouts. Total.
1891 92.. #25,874,330 *3,739,722 $29,314,058
1893-94. 39,170.519 7,110.032 45,293.151
Strikes. Lookouts. Tctal.
1881-92.. $11,322,979 *2,311,986 $13,034,947
1893-91. 18,903,301 1,630,904 20,594,205
During the years 1891 and 1892 tho
country was under nn Administration
favorable to protection. During the
later period to June 30, 1894, wo were
afflictod with a free tfade Administra
tion for sixteen months and the cer
tainty of it during tho other two
During tho free trado year and a
half there were 242,245 more employes
mado idle by strikes than in the two
full years of protection.
During the froo trade year and a
half tho loss of wnges to employes was
$15,979,093 more than in tho two full
years of protection.
During tho free trade year and n
half the loss to employers of labor
was §6959, 318 more than in tho two
full years of protection.
Bringing the facts down to an aver
age monthly basis, wo have tho fol
Free Free
Trotectiou. Trade. Trado
1891-92. 1893-94. Increaso.
Idle.. . 21,072 41,554 20.482
Wage loss
of em,22l, 419 $2,510,280 $1,294,837
Loss t o
ers 568.123 1.144.120 570,003
During the present free trade Ad
ministration there were 20,482 more
employes idle every month, through
strikes or lockouts, than during the
protection period. The loss of wages
to employes was 81,294,867 a month
more under Mr. Cleveland's regime,
and the loss to employers was 8576,-
003 a month more. Both employers
and employes have common ground,
and good reason, to oppose anything
that will ever help to restore to power
an Administration favorable to free
Farmers iu England.
A bright American, who has busi
ness connections in England and nec
essarily resides there more or less, has
been carefully noting tho conditions
of English agriculture. His investi
gations have extended over consider
able time past in different parts of
that country. He wrote recently,
after a business trip on tho Conti
nent, as follows:
"The countries of Europe, outside
of England, do not discuss the tariff
to any extent. They are all, and are
growing more so, protective as to their
own industries and England will soon
have to change front or she will kill
off the few farmers yet left. In faot,
aside from trucking in tho neighbor
hood of the cities, there is not enough
money in agriculture to pay rent and
English agricultural statistics, show
ing the decreasing area planted to
staple crops every year, sustain this
Mop Tlilel I
There seems to be no robber tariff
at present. What is it that robs the
Treasury of its gold aud the 'Govern
ment of receipts necessary to sustain
Government? How about feeo trade
beiug a robber of tho Treasury and a
thief of iudustry.—Saratoga(N. Y.)"
Pftily Harotogian.
NO. 11.
Secretory Morton Says No Foreign
Markets, and Farmers Must Feed
Spuds to Stock.
"The most serious complaint of the
potato growth this year is the low
price of the product, particularly in
tbo Northwest. The report from the
department's agent for Wisconsin and
Minnesota represents that in the latter
State tho tubers 'do not pay for dig
ging.' Ho states that tho yield is
enormous, 'on an acreage three times
as great as in previous years,' that
'hundreds of acres will not be dug,'
and that 'much of the acreage will go
to feed stock.' "
Hero is another startling announce
ment on the official authority of tho
Secretary of Agriculture in his Sep
tember crop report. Can Mr. Morton
reconcile tho above with tho Demo
cratic promises made to farmers in
1802, that the value of all farm crops
would be enhanced if the protection
ists were turned out of office and the
freo traders installed in their placte?
Potatoos "do not, pay for digging,"
says the free trade Secretary's report-.
"Hundreds of acres will not bo dug,"
even wheu so much labor is idle and
wages ore so much cheaper than they
were in 1892. "Much of tho ocreago
will goto feed stock"—feeding pota
toes to stock 03 well as dollar wheat,
and corn to bo burned, too. Is there
no hope for the farmers? Let us see
if tho markets of the world won't savo
him. Here are our exports of pota
toes for the last five years:
Year. Bushels. Valuo.
189 341.180 $310,483
189 557.022 301,378
189 845,720 700.032
18U4 803,111 051,877
1893 572,857 418,221
Note liow our exports of potatoes
gradually increased during tho Mc-
Kinley tariff period and how we cap
tured half a million more bushels of
the potato markets of the world in
1893 than we did in 1891. Note again
tbat, directly the free traders got their
fingers on the farmers' potato crop,
our exports fell off ond wo shipped
abroad 270,000 bushels less in 1895
than in 1893.
Perhaps, though, thoro will be o
clionce for the farmers to capture the
markets of tho world during tho pres
ent fiscal year. Mr. Free Trade Sec
retary Morton enlightens us upon this
point. His September report tells us
that "800,030 hundred-weights of po
tatoes were shipped to England during
the first six months of this year" from
Germouy. He also tells us that .
"France shipped about tho same
quantity." It would seem that Franco
and Germany have go"t ahead of us,
especially, "as England has nearly an
average crop of very high quality, tho
market there is glutted and prices aro
as low or $lO o ton." This is equiva
lent to 2.5 cents a bushel delivered in
England. It is not surprising that
formers, "particularly in tho North
west," when they think of tho freight
rate from tho Northwest to London
and the cost of bags, commission and
insurance, are complaining of low
A potato market at 25 cents a bush
el in London, loss these expenses and
the cost of seed, fertilizer ond labor,
does not leave much margin of profit
for the American farmer after he has
captured tho markets of the world.
No paying market in England, France
or Germany, and Secretary Morton
says"it is unlikely that we 6liall bo
able to dispose of any of our surplus
in Europe." We thought tho markets
of the world wore waiting for our sur
plus products. Can it be that tho
markets of India, China aud Japan
alone are open to us? Must we grow
tubers to supplant the rioo crops of
the Orient?
We cannot but admiro Mr. Freo
Trade Secretary Morton's candor in
describing these free trade condition?,
varying so gently, as they do, from
the free-trade promises of 1892. Sec
retary Morton soys that "these condi
tions are worth noting." Thoy are,
Mr. Secretary. The farmers will note
them —will noto that "these condi
tions" are not theories.
Interest Bearing l)cbt.
Cleveland, Julv 1, 1895 $716,202,001
Harrison, March 1, 1.893 585,034,209
Cleveland's inoroaso of debt,. $131,167,809