Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, September 27, 1895, Image 3

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PHtPAV SK.VTKM 11BH 27, 1M) '-
' Tk- A'. y Weekly Pr«»» l #
*. and |
J JSuliioan Republican *
I f<,r
*| |i1.25 One year $1.25. |
Forksville fair next week.
Is this our Indian summer ?
Sensationai~ stories are afloat.
Our candidates are growing in
favor. .
Potatoes are a good yield in this
Decorations will be in order next
The Hughesville fair is in session
There were only four days of
court, last week.
Will Rogers, Suudayed with
friends in Laporte.
Contest courtOctober 15; special
court October 21st.
Several pass
ed through town, Sunday.
Judge Dunham is holding argu
ment court in Towanda, thisweeK.
The people of Sullivan county
take kindly to our farmer candidate.
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Hugo of Du
shore, Suudayed with friends in La
A large number of our people are
in attendance at the Hughesville fair
this week. __
Our candidates can be found at
the county fair next week. Give
them a call.
We have recently addressed bills
to a large number of our delinquents.
Please remit.
The G. A. R. boys will meet at
Laporte next Monday. Give them
a royal reception.
The engine of an express train
consumes twelve gallons of watei
for each mile traveled.
Montour county has only twelve
post offices, the fewest number ol
any county in the State.
Mrs. C. H. Jennings and little
son of Lopez, are confined to their
rooms with scarlet fever.
The members of the New Albany
cornet baud have taken the tempei—
ance pledge for one year.
The county fair, this year, prom
ises to surpass anything of the kind
ever before held in the county.
There will be considerable driving
over the new Forksville road next
week, going to and from the fair.
The Sonestown base ball club
«hould challenge the Bernice boys
for a game at Laporte, in the near
One dollar and ten cents is the ex
cursion rate from Laporte to the
Hughesville fair. Good only for
one day.
T. J. Heeler of Laporte, has on
exhibition a 55 pound pumpkin,
grown in his truck patch. Who
tcan beat it ?
.Hon. Russel Karns of Laporte,
m Jooking at his farm crops in
Columbia county, the early part of
the week.
Fawcett and Lawrence make a
good ticket Let every worker
«trive to make toeir majority as
large as possible.
Bernice and Sonestown base ball
clubs should cross bats. Laporte
would be the proper place for a
meeting of this kind,
The young people of town enjoyed
a dance in the Ingham pavilion at
Lake Mokoma, Friday evening.
They report a good time.
Mrs. A. M. Cheney of Laporte,
left for Centeremoreland, Wyoming
county, Saturday, where she will
visit her sister for several weeks.
Election will occur on Nov. 5,
hence you must pay a county or
state tax on or before Oct. sth, to
enable you to vote at said election.
It is estimated that 3,000 marri
ages are daily performed through the
world. And yet old maids and
bachelors are still very much in evi
Each one of our neighboring
counties have served tie REPUBLI
CAN with a comp. to their annual
Fair. As yet we have not heard
from our home society.
The annual convention of the
State county commissioners will
convene in Meadville next week.
County Commissioners, Farrell, Lit
zelman and Webster, with their
clerk, J. E. Gall igher, will take part
in said convention and will leave for
»uld place, Monday.
fiw wi'viuits in a "cliool for tfirin
in Connecticut while cleaning up the i
, w ,m- after -cuool closed, discovered I
wad* of chewing gum stuck
about in various place*- i
Sheriff Mahaffey assisted by
Swank or Muney Valley, conveyed I
that man Wilson, of Bcrnice, who wa*
convicted last week of assault with
attempt to kill, to Cherry llill. ,
Wednesday. I
A Texas preacher threw a bible
at a deacon who started to run awaj
with the collection, aud knocked
him down the front steps of the ,
church, breaking his leg in two j
Uuue Ball*
Laporte vs Sonestovvn, at Laporte
Saturday. Score, Sonestown 33, La- (
porte >24. This is the second game
played between these clubs. Both
games were won by the Sonestown ,
Base Ball Challenge.
The Reserve ball club of Towanda
wishes to challenge any team in
Bradford, Sullivan or Lycoming
counties, to a series of games for
the championship.
The county commissioners award
ed James Brown of Bern ice the con
tract of Binking a well in the court
house yard for use of the county
buildings, last week. James com
menced work Monday and will de
scend about 40 feet.
Atty. J. G, Scouten of Dushore,
has sued the officials of the W. & N
BR. R The hearing will take
place in Dushore on Saturday, at 2
p. m. The W. &N. B. officials are
ignorant of any claim that Mr.
Scouten may hold against them.
The county commissioners award
ed the contract for the erection of a
new iron bridge over the Loyalsock
at Ringdale, to the Horseheads
Bridge Company, last week. The
contract calls for the erection of the
bridge by the Ist of December.
The Lackawanna county jail has
in it 147 prisoners, and there is no
room for one more. One of these
days, says an exchange, it will be
necessary to wall in the entire county
for jail purposes, i f the number o.
offenders continue to increase as it
has for some time past.
We are told that the attornies ol
the county will petition the court to
appoint a janitor for tue county
buildings. The reprimand by the
recent Grand Jury, relative to the
condition of the county buildings
would lead one to believe that there
should be a change in this direction.
The Supreme Court now holds
thafc damages for an injury upon a
defective skle walk or pavement may
he collected from the property owner
if he has been notified to repair the
same and has neglected to do so.
There are soaic side walks in La
porte that require attention. 'i he
council should act in such cases,
A lunatic escaped tlio vigilanoe of
the attendants at Pantile's asylum
a few days ago and climbed a tree,
refused to come down. -A well di
rected stream of water from the
garden hose, Gnally induced the un
fortunate man to descend, after
which he was overpowered and a
large batcher knife removed from
his clothes.
Lizzie Perkins, the West Virginia
girl who disappeared at Wilkesßarre
August 27, was found with a band
of Gypsies at Plymouth Wednesday
by Constable Kulp, Kanticoke, who
restored her to her anxious brother.
Lizzie wanted togo to Pittston and
asked the Gypsy man to direct her.
He put her on the Plymouth car and
brought her to his camp.
P. P. Drake of Tunkhannoek, was
nominated for District Attorney of
Wyoming county at the Democratic
convention held in paid place on
September 16th. The Republicans
of Wyoming made no nomination
for this office,, hence Mr. Drake's
election is sure. Frank was former-
It' of Laporte and his old friends
here wish him every success.
Mrs. A. A. Overholtzer left for her
Bangor home, Monday, where she
and her husband will live a retired
life. Mr. Overholtzer has been en
gaged in taking care of his crops on
his farm in Luzerne county for tlie
past several weeks. Mr. and Mrs.
Overholtzer are genuine hotel people
and have given the best of satisfac
tion during their existence in the
Laporte Hotel.
As usual the REPUBLICAN takes
the lead. We gave the list of votes
thrown out, the result of the judicial
contest, in our issue of September 13
The Dushore Gazette followed suit
in their issue of September 19th, and
took the same from the REPUBLICAN
without giving us due credit. Those
who were anxious about the doings
of th« contest and subscribed for
the REPUBLICAN to this end, have
not been disappointed.
Mrs. IS. Kulp of Williamsport,
in visiting ber brother, Sheriff Ma-
ImfTey and family of tliif* place. ,
Between the teacher who tells him
the earth is round aud the preacher ,
who tells him It will come to an end,
llic small boy is in doubt.
Mrs. S. F. C olt and son, Master
Fred, of Buffalo, who have been
visiting friends in Laporte for the
past few days, loft for their home,
Have the baby's picture taken.
Kemp the photographer will show
t,he little follow on card board just as
real as it can be made and his charges
are reasonable.
Henry IJpman of Laporte, recently
sunk a well in his yard and now
claims to have the best water in
town. Henry has got a very con
venient and pretty home, and be is
deserving of it, too.
G. C. Jackson Esq.. of Scranton,
was transacting business in Laporte
Wednesday. Mr. Jackson drove
from Dushore and Judge Dunham
accompanied him to the metropolis;
Wednesday afternoon'on his way to
Towanda where he goes to hold
argument court.
The condition of our roads and
sidewalks are about on a par. Our
Burgess should take a stroll around
the town and make a note of the con
ilition of our thorough f:ires and re
port the same at the uext meeting oi
the Town Council. Perhaps this
body has overlooked it.
The telegraph operators in the
employ of the Lehigh Valley are to
be given an examination. Blanks
contsining over 200 questions have
been sent to all the operators, and
it is stated that the man who answers
all of them correctly must be well
up in the business.
Cards are out announcing the
marriage of Miss Maud Croesley, ot
Santa Monica, Cala., and formerly of
Laporte, to Mr. Curtis J Boyd
The ceremony will take place at the
residence of Mrs. R. R. Fanner, »
friend of Miss Maud's, on Wednes
lay evening Oct. 2d. The REPUB
LICAN extends congratulations in
W. J. Jligley of Laporte, formerly
ofElkland twp. and an old neighbor
of Henry E. Faveett the people's
candidate for Sheriff, speaks of Hen
ry as l>eing a good man, neighboi
ind citizen. Mr. Higley is a strong
believer ot Prohibition principles,
but notwithstanding this, has many
kind words for his old neighbor and
friend. Those who know Mr. Faw
cett best will give him their undi
vided support in this campaign.
P. C. DeWitt, Esq., of Towanda
is one of the Democrats who >8 al
ways ready to respond to Lis '
call, and whose services in national
elections have been much sought
not only in Pennsylvania but in
adjoining states. But when he asks
for office or appointment at the
hands of the Democratic party he is
always gently stood aside. That
was the situation at Williamsport at
the recent convention, and the sur
prising thing is that Mr. DeWitt
takes such treatment so good natur»
Some time ago Sheriff Mahaffey
was called upon to make sale of a
quantity of personal property sup
posed to be the property of Geo. W.
Reimsnyder. At the sale, however,
Mrs. Elizabeth lleimsnydcr claimed
the goods and forbid the Sheriff to
make the sale. The Sheriff secured
the necessary bonds and proceeded
to sell.
Mrs. Reimsnyder has since taken
exceptions to the procedure and
brought the matter before arbitrators
Wednesday. The hearing was held
in the courthouse at 1 p. m. Sher
iff Mahaffey, is the defendant in the
suit. His bondsman, is, of course,
interested and will look after his
side of the case.
The arbitrators are: Hon. W. C.
Rogers and J. W. Rogers of Forks
ville and Walter Spencer, Laporte.
The attornies are: Bradley for plain
tiff and Scouten for defendant.
Arbitrators awarded their verdict
in favor of the defendant.
May Erect Town Buildings.
The last Legislature passed a law
which is of interest to many towns
ships in this county. It provides
that tho township commissioners
may erect town buildings to be used
for election purposes, and for the
storage of road machinery and in
which town meetings of all kinds
may be held. For the erection of
such buildings the law provides that
money may be borrowed and bond-<
issued. If every township in the
connty had such a building it would
be a great saving to tax payers. At
present in most election districts
the county has to pay rent for a
voting place, and the towns rent for
the storage of its road and other
machinery. We believe tho law is a
I good one and will be taken advan
tage of.
Election, November 6th.
The aupply of water in Uporte l»
tfxtreioely low.
Co. Supt. F. W. Moylert is report
»d on the sick list.
Kemp llic photographer ia busy
looking after the babies.
Mrs. Dr. Meylert of Wilkes Barre.
s visiting trien<ls in Laporte.
The Bradford county fair is in
session at Towanda, this week.
Mrs. Wallace "Wootlruirof William
sport is visiting with friends in town.
Mrs. Helen Boico llunsicker, of
Philadelphia, is visiting with friends
in Laporte.
Harley Ed bin is a first class rail«
road conductor. He is looking after
the regular, now.
Mrs. E. S. Chase and children of
Eagles Mere, are visiting with
friends in Wyal using.
I am prepared to nil orders for Lehigh
Valley "Stove" and "Nut" coal at $4.50
for 2000 lbs. delivered, or $4 00 from the
yard. JAMES MCFAKLANB, Laporte.
Hunting season is close at hand.
We are told that one of our citizens
will devote a month in pursuit of
birds for shipment and will capture
them in snares. Were he to use a
gun, we would wish him good luck,
is the birds would then have a show
for their lives. Any boy can set a
The Nordmout Hotel, Peterinan
Bros., proprietors, burned to the
ground Monday afternoon. The
Ire kindled from the flue in the
attic. The building cost fc'22oo and
was insured for SI2OO. The
furniture of which a good part was
saved, was also insured. At this
| date the boys are undecided as to
' re-building.
Ladies, have vou seen the new dress
woods at T. J. Iveeler's. He can astonish
vou, both in quality and price-
The "Prohibition Shoe Entertain -
| ment" will be given at the M. E
jliurcli at Forksville on
j evening Oct. 3d, under the au-pice
>f the Forksville W. C. T: IT. Eacli
.art is taken by the best procurable
ionic talent, thereby giving an eve
,ing that will be both entertaining
md instructive. Children undei
r .en years, admitted free. Adults,
•en cents. Come, everybody.
By order of Com.
Mackerel, lake herring, and meat at
iodine >fc NVarn's, Sonestown t a
Public Jiale.
J. T. Brady, a jobber of Jamison
City, will dispose of his personal
property consisting of a thousand
tnd one items, on
SATURDAY, OCT. 5, 1895.
it liis barn in Jamison. Among the
idvertised list are: Eight horses
seven wagons, one fine surrey, set ol
blacksmith tools, eanthooks, picks
'« Termß) all sums nndei
etc, eu;. jjjjjg months
$5.00, cash; over ~
•redit. Remember the date
lay Oct. 5, 1895.
It was the writer's privilege to
travel the new road from Forksvilie
to Laporte last week. As your read
ers are no doubt aware this road is
built along Loyal Sock and Mill
U'reek, The grade is therefore ex
jellent as it follows very nearly the
natural grade of these two streams.
To residents of this county who
lave been compelled to travel the
>ld road over the mountain via
Eagles Mere to get from the western
listricts to the county seat, the
opening up of this new thoroughfare
s a cause for hearty congratulation
ind thanksgiving. The distance by
,he old road was fifteen miles, By
.he new road it is but nine. A trip
>ver the old road involved the climb
ng of a mountain. By the new road
he only ascent in the natural grade
)f the streams along which the road
msses, and this ascent is so gradual
,hat it is no hardship. The time re
quired to travel the old road was
ibout four houre. By the new road
he trip can be made in less than
lalf that time and with much less
langer and fatigue. Altogether the
ipening of thi9 road markes a new
jra in the history of Sullivan county,
bringing together, as it does, the
;wo sections of the county.
The scenery along the route is
svild and picturesque. We doubt
112 one oan find in the State a road of
this length having more natural boau
;y for the eye of the traveller.
Mr. Chas. Williams, the contractor
ias done a good job of work, Con
lidering the great difficulties that
were in the way it is surprising how
well the work has been done. Of
course the road is new and it will be
several years before it becomes
smooth. The road commissioners
:>f Forks township have not yet ac*
cepted their portion of the road from
Mr. Williams but the difficulties be
tween them will doubtless soon be
adjusted and the road opened for
public travel. The people generally
are getting anxious to make use of
tUia long-delayed thoroughfare. ,
Report ol Uraud Jury.
The grand jury of last week re
ported B8 follows:
Wo have acted upon eight bills of
indictments of which seven were
found true bills and one not a true
iiill. Wo bog leave further to report
that we have visited and inspected
the county buildings and find the
water closets in a deplorable con
dition, and recommend that the
county commissioners procure a
proper supply of water immediately.
We also find the sidewalks around
the public square in an unsafe con
dition and order their repair at once.
We also recommend the immediate
r?poir of the iron fence. We further
report water pipes from the roof are
to the walls and grounds
ind recom d that tbeßc pipCS b£
with the sewer. > strongly recom
mend that the county v "Omm ssioner.
appoint a suitable person . or
who shall take proper care (
jounty property.
T. J. Keeler can fit your boy with a
)uit of clothes from $1.25, up.
Goto Bodine & Warn Sonestown Pa.,
for all kinds of general merchandise.
Death-bed Marriage.
BALTIMORE, Md., Sept. 22.—At
Chris Shaw's hotel, on North High
Street, there was a sick-bed marriage
to-day. The bride who is in the
last stages of consumption, is Miss
Rosa L. Shaw, daughter of the pro
prietor of the hotel. The groom
Charles Lee Moody, of 1011 Easl
Hoffman Street, has been attentive
to Miss Shaw for some time, ant
their engagement had been announc
ed. Some weeks ago Miss Shaw be
came ill, and has since been wasting
away, until now she is but a shadov
of her former self.
Mr. Moody has been ascidious in
liis attentions since her illness, and
lias spent most of his time at lier
bedside. It was the wisli of both
that they be married. Accordingly
Rev. John M. Bolaud, of St. A in
ccnt's Catholic church, was called in
and the couple were married, Mr.
Moody taking in his hand the hand
of the bride, who wa3 too feeble to
Those who witnessed the marriage
were Mrs. Emma McChell, Mrs. Em
ma Omelia, Miss Liza McEldon, Miss
Emma J. Omelia and Miss Kattie
McEldon. Mrs. Moody has not
lieen able to leave her bedside since
and may never do so again.
T. J. Keelercan fit you out witli Boys,
Youths and Mens ready made clothing al
bottom prices.
CJeorgetowii lias a Kent UtioMt.
WILKES BAKKE, Sept. 22. —There
:ias been a big scare at Georgetown,
a suburb ot this city, for the pasl
few days, all on account of a inyHter
ions something, which, for want oft
iietter name, the residents call £
ghost. Mothers are very carefu
„bOuL letting their children go neai
■«» where the manifestation!
, -oid when the littl<
, ""-e liberal
aave occurred, u.
Jnos have to pass it they ...
y sprinkled with holy water befoic
venturing and hurry past with all
(peed. The place is at the corner of
wo streets and the ghost was first
leard on Thursday night. It has
lot been seen, for there appears to
JC less nothingness to it than to the
usually accepted idea of these uu»
3arthly beings.
On Thursday night Mr. and Mrs.
Tames Hennessey and John Edwards
were sitting on their porches when
'hey heard a peculiar wailing,
it times quite distinct, and other
times very low. They were startled,
[t seemed to be in the air around
them and they could see nobody.
It waß some little time before some
ane suggested that it was a warning
of death and those who heard it.
burried into their houses. An hour
later the wailings commenced again
*nd Hennessey went out to invests
?ate, but could see nothing, although
the sound seemed just above his
The next night Jameff Woods,
Patrick McCue, Patrick Golden and
several others heard the sounds, but
could see nothing, nor can they ac
couut for them in any way. At
times it would sound like a man
talking, although they could dis*
tinguish no words, but most of the
time it resembled a low moaning or
wailing. The people living near the
place are thoroughly frightened and
do not know what to do about the
matter. They are convinoed it is
no trick, and sure it is something
Close to the spot is the house of a
man named Martin Ijangan, who
died suddenly a week ago, and some
think it is his spirit which has re
turned. They say he did not treat
his family well and cannot rest easy,
but this explanation does not satisfy
Now is the time to get great
At the closing out sale of
Spring and summer clothing
P AAP\C At your own price to v_y
v_y I_J O Make room for the largest
Fall and Winter line of
Ever shown in this vicinity. Lots of Staple
PT- mng Goods ill this Large Assortment.
Goods must and will be sold within the next
" B " w j, W Carroll 4 Co.
Dushore Pa.
ion- Spring 1895, dont
JLO JO Artificial
Yes it is a fact; our new stock represents a sur
orising line of bargains. And now we are after J*OJ up
; vers. Our bait is bargains, genuine bargains; JUSt
i,u - -nber, real bargains. We have secured as good a I CatCh
~c me' 112 <)ods as w&s ever offered in this vicinity. J cus tom.
ine of g -, aQ( j our extra Low Prices that makes y
.t is this lu r „ a j n o ff er tjje event of the season.
Sir present b.
' Call and be Convinced ° f t^g A gQ
Opposite the Court House, ■—
Undivided Pror> ~
The First National BanK,
President This bank offers ft n the usua? 1 facilities for
DE\\ ITT BODINE; A t j lo transao tion of a .... «
Vice President , J -CITM-BTO A T - m
Cashier, T _ e .. .. .
YV C PRONTZ. Account* Respectfully Solicited.
We have planted our TP TT? TD ~\T
Prices so low that -I—' V I—jX V. -L
TD Is Astonished, We have
i)v J 1 J X opened up a fine line of
iDress Goods,|
Consisting of Ducks, Royal Piques, Jaconette Plis?>e, Henriettas,
Serges, Broadcloths, and a hundred other different kinds, styles
and varitiea of goods suitable for this season's trade
BOOT® & Shoeß
We make a specialty of the Grocery Trade and at all times have
the choicest and best goods the market afford. CASH PAID For
Thanking the public for their very liberal patronage, we invite a continuance of
the same.
Dushore Pa.
J S. ii^_
Manufactuter ana
Boots and
[ Defy Competition.
Normous Spring Stock
Of Pine Shoes marked down
The most complete stock of reliable Footwear in the county,
Everything Stylish and fresh from the Manufacturers.
«/. S.
O - O—O—0"~O—O—0~"O—O—0-—0~"0""0 t
[ am prepared to meet any prices or quotations with a first class and
well selected stock ot
1 also have full lines of Samples from two Merchant Tailoring Estab*
lishmentßjfor Custom Work. Perfect fits guaranteed. Call and get pricea.
Yours Respectfully etc.,
Loyal Sock Coal, for sale at the Breaker of the State TJn fl £ SullirM
Railroad Co. at Bernice
The State Line & Sullivan R. R. Co. I 0 BLIGHT, 8up1»