Fnm'ly LlketieMen. Romp curious investigations bare re* cently been undertaken by a photo* graphic sooioty iuOcneva. The purpose wan to show that the longer a married con pi o lived together—we apprehend harmoniously—tho more and more marked became the resemblanoa which tho two persons boro to each 'other. Photographs of seventy-eighl coupler) were taken, as well aa an equal number of adult brothers and sisters. On careful inspection it was found that tho married couples were more like each other than the brothers and sisters of the same blood. Apparently, therefore, there seems to be a stronger force availnblo for the production of "family likenesses" even than that of hereditary transmission. In accept ing tho statement of the society in question as true as to fact, it is not difficult, in a certain measure, to account for the phenomenon referred to. Human beings, for example, have quite a faculty for copying each other in their ways, movementsand tempera ments.— Times. T'rartirnl tojlr. To reason from cause to effect is very poo.l logic in its way, but to pniotlco on physical conditions in seeking the cause first, tsa very slow process indeed. Alt ailments seem to }{ire an expression in pain, and especially in Vheumatism where it takes hold deeply. This is an effect, whatever the cause may be, ami pain would become intolerable if one waited to fln«l out the cause. Ilence sufferers are bent on curing tho pain promptly, and for this reason "know, or soon find out that St. Jacobs Oil is surely the best remedy. Peo ple seldom have reason to hunt further, for oneo this ailment is cured by it, it stays oured, ar>d thus puts an end to argument uud pain at once. i The Atlanta Exposition Jury of Awards held its final session in Washington. Dr. Kilmer's SWAMP-HOOT cures oil Kidney and Bladder troubles. Pamphlet and Consultation free. Laboratory Binghamton. N. Y. There is good sleighing in some of the back parishes of the province of Quebec, Canada. STATE OF OHIO, CITV OF TOLEDO, I LUCAS COUNT v. 112 • ' FBANK J. CHKNEV makes oath that h9 is tho senior partner nt the firm of F. .112. Cnuxnv & VO., doing business In the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, and that said linn will pay the slim of ONE HUNDRED DOL LARS for each and every ease of C ilarrh thai crnnnt be cured by ths use of HAH.'SUATAIIUH CCRR. FHANK .112. CHENEY. Fwornto leforome and subscribed In mj 'presence, this Oth dnjr 11 December, A. D. ISSS. ," —, A. \V. (JLEASOX, 1 SEAI, } I ' —y—» N''lirn Ptib'ic. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly on the blond and mucous surfaces o. til's system. Send for test monia'.s, free. F. J. CHENEY & Co., Toledo. 0. lySold by Druggists, 7">o. FITS stopped free bv Dn. KR INK'S GIIFAT NEIIVK RFSTOHEH. No tits nfter first day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and J»'.oii tr 1n 1 bo:., tie free. Dr. Kline, !)31 Arcli St., Phila.. Pa. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for children teetliiner, softens the gums, reduces inflamma tion, allays pain, cures wind colic. 25c. a bottlc The Grip of Pneumonia may le warded off with Hale's Honey of Horeliound and Tar. l'jke's Toothache Drops Cure in one minute. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption save 1 my boy's life last summer.—Mrs. AM.IE DOUG LASS, Leßoy, Shch., Oct. 20, L«9t. Nervous Debility Good Health, Strength and Appe tite Given by Hood's Sarsaparillp. "I had been a sufferer from nervous dt bility Tor eight years. Various treatment i did not give me fJmwm relief. I went lo Germany and was jS? treated by aspeeia'- jpK ist. In a short time 7* 7 gave up his treat \Vj i j I raent and returned la. „I to this country. On J J the advice of a ij friend I began tak J&hSKfr-s-lItS&K. - ! " K Hood'sSarsapu rilla. The first bo'- '■* \ 1' tie benefited me and shortly I way < nred. lam now strong, Iniw a good appetite, and have increased in weight." Mas. CLAIM HN K«, 24(1 Union Avenue, Brooklyn. N. Y. Remember, Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only True Blood Purifier Promiuently in the public eye. ?1 fi Tor £5. LIAAFL'O Dili* cure all liver ills, biilous nOOO S rll'S ness. headnche. 2:»e. Cold Water and a Hot Griddle To make light, Delicious BUCKWHEAT CAKES, You must Of course use jbaxßXSKncaaaa* t irv '»■ —mm>u Buckwheat, I m tT. ci(f4re and gel &al<*men, we hav« decided to I H §ofig jfJfitfL \\ give a GOLD FILLED GKM'IKB KI.OII HUNT LU I I \V(T([|FL|M F. IKO CM**,LAMBS'OR ULST*'WATCH,CHAIN I KLLFC A*D CHARM F*r*. BN!dea pay a liberal ■ |\w y Commiafion to each who accept oar offtr aud • jJBT Uk«an R»mit ui |J.«O and *»e will lenC you byExp'e»>rrep.inall for WV.nlra) yffj.f.y lSOMinuleaif aewted Nickel Ci**r« Jp. ***and will alto tend ftr»« In «»ui»(>»<■>- ±er® TflK IUKDUJIBE ffATl'll AM) I'll4UK, aUo order mmn. eU-..and No we kuoTT vcu are nrnpomlble, rel|a»)le and will do your beat to tnke | WmSTCN CIOAH 00..WiMte>,K.O tfUf^HypiufityiirE!! ■'V»tlle Book lor tlie House* hold, teaching: as It does Il^ (lie easily* distinguished ■ Symptoms of different J ■ 'W?i' Diseases, the Causes and 112? » /j' 1 Cleans of Preventing: sueli Diseases,and tlie Simplest Remedies whicli will alle viate or cure. 598 Pages, Profusely Illustrated. The Book is written in plain everv-day English, and is free from the technical terms which render most Doctor Books so valueless to the generality of readers. Tills Book is intended to be Ot Service in the Family, and is so worded as to be readily understood by all. ONkY 60 CENTS POST-PAID. (The low price only being made possible by the immense edition printed.) Not only does this Book contain so much Information Relative tr» Disease, but very properly gives a Complete Analysis of everything pertaining to Courtship, Marriage and tlie produc tion and Rearing ot Healthy Families; TOGETHER WITH Valuable Recipes and Prescriptions, Explanation ot Botanical Practice, Correct use ot Ordiuary Herts. New Edition, Revised A Enlarged with Complete Index. With this Book in the house there is no excuse for not knowing whaf to do in an emergency. Don't wait until you have illness in your family before you order, but •end at once (or this valuable volume. <->TNTT.-V eo 03BUMTS POBT-rAID. Send postal notes or postage stamps of any denomination not larger than 5 cents. BOOK PUB. HOUSE. with SAPOLIO A County All of Whose People Are Kin. It is stated as an actual fact that all the people residing in Letcher County, Kentuoky, are related to one another, directly or indirectly. Tho reason of this is found in the remarkable Webb family. There are three brothers and three sisters of the original family, all living near Sergent, and they have no fewer than 748 descendants living in the neighborhood. Tho oldest mem ber of tho family, Lettie, is eighty two years old, and has twenty chil dren, ninety-five grandchildreu, aud fifty great-grandchildreu. Polly aged eighty, has sixteen children and al most as many grandchildreu and great grandchildren as Lettie. Tho young est, Wiley, has the fewest descendants, fie is seventy years old and has eleven children, fifty-four grandchildren, and fifteen great-grandchildren. New York Sun. THE AERMOTOE CO. Does h»lf the windmill business, because it has reduced the cost or Wind power to 1/6 what It was.* It has many branch m houses, aud supplies Its goods aud repairs at jour door. It can aud does furnish ® better article for less monej than others. It makes Pumping aud SSbwKHSH Geared. Steel, Galvanlz^ after Completion Windmills, luui.g and Flxod Steel Towers, Steel Buzz Saw w «B*Fraines, Steel Feed Cutters and Ueea Grinders. On application ltwl II nameone 111 of these articles that It wUI furnlsh untll January Ist at 1/3 the usual price, /t also makes Tanks and Pumps ot all kinds. Send for catalog 110. Factory: 12th Rockwell and Fillmore Streets. CblcAi* Raphael, Angclo. Kubens, Tasso The "LINENE" are the Best and Most Economi cal Collars and Cuffs worn: they are made of &uw cloth, both sides finished alike, and bom* reversi ble. one collar is equal to two of any other kind. They fit well, wear well and look well. A bo* of Ten Collars or Five Pairs of Cuffs for .Twenty-* ive ° A' Sample Collar and Pair of Cuffs by mail for Six Cents, Name style and size. Address REVERSIBLE COLLAR COMPANY. 77 Franlilin St.. Kew Vorlc. 27 Killiy Bt., Bortoa._ CS h*r.lll. nounred hopeless. From first dose symptoms rapidly disappear, and in ten days at leas; two-third* of all symptoms are removed. COOK "112 testimonials of miraculous cures sent FREE. TEN DAYS TREATMENT FURNISHED FREEUy mril T)li. M. 11. fcUEEN .V SUM. AtlanU, Ca, BENS SO TO Washington, ».C. 'Successfully Prosecutes Claims. Late Principal Examiner U.S. Pension Bureau. li-.«t £.n- IS tdi ndicat inn claims, attv siucu.