Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 30, 1895, Image 2
THE REPUBLICAN. W. *7 CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, AUGUST 80, 1895 HARUISBURG, Aug. 28, (Special). At the Republican State Conven tion which convened here to-day. M. S. Quay was elected chair man ot the Republican State Com mittee. Sunday School Convention The Sullivan County Sunday School Association held its Fifth annual convention at Laporte, be ginning Tuesday afternoon, August 20th. Convention called to order by President A. A. Collins, at 2 p. m. Meeting opened by siuging "All hail the power of Jesus' name." De* ▼otional exercises led by Rev. S. F. Frazier, after which song service continued in use of several appro* Mrs. B. R. Gamble presiding at the organ. Address of welcome were made by Revs. L. C. Davis and E. S. Latshaw; responded to by Mr. H. C. Boatman and Mrs. S. A. Snyder. Chairman appointed Mrs. Chaß. Haas, W. J. Higley, Rowland Karge, committee on cre dentials. Rev. E. S. Latshaw, H. C- Boatman, David Molyneux commit tee on auditing Treasurer's account. Dean Bedford, Rev. L. C. Davis, Miss Hattie Little committee on resolutions. The committee on credentials made several partial reports which were received and adopted as made. At 3:30 the program was taken up and '•The Workers Council" conducted by Rev. C. J. Kephart, Field Sec. of the Penna. State Sunday School Association, In which some of tue most interesting and important fea tures of the S. S. work was discussed and several good points made. Mr. Kephart's talk was made more inter esting by frequent questioning bj members of convention. Questiou box opened and questions answered by Rev. C. J. Kephart. Next sub* joct (to wit) Social Moments, spoken to by Rev. S. F. Frazier. After noon session closed by singing "Sun shine in the Soul." EVENING SESSION 7:30. Opened with praise service led by Rev. I. E. Spangler, followed bi annual address of President, review of the year's work and plans for the future. Discussion of program mken np First subject, How can our Pastors promote county work; spoken to bj' Rev. L. C. Davis, of Lewisburg. Second subject, How the county work can help our Pas tors; spoken to by Rev. S. F. Frazier and followed with a very interesting blackboard lesson by Rev. C. J. K»p hart, on county and township work. Convention was here favored with a song by a Trio singing in a verj' efTective manner, a piece entitled, "My mother's own beautiful hands." An address by Rev. C. J. Kephart, subject, "The work of the teacher, "What, How," closed the evening session. Chairman named commit tee on nominations—T. J. Keeler, David Molyneux and H. C. Boat man. Benediction by Rev. L. C. Davis. MORNING SESSION, AUG. 21. Convention called to order by chairman, at 9:00 a. m. Song service led by Rev. I. E. Spangler. De votional exercises led by Rev. E. S. Latshaw. Auditing committee made report which showed the association to be in good financial condition. On mot ion of E. S. Lat shaw, seconded by 1. E. Spangler, a resolution adopted relating to the organization of townships accocia* tions throughout the county auxil iary to county work. Mrs. J. W. Barnes, Pres. of Pri* mary teachers union, Newark, N. J., gave a very instructive lecture on "Primary Methods." Representa tives trorn several schools, present, gave two minutes report of their work. Rev. C. J. Kephart present* ed the interests of Sunday Sohool Herald and received subscriptions from fifteen schools. The Ilerald is a monthly, containing muoh infor mation concerning S. S. work throughout the State. On motion of Rev. E. S. Latshaw and seconded by Rev. I. E. Spangler a resolution was adopted relating to the organization of a township association in each township as aux iliary to the county work. Morning session closed with benediction by Rev. G. L. Remley. WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON. Convention called to order at 2:00 p. m., opening session led by Rev. I. E- Spangler. Program taken up. Primary lesson taught by Mrs. J. W. Barnes. Second topic, "Open Parliment, Mistakes," the Critic pre siding. Ist part; mistakes of teach ers by Superintendents. 2d part; mistakes of Supts., by teachers. 3d part; mistakes of S. S , by advanced scholars. 4th part; the critics, or it* icizcd by the critic.*, followed Willi annual business meeting. Commit* tee made their report, nominating as officers of the association for the ensuing year: For President, A. A. Col Una of Forksville. Vice Presidents, A. T. iloag, of Cherry; Geo. O. Mussel man, Coliey; J. B. Clark, Davidson; A. B. Monioe, Elkland and Overton; •T. W. Rogers, Forks and Forksville; Vernon Hull, Hillsgrove; R. A. Conk lin, Laporte; Maggie Roach, Shrews bury. Corresponding Sec'y, Har riet Grimm, Laporte. Recording Sec'}., S. F. Frazier, Millview. By resolution of convention the Vice-presidents named will he ex pected to act as chairman of their respective township organization and assist in making the work more effective in itscompleted organization. Session closed with benediction by Rev. H. E. Hyde. WEDNESDAY EVENING. Convention called to order at 7:30. .Song service by 1. E. Spangler. De votional services led by Rev. S. F. Frazier. Association appropriated ten dollars to State work and ordered payment of several incidental expen ses, and then took program, which was an address on State work by Rev. C. J. Kephart. Committee on resolutions of respect and gratitude to trustees of M. E. church of La porte, to citizens of Laporte for their hospitable reception and entertain* ment of Association, to Miss Harriet Grimm Cor. Sec'y., whose untiring efforts contributed so much to the success of the convention. Pledging association to renewed efforts in behalf of cause of temper ance. Report unanimously adopted l»y rising vote. Convention adjourned with bene diction by C. J. Kephart. S. F. FRAZIER, Rec. Sec'y. Notes ou Cunveiiiioit. The Trio from Sonestown, Messrs. Claire Jewell, William and Spencer Starr, added very much to the en joyment of the convention by the Oeautiftil songs which they rendered in such eflectivc maimer. Why would it not be a good thing to have these boys assist their songs in our township work ? "My mother's beautiful band," captured the con vention the first evening. The convention was phenominal in poiut of numbers of delegates; there being over one hundred dele« gales present, as well as the largest number of schools being represented. Every teacher in the county should have heard Mrs. J. W Barnes in her exceptionally practical method in primaiy teaching. Convention was enraptured Wed» nesda}' evening'by tbp duet render ed by Uevs. Kephart and Spangler who gave, in song, a glimpse of "The Pearl Gates." Go, by all means, to the State Convention in Williamsport, Oct. 8, and 11, inclusive. * Normal Institute Notes. Through the kindness of Snpt. Fox, the members of the Institute were treated to a delightful ride over the Eagles Mere It. R.. a few eve nings since. That Mr. Fox is popu lar with the teachers as well as with all who know him, goes without say ing. The Institute gains in interest every day. Prof. Phillips, Prin. of the Mon» toursville schools, visited the Insti tute, Friday. Supt. Meylert has added two very valuable branches to the course of study; they are, School Management, by White, and a class in literature, in which Longfellow's Evangeline is read and discussed. The teachers of Sullivan county are to be congratulated on their having the opportunity to attend a free Normal School conducted by a man who puts his whole heart into the work, and whose first thought is for the welfare of the teachers and schools of the oounty. Such a may is Supt. Meylert. John Heiss of Piatt, who has been visiting Institute, has returned home, lie goes to Wert Town to attend school next week. Institute closes next week and the teachers will go home feeling that the people of Sonestown have done their very best to make It as pleasant as possible for them. STUDENT. SONESTO WN ITEMS. Our town has been somewhat live ly for some time past, as quite a large number of people are passing to and from Eagles Mere. The Normal Institute is progress ing finely with a large number of teachers and prospective teachers present. Prof. Meylert is thought, bv all, to be the right man in the right place. Prof. McKeen and assistants gave a splendid entertainment in the M. F. church, on Monday evening of last week, which was enjoyed by a large audience. F. P. Schug was running his Sonestown mill for some time past, until last week. He finished his present stock of logs and is now at work on the Montour mill, and will I soon be done sawing there. Rev. Wm. Horn of Selinsgrove, preached in the Evangolical church on Sunday evening, last. Mr. Walter Pelham, gave an en tertainment the other evening, entitl ed Mirth, Music and Mimicry, which appeared to please all in attendance. S. If Oetobar does not bring an un usually large nut crop it will bo be* cause the blossoming of the trees ha* been a sham. The bloom was naver more luxuriant, and the iosipi ent, burs,'which arc already showing themselves indicate ordinary abun* adundance. Attention Fillj-elgUtli. The Bth aiiuual reunion of the Memorial Association of the 58tb Regt. Pa. Vet. Vols., will be held on the 30th of September 1895, at La porle, Sullivan county. All veterans of the late war and their friends are cordially invited. Exchanges please copy. GEO. W. GLIDEWELL. Secretary. Dedication ot the N. E. Chnreh at Kordmont, The dedication of the new Metho dist Episcopal church at Nordmont, Pa., will take place on Sunday Sept. Ist. The Rev. E. J. Gray, D. D., of Williamsport, will preach in the morning at 10:30. W. M. Stephens Esq., and others will speak at a plat form meeting at 3 o'clock p. m. Preaching service in the evening, commencing at 7 o'clock. Dr. E. J. Gray, Rev. W. A. Lepley and others will be present in the evening to preach. Every body invited. Don't forget the time—Sunday, September Ist, at 10:30 a. m. Very truly yours, E. 8. LATSHAW, Pastor. Teachers' Examinations. The examination of applicants for Teachers' Certificates in Sullivan county will occur as follows: Fox, at Shunk, September 7. Elk land, at Estella, Sept. 9. Forks, Hillsgrove and Forksville, at Mill view, September. 10. Davidson and Shrewsbury, at Muncy Valley, Sept. 12. Coliey, at Lopez, Sept. 13. Cherry and Dusliore, at Dushore, Sept. 14. Laporte Boro. and 'L'wp., at Laporte, Sept. 16. All examina tions will begin promptly at 9 o'clock. Teachers are requested to use Bxlo paper for written work. Applicants must be examined at the examination held for the district in which theyeSiiect to teach, unless they present a written permit from their school board, allowing ihern to attend some other examination. All examinatioas are public, and school boards and ail interested are invited to be preient. F, W. M BYI.ERT, Co. Supt. Laporte, Pa, August 24th, 1895. FOItKSVJZLE ITEMS, Miss Jennie Mlllt?it on tljo sick list. Prohibition Convection in town Tues day. W. P. Randle is building a large new house. The new Laporte road is not yet a reality we see a notice posted at the bit; Bridge, "This road uot open above iron bridge." M. R. Black went to Stinbury and Wil' on business last Tuesday. Mrs. Mary Snell lias her new residence well towards completion. J. B. Smith and -wife have returned home after a two wseks visit with friends. Miss Anna Warburton of Wilkes Barre, is visiting in town. Mrs. Orran Little and family of William sport, is visiting her parents Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Schanbacher. E. M, Schanbacher of Williamsport. and H. M. Fry of Hughesville, are speeding a few c'ays in town. OBSERVER. QOURT PROCLAMATION. WHEBEAS, HON. E. M. DCNHAM, Presi dent Judge. Honorables John Yonkin and M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Deliverer, Quarter Sessions of the Peace, Orphans Court and Common Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued their preoopt, bearing date the 29 day of May. 1895. to me directed, for hold ing the several courts in the borough of Laporte, on Monday the 16th day of Sent 1895, at i o'clock p. m. Therefore, notice is hereby given to the Coroner, Justices of the Peace and Con stables within the county, that they be then and there in their proper person at2o'clock p. ui- of said day. with their rolls, records, inquisitions examiiiAi ions and other rcmem berances to those things to which their offices appertain to 1M done. And to those who are bound by their recognization to prosecute against prisoners who are or shall be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan are hereby notified to be then and there to prosecute against them as will be lust ». « HO ? A „ S MAHAFFEY Sh.tlfl, Sheriff i office, LaPort*, Ang. 5 1895. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER -IN UP J tPEfI BUGGIES, —ALSO- Fan aid HeafjLaalierff aeons. FACTORY WEBT~"MAIN EET LAPORTE, PA p. s. 7 All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod in Martin's Uoroe Shoeing Rack. i J. W. BATJTIARD. May Id, *M ( MANSFIELD STATE NORfIAL SCHOOL. Intellectual and practical training lor teachen. Three counet ot ttudy MM oreparatorjr. Special attention given to preparation for college. Studenta admitted to beet College! on c«rti6caM. Thirty gradu ates punulng further studies last year. Great advan tages for special studies in art and music. Model school ol three hundred pupils. Corps ol sixteen teachers. Beautiful grounds. Magnificent buildings. Large grounds lor athletics. Elevator and Infirmary wifb attendant nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything furnished at an average cost to normal students of gr 43a year. Fall term, Aug. >B. Winter term, Dec. a. Spring term, March 10. Students admitted to classes at any time. Fot catalogue, containing full Information apply to 8| H> ALBRO, Principal, Maastfeld, Pa. Collections Correspondents Made ID all Parts of In all Ci'les of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Paoker St., WIIXIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE NO. 1203. No fees charged unless successful or satisfactory No FEB LESS Charges on all business THAN 10 PER according to difficulty, ex- CENT, AND penses, etc. Very doubt- ALL PosTAea. ful accounts, and all ac counts 6 yeai s old and over fee 50 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. § Just Arrived! \ajr With a new stock of % Latest Styles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIOIfS, Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. China and Queenswarc, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kinds of Shoes. y grocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Center Main St, Lajorte, Fa. JFLLLST NATIONAL STANK President, OF DUBHORE, PA. G. 11. WELLES. , "Slß.*™™. "j SSS J"?;838: Solicits accounts of individuals and firms. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOK, WILLTAS PORT, PA. OEFIC'E NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. 1 r. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. 4^12:'95. SPECIAL Aiin Samuel Cole, OF Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, ana varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANEFACTRES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware. Roof ing, spouting BIRCH OIL DisTiLiiSetc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite you* patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, I'a. J. V. fiETTBNBUfiY, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, 1 DPSHORE, PA. 112 Established April Ist, 1879. B, & GO Dushore, Pa Manufacture a of Floor, Feed. and Lumber. Thfc Firm has one of the targ es t Grist Mills n the rownty and hefivamhe aspecilty of 11 anufactartag good flour and feed. Give ti.em yotrr older. Price* way do*fn to suit the iWe* JERE. KELLY'S COLUMN. JERE KELLY'S COLUMN. HOT SULTRY DAYS I\OW. What a variety ot COHTE JSJLM NT T 111 NCI S » To make summer weather pleasant you will find our Store full of them: Eefrigek'alors, Hammocks, . Hercea Li oors, Ice Cream W rcezers, Water Coolers, Window Screens, ©il Staves, C* aso a hie Stoves, Criiqisci Sets, Quoits, Cots, Mosquito Bars, Pans. • P yon want to surprise yourself cot, one of our easy rockers for your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing hand ■ some styles in Oak find .Maple. U'e have something verv cheap 1 in nice parlor furniture. Think of n suit of Plush, G pieces l'oi , 1 $25.00. \ belter one for v-55.00. Kitchen chairs $3.00 set. j i'ine Oak Extension Tables, each, §4 50. Couches acd Lounges. A. fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, $ 1.00. Are you thinking of a new stove ? No better stove mad j w T « A than the • • 0 • CU NMIMJLiIuIS A >'or t o . i or \Y odd. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. tLBSCRIBE NCW Wo will send to any address The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interesting, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, Conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify every member of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIVAN REPUBLICAN. Bend'youifnamc and address lo N.'W York Weekly Press, 33 Park Row, New Yoric city, and a sample copy will be mail e d to you. i. —— "yjlIxklfiMSPORT & JJORTH TIME TABLE, Effective, June, 17th, 1895. L WA 'n'. -i I—rrr1 —rrr stations, t i t : t i t t ■ t PAI. P.M. P.M. A.M-IA. M. A.M.'A.M. AMP. M. P.M. P. M. 40n335i0 80 840 Wtllianwpurt 70" 1° 3 4' 3 . 5 2710 45 040510355 10 55 05 Ilalls i 6 20! 750945205 4409 30 f944f5 15 *3 BB'f 1100 f8 10 Pcnnsdalc 612f745f040f2 00 112 485 112 024 ats62B 407 12i 822 Iluphesville 00073593D148 4289 11 535 4 15|U 20 880 Picture Hooks | !8 21 1 89 415 908 fß<8 # 4 17f1128f8 34 Lyons Mills i If 9 17;f 1 Btf:f 411;f 859 f541 112 4 9 fll'-l f8 36 Charuouni f915f1 82 112 4 08jf 856 6£48511 85 8 45, Glen Mawr 907 125; 401 849 £5 56 *4 28 112 1143 112 8 50- Edkins if 9 02jf 1 17 112 3 56 112 8 40 f5 sfil*4 81 112 1146 112 8 591 Strawbrldge ; j f859f112f 352f8 87 16 08*4 86 fllso 112 9 05 ; Beech Glen j f854f109f 348 112 832 606 44011 54 9 09' Munoy Valley ! 851 10« S4o 829 613445 Vi 01 9 151 Sonestown | ;8401008 37 82M 705 55 10 06! Eagles Mere 10 06 10 30 j7 25 6 18, 4 45,12 01 " Sonestown "j j 8 45j 87 j 822 630457 12 19 Nordroont | * ??! , 2V, 6 47 5 11 12 87 Laporte I 8 11 | 8 t3 . 4/ f705f528 112 258 Ringdalc f> 54j ( 112 2Uf 72, 7 86 5 35 1 12 Satterfleld 7 40 2 30 , 10 6 58 2 10 Dushore | 7 30 ; 11 50 5 2. 7 09; 240 New Albany i >lB {2 1- «1} 7 7 45 ; 4 00 Towarida 0 40 9 On 4 85 S 2o! Wilkes Barre I : j | 3 20 P. M. P.M» P M.IP.M. A.M. I A.M. A.M.jA M. A. M. PM. fjSrily Except Sunday. 112 Flag Stations * Trains do not stop. rvuinpctions with Philadelphia and Reading Rail Road at Halls for all points uHSoulh and the Beech Creek & Fallbrook Railroads: at hatterfield for all M the L V H R.r«t Sonestown wilh the Eagles Mere R. R-, for Eagles Mire at Chanu>uni with transfer coaches lor Highland Lake. OEO' V. FORMAN. VICK PRES., R. E. EAVESSON. GKN-L. MA*AGKR. v. * " Buffttl() N . y. Ilughesville. Pa. Cheapest and Best We erect the cheapest find best Wire Fence In the market. If In need of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call, j ames Meyers. & Co Strawbridge, Pa. I For Rale. A full blooded Jersey Bull, known the Ingliam-Oota bull. Will be sold cheap. Inquire or write to T. L. WATTB, Murny Valley, Pa- WANTED an active, in'eiliprnt. push . Ing man to take change of our office and push our buf»ii)f p«. Must be able to handle sub-agenta and must give security. Address promptly. 10. R. MOORE, JR.. 100 8. 10th South h I ' " PHILADELPHIA, PA.t j Fresh Stock A THE Tannery Store Having just returned f rom t |, e City, « lie it' '.vc purchased the UMi.l supply of J >ry Goods, « i< A•. -i-it:. for the WI'IICOII. «(> • JI, j to tell the Mime ftf r, j j-. NMinaltle prices us chii l>(j iml in | |,u country Our stock of T^nrrrrwrn J'.! »U! JJ ■ 1 ill ) Aic of the iisniit standard here tofore «old in our More, and, as much ot these ; oods are pur chase, I nt n less price than lorrnerly. w« nie disposed to give our customers t}>» benefit. OUR eooT m skis [department cannot he surpassed in cither fluidity or variety— and the prices are less than ever effete I before in this market. Spring Dress goods ot the different varieties, at prices to suit the tunes. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. STEEL IS THE THING TOR FiOOFS. l( will last longer than wood, will not burn will shed lifchin ng, and the cost i« less than I'or the he.-i shingles. It can be put o;i over old roofs wi hout removing 'he -hingles. Full information. By ran 1 if you my so. PITT.STUN IRON HOOPING CO., PirTsTON, PA. LAPORTE BANK. LAPOItTE, PA. Do a general Bank iwj and Collecting business. Ai y business ii trusted to us will be carefully at traded to. Agents for Htcimehip Tickets to and fruit ail • -«ri of Europe, and for Fire Instsi since Companies J. ALFRED JORDAN. Casiuku. We publish the auditor's report of Davidson township, in this issue of the lUti lti.rcAX. gIiIMON LLOYD, ATTORNEY- AT-LAW. MUjtVC /. Ijj'CO r.inj Co. , Praui ,i. & P, li. INGHAM, ATTOKS L.YS-AT LAW, LAPORTE. - - PA. Legal Bu il ds ntt uded to in this and adjoining Co:-; livs. r Y£> J. MULLEN, ATTOI! N !£Y-AT—LAW, DUSHORE, - - PA. Otlice with B S. Collins, ATTORN F.Y-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA Ofl'iee in County Building near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, emu 3ROEERS, Loans Negotiated &c. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. kinds of merchandise bought er sold on commission. JJj*> P. INGHAM & H. K. NEWITT ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW. 505 Chestnut sticet, Philadelphia, Pa. T. DOWNS, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. Kegicter it Recorder of Sullivan C» Offio« nilh Sheriff Slahafley, LuPorte P». HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TIIAT3 KVEHV BODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STORI is right "in it"for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh and •( the best quality. Flour and feed the best the'market affords. MJiS. M. C. LA UER. May 13. '9? CROWN ACME The Besi Bcmiiii Oil MCai Bn I Made iram Petroleum. ! It gives a brilliant light. It will not is»e chimney ! It will not char the wick. It lias a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as • perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finest crude in the most perfectly equipped refineries in the world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for crown acme. Trade orders filled by The Atlantic Eefining Co. Williamsport Station, Williameport Pa.