Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, August 23, 1895, Image 2
THE REPUBLICAN. I W. M. CHENEY, - - -Editor. FRIDAY, AUGUST 23, 1895 Republican Convention. Pursuant to call the Republican county convention will re-convene in Carey's Hall at Dushore, on Tl'E-D.VY, SEPTEMBER 3r>, AT ONE 0 CLOCK P. M., for the purpose of nominating county offices. A full attendance is desired. Tho delegates are as follows. Bernicc.—Dan Schootiover. R. H Guy. 11. W. Taylor, H. llampson and C. B. Watson. Colley.—H. C Picliard, Royal Scouten and William Allen. Cherry,—llenrv G. llufTmaster, Jon. Sick. Wm. D. Bahr. It It Hunsinger, W. K Holmes ami A. L. Cox. Dusho'C. —John 11. Cronin. Frank Buck L. A. Bigger. 11. N. Osier, John Scher, and Samuel Cole. Davidson. —L>. H. Lorah, T. S Sim mons, Lewis Lovelace, Dr. Derr, Bruce Pennington and G. W. Bigger. Elkland.—H. W. OMer. Albert Kay. Jonathan Rogers, M. E. Wilcox, Geo. C. Bird. Alex Keeney, J. L. Ho.iglami, J. J. Teevan and H. E. Fawcett. Fox —W. E. Porter, A. B. Kilmer, E. W. Hi" 1. A- E. Campbell, W- P. Fanning and T. G. McKay. Forksville. —Dr. Randall and Dr. Gam ble. Forks —Wm. Bird, Geo. Ferrell and Thos. Bedford. Hillsgrove.—W- A. Gumble, W. L. Hoffman. J. L. Christian, F. S. Darby, Meb'n l.ewis aud Lloyd Sick. Jamison City.—E. T. Brown, Will Wickman. Alt. Vernon.—W. M. Edkin and Geo. Laurenson. Laporte Boro.—W. C. Mason and F. H. Ingham. Laporte twp—l. T. Low, Joseph New man and A. A. Baker. Lopez.—X. A. Hinebold, Wm Ryant. F. U. Waltman. P. G Rice, 11. M. Kel logeandL. H. Carrington. Shrewsbury.—E V. Ingham C. Peale, Jr., A. C. Little aud E S. Chase. Ladies, hive you seen the new d r ers goods at T. J. Keeler's. lie can astonish you, both in quality and price. The Republican county convention which will be held in Dushore on Sept. 3d, will be an important meet ing, and its work will have a direct bearing on the result of the cam paign. There is general satis faction throughout the county over the candidates who are spoken of, and 60 far as these men are concerned they will enlist the hearty and united Btipport of the party workers. Un der the circumstances the conven tion should give the proper tone to its deliberations and not character ize its proceedings by any unseemly action concerning the recent contest for state delegate, thus embittering any feelings of resentment that may still be harbored by some of those engaged in that struggle. For two years the Republican forces of the county have been in excellent trim and have won victories that at one time would have been impossible. Let us hope that this magnificent situation will he maintained, that the factions in the party will be re united and solidified for an aggres sive warfare on the common enemy so tuat the Republican hold on the party may be clinched and become permanent. The convention, as the representative gathering of the party's workers and leaders can aid materially in this and we believe it will do so. After the ticket is nam ed let the delegates be sent home encouraged in the hope that victory will perch on the Republican banner and that the nominees of the con vention will be triumphant in Nov. The chances for success are bright, but those chances will be materially improved by the exercise of a har monizing influence throughout the county. „ T. J. Keeler can fit your boy with n suit of clothes from $1.25, up. Notice. All parties knowing themselves indebted to me will please call duing this mouth and settle their account. W. 15. HILL. Laporte. I'eminyl vuiiin'M Weaitli. A geography for the use in the public schools recently published in Chicago, gives this State prominence as a mineral producing region, but says nothing of its agricultural re sources. What an error of omission this is, the sensus reports just pub lished show. The first six counties on the continent in the va'neof theit agricultural products ranks as fol lows: Lancaster, Pennsylvania, 7.657,790 St. Lawrence, New York, 6,554,' fit Chester, Pennsylvania, 5,8(53,801 Worcester, Massachusetts, 5,489,13 Bucks, Pennsylvania, 5,411,37< Colusa, California, 5,357,35* There are as many farms in St Lawrence county as in Lancastei but those in the former are valued at $32,000,000, while those of the latter are valued at $69,000,000 Both St. Lawreuce and Colusa conn ties are three times larger than Lan* caster, Pennsylvania has three of the first ci<c coutties of the United States in rgricultural wealth and the State would be great and wealthy had it no resources other than those of agriculture. But her beds of coal, her wells of cil and gas, her de posits of ores, her vared industries, her tree cla l iiill«, moke an empire, whose people have but to use wisely what G«J has given, to be prosper* pus and great, In commenting on the Stale con* tost tho Philadelphia Ledger says: When either Senator Quay or Gov. Hastings can give unqualified proof th it he controls a majority ot the delegates he will have no difficulty in increasing his majority beyond his most extravagant claim. It would nol, indeed, be at all surpris ing to find the convention harmon ious and united after this bitter struggle at the primaries, for all the men engaged in it are politicians, and politicians do not, as a rule, waste their energies on a purpose less or hopeless fight. They know when they are beaten, and accept defeat gracefully. Hon. Henry Johnson, of William sport, tho nestor of the Lycoming county bar, died at his Lome on August 11th, aged eighty-six years. He bCgaD the practice of law in Ly coming county in 1841, and achieved remarkable success. He was a Presidential elector in 1848, and in 1861 was elected to the State Senate, and it was he who introduced the resolution to amend the Constitution giving soldiers in the field the right to vote. He was a delegate to the Republican Nation al Convention at Baltimore in 1864. There comes a credent rumor from Sonestown of an odd little episode j concerning one of the popular young | men of that town, on a recent evening shortly after sundown, which gave rise to an amusing comedy of con flict between a knot of perplexities and the civilized obligation to over come them. While out driving, it is supposed with one of the prettiest school inarms in attendance at the institute, a tire from one of the wheels of his wagon came off, at a place in the road where the creek is hut a few feet from the embank ment. The tire made a bee-line over the bank into deep, deep water and there hurried itself below the surface. The young man at once realized the critical state of affairs, and lost no time in securing a long pole and be gan spearing for the lost portion of his vehicle. After fifteen or twenty tniuutcs struggle with evident des peration to land what he was after, had failed, he resorted to another plan, and with a look of awful des pair in his prespiving features, re moved his shoes and socks, rolliug up his pantaloons, revealing to the lady who was watching the proceed ings with amu-ed interest, that there was a vast difference between him and the Prodical son—he not having been given the fatted "calf." Ask him for the rest. ± WANTED:—To buy oo cnestnut fence posts, delivered to Lopez. Please write stating price, to U. \V. JENNINGS, at Lope/., i'a. Ji INGDALE ITEMS. Miss H:nnche Sweeney who has been spending a few weeks in La« porte, returned home last week. Mis? Mary Kernan of I'owanda is spending a fortnight with her parents here. Arrived at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Philip Kmig, a bouncing baby bey. Francis Mutschler and James ter of Sunbury, are the guests of 11. R. Ring. Fred Jacoby has returned to the Williatiisport hospital again. Miss Maggie Djer ami Miss Mag* gie Dutfey of Soranton, are visitiug at James Gallaghers. What's the matter with the base hall club at Thornedale ? Not one of them appeared after challengeing us to play them. John Devanney of Cherry Mills, started for Dennason, Texas, Thurs day, where he has resided the last 6 years. He spent a week at home joyfully, recalling hiß old friends and acquaintances. Anthony Collins is placing the Collins hat rack in the churches etc, it ScraiHon and neighboring cities. Will White, who has been in Mon» tana and other western s'ates, is igain visible around here. John Walsh has finished sawing Ilia lumber, SWKBT MARIE. The .IHNM Clurk .Mystery. Nuw YORY, Au?, 18.—Thedisap ■earanee of Miss Lucretia Clark, the Syracuse school teacher, from I'lain- v ield, N, J., where she went to open i boarding school for girls, remains t mystery. Although she left Plain ield to come to this city, and dthough her wealth}' relatives and 'riends declare that they are utterly tithe dark as to her fate or her vhercabouts, they have not asked .he police of New York to look for ter. So long as they fa ! l to do so trcngth must he added to the belief hat they have knowledge as t) the •au-e of her disappearance and as to ter whereabouts, but that for reasons iiest known to themselves they do not care to clear up the case. WUile the New York polioa bar.) not been asked to look for Miss Clark, the institutions Lave been thoroughly searched without avai'. Everybody interested with Miss Clarke in the establishment of the school has denied that she had any idea of abandoning the scheme, but as she herself stated that she did not intend to abandon it in a letter which Bhe wrote to Mr. Fennerbres que, it looks after nil as though »he might have disappeaer simply to get rid of the obligations she had assum ed in connection with the proposed school. Her friends, ridicule the idea, however, and talk of foul play- Notice* Ail parties knowing themselves indebted to mo and do not provide for the same before September Ist, will find their bills placed in the hands of proper parties for collection alter Sept. Ist. W. B. HILL. ('•II lor Convention. To THK REPUBLICAN ELECTORS OP PENN SYLVANIA: I am directed by the Republican State Committee to announce that the Republicans of Pennsylvania, by their duly chosen representatives, will meet in State Convention at Harrisburg, Pa., on Wednesday, August 28, at 11 o'clock a. in., for the following purposes, to wit: For the nomination of one Candi date for Slate Treasurer, six candi dates for Judges of the Supcrioi Court, and for the transaction of such other business as may lie pre* sen ted. I hercb}' call attention to the fol lowing rules declared to be perman ent rules of the Republican Party in the State of Pennsylvania at the State Convention heid May 23, 1&91, as follows: "That the delegates to the State Convention shall be chosen in the manner in which Candidates for the General Assembly arc nominated." '•That representation in Stnte Conventions shall be based upon the vote cast at the Presidential or Gub ernatioral election immediately pre ceeding. one Delegate being allotted to each Legislative District for every two thousand Republican votes, and an additional Delegate for a fraction exceeding one tliousaud votes, each district to have at least one Delegate." JLly order of the Republican State Com uiittec. B. F. GiLKESOS, Chairman. Attest: JEKB B. 1{I:X. A. D. FETTEROLP, Seoarctaries. QOVRT PROCLAMATION. WIIEBRAS, HON. E. M. DCNIIAM. Presi dent Judge. Honorabes John Youkin and M. J. Phillips, Associate Judges of the Courts of Oyer ami Terminer and General Ja;l Deliverer, Quarter iScxsions of the Pe ice. Orphans Court and Common Pleas for the County of Sullivan, have issued their precept, bearing date the 29 day of May. 1805 to me di-ected for hold ing the several courts in the b.irough of Laporte, o:i Monday the l«th day of Sept. 1895, at 2 o'clock p. m. Therefore, notice is hereby given to the Coroner. Justices of the Peace and Con stables within the county, that fhey be then aud iheie in their proper person at 2o'clock p.m. of said diy. with their rolls, records, inquisitions examinations and other remetn berunces to those things t > which their offices appertain to be done. And to those who nrc bound by their reeognizatio:i to prosecute xgain-it prisoners whoare or shall be in the jail of the said county of Sullivan are hereby notified to be then and there to ptosecute against them as will be iu«t THOMAS MAHAFKKY Sheriff's office, LaPurta, Aug. 5 18U5. Trial 14.t, Sept. Term 1895. RETURN DAY, SEPT. 18, 1895. 1 John Utz vs John W. Carroll, No. 3 3ept. term 1893; defendant's nppal. a. David Brown vs Trexler Terrell & Co. No. 50 Peh. term 180 1, assumpxit. a J. 11. Campbell & Son vs Alfred F Letts, No 13 Dec tern 1803; appeal 4 Sylvesier S. Steafather vs Sullivm county No, 77 May term 1894; trespass. 5. Lewis lluusinger vs Trexler Terrell & Co. No. 67 Sept. term 1894; trespa-s. 0. Bruce Hea, jr. vs The Lyon Lumber Co., No 86 S-pt. term 1894; trespass. 7. John W. Carroll vs Thorn is Miner & James Laddcn No. 90 Sept. term le<9l ejectment. 8. Mary Cumiskey widow of P. 11. Cumiskey vs James Connor, No. 118 Sept! term 1894, trespass. 9. Keystone Confection Co. vs Geo C Jackson, No. 14 Feb- term 1895; assamp- ALPtIONSUS WALSH, Prothonotary. Froths. Office I apoite Pa., Aug. 8, '95. J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER —IN— TO? £ DPEI mm, —ALSO— Faa aafl HeavyLnW apes. FACTORY WEST MAIN EET LA PORTE, PA P. S. ~ All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses Shod in Martin's How Shoeing Rack. J. W. BALLARD. May 18, D?. WANTED; A wide-awake, reliab'e man to sell an Inexpensive article to th • farming community of this county. Ad- I draw, Lock Vox 98, Mansfield, Pa, 1 MANSFIELD STATE NORIIAL SCHOOL. Intellectual and practical training lor teachers. Three conrje*olMudy besides preparatory. Special attention given to preparation lor college. Students admitted to best colleges on certificate. Thirty gradu ates pursuing further stud'es last year. Great adran tages lor special studies in art and music. Model school ol three hundred pupils. Corps of sixteen teachers. Beautiful grounds. Magnificent buildings. Large grounHs lor athletics. Elevator and infirmary wirn attendant nurse. Fine gymnasium. Everything furnished at an average cost to normal students of $143 a year. Fall term, /#ug. aB. Winter term, Dec. a. Spring term, March 16. Students admitted to classes at any time. Fo; catalogue, containing lull information apply tog Hf ALBRO, Principal, Mansfield, Pa. Collections Correspondents Made In all Parts of In all Ci ies of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Packer St., WILLIAMSPORT. TELEPHONE NO. 1298. No fees charged uule«s successful or satisfactory. No PF.E LESS Charges on nil business THAN 10 PER according to difficulty, ex- Oivr. AND pcu-es, etc. Very doubt- AI.L POSTAGE, ful accounts, and nil ac counts 6yeaisold and <>vir fee 50 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. A Just Arrived! Qgr With a new slock of Latest Styles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTI OKB| Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles. China aud Queenswnre, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Moot*, and all kinds of Shoes. y giocery department is complete. Call and examine goods aud price*, before buying elsewhere. T. J. KEELER, Cealer lain St., Lapis, Pa. YtiRST nPHONAL BANK A Preaidenl, OF DUSHORE, PA. G. 11. WELLtS. V | U M. D. SwAHTfl'. bai-pln» S 5 ?« Solicits accounts of individuals and firms. T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIAS POUT, PA. OEFICf NO. 40, WKST FOURTH STREET. r. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in Uie city, and his prices are reasonable 4-12:'9u. WIJPTAT mmmm Samuel Cole, OK Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, h >use lurinfhing goods paints, oils, and varnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANVKACTRES of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Roof ing, spouting BIKCH OIL nisTiLLßetc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Ihishore, l'n. J. V. RETTENBUHY', Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, . ■» DPSHORE, ■ „rr Established April Ist, 1879. I*. B. SQRC3J & CO Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feel, Meal and Lumber. This Firm lias one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and theyjmnke aspcclltv of manufacturing good flour and feed. Give them your order, Price* way I down to suit the time#. Octl,#l | JERE. KELLY'S VOLUMNyERE KELLY'S COLUMN. | HOT SULTEY BAYS NOW. What a variety ol CJoifvurfiENT THINGS. 1 To make summer weather pleasant you will find our Store full of them: Refrigerators, Hammocks, Screen Doors, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Window Screens, Oil Stoves, Ciiasoiine Stoves, Craquet Sets, Quoits, Dots, Mosquito Bars, Fans. ' ® F you want to surprise yourself era). of our easy rockers for your sitting room. In bedroom furniture we are showing hand- B some styles iti Oak mid Maple We have something very cheap U in nice parlor furniture. Tuink of a suit, of Plush, G pieces for I $'25.00. \ bett-r one for 8-55.00. Kitchen chairs s;}.oo set. J 1* ine Oak Extension Tables, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges. A fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Arc you thinking of a new stove ? No better stove made riTivniMi m a than the • • • • CINBMHI^IuEA For Coal or Wood. JEREMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. SUBSCRIBE NOW Wo will send to any address The New York W'kly Press, A clean, interestincr, up-to-date Republican National Newspader, conducted to instruct, entertain, amuse and edify everj' meihber of every American family, and The Sullivan Republican For One Year for Only $1.25 Address all orders to the SULLIV AX REPUBLICAN. Bend ycur name and address to N*w York Weekly Press, 88 Park Row, New Yc.rk City, and a sample copy will be inail e( j t 0 you. Effective, June, 17th, 1895. NOHTItW VaiT |" ] x SOUTH _ P.V P.V Akt. BTATIONS - A. M. j A I'M .I A M-! IM.! P■ MJ P.M. 9401 S 5 SliS S| 8 8 * Vl^T n 18750'9a!05 440'! 2 f944f515 '8 58 112 1100 f8 10 Penosdale «12 112 7 4-> f940f200f 430 112» 24 9555 20 4 07111 12 ,8 22 Hughesville 000- 3o 9 29i J4B 4 2-i 911 585 4in 11 201 880 Pictuie Rocks 0 21, 1 89 4 5 »OS fSBB *4 17;fm>3 f8 84 Lynat Mills 112 » J7|| J3jf4ll 112 859 f541 112 4 9f112f|f836 Chamounl f915r182f 408t 8 50 548 4 25:1t 35| 845 Glen Mawr 9 07, 125401 849 f556*4 28 112 1148 f8 50 Kdkh'ij f»O2 112 1 17,f 855f 840 112 5 59*4 81|tll4flftf 59 Strawbndge 112 8 59,fl 12 f852 112 B*7 fooß* 486 112 1150 f9 05 Be. ch Glen f 8 54f . 0» f f8 8. 606 4 4oi 11 54 9 Munoy \ alley 8 .>1 I 0« 3 4.i otv 61844512 01 H Iff Sonestown _ 845100 63< Si. 7OS 18 55 10 00 Eagle* Mere 10 06 10 80 725 6 18 4 45 12 01 tjonestown 8 45 8- 8 22 6 80 4 67 12 19 Nordmoul 8 28 8 22 8 05 647511 12 8. La port.* « U » ' « f705f528 112 258 ltmg.tale f7 54 VS7 10 7 25 5 85 I 12 Patterfleld <4O 2 30 7 10 6 58 2 10 Dusbore 7 80 1 50 5 2< 7 09 3 40 New Albany 7 13 12 12 5 11 7 29 8 80 Monroeton 6 54 10 8.1 4 51 7 45 4 00 Towanda 0 40 .t g 2,) Wilkes Btirre «» -0 P. M. P.M. P M. P.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M. A.M.'PM. flDaily Except Sunday. 112 Flag Stations. * Tra-lus do not stop. n „„ w ,; on , w iih Philadelphia and Heading Rail Road at Halls for all points „ lin d the ileech Creek & Fallbrook Riiilroads: at Salterfield for all North and an i uxl eec h |he E1( , 8 Mere R . K ., fol Eag | eS Cre wi'th transfer coaches .or Highland Lake. «BO.' V. Ft>BMA£. Vick PHES,, R- E- EAVEN Cheapost and Best We erect tbe cheapest and best Wire Fence In the market. If in need of a feuoe this season or in the future, give us a call. ame s Meyers. & Co Strawbridgo, Ta. I For Rale. A full blooded Jersey Bull, known ps Ihe Inghum-Gota bull. Will be sold cheap. Inquire or write to T. L. WATTS, Munoy Valley, Pa. WANTED an active, in'elligent. push Ing man to take charge of our office und push our business. Must be hble to handle sub-agents ami must give security. ! Address promptly. G. R. MOORE. JR.. IOCS. 10thSouth ht. | FIIILADELPIIIA, PA. Fresh Stock Af THE—^ Tannery Store Having just returned from the ty ' «e purchased tbe "Mial supply of Dry Goods, Urocenes &c., suitable for the season, we are prepared to aell the same at as reasonable prices us can be had in tbe country Our stock of GROCERIES Are of the usual standard here tofore sold in our *tore, and, as much of these poods are pur chased at a less p r i ce than formerly, w«t are disposed to give our customers the beneGt. CUR BOOT m SHOE I >ej»:n i meut cannot, lie surpassed in either quality or variety— and I lie prices ore less tbaa ever offere { before in this market. Spring Dress goods ot the (i liferent varieties, at prices to suit the times. Jame sMcFarlane. LAPOKTE, PA. •STEEL, IS THE THING FOR ROOFS, It wiil Inst, longer than wood, will not ftiurn. will short lightning, and the cost it pecs than for the best shingles. It can be but on over old root's without removing .the shingles. Full information. ! By mini if you say so. I PITTBTON IKON ROOFING CO., J Pittbton. Pa. IAPORTE BANK. LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Bunkine and Collecting busini ss Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. A gents for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe. 1 and fur Kire Insurance Companies J. ALFRED JORDAN, Cashier. We publish tbe auditor's report of Davidson township, in this issue of the Hki'uiilicax. LLOYD, ATTOKX E Y - A T- L A W. MUNCT, Lycoming Co., Pennt, W J. & F. 11. IN GUAM, ds ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, LAPOR'I E, - - PA. Legal Bu> iness attended to in this and adjoining Counties. v J. MULLEN, ATTORNEY-AT—LAW, DUSnORE, - - PA. Ortice with B. S Collins, . ~K J. BUADLEY, ' ATTORNEY- AT-LAW, LAPOR'I E, - - PA Office in County Building near courthouse TRAINER & PURVIS, ~ Mil BROKERS, Loans Negotiated &c. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamsport, Pa. kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. l\ INGHAM & H. K. NEWITT ATTORN EYS-AT-I. AW • , 505 Chestnut street. Philadelphia, Pa. g£ENRY T. DOWNS, ATTOUNEY-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. Kegifter *k Recorder of Sulliriß Co Office with Sheriff MahafF«y, LaPort® Pa. I HAIL j TO THE > CHEAPEST i * ' I niATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO ! and the people appreciate the fact that ! MRS. LAUER'S STORt > is right "in it"for cheap goods. ! My groceries are always fresh and of » the l>est quality. Flour and feed the best the market affords. ) M. C. LA UER. May 13, 0? ! CROWN ACME Tie Best BuraiEE Oil Ttal Can Be Made irom Petroleum. It gives a brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not char the wick. It has a high fire test. It will not explcde. It is without comparison M • perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from tbe finest crude 111 tbe moßt perfectly equipped reticerieß in tbe world. IT IS THE BEST. Ask vnnr dealer for CROVN ACME. Trade orders filled ly Tiik Atlantic Ebfining Co. William?po.t Station, Will iambi ort Pn.