Sullivan republican. (Laporte, Pa.) 1883-1896, July 19, 1895, Image 2
THE REPUBLICAN. W . M. CHENEY, - " " Editor. FRIDAY, JULY 19, I«J'> Mooing of Republican Nta»<tii>ff Committee ol Sullivan County. On motion it was resolved that we hold the County Convention for the nomination of County Offices and a delegate to the State Convention in the Court House at Laporte on S» 1 12;. urday July 20th, 1895, at ONE O'CLOCK V, if. Electric Bill Killed. The most villainous bill that was ever sneaked through the Pennsyl vania Legislature was justly vetoed by the Governor. It is hardly nec essary to explain that it wa9 the Electric Light bill, which was intro duced by Senator Hackenberg an a courtesy to his supposed friends, Senator Cochran, of Williamsport, and ex-Attorney General llensel, of Lancaster. The intent of the bill was not re vealed to the Senator of this district who was kind enough to introduce it, and the apparent friendship be tween him and his Democratic col league was supposed by him to be sufficient security against being used other than in good faith. How the bill got through both Houses is a mystery that no one seems to understand, but when its full meaning and purpose became k'uown it was universally condemned and many good members and Sena tors arc gratified to know that it has been dealt a death-blow by the Gov ernor. The fact is, the infamous measure was planned in the city of Williamsport in the interest of a corporation with monopolistic aspi rations and which is a combination of the Lycoming Electric Light Co., and all the electric railway com* parties and against a small block company known as the Citizens' Electric Company, which has been in successlul operation lor a short time and run without a charter ol incorporation. This new company started on a small scale on the block system, and their patrons comprise nearly all the business houses in the block in which the Updegraff Hotel and the Gazette and Bulletin ofliee are situ ated. The ofliee of the Citizen's company is located in the next block north of the one in which their plant is and they run a wire across Third street to connect with the ofliee. This proceeding did not suit the combine and they immediately open ed war on the small concern. They tried through the city council to have the wire removed and as they are not a corporation it seeins that the council to have the wire removed and as they are not a corporation it seems that the council could not grant a franchise of the streets for running wires across them and no tified them to take it down. By some grace or other, however, the wire is atill up and the parties who own the plant are about procuring a charter for the company when they expect to be entitled to fair consid* eration from council and intend en - larging the plant as soon as arrange ments can be procured. In order to reduce to insignifi cance the new company and defeat their plans Mr. Cochran and others who are interested in the big coin pany had a blanket bill prepared which would allow no new company to have the right of way on any street or alley that was occupied bv another company. Wot even would the city or borough itself be allow ed to erect a plant for its own use according to the bill. When the purpose of the bill became known Remonstrances began to pour in against it from every section of the State. The press was almost unani mous in condemning the iniquitous conspiracy and the Governor has maintained the good will of a vast number of people, including many Democrats, by his prompt action in wiping it out. The bill was BO grossly outrageous that Mr. Cochran would not risk introducing it but in duced a Republican Senator to do so, that in the event of it being ex posed it might be charged as coming from the Republican side of the Sen ate. However, Mr. Hackenberg promptly laid the facts bare and the public is now familiar with them. Hereafter friendly Senators will be charry of doing courteous favors for Senator Cochran, and the whole Senate will scrutinize any measure that that gentleman in the future may propose.—Sunbury American. July 12. Only four survivors of the battle of Waterloo are now to be found in Europe. The vast armies of Napo leon, Wellington and Blucher are gone, and it is not on record that in their declining years they ever came in contact with an official like Hoke Smith. Scythes, rakes, forks, mowing machine oil etc., at Bodine & Waro Sonestown. Editor liutter, of the Hughesville Mail , was the victim of some pick pocket while at Williamsport, on the evening of the Fourth. His pocket book, containing all hia money, his railway passes and some valuable papers was taken while riding 011 a street car, Every farmer nnd lot owner is liable to a fliie of sls for permitting fauadu thistles to grow on his prem ises, And it is the duty of Stree t Commissioners a .'id Supervisors throughout the State, to cut and des troy the sniue where \hej may be found growing alo.- the pu bi ic high ways. As tl»' a noxious weed is pre» \alent in u j ß S( > c tion attention should [3 G given to its destruction whenever found. HILLSGROVE ITEMS. Morgan Gavitt. of Laporte, was in town last Monday and Tuesday, picking up what Ed, Franke didn't get. E. E. Mecum is making a tour of the count}', and counting his votes for Prothonotary. There is no "boodle seekers" in llillsgrove twp., this fall. Contest medicine is sure cure. The wheelmen of our town are happy now, and are taking advan tage of tue good roads and weather. The picnic held here on the Fourth the Hillsgrove band, was a grand success. Everybody had a good time, and got gloriously full—- of ice cream and dinner. Lewis Gumble of Laporte, spent the week of the Fourth with friends here, as the guest of Miss , no, H. A. Green. July 4tb at 10:30 p. m. fire was discovered in the tanner}- bark mill; but was extinguished before any damage was done. It was caused by a hot box while running through the day. It it had not been for the boys it would soon have done great dam age to the company's plant. That is the way they (the boys) pay for the 15 per cent, reduction in their "Return good for evil." The voting "boodlers" of our town was called to Laporte at the last session of the judicial contest, to account for what thej- done with their boodle and that bottle of— hand me down. "Still there arc more to follow." J UDA. RING DALE ITEMS. The apple crop looks favorable in this section. Peter says"the dog is not cross." James Murray contemplates pur* chasing a bicycle. John Walsh is peeling the remain der of his bark, about 400 cords. G. W. Sanders will have his entire stock sawed in another mouth. The last base ball was played on June 22, the hill had 20 to our 36. Martin Jordan who had his arm badly broken by a stone, some time ago, is improving. George Ivarge is erecting a beauti~ ful dwelling house. Supervisor Wm. Kernan has re paired the county and township bridges near Riugdale. Mrs. J aoob Bruschart is convales ing under the skillful treatment of Dr. Pratt. Miss Mary Smith of Cherry Mills is developing her musical talents under the instruction of Will Kernan. Jack O'Douald has moved in the house of the W. & N. B. R. R. Co., by which he is employed. Jack is an experienced railroad man, and highly deserving of the position he occupies. James Walsh of Dushore has moved to Cherry. Several of the voters were siib poeaned on the contest. REGULAR. SONESTO WN ITEMS. Haying and harvesting is now here and our farmers are busy, and report a fine crop of both hay and grain. The Lyon Lumber Company are shipping lumber from this place pretty lively. The E. M. K, R. Co., have also been sending out lumber in large quantities, lately. Sonestown is now having a large number of It. R. trains each day. More passengers are now on their way to Eagles Mere each day. ASK .T. W. Buck how the new boy is getting along. Rev. F. J. Class was in town lust week calling on old acquaintances. Clara Phillips of Laridsville was in town Inst week visiting friends. More stir was manifested in town on Saturday evening than is com mon when the Republicans hold their delegate meeting. What was the cause of it ? We understand that the normal institute is to bo held at this place this fall, to which, this town will ex tend a hearty welcome, and we hope all will be well pleased with the place and will be profiled by their studies. James Deininger of Ilarrisburg was in town on Saturday, helping to keep Borne political fences in repair, we understand. S. > Collections Oofri-spondentsl ™ P , H . rtß ot In all OHes Of the the World. World. Charles N. Purvis, COLLECTION OFFICES, 540 Paoker St., WHXIAMSPOKT. TELEPHONE NO. 1293. No fees charged unless successful or satisfactory. No Fee Less Charges on all business Ti?ai* 10 Per according to difficulty, ex- Ckkt. and penses, eic. Veiy doubt- All Postage, ful accounts, ana all ac counts 6 yew sold and over fee 50 per cent, of the amount collected and all postage. Every thing tried no matter how old or apparent ly doubtful. 38. & C© Dushore, Pa Manufacturers of Flour, Feed, Meal and Lumber. This Firm has one of the larg est Grist Mills in the county and they muke aspecilty of manufacturing good flour and feed. Uive them your order. Prices way down to suit the times. 0ct1.94 T. F. Carskadden, MERCHANT TAILOR, WILLIA SPORT, PA. OEFICE NO. 40, WEST FOURTH STREET. r. Carskadden is numbered among the very best tailors in the city, and his prices are reasonable. 4-12:'95. Auditors' Statement ot Hmvlclmioii Twp. lor the Year 1801 • Juhti Bra-iley Supervisor of Davidson twp. for the year ending March 11th 1805. Dr. Cr. To nrat. of Duplicate s42rt 39 Special Duplicate 42ft 39 Heed from Co. Treasurer 541 ... Money borrowed from Kurge 750 ... do do P. Dohn 150 ... Orleiflgivon for work 254 ofs Cash on Duplicito 150 10 Order to balance account 20 73 lly work done on reads S4O 4 84 Exoneration ou Dupliuuta 21 55 I'eioentage on special Dup. 21 31 Receipts cancelled 1408 34 Receipt cancelled on speciaal Dupl'iCitti 533 82 Percentage on Spec. Duj.lic'e 21 31 Seivicesas Supervisor 268 ... Cr. by 23 d iys hire for w »rk on roads 34 50 2718 67 2718 67 No 2 John 0. Wilson Supervisor of David son township for the year ending March litb, 1895. Dr. Cr. lo aint* of Duplic te s»>3s 43 Speciil Duplicate 635 43 Received from Co. Tteas. 469 ... do Ex Co. Trens. Jacob Lorah 317 ... Money borrowed from (1. W. Simmons 150 ... Borrowed from P. Doiin... 15;) ... lly wo kon roads 51354 99 Oide s c moelled 437 91 | Exonerations allowed 11 31 : Exou. tin Sp c. Duplicate 3 78 Pere> l nta!£« en Spec. Dup. 31 77 Kee.ipt canceled as Fh 'Wti 70 86 184 days service as Super visor 276 ... Balance Due Township... 180 21 $2356 86 $£356 86 D. W. bailing Overseer of iHvids »n twp. Poor District lor tho year ending March 11, '96. Dr. Cr. To balance due iowrship from last settlement 21 90 Received from Co. Treat). 160 ... Reod. from T. Mensor Col. 70 ... From Jas. Moran Col. *94 29 ... From J. C. Stick 100 ... By rcecip.'s as shown and cancelled 267 C 9 Set vices as Overseer 20 ... Expenses and postage.... 6 ... Balance Due Town»hip from D. W. Darling.... 77 27 $370 96 370 96 J. C. Steek Overseer of the Poor of David* S'm township for tho year ending March 11th 1895. Dr, Cr. To money reed, from Treas. 200 ... do do 51 93 do do 100 ... do do 200 ... HCCG. from J. Mo ran col. '94 259 95 do do 5 ... By receipts from State As syium canceled 475 . . | Support of Aba Philips... 172 97 do Lcvina Hess 109 72 Fuel for Levina Hess 9 25 Telephoning 43 Services aud postage 26 50 Due »he said .J. C. Stcck from last settlement 22 50 Balance due township 51 $Bl6 88 $Bl6 88 I>. M. Taylor Treasurer of Davidson School District for school year ending June 3 *95. Reed, from Co. Treasurer 330 52 do T« o lore Mence cvd. 88 52 do Wui. Robbins col. 22 39 do D. 11. Lorah C 01... 65 ... do Jamos Mo run Col. 775 58 State Appropriation 12S1 59 Ex-Treasurer Stcck 35 60 Co. Com'rs. froiu J. Lorah 564 67 By cash paid as per rocts. 2841 68 Percentage on $2841.68... 56 83 School order No. 2 canceled 14 79 Duo the School District.... 250 57 3163 87 3163 87 Or. for D. M. Taylor for chock to bal. $3163 87 James Moran Collector of Davidson town ship lor year rtiding Juno 3 1895. A int. of Duplicate 1,238 52 By cat«h paid D. M. Taylor 775 58 Exonerations 53 22 Amount Robate 35 ... Percentage for collecting 59 26 Balance due township 315 46 $1238 52 1238 52 Liabilities and assets of tho road accounts of Davidson townthip at the settlement of Mareh 11th 1695. Assets none. LIABILITIES. Amount of outstaiiding orders 1463 87 Money borrowed of Fletcher Brown 100 ... do do Pbobe Brown 125 ... do do M. J. Phillips 100 ... do do John Karge 250 ... do do llenry Karge 300 ... . do do Anna Bradlev 100 ... do do Parvin Kiles 12i .... do do M. J. Phillips 307 12 do do A. J. Bradley 300 ... do do Ucnry Karge .150 ... do do WandUe Siok 100 ... 3420 99 Assets and Liabilities of the Poor Aocount of Davidson township Ca.-h in hand of D. W. Darling 77 27 do W. H. Sherwood Coll. 'SB 64 00 do D. 11. Lorah Col. 1889 329 42 Amt. do Thee. Mencer Col. '93 188 52 $559 21 Liabilities none. Liabilities of the School accounts of David son School District for tho year ending Jaue 3. 1895. To amount of outstanding orders $532 93 Assets duo from Jas. Moran Col '94 315 46 do D. U. Lorah Col 'B9 173 17 S4BB 63 We tho undersigned do hereby certify that wo havo examined the accounts of the above namod Supervisors, Overseers of the Poor and School Accounts and find them as harelu set forth. J. C. BOBBINS, I ELLIS SWANK. I Auditor# HENRY SWANK. | J. W. Ballard, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER -IN— i & m hsb, —ALSO— Fan ail Heayj MrcrWapas. FACTORY WEST MAIN EET LAPORTE, PA P. S. All kinds of repairing promptly and neatly done at reasonable prices. Vicious Horses ShodJ In Martin's Horse Shoeing Rack. J. W. BALLARD. May 18. *B9. Sum Samuel Cole, OP Dushore is headquarters for all kinds of hardware— Tools, pumps, stoves and ranges, house furnishing goods paints, oils, and Tarnishes. Special induce ments to builders. MANrPACTRKs of copper, tin and sheet-iron-ware, Roof ing, spouting iinscii OIL DISTILLS etc,, aspecialty. Our prices are beyond all compe tition, and we invite your patronage. SAMUEL COLE, Dushore, I'n. J§ &TArrived ! With a new stock of Latest Stjles of . . . DRY GOODS. Prices below Competition, NOTIONS* Of All kinds. Straw Hats, Childrens, youths, Misses and Mens, A variety of styles, China and Queensware, Lamps and Lamp fixtures, Boots, and all kinds of Shoes. y giocery department is complete. Call and examine goods and prices, before buying olson here. T. J. KEELER, Center Main St, LapiftPa. Tgg ACH J. V. RETTENBUiIY, Watch : Maker : and : Jeweler, FURNITURE. Dushore, Pa Established April Ist, 1879. JERE. KELLY'S VOL KELLTS COLUMN. HOT SULTRY DAYS NOW. What a variety ol To make summer weather pleasant you will find our Store full of them: Refrigerators, Hammocks, Screen Poors, Ice Cream Freezers, Water Coolers, Window Screens, Oil Stoves, Gasoline Stoves, Croquet Sets, Quoits, Cots, Mosquito Bars, Fans. • F you want to surprise yourself pet one of our ei\sv rockers for -J your sitting room. In bedroom furuituro we are showing liantK m some styles in Oak Mini M«pie. We have something very cheap a in nice parlor furniture. Tiiink of a suit of Plush, 6 pieces for :1 $25.00. A hotter one for $35.00. Kitchen chaira $3.00 set. * ' Fine Oak Extension Tallies, each, $4 50. Couches and Lounges. A. fine Brussels Carpet for 75c; former price, SI.OO. Are you thinking of a new stove ? m°nlhe r st ° v ' m ' ad '° ©MfBEKIAHA For Coal or Wood. JEEBMIAH KELLY, Hughesville, Pa. Perpetual Satisfaction Comes to nil who trade with us; try us for low prices; try us for Best Qualities; try us for latest, styles in Mens, Boys and ChilJrens clothing, bats, caps, gents furnishing goods, trunks, Satchels etc. Our Prime Assortment Is of interest to •every person in tliis viciu'ty Who appreciate* merit and reliability. You are cordially invited to benefit yourself and Extend to us i\ favor by an early call. _ The One Price Clothing llouss, Dv b» x<* blukmm® }I OK ™ -Branch TIME TABLE, Effective, June, 17th, 1895. NOKTIIW SOUTHWARD P'MJP'M P'm IJAI.I .M. !ITATIO?L3 ' AVIA'M. A.V PM.PVP.M. , j ia iass ,s u ar""'«2*»B 58 s s;j 8 f044 f515»8 «8 fllOOf 8 10 Penusdale 0 18 112 7 40 112 8 40f 2 00 112 4 85 112 8 24 055 5 2<i 407 11 18! 822 Hugbesville 000< 85 8 28| 148428 011 5 Bf, 4 IVII 20; 880 Picture Rocks # 81| 188 415 BOS 112 5 $3 *4 17 fll 28Jf 8 34 Lvous Mills f&4lf4 10 fll2l 112 836 Ohamouni f9 15f1183 f4 08f8 5« 54842511 35 845 Glen Mawr » 071 1 25 4 01, 849 f55«*4 28 112 1148 f8 50 Edkius fßo2fll7f 350 112 840 f559*4 31 fll 40 f8 59 Strawbri.lse 212 S« foOß*4 86fU50f905 Beech Glen 112« 54 f.08f848 112 88. 006 440 11 54 809 Muney Valley 851 10b 8 4.» 82S 6 13 4 45|12 011 9 15 _ Bonestown 8 45 1 00 3 3, 8 705 j1255 10 CiG Eagles Mere 10 06,10 30 725 6 18 4 45:12 Oil ~~ tsonestown 8 45 887 8 22 680 4 5712 19 Nordmont 8 28, 182~ 805 0 47 5 11 12 37 Ln porte 8 ll| 8 08 7 47 f705f528 112 268 Rti.*dale .112 7 54. f 2 45 f7 2, 7 25 5 85 1 12 SaUtrflrld ! 7 40; 3 80 7 10 6 58, 2 10 Dushore ! 7 80 U 60 5 2. 7 09 2 40 New Albany j 7 18 12 U 5 1 7 29; 3 8U Monroe tou i 6 54 10 8 J 4 51 7 45 4 W0 Towanda I 6 40 9 00 4 85 8 20: ! Wilkes Barro j 8 p.m. p.m. p. m, p.m.(a.m. 'A.M. a.m. A.m. A.M.lp. m. 112 Daily Except Sunday! 112 Flag Stations. « Trains do not atop. Connections with Philadelphia and Residing Rail Road at Halls for all P°j North and South, w,d the Beech Creek & Failbrook lUilroads: at Batterfield for ai points on the L. V. K. It.; at Sonesiown with the Eagles Mere It. K.,Tor Ragles Mere; at Ch&niouu i with transfer coaches for Highland Lake. GEO. V. FORMJi M. VICB PKKS., R. E. EAVENSONGENI.. Makaokr lir iffalo, N. Y. Hunhesvllle, I a._ Cheap est and Best Wo erect th* c cheapest ftu<l best Wive Fence la the market. If Ln ne ed of a fence this season or in the future, give us a call. ay ne s Meyers. & Co Str&wl/ridge, Pa. For Hale. A full blooded Jersoy Bull, known as the lugham-Gota bull. Will be sold uheaD Inquire or write to T. L. WATTri, Muncy Valley, Pa. WANTED an active, intelligent. push ing man to take charge of our office and push our business. Must be able to iiftudie sub-agents and must give security. Address promptly. G. R. MOORE. JR.. 100 8. 10th South bt. PHILADELPHIA, PA. Fresh Stock AT THE Tannery Store Having just returned from the City, where we purchased the usual supply of Pry Goods, Groceries &u., suitable for the season, we are prepared to sell the same at ns reasonable prices as can be had in the country Our stock of GROCERIES Arc of the usual standard here tofore sold in our store, and, as much of tiiese goods are pur chased at a iess price than lormerly, we are disposed to give our customers tbo benefit. OUR BOOT AFD SHOE Department cannot be surpassed in either quality or variety— and the prices are less than ever offered before in this market. Spring Dress goods or the different varieties, at prices to suit the times. JamesMcFarlane. LAPOHTE. PA. | AHOTFIRE * I mny be racing all around j'our builcl ; ing but it wih not burn ff it is covered with our STEEL ROOFING ; and Siding. It will be there when the I others are in ashes. Our building coverings of painted or galvauiz<d steel are better aud cheaper than the best wood or slate They are lightning proof. Particulars mailed for the ask ing PITTSTON IKON ROOFING CO., PRTTFITON, PA. LAF9ETE BANK! % LAPORTE, PA. Do a general Banking and Collecting business. Any business intrusted to us will be carefully attended to. Ageuts for Steamship Tickets to and from all parts of Europe, and for Eire Insurance t'omponlep, J. ALFRED JORDAN, CASUIKH. We publish the auditor's report of Davidson township, in this issue of ihe REPUBLICAN. LLOYD, ATTORN* K Y-AT-LA \V. HUNCY, Lycosnlnc Co., Psnnn. TJ. & P. 11. IMGIIAM, a ATTOIIN BTB-AT-I.AW, LAPORTE, - - PA. Legal Bii' iness attended to iu this and adjoining Counties. EZSST ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, DUSIIORE, - - PA. Olilce with B. S. Collins, ~K J. BRADLEY, ATTOBKEY-AT-LAW, LAPORTE, - - PA Office in County Building near courthouse TRAINER A PURVIS, COMMISSION -i- 818, LOANS NEGOTIATED &C. No. 29 W. 4th St., Williamaport, Pa. rSTAII kinds of merchandise bought or sold on commission. JJE* P. INGHAM & H. K. NEWLTT ATTORN EYS-AT-T. AW. SO' 1 ! Chestnut street. Philadelphia. Pa. HEN2?Y T. DOWNS, ATTOI?NEY-AT-LAW Ex-Proth'y. KegMcr t- Recorder of Sullivan Co Office with Sheriff Mahafffey, LaPorte Pa. HAIL TO THE CHEAPEST TIIATS EVERYBODY'S MOTTO and the people appreciate the fact that MRS. LAUER'S STORL is right "in it"for cheap goods. My groceries are always fresh aud of the Itest quality. Flour and feed the best the market affords. MRS. M. C. LA UER. May 13, '6? CROWN ACME The Best Brail t illhalCan Bo Made Irani Petroleum. It cives A brilliant light. It will not smoke the chimney It will not cbar the wick. It, has a high fire test. It will not explode. It is without comparison as a perfection Family Safety Oil. It is manufactured from the finest crude M the most perfectly equipped relineries in the woild. IT IS THE BEST. Ask your dealer for CROWN ACM*. Trade orders filled by THE ATLANTIC REFUTING CO. Williamaport Station, Williamßport Pa.